The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, September 14, 1914, Home Edition, Page NINE, Image 9

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MONDAY, SEPTEMbtH i* A Herald Want Ad Is a Want Ad in Thousands of Homes Wanted WANTED HELP—Female .plain aprons at home: no canvassing: we pay you. Particulars ard full sized apron for 2oc silver. Cook Supply Co.. Kokomo. Ind. Sl4 WANTED. AT ONCE: EXPPERT enced hotel maid. Hofbrau Hotel. Sli WANTED SITUATIO N—Male WANTED: CLERICAL POSITION BY young married man. Best city refer ences furnished. Address D. T. J., care Herald. SI 7 WANTED—Salesmen SALESMEN WHO WANT TO AND will work, who have to make a living, can earn from one hundred to two hun dred dollars a month; with an automo bile, more. Business high-toned. Call at 212 Union Savings Bank Building. Sls WANTED—Miscellaneous. WANT TO BORROW $5,000.00 ON $10,000.00 worth of high-class city property for two to three years. Ad dress “Quick," care Herald. Sl4 SCHOOL 'BOOKS FOR AL,-. SCHOOLS, private and public, b. jht. sold and exchanged at Pelluuest’s New and Old Bookshop, 2'l-215 7th street. ts WANTE»: TO RENT STORK NO. 294 Jackson street, next to Delaney’s bar room. from Oct. Ist. Apply Alexander & Steiner. sat sun mon WANTED: TO BUY~TWO~OR THREE hundred dozen of eggs a week. Will pay highest price. New York Case. sat sun mon WANTED —Boarders WANTED: FEW SELECT TABLE boarders. In good convenient neighbor hood. Two minutes from Broad street. Address P. O. Box 617, or phone 1343-J. Sls WANTED: A FEW~BOARDERS, NICE clean rooms, good table, close in with all conveniences. Apply 523% Broad St. WAM r ED —Ro°ms COUPLE WOULD LIKE TO RENT three rooms or small flat in private family, convenient to business section. Adress Couple, care Herald. Sls ""'WANTED—ReaI Estate WANTED: SOME SMALL HOUSES, 1 wls v to buy from owner some small liouser. Must show good Investment. Ad dress Realize, care Herald. Sl4 WANTED HELP—Maie. WANTED: COLORED WOMAN TO help iron clothes. Sinp Lee Laundry, office 106 Jackson SI I For Sale FOR SALE—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: ONE ROLLER tAp and two flat top desks, pr<Mtical!y new. Apply Mr. Bry atW Business Office, Augusta I'.ftra'd. ts fOR SALE: CORONA TYPEWRITER, weight 6 pounds; the machine for tra veling men and home use. Augusta Typewriter Exchange. 408 Leonard Building. Phone 2005. aat sun men FOR SALE: A FEW SETS OF HAND made harness, cheap. W. L. Sher man. Ellis street, opposite Police Bar rack's. SI 7 FOR SALE: ROLLER TOP DESK, flat top desk, typewriter desV, type writers, adding machines, d’jtaphonea and other office equipment new and second-hand, bought sold, rented or ex changed. Augusta Typewriter Exchange, 408 Leonard Bldg. Phone 2005. sat suu mon FOR SALE: ONE BRAND NEW L. C. Smith typewriter. Party leaving city, cheap for cash. Phone 2137, sat sun mon FOR SALE: FINE KIEFFER PEARS for preserving. John W Dickey. SlB WILL CONTINUE THE SPECIAL price of $1.75 per load In single loads or $1.50 per load In quantities of ten loads in one order for few days only. These are lumber trimmings from plan ing mill. Augusta Lumber Co. Phone 275. FOR SALE: ONE OF THE BEST farms In South Carolina, Including stock, machinery, corn, hay, etc., In fact, everything ready to go to work. Will sell cheap with only SSOO cash. Place has about 200 acres on railroad. Address Farm, care Herald. 815 FOR SALE: FOUR SMALL HOUSES on upper Broad street, paying now 13 per cent Investment, with some repairs, will pay 16 per cent. Good proposition. Address Immediate, care Herald. Sl4 FOR SALE: ONE PEN OF "RHODE 18- land Reds and also six White Rock liens. Phone 2029-J or call at 59 Butler avenue. Sl6 FOR SALE—ReaI Estate. MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE Augusta Real Estate Co.. 833 Broad St jmtf» FOR SALE: ONE STORE, ONE 8-ROOM house and 3 tenement houses, corner Charles end Twiggs streets Size of lot 65x180; price $4,000.00. Rents for $55.00 per month. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street. sat sun mon FOB SALE: LOTS ON WALTON WAY, Highland avenue and Henry street. The most desirable part on the Hill. From $15.00 to $22.00 per front foot. See your agent or J. T. Bothwel! Gro. Co. sat sun mon SOO ACRES. 7 MILES FROM ~A LLEN dale. 2H miles from Cohen’s Bluff, on the Savanah river, $9.00 per a<Te. on the Barnwell road. It has 12 houses, three rooms etch. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson atrcet.Phone 2262. sat sun mon FOR SALE—Livestock FOR SALE: HORSE ANd"~BUGGY; alao gt* stove cheap. Apply 412 Ellis •treat. 81l FOR SALE—Automobilet CADILLAC TOt.RINii CAR. ELECTRIC starter and lights,, perfect condition: biggest bargain ever heard of; must sell, need money. Address S. C. It, care Herald. Sls For Rent FOR RENT—Rooms. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE NH'E ro on Greene street, nice locality; price. 2 for $11.00; three for $14.00. Ad dress. ( B . rare Herald. SI 4 WANTED: COPULSSB OR GENTLE men for nice rooms in private family, with hoard or without. Apply 1317 F.l Is street. ts 16 FOR RENT—Rooms j FOR RENT: TWO OR THREE ROOMS in house with couple without children. I Apply 511 Crawford Ave. Sls FOR RENT: THREE UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, at 1420 Broad street. Sill FOR RENT: TWO NICELY FURNI6H ed tVont rooms, with electric lights and convenient to large bath-room fitted with shower hath. Kroe use of phone in house; private family, no hoarders; ten minutes walk from Broad and Eighth streets: on oar line. Address X, care j Herald. SIS FOR RENT—ReaI Estate. FOR RENT: ON THE 1600 BLOCK OF Walton Way. one upper and one lower flat; also one cottage, from October Ist; all modern improvements. Apply to J. N. Barnes & Co., 1740 Broad street. Phone No. 743. S2o FOR RENT: OLD UNION HOUSE~~IS large rooms, comer Campbell and Walker streets. Sl4 j Residence 618 Centre i.t., 5 rooms. .$20.00 Residence 1316 Greene Pt., 7 rooms 37.50 Residence 1322 Greene St., 7 rooms 37,60 Flat, 541 Calhoun St., 5 rooms 17.50 Flat, 543 Calhoun St.. *1 rooms .... 16.00 Store house, 865 Jones St 25.00 Stable. 541 Calhoun St 10.00 Warehouse rear our store 25.00 Store, 527 Broad St. 40.00 JOHN J. EVANS. Sl4 FLAT FOR hi-jiNT: BUSINESS OR residence. Broad street. S2O; mod ern 5-room apartment, 27 10th street, $17.50; modern 6-room cottage, North j, Augusta, $16.00. Phone 75-J. Sls j FOR RENT: LOWER FLAT AT 344 Greene street. 4 rooms and private bath. Apply 247 Abroad street. Sls FOR RENT: 305 WALKER STREET. 213 Telfair street, both have six rooms, bath, electric lights, out-houses, good yards and gardens. Apply F. P. Branch. 334 Walker St. Phone 2811. Sl9 i FOR RENT: TO COUPLE WITHOUT children. 5-room flat, in splendid con dition and good locality. Apply Star Bakery, 506 Broad street. Sls FOR RENT: RESIDENCE, 250 TEL falr, six rooms with section, hall and bath, *-2.50 per month. Apply 418 Tel fair c” phone 1757-J. Sls FOR RENT: 414 WALKER STREET, for one large or two small families, specially arranged for two small fami lies having hath, ' and kitchen on each floor; large rooms, gas and elec tric lights. First floor, four rooms, pan ty and bath; — second, floor, five rooms and bath. $400.00 or flats, $216.00. Jno. Jay Cohen. Union .savings Bank Build ing. 315 FOR RENT: FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, five acres land under cultivation, con venient to car line and R. R. station, two miles from city; good neighborhood; Ideal spot frfr truck, dairy or poultry farm. Phone 6720-J. J. H. Wilkinson. LOST AND FOUND. " LOST ARTICLES SOMETIMES are never found; often they are stolen with no chance of recov ery, but w'hen picked up by hon est persons they will get back to the owner If advertised In this column. FOUND: BICYCLE, OWNER CAN have by describing it. Call at 907 Broad. Sl4 LOST: EITHER ON 600 OR 700 BLOCK of Ellis, one cuff button, with Jim engraved. Return to 654 Broad and re ceive reward. SI 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. PRINTING. RUBBER STAMPS—THE BEST THAT can be made, also GOOD PRINTING. Ask your friend. J. M. Wolfe. The Printer. 