The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 06, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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TWELVE - 4% THE 4% PLANTERS LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK 705 BROAD 8T„ mUGUSTA, QA. L. C. Hayi.e, President. Goo. P. Batce, Caahiar. Organized 1570 Correct Living Daily 18 th« only method by which mircemi can be obtained !n any department of life. A Judicious Expenditure Of money rnunt necessarily bring thle happy result to those who ;>b*erve thle rule OUR SPLENDID FACILITIES For serving thla conservative class of people are unexcelled, and their interests ara carefully guarded by ua. WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS Of Guard lane, Trustees. Ad mlntaf ratnra, Lodge-Treasurers, and those having fundn await ing Investment. United States Depository For Poatal Having* Punda. CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION CMvan to nil hunlnene entrusted lo ua and perfect nattsfaotioii guaranteed. Dapoatta May Ba Mad* by Mail. Merchants Dairy Lunch Open All Night. SAYS BOTH ARE IN BEST OF HEALTH London, 10r1S a. m.—According tn « Ontral Now# despatch from CVtprmhiiijen Iho German there, Cmmt Hrorktlorff Ilinlxa, ha* liwied a ataernent categori cally denying the rtimnra that the Ger man Crown I'rinrw and I'rlnct Albert nt*re either wounded or killed. He M;»teN that both are in tht beet poselble health. Merchants Dairy Lunch Open All Night. THE WALK OVER TRADE MARK ON A SHOE MEANS THAT A MAN UFACTTJRING ORGANIZATION SECOND TO NONE IN THE WORLD STANDS BEHIND EVERY PAIR. IT IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST FAC TORY, MAKING MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SHOES. rite style of Walk-Over la always the best. The designers search the world’s fashion centers (or the latest and most beautiful models. You are assured of correct style in season. The fitting quality o( Walk-Over shoes is well known to every man and woman who has been properly fitted with a pair. Because the shoes are made on scientific lines they fit from the first trying on. Ther« it foot comfort in Walk-Over shoe# because the makers consider comfort one of the first essentials. A shoe that hurts the foot is never a sat isfactory one. no matter how beautiful it may be. Wearers of Walk-Over shoes know—and you will know when you try them “Comfort from ths first day's wearing.’’ Walk-Over Boot Shop C. A. NICKERSON, Manager. Broad Street. - Augusta, Oa. “ALSO CLOTHES” Are 1 ratio winners to ns because they fit, style and satisfy ever the most hard-to-please men and young men. A try-on proves the style and fit and ALCO tailoring wears - wears wears ! Other Dressing that’s sure to please you awaits your early call— M£ Creary's'|| iHm I “Home of Good Clothes” Climate Failed; Medicine Effective Sufferers from Tuberculosis often think thiil medicine will not help them. Fresh nlr. regular hnhlta and good fond nld In reatorlng health, licit more la often needed. Many hnvf heen restored to health by Hekmans Alterative. Itend this:— Weldon, 111. "Gentlemen: —Through your mentality I have been aaved from a pre. matura grave. On December 14, 1904, I waa taken with Typhoid Pneumonia, which developed Into Tuberculosis 'bacilli wer: found.) In February, 1905, I went to Fort Worth, Texas, and later to Cannon City, Colorado. After being there two weeks my phyelelan Informed me that my case was hopeless. Three weeks later I returned home, weighing 103 pounds, the doctor having given me no assurance of reaching there alive. On July 14, 1906, I began taking Eckman'e wonderful remedy for Lung Trouble Now I am stout and well and can do any kind of work about my grain elevator." (Abbreviated.) (Affidavit) ARTHUR WEBB. Kokmun's Alterative Is most efflra c’loiih lii tcroiii'hlul catarrh nnd severe throat and lung affections and up building the ayatem. Contains no harm ful or habit-forming drugs Accept no substitute*. Small slat), II: regular alr.e, *-'■ Hold try leading druggists. Write for bcMcklet of recoveries. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. ytfe Shoe PARIS TODAY IS MORE HOPEFUL IT YSER NEWS Optimism Largely Based on Expectation That Germans in General Retirement Towards Interior of Belgium. Paria, 10 a. m.—Paris today appears to be mnr< optimistic. The hope is freely expressed that a few more weeks of patient effort on the’ part of the allien will result in forcing the Gtr nian right back into the Interior of Belgium and so compelling the with drawal of the whole line from Lille to Moselle, toward the frontier. This hopefulness Is based largely on the progress of the allies east of the Yser. The lack of the former energy In the German offensive between Dix mude and the I.ys, whether It indi cates a general retirement or the tem porary exhaustion of their troops, Is held to be remarkable alnce there are no less than eight army corps massed mi tha* front. These corps are de scribed bh made up to a great extent of reservists and young volunteers fu'l of lerolsm but, according to French military experts, deficient In training and more likely to fall victims to pneu monia. ' Etpacially Fit. While the comparison cannot he oth erwise than prejudiced, the French In sist that the