The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, September 16, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN 4% THE 4% Planters Loan and Savings Bank 70S BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, QA. ORGANIZED 1870-44 YEARS AGO. SOLIDITY—STRENGTH—SAFETY. The full meaning of then* three word* when need In connec tion with money, la RBRVON BIBLE BANKING. RESPONSIBLE banking la the polloy under which thta Inetl tutlon haa been managed aince the first day It atarted bualneaa— -44 yearn tLgo. SAFETY la only poa-rible In a Financial Tnatltutlon whoae UNALTERABLE POLICY has been and always will be RESPON SIBLE BANKING METHODS. We aollott the account* of careful, con*WYaMve, energetic per aona. and guarantee the name careful attention to amall account*, aa to the larger oneg. AQL L C - HAVNE, Praaident. A fV A# GEO. P. BATES, Caahier. TO RENT No. 1354 Ellis Street ...... 6 rooms $20.00 No. 968 Broad Street 10 rooms $40.00 No. 536 Reynolds Street ..10 rooms $22.50 House, west of Arsenal ... 11 rooms $66.66 House, Battle Row 5 rooms SIO.OO House on Turpin Hill, for colored people 3 rooms .. .. > . .. $5.00 Partially Furnished House on Highland Avenue, 9 rooms, for rent. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY I Never Disappoint My Patients Clifton R. Groover, M. D., the Nerve, Blood and Skin Disease Specialist. If you rtrglro to consult, a reliable, lon* estah- ■ llihert Hpoclallst of vast experleni'e, come to me nrvl SESJiro'tb'* ffy learn what can bo accomplished with skillful, Helen- BjuHi ' tlflc treatment. I tine latest SERUMS and BACTE RINB in the treatment of chronic conditions which have failed to yield to ordinary treatment — f or WEAK NES-. LYMPH v. MPOUND, combined with my ill- ... - rect treatment, restoring the vital parts to tho fullest \WM „. degree. ' ' I successfully front Tllood Poison. Pierre, Skin dla eases. Kidney and Bladder troubles; Rheumatism, f Pllea Rectal and Intestinal dleeneeH nnd ninny die- t, ■•jSi.'u eaaee not mentioned. Consultation ntnl advice free jit 'lßgbjtL and confidential. Hours 9 n. m. to 7 j>. m. Sunday JO to 2 only. Call or .tte. - DR. GROOVER SPECIALIST. 004 > Dyer Bldg. Auguata, Ua. "What Valuation, y SSO.OO carries insurance, against loss or damage to that package, witluHit extra / y Jl The vahsr of the ship- I raent if written on each <M ft Pamflnkmg and comr- Umm •now employers lend every avutt.mre to si«p|>ns that g. Bs’HT I her may enjoy tbr lull ben- * '-.A)' ehte of d>c service afforded by this company. V«W4r and f raffle nhijv jjißK ■traits are handled m safety ' 1 I tranks. II delivery cannot hr made, shpper m prompt- ; Shipment* »e«t prrpatd F.aamtnntvon o( COT). shipment' allowed 3 shtftjicj Fjfh lew? s<iterv-F\r'.-./fr»,.n ’•*“ * Soothers Eiprtss Corapaiy "Sarvier ti Mandat 4~ • ylg ■«? ■■ PROMISES $125 FOR FIRST ZEPPELIN DROPPING EIGHT BOMBS ON ENG LISH SOIL; GERMAN- RUSSIAN GEN’LS MOST POLITE. Berlin, via Copenhagen and London, 4:10 p. m.—The most ex tended list Of German casualties yet published has Just been made pubUo here. It comprises 784 killed, 2,190 wounded, and 814 missing. The total of published losses to date Is 4,184 killed, 15,985 wounded, and 5,070 missing. Commercial Councillor Feodor, of Berlin, has promised 500 marks 1*125) to the first Zeppelin which throws successfully eight bombs on English soil. Thero has been published here correspondence between the com mand, r of the fortress at loetzen, in East Prussia, and the commander of the Russian forces attacking It, dated September 4. This shows that the Russians demanded the surrender of the fortress, which was then sur rounded, The German commander rejected this demand as an Insult, but regretted deeply that the Russian emissaries who brought this demand had been fired on by mistake. He promised that they would be given the best nursing possible. The Russian commanding officer accepted this ex pression of regret in polite terms. The fortress held out a few days longer and ultimately was relieved by German forces. HOLLAND QUEEN FIR STRICTEST NEUTRALITY National Existence Depends on it, Declares Wilhemena Today. Bearing Extraordi nary Burdens. The Hague, (via London, 12:35 p. m.) Queen Wllhelmlna, in a speech from the throne at the opening of the states general today emphasized the. necessity for strictest neutrality, upon which she Intimated Holland’s na tional existence depended. After referring to the satisfactory mobilization of The Netherlands army and navy and the pity she felt for the state of the nations drawn