218 Seventh St. Phone 528. 03 RU BB E R BTAMPB. RUBBER STAMPS-THr. BEST THAT can be made, also GOOD PRINTING. Ask your friend. J. M. Wolfe. The Printer, 218 Seventh St. Phone 528. 03 NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. HAVING PURCHASED THE UNION Garge, 563 F oad, we respectfully so licit your patronage, work guaranteed. M. D. Williams, Jr., Proprietor, Union Garage. SI 5 school" opening. MISS L. D. HILL’S SCHOOL WILL open on the first day of October. Sl9 FOR SALE: OLD ESTABLISHED drug store. In Bplendid location, doing a good business, owner can give good reason for selling. Address Drug Store, care Herald. Sls TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: I have moved from 215 Kollock street to 215 Marbury street, where I have a more complete stock of bicycles, tires and sundries. Agent for the "Yale" Bi cycle. repairing done promptly. Remem ber the place—2ls Marbury street. P. K. Tant. Phone 2728. 815 TO CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS WHO desire a safe and profitable Invest ment. We will sell to quick buyers an Interest In a business proposition paying handsome dividends on money Invested. Established business In the heart of Au gusta. If you have money to Invest we can show you the opportunity of your life. Only Augusta people need answer. For full Information, address Business, care Herald. Sls rSnovating. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR old MATTRESSES made new—with the latest Improved machinery. I have arranged with the Augusta Mattress & Mfg. Co., to use their machines for ths next thirty days. E. 11. Hutcheson. Phone 2824. Sl9 rwiLL RESUME THE TEACHING OP private pupils In the afternoon, begin ning Monday, September 14th. J. T. Spears. Houghton School. Sls FOR SALE: SALOON FOR SALE IN Tampa, Fla. Stock and Invoice $9,000. Will lease property to purchaser, one third cash, balance on easy terms. Own ers of property where saloon Is situated. Address for particulars, Rawlins & Hawthorne, 1332 Central Ave.. P. O. Box Li 6, Tampa, Ha. CJI DOG COLLARS, ETC. LARGE ASSORTMENT DOG COLLARS, hamesa, muzzles, leads, etc. Try our "Fee Flea” soap, makes the fleas fly. Augusta Trunk Factory, 786 Broad, op posite Monument. Slltf WHO’S VOUR"QROCBR7 HAVE YOU TRIED US? FULL LINE groceries and meats, delivered any where in the city. Star Grocery Co., 15th street and Walton Way. Phone 1349. sat sun mon BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES. WE SELL THE BIG WHEEL FOR DB- Ilvery purposes. W» have on hand a few second-hand motorcycle* and bicy cles, prices and terms very reasonable. Full line of supplies always on band. Dixie Repair Wks., 961 Broad street. Phone 2SIL eat sun mon "au to repairing! AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD )ust:ng. magneto and carburetor work rny specialty, AH work given my per- I zonal attention Cheeeeborough’s Repair Shop, 549 Broad street. Phone 1211. eat eun mon WALL PAPER. **A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY forever.'' Why not beautify your home? We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign painting. J. W. Bowick, 301 Mclntosh street. Phone 2284. sat sun mon MERCHANT TAILORS. OTTO W. MARSHALL. ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent’s woolens on hand I am closing them out at very low prices, sat sun mon BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. ~~ HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock of A. H. McDaniel Co., consist ing of mantels, grates, paints, brushes, etc., will sell at very low prices. Apply to Edelstein & Co., 937 Broad Street. Phone 707-J. »at sun mon RUBBER BTAMPB-—e! W. DODGE." RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BADGES, Stencils, Allumnlum Checks. &c. 851 Ellis street. Phone 1421. sat sun mou JOB PRINTING. WALTON PRINTING COMPANY. GET our prices on all kinds of Commercial Printing. “*We print to please.” Phone 3547 127 Mclntosh street, rear Georgia R. R. Bank. aat sun mon COFFEEB, TEAS, ETC. CALI. 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED coffee. To get the real flavor buy where It is roasted fresh every day. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street. sat sun mon TIRE REPAIRING' 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIRE and tube repairing enables us to give the best service that can be had. AH work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanising Co., 652 Broad street. 'sat sun mon CHESAPEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKE. WANTED: LADIES TO TRY THE DBI - Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to be the best sold in this city. One-pound packages. A trial *s suffici ent. At all leading grocers, sat sun mo BE INDEPEPNDENT, ” OTHERS ARK 1 will sell four-room cottages at Bel vedere for SIOO cash. $lO per month, no taxes. Raise your own poultry, pigs and vegetables. See or write, L. A. Dorr, Terminal Building. sat sun mon A LOT IN NORT.T AUGUSTA, MBL rose Park or Belvedere, for $lO per month, no taxes, will earn you one hun dred per cent profit. Write ur see L. A. Dorr, Terminal Building. sat sun mon A. H. NICHOLS A B RO. MARBLE, GRANITE AND STONE Works. Manufacturers, Importers and dealers in Marble and Granite. Monu ments. Headstones and Copings. Agents for iron fencing. Satisfaction guaran teed. 634 Washington street. Telephone 719. sat sun mon FRESH MEAT AND fiROCERIES. HOME-CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A week. Wm. Boyle & Ron. sat sun mon FREE SOUVENIR WEEK 500 USEFUL SOUVENIRS OF FINE table glassware given away FREE this week to ladies who call to Inspect our stock of furniture and floor coverings. Price, quality and style, our motto. Morgan & Johnson, 1208 Broad street. sat sun mon WANTED: MAN WITH SOMECAPI taI to invest in business paying 50 to 100 per cent. Want a man with snap and energy, to take interest and part management of the business. Full in formation and personal interview may be had by addressing Interest, care Her FRESH MEATS. CHOICE LINE OF FRESH MEATS OF all kinds, chickens, fowls and eggs. We solicit your patronage. Our prices arc right. Prompt delivery. M. T. Hair, 302 Washington. Phono 542. sat sun mon MOVING AS THE MOVING SEASON Ap proaches we again call the attention of our friends to our satisfactory moving flacilities; also our quick delivery of quality wood. W. T. Cloud. Phone 2125-J. 818 ICE. 12 LBS., sc; 25 LBS.. 10; 50 LBS., 20c; 100 lbs. 40c. C. O. D. Quick delivery. Wm. Kelly, 455 Calhoun street. Phone 8228-J. eat sun mon FURNITURE. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH- Ings at remarkably low prices. People* Furniture Co., 1019 9th street. The new store owned and operated by colored people aat sun mon BARGAINS. BIG BARGAINS ON LACE CURTAINS as low as 98c. Croft & O’Connor, 1131 Broad street. Phone 2651. eat sun mon delicacies! NEW ARRIVALB-FAT MACKEREL, Dill and salt water pickle and prunes. Try our German potato salad and home made potato chips. Orders filled on short notice for all kinds of decorated salads and sandwiches; also home-made candles, at Sancken’s Grocery, 564 Broad. Phone 912. 814 GARDEN HO~Se7~~ ] * NEVER-LEAK MOULDED RUBBER, the very best quality at the same price as ordinary brands. 