The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 20, 1914, Home Edition, Image 12

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4% THE 4% Planters Loan and Savings Bank 705 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. Organized 1870. In Operation M Years Th« most efficient edmllnlutrat.ion of finance I* neoeasary to the man of moderate means, while advice and couneel In financial and business transactions la often needed. Thla bank supplies these essential*. Men and women 1n all walks of life find Che service, facili ties and assistance of this Institution of much value to them. We welcome the email account as well as the larger ones, and solicit the banking business of careful, conservative energetic people. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent These are In five different, sizes ftt $3.00 to $20.00 per year, or on this basis for less period, L. C. HAYNE, President. GEORGE P. BATES, Cashier. Money to Lend On Improved City Property John W. Dickey A MISTAKEN IDEA THAT SOME POLK HAVE There are lots of people in Augusta who think that unless they have their money in the bank for full six months before the semi-annual interest period that the bank will pay them no interest. SUCH IS NOT THE CASE with the Au gusta Savings Bank.. This hank pays 4 per rent interest on all deposits made Five months before our interest period, Foui 1 months our interest period, Three months before our interest period, Two montlw before our interest period, One month before our interest period. Our next interest period will be January Ist, 1915. E.veTy dollar you deposit in this bank draws interest. We welcome small ns well as large accounts. The Augusta Savings Bank 35 YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE War| Map iJLCoupon Latest European War Map Given by THE HERALD to every reader presenting this COUPON amt 10 cent* to cover IWolUottolv expenses. BY MAIL —In city r outside, for 12c. Stamps, cash or money order. This If the BIGGEST VAU F KVKK OFFERED. latest 1914 European omolal Map <t> c,! >r») Portraits of It'. European Rul •r*. all atstlatlos ami war data Arm>. Naval and terlaj Strength, Populations. Area. Capitals. Dtstances between Cities, Histories of Nation* Involved Previous Decisive Battles Ills) irv Hogue Peace Conference, National Indus Coin Values EXTRA !• color CHARTS of Etc,* involved Furopean Capitals and stra tegic Naval Locutions Folded, with randev»me cover to fit the pocket. THE AUGUSTA HERALD 3(?c Vanderbilt iW«f i <{jfwrUf 'yburdi I Street eant at Torft WAI.TON H. MARSHALL, Manager An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation Twites f INSURANCE BY GOV ON RISKS WAR FAVORED Administration Bill Ordered Reported to Senate. Simply an Emergency Measure. Washington. The administration bill for government insurance of the American registered ships and their cargoes against risks of the European war was ordered favorably reported today by the senate commerce com mittee after a brief meeting. A delegation of bankers, shipping men and others after a conference wllh Secretary McAdoo gave the com mittee expert opinion on business conditions resulting from the Euro pean war. The delegation was head ed by Seth Low, or New York. Hearings on the bill also were be gun early in the day by the commerce committee. Majority Leader Under wood told the committee that while the government ought not to engage in the marino insurance business as a permanent venture the present bill was urgently necessary an an emer gency measure. "There is no desire,” he sold, “to perpetuate this war risk insurance bill. It is purely an emergency meas ure. 1 do not believe it will cost the government a dollar, the premiums more than meeting the charges for losses.” Montenigrin Troops Join Servian Army London, 5:30 a. m.—According to the Milan eorrespondertt of The Chronicle, the main body of the Montenegrin troops lias been incorporated as tn army corps in tile Servian army. They have entered Herzegovina near Tre blnje. The Albanian are mov ing forward rapidly. They occupy IT era and are now marching south on Avlona on the Uulf of Avlona, In the Adriatic. Russians Capture Guns and Prisoners St. Petersburg, vie London, 12:50 p. m.—A. body of Russian troops, ac cording to an official communication given out today, lias occupied Gumbln nen. 20 mllas from the Russian fron tier of East Prussia, capturing at the earns time twelve German guns and a large number of prisoners. UP TO THE MINUTE. "She's an up-to-date girl." "Yes, Indeed. The other evening after being Introduced to her, I be gun to talk about art, and she said: 'Oh, Mr. Green, cut that, and let's talk about Swatters’ batting aver age.' ” CAUSE SOME DISCOMFORT. Chauffeur (under auto)- I beg your pardon, sir. but would you mind back ing the car up a little? Owner —-What’s the matter? Chauffeur—My face is caught In ths works. Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. "Father, this gallant young man rescued me from drowning." "So? Me ain't quite so good looking as the chap who saved you Inst summer, is lie?"—Detroit Free Press, The gray mare will prove the bet ter horse.—Prior. Some folks llev an' die In do be lief dat daFs gold at de end of de rainbow, an' runnin’ ter git it gives 'em de exercise dat keeps ’em alive.— Atlanta Constitution ERUPTION ON BABY’S EARS AND FACE When Two Weeks Old. Caused Irri tation. Very Fretful. Used Cuti- Cura Soap and Ointment. In Ten Days Ears and Face Well, Duke. N. C.—" When my baby was two weeks old. behind lilt ears turned red and caused an Irritation and from rubbing It tie- came raw and stayed moist ened all the time At time* tt would get so had as to bleed. Bewsefretful. Atthetlmehe was eight months old he was In a had condition with sores behind his ears and on hit face. " l cared for him using talcum powders and salves and several remedies, though nothing seemed to do any good at ail till I got Cuttrura Soap and ointment. I at once commenced to wash hi* ears and face three or four times during the day with the Cutlcura Soap, dried them with a soft cloth, tlien applied the C'ultcura Ointment. In ten days his ear* and face were well and no scars were left. ” .Signed) Mrs. Lena lee. Jan. i 1914. Samples Free by Mall In selecting a toilet and a skin step why not procure one possessing delicate emol lient propert*es sufMeat to allay minor Irrltattons remove redness and Toughness, prevent pore-rhvggtng. soften and soothe sensitive conditions and promote skin and wall' health generally? Such a soap, com- Mnod with the purest of saponaceous in gredient* and moat fragrant and refreshing of Sower odors Is Cutlcura Soap Although Cutlcura Soap (Me.) and Cutlcura Oint ment i.utr \ are sold by druggists everywhere, a sample of each with ti p skin Rook wilt be sent free upon request Address post card Cutlcura. DepV T. Boston THE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA. GA. Special Full size two inch continu ous post Metal Bed, finished White Enamel. Only $5.98. 98c cash, SI.OO a week Rugs, Stair Carpets, Linoleums, and Art Squares. See our line of standard makes and save money. 9x12 Orien tal Rugs, at $12.48. Special 33 '/3% Discount on all porch furniture, Chairs, Rockers, Settees, and Swings. You can af ford to dress your porch at these prices. THE TERMS YOU MAKE ARE THE TERMS WE TAKE. BRUSSELS POPULACE IS TAKING IT CALMLY Attack Likely to Come From Forest of Soignes. Belgians Claim Six Thousand Germans Killed Near Charleroi. Cen sorship Still More Severe. Brussels (Tuesday, via London, 6:30 a. m.) —The war evidently Is rapidly drawing nearer this city. Already feur hospitals are filled with wound ed soldiers. German aeroplanes have been scouting above the city after sundown. German cavalry is reported fre quently in the region on the farther side of the forest of Soignes, which flunks the city. This forest is the point from which the attack Is most likely to come. In the opinion of many here, and a network of trenches thrown up along the woods is occu pied by burghers and civil guards. From Wavre. The forest of Siognee, -hl.h is to the southeast of Brussels, extends in the direction of Wavre, where severe fighting has been reported. Trustworthy reports have Just been received of an engagement near Charleroi. It Is claimed by the Bel glans that 6.000 Germans were killed In this battle. The censorship here is now so strict that no news of the war is going out of the city except by courier. Local Matte's. The Belgian papers, because of the rigid censorship, have ceased to bo sources of war news. They are pub lishing chiefly local matters uncon nected with the war. The malls also are being held up. An order has just been issued pro hibiting the granting of further mili tary passes to newspaper men and others and without these It Is impos sible for correspondents to go outside the city. The populace does not appear un duly excited over the prospect of fighting In their streets. The crowds seem placid and the people are at tending to their business as usual. A FEW SAFETY FIRST HINTS. Don't try to cross the Atlantic Ocean In an aeroplane. Safety First — Don't accept the Job of