The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 30, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 24

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EIGHT When You Lose Something Leave it te Herald WANT ADS to Find it RENUNCIATION There Was a Long Silence---Then the Young Girl Whose Lips Were Twitching, But Who Understood That They Had Nothing More to Say to Each Other, Rose and Slowly Walked Away, But Stopped, Took His Hand and Kissed It---“ Goodbye, My Beautiful Dream,” She Whis pered and Left Him. (By Yves Schwartz.) The curtain roar for the tenth time and for the tenth time the entire au dience leaped to it* feet to applaud the great a rt/ir Jean Servaln. Happy and smiling he went to hi* dressing room and a moment later hi* valet handed him a tetter I* an un known feminine handwriting "Monsieur,” he reiul. "Undoubtedly you will be aisrirised that 1 have the courage to write you though you do not know me at. all, but I feel aure that you will forgive me when you know the tee.ling which prompt* me to do *o. 1 «mw you acting la*t night. 1 »aw you no grand, *o handsome, *o noble and chdvalrou*. I know very well It wa* tall acting, hut It *cem* Impossible to itne that you should not be In reality just a* you are on the stage and this fa why I dare open my heart to you. "I am a young orphan of 19. When my parents died twn year* ago it wa* an old, sour tempered aunt who took me into her hon»e. Hhe doe* not understand how a young heart may dream of love. I am a dreaming and sentimental fool, kite says, and urge* me to marry an old bald-headed law yer of 60. He call* on me nearly every day and talk* of nothing but the trouble* of Id* clients and says he wants to marry to get a wife who can make nice pudding a* my aunt makes It. “Oh, I do not love him, cannot, love him and never »hall love him. Me and my aunt took me to the theater like a prisoner. I »irw you Hiid I felt Immediately thnl you are the man I love. You are the priue* of my dream*, you are the one I have hoped for so long. Love me, too, take me away from this hateful Mfe with two old people, who ought to marry each other Instead of arranging mar riage* for other people, take me into the great, n'al, happy life." Then followed a Nlgnature nnd an address. Jean Servian wa* deeply touched by this letter and In the enthusiasm of hi* young heart he *at down at hi* desk and wrote a cordial leter accept ing the task of initiating ihl* young girl Into the happiness of love. There was a knock al the door Just as he was about to seal the envelope and he put It down. It wh* the man ager of the theater and two friend* who came to pay their compliments to the great actor. Juat before leaving one of them said: “By accident 1 was told your real age and I must say you are wonder ful To think that you are sixty years On the stage you look and act us If you had not seen thirty yet." When they had left JeHti Servian thought with a feeling of bitterness. "It t* true. I sm nearly thirty-six " He saw the letter on his table which be had Just written and read il over ag*in several times, but he did not seal It. Having not changed his costume h«' went to the mirror to do so He took off the fair wig nnd noticed how gray bis hair waa He rubbed off the grease print and for the first lime, perhaps, he *aw all the wrinkle* in bin face, hi* dull eyes, hi* double chin and sallow complexion, all the symptoms of old age Discouraged he threw himself imp a rhulr and began to (hlnk of her to whom he hud Just ]g jit ten. She was young, undoubted ly pretty, too, while he waa old, worn out, tired of life, lie realised that he had no right to arcept the love of till* child. He read her letetr again and one passage struck him: "So grand, so handsome, an noble and chivalrous. 1 know very well (hat It was all act ing, but It *ecm* mpoaslble to me that you ahnuld not he In reultty just as you are on the stage" He was certainly no longer hand some In real life, hut he *tlll hail a chance to prove himself chivalrous He fought a hard struggle with him self and conquered. Then he tore up hts first letetr ami wrote another. The next d«y at two Jean Servian loft hta house but he was not made u|> >• usual He had written the young girl to meet him In a corner of the park and aa a sign of Identification ahe was to wear two yellow rosea In her waist. He was a few minutes early so he sat down on a bench and waited, but aoon he saw her coming at a distance She was rather below medium helghf. slender and a raceful, and wore a blue costume which