12Hc and 16c per foot. The Henry Hutt Co., 611 Broad atreet. aat gun tnnr FORD REPAPIRINQ. FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Complete etock of accessories Let u* cut your machine Into a Roadster Wf cover floor boards allumlnum. Phont 8342. Union Garage, 663 Broadwav. aat ssn mon GROCERIES. BEFORE ORDERING YOUR GROCE rtes call 2174 for our prices. We can save you money. Everything fresh. FYee delivery anywhere. W. H. Bagby Gro. Co., 610 Broad St. Phone No. 2174. •at sun mon THE EVERETT PLANO. ONE OF THE THREE GREAT PIANOS of the world. Also Harvard, Dayton, and Winter Player Planoe, sold In Au gusta by J. E. Stratford, 432 Jackson atreet. aat sun mon "MOVING.” MOVING A SPECIALTY PHONE 4D6-J. Put In your order before the rush. HI4 Swappers’ Column. SEND IN YOUR SWAPS. ■nTere’s no charge for Insertions. You pay 6 cents for each answer. Hava you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? Let the other fellow know. Augusta Is full of active, energetic, eager Swappers who will be glad to make your acquaintance ”.rough the Swapefs’ Column. * WILL EXCHANGE" SEVEN - WHITE Leghorn hens and cock, good strain, direct from Mount Pleasant Farm. Penn, for equal nutnbar White Ro< ks, or will ■ell. Address J. X., Swappers' Column, care Herald. Hl4 WILL SWAP MOTORCYCLE FOR cotton or will swa,p or trade new Ex celehft motorcycle In perfr. condition, for diamond or watch or anything of equal value, or would .ell cheap. The fftst fair offer I receive will he taken. Coet S2OO cash. Address True Add. Swap pers' Column. < ire Herald. 814 WILL SWAP THREE-PIECE"MISSION set and small heater for chickens, any (Weed Address Heater, Swappers’ Col umn. cars Herald. 814 Will swap; " for cotton at lie per pound, one twin cylinder 7 If. P, motorcycle, In first-class condition; easily worth SIOO.OO. This Is a pick-up. Address Cotton, Hwapers’ Column, care Herald. _____ Hl4 WILL SWAP; ONE OIL STOVi burner Rensco, slmost new, for good gas stove. Address Stove. Swappere’ Column, care Herald. 315 will" - exchange! hewing ma~- chlne for chickens Address Hewing Machine, Hwappcis’ Column, care Herald 81* THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL SWAP: ONE HUNDRED AND ten (110) Eatmor bread coupons for the Bame amount of Octagon soap wrap pers, or for 75 Horsford's bread prepara tion labels. Address E. O. H., Swappers' Column, care Herald. 818 I HAVE A LOVELY 11 ANI)-EMBROID ered baby sack, never been used, will swap for a book of brown stamps or for one hundred and fifty (150) Octagon soap wrappers. Address Sack, Swappers' Column, care Herald. SIS LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF GEORGIA RICH MONO COUNTY— Kathryn R. Sheehan vs. Edward M. Sheehnn, in the Superior Court of said County, November Term. 1914—Libel for Divorce. The defendant, Edward M. Sheehan. Is hereby required, in person or by attor ney. to be and appear at the next No vember Term of the Superior Court of said County, on the third Monday in November. 1911, then and there to an swer the Plaintiffs Libel for Divorce. Ah In default of such appearance, the said Court will proceed thereon, as to justice may appertain. Witness. the Honorable Henry C. Hammond. Judge of said Court, this 14th day of September, 1914. GEO. B. POURNELLE, S 34 21 O 5 12 Deputy Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND t v,, NTY— By virtue of the power contained in a certain security deed made by Harwell M. F. Coats to Mary C. Wicker, dated March 3rd. 1911, duly recorded in the Clerk'b Office, Richmond Superior Court, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in October. 