The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, October 25, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 26

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SIX PLAYING THE GAME. 1 am running a riwk when I give you ft few tip* About the game that a woman can play to win a man's at tention. Whan I slate that any kind of woman can be a success al this, the dumb, the clever, the cruel, the kind, the (rood and bad, I admit that I am giving power to the fair sex, snys an exchange. Hut lam also tell ing others who are iKnorant of the wiles and tricks of their slaters that there Is hope for all If the |>lan of the Campaign be known. Here are some One of Levy’s Boys Balmacanns and Other Things that Children ' r 'j- I || Dutch, Russian and Sailor Suits for the little boys. F<»r Outer, Slopping or Undearwrar go to Au gusta’s most complete Juvenile Store— The J. Willie Levy Co. GOLDEN BROS. TEN FIVE FOUR BROAD Special Attractions in SUITS and DRESSES 500 New Suits, Dresses and Coats Many New Suit Models for Monday Tomorrow wo show new arrival* ,of Individual nnd lntmltnble SUITS and PRESSES Among ,hr suits ahown are the new Rt tINGOTE POSTILION I.on* and graceful coat styles some of them ripple effects; others plaited and ansh trimmed; many fur trimmed models, and several deep fitted girdle coat cfl'eota. Each one la perfectly tailored; every one shows file* I illai Ull d t tin ut %»■ .10 . 4 lint .t>« »% 1«. f-.f yj * jWMTy H SOCIETY NEWS ! points that ootllns the work or play. Tb* blood bo on your h«*ad. Do not know too much. A man j bat* th« backing of conn and hi* own masculine feeling of Buperlorlty. He j docM not wlnh to find a woman who can put It all over him In the matter lof information. Do not correct the HtaterrientH that are wrong, and above all, do not frighten a man by Haying that you have a degree, a few medalw and vast experience in traveling and reading. Keep the fact, that you have lived in Kamchatka In the back- and Boys Wear With tlu* rowing of pool flays, vour hoy’s health <lp marnls his iiping properly clothed. (Tirls\ Boys’ and .Chil drpn’s Sweater-, Reefers and Raincoats, in a great variety of styles and prices. Warm Underwear in all weights of cotton and wool, one and two pieces. Raja mas, in outing and flannel, one and two pieces. Nobby English Suits with patch pockets for the big hoy. The Only Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Store in Augusta LOUIS XIV La MILITAIRE the lino Hurt tbe awco Ihiit cnn only he produced by expert suit builders. Among the new colors shown are IYu satan Green, Midnight Bins, Ame thyst, Turkish Brown, Belgian Blue, Pheasant Green and Black. SELECT AND EXCLUSIVE SUITS— #22 50 TO 547 50 A Marvelous Assortment of One-Picce Dresses Rvrry caprice of fashion has been met In the selection of the new dreaset shown here tomorrow: CHIFFONS SATINS BERGES GABARDINES Several charming models are alsx shown 1n combination of laice and Satin. Satin and Serge, Nets and Vet Xets t'rapes and Satina Kvetw mods now at the height of fashion la among the models shown Ba huues In every variation. Redln- Dmm> Polonals# Dresaea. Bo lero lYesaea. Tunic, Moyenage and Coat Dreaaca Kvery gsxid fall color la shown In the assortment. New oollar and cuff trimmings are used lavishly. Many of the dresses have lace and chiffon veata: others Net Persian and Braid finish NEW MODELS IN BEAUTIFUL DRESSES— •ft 75 to #27 50 Hats Conspicuous lor Clever Conceptions A wide range for y our selection. In becoming shape* A hat for every Idea, and In such a range of values that even the nmat fastidious will be as w ell pleased aa we are. Priced front S 3 50 «r ground. Do not tell him that he la mistaken and that the Taj Mahal is a tomb, not a cocktail. Let him go on In Ilia erring way and smile to your «elf. Of course T am not HUggeHftng that a player of t. hp game have any pride, self-respect, and intellctual force. I do not presume for a minute that this will work with a woman who rises in her intellectual wrath and smites misinformation a mighty blow because she insists on the just, even In the matter of learning. I am only DIRECTOIRE HUSSAR „ CREPES CHARMEUSE3 COMBINATIONS VELVETS PIMPLES FROM SHOULDERS TO HIPS Itched and Burned, Sleep Impossi ble, Clothes Irritated. Used Cu ticura Soap and Ointment, In Two Weeks Sound and Well. • Rout# No. 3, DadaviUe, Ala. —"I was troubled with a terrible freaking out- be tween my shoulders and down to my hips. It came in pimples and ray bark looked very red and raw. It Itched and burned so that sleep and rent were imixissible and I could not sleep any hardly for weeks. My clothes Irritated ray back till It got so sore 1 had to have a soft cloth pinned to ray shirt. “I got two treatments hut my trouble kept getting worse. As I heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for years 1 bought a rake of Cuticura Soap and box of Cuticura Ointment and to my surprise and joy my itching and burning had disap peared. My hack hud been so raw and in flamed I could not lie on It and thw first application