har monised splendidly with the roses at her belt When she came closer he MW the regular oval of her face, small wonderful clear features, dark Italr and dreaming eyes She looked around appeared a little disappointed and fi nally sat down on the same bench to watt for the arrival of turn who already there, lie thouaht of how this beautiful young creature offered her aelf to him and he waa going ot send her away, and the thought occurred to htm that perhaps he had exagger ated whal he called hts duty. What after all did this child ask for? An Illusion, a few words of love and a good deal of tenderneaa Was It tm possible that hla heart which was still young, could give her all she asked* All he had to do was to return to hls hotel, aend her a few apologising words and aav that he was prevented from coming till the next day. when he would appear In his usual street make-up as a man still young. Time passed and the young girl timidly asked him If he had not seen the actor pass whose portrait waa familiar to •leery body "It la I," he said. “You " He took off his hat and said In a voice which trembled with genuine •root Ion: ''Mademoieelle. look at me and you will understand that 1 cannot love you." The girl bowed her head and her 1 with tears, but be genii' took her hand and said: "Do not cry my child, you hrve had In your life what many people have not —the Illusion of a dream of love. Very often love Is nothing more than a dream, let us love It, let us take It as a dream, hut let us never try to realize it. You have had the illusion of this dream, keep the memory of it M;icred. I would give my life for the right to love you, but this right f do not possess. You are a child and I am an old man, your life is beginning and mine is approaching its end. Go home, follow the advice of your aunt, nnd do not dream too much, it is very often dangerous. When later on you feel Mad you must think of the mo ments When you slipped away from reality and this will make it easier to hear the monotony of every day life, Go, my child and think some times of the prior old actor, whose last memory you shall he." There was a long silence. Then the young girl whose lips were twitch ing. but who understood that they had nothing more to say to each other, rose and slowly walked away, hut stopped, took his hand and kissed it. “Good-bye, my beautiful dream,” she whispered and left him. There wen* two big tears in Jean Hcrvain’s eyes. He understood that love had definitely and forever gone out of his life. Markets Middling closed today 8% Tone, Quiet. Middling last year, 12V4C. AUGUSTA COTTON CLOSING QUOTATIONS (’lose. Low middling 7% Strict low middling KVh Middling B Vi Strict middling Good middling BV6 Previous Day’s Figures. how middling 774 Strict low middling s*4 Middling s» /4 Strict middling k ; v 4 Good middling Receipts for Week. Hales. Spin. Shlp't. Saturday 882 208 150 Mondsy * Tuesday —•— —— Wednesday . . . , - Thursday ... - ——. Friday - Totals 282 208 150 Comparative Receipts. „ 1»12. 1913 Saturday - &^i Monday —— „ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday - . Friday Totals 65i Stocks and Receipts. Stork 111 Augusta, 1913 Slock In Augusta, 1914 9 691 liac. since Sept. 1, 1913 _ Iteo since Sept f. 1914 376,376 Augusta Daily Receipts. 1913 3314 < .corals Railroad * Southern Railway Co. .. . —— - Augusts Southern Augusts Aiken It >-. Co, Cen. of On K. It jjg Os. ami Fin j[*9 C. and W. C. Ry A C I* R R 4 Wagon v.’9 Canal - I, River, . Net revel pi a 531 Through Total .1— ~&sj Port Receipts. Today, I,t. Yr. Galveston 3618 New Orbuin* H 3 ~ - Mobile Savannah 707 3060 Charleston 128 Interior Receipts. Today. I«**t Yr. Houston 3718 Memphis 7s - - Weekly Crop Movement, End ing Friday, Aug. 28, 1914. 1914. 191$. 1912. Receipt* . . 10,510 64.243 77,639 Shipment. . to 842 71.080 so 9U Stock 113,419 116,293 V.LS93 fume In St . 54.781 122.837 124 578 Crop in St. 14.521,837 U. 822.041 15.534,776 Vl*. Supply. 3.991.413 2.193 654 2.158.166 cotton Movement Port Movement. Now Orloans - Receipts 113. export* I*4. stock 51.633. Galveston Receipt* 3,*U; stock 42,706. Mobile llecelpt* 61; stock 2.477. Sivinnth. Receipt* K 32; stock 16.169. Charleston.