The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, August 30, 1914, Home Edition, Page NINE, Image 25

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, He Who Finds Your Purse Reads The Herald WANT ADS Every Day AUGUSTA SHOE REPAIRING. Have your shoes repaired at these prices: Men’s Wide Bottoms, sewed 81 00 Men’s Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels.. . 81 00 Men’s Half Soles, sewed •75C Men’s Half Soles, nailed.. .. •50 G Ladies’ Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels • -75 c Ladies' Half Soles, sewed.. ..r>o£ Ladies’ Half Soles, nailed.. 35C Children’s Half Soles 25 G and 35 G rest Rubber Heels • -25 -35 C. 45c Heimback’s Double Wear Rubber Heels.. .. .. 50 c Work done while you wait. Work called for and delivered on short notice. Phone 943. 965 Broad St. J, SAWILOWSKY, Proprietor Special Rubber Bottoms... 81 10 ROOF LEAKT Have your work done by experi enced tinners. All work given per sonal attention. My prices are right. E. A. DEMORE Phone 2031. 623 Broad St GET IT —3rt“- HICKEY’S Babies and Children Special Attention. 5 Barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the- Merchandise, Craftmanship and Spe cial Service Offered by the Exclusive Shop? and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised : : : : : : : : : : : : : automobile tires We can furnish you -with standard guaranteed tires from f Per 20 per cent less than list price, a- 1 "® do ynur repairing, at small «""*• all ■work guaranteed to five faction. Get our prices before buy ing elsewhere. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS BICYCLES Acent for READING, STANDARD, NATIONAL, PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 226-28 9th. Phone 1914. BICYCLE REPAIRING New and second-hand Bicycles and Supplies. All repair work promptly done and delivered. J. C. COLLINS, 1113 9th StreeL ——■——l BLUE PRINTS DRAWINGS Blue Prints, per sq ft. .... 1...... ,2o Best grade Drawing Supplies for sale. Experienced draftsman to do tracing and drawing. AUGUSTA BLUE PRINT CO. mono 2863. 406 Dyer Bldg. Augusta, Ga. Special attention to mall orders. COAL AND WOOD delivered any part of the CITY OR TUB HILL. V. 0. IVEY & CO. Phons 180. CONTRACTORS ANDtEW A. HETT CO. nlaVng f all klnda, wlndahleld*. lamps and showcase glass, and re puttying a specialty. Front door k!hs* and rurch windows repaired. Phone 4174. 628 Ellis SL CONTRACTOR AND BOLDER N. M. OGDEN Phone 2830-J. P. O. Bex 85 NORTH AUIUSTA, 8. C. Telephone 100 We can stop that roof leak in a jiffy. Don’t let it ruin your furniture, your temper and your health. We are specialists in roof repairs. If you want a new roof, let u® put on a material that has stood the test of time for more than thirty years as SLITSKY’S' Old Style Tin. Consult us about your roof and sheet metal work. DAVID SLUSKY 1009 Broad St. Phone 100 SERVICE Is : r our car in good running con dition? If same is in need of re pairs have it worked over by com petent mechanics, which you will find at the PEOPLES AUTO REPAIR CO. REAR DYER BLDG. HOLLEY WA6QN GO. Builders Of All Kinds of High Grade Wagons. We Repair and Paint Buggies, Carriages, Wagons. Automo biles on Short Notice. Good year Rubber Tires. Horse Shoeing. 602 and 504 McKinne Street. TELEPHONE 803. Use Herald “Wants’ GARAGES GASOLINE, 18'/2C Motor cars washed and pnllshed. 26c. 40c. UNION GARAGE 663 BROADWAY HACK LINE When you want a hack or cab, telephone and I will come or send to any part of city. BF.N JACKSON Phone 480 925 Walker Street AUTOMOBILE AND FLASH LAMPS Magnetos Remagnetized, *2 OO Columbia Batteries fresh every ■week 250 WHITNEY- EVE CO. 1038 Broad St. Phone 1816 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses same day. Phone 1916—shops 1251 Marbury street ROOFING W. B. TOOLE & CO. Tin and Rubber Roofing. Repairing and Painting. We manufacture METAL SHINGLES, Cornice and Skylights. Lowest prices. 