umpire in s baseball gome —Safety Flret— Don't guffaw when a stout, red-faced old golfeV allcee hts drive Safety First — Don't take more than a dosen drink* when running a motor oar. Safety First— Don't call a bigger man than yours if a blank, dashed prevaricator Safety Flrat — Don't, while In bathing, flirt with ;h«* lifeguard'* beet girl. Safety Flret— l\>n't wear a bright orange tie at a Hibernian picnic. Safety Flrat — — Boston THE FINANCIAL BACKER "You say your wife never loses at bridge?” "Never if the gams goes her wav *h„ wins. But If It goes against her, 1 loss." RHODES SELLS FOR LESS All Prices Marked in Plain Figures. Cash or on Our Divided Payment Plan. _,OD Value $65.00 Bed Room Outfit Only $49.50 Exactly like cut. Genuine quartered oak, Colonial dresser and washstand, full size two inch post Brass Bed, guaranteed not to tarnish. Only $49.50. $2.50 cash, and SI.OO a week. $30.00 Dining Room Outfit Only $19.98 Consisting of one 6 foot extension table and 6 chairs to match, upholstered in besto leather, finished Golden Oak, Early English or Mahogany. 98c cash, SI.OO a week. A.G & S©ij 1010-12 Broad St Au*wtn, Ga. 'COMPLETE: hUt)SEFjJRNI.I_SHCRSI OFF FOR MADRID. London. —Americans who arrived here today from Denmark say they saw A. A. Adee, the American second assistant secretary of state. ii> Copen hagen. Mr. Adee has been spending his summer vacation on the conti nent. Col. J. E. Willard, American am bassador to Spain, left Ixmdon yes terday for Paris, accompanied by Captain Ralston. He will go on im mediately to Madrid. How to Save Your Eyes Try this Free Prescription. Do your ey«s give you tcruble? Do you already wear eyeglasses or specta cles? Thousands of people wear these “windows" who might easily dispense with them. You may be one of these, and It la your duty to save your eyes be fore It Is too late. The eyes are neg lected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you sit down and rest your mus cles, but how about your eyes? Do you rest them? You know you do not. Do you read or do something else that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes until you go to bed. That Is why so many have strained eyes and finally other eye troubles that threaten partial or total blindness. E> eg asses are merely crutches; they never cure. This free prescription, which lets benefited the eyes of so many, may work equal won ders for you. Use It a short time. Would you like your eye troubles to disappear as If by mAglc? Try this prescription. Go to the nearest wideawake drug store and get a bottle of Optona tablets; fill a two-ounce bottle with warm water, drop In one tablet and allow It to thor oughly dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times dally. Just note how quickly your eyes clear up and how soon the inflammation will disap pear. Don’t be afraid to use It; It la absolutely harmless. Many who are now blind might have saved their eyes had they started to care for them In time. This Is a slmp e treatment, but marve lously effective In multitudes of coses. Now that you have teen warned don't delay a day, but do what you can to save your eyes and you are likely to thank us as long as you ltvs for publish ing this prescription. DO WE LIVE IN DREAMS? » - The sun, the moon, tne stars, the sea, the hills and plains— Are these, O soul, the vision of Him who reigns? Is not the vision He? Tho’ he be not that which he seems? Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams? —Tennyson. WOMEN 1 Here’s your chance for a pick-up. A Two Price Sale of Ladies’ Low Shoes Every pair of $3.00 and $3.50 Low Shoes at one price of (Cash Only.) $2.35 (No Stamps.) All $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Pumps in Satin, Patent and dull kid at one price of (Cash Only.) $2.85 (No Stamps.) Positively These Prices for Only Friday and Saturday Mill—add R. L. Garrett, Mgr. 730 Broad Street. Opposite Monument. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 CJ ■ T. Pick Ups on Rhodes* Blue Tag Bargain Balcony Half price on a few odd sls Mahog any Chiffon iers,special at S7.HO $25 Mahog ny Chiffon ier at SI 2.50 $lO Oak Chiffonier, 54.95 About 50 other real bargains, ranging in price from $12.50 to $50.00, HALF PRICE on bargain Balcony Fri day and Saturday. WHY PAY MORE WHEN RHODES SELLS FOR LESS. CARLYLE ON WAR. y (From “Sartor Resartus.”) Horrible enough! A whole March field strewed with shell splinters, can non shot, ruined tumbrils and dead men and horses; stragglers still re maining not so much as buried. And those red mold heaps; aye, there lie the shells of men.