-—Receipts 12*. stock 1,524 Norfolk. Stock 12.905. Baltimore Stock 2,000. Hostcit Receipts stock 3,50 6. Philadelphia Stock 2.605. New Y»*k Stock 90.171 Minor port* Receipt* SM; stock 1 623 Total todav— Receipts 6,201; exports 164. Mock 230.813. T»*t*l for week Receipts 3,201; ex port# 164 Tuinl for ***ason- Receipt* 10,471.124; exports 8 681,435. lifttrtor Movement. Houston Receipts 3 754. shipments 2,- $29. stock 32,969. Memphis -Receipts 61. shipments 86; stock 14,74$ Augusta Middling 8 I*4; receipt* 551; ablpment* 224; ea'es 212; stock 9.691. St Louis - Receipts 123; shipments 123; stock 14.17 K. Cincinnati. Shipments 6, stock 12.206 Little Rock. Stock 3.467 Total today Receipts 4.497, shipments 3.267, »to»k 69 2*3. FIGURES SAY BIGGER HOP Private Report Gives Condition 77.6 As Against 71.4 Last Year---Liverpool Cotton Men Arrive New York.-The tendency to increase eat Iron ten of the cotton crop en couraged here today, by the publication of a private report indicating an aver age condition of 77. per cent againat 71.4 laat year. No fVeah feature waa re ported in the situation here regarding old contract*, but the Liverpool dele gatea arrived according to schedule and next week'* conference* are expected to have an Important nearing upon the <ll cation of re-opening the exchange. Manchester report* that uncertainty oh to (he duration of the moratorium I* re stricting business hut that *ale* are j-omewhat larger and payment* more sat isfactory. PRISfjTS, WHEAT, CORN Advance All Along the Line in Grain Pit - Provisions Also Higher Chicago.—All board of trad* specula tlw market* advanced toil.iy, wheat 3 *« 3 1-3 vents, corn 1-8 to lo; oats 1 to 'kits enjgyed tin- best market of the day 1 I -3c and provisions from 7 1-3 to 50c. the volume of trade, while only fairly large, living nqtial to that In wheat and corn combined. WHEAT— Open. High. I,ow. (’lose. Sept . . . . 10*4 -S. 107*4, HO 107 I >cc 109*4 111% 108% 11 Hi May 116*4 11874 116 118% CORN— Hept .... 79 80*% 79 80 !>ec 71 72% 71 73*4 OATH Sept .... 16% 48% 46% 48*4 Dei 49% 51 *4 49% 51*4 PORK Held 3070 2057 2060 Jan 2560 2245 2360 LARD— Sept . . . .1000 1010 1000 1005*4 Oct . . . .1023 1032 1030 1030 Jan . . . .1070 1080 1070 1077 RIBS— Sept 1247 1237 1245 Jim . . . .1140 1147 1140 1147 livestociTmarket Chicago Hog and Cattle Receipt*. Chicago, lll,.—Hogs: Receipt* 8,000; strong. Hulk $ 8.804*$ 9.25 Light S 854* 9.40 Mixed 5.65® 9.40 Heavy 8.50®) 9.36 Rough 8.506* 8.70 Digs 5.50® 8.65 Cattle Receipts 1.500; steady. Reeves $ 6.750110.65 Steers 6.354* 9.40 Cows and heifers 3.804* 9.25 Stocker* and feeders 5 50® 8.15 Calves 7.50® 11.25 Sheep: Receipts 10,000; steady. Sheep $ 4.754*3 5.65 Yearling* 5.60® 6.50 lat mbs 6 00® 7.80 N. Y. BANK STATEMENT New York—The statement of the aver age condition of clearing house bank* slid trust companies for ttie week shows that the cash reserve Increased $5,K62.- ‘.IOO still leaving a deficit of $23,857,000 below legal requirements. The statement follows: Average Condition. Loan* decreased $1,350,000. Specie increased $5,576,000. Legal tender* increased $1,010,000. Net deposits decreased $9,846,000. Circulation increased $14,618,000. Hnnks cash reserve In vault $326,682,- 000. Trust companies cash reserve In vault $67,498,000. Aggregate cash reserve $394,180,000. Deficit cash reserve decreased $8,862,- 900. Trust companies reserve with clearing house members carrying 25 per cent cash r» serve $53,307,000. Htate hanks and trust companies in Greater New York not included in clear ing house statement: I owns and investments decreased sl,- 918,500. Gold decreased $518,500. Currency and ank notes increased $713,100. 'Total deposits decreased $2.298 300. COTTON GOODS New York.—The primary cotton goods market was quiet today. Price* on un finished good* were Irregular. Buyer* offered to place contracts on print cloths and brown sheetings under the price* t established on Friday, hut these pVopo ! sit lons were not accepted. I.lnen price* | pointed upward fi>r forward delivery. Ad vances of 1-3 cent to 3-4 cent* were made on domestic linen crashes and toweling. Some sellers of men s and women's cot ton knit underwear reduced thelv prices on goods for Hie fall season Burlaps * aluss w ere firm MONEY MARKET New York Mercantile paper 7 Ex change* $156,249,789. Balances $11,604.