336 Broad St. Talephons 264. EVERY DAY Is Bmrqain Dmy In the WANTS L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augusts, Gs. 469. Cost of Want Ads in the Herald 25 words or leas: .1 time 25 cents. 3 times 50 cents. 7 times SI.OO. No charge for Swappers’ Ads. 5 cents for each reply received. Discontinuance of advertising: must be In writing. It will not be accepted by phone. This protects your Interests as well as ours. IF YOU CAN’T BRING OP SEND YOUR WANT AD, PHONE 2?G AND 297. Courteous operators, thoroughly fa miliar with rates, rules and classifica tions, will give you complete informa tion. And if you wish, they will assist you in wording your want ad to make it most effective. Accounts opened fcr ads by telephone to accommodate you if your name is in the telephone directory. Other want ads taken by telephone nr© to be paid for immediately upon publication, bill to b© presented by mail or solicitor the same day printed. EVERY HOME HAS USE FOR HERALD WANT ADS. geo, w. Tidwell. JR. t JOB PRINT! NG •PHONE PRINTING “AS YOU LI Kt it” COAL AND COKE COAL —2 yards, North Augusta OKE—and Fenwick and Center Sts. O. Templeton. Phones 345-6RO. If It’s Coal You Want We Have It. Fine Piano Tuning Robert J. Watson. Call residence phone, 1717-J. SPECIALISTS -THE ONLY RELIABLE SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Diseases of men, women and chil dren treated without operation. I FURNISH all MEDICINES FREE DR. N. E. ALFORD Office. 969 Broad St. TAILORING I can save you money on your Tailoring. Also first-class Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing—s suits cleaned and pressed for *1.50. Radies and gent's work given careful atten tion. Work called for and delivered. W. L. STEPHEN, Prop. Phone 1580-W. 210 12th St. UPHOLSTERING Furniture of all kl.ids pholetered end repaired. Furniture packed for ehlpping. All work guaranteed. W. T. SKINNER A CO.. 124 K Washington etreeL WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals and all klnda of machinery breaka repaired, car bon cleaned fYotu auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WK*. t Katabllahed 1847. Manufacturer, of rarm wagons, carte and trucks, especially equipped for repairing and painting. Corner JSIMa and 9th Ste. Telephone 1309-J. Augusta, On. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phons I*6. 712 Broad St. WAGON WORKS We overhaul end repair wagons, buggies, carls, cotton trucks etc. Also do horseshoeing. Your >atron age wlil he appreciated. QUARLES WAGON WORKS, Greene and Poplar Ste Phone 3331. WOOD YARD OAK AND PINE STOVE WOOD. Quantity and Quality. C. E. McCORD North Augusta, Phone 2767. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA, Daily Pattern 1049. A PRACTICAL AND POPU LAR STYLE. Girls’ Two Piece Dress With Long or Short Sleeve. Tills model is composed of a pretty blouse waist, made with diagonal closing, and with sleeve and band cuff or with short sleeve and shaped cuff. A round collar trims the neck edge. The skirt, which is buttoned to the waist, Is a three-piece model, made with an inverted plait at the center. The design is good for cashmere, serge, plaid and checked woolens, also so rail wash fabrics, and for corduroy and silk. It, Is fine for combinations of materials. The style Is simple, but pleasing. The pattern is cut in four sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. It re quires H 3-4 yards of 27-inch material for a 10-yea r size. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. No Size Name Street and No. ..... City State C. of Ga.Ry “The Right Way” Current Schedules (78th Meridian Time.) DEPARTURES For Dublin, Savannah, Macon and Florida points **7:3o a m. For Dublin and Savannah.... *2:30 p.m. For Savannah, Macon, Colum bus and Birmingham *9:30 p.m. Tybee Limited for Savan nah, Dublin and Florida points a6:50 a.m. ARRIVALB. From Savannah, Macon, Co lumbus and Birmingham.... *8:30 a.m. From Dublin, Savannah and Florida points *12:30 p.m. From Dublin, Savannah, Ma con and Florida polntß **7:6o p.m. Tybee Limited, from Savan nah and Florida points .... bl2:4r. am. ••Dally except Sunday *Dally. a-Sunday only. b-Monday only. Through train leaving Augusta 7:30 a. m. and arriving at 7:60 p. rn„ he tween Augusta and Savannah connect ing »t Mlllen with through Iran for Macon. Columbus, Birmingham and Montgomery. Vestlbuled electrlc-llghted. Seeping Cats, are carried on night trains be tween Augusta and Savannah, (J a ; con necting at Milieu with through Sleeping Cars to and from Macon. Columbus, l!lr mlngham and Atlanta. For any Information as to fares, sehed tiles, etc., write or communicate with W. W, Hackett, G. F. Hammock, Traveling Pass. Agt. city Ticket Agt. Phone No. 62. 719 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Charlestons Western Carolina Railway Co. (Effeotlve May 31, 1914.) Departures. 7:10 A. m.. No. S Dally for Anderson. 11:00 A. M , No. I—Daily for Greenwood, Spartanburg, Greenville, Asheville, 4:26 P M , No. 3 Dally for Spartan burg Greenville, etc. 8:80 A. M . No. 46 Dally except Sun day, for Beaufort, Port Royal and Charleston. 2:00 P. M.. No. 42 Dally for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston, Savannah. 6:30 A. M., No. 48— Sunday only, for Tlenufort, Port Royal, Charleston and Savannah. Arrivals. 12:10 P. M., No. 2-Dally from Spartan burg, Greenville, etc. 7:05 P. M., No. 4 —Dally from Hpartan btirg Asheville. 12:23 P. M , No. 41 Dalfv from Been fort, Port Royal, Charleston and Savannah. t. 03 P M , No. 45 Dally except Sun day, from Beaufort, Port Rovnl and Charleston. 2:16 A. M , No, 47—Monday only, from Beaufort, Port Royal. Charleston, Savannah* BVO P M., No 6 Dally from Anderson, Kffectlve .Tune 14th. Pullman Parlor Buffet Cars will he operated between Aogotrtu and Aahevtlle on trains Nos I and 2 In connection with Sou. Ry. Caro lina Special from Spartanburg. KRNKST WILLIAMS, General Passenger Agent. 829 Broadway. Augusta, GA Boys’Home Clings to Lead in Herald’s M. & M. Contest Mrs. E. S. Ingram Leads Individuals---Harman Clark Tops Children’s Class. Bovs’ Home still retains the lead with tlie Y. W. C\ A. a close second. Daugh ters of Isabella third, Jr. O. U. A. M|, fourth. The Contest Department is offering both Combinations and Sets thin week. If you cannot make Combinations you may tuvn in Sets, which will count dou ble votes. LOCKHART. LUCKY & CO. No . Rooms. I’rlee. 1545 Jenkins St. t; $20.00 1705 Jenkins St 5 20.00 Cor. Jenkins & Eve.. 4 14.00 1711 Walker at 4 13.00 1108 Jackson St 4 13.00 1001 Chafe© Ave 5 15.00 930 Twiggs St o tapper flat) 15.00 930 Twiggs St 4 (lower flat) 10.00 1915 Walton Way 5 15.00 445 Watkins St 5 15.00 447 Watkins St 5 15.00 1840 Walker St 5..... 10. GO 11-7 Vi: Proud St 0 20.00 1127 Broad St 0. 25.00 1139 Broad St 0 25.00 Broad St 0 25.00 1200 Broad St 0 25.00 17 Broad St 8 30.00 01S Broad St. 9 35.00 900 Bfoari St 0 35.00 1041 Broad St 10 40.00 1242 Greene St 8 50.00 032 Reynolds St. .. 0 4 J 35.00 556 Reynolds St 18 40.00 1834 Walton Way 7 35.00 Cor 14th St. St Wrightsboro Rd.... 8 30.00 1801 Fenwick St . ...10 26.00 227 Marbury St. ... 0 25.00 210 MarbuYy St 0 25.00 435 Walker St 8 26.00 437 WUlker St 5 22.50 715 Kolloek St 0 21.50 710 Kolloek St. . ..0 21.50 1021 Jackson St .... 5 10.00 Sit Phillip St 0 19.00 810 Phillip St 0 19.7)0 818 Phillip St 0 19.00 820 Phillip St 0 19.00 STORES. 