The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, October 11, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 10

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TWO Society FANCY APRON PATTERN WANTED. VTIII nmt reader of The Herald Contribute to a slater rcgd'-r one or two, or more, patterns of fancy aprons’ They will be greatly apppr eclated and returned If so desired. Address them care Society Department, The Herald. THE PORT OF MISSING MEN. Daniel Frohman's "Port of Mlssln* Men" with Arnold Daly playing the leading role, will b* the attraction of the Grand Monday, matinee and night. “The Port of Missing Men" Is Mere dith Nicholson’s play and Is one of the best of the Acme plays that has yet been presented. Beginning Tuesday, matinee and night, Annette Kcllcrmann will, he here for three nights and will be seen In the wonderful Acme production of “Neptune's Daughter,” playing nt the regular Acme prices, which Is half of what the show brings In other cities of the South where It has heen pro duced. “Neptune's Daughter" Is In a class by itself, arid Is ona of the most exquisite of the many plays that will be produced here this season. Don't in las It. William A. Brady's "Man of the Hour" will also be her# October 21st, with Hubert Warwick, the man who made It famous. In the leading role. "Mother." a W, A. Brady production, will also be one of the coming fine •hows with Emma Dunn, who created the play, In the leading role. "The Pit,” another ettrrlng play, will he produced with Wilton l.nckayo and Florence Gall 1n the leading roles. One of the finest Acme productions that will he presented will be the S. H. and Lee Bhubert’s production of which ran for one year at the New York Hippodrome. Special music will he sent nut for this plav and will he rendered by Bearden's full orchestrs, Wslter Bearden lending. Home Ides of the magnitude of ‘ Amer ica’’ can he ascertained when It Is •aid that tlisrs ara over seven thous and people in the cast. The Acme plays have gotten to be quite a habit with Augustaiia, a most fascinating habit, and one can always count on seeing one's friends at the Grand whenever ona la presented. Bearden's delightful orchestra will be In attendance at both matinee and night performances. CHAPTER A, D. OP C. ANNOUNCE COMMITTEES. At the meeting Thursday of t'haptsr A Dn ugTitsr* <»f the Con fed# racy, tht following committees were announced by Mrs. landlord Gardner, president: The executive committer is composed lif the officers of Die I'haptsr and seven members of the Chapter—Mrs 8 n Owns, Mrs. VYank Fleming. Mrs. Osweil Kvs, Mrs T P feswelT Mrs .1. C, I. Mr* J. 0. C. HUuk and Mrs 0. F Jack Credential—Mr# Norrlll, Mis* Sue |togg», Mrs Kandolph Utrtaely, Mr*. T, GIRLS! HAVE BEAUffUL LUSTROUS. FLUFFY Hi-25 CENT DANDER! No mor« dandruff or falling hair---A real surprise awaits you. To "be possessed >pf a head of heavy, hair; suit, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff is mere ly a matter of using a little Manderlne. It la eapv and Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just fret a 25 vent hotair of Knowlton's Mandarine now—all drug stores rec ommend lt-—apply a little as dlreoted and wijhln ten minutes there will be an aptnaranen of abundance; fresh ness. flofftnese end an Incomparable Cut Prices for Week ol Oct. 12* to 17* Green Peas, 3 cans 25c Mitchel Brand Jams, a jar .8c Sliced Peaches, 3 cans .... 25c Cleaned Currants, pack. . ,10c Oats, any kind, a pkg 8c Canned Shrimp, a can . . . . 12c Swift’s Premium Hams, a pound . . 22c 1-4 bbl. A. & P. Fancy Patent Flour $1.49 Large Gilt Ice Jug Free with 1 can A. & P. Baking Powder. . .50c lomliw rmd Snowdrift Compound No. 5 Pail, 55c; No. 10 Pail, sl.lO Best Rio OAo Coffee, lb . . Yard Eggs, -f-¥ r dozen D. Caswell and Miss f-'arah Pritchard. Custodian of Crosses Mrs. John W. Clark. Custodian of Relics Miss Anna Mont gomery and Mrs. Kandolph lUdgely. Randall Memorial,—Mrs. H. O. Jeffe ries, Mrs. c. 11. Phinlzy, Mrs. J. F. Bransford, Mrs. 1,. H. Hmyihe, Miss An na Montgomery Mrs. T. D. Caswell, Mrs. i'hll Carroll, and Mot. Oawel! Eve. The Organization Committee—Mr*, w. I. Wilson, Miss Ruth Wright, Aid Commit ee Mrs. John W, Clark, Mrs Latimer, Mr*. N, K, Butler, Mrs. K. B. C*rpentcr, Mrs. W. F. Eve, Jr., Mis* Mary Hall, Mr*. J. 1,. O'Dowd, Mrs C, A. Howland, and Mr*. Pournelle. Refreshment Mr*. R L, Osborne, Mrs. Addison Welslger, Mr*. T. M, Phll pot, Mrs. Callle B. Baxley. Mrs. R. P. Crock** Mr*. J. C. Wlengos, and Mrs. Brlttlngham. Memorial Mr*. Geo Whitney, Mrs He e Barrett, Mr* Virginia Allen, Mrs. Julia Tobin, Mrs. George McWhorter, Mi*. James L, Robinson, Mr* M, V. Car roll. nod Mrs. A. G. Jackson