The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, October 16, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWENTY-TWO, Image 22

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TWENTY-TWO It will cost you nothing extra to have your Coffee sent Parcel Post when ordered from Kenny’s to be sent anywhere. Try Kenny’s High Grade 4 Pounds for SI.OO Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. C. D. KENNY CO. 1046 BROAD ST. PHONE No. 601 Augusta, Georgia. "do your own shopping ‘'Onyx” {<§ Hosiery Gives the BF.ST VALUE for Your Money Enry Kia4 from Cettea to Silk, F« Men, We»ee end CkiUrea Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look tor th<9 Trad* Markl Sold by AU Good Dtalm. •Wholen.le Lord & TdylOT NICW YORE 99 3RBR9RRDGEBS3E3I 5553 BBRHEESsI G8E32893 ESSE) IIB9E99RRDfIESEB9IR OMB ■ COAL AND WOOD We are the only Coal and Wood deal ers in Augusta whose sales slips are good for votes in M. & M. Contest. B. A. DIAL Phone 25—J and 2701. 639 11th street. EASY WEEKLY TERMS Don It Wait SB □□ BUY YOUR FALL AND WlN tcr clothing on our easy payment plan and get a full season’s wear out of the garments. All of the new styles for men and women are ready, and our low prices arc always marked in plain figures. For Men—Tho»e nobby Tartan plaida and other up-to-date weave* in fall and winter guita Balmacaans in a big variety of style* The smartest ■hape* in men’s soft and stiff hat*. “'□ Q □ For Women Tailored suits in all of the fashionable models Separate Coats in the new semi-fitted styles. . . . Basque Dresses in both silk and wool fabrics Trimmed Millinery in the new velvet shapes. □ □ □ Terms To Suit The Pay-Days No Charge For Alterations Every Garment Guaranteed Start Your Account Now ASKIN & MARINE CO. T. B PASSMORE, Mgr. 1008 BROAD STREET THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Declares War Economy Means Millions Saved For Investment Later A. M. Harris Predicts Outburst of Enterprise Will Follow Conflict Tells Bankers at Richmond Savings Accounts Will In crease, Preventing Sacrifice of Securities at Depressed Prices- -Trust Companies and State Banks Seek Easier En trance Into Reserve System. Richmond, Va. —That a wave of economy unprecedented In history is MvvecpinK over this country as a result of the war situation was the declara tion of A. H. Harris of Harris, Korbes and Company, of New York, In a speech before the savings hank sec tions of the American Bankers’ Asso ciation convention recently. He pre dicted Increased savings deposits would rriuke it unnecessary for any sacrifice of securities by banks at present de pressed prices. Mr. Harris said that the widespread movement of economy extends not only to personal expendi tures, but also to the expenditures of corporations and business houses gen erally. Mr. Harris declared Ilia effect of this would tie an enormous an] rapid accumulation of capital for In vestment later on. At a Joint meeting of the trust com pany and savings bank sections a res olution was passed providing for a committee of 12 appointed from the American Bankers’ Association to go to Washington to study the rules gov erning membership of the new federal reserve bank with a view as to the advisability of amending the reserve act to make It easier for the entrance of state, savings banks, trust com panies Into the reserve system. But Wexler, president of the Whit ney Central National Bank of New Orleans, presented argument In favor of adoption of the resolution, and Breckenrldge Jones, president of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of Bt. l/ouis. Mo., advocated the amend ing of the hill to'make .It easier to the state anil savings hanks and the trust companies to gain memberahlp In the reserve system, and went further. He declared the reserve act should he amended so as to make the xamitia tlon of the bank books come under the examiners of the local reserve boards, rather than federal examiners from Washington In Ills speech before the savings hank section Mr. Harris sahl In part: "The economic and Industrial con ditions at the present time are not to he compared with those following the panic of 1893. Aside from rertaln In dustries and businesses which have been especially affected there Is em ployment throughout the country. The wave of economy, therefore, means a much more enormous and rapid ac cumulation of capital than ever oc curred before. "The economic losses resulting from wars are usually exaggerated, as shown by the Industrial conditions which exist when peaae Is restored. It Is estimated that the European war is coating as high as $50,000,000 a day. This Is, of course, a huge sum. But you must remember that you are deal ing with huge figures all around. The population of the nations directly en gaged in the European war Is over 800,000,000. An average saving of only IS cents a day for this number of per sons would amount to over $50,000,000 a day. "It should also he remembered that the destruction of battleships, forts, gunpowder, etc., Is not a new loss of capital. This was paid for before the war started and the loss of capital occurred when these articles of war wire constructed and manufactured during times of pence. In fnct, the great losses of capital and economic w -stes occur during times of prosper ity, whereas capital Is accumulated during periods of depression. Certain ly never before in the history of this country has there been such a wave of economy. With a population of 100,000.000 In this country, It would require only a relatively small reduc tion In wasteful expenditures for us to accumulate a saving amounting lo hundreds of millions of dollars a month, "This wsve of economy which is sweeping over the country Is of the greatest Importance to you. It means that persons who have never previ ously been In the habit of saving will begin opening savings accounts and that others who already have savings accounts will Increase the slxe of thee ■ accounts If this result occurs It will mean that you will not be called upon to sacrifice your holdings of high grade Investments at the present