1914. before the Court House door of said County, during the legal hours of sale: All that lot of land in said State and County in the City of Augusta, having a frontage of thirty (30) feet on the north side of Broad street, between the Har risburg Bridgo and Pearl Avenue, and extending back between parallel lines to the Augusta Canal. Bounded: North by said Canal; East by lot of Jos. 1.. Howies, Junior; South by Broad street; West by lot now' or formerly of W. K. Miller, and being the same lot of land conveVed to said Coats by said Bowles by deed recorded In said office in Book 7 B's, page 279. Default having been made in the pay ment of the principal and interest, which matured on the 3rd day of March, 1914. BURWELL M. F. COATS, by MARY C. WICKER-AKRIDGE, Ills Attorney in Fact. S 14 21 28 05 TRUSTEE’S SALE, AT DAVIBBORO, GEORGIA. Pursuant to an order granted by the Hon. Joseph Ganalil, Referee In Bank ruptcy for the Northeastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the store lately occupied hy Collins Brothers, In Davis’ oro. On., on the 19th day of September, at 12 o'clock noon, all the stock of merchandise, consisting of dry goods, groceries, notions, etc., and also the notea and accounts. Also at the same time and place 1 will sell one horse and one mule. All of said de scribed property Is to be sold ns prop erty belonging to the estate of Collins Brothers. Bankrupts In bankruptcy. Said merchandise will he first offered In par cels or lots and then In bulk, and tho highest bid whether the same be In lots est bulk will be reported to the Trustee for confirmation. No bid will be ac cepted unless tho same Is accompanied by a certified check or other satisfac tory security for at least 10 per cent of the amount of said bid. THUS. .1. PWINT, Trustee of the Estate of Collins Bros. S 12 14 C. of Ga.Ry “The Right Way” Current Schedules (76th Merldlen Time.) DEPARTURES. For Dublin, Savannah, Macon and Florida points »*7:30 a.m. For Dublin and Savannah.... *2:30 p.m. For Savannah, Macon, Colum bus and Birmingham *9:30 p.m, rybee Limited for Savan nah, Dublin and Florida points as:6o s.m. ARRIVALS. From Savannah, Macon, Co lumbus and Birmingham.... SS'.SO a.m. From Dublin. Savannah and Florida points *12:30 p.m From Dublin. Savannah. Ma con and Florida points **7:so p.m. Tybee Limited from Savan nah and Florida points .... b!3:45 a.m. ••Dally except Sunday. *Dally. a-Bunday only. b-Monday only. Through train leaving Augusta 7:30 a. m. and arriving at 7:50 p. m., be tween Augusta nnd Savannah connect ing at Mlllen with through train for Macon. Columbua, Birmingham and Montgomery. Veetlb't'ed electric-lighted. Seeping Cars, are carried on night tralne be tween Auguetn and Savannah, Oe ; con necting at Mtlle. with through Sleeping Cars to and from Macon. Columbus, Blr. mlngham and Atlanta. For any Information as to fares, sched ules, etc., write or communicate with W. W. Hackett, O. F. Hammock, Traveling Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt- Phone No. 62. 719 Broad Htiaet, Augusta, Ga. Charlestons Western Carolina Railway Co. (Effective Sept. 14, 1914.) Departurea 7:10 A. m, t No. s—Dally for Anderson. 11:00 A. M„ No. I—Dally for Greenwood, Spartanburg, Greenville, Asheville. 4:25 P M.. No. 3—Dally for Spartan burg Greenville, etc. 5:30 A. M., No. 46 Dally for Beaufort, Port Royal and Charleston, 2:00 P M., No. 42—Dally for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston Savannah. Arrival*. 12:10 P. M.. No. 2—Dally from Spartan burg. Greenville, etc. 7:05 P M.. No 4 Dally from R-mrian burg. Aehevllle. 12:25 P M. No. 41 Dally from Beau fort Port Royal, Charloaton and Kavannah. 5:47 P. M., No. 45-Dally from Beau fort. Port Royal and Charleston. 8:00 P M.. No. 4 Dally from Anderson. Effective June 14th, Pullman Parlor Buffet Cara will be operated between Augusta and Asheville on trains Noa. I and 2 tn connection with Sou, Ry. Caro lina Special from Spartanburg ERNEST WILLIAMS, General Paaaenger Agent. 129 Broadway. Augusta. Go Oto. W TIOWC IL. J W., ~ JOB PRINTING _ •PHONE PRINTING "as YOU List, IT LOCKHART. LUCKY & CO. No . Rooms. Price. 1845 Jenklna St 6 $20.00 1705 Jenkins St 5 20.‘>0 Cor. Jenkins & Eve.. 4 14.00 1711 Walker at 4 13.00 1103 #»ckson St 4 13.00 930 Twiggs St 6 v >rer flat) 15.00 19. U Walton Way .... 