214 Marbirt y St 20.00 120 Centre St. (store and resi de nee) 35.00 1043 Broad St. (store) 45.00 420 Campbell St 20.0(1 We have a few desirable offices for rent in the Leonard Building. FuV fur ther* Information see us. LOCKHART, LUCKY & CO. PHONE 040. FREE! FREE!! 200 Moving Picture Tick ets to the Modjeska Thea tre. Read W. H. Holmes’ ad in today’s paper and be his jaruest at the “Movies.” Southern Railway." (Schedule effective August 16th, 1014.) N. R. -Schedule figure*! published only tin information and are not guaranteed. Union Station. All train** dolly. Train depart to— No. TlTne* 18 Charleston, S. C 6 20 a.m. 8 Columbia, S. C p, A 0 32 Washington, Now York .... 3:00 p.m 22 Charleston 3:40 p.m*. 24 Charleston, Jacksonville ....11:40 p.m. 10 Charleston 2.45 a m. Train arrive from — No. .. Time. 25 Charleston, Jacksonville .. .8:20 a.m. 19 Columbia 10:00 a.m. 131 Washington, New York ....12:01 p.m. 35 Charleston 2:15, 7 Columbia 8:55 pm. 17 Charleston 10:50 p.m. 9 Charleston 1:30 a.rn. Pullman I m.t v.ii, i; lb,/,i i, Coaches, Dining Car Bervioi# Phone 061 or 947 for Information, and Pullman Reservations MACHUDKU DKNT, Dlst. Pass. Agent. 729 Proud Ht., Augusta, Oa. Atlantic Coast Line NOTE— I These arrivals and departure* nro given us Information. Arrivals and connestlona are not guar intend. 38 | 82 | [ 35 | .3 / 2:40a 2:40p I,v Augusta Ar 8:65a l:4fin 4:26a 4:17n Ar Rar’well J,v 7:13h 12:01a 4:s'>a 4:43p Ar Denm’k I,v 6:44a 11:84p 6;36u 5:28p Ar OFburg Lv 6:57a 10:68p 7:20a 6:ri6|Ar Sumter Lv 4:30a 9:30p 9:00n B:lsp|Ar Florence I.v 3:16a 8:00p ! :ir.p lß:46a[Ar Wll’gton Lv 3:4r,p 8:00p 5:28a Ar Rlnhm’d Lv 6:35p 8:15a ll:(0p 9:00a lAr Wasb't'n Lv 3:OSp 4:20a I:3Ba|lo:27a|Ar Haltlm'o Lv 1:46p 2:60a 4:64a112:46p]Ar WPhll f.v 11:96a 12:19n 7:l3n[ 2:67p[Ar N. York Lv 9:I5» «:30p Through Bteel Pullman Sleepers on trains 32 end 35, hefwusn Augusta and N»w York Observation Urollnr Car, he- Iwnnn Augusta and Florence. Standard Dining Car north of Florence. Through Sleeper between Atlanta end Wilmington, via Augusta on (rains 37 snd 38, connecting at Florence with New York Bleepers and main line points. T. B. WALKER, District Passenger Agent. Augusta, Ga. Phone 626. GEORGIA RAILROAD (EFFECTIVE AUQ, 23. 1914.) No. Arrive From — •2 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 2:26p.m. •4 Atlanta 2:2oa.rn. • Atlanta, Macon 6:16p.m. •8 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 10:30p.m. *lO Union Point, Macon, Wash ington and Athens .......11:00a.m. 12 Carnak (:46a.m. Pullman Bleeper an<J Parlor Car Her \ lee. No*. 3 and 4, Augusta and Atlanta. Nos, :i and 4. Ch irlmton amt Atlanta. No*. 3 end 4, Atlanta arid Wilmington. No*, 5 and n, Droller Duffat Parlor Oar Augusta and Atlanta No*, t «nd 31, Pullman Hiper, Clm Icston to Macon. No*. 34 and 3, Pullman Bleeper, Macon to Charleston. No*. S and 8, Pullman Bleeper, Augusta and Chicago. No*. 1, 2 7 and 8. Droller Buffet Parlor Car, Augusta end Atlanta. J P. BIU/DPS, a. P. A. C. C. M MIDMN, A. G. P. A. »01 BROAD STREET. PHONE* 287,8*1 and 2285. SPECIAL NOTICE. After September 26th all Combinations will be withdrawn. After this date la bels will onlv be accepted in Sets at a greatly reduced schedule. You have only tour weeks more to make the Combina tions. Therefore your efforts within the next four weeks will, no doubt, decide thr winners of the prises. The Contest Department lias removed the bridle and your success absolutely depends upon what you accomplish within the next tour weeks. At this stage of the con test. contestants should never compli ment themselves, in other words, they should not be satisfied with the amount of labels and sales slips they turn ,in but should make It a point to double their efforts each week. The contest as it stands is anyone’s race. It Is simply up to the contestants. You can pile up millions of votes by making combina tions by just half trying. Ilowj many Combinations are you go ing to make? ATTENTION! Organizations will hold registration days at the Contest Department, 213 Me. Cartan street, for the next four weeks, beginning Monday, August 31st. Friends of the organizations should keep in mind the days of each week on which their favorite organization will hold Registration Day. Registration Days for the Week as Follows: Boys’ Home Monday, Aug 31st. Daughters of Isabella -Tuesday, Sept. . Ist Y. W. C. A.