into this war the queen continued: "Holland is bearing with a good heart the extraordinary burdens Im posed upon her and she Is receiving with open arms all unhappy people seeking refuge within her frontiers." The queen snbl she thought econ omic conditions showed Improve ment. Trade was finding fresh out lets, she added, In England as well as 111 Germany and Belgium. NATL FOREIGN TnypciL Members Named by Secretary Redfield. Fairfax Harrison and Lewis W. Parker From South. Washington—Secretary Redfield to day named the following to act with n committee of the national foreign trade council In working out plana to expand trade with Lattn-America and meet emergencies thrust upon the western hemisphere by the Kuropean wn r: William A. Gaston, a Boston bank er; Harry A. Wheeler, a Chicago banker; Alba B .Johnson. president of the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia; Robert Dollar, San Francisco; John Barrett of the Pan- American Union; W D. Simmons of St. Louis; Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern Railway; Lewis W. Parker, a cotton manufacturer of Greenville, S. 0.; W. B. Campbell of Cincinnati, and Dr. Clarence W. Owens of the Southern Commercial Congress. Secretary Redfield was authorised to name the committee at a confer ence between South American diplo mats nnd American business Interests in Washington several days ago. 12 HINTS, IN OR NO WAR Cotton Must Advance, Says R. 0 Neely, if Farmers Will Plant Less Than Half Acre age Next Year. WALTER E. DUNCAN Staff Corraspondent Th* Augusta Herald. Waynesboro, Ga.—"lf next spring the government report shows that the farmers of the South have planted Jess than half an average crop, cotton will advance Immediately in price to 12 l 2 outs. European war or no European war." So declared Mr. R, E. Neely, farm er. merchant, hanker, lndlacusslng the cotton situation today. "The Southern farmer should hold off the market every bale he possibly can. plant oats and vetch us soon as his crop Is gathered, raise a winter grain crop, then next year cut and slash his cotton acreage and plant corn. "The 'Buy-a-Rale’ movement Is spreading fast enough and fur enough to take care of the distress cotton," continued Mr. Neely. "Twelve or twelve and a half cents next May la worth holding the hulk of this year's crop to get. and It Is entirely possible, but to create’ a demand the farmer must hold now; and to stimulate de mand he must, to a man. cut the acre age more than one-half. The govern ment report will d« the rest." JOSIAH CARTER BETTER. Atlanta, Ga. Dispatches from Washington say that Jostah Carter, secretary to Senator Hoke Smith, is recovering from his operation of Mon dan and the physicians hold out hope for his recovery. Mr. Carter was at tacked by a systerious abdominal complaint while walking on the street and rushed to Garfield Hospital, where an operation was decided upon. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. THE POTSDAM IN 1,272 AMERICANS New York—With 1.G04 passengers, the Holland-Amerlcan Liner Potsdam arrived today, from Rotterdam. of the passengers 1,272 were Americans, many of whom had to wait several weeks in Holland to get home. The Potsdam was booked to her capacity and many Americans were In the steerage. buchuTutsTfT" AND VIGOR IN KIDNEYS Don’t Have Backache, Clogged Kidneys, Spots Before * the Eyes—Try Famous Old Folks’ Recipe. No more bone pains, aching back, headache, puffy eyes, swollen legs, of fensive urinous odors, diabetes, cloudy urine, or frequent desire to urinate. Try the following: Stop eating sweets or sugar. Get from any reliable drug gist a good-sized bottle of Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper. Take a spoonful after meals in a glass of water. Kid neys and Bladder will then act fine and natural. A well known authority says this Is tho best kidney and bladder recipe, but the only sure way is for you to try it yourself. Tills treatment has cured thousands of sufferers where all other remedies have failed. Stuart's Buchu and Juniper Compound won’t make you feel sick when you take it, but toneß you up. Stuart’s Ruchu and Juniper Compound acts directly on the urine through the kldneyß. It keeps the hlood healthy It strengthens the neck of the bladder. It regulates the kidneys and does away with back- Bche nnd rll disagreeable symptoms If discouraged with other medicines try this famous old folke’ recipe Be sure you get Stuart’s Buchu and Juni per, as Stuart's Is properly compound ed for kidney trouble. GRAY HAIR Darkened—Sure Pop...So’ Evenly No One Can Tell When your hair turns gray, faded, streaked with gray or permanently gray, simply ap ply, like a shampoo, Q-Ban ITair Color Restorer to hair and scalp. Apply night and morning. Soon the gray dis appears and the hair becomes beautifully dark, so evenly and completely (even to edges where hair joins the scalp) that no one can tell you use anything. Q-Ban also makes the hair lustrous, soft, fluffy, thick and abundant and stops itching scalp and dandruff. Q-Ban is a clean liquid, harm less. not sticky or messy, and will darken your gray hair and make you look young. Money back if it fails. 