de pressed prices In other words, you will not he called upon to suffer any actual lossea In your Investments but will be able to continue to hold thess bonds until they mature, when you will receive In payment their par value, or Just what you expected when you purchased them. Tn addition to the wave of economy there Is the wonder ful outburst of Individual enterprise that Invariably follows a war. Ex plain It In whatever way you please. It la nevertheless a fact that the great est enterprise, the greatest energy-, the greatest Ingenuity Invariably Immedi ately follow a great war ” DON’T LET YOUR BABY UPSET YOUR HOUSEHOLD. On the general subject of the Im portance of making a hnby live up to a schedule. Doctor Dennett, In the November Woman’s Home Companion, auys: “Can you Imagine g railroad run without a time-table? Well, a proper system with a definite schedule Is al most at necessary In the household where a baby la to be brought up, as It Is tn railroading or any other business. If the last results are to be obtained. It Is far less w-ork to have a time for everything, and it Is not difficult to have everything come on time, “In many Instances I have found that all that It was necessary to do to change a haul habv to a good baby w as to straighten out his schedule. A baby who eats whenever he wants through out the night not only robs hi* mother of sleep but Is fretful during the dnv. It Is astonishing to see how one small infant nuo upset a lioMchohi'* Domestic Science Exhibit! YOU CORDIALLY INVITED to an expert exhibition of the most important Domestic Science Unit in your home. See the famous COLE’S HOT BLAST RANGE in actual operation. HOT BLASTS*^ combustion save the gas part Hf of your fuel wasted by all ISI other ranges. ?h e I fresh air oven brown baking top, bottom, sides— no turning pans. COLE’S HOT BLAST SEE IT BROIL STEAK The Best Range Ever Built for Family Use without smoke or odor—ROAST, TOAST, WASH, BAKE, IRON all with one fire at same time. ifilfe ■ •’ v * ** MUST MEET POSTMAN AT FRONT DOOR NOW. Housewives and business men in many cities who have heen accustomed to re ceiving their mill from obliging car riers at reaY and side doors now must arrange to have postmen call only at front entrances. instructions to this effect were mailed to postmasters today to become operative in two monins. Many carrier* lost much time, it was said, by making circuitous routes to rear and side doors to oblige the patron* on their routes. To the Rescue in Blood Diseases Just the Help Needed to Over come Worst Troubles. Tn R. R R., the famon* blood pnrlfler, U tin greatest natural repair crew known. It la an antidot* tor grrmi, that one* l«t loow, multiply no faat that a definite dla ra»* la apparent oeer night. Aa<l yet as powerful la tb* Influence of R. 8. R. that Ilk* a traat army It *pr*ada all through tb* blood, check* dtaraa*. open* up a'l th* taltr* of escape and throw* out disease through th* lung*, kidneys, bladder, bowrl* and akin. Do not become panic atrlrkrn If a raah or boll* or eruption* Inflame th* akin. Nature la doing her beat but Natur* la at the name tint* calling for help, and In R R. 8 la Juat the kind of help Nature demand*, for ll la a pur* regelahle remedy with an aetlon that ylgorouely follow* th* blood channel* and rleana and repair* aa It goet along In eeery community art people who know thla to be true. They hare uaed R. st, p. and are blood clean, through and through. tiet a bottlo of 8, 8. R. today at any drug atore. DrlT* out thoae deotrurtlya gerrna that caua* akin eruption*, aore throat, awollea gland*. Mood rlalngs. painful rheu malic Joint*. chronic bronchitis. and moat alt condltlona of disease Read the folder around the bottle that tell* about the great work being done to aaalat eulferera. If you would know more about the blood and Ita treatment, write for apodal book to Th* Rwtft Rpeclflc Co , 52 Swift Bldg, Atlanta, «*■ DEMONSTRATIONS UPON FOLLOWING DATES : NOVEMBER 2,8, 4,5, 6 and 7 Culpepper Bros. 1019-1021 Broad St. Augusta, Ga. Safety First WHICH? are you looking for Bar gain Counter Glasses, are you willing to wear cheap glasses just because they are cheap, do you consent to having your eyes tampered with at the risk of their Permanent Injury. Then this message is not for you. But if you value the Precious gift of sight, if you wish to retain it. If you Appreciate skill, then it Is for you. and you are asked to come where Absolute Accuracy, in cor recting eye defects. 1* placed above every other Consideration. We take as much interest and pride in fitting glasses to the face as we do in fitting lenses to correct defects, frame fitting is an art, you get the best here. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, Assisted by Mr. L. A Williams. Optometrists and Opticians. 214 Seventh St. Established 1888. THE CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK 709 Broad Street. Augusta, Georgia Statement at Close of Business October 9th, 1914: 4% Interest Paid on Deposits in Our Savings Department. Special attention given to out of town accounts. You are cordially invited to call on us when in the city. Or we will be pleased to hear from you by mail. 11 H LB Win ~ Iry ■ HI I^l9 luM I ipl HI I!Sk w J 9 W&WM L—'7l ■ 11 \£J FREE This valuable set of pure ALUMINUM WARE will be given absolutely FREE to every person ordering Cole’s Hot Blast Range, during the exhibition Oi'ly. 15 PIECES l5 HAVE YOU READ “WANTS” TRIPPED LONSFORD Dealers in Best Grade Native Meats. Chickens and Eggs Our Specialty Quick Delivery to Any Part of Crty. 703 Mclntosh street. phone 3155. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $7,737,668.30 Stocks and Bonds 304,440.77 Real Estate and Banking Houses. 374,634.25 Cash and Due from Banks 2,238,661.10 $10,655~404742 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits . . 1,131,992.90 Dividends Unpaid 3,637.50 Due to Banks 875,000.00 Deposits 7,644,774.02 $10,655,404.42 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16. Big Range Sale Demand and Time Certificates of Deposit Issued, on Which We Pay Interest.