men who are Joining the French army following the new levies are especially fit, well trained, full of Initiative and become quickly battle seasoned, The French reserve officers also are declared to be generally mors skilled than the Germans The violent German attacks at Ar ras Indicate, It Is thought here, that another attempt Is being made to turn the French forces similar to tile effort on Oct. 31. which failed because tha French obtained early information ot the German plans. A dispatch to the Snleil Du Midi from Boulogne snys that the attacks were made by two columns, one from Letts and the other from Doual, which joined at Ballleul (17 miles northwest of Little). The dispatch continued: Sudden Fire. "The FYench had evacuated the vil lages north of Arraß and kept their troops carefully concealed In the city. The Germans, expecting no opposition, marched Into the suburb of St. Nicho las with bands playing and colors fly ing. Suddenly fire was opened from the houses as the enemy debouched on to the bridge over the Scarpe. “A battalion guard with fixed bayo nets dashed forward hoping to escape Into the city but French dragoons un expectedly appeared. Caught between quick-firers and the sabres of the cav alry, the guardsmen threw down their arms while the troops behind them beat a hasty rterent. A 16-inch Gun, “Meanwhile a French aviator drop ped bombs, destroying the track be hind an at mured train which was fol- The materials used in manufacturing Walk- Over Shoes are the best that can be obtained in the world’s markets. The shoes give perfect satisfaction because of the quality and fit. You get enjoyment from Walk-Over shoes. They have in their con struction all that makes for satisfaction. They fit right, the material is the best, therefore they give the greatest amount of comfort. The prices of Wnlk-Over shoes are fair and equitable. The manufactur ers desire to maintain always the highest degree of perfection in men’s and women’s shoes at the lowest range of prices consistent with good workmanship. You cannot buy a bet ter shoe for the money anywhere earth. “A price for every purse—*» fit for every foot.” fHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. HARMLESS TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Liquid Q-Ban Does This So No One Can Tell. Plain, harmless, liquid Q-Ban ap plied to hair and scalp on retiring. Just like a shampoo, rubbing It In gent ly with the finger tips, will beauti fully darken gray, faded or streaked with gray hair so evenly and naturally that no one can tell It has been ap plied. Although not a dye, Q-Ban acts on the hair roots and gives your hair that soft, dark lustre and abundance which makes the hair sc fascinating and attractive. Q-Ban will keep your hair a dark, even shade and make you look young and vigorous. Q-Ban don’t cost much, Is not sticky, harm less, delightful to use. It also stops falling hair, Itching scalp and dand ruff, Ask your druggist for a bottle of Q-Ban for darkening gray hair, only 50 cents for a big 7-ox bottle at Frost’s Pharmacy, 602 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. Out of town people supplied by mail. Call or write. lowing the column. On the train was found a 16-tneh gun which was being transported In sectlone and accompa nied by a number of engineers from Krupps.” TENNEBBEE VB. VANDERBILT. Nashville, Tonn. —The University of Tennessee football team arrived here today from Knoxville and will meet the Vanderbilt University squad to morrow. The contest which Is expect ed to be close will have an Important bearing on the southern Intercol legiate football championship. En-Ar-Co Oil Saved His Son J. M. Bohemian. Gnvriaoa, Tax., writ*.; “En-Ar-Co Oil saved my ion (rum an attack ot congestion. ' It will 3*veyo« from many an ache and pain hat Is need ossly suffered. durns, Swellings, Rheumatism, Neu algia and a host of othercomplaints vanish like magic at the touch of In-Ar-Co Oil —the popular family (needy known for over a quarter of v century as “The Wonderful Japan se Oil.’’ Sn-Ar-Co Oil ban a thousand uses tor <very member of the family. A bot ie should be kept handy in every . >me to ward off trouble. SO cents it your druggist. None genuine with out the signature, National Kemedy Co., New York. Don't suffer with indigestion or liver trouble. ' .•« T Ivor T-- I-. . sum, si, si, si, si,si, si,si, SI, SI,SI, SI,SI, Invested in one of our SUITS OR OVERCOATS Means a Bona Fide Saving of $25.00. And your clothes are Tailored to fit you, ac cording to the latest fashions and creations From All Wool Fabrics They Look Swell. They Wear Well. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ENGLISH WOOLEN MILLS 662 SROADST. sik YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WITH GUARANTEE SHOES A / i' f j Yilj \ |stg V\ This Extraordinary Offer Coupled With the Fact That GUAR ANTEE SHOES carries New York Qty Style at a Saving Of at Least SI.OO the Pair ESTABLISHES OUR CLAIM OF • • ♦* ...... BEETEB SHIS EBB LESS MONEY. FOR WOMEN $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 CUARANTEE SHOE CO. lOth AND BROAD THE MAKERS GUARANTEE Of Your Moneys Worth Or YOUR MONEY BACK Is Behind Every Pair We Send Out FROM OUR STORE FOR MEN $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6.