The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, September 18, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR GERMANS CHARGEATROCITIESIND FIENDISH ACTS TC COSSACKS Allege Russians Militate Both Women and Men—Arms and Legs of Reservists Cut Off—Ears and Noses Slit Berlin, via. wirele»« by w*y of Say villa, L. official report riven AFTER HOSPITALS AND DOC TORS FAILED—EX-ZEMA-FO CURED, D. Holme*. Ozone Park, Long Is land, N. Y., writes: "While you have not asked for a testimonial, I feel that it is due A preparation such as EX-ZEMA-FO should 'be known to everyone. 1 was a sufferer of that terrible disease called eczema for seven years, doctored with the most eminent New York specialists and several various Skin Hospitals to the expense of over S3OO. Two bottles of EX-ZEMA-FO cured me, and the best of it ail was that 1 was able to give up the use of a salve, which was what they all prescribed. Your remedy FX-ZEMA-KO is a clean liquid, did not soil my linen and went right to the spot. I have been recom mending it to every one afflicted with this diseasr and results have been the same as in my case. EX-ZEMA-FO is the only prepar ation of it s kind sold on the guar antee that it cures or money is re funded. FOR SALE BY Pb<r**t •> Pharmacy. M 2 Broad, Car. On tr*; The King Pharmacy, 12SS Itroarl Bt.; Itambi l a Pharmacy, 1559 Walton Way. /j^OpenmV yAccounl\ Buy Your Fall and Winter Outfit On Our Easy-Payment Plan ijjjta All of the New Styles For Men and Women are Ready —Take any garment you wish— any style that pleases you—and open a convenient charge account. No security required; your prom ise to pay is all we ask. —All of the up-to-date styles for men and women are ready, and we positively guarantee the qual ity and fit of every garment. No charge for alterations. Now is the best time to start your account. 0 Low, Plain Price* Term* To Suit Your Pay-Day* ASKIN & MARINE CO. T. B PASSMORE 1008 Broad Streeet out ht army headquarter* at midnight Hny* that another change in leader ship has taken place in the Fourteenth reserve corps, where General von »S< huhert ha* heen replaced by Qu«r temulator Genera.) von Htein, the well known editor of the official war rc- I ports and author of laconic war bul letins. Lieutenant Tiedemann of the Fifth Prussian found twenty-one I German recruits lying helpless on a highway in east Prussia. Cossacks had surprised them the day before and had covered their hands or legs and had cut off their ears ami nose. With Woman's Finger. Accompanying gendarmes <apfured a Huaalan officer who had a woman’s fingc-r with a ring on It in his pocket. The commander of the German Kla venth army corps reports that the Rus sians cut the fingers from the hands of the German landwehr (reservists). He found twenty killed women with their breasts cut Off. An order Issued by th«» commander of the first French army and found b.v the German troops regrets th*s plundering of the French town of Uumbervillers. TO FIX RfcSPONSI BILITY. Washington, o. C.—Heeretary Hsnlels fnday directed a nival court of inquiry 1., fix the responsibility for the di ibdng of the Tiickerton, N ttans-Atlantic wireless station out of commission with a burned out generator. The court sits tomorrow at Tuckerton. $25.00 up, suits to order, of fim gooda, made to fit F. G. Mertins. LOW, PLAIN PRICES DANDRUFF SOON RUINS THE HAIR Makes It Lifeless, Dull, Dry, Brittle and Thin. Girls- if •ou want plenty of thick, beautiful, ginn:^. sllkv hair, do by all on-ts ,p| dtndrwff for it will Jstarv. ' our liaiF |a<l Vuin It If you don't ; I.' doesn't do mi|r h good to try to . hriish or wash If o't. The on v aure wav to get rid of dandruff Is to dissolve if. then you destroy If entirely. To do I this, gel about four ounces of ‘ordinary liquid arvon; Hfply if at night when fe firifig, use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. Ry morning, most if not all, of your, dandruff will he. gone, and three or four more app.iuatioriH will he completely dis solve and entirely destroy every sing e sign and trace of it You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop, arid youv hair will be silky, fluffy, lustrous soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet ter. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is Inexpensive and four ; ounces Is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. SIX ARE KILLED II DERAILMENT Engine Derailed at Switch | Near Livingston, Ala.---All ; Dead Were Pa3senger3. Fif teen Seriously Wounded Birmingham, Ala.—Six parsons wars killed and fifteen seriously Injured early today when passenger train No. 2. of the Alaabnna Great Southern Railroad, was derailed at Klondike Switch, one mile west of Mvlnsgton, Ain. All of thedead ware passengers. The j engineer 1r said to have been prob ably fatally Injured. The engine was derailed at a switch, swerved and crashed Into a gondola loaded with ■lag which was standing on a side track. The nail and baggage oar, two conches and three Hleepers were wrecked. Three other sleepers re mained on the track. Three of the sleepers left New Or leans last night at 7:30 o'clock at tached to a New Orleans and North eastern train snr) hound respectively for New York, Cincinnati and Birm ingham They were coupled on to the Alabama Great Southern train at Merl- i ilian. Fewer passengers ■ than usual i were ill the aleaping cars. It Is thought | that the New Orleans sleepers proh ! ahly were the ones that remained on the track. 