—Thursday, Sept. 3rd. Jr. O. U. A. M. Saturday, Sept. 6th. Mrs. E. S. Ingram leads Individual Class by over a million, with Miss Louise Geer the next closest competitor. Harmon Clark tops Children’s Class, Julian Avery second, Lynwood Hett third, R. Wlnton Curtain fourth, and Wesley Kilpatrick fifth. Now, Kiddies, that SIOO.OO bank ac count, bicycle and the gold watches are worth working for, and you have ordy six weeks to bp declared the winner for these prizes, so don’t let the grass grow under your feet. This is the Largest Bonus Offer That Will be Offered on Combinations During the Remaining of the Contest: 500.000 Bonus Votes for sorting this combination Into packages in addition to the regular value of labels. 25 Brookfield Butter cartons. 25 Swift’s arrow borax soap wrappers. 26 Queen Regent soap cartons. 10 Dolly Madison face powder labels. 10 Maxwell House Blend coffee labels. 10 Maxwell House Blend Tea labels. 10 Coca-Cola or Jloney Fruit wrappers. 25 Domino rice cartons, any size. 25 AlaGa Syrup labels, any size. $lO/00 worth of Libby’s labels, such as asparagus tips. California fruits, pre serves, jellies, pickles, olives, lunch lon gue, evaporated cream, dried chipped beef, cottage corn beat, veal loaf, tripe, condensed milk, potted chicken, poted ham, etc. List of Producji Which May Be Turned In as Sets f*»r Bonus Votes: 75 AlaGa Syrup labels, 10c size. 50 AlaGa Syrup labels, 35c size. 25 AlaGa Syrup labels, 65c size. 50 Brookfield butter cartons. 60 Libby’s labels, 6c size. 60 Libby’s labels, 10c sl/<i. 60 lobby’s labels, 15c size. 60 Libby’© labels, 20c size. Libby’© labels, 2ac size. 60 Libby’© labels, 30 to 60c sizes. 50 Maxwell hou&s blend coffee labels 26 Maxwell house blend tea labels. 60 Domino rice cartons, 10c size. 25 Domino rice cartons, 26c slz©. 60 Swift s arrow borax soap wvap r>rs. 50 Swift’s pride washing powder cartons, 5c size. 26 Queen regent soap wrappers. 25 Dolly Madison talcum powder labels. 10 Ideal peroxide face cream. 25 Smith Brother's Alfalfa hors© Sc dairy feed bags. 25 rooa-Cola or Honey Fruit Gum wrappers. 1000 Ghero-Oo!a crowns. 1000 Piedmont or Chesterfield cigar ette coupons. Any of tlie above labels In the amounts specified will be considered “a set.” Each set will bo counted double votes. Noth ing less than a set will bo accepted, for bonuses though contestants may turn In as many sets as they desire. List of Merchants —Ask for Sales Slips or Cash Register Checks. jrQfl Borins EVERY— v Vote. $50.00 worth Better D© Cream _ Co., delivery slips D0,C09 150.00 worth Castleberry Sc Wilcox sales slips 50,090 $50.00 wortli M. A. Bates Sc Co. shl«s slips 50,000 $50.00 worth O’Connor - Hehweers l*:jlnt Co., sales slips 50,000 $50.00 worth L. J. Hchaul & Co.. cash register checks aO.OOO $50.00 worth Maxwell Brothers sales slips or receipts ... ..50,-)00 $25.00 worth Economy Bho# Co. cash register checks 26,000 $25.00 worth Golden Brothers sales slips 25,000 $25.00 worth Htarke French Dry , Cleaning Co $25.00 worth Geo 11. Baldowskl, Jr., sal#s slips *B,OOO $25.00 worth U J’. Hpeth sales slips ...2a,000 $25.00 worth P. K. Tant sales slips ..