The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, October 25, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 27

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25c ’ Society NOTES FROM Y. W. C. A. GYMNASIUM. The Y. W. C. A. gymnasium has closed another successful week, mark ed by the enrollment of many new members, and a large attendance In all the classes. Women are becoming more appre ciative of the great benefits to be de rived from gymnasum work, and re alize that it is the greatest promoter of bodily health, and physical develop ment. It is also a most wholesome and delightful form of recreation. There have been some slight changes made in the hours for several of the classes, to suit the greater conven ience of members. The classes are now arranged as follows: Mondays and Thursdays, young la dles’ classes, from 4 to 4:30 and from 4:30 t05:30 p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays, ladies classes, from 11 to 12 a. m. and from 12 to 12:30 p. m. Business women’s classes, from 6:30 to 7:30 and from 7:30 to 8 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, child ren's classes, Wednesdays from 4 to 5 p. m., Saturdays from 10 to 11 a. m. The General Secretary will receive applications for membership at the Y. W. C. A. building, 101 MclnTosh St. Office hours are from 10 to 3 p. m. MRS. ST. AMAND TO ENTERTAIN. Mrs. St. Arnand has sent out cards to a dance afternoon at K. of P. Hall, at which she, assisted by her pupil, Mrs. B. T. Lowe, will demonstrate the latest in ball room dances. Both Mrs. St. Amand’s and Mrs. Lowe’s 'Skill in dancing is so well known to the general public that the occasion is being looked forward to with much pleasure by the few who have been honored with cards. MISS JONES ENTERTAINS. Miss Dollie Jones entertained her rook club very delightfully Friday af ternoon. INTERESTING EDGEFIELD MARRIAGE TO BE. One of the most interesting social affairs that has ever taken place in Edgefield will be the marriage of Miss Lillian Nicholson and Dr. John Mc- Grath. of New York city, which will be solemnized Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock at the Nicholson home, the young couple leaving after a: elaborate wedding reception for New York. Four of Dr. Nicholson’s New York friends will come on to attend him, and the marriage will be charac terized by much of the social atmos phere that is so inherent to Edgefield. TO CELEBRATE SILVER ANNIVERSARY OF REV. AND MRS. A. D. ECHOLS. Te Missionary Society of Asbury church have invited the entire church membership to meet*\vith them on the evening of Thursday, Oct. Mth, from eight till ten o’clock, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their pas tor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Echols. This is a pretty compliment to Mr. and Mrs, Echols and one that shows the love in which they are held by their parish. IN HONOR OF MISS OELACHING. Miss Olga Oelaching of Savannah, who is the very attractive guest of Miss Louise Stelling, was compliment ed by her hostess with a congenial party Thursday night at The Strand. THINK! Of theRUUD TANKWATER HEATER attached to the range boiler in your kitchen; the simple lighting of a match and a turn of the valve starts the heater in operation, and gives you in a few minutes plenty of hot water at any faucet in the house. Of this convenience for the toilet and bath and how it lessens your labor and worry in the every-day household routine. Of getting aD the hot water you need during the warm weather and your kitchen de lightfully cool and comfortable in contrast to the excessive heat from the old-fashioned coal stove. Let at show you thU “comfort maker" in opormtion. The Gas Co. IN HONOR OF MISS GALPHIN. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jones entertained Friday evening at the Grand in com pliment to Miss Georgia Galpliin of Beech Island. Their guests were Galphin, Miss Julia Walsh, Miss Es telle Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. John McElmurray, Mr. J. C. Fowler and Mr. J. B. Hammond. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY. Tomorrow, Monday, October 26th, the Children’s Hospital will celebrate its opening anniversary. Four years ago the Wllhenford open ed, and since then has cared for the sick children that have been brought to Its door and there have been many. Each year the birthday of the hos pital has been observed by the asso ciation making a general request for any presents that friends will send to them. It matters not how small, ev erything is received with grateful ap preciation of the spirit with which it is sent. And really, we would rather have small things from many friends than large amounts from a tew. As we said last week we know this Lfca ?>oor year, we know about the cot tim and we know about the war, we know that the Y. W. C. A. and the Associated Charities are asking for money (and need it) hut all that doqs not keep children from getting sick, nor does it reduce our expenses. If the winter Is poor for one it will be poor for all, so don’t refrain from sending a small gift of some kind, thinking that If everybody else Is poor that the Children's Hospital must be rich. What to send: One or more, towels, cup towels, sheets, pillow cases, small blankets, undershirts—sizes 1 to 10, stockings—sizes 1 to 10, gowns—sizes 1 to 10, wrappers—sizes 1 to 10, maids’ aprons, canned goods, preserves, jelly, grits, meal, flour, potatoes, apples, breakfast food, pans, milk dishes, sauce pans brooms scrubbing brushes. And last, hut not least, money—we can use any amount of that, large or small that you will send We believe in economy, but don’t economize too much on the Children’s Hospital. Come tomorrow and bring us a present. The place where the Birthday Party will be is L. A. Russell Piano Co., comer Broad and Mclntosh, from 6 to 12 o’clock. HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA GONE Dr. James’ Headache Powders give instant relief---Cost dime a package. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull throbbing headaches yield in Just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache Powders which cost only BO cents a package at any drug store. It’s the quickest, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don’t suffer; Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache or neuralgia misery is needless. Get what you ask for. £ te* SThis . tapis bkSfc// Safe Antisepticliy 1 ' Every physician will warn you against the use of bichloride of mercury tab lets, carbolic acid, and the rest of the poisons, as dangerous to have about the house; offensive in their odors; disagreeable in their staining and smearing prop erties. DON’T run the risk of fatal accident, when Tyree’s Antiseptic Powder is ABSOLUTELY SAFE; MORE convenient to use; and MORE SATISFACTORY in its results than ANY of the poisons. TYREE’S ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a powerful germicide. A barrier against ALL infection. But it is a sweet, clean, purifying Antiseptic—that al lays irritation; giVes healthy invigoration to the weakened tissues and delicate membranes. In the bath it removes all bodily odors, and is most refreshing. In the douche it cleanses and clarifies gently and effectively. When the feet ache and burn it will give immediate relief and continued comfort. And above all, it is the ONLY SAFE ANTISEPTIC. 25c 50c SI.OO Cut out this Coupon and present it at any of these well known Drug Stores—for a large FREE sample package—and test it for yourself. T. G. HOWARD, DRUGGIST, Corner Broad and Eighth Sts. LAND DRUG CO., Corner Broad and Marbury Sts. J. S. Tyree, Chemist, Inc., Washington, D. C. BAHIE-EDELBIUT FURNITURE CO. 708, 710, 712 Broadway ■ • . . . Augusta, Georgia. The Quality Store We Sell on the Club Plan We Pack Furnitute 200 Pieces of Old Hickory Rustic Furniture to Select From. $5.00 Cliairs, spindle back, novf $2.50 $5.50 Chairs, round arms, now $3.50 $7.50 Chairs, woven bark, extra large, now .. $4.50 $9.00 Chairs, extra high back, now $5.00 $6.00 Ladies’ Sewing Rocker, now .. ..$3.75 $12.00 Round Table, now $6.50 SIO.OO Rocker Settle, woven back, now .$5.75 I SB.OO Rocker Settee, spindle back, now $4.75 $15.00 54-inch Swing, 4 chairs $9.00 THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. DAVENPORTS AND LEATHER COUCHES $32.50 Oak Frame Daven ports $25.00 $40.00 Mahogany Frame Davenport .. .. $30.00 $75.00 Mahogany Frame Davenport, real leather for $50.00 SIB.OO Leather Couches, at $13.00 $25.00 Leather Couches, at $17.50 $50.00 Leather Couches, real leather .. ..$40.50 I $65.00 Leather Couches, real leather .... $47.50 $20.00 Box Couches, up holstered in Demin, for $14.50 WE SELL " mf^RAsTpUGS) THE BEST MADE Sea our One of Or mi Rugs be fora you buy, all lata patterns. Bil 2 two-tone Hun .. .. §9OO ( 2x10.6 two-tone Ruga .. SH OO 6*B two-tone Rug (6x72 Ruga .. ~ $} $q 27xM twctone Rugs .... $1.25 This Coupon good for sample package of Tyree ’s Antiseptic Powder. Name.............. .•*>.... Address Bpeeial sale on Palmer Hammocks, the best on the market. We can save you money. See our dis play before you buy. Wardrobes $15.50 Golden Oak, now .. „. ... $ll.OO $40.00 Golden Oak, 2 doors, now .. .. S3O 00 $50.00 Mahogany, Bird’s Eye lined, now . .$35.00 $40.00 Mahogany, single door $27 00 $40.00 Bird’s Eye, single door, now .. .. $27 00 $82.50 Bird’s Eye, 2 doors with mirrors,now $65.00 $75.00 Bird’s Eye, 2 doors with mirrors,now $55 00 KENNY’S Coffees and Teas are guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Try them. C. D. KENNY CO. 1048 Broad Street. Phone 601 Phone Orders given prompt attention. SPECIAL NOTICE I buy building material in car load lots for cash, direct from South Georgia, which moans a big sav ing to the owner. Get my estimate before awarding your contract. E. H. MOBLEY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No 4 I. A. Bank Building. Phone 2476. TRIPPE®. LONSFORD Dealers in Best Grade Ifetive Meats. Chickens and Eggs Our Specialty Quick Delivery to Any Part of City. 703 Mclntosh street. phone aia BUILD WITH BRICK GEORGIA-CARbLINA BRICK COMPANY AUGUSTA, - QBORGIA SPECIAL SALE ON CHIFFOROBES $15.00 Golden Oak, polished $11.50 $35.00 Golden Oak, polished $23.50 $22.00 Mahogany finish, polished $15.00 $48.50 Real Mahogany, dull finish $30.00 $50.00 Real Mahogany, dull finished .. . $35.00 SIOO.OO Real Mahogany, extra fine $75.00 e r,X rr It" "*?. ck the J lar « 8t >'"• of Office Furniture abown In the city. Standing Daaka, all sizes. EL° J J op n>eHk«, nil sizes. I £ la t Top Dt'ihn, all size* Typewriter Peaks. Offlee Tablna, all alaaa. Sectional Book Cases. Office Chairs. Office Stools. We Give and Redeem Purple Trading Stamps We Store Furniture bav * J Uit W"h"Bd a Urea ItockarH liphoUtawd neat and back, brown and green, •>r na Hookers and Clialra, upUJateSS *Z l w “1, bMk ' in rid 1 ory, walnut and silver grey •• ••..—..... «a-75 MISSION ROCKERS $7.50 Rocker, leather seat, now ~ ... . .$5.25 $6.50 Rocker, leather soat, now $4.50 $5.00 Rocker, leather seat,- now .. .. ..$3 75 MORRIS CHAIRS $15.00 Mahogany Frame, now .„ „, .. ..$10.75 $17.50 Oak Frame, with foot rest, now . $12.50 $18.50 Oak Frame, with foot rest, now .. $13.50 SEVEN