5 15.00 jyatkips st 5 i 5.00 JJ'ntkini St f. 15.09 , S| * !5 o ° Broad St fi 25.n0 -J’® Broad St. n 35.00 £ rrrn< ' St 3 50.011 93- Reynolds St. .. 9 35.00 Reynolds St 18 10.00 D.w Walton Way 7 35.n0 Cor nth St. A , o«,^. rl,rhtßboro Rd ... 8 30.05 ."7 Fenwick St ....10 26.00 Marbury St. ... fi 25.00 81 « 25.00 437 nr St S 23 00 \\ alker St B 22 50 -Is Js°!! o, ' k st « $1.50 l'" 1 I lo< ' k St. . ..6 21.50 oT, £"?*,! on S* R lfi.oo filh Phillip St fi .19 00 82c Plump st. ...:: STORES. 214 Marbury St 20.00 120 Centro St. (store and resi dence) ... 35.00 e have a few desirable offices for rent in the Leonard Building. Fat fur ther information see us. LOCKHART. LUCKY & CO. PHONE 640. ROOF LEAK? Hnve your work done by experi enced tinners. All work given per sonal attention. My prices are right E. A. DEMORE Phone 2031. 523 Broad Ht. READ THE “WANTS” GEORGIA RAILROAD (EFFECTIVE AUG. 23. 1914.) No. Arrive From— *2 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 2:26p.m. *4 Atlanta 2:20a.m. * Atlanta, Macon ' 6:16p.m. •8 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 10:30p.m. •10 Union Point, Macon, Wash ington and Athens 11:00a.m. 12 Camsk 8:46a.m. Pullman Sleeper and Parlor Car Ser vice. Nos. 3 and 4, Augusta and Atlanta. Nos, 3 and 4, Charleston and Atlanta. Nos. 3 and 4, Atlanta and Wilmington. Nos. 6 an t «, Broiler Buffet Parlor Car Augusta nnd Atlanta Nos. 1 and 81, Pullman Sleper, Charleston to Macon, Nos. 34 and 8, Pullman Sleeper, Macon to Charleston. Nos. Band S. Pullman Sleeper, Augusta nnd Chicago. Nos. 1,2, 7 and 8, Broiler liuffet Parlor Cnr, Augusta and Atlanta. J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A. C. C. M'MTI.LIN, A G. P. A. •01 BROAD STREET. PHONES 2*7.561 and 22M. SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW - -- ----- - ■■ . Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftmanahip and Spe cial Service Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised : : : : : : : : : ; : : : BICYCLES _ Aaent for READING, STANDARD. NATIONAL, PIERCE. We have ths best equipped repair shop ta tha South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 126-28 9th. Phons 1914. BICYCLE REPAIRING Mew and sscond-hand Bicycles and Supplies. All repair work promptly dona and delivered. J. C. COLLINS. 1113 9th HtrseL COAL AND WOOD DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY OK THE HILL. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 7W. CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of all kinds, windshields, lamps and showcase glass, and re puttylng a specialty. Front loor glass and church windows repaired. Phone 417-J. «2I Ellis Bt. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER N. M. OGDEN Phone 2830-J. P. O. Box 85 NORTH AUGUSTA, 8. C. CANDIES CONFER’* HOME-MADE CANDIEB FRESH DAILY. Special orders given prompt atten tion, Phone 2678-W, 219 Mclntosh Street, Atlantic Coast Line NOTE—These arrivals and departures are giveri ;ih information. Arrivals und connections are not guaranteed. '3B | 32 | ( 35 I 17 2:49a 2:40p Lv Augusta Ar 8:55a 1:40a 4:26a 4:17a Ar Bar’well Lv 7:13a 12:01a 4:59a 4:4Sp Ar Denm’k Lv «:44;> 11:34p 5S5n R:2sp Ar Or'burg Lv 5:57 a 10:53p 7:20m fi:ss|Ar Sumter Lv 4:30a 9:30p 9:00m S: IBpIAr Florence Lv 3:16a 8:00p 1 ;15p l»:4snlAr Wil'gton Lv 3:45p 8:00p 5:!!5a Ar RichnVd Lv fi:3Kp 8:15a tl:Rop 9:oon|Ar Wash't’n Lv 3:05p 4:20a 1 :SBn|lo:27n!Ar Baltlm'e Lv 1:45p 2:50a 4:S4n|l2:4Rp|Ar WPhll Lv 11 :36m 12:19b 7:13nl 2:s7p|Ar N York T.v| 9:15a 9:30p Through Steel Pullman Sleepers on trains 3? and 35. between Augusta and Now York Observation Broiler Oar, be tween Augusta and Florence. Standard Dining Car north of Florence. Through Sleeper between Atlanta and Wilmington, via Augusta on trains 37 and 38. connecting at Florence with New York sleepers and main line points. T. B. WALKER, District Passenger Agent. Augusta. Ga. Phone 625. Southern Railway. (Schedule effective August 16th, 1914.) N. B.—Schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. Union Station. All trains dully. Train depart to— No. Time. 18 Charleston, 8. G 6:20 a.m. 8 Columbia, S. C 6:40 32 Washington, Now York .... 3:00 pm. 22 Charleston 3. to p.m. 24 Charleston, Jacksonville ....11:40 p.m. 10 Charleston 2.45 a m. Train arrive from— No. .. Time. 25 Charleston, Jacksonville .. .8:20 19 Columbia 10:00 a.m. 131 Washington, New York ....12:01 p.m. 35 Charleston 2:15 p.m. 7 Columbia ..... 8:55 pm. 17 Charleston 10:50 p.m. 9 Charleston 1:30 a.m. Pullman Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars, Coaches, I doing Car Service. Phone 661 or 947 for information, and Pullman Reservations. MAGRUDER DENT. Dlst. Pass. Agent. 729 Broad Bt.. Augusta. Ga. No. Depart To— • 1 Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Washington 7:40a.m. •3 Atlanta 2:00a.m. •6 Atlanta and beyond 12:30p.m. ••11 Camuk und Macon 6:30p.m. 7 Atlanta, Macon and Wash ington 8:30p.m. • 0 Unton Point. Washington and Athens 1:45p.m. •Dally. ••Dally except Sunday. TIME SHOWN ABOVE IS EASTERN (CITY) TIME. HACK LINE When you want s hack or cab, telephone and I will corns or send to any part of city. BFN JACKSON Phone 480 925 Walker Street AUTOMOBILE AND FLASH LAMPS Magnetos Remagnetlzed, *2 OO Columbia Batteries fresh every week 25c WHITNEY- EVE CO. 1038 Broad Bt. ” Phone 1816 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He mnkee your mattresses level and square New tick rrinde free. Return mattressre eame day. i'buna 1915 ahopa 1261 Marbury atraat. ROOFING „ W. B. TOOLE A CO. Tin and Rubber Roofing, Repairing and Painting Wn manufacture METAL SHINGLES. Cornice end Skylights. Lowest prices. 935 Broad St. Telephone 364. SPECIALISTS THE ONLY RELIABLE SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Diseases of men. women and chil dren ’rested without operation I FURNISH all MEDICINES wREi* DR. N. C. ALFORD Offlca. 969 Broad Ht. L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 122 Eighth Strast, Telephone Augusta, Qa. 4*9. NINE Fine Piano Tuning Robert J. Watson. Call residence phone, 1717-J. COAL AND COKE COAL —2 yards, North Augusta OKE--and Fenwick and Cents! St "‘ _ O. Templeton. Phones 343-689. If It's Coal You Want Ws Hava It. AUGUSTA SHOE REPAIRING. Hsve your shoos rOpairsd at thou prices:— Men’s Wide Bottoms, sewed $1 00 Men's Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels.. . Si on Men's Half Soles, sewed 7SC Men's Half Boles, nailed 50^ laddies’ Half Soloh. sewed and Rubber Heels.. .. 7RC Ladies' Half Soles, sewed.. . Ladies' Hats Seles, nailed.. . 3RC Children's Half Soles 25<' and 35C st Rubber Heel 35C. 4F> C Ifelmbaek’s Double Wear Rubber Heels 50C Work dons while you wait. Work called for and delivered on short notice. Phone 942. 965 Broad Ht. J. SAWILOWSKY, Proprietor Special Rubber Bottoms.— 81-10 GET IT —at— HICKEY’S Babies and Children Special Attention. 6 BaTbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson Street UPHOLSTERING Furniture of all kl.ids phol.tered ehlomno******* n Fur " ltura • nipping. All work guaranteed. W. T. SKINNER A CO., 134V5 Washington street. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO Phon« 1332. 961 liroad 8u Welders of ail metals and ajl kinds of nmchlnory breaks repaired, cur bon cleaned iYom auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY wagon wks., Established 1847. Manufacturer’ll or rarm wagons, carts and trucks, especially equipped for repairing and painting. Corner and 9th Hte, Telephone 1209-J. Augusta, Oa. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 166. 718 Broad St WAGON WORKS $Ve overhaul and repair wagons, buggies, carte cotton trucks, eta Also do horseshoeing Your >atron age will be appreciated. QUARLES WAGON WORKS, Greene and Poplar Eta Phona 3382. WOOD YARD OAK and pine stove WOOO. Quantity and Quality. C. E. McCORD North Augusta. Phona 2757.