-5,000 $25.00 worth B. A. Dial wood slips **•*>* SPECIAL OFFER. Bonus votes I 090 Chero-Cola crown 125.000 f.OOO Piedmont or Chesterfield Coupons * 160,000 No. Depart To— • 1 Atlanta, Macon, Athana and Waahlngton 7:40a.m. •8 Atlanta 2:00a.m. •3 Atlanta and beyond 12:30p.m. ••11 Camak and Macon 8:30p.m. 7 Atlanta, Macon and Wash- Ington 3:20p.m. •9 TTnlnn Point, Washington and Athena 4:45p.m. • Dally. ••Dally txoept Sunday. TIME SHOWN ABOVE IS EASTERN (CITY) TIME., STANDING OF CONTESTANTS IS SHOWN BELOW: Organization Class. * Votes. Y. W. C. A 54,875,960 Boys’ Home 54.936,090 Daughters of Isabella 46,862,485 Woodlawn Council, No. 29, Jr. O. U. A. M 38,845,710 Individual Class. Miss Lois Geer, Thomson, Ga... 2,556,250 Miss Laura McArthur, Howard’s Pharmacy 425,100 Miss Mary Hall, 1137 Greene 217,900 Miss Vita Bt. Amand, Albion Hotel 597,050 Mr. John Lackman, Monte Sano 1,002,073 Miss Mary Byers, 328 Ellis St.. 60,150 Mrs. E. S. Ingram, Walton Way 3,891,550 Ernest Wheeler. 1726 12th 5t.... 89,330 Mrs. William James, Blythe, Ga 82,440 J. A. Thurmond, 603 Watkins .. 10,900 Children’s Class. Rphy Tunkle, 1008 Ellis 103,86$ Muriel Erglc, North Augusta .. 754,900 Wesley Kilpatrick, 611 Watkins street 1,481.100 David Steinberg, 133 Ellis 137,750 Lynwood Hett, 602 Third St... 1,915,060 Durward Hayes, 034 Broad 1,033,750 Harmon Clark. 1237 Ellis 2.570,600 Julian Avery, 903 Broad 2,300,600 Geoffery O’Donnell. 929 Broad.. 887,150 Edmond One, 008 Broad 145,250 Lillie Parr, 724 Taylc/r 35,000 Hyman Cohen, 914 Broad 61,450 Beatrice Garrison, 511 Wright Avenue 44,180 R Wlnton Partaln, 1452 Walton Way 1,643,400 Glover Cushman, 803 15th 8t.... 52,500 11. P. Burutn. Jr., Walton Way 28,050 Annie W. Hill, North Augusta.. 793,010 Lonnie Powers, lfiio St. Luke.. 10,50(1 Walton Sizemore, 1918 Broad .. tO.OOO Fetrrell Singleton 290,850 English Wounded to Come to Southampton London, 5:05 p. m—Virtually all tha wounded men brought bark to Eng land from thr front will be disem barked at the Southampton docks and from tilers sent to the various hospi tals in the country. Nearly nil the big London hospitals appear on the official list of Institutions which have made arrangements for the reception* of wounded men. In the London area there will be established also Queen Alexandra’s war hospital and four other military hospitals. So far aH possible (lie suggestion of Queen Mary that all wounded he sent to hospitals near (heir homes is being adopted. Substantial aid is being secured in answer to Queen Alexandra's appeal for lied Gross funds by means of col lection boxes taken out upon the streets by women workers. Says British Soldiers Fought to the Last London, 5:10 p. m.—Miss Elsa Bris tow. of Dos Moines, lowa, who spent a couple of days helping wounded ftrltlull soldiers on the continent, ar rived In London this afternoon. She brought letters from a number of tho HHtlsh fighters to tlielr families in this country. Speaking of her experiences Miss Bristow said that from all reports she hud heard the I’.rillsli soldiers fought to the last. Inflicting terrible losses on the Germans. The Englishmen had with them German trophies from tho field of battle, showing that thero must have been close fighting It Is to he observed In the foregoing distpatch the British eensors permit ted n«i reference to the places where Miss Bristow saw the English sol diers. The dispatch hears evidence that the names of places In France or Belgium have been taken out. NAVAL STORES MEN MEET TO DISCUSS CONDITIONS Montgomery, Ala. —About twenty five of tlie leading naval stores men of tho south are in session here today to discuss the general condition of the business, wiiieiir'ls now practically at a standstill due to the European war. Those attending tho meeting are from Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Among them are: W. K. Coachman, of Jacksonville; T. A. Jennings, of Pen sacola: R. i-\ Mitchell, of Pensacola;' It. C. Ollligan, of New Orleans;' fiuckman t'hlpley, of New Orleans and J. B. McNeil, of Pensacola. MMIP *IW rTSItn How's the Furnace? When was it cleaned? Does it need repairs? Maybe your furnace needs a thorough over hauling. A furnace in good or der saves coal. You’ll find the names and addresses of furnace and stove repair men in the WANT ADS of The Herald. NINE