- 485 cotton’seed oil I Ntw York. The cotton seed oil mar ket closed steady September 680*6X5; j September 679*680; October 675a679. No vember 666*665; December 668*646; Jan uary 660*663; February 662*665; March Total sales 4.300. LIVERPOOL COTTON I Liverpool. Cotton spot unchanged, no sale* Receipts 1.000 bales. Including 80 oAmerican PROFESSIONAL NOTICE II HEREBY ANNOUNCE THAT AFTER an absence from the city 1 have re sumed my practice. Office hours 1-3 P m . daily; £und*>s. 9*lo a. m. Other hours bv apP l JS4 THOMAS D. COLEMAN, M D. HE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Swappers’ Column. SEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There's no charge for Insertion*. You pay 5 cent* for each answer. Have you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? Let the other fellow know. Augusta Is full of active, energetic, eager .Swappers who will be glad to make your acquaintance rough the Swapern* Column. W ”;L' ; s ' v y p - TtToCTAGON WRAP per* for aO Eatmor bread certtfi cates. Address Octagon-Katmor, Swappers' Col. umn. care Herald. A; ~t W ' r - L SWAP? ONE PREMO CAMERA. 3, in pood condition, suitable for plate* or fiirn*, with one dozen plate holders, for anything of equal vaiue. Ad drees Camera,'' Swappers' Column, rare Herald. A .j VVH.I, SWAP: ONE LARGE WATER fooler, cost $3.50, for good porch swing complete. Address "Cooler." Swappers' < olnmn, rare Herald. A3l Wild, SWAP: ONE MANDY LEE JN cuhator for chickens of any good breed or will sel; cheap. Address J., Swap ters Column, care Herald. S 2 Wild. SWAP: ODD FELLOW’S RING for pistol or anything of equal value. Address "Ring," Swappers' Column, care Herald. FUNERAL NOTICES NORRIS THE RELATIVES AND friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Norris and family are respectfully Invited to attend tlie funeral of their daughter, MISS KATIE NORRIS at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. It. S. Landrum. 837 ( liafee avenue, THIS (Sunday) AFT ERNOON at 4 o’clock. Interment in tile City Cemetery. A3O EHRHARDT—THE RELATIVES AND friends of MY. and Mrs. J. Fred Ehr hardt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Newhall, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bodler, Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnson. Savannah, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Campbell. Athens, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of MRS. J. FRED EHR HARDT at tile residence. 1309 Druid I’ark avenue. THIS (Sunday) AFTER NOON at 5 o'clock. Interment In the City Cemetery. A3O Wanted WANTED SITUATION—Maie. WANTED: BY EXPERT BOOKKBjSP er. sets of books to keep at night. Also auditing done at reasonable figures. Ad dress J. K. WANTED—Miscellaneous. WANTED BCHHOOL BOOKS: WANTED TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS used locally and In South Carolina. Dellquest’s New and Old Book Shop, 213- 15 7th street. ts WA NT ED: TO RENT STORE NO. 304 Jackson street, next to Delaney's bar room. from Oct. Ist. Apply Alexander & Steiner. sat sun mon WANTED: TO LET THE GIRLS OF Augusta know that the way to a man’s heart Is through his stomach. Moral: Eat at the New York Case and you will win sat sun mon WANTED HELP—Female WANTED: GOOD NURSE. MUST have references. Apply 1642 Walton W«j A3l WOULD YOU WORK FOR $15.00 PER week, 8 hour* a day? Woman wanted In distribute free packages Borax Washing Powder. Ward Soap Co., 216 Institute PI., Chicago. A3O WANTED HELP—MaIe ARMY OF U. S. WANTED; UNMAR rted men age 18 to 35. Information a» Recruiting Offices. Post Office Bldgs. Montgomery, Ala., Rome. Augusta, Oo lumbua, Ga., Second Ave., IMrm- Ingham, Ala.. 411 Cherry St., Macon, and Broad anil Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. COLORED MAN OR WOMAN UNDER 50 wanted. No experience needed. SIOO month Write quick. Box A-409, Cincin nati. Ohio. A3O $-\SOO ANNUALLY. CO-OPERATE with me evenings at home. Everything furnished. Dont’ worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha. Nebr. A3O BE A DETECTIVE? EARN SSO“TO SIOO weekly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. 29. United State* Detective A* Adjusting Agency, Railway Exchange Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. A3O WANTED HELP—MaIe and Female ATTENTION! WE WILL PAY SI,OOO reward If our home butter merger fail* to merge one pint of milk Into one pound of butter In iwo minute*, sweeter than creamery butter. Demonstrators and general agents wanted. Salary or commission. Write for illustrated circu lar* and address of 1,000 user*. Wonder ful invention. Family Butter Merger Co.. Washington, D. C. A3O WAN TED —Rtmms WANTED: TWO OR THREE UN furnished room* by couple without children, near union station. Address P. O. Box 562. SI WANTED —Boarders WANTED: THREE OR FOUR YOUNG men to board, nice room*, good table, all convenience*, and close in. 523 H Broad street. si WANTED—ReaI Estate WANTED: SOME SMALL HOUSES. I wish to buy from owner some small houses. Must show good investment. Ad dress Realise, care Herald. A3O WANTED—Agents AGENTS SELL GUARANTEED Hos iery, 70 per cent profit; make $lO daily. Orders repeat regularly; best agent's seller In existence. International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa. sun &30tf PORTRAIT AGENTS, SKND t’S YOUR original*. No advance In prices Good portrait*. Prompt shipment* Plenty of convex glass Independent Portrait * Frame Co.. 829-31 South State Street. Chicago. AlO AGENTS IIITI :Tx2B EUROPE FRAMED wail map. 12c; sells 50c, tremendous portraits frames, pillow top*, celebrated negro and other pictures. 