Entertainment Mrs. I.oroy Ihmltlnson, Miss Katharine Black, Mrs C. A. Wither* Miss Marie Allen, Mrs St. John Moore Mra Rufus Brown Mrs. Joe Fargo, Miss Annie W. Rowland, Miss Henrietta Robertson, and Mis* Harsh Eve Educational and Free Scholarship— Miss Sarah Stokes, Miss Elizabeth Pritchard, Miss Katharine Boggs, Mrs. Hliewmske, Mr*. Julia Dealer Dillon, Mis* Mary Harper, Miss Marion WVlght, and Mr*. W. N. Hinton. Children of the Confederacy—Mr*. Harrison, directors asHlsianl*. Mrs. Mc- Neil and Miss Anna Kltse Wilson. Winnie Davis Memorial—Mrs. J, T. BSlhwel, Mrs, Win. M. AlexandiY and Mrs. Wm. Butt. KING'S DAUGHTERS NOTICE. It Is Important that every member of Iha I.ucy Alexander Memorial Cir cle shall attend the meeting held with Mrs. Henry North, Tuesday at four o’clock. LEVY’S BEAUTIFUL DRESBEB. Have you bought your winter suit? If not go at once to J. Willie Levy’s and see what he ha* before you de cide on what you will purchase. Al ways does Levy have quite the smart est and most up-to-date clothes that can he bought out of New York and he has been wonderfully fortunate In securing some of the most elegant patterns that have been brought over this season. There Is a most stunning line of coat suits, all the very latest in cuts and each suit widely different from the other, a very gratifying thing to «ho woman who hates to have a dou ble In her own town. There are some very swell wraps, the most sumptu ous things that the most critical wo man could desire; there are dainty dancing frocks and some rarely beau tiful evening gowns, all of the very newest pattern and material. Levy hns struck the newest note in smart gowns in one which he is showing, an evening gown with a Jet overdress genuine jet that Is so beautiful and which is to have such a tremendous vogue this winter. Not only are Levy's gowns and floss and lustre and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or fulling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weaks' use, when you will see new hair —fins and downy at first— really new hair—sprouting out all over your scalp —Danderlne Is, wo believe, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dand ruff and curs for Itchy scalp and It never falls to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really Is. moisten s cloth with s little Mandarine and carefully draw It through your hair taking one small atrand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful tu Just a few moments —a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. ELRYAD COFFEE 35 cups to the pound. Always pack ed in Green bags. Pound 35c Broad St. Tuna Fish, a can . . 10c Evap. Apricots, a lb 12c A. & P. Lye, a can . . . . . . .6c A. & P. Lime, a can 6c Imported Sardines, can . . . 10c Pink Salmon, 1 lb., 3 cans . . 25c CHEESE Pound 22c Sultana Coffee Is ths Valus on ths Markst. This Ooffe* Is al ways sold in Cardi nal Red Trade-Mark BUS TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c Fancy 24 lbs, Patent Oflp FLOUR OUli « * ./. ; ■ P $ ->. - ■ , Miss Russell Says— If you havs not triad My Own Toilet Preparation*, do so, by all mean*. They are manufactured by MV own chemlit, under MY personal supervision and I guarantee thein purity. C^uuajn c Own <&odo£ ‘Preparations M y Own Skin Nutrient SI.OO larger size *1.50 Will feed the tissues and make skin firm. * My Own Smooth Out *I.OO Larger *lze *1.50 Astringent and healing. Will smooth out ths little wrinkles that annoy you. Men should use it after shaving. My Own Skin Rejuvenator *1.50 Will clear up blackheads, pimples, liver spots, bleach the skin, circu late the blood snd revive the faded tissue. My Own Cleansing Cream 50 I/arger size 1.00 Cleanses the skin thoroughly. My Own Purity Face Powder *I.OO Vanity Box, with mirror 50 Is a real tieautlfler, absolutely pure and healing. American Beauty Talcum Powder 25 Exquisitely refreshing. My Own Up Rouge 50 Wiy beautify your lips snd protect them from chapping Lillian Russell's Beauty Box Containing six toilet preparations. Price *5.00 SPECIAL-My New Vanity Box, with mlrroV, puff and uiy delightful powder In compressed form, Is now ready. It Is Just the thing to car ry In your bag, and Is only 60 cents. FOR SALE AT Leading Drug and Depart ment Stores. wraps very lovely but everything Is dainty little fixings so dear to fem inine hearts he has displayed In tha most attractive manner, blouses to go with all the suits, blouses that are so delicate and pretty that they seem almost too pretty to wear, the smart est styles of collars, and really col lars are to he quite a feature this season; ties and belts, handkerchiefs and all sorts of neckwear. While of course It Is