The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, October 18, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 5

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18/ KELLY'S SPECIAL Messaline Silk and Jersey Silk Underskirts, in every v, r anted shade, navy, brown, beauty, Kelly Green, black, etc, Mon day AQ special «P I**7o THIS “TWO VERDICTS.” She was a woman, worn and thin, Whom the world condemned for a sin gle sin. They cast her out on the king’s high way . * And passed her by as they went to pray. He was a man, and more to blame, But the world spared him a breath of. shams. Under his feet he saw her Ue But be raised his head and pasted her b>". They were the people who went to pray At the temple of God a holy day— They scorned the woman, forgave the man— It was ever thus since the world be gan. Time passed on; the woman died. On the cross of shame she was cruci fied. But the world was stem and would not yield. So they buried her in the potter's field. The man died too; and they buried him In a casket of cloth, with silver rim, And said, as they turned away from his grave; "We have burled an boneet man to today.’’ Two mortals knocking at Heaven’s gate. Stood, face to face, to inquire their fate. He carried a passport with earthly sign, And she a pardon from Love Divine. Oh, ye who Judge ’twist virtue and vice, Which, think you, entered to Para dise? Not he whom the world had said would win. for the woman alone was ushered in. —Arthur Lewis Tubbs. CHILDREN OF THE UNITED STATES JOIN IN THE COTTON ESSAY CONTEST. Interest In the "buy-a-bsle” mote /merit continues to grow The following sccount from the Washington Star of the flood ul man uscripts received from school children . In competition for the gold prises »f --f red by Miss Cellje Hoke Smith, foe the best cotton essay, will be real with attention by the many who are interested In the vital subject: "With the cotton essay prir.e con test for school children, started by Miss Callle Hoke Smith, da lighter of the Georgia senator, closing Monday, letters by the sackful from ell over the United K»ates came to the office of the Judges her# today. Already Y KELLY m rj ;, . “ “ w ‘ 1 “““ . «**««■«* wm sa>, >vno, me; uo into a barn with a passie of Guineas? Not me Why them things would fly agamst your head and buss your brains out. But what has this to do with what thev are tel tin <r? , i • .. - the spirit already and to see if we can t sorter transfer part of it to you and to remind you that QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND INDIVIDUALITY has been a Guinea to all competition for over three years. Read the list below carefully. Come to see us Monday and be the HAPPIER. SILK DRESSES, $15.00 Remarkable isrfeed are these Dresses for this price; made of Satin, Crepe do- Chene and Silk Poplin. Among these are some Serge anil Silk Combinations. .Every idea of correct fashion is represented. Redingote, Bask Effects, Accordean Pleated, Box Pleates, djir An etc., all to go Monday and during the week J Many other Silk Dresses in every conceivable fabric and style that Fashion will endorse, for street, afternoon and evening wear. The kind that those who know demand. $12.50, $19.98, $25.00, $35 toss 9 SERGE DRESSES, $6.98 Navv and black Dresses, black Satin Drop Skirt, sleeve and girdle white roll pique collar and turn back cuffs. Warranted all wool ao serge A wonder for the money so.*?O Over fifty different models in Serge and Silk and Serge Combination Dresses. Every one the essence of Individuality. Space will not per mit even the faintest descriptive article. They are Priced .. .. .' $8.98, SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00, $19.98, $25.00 r ■ « « _ . Note the absence of S2O Reza Fraza Razas $4.98,y0u will Find them at the Fair Grounds GLOVES Guaranteed Kid Gloves, in every popular color, brown, green, maroon green and tan q) 1 Princess, the queen of popu lar priced Gloves, guaran teed when fitted. d*l Of* Special tPl*£D Kayser’s Chamoisfcte 16 button Gloves, d»1 AA washable v* ellv 12 and 16 button Glace Kid Gloves, in black and white, while the lot lasts $2.49 ADVERTISEMENT CONTAINS STATEMENTS OF FACTS, NOT FANCIES SOCIETY MEWS more than 8,000 of the essays have been submitted. “One has been received from a son of Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy, whose mother was one of the principal exhibitors at the national style show in the Willard. The young daughter of Representative R. N. Page of North Carolina is also a contes tant. Some of the essays show great care in preparation, both regarding close study as to the uses of cotton and proper wording of the essay, but also as regards nicety of penmanship. A number of the essays are accompanied by original drawings to illustrate the text. It had naturally been supposed that most of the essays would oome from the children of the South, but thus far the North seems to be running a close race. Some essays have been submitted from every state In the Union. The one from farthest north came from Seattle, Wash. One also came from Cuba. A pathetic note accompanies one of the papers from a little girl, stating that she is employed In a sweat shop in New York, and that she had only ten minutes in which to write her ‘‘composition." Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Sutherland Mills, of Wilmington, N. C., are ex pected to arrive in Augusta in the next few days to make this city their home. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are Vir ginia people and will be a delightful addition to Augusta’s social circles. AI k ensocTalTTe ws Harlem. Ga. —Mrs. Paul Paschal has returned to her home in Augusta after a visit to friends and relatives in this place. Mrs. J. P, McCord was a visitor to Augusta one day the past week. Mrs. R. T. Quinn has returned from a visit to Augusta. Mrs. J. E. Greene visited her daugh ter, Mrs. F. P. Byrd, In Bstesburg, S. C., the past week. Mrs A. T. Woods, of Marion. S. 0.. has been on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. r. r. McMlllln In this place -Mr. 1,. E. Blanchard and family vls- Htd relatives one day the past week In Augusta . Mr. T F. Clary, of Warrenton, was in Harlem a short while one day the past week. Miss Julia Harris, of Augusta. Vis ited Mrs. Alma Walter the past week. Master Stanley Walton, who has been quite HI for several days Is very much Improved. Mrs. John W Radford and little non have returned from a visit to Bouth < ‘arolina The Kpworth l-eague of the Meth odist church gave an entertainment In the arhnol auditorium on Friday even ing the l«th Inst. There waa no ad- DID YOU EVER TRY TO CATCH A GUINEA ? had^^tHh^o!,* 1 m Y talk, * lg about ’ doni y° u - ° ne of those little speckled Guineas. Some people don’t know what a Guinea is, but you bet they’d find out if they had to catch one. You try to engage a country negro to catch a few Guineas that have strayed off your lot, and await bis excuses for not being able to take the !„h Z his means of capture. One will say. ‘ Boss, vou can’t catch them thin™. VWJI h,™ » a ‘Y ’ l "l excU * e ® ror . no * De,ng •*>*« to ‘he job or ms means or capture. Une will say. Boss you can t catch them things. You’ll have to shoot ’em.” Another will say, “You have to ‘V tIU they g ° f t ° r , oost ’„ and A cat t c l h em while they sleep.” Another will say, “Why, they don’t sleep; Guineas is got more niggers do mg time than watch dogs. Another will say, Boss, you have to bait ’em; just scatter corn along until it leads to the barn, and when they get inside then slam the door and you got em.” Another will sav. “Who. me ivtLin » Knv*t« unfk n nancl-. —.. *> THE STORE THAT HAS THE NEW THINGS FIRST HOSIERY Kayser’s shaped top Hose, the most perfect woven silk hose on the market. A limited quantity in the lot, white and d** a a black. Special . .«pJI.UU Let us match your dress or suit to hose of the famous Onyx Silk Hose. <t*i A A Special q)I.UU Holeproof Silk Hose, ribbed or hemmed top, 3 pairs to box, guaranteed for 3 months. The pair . <pl Children’s Holeproof School Hose, 3 pairs to box, guaran teed for 3 months. A A The box <pI.UU mission fee, but a voluntary contribu tion was given. •Sixteen automobiles taking a cir cuitous route from Thomson, adver tising the McDuffie county fair, stop ped in Hurlem for an hour Friday af ternoon. Some eighty persons were in the crowd. Among ‘them w ere some ladies and children. It was as Jolly a crowd as ever visited Harlem. News was received in Harlem on the 16th inst of the death of Captain A. 800 STORES WE BUY FOR 800 STORES Fairy Soap, 2 cakes 7c Sultana Peaches, No. 3, can 15c Catsup, Bull Head, 3 for . . 25c Navy Beans, a lb 6c Lobster, \ lb. can, 25c; 1 lb.. 50c Sliced Pienapple, No. 2, can 15c Brooms, each . 23c, 29c and 34c Wesson Oil, can. . 25c Fancy Tag Bloaters 5c Fat Mackerel, 2 for 15c Snowdrift Compound No. 5 Pail, 55c; No. 10 Pail, sl. JO Best Rio Coffee, lb.. . 