300 per cent profit; crack iT Jack sellers People* Portrait. Dept. 62. Chicago, 111 ___ ________ A3O AGENTS: SMASHING COMMISSIONS. whirlwind tale* in NEW device sale able everywhere. Take orders to equip office*, hotels, factories, hums* Demon stration ael s No experience No capi at $25 up weekly. E. H Gervals Co.. EY.iwer 400. Columbia S C. A3O ’ HNSIBLE - MANUFACTURER' DE sirea placing valuable agency, sure re peater. permanent Income, buslnesa huthler. easy, no competition, protected territory guaranteed Perfection Com pany, 17 West 42nd. N. Y. A3O W A NTED—Salesmen WANTED: TRAVELING SALES men. Side line or exclusive, to sell 26-piece Cutlery set for premium pur poses or for straight sale. Easily sold. 20 per cent commission paid weekly. This is a money getter. National Im porting Co., Department C, St. Louis, Mo. a 9 16 23 30 For Rent FOR RENT—Rooms. FDR RENT: TWO OR THREE DESIR ahle rooms; one front, suitable for light housekeeping; all modern conveniences, with use of phone. Apply 409 Ellis street. Phone 1005-W. y;;i FOR RENT: NICE I, A RGE ROOM. furnished or unfurnished; convenient to business centre: electric lights and telephone. Phone 1812-J. Sr FOR RENT: RESIDENCE, 116 CAMP bell street, all modern conveniences. Apply 864 Broad street. Phone 617. Eouis P Speth. S 2 FOR RENT: THREE CONNECTING Yooms. suitable for light housekeeping, ail modern eonveniences. Apply 1233 Ellis stret. Phone 2617-J. ' A3O FOR RENT: ’FWo OR THREE Hxv furnished rooms, good condition, screened, electric lights, gas. hath and telephone. 333 Ellis street. Phone 2686-J. SI FOR RENT: TWO ROOMS. FURNISH ed or unfurnished; breakfast if desired. Steam heat. Phone 1896-J. S 3 FOR RENT: 529 TELFAIR STREET^ opposite union station, nicely furnished rooms, electric lights, bath, telephone; terms reasonable. si FOR RENT: DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR rent, two doors from Walton Way, electric lights and gas connection. Ap- Plv 922 Moore avenue. A3O I*OR RENT: FURNISHED ROOM, AD joining bath, in private family; use of telephone; centrally located. Apply 563 Greene street or telephone 1413-J. SI FOR RENT: THREE OR FOUR CON necting rooms, furnished or unfurn ished; every convenience. Also furnished bed room, with or without board. Apply 1010 Telfair. si FOR RENT: TWO FRONT ROOMfC furnished or unfurnished, for couple without children or gentlemen; bath, gas and phone. 302 Elbert street. Phone 2140-J. A3O FOR RENT—Apartment. FOR RENT: VERY DESIRABLE, 5- roorn apartment; private bath, all mod ern conveniences; nice location one block west of Hampton Terrace Hotel, $20,00 per month. Phone 731-J. SI FOR RENT—FIat FOR RENT: FROM OCTOBER IST, 503 Monument street, lower flat, 5 rooms and bath; upper flat. 4 rooms and bath, piazza and reception ball up and down. Apply Chas. W. Crawford. Phone 2C64-W and 2064-J. Al 3 FOR RENT—ReaI EstateT FOR RENT: ON MONTE SANG, 30 acres of land and 9 room hous-3, also two 8 room houses near St. Josepn school. Frank Rouse. Phone 878. sSc FOR RENT: 2f 1 AND 213 TELFAIR. 4 and 6 rooms, good garden and out houses, electric lights and bath, near car line. Apply F p. Branch, 334 Walker street. Phone 2811. A3O FOR RENT: 618 RROAD STREET, 9- room house. 2 floors, hath room, gas and electric lights, all modern conven iences, cement yard. Front and rear entrances. Apply H. Levkoff <& Son. Phone 198-J. A3l FOR RENT: TWO-ROOM HOUSE IN yard. Apply 2702 Wrightsboro Road, opposite Waterworks. A3O FOR RENT: HICKMAN BLDG., 650 and 652 Broad street. Fireproof, 3-story, suitable foP wholesale or large depart ment store. Apply Edeistein & Co., 937 Broad street. Phone 709-J. S 4 TO RENT: FROM OCT. Ist, 260 AND 262 Telfair street, two up-to-date flat*, all modern conveniences. Apply H. H. Claussen, 1002 Broad. A 20 23 26 30 FOR RENT: 305 WALKER STREET. 6 rooms and bath, large garden, yard and out-house. Apply F. P. Branch! 334 Walker street. si TO RENT: DWELLING OF SIX rooms and bath \#ith large yard. No. 121 Greene street. Apply to Walter H. Lynch, 816 Reynolds street. Phone No. 378 or No. 1831. S 5 FOR RENT: NEW DWELLING ON Central avenue. 