infinitely more gratifying to sell than simply to show. Levy's very efficient staff of sales ladies always take much pleasure In displaying their suits and gowns, Ir respective of whether or not a sale Is made, so don't fall while you are out tomorrow to drop In and see them, It will be a treat to you. —Mrs. J O McCurdy will leave this week for North Carolina, where she will will Join Mr. McCurdy and spend the winter near Waynesville. Miss Ocraldine Hester has return ed to Atlanta, after a visit of several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Georgia Lovell. Mrs. Alph Beane and her two little sons left yesterday to Join Mr. Beane In Memphis, Tenn. , 11 New Potatoes, New York State, peck . tIOL Best A&P A 7 ft Creamery A/R Butter w 1 v THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. $39.50 Royal Eagle Range $39.50 A big fine Royal Eagle Range, with six eyes, large oven firebox and warmer; burns either wood or coal. We accept your old stove or range and SI.OO as first payment. \ c^7 lias just received a shipment of Lovely French Hats Directly from Paris and the ladies of Au gusta and vicinity are cordially invited to in spect these beautiful and Stylish Hats which we offer at very Reasonable Prices. We give Purple Trad ing Stamps. C. J. T. BALK 600 Block Broadway. Join Rhodes’ Army of Satisfied Customers And follow the banner that bears this Inscription Why Ray More When Rhodes Sells For Less- * A.G Broad St Auyuata, Ga. All Prices Marked in Plain Figures. Balk’s Millinery Dept. COMPLETE MOU 5E FUR NISHE PS ’ pA| T\I?AI HD AC The Only Exclusive Ladies’ Ready- UV/Ll/£/Il DivVJ. }o-Wear Store In Auguste. Suits, Gowns and Coats of Distingushing Excellence! Dally displsys of the newest creations of the season are features hers—depicting the reigning modes--? introducing some new innovations destined to have a wide reception among 0 ng the discriminating. Each hour seas nsw garments take their places to fill the places of those sold. Hardly an express train from the East fails to bring several fascinating late garments. But, however, new and da r ing, each model MUST BE ABSO LUTELY AUTHENTIC AS TO STYLE AND OTHER FEATURES! These consist of Serge and Satin Combination Dresses, In both navy and black; all-wool Serges and a nice quality of Satin. Very new and very smart are these Dresses, which are one-half less in price than elsewhere; apecial $7.50 Great many other etylee at special price of $15.00. Special Showing of Smart Hats at* $3.50, $5, $7.50, $10.50 and up This la a special offering of Die tlncUve Golden Hate, the utmost In fashion, yat limited to these pur chase prices. It Is for the woman to whom small hats are becoming and those who look weU In close-fitting tur bans and chic continentals with tall or side trimmings. It Is for the tall, slender woman who Is most becoming In a smart sailor effect; large or medium with many variations as to the tilt of the brim. We are awaiting your visit Monday with a large and varied collection of models at $330, $6.00, s73a and $10.50 and up. - * A visit to our Millinery Section will convince you that we are showing the most exclusive line tn found tn the city. ° * Have Perfect Cook ing and a Warm Kitchen The Greatest Value in Kitchen Cabinets Ever Shown The Seller’s Bug Proof Kitchen Cabinet is used by the leading demonstrators of model kitchens. Besides hav ing all the conveniences of the ordinary kitchen cabinet it is insect proof and dust proof, making it the model sanitary cabinet. Our special, only $28.50 Terms $1 a week or $5 a month. Only Sl.oo a Week or $5 a Month Bed Roomol7 QQ Outfit#.. v! 1.00 Consisting of full size two inch continuous post iron Bed, fin ished white enamel or gold bronzed, one 40 lb. felt mat tress, one National Spring, 98c cash, SI.OO a week. ' «hi I • ft / V SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. Special 50 Heaters of standard make placed on sale Mon day in our Blue Tag Bar gain Balcony. Buy Monday and save from 25 to 50 per cent. Terms SI.OO a week. Bome Exceedingly Bmirt Designs in Newest SKIRTS, $4.98 and Up In our Skirt Section on M&ln Floors we are showing a large variety of extremely smart models. These skirts are unusually fine for street, dress, golf and sport use; all at apectal prices; special at ...$4.98 Other, at $6.75, $7.50, $9.60 and up to $2730. Smart Suits of Character at $25 They are In the very best models and are made of broadcloth, gabar dines, French serges, men's-wear serge, etc. There are many shades, and the tailoring is particularly good. Regular SB6 values In most all stores; Prlc« $24.50 Special Sale of Dresses at $7.50 We Divide the Paymenl to Suit | Your Conven ience.