2UC Yard Eggs, dozen fHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA< ROBES Just arrived, the most beau tiful lot of Blanket Robes we have ever had the pleasure of showing, in every con ceivable combination of col orings, beautiful Floral De signs, Bound in Broad Satin Ribbons of contrasting col orings. $3.98, $4 .98, $6.50, $7.98 W. Powell, a former resident of Har lem, who died at the State Sanitarium on the nrght a of the 15th inst. Captain Powell was well liked by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, three children and a mother. His remains were bur led in Alabama Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Barrett attended the re mains to Alabama for burial. Farmers throughout this section are still holding cotton for higher prices, but it seems to be a forlorn hope to expect any Improvement In the price of cotton. Speculators realize that they have the cotton situation under their control and unless the farmer can get some relief from the national govern ment soon, they will have to sacrifice this year’s cotton crop, as notes are now maturing and must be mat. WHY WE SELL CHEAPER ) ELRYAD COFFEE 35 cups to the pound. Always paek i ed in Green bags. • Pound 35c si. COAT SUITS, $25.00 Monday and thru the week we will show special values at this price. We instructed our New York buyer to secure some extra special values at this price tor this week. That he succeeded is more than proven by personal inspection. Values to $35.00, Monday. $25.00 Othets Suits m stock, bought of the very sell same manufacturers that have made the Kelly Suits famous for their Individuality of style, cor rectness of Lines, Beauty and Charm. $37.50, $40.00, $49.00 to $63 00 TOP COATS, $15.00 Twenty five specially selected Top Coats, smart, snappy models in solids or mixtures, black and colors, all new models, some with broad low belt, others with wide graceful flare. To see these is (hi r nn to appreciate them Other Coats in a variety of fabrics, styles and colorings, Coats that ap peal to all tastes. Some of the famous Verite make. Come and see them—slip them on and let your judgment dictate your purchase Priced $12.50, $19.98, $i5.00, $35.00 Peanut Butter, lb lie A. & P. Jams, 2 j’ars 25c Lima Beans, a lb . . . 8c Fig Bars, a lb 8c Jap Crab Meat, can 23c and 38c Broken Pineapple,No. 3, can 13c Salmon, \ lb. Flat, can 8c Codfish Brick, 1 lb 13 c New Cranberries, quart . . . 10c Bloater Mackerel, 2 to 3 lb. 35c CHEESE Pound 22c Fancy 24 lbs. Patent DOn FLOUR Sultana Coffee Is the Best Value on tha Market. This Coffee Is al ways sold In Cardi nal Red Trade-Mark Kags. TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c NECKWEAR Linen Collar, the new Roll. Square or Pointed shapes, Linen or Pique , Monday felC Lace Back Shield Collarette, the latest lad lor coat or ST"', Me Special . . ..... . Gladstone Organdy Collar and Vest combined,all white or white with black hem stitched edge, r*A for Beautiful embroidered Or gandy Vestee and Cuffs to match; elegant *yr and dainty . . .. HOTEL Collingwood West 35th Street, New York City. SETH H. MOSEUKY. Half Blk. from Horalu 8q & Sth Av. In midst ut leading department stores and theatres. Select accommodations for discrimi nating people with personal intention and service Impossible In the larger ho tels. Your patronage Is earnestly so licited. Room without bath $1 so Room without bath for two J 2.00 Room with bath *3 50 Room with bath for two 53.00 Parlor Bedroom with bath $3.00 Special attention given to ladle* and families. Restaurant at moderuie prlc.a 800 STORES TTvts 'JC i * New Potatoes, New York -ir ~ State, peck , vIOL Best A&P Creamery .4 /|J Butter u 1 u UNDELWEAR $1.75 and $2.00 Lace and Embroider} trimmed Gowns, all fresh, crisp, ribbon trimmed jifa garments sl*4*7 $1.25 Am-I-French Combi nation Envelope Chemise and Drawer An Combined SJoC SI.OO Gown, three embroid ery medallion, lace trimmed, round neck, soft nn nainsook 35c pure white knit Pants and Underwear, perfect goods; an extra A special Monday .... Bright Bargains in Wants THINK! Of the RUUD TANKWATER II E A T E R attached to the range boiler in your kitchen; the simple lighting of a match and a turn of the valve starts the heater in operation, and gives you in a few minute* plenty of hot water at any faucet in the house. Of this convenience for the toilet and bath and how it lessens your labor and worry in the every-day household routine. Of getting all the hot water you need fluring the warm weather and your kitchen de lightfully cool and comfortable in contrast to the excessive heat from the old-fashioned coal stove. Let us show you this “comfgrt maker” in operation. The Gas Co. KELLY'S SPECIAL White Silk and Lingerie Waists, long sleeves, some with pique vest embroidered; the sensa tion of last week. Selling again this aq week at «/OC FIVE &