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812 Broad St* Phone 2751
What the Buy a Bale Idea
Has Done For Georgia
(Houston Post).
The cotton holding movement and
the Buy-a-Bale crusade are gaining
ground, and if Texas were a* active
in the work of promoting them as the
Georgians are mighty thlngb would
he soon accomplished. We ascertain
Irom Georgia papers that an Atlanta
cmmlttee has disposed of 100,000
hales in Detroit. We are not told
whether this is a sale at *SO a bale or
merely the financing of the holding
movement to that extent. In any
event, it is a great help.
A report from New York to the At
lanta Georgian says that Gtmbel
Brothers have taken 100,000 bales to
dispose of at *SO a bale, and that the
American Tobacco Company will car
ry out a plan In connection with its
customers in the South to take 100,-
iH)O bales. New Tork reports that In
terest In the movement is widespread
there and that 1,000,000 bales will ul
t mataiy be taken in that great city.
\Thts tremendous Interest In the
.North Is due largely to the unceasing
activity of Atlanta business men, and
we infer that the vast number of bales
they are disposing of In the North will
be Georgia cotton. If that bo true,
It Is easy to see that the problem so
far as Georgia Is concerned will soon
be solved, for If Georgia dosposes of
1,000,000 bales there will be no trouble
about financing a holding movement
for the rest, because the Georgia mills
may be counted upon ultimately to
absorb more than 500,000 bales.
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protrudln,* Piles, send me vour
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment! end will aian send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
reference# from your own locality If re
queued. Veers report Immediate re
lief and speedy cures. Mend no money,
but tell others of this offer Write to
day to Mrs. 31 Summers. Box. P, Notre
Dune, lod.
This concern, one of the largest complete fertilizer manufacturing plants in this
section of the Country, will immediately install ELECTRIC MOTORS for the operation
of their entire plant by ELECTRIC POWER furnished from our Savannah River power
development. They will discontinue the use of their entire steam plant. This large
concern has determined, after careful investigation, the economy and advantage of
Estimates of costs furnished without cost. We can show you where it is to your
advantage to use ELECTRIC POWER. Call on us.
National Convention of Brotherhood
to Be Held in Atlanta Next Week
Thousands of Delegates and Visitors to Be in Attendance
Prom All Parts of the United States---Many Distinguished
Speakers Will Be Heard.
Atlanta, Ga,- Plans for the Nation
al Convention of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew, to be held in Atlanta be
ginning October 14, have been com
pleted by the Atlanta convention com
mittees, and everything la In readi
ness for the convention.
The Atlanta convention, while not
the largest to be held In Atlanta Is one
of the most Important of the year
from the standpoint of the Influence
wielded by It, and the personnel of
the convention delegates and visitors.
Of the thousand visitors and dele
gates expected to the convention from
all parts of the United States the
southern states will contribute a large
percentage. Of the nine bishops who
will be in attendance upon the gather.
erlng, six will be from southern states.
In addition, a number of laymen, not
members of the Brotherhood, will be
drawn from neighboring states, and
will be accorded places upon the, of
ficial program.
The bishops of the Episcopal church
who will be present are Bishop* C. K
Nelson, of Atlanta; F. F. Reese, of
Savannah; K. G. Weed, of Jakson
vllle; (}. K. Woodcock, of Ixiulsville;
T. F. Oallor, of Sewenee. Tenn.; T. I).
Bratton, of Jackson, Miss.; S. C. Bab
cock, of Boston; 8. K. Brooke, of Ok
lahoma City; S. O. Partridge, of Kan
sas City,
Among the distinguished speakers
at the convention will be Hon J. A.
MacDonald, editor of the Toronto
Globe, and one of the most noted ed
itors of the American continent, Rev.
Henry Hopkins, re*rtor of the Church
Of the Redeemer, of Chicago, lllinola
Hubert Carleton, D. C. 1,, General
Secretary of the Brotherhood of St.
Andrew, Boston. Mass, Edward H.
Bon sail, president of the N. C. A St.
L.. Railway.
The convention will not be exclus
ively for the member* of the Broth
erhood, tnit for all churchmen, and
rneml>*r* of other churches as well,
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Is
unique with respect to Its conventions
In this matter, and a welcome yd II be
extended to all Christians who'deslre
to attend.
Hon. J. A. MacDonald, who will he
a speaker at the mass meeting which
will conclude the convention, Is a
man of International prominence as
a speaker, and has traveled widely In
the United States, speaking at var
ious great meetings. He has been re
quested In bis Atlanta address to deal
with the grSat problem of Christian
ity applied to the nations, now of
particular significance In the light of
the European war
Have you read Wilson Vulcanising
Co.'s ad? If you have an automobile
you had beat read It again.
I buy building material in ear load lots for cash,
diroot from South Georgia, which means a big sav
ing to the owner.
Get my estimate before awarding yrmr contract.
No 41. A. Bank Building. Phone 3478.