60,000 ARE BACK, 90,000 EXPECTED New York. Sixty thousand American* ha\r returned from Europe on steam shlt K entering this port and ninety thou hmiml more are expected Dudley Reid Malone, collector of the port of New Ynr'., an Id last night at the second an nual banquet here of customs collectors of the United States. HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA GONE Dr. James’ Headache Powders give instant relief --Cost dime a package. Nerve-racking, split! In* or dull throbbing headaches yield In Just a few moments to I>i James' Headache Powders which cost only 50 cents a package at any drug store It's the quickest, surest headache relief In the whole world. Don't suffer; Relieve the agony and distress now I Von can. Millions of men and women have found that headache or neuralgia misery is needless. Get what you Hsk for. BiICHII FI FOR WEAK KIDNEYS We Eat Too Many Sweets, Which Clogs Kidneys, Then Back Hurt* and Diabetes Catches You. C'atuly, auiar aml sweats, eaten U **e *«. have hail effect on the kld ne>* anil bladder, *a\a a well known authority. The kidney* get rloxEnl anil sluggish amt hurt You experience •calding, dribbling, straining or too frequent passage of urine; forehead and the hack-of the-head achea; stitches and train* In the bark; bone |>aina, atari* before the eyea; yellow eklit; sluggish bowels; awollen eye llda or anklee; leg cramp*. unnatural abort breath, sleeplessness and the de.pondenry, niahetea. Bright’* Dl* eaxe. The moment you have any of tin above symptoms or rheumalb twinges, s«*t from any reliable druggist • good aired bottle of Stuart * Buell and Juniper. Take a tablespoonful after meal*. Drink plenty of freah wa ter and ahataln from eating too much •uttar, sweet* or highly seasoned foods Your kldnrrs and Madder will thru act fine and natural. Stuarts Buohu and Juniper haa l>een used for generations to flush clogged kidneys alao to neutrsllse the si Ids In urine s» It no longer hurts you to pass wa ter. It Is old folks' recipe for weak kidneys %,id bladder and strengthens these organs and cures Diabetes He sure you get Stuart's Bnchu and Juniper as Stuart's ta properly ,-om ismnded for kidney and bladder Uou iileg,—Advt.J - • ' ' "I THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. ll lip \ mmn'jm «lii 11 -Hpin3lTC|s BED ROOM OOTFIT I'iill size, two-inch continu ous post, metal bed, finished white enamel or gold bronzed. Hteel springs. 45-pound felt mattress and two feather pil lows. all for JKI7 98 98c cash and SI.OO a week. Blue Tag Bargain Balcony 100 odd diners, finished gol den oak, Karly Knglish, fumed and mahogany. Have been placed on bargain for Satur day, worth regularly from $3.50 to $7.00. Your cholse, only .. .. *l9B THE TERMS YOU MAKE ARE THE TERMS WE TAKE. PARLIAMENT IS PROROGUED TO OCTOBER 27TH In Speech Prom Throne King George Invokes Blessing of God on United Efforts of Britain. London, 12:40 p. m. Parliament was prorogued today until October 27. When the deputy speaker announc ed the formal prorogation Will Crooks, the labor leader, arose anil asked if it was in order to sing “God Save the King." The anthem was then sung, the members rising in a body. King’s Speech. In a speech irom the throne on tha prorogation King George said: “My lorda and gentlemen: I address you In circumstances that call for action rather than for apeech. After every endeavor had been made by my government to preserve the peace of the world, I was compelled In the assertion of treaty obligations delib erately set at nought anil for the protection of the public law of Eu rope and the vital Interests of my empire, to go to war Just and Righteous. "My navy and my army have with I unceasing vigilance, courage and skill sustained. In association with our gal lant and faithful allies, a Just and I righteous cause. From every part of the empire there has been a apon ' taneoua and enthusiastic rally to our I common flsg "tlentlemen of the house of com mons, 1 thank you for the liberality i with which \ou have met a great ' emergency. My #>rds and gentlemen, | we are fighting for a worthy purpose I and w e ahalt not lay down our arms i until that purpose has been fully achieved. “1 rely with confidence upon the loyal and united efforts of all my subjects and 1 pray that Almighty God may give ua tils blessing." VILLA SAYS IS NO FRICTION Washington.—General Villa sent a ) a message to President Wilson today I denying that there was friction be tween him and other constitutionalist leaders Front other sources came re ports that Villa was loyal to Car ranaa. The other reports said In some > see* properties had hern taken over for protection hut there had been no ronQs. atlon The general tenor of tu '• reports was to assure the prest *9nt that order la bviag rgsursd. Why Pay More When Rhodes Sells for Less ? Your old Stove or Range, and SIJOO, will be accepted as part payment on any Stove or Range you may select. of our divided payment plan. Buy now and pay later. A.G SUtodes &" Son Broad St. Augusta, Ga. $39.50 Royal Eagle Range $39 50 Nowhere will you find a steel Range that will compare with our famous Royal Eagle. It has six eyes, large oven, and spacious warming closet. Just think of the terms. Your old worn out Range or Stove and SI.OO as first payment, and only SI.OO a week. COMPLEXE nfJOSEFURNISNERS' CANADIAN GOV’T STEAMER SUNK Twelve of the Montmagny’s Crew Believed Lost---Carried Supplies to Wireless Station Quebec.