6 room* besides recep tion hall, bath and sleeping porch. S4OO ptV year. Also two fine stores next to King Pharmacy on upper Broad street, $50.00 per month each. P. F. Me Anally. Real Estate, Dyer Bldg. A3O FOR RENT: SMALL FARM 5 MILES from city, on Milledgeville road, under cultivation. For particular*, address Farm. c*S*e Herald. SI For Sale FOR SALE—Live Stock. FOR SALE: PONY, BUGGY AND HAR ness. Pony gentle and sound, and good under saddle or In harness. Call it 453 Hsrison Building s c FOR SALE: FINE JERSEY COW. ~AIL ply 1315 Steed Ave., near Turpin Hill. A3O FOR FaIE: FINE COMBINATION' saddle and buggy horse, seven vears old. perfectly gentle, good size: price reasonable. Can be seen at 917 Broad street. 81 FOR SALE—ReaI Estate The Advertisers of Real Estate are the Sellers of Real Estate. Tour real estate may “sell itself" —SOMETIME. If "sometime" i* a satisfactory date, you have no need to advertise. But the property owners who want to aell NOW. or at the earll aat possible date, utilise the r.reat est of salea-accellerat or*—classi fied advertising! Among th* seller* of real estate In fhle city within the next week, or mpnth, or year, classified ad vertiser* will be predominant! FOR SALE—ReaI Estate. ' MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE Augusta Real Estate Co.. 833 Broad St FOR SALE: I HAVE SEVERAL pieces of Investment property that will sliow from 14 to 16% per cent on your money. If interested, address J., ci#-e Herald. S 9 WANTED: TO SELL A FIRST-CLASS 8-room boarding house on Gre’ue stieet, filled to capacity, rent reasonable. Apply Room 512, Leonard Bldg. Phone 2600. S 3 FOR SALE: ONE STORE, ONE 8-ROOM house and 3 tenement houses, corner Charles and Twiggs streets. Size of lot 65x180; price 54.000.00. Rents for $55.00 1 Per month. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street. sat sun mon 800 ACRES. 7 MILES FROM ALl.EN daie. 3% miles from Cohen's Bluff, on | the Savanah river, $9.00 per acre, on the i Barnwell road. It has 13 houses, three | rooms each. Richmond Rea ty Co., 420 | Jackson street. Phone 2262. sat sun mon j A LOT IN NORTH AUGUSTaTaT $lO j per month, no taxes, will pav you a : large profit. A lot in MELROSE PARK i or BELVEDERE at $5 per month will i pay you 200 per cent. Others are saving. why not you? L. A. Dorr, Terminal j hui'ding. sat sun mon j for SALE: LOTS ON WALTON WAY, Highland avenue and Henry street. The ■ most desirable part on the Hill. From | $15.00 to $22.00 per front foot. See your agent or J. T. Bothwell Gro. Co. sat sun mon j FOR SALE: 5-ROOM HOUSE WITH I lot. on Spring Grove avenue, in good condition. Also five-room house with lot west of Graniteville. 154 acres of land few miles from Trenton, S. C., no stumps on over 100 acres. Address Mrs. j M. A. Baynhom, Graniteville, S. C. i A 16 23 30 S 6 i FOR SALE: AN IDEAL HOME, *35.00 I cash and $25.00 per month, at 8 per | cent annum. Who will get this 1 ' Ad -1 dress "L. J.," care Herald. C 5 FOR SALE: NORTHEAST CORNER i Milledgeville road and Marbury street, at a real bargain. Address “Real Es dress "L. J.,’’ care Herald. S 5 I ~ ~ ~~ FOR SALE—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: ONE BRAND NEW L. C. Smith typewriter. Party leaving city, cheap for cash. Phone 2137. sat sun mon FOR SALE: SEWING MACHINE, RE frigerator, sideboard, dining table, bookcase, writing desk, three-piece mis sion set, davenport and Jewel heater. Ap- I Pb 947 Reynolds. A2D j FOR SALE: CORONA TYPEWRITER weight 6 pounds; the machine for tra- I vellng men and home use. Augusta Typewriter Exchange, 408 Leonard Building. Phone 2065. sat sun mon FOR SALE: ROLLER TOP DESK! flat top desk, typewriter desk, type writers adding mach nea. d'jtaphone* and other office equipment new and second-hand, bought sold, rented or ex changed. Augusta Typewriter Exchange. 