50c for a big 7-oz. bottle at Frost Pharmacy, 502 Broad street. Augusta Ga. Out-of-town people supplied by mail. Baby of Future is Considered Much thought has been given in late years to the subject of maternity. In the cities there are iSS?* k maternity hospitals MltlM equipped with mod . ern methods. But kae " M most women prefer ■Hr ' Vkw their own homes and REfi SuH ;i1 ,lle and vil- Kwl - luges must prefer pWWv> - this is true we know di&Li from the great many splendid letters writ ten on the subjeet that our "Mother's Friend" is a great help to expectant mothers. They write of the wonderful relief, how It seemed to allow the muscles to expand without undue strain and what a splendid Influence it was on the nervous system. Such helps as "Mother's Friend" and the broader knowledge of them should have a helpful Influence upon babies of the future. In a little book for such women these points are more thoroughly brought out and a copy will be mailed to anyone who will send us their name and address "Mother's Friend" la acid In aU drug Stores and highly recommended for its timely usefulness. Its safeness and the real help It affords. Ask for It at the store and write us for the book. Brad- Arid Regulator Co., 311 lenur Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. ADDRESSED TO WOMEN —ln the Expectant Period Before the coming of the little one —women need to be pos sessed of all their natural strength. Instead of being harassed by forebodings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness—if you will bring to your aid Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription you will find that most of the suffer ing will not make its appearance. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a life study of ailments, disorders and irregularities peculiar to women. Its continued supremacy in its particular field for more than forty years is your assurance of the benefit to be derived from its use. Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found in this vegetable prescrip tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial'box will be aent you by mail on receipt of 50 one-cent stamps. Address Dr. Pierce’s Invalid* Hotel. Bn Halo, in. Y. l Dr. Fierce’s Pleasant PeUets reanlate liver and bowels SCHOOL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND. Old Books taken in Exchange for New Ones. Buy Pads, Pencils, Ink and Pens as adopted by the schools We have Them All. School Books sold for CASH Only. Richards Stationery Company READ HERALD WANTS The Bell Always On Guard THERE is never a moment, day or night, when your Bell Telephone is not a protection. In the busy hours of the day and the silent watches of the night, the switchboard operator is always ready to answer a call. The telephone is as much a part of the protective system of each community as the police and fire departments. There’s always a feeling of security in the knowledge that close at hand is the* means of calling aid quickly when you most need it. More than 70,000 cities and towns are protected day and night by the Bell Telephone system. 7,500,000 Bell tele phones are on guard. In thousands of rural communities it is the chief reliance in emergencies and times of danger. Notice to Customers The Company requests all consumers that intend moving to notify them in ad vance as far as possible, to avoid conges tion in handling orders. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Commercial Department Augusta-Aiken Railway & Electric Corporation 812 Broad SL 2751 Phone READ HERALD WANTS SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 A Galvanized Sale No. 1 Galv. Garbage cans 75c No. 2 Galv. Garbage cans ®Oc No. 8 Galv. Garbage cans $1.25 No. 0 Wash Tube ..50c No. 1 Wash Tube .. .60c No. 2 Waßh Tube. ..65c No. 3 Wash Tuba .. .75c Clothes Wringers, 10 inch $2.75 Clothes Wringers, 12 inch $3.75 The Grand Clothes Wringers .. ... .$3.25 BOWEN BROS. HARDWARE. READ THE “WANTS”