— The Canadian government steamer Mor.ttniagny was sunk in the St. Lawrence river, 26 miles from Quebec, at 5 o'clock this morning In collision with the Dominion coal nteainer I.ingan In a fog. Reports from Crane Island were that twelve of the Monfmagnj's crew of twenty nad been lost. Tne Montmagny was bound down the river for the Straits of Belle Tsle with coal and supplies for the wirelesa sta tions. The crash occurred about one mile below Crane Island,. For Titanic’s Bot'ies. The Montmagnv was a steel twin screw vessel of 1,269 tons, owned by the Canadian government aiwi employ ed by the department of mavlne and fisheries. She was 212 feet kvtg and was built in 1909. At the time of the Titanic disaster she aided In the saareh for bodies. The Lingan is a British steamer of 2,603 tons. She was last reported A* Montreal. Sept. 9. BIG EVENTS DUE, NORTH BELGIUM London, 4:22 a, m The correspondent nf the Pail- Midi at Oateud learns that important events are expected In north Belgium In the next few days whirl: he Is not allow d to disclose. He says there Is little doubt that there are three Ger man army corps about 150.000 men In Belgium, and adds it IV reported that the German military authorities have ad vised the civil population of Liege to leave the town. FOUGHT TO END. Cape Town, Union of South Africa, (via, London. 1:16 p. m.) —A force GRAND Return by Persistent Demand New Era Production Company Joe P Bicker-ton. Jr. Managing Director, PrsMots Sime Notable Cast. SEATS NOW SELLING. Prices. 2Sc to *1.50. composed of 250 Germans with three Maxim guns attacked the British post at Nakob Thursday. The garrison consisted of seven policemen, who fought until their ammunition was ex hausted. Those who had not been killed were taken prisoners. French Remedy for Stomach Troubles The leading doctors of France have for years used a prescription of vege table oils for chronic stomach trouble and constipation that acts like a charm. One doae will convince you. Severe cases of years’ standing are often greatly benefited within 24 hours. So many people are getting surprising results that we feel all persons suffering from constipation, lower bowel, liver and stomach tronbles should try Mavr’s Wonderful Stomach Remgdy. It is now sold here by T. G. Howard's Drug Stores and drug gists everywhere. Bothered by Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Head or Chest Colds Try tha New External Treatment— Relieves by Inhalation and Absorp tion. No Stomach Dosing. For years we have been dosing our selves to cure cold troubles despite the fact that vapor treatments arc quicker and do not disturb the stom ach. The trouble has been that the old methods of administering these vapors such as vapor lumps, etc., were very cumbersome. Vick's "V'ap xO-Rub" Croup and Pneumonia Salve .contains Menthol, Thymol, Kucalyp t.nli, Camphor, and Pine Tar, combined by a special process, so that they are vaporized when Vick's Is applied to the by'At of the body. These vapors open the air passages, loosen the THIS EVENING EVENING 8:39 Get Your Range Today Only $39.50 Buys This $45.00 Ranse THE SEASON OF NEW GOODS This is thk’ season of new goods, the most interest ing shopping tt/tie of all the year. The summer clearance sales are over, the stores are full of fresh, cL’an. inviting merchandise. The new styles are being shown—the new colors and shapes and shades This year there is greater novelty in a more dis tinctive American note to-.the fashions—shopping will have many surprises. The advertising columns of The Herald provide very interesting answers to tnatre questions. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER It. Heaters Prepare for the cold weather. Get your Heat er now and have it install ed before the rush. We carry the best, as you know, and our prices and terms are always the best to be found. Prices $7.50 up. Terms, SI.OO a week. ALL PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES (FRIERSONS COMPOUND JTtalcum ' r? 25t QUICK RELIEF FOR PRICKLY HEAT, CHAFED SKIN,ETC; PREPARED BY Frierson Drug Store Charleston, S.C. For saio by T. G. Howard Drug Stores and Green-Horsey Drug Co. phlegm, and heal the inflamed mu cous membrane. For Catarrh and Head Colds melt a little in a spoon and inhale the vap ors. Also apply well up the nostrils. For Asthma and Hay Fever follow the above instructions and also rub well over the spinal column, thus relax ing the nervous tension. For Bron chitis, Sore Throat and deep chest colds apply well over chest anu throat, first opening the pores by applications of hot wet towels. Then cover with a warm flannel cloth, leaving tha covering loose around the neck so the vapors arising may he inhaled all night long. In addition Vick’s Is ab sorbed through the pores taking out the tightness and soreness. Three sizes—2s, 50c and * 1.00.