40S Leonard Bldg. Phone 2005. ant suu mon FOR RALE: ONE BALL-REARING IN valid roller chair for street or house I service, very cheap. W. S. Burton, 452 | Telfair street. si j FOR SALE: BY PARTY LEAVING town, dining table, chifirobe. vvfiite enamel bed room suite, rugs, refrigera lor. cheap. Apply 526 Ellis street. A3U j FOR SALE: TABLEST IRON BEDS; springs, and other odd pieces of furni : tore; must be sold at once: cheap for i cash. Apply 119 Mclntosh street. SI FOR SALE: TYPEWRITER ONE brand new No. o L. C. Smith. $65.00 to quick buyer. L. J. Henry, Remington Dealer. S 5 FOR SALE: THREE COUNTERS. Phone 6875-J. A3O I FOR SALE: GROCERY AND WOOD outfit, also a good gentle horse. | Good business: parties want to leave town. Address "Business,” care Her ald. A3O FOR SALE: AT A BARGAIN. THE entire contents of 10-room lodging house, everything included. Want to sell to one person for cash. Address House hold Furniture, care Herald. SI FOR SAi7E: COZY AND ARTISTIC bungalow on Anthony road. The Hill, faces east: lot 100x150; fine view, at tractive grounds: reasonable price and liberal teVms. Will consider offer for rental of this property. Martin & Gar rett, 137 Bth street, Real Estate & In surance. SI FOR SALE: EIGHT HOUSES, OCCU pied by colored tenats. Four will pay 18 per cent gross and four 16 per cent gross at least. These are fine bargains for someone. Address “Necessary." care Herald . A3O LOST AND FOUND. LOST ARTICLES SOMETIMES are never found; often they are stolen with no chance of recov ery, hut when picked up by hon est persons they will get back to the owner If advertised In this column. LOST: ON WASHINGTON ROAD, GEN tleman's hunting case 17-jewel Elgin gold watch, attached to black silk fob with antique gold dog charm: has ruby eyes and mounted on agate. Liberal reward If left at Herald Office. A3O LOST: FRIDAY AFTERNOON, GOLD bead necklace. Return to 1010 Telfair street and receive reward. A3O LOST OR STOLEN: FROM FORD CAR of Dr. O. R. Salley’s. Saturday night between 0 and 10 p. m., license bracket, license No. 6767 and rear lamp. Reward If returned to Dr. O. B. Salley, Central Pharmacy. Cor. Kollock and Fenwick streets. SI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. TRUNK HOSPITAL. OUR TRUNK DOCTOR* CAN PUT your old disabled Trunk or grip In first-class condition. A new slat. lock, clamp, etc., and It's In condition for years’ of service. Augusta Trunk Fac tory, 756 Broad, opposite Monument. mltf BLUE-PRINTS. ON ACCOUNT OF THE ADVANCE IN prices on blue printing materials, the Augusta Blue Print Co. Is compelled to change the price of blue prints to 2Hc per square ft., taking effect September Ist. A3l WHO’S YOUR GROCER? HAVE YOU TRIED US? FULL LINE groceries and meats, delivered any where In the city. Star Grocery Co., 15th street and Walton Way. Phone 1349. sat sun mon WANTED IDEAS. WRITE FOR LIST or Inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prises offered by Inventions. Our four hooks sent free. Patent se cured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans. A Co., Washington. D. C.. 96 Ninth street. A3O S « 13 20 27 O 4 KOl; SALE _ RETAIL - DRUG STORE. In n good locality. 10 years establish ed stand, doing a good business; reason for selling, want to devote entire time to practice of medicine. Address Jas I F Runlashaw, M D.. Cor. Walker and | Unco la streets. Pilous 1390. SI oUNDAY, AUGUST 30. WE MANUFACTURE NEW BUSINESS MACHINE; MORE NECESSARY TIIA* CASH REGISTER. RETAILS $lO PROFIT 150 PER CENT. WE DESI7.F. COMPETENT MAN TO OPEN OFFICE AND HANDLE SALESMEN. RE QUIRES S2OO TO SSOO. YOU HANDLE OWN MONEY. INVESTIGATE PROMPTLY. MOODY MFG. CO.. ST. LOUIS, A3O MONEY TO LOAN' I HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL lars to loan to good people on first mortgage. Want to put money out right away. Address C. A. C., care Herald. S3 WANTED: TO LOAN $15,000 AT 8 per cent on city *eal estate. Address J- A. H.. care Herald. A3O MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. MISS L. D. HILL’S SCHOOL WILL open October Ist. Al 6 233 30 S 6 WEALTHY SOUTHERN PHYSICIAN" 41. would marry. P-Box 35, Toledo League, Toledo, Ohio. A3O PERSONAL. WANTED: EVERYBODY SUFFERING from piles, fistulas, tissures. ulceration, bleeding, Itching write FREE trial. Posi tive Painless Piles Cure. S. U. Tarnev. Auburn, Ind. si YOUR DINING ROOM SHOULD BE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE in the house. We pay special atten tion to dining room furniture in all styles and woods. Morgan & Johnson, 1208 Broad. sat sun mon REMOVAL NOTICE. TO MY PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC: I have moved my bicycle business IVom 2Jo Kollock street to 215 Marbury street, where I have a complete line of new bi cycles and supplies. Also repairing promptly done. Call and see me or call phone 2728. Work sent for and return ed P. K. Tant. SI PERSONAL. MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY, THE reliable, confidential, successful club, have large number of wealthy, eligible members, both sexes wishes early mar riages. Descriptions free. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26. Oakland, Calif. A3O S 6 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES. WE SELL THE BIG WHEEL FOR DE livery purposes. tv© have on hand a few second-hand motorcycles and bicy cles, prices and terms very reasonable. Full line of supplies always on hand. Dixie Repair Wks., 961 Broad street. Phone 2511. sat sun mon AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD- Justing, magneto and carburetor work my specialty. All work given my per sonal attention. Cheeseborough’s Repair Shop, 549 Broad street. Phone 1211. sat sun mon WALL PAPER. “A THING OF BEAUTY Isl A JOY forever.” Way not beautify your home? We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign painting. J. W. Bowick, 301 Mclntosh street. Phone 2284. sat -sun mon MERCHANT TAILORS. OTTO W. MARSHALL. ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent’s woolen, on hand I am closing them out al very low prices, sa; sun mon BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. ~ HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTlrfB stock of A, H. McDaniel Co., consist ing of, mantels, grates, paints, brushfa, etc., will sell at very low prices. Apply to Edeistein & Co., 937 Broad Street, phone 707-J. sat sun mon RUBBER STAMPS —E. W. DODGE. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BADGES. Stencils. Ailumnium Checks. &c. 859 Ellis street. Phone 1421. sat sun mon IC*. 12 r.BS,. 6c; 25 1.85., 10; 60 LBS.. 20c: 100 lbs.. 40c. C. O. D. Quick delivery. Wm. Kelly, 455 Calhoun street. Phone 8225-. T. sat sun mon JOB' PRINTING. WALTON PRINTING COMPANY. GET onr prices on all kinds of Commercial Printing. “'We print to please." Phone 3547 127 Mclntosh street rear Georgia R. R. Bank. sat sun mon COFFEES, TEAS, ETC. CALL 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED coffee. To get the real flavor buy where l#t is roasted fresh every day. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street. sat sun mon TIRE REPAIRING. 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIRE and tube repairing enables us to give the best service that can be had. All work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanising Co.. 652 Broad street. sat sun mon CHESAPEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKL WANTED: LADIES TO TRY THE DE llclous Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to be the best sold In this city. One-pound packages. A trial 's suff'ei ent. At all leading grocers, sat sun mo A. H. NICHOLS & BRO. MARBLE, GRANITE AND STONE Works. Manufacturers, Importers and dealers In Marble and Granite, Monu ments. Headstone* and Copings. Agent* for Iron fencing. Satisfaction guaran teed. 634 Washington street. Telephone 719 eat sun mon FRESH MEAT AND GROCERIES. HOME-CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A week. Wm. Boyle & Son. sat sun mon BARGAINS. BIG BARGAINS ON LACE CURTAINS as low as 98c. Croft & O'Connor, 1131 Broad street. Phone 2661. sat sun mon FURNITURE. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FUBNISH- Ings at remarkably low prices. People* Furniture Co.. 1019 9th street. The new store owned and operated by colored people sat sun mon GARDEN HOSE. NEVER-LEAK MOULDED RUBBER. the very best quality at the same price as ordinary brands 12Hc and 15e per foot The Henry Hutt Co.. 611 Broad street sat sun raort FORD REPAPIRINO FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Complete stock of accessories. Let ue cut your machine Into a Roadster We cover floor boards allumlnum. Phont *342. Un on Garage. 6(3 Broadway. sat swn mon GROCERIES. BEFORE ORDERING YOUR OBOCE rles call 2174 for our prices. We can save you money. Everything fr»sh. PVee delivery anywhere. W. H. Be why Gro. Co.. 610 Broad St Phone No. 2174. sat »un mow CIGAR*. BE A SPORT—BOOST YOUR OWN game by smoking 1920 FEOARS— Augusta made—better each dar You get your nickel hack If you want It. Dorr Cigar Factory. evt aun jnon the “evebett via mo. ONE OF THE THREE GREAT PIANOS of 'he world. Also Harvirdw- Dayton, and Winter Player Pianos sola tn Au gusts by J E Stratford. 432 Jackson Street sat sun mow FARM MACHINERY. SECOND-HAND MOWERS TN GOOD shape and tip; raw mowers. 446; hay rakes. *2l: disc iarrowa 317. V: sween rakes. $22.Se ; stackers hay forks and tracks: hav presses of ell klrds and prices gaso'lne engines 2*i H. P , 1(0; 4 H. P gasoline eng ne. .mounted oh 4 wheel truck. *160; Thornes Grain drill with open furrow attachment; corn bind ers rnm an-peers shredders and busk ers; feed mill *11.60 com meal mill, IK Repairs so- ■,]< kinas of machinery out specialty. Wirt* & Hemlen Phone I**7 AS aunt only ti