brought relief. I washed ray buck twice a day with a strong lather of < ut irura Soap and then applied the Cuticura Ointment. In two weeks I was sound and well and have never been troubled since.” (Signed) J. 1). Ahernatty, Jan. 20, KM4. Samples Free by Mail Children prefer Cuticura Soap because of Its soothing emollient properties In all rases of irritation of the skin and sralp, especially when assisted by light touches of Cuticura Ointment. A single set. Is often sufficient when all else fails. Although they are sold throughout the world, a sample of each wit h 82-p. Skin Rook will be sent free upon request. Address post-card; “Cuticura, Dept. T, Bostou.” Do you know of any other Improvement you can make to your home that will add to much to its intrinsic value ae having it wired for #l«o --tricity ? GOLDEN BROS. TEN FIVE FOUR BROAD FROCKCOAT COSSACK jßr "l# £ THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. I telling you how to play the game. j Be a snuggler. the man who 1b walking by your aide feel the soft ness of your arm and the round flesh of the shoulder. Jjo not draw away from him if the crowds happen to make the mass of humanity denser, but use this for an excuse to let him realize the smoothness of your arm and the warmth of your hands. him have the bliss of protecting you from strangers. A man loves to feel that he has charge of a clinging, sweet young tihng, and above ail, he is de lighted if lie can glare at an offender. He is tickled to death to be able to‘ Jostle a rough man who had dared j to push you in his eagerness for the , latest war bulletins. Let your protec i tor protect. lie likes it. And above 1 all, cling to him. When John calls for you, a very good little trick is that which allows you to appear at the head of the stairs, as if you did not wish to be seen, Just to say that you will be down in a few minutes. Ask him whether he likes you in blue or pink. And as either dress is becoming to you if you ore a clever one to dress according to your beauty, why,' put on the one that lie chooses, lie Is . jiractlcally your best bet from the time you de scend the stairway. l’lay on a man’s sympathy. Make him feel that you are the most down trodden, abused, overworked little woman i i his circle. Let him break a blood vessel in his imprecations against your family, employer or the world at large. Let him protest, with a proprietory voice against the fact that you are being dealt with un justly. Encourage him to express himself in forcible terms. There will be only one way out of it. He will hat e to come, to the rescue. This is an excellent trick. Appeal to a man's love of the beau tiful. By that 1 mean the hazy, in distinct beauty. He admires your profile against a moon or a lamp shade. It is something tangible, and be can rave over it without knowing the difference between a Botticelli and a Franz Hals. He can feel se cure in the compliments that he hands you. Who does not like to be told that she has a Madonna head, or hands that are more lovely than Mona Lisas. So give the man a chance at showing liiH appreciation of art, for art's sake, as well as for your own. Jealousy is a great factor In a suc cessful' landing of the reticent man. Be very sorry, once In a while, but refuse to go to the theater because you have promised to meet an old friend at the park to walk miles with him. This may entail your giving up a good enrtetainment, but It will bring the refused one to your little feet In a very short time, No man likes to be displaced. His pride comes to your n srue. The one who is sure of him self needs to be shaken in that se curity. The other fellow is an ex cellent help. Play him in the game. The absent treatment Is also ef fective. Don’t let a man see too much of you. Let him miss you when you're gone. Let him see a lot of the other girl, so much, in fact, that he is reaily to rush into your arms at first sight. Contrast is a great help er. By Invidious comparisons he will see qualities in you that he has never suspected, and that may not be there at all. He will seize you before any other conqueror has a chance. The wedding ring may as well be meas ured for your third finger the next time that you are in tile shopping district. The game that you can win la one of the oldest ones in the world. The queer thing about it is that the dumb est little girl can beat out the clev erest; the Innocent one can outtrick the knowing; the young can win over the old. Some women have an in herent ability to play the game. Oth er women acquire it in a few lessons. AH are on the road to successful changing of the lame name, if these points be taken as guides. Whether your trip be over a sea of glass or around the edge of a volcano, it will have the result that most women wish. Did you ask whether I have ever played it? Tut, tut! I am telling you what 1 have seen. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT AUGUSTA WOMAN’S CLUB. The first meeting of the Educational Department of the Woman’s Club was held on Monday afternoon. Miss Kittle Hoggs, chairman, presiding. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Several new mem bers of the club were welcomed into this department. Reports were reed from various com mittees. Scholarship committee report ed that club had awarded one scholar ship through this department. Important subjects along educational lines were ably discussed and plans laid for covering of a broad field of work during the year. As this department will co-operate with entertainment committee for a pro gram for the next meeting, it was de cided to put on a discussion which will be open to all members. Subjects of discussion to be “The Schoolhouse as a Social Center,” and ••Women of the Hoard of Education." Mrs. J. S Pius will lead discussion on first subject snd Mrs. Percy Hurum will lead with latter. Department recommended that a ly ceum cot tree of lecture# he put on dur ing the winter months for pupils of Au gusta schools and their parents Sev eral of Augusta’s able orators were con sidered as speakers for these occasions. Parent-Teachers’ Associations were recommended and unanimously endorsed. On motion of Mrs. Hurum, Mrs. T. Q. Nottingham was elected as official re porter for this department. AUGUSTA EQUAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION TO MEET. The Augusts Equal Suffrage Associa tion will hold Its next meeting Friday, SOth. at eight-thirty o’clock In the Al bion parlors This will be the first meeting of the association since its or ganisation In September, and the suf fragists in Augusta are greatly inter ested In making this meeting a twilliant occasion. dome of the hranlest snd best cltl- Sfftft are to nnkt addresses. Mrs J. p. Hammond. Capt. J. Rice Smith snd Colonel Sam * Nlvt, one of Richmond county s representatives, are to be among the speakers, and the subject of Equal Suffrage will be brought before the Augusta public in a most convinc ing and interesting way. Since the initial meeting In September the lenders in this cause have been de lighted at the great interest evinced by the men and women of out* city in Equal Suffrage. The suffrage cause in Georgia hat made wonderful strides In the Past year, and while Augusta has been slow In re epondlng to this call, the enthusiasm is all the greater by the delay. The women who stand by this move ment are representatives of so many different interests in our community life, mothers, home-makes*, business and pro fessional woman. and in their efforts for Equal Suffrage have received the en dorsement and assurance of co-operation of the most prominent snd progressive, profession*! and business men of All- Copyright Hart Schaffncr & Mar* MEN who are at war don’t pay much atten tion to the way their clothes look; but you are not at war; you’d better be particular. And above all we now offer to cash customers the famous HART-SCHAFFNER & MARX And all Other Suits and Overcoats in Our Store at 25% REDUCTION FROM REGULAR PRICES S3O Suits and 0verc0at5....522.50 $25 Suits and Overcoats....slß.7s S2O Suits and overcoats...,sls.oo sls Suits and Overcoats....sll.2s GENES rURNISHINGS Including our entire stock of Hats, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, any and everything in this line (except Carhartt’s Overalls) on purchases of $1 and more FOR_CaSHaT 10% REDUCTION from regular prices Clolhier P f. MFpT|N<V 854 Furnisher ■ • Vl* f IL.ri I IMJ Broad St. IT DOESN'T * ft PAY lo wr chftp face pewtki. for. fc> makw them. cheap mtfmaents ' n»u»i l«r utod. and t be«p ingmfienl* ’ •le harmful even \#ef >u«. anmeamea. If otw rnvut exnnomire it« better In buy food far** pow der and w* a more tarefuß), a-spin# the bo# comwd and av.urfmg wms. TV n#ht u«e of a food fare powder bee,* fir* • dry, ial- Inw or rough akin. My blxqumt* Face Ponder a chemiraHy purr and wholesome and is sold sins law » vice a* pnaathle Th» twwder keep the akin beautifully fresh, soft and with a dek«als and dnmty lovekoess coovcyad by no other powdrt. One <4 the thrw shades wvfl blend naturally with your complexion. and all the tuna you are const km* that its use actually benefit* the »kia. for u » wonderfully clean, whulewune and arcdun#. Watch for the Beautiful Red Package* on Die play in All Loading Storoß. Mme. Ise’belTs CiqiMle Face Powder 50# Cold C issn MV and $1.25 Turkish Bath Oil ......... 1.00 .SLafonlAUruiUrPMa. 50c HruKctbloon Talc Poadw 2k Njuu.l Blnb Rnua< Me R-Xe Bludi Saak Rous.--. Pc Lilac Head Wharcur 2k KW, Ml on, ErwScMc. ...»l 00 D. C Dmdanrr Powd« . 1.00 Made by Mme. Ise’bell The Worid’a Meat Fanout Beauty Expert Cm.;.. wnlsa: Dear Mm Ise'bel —-1 have tned your Ttrrkt<k Haik Chi amt Fact Powder and am deh#hmd with them. It is my nttntMa swsr Id be wrfi«t tbaan if 1 ran Help it. aa I hod them both bee-Hv and phiasanL Y«u» HJKORIjr. OSSIE LOFTUk** Oil Heaters, Gasoline Stoves, Oil Stoves, Oil Cans, Wicks for Stoves, And Heaters. BOWEN BROS. HARDWARE. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25. SEVERAL BARGAINS In TJbed REMIKTJTON TYPEWRITERS Call and See Thmn and make an offer. . hibs ♦ +*• V.W BUSINESS OFFICE, AUGUSTA HERALD.