The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 08, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 24

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EIGHT Tubman Girls Get Healthful Exercise Out ot Basketball; First Game Friday In the Opening Inter Class Contest of Season, Sophomores Defeated Seniors 2 8 to 20 --Inter School Games Will Not Begin Until After Christmas. The first of the class basketball (tames at the Tubman High School was played on the school grounds J-Ylday between the tennis of the Sophomore and Senior classes. Thu score resulted 28 to 20 in favor of the Sophomores. The contest whh exclt log, well played, well supervised an.l furnished an hour of helpful out-door exerclae for the girls , ; -The claas games hereafter will he Hayed at Tubman every Friday sf ternopn. The Juniors will meet the Freshmen next Friday. The Senior will play the Sophomores three gam's ' and the Juniors will play the Fresh men three games. The winners In these series will carry the schedule up to the first of the year, when by thlf. time the platers on Hie "varsity" team will have had good experience and the Inter-school games will begin. The schedule of Inter-school game* will be very limited. Th« Line-Up. The girls in the game Friday were: Senior—Danforth and Flits, for wards, Keener and K. Morris, renters; Marks a id Hurum and Bretlenburg, guards Sophomores -Cunningham and Ke 1 - ly. forwards; Pund and Kvnns, cen ters; Silver and Cnmmlng, guards A complete record of the girls' play Rest Rooms in All Cities Suggested For Country Women Rest rooms for country women will be eetabl shed In many Southern cities If the suggestion recently made by Dr. J. I). Eggleston of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blaekeburg, Vtt., Is carried out. The Institute is the agricultural college of the old Do minion and Its president Is known through tvs slate as a man keenly Interested in the welfare of the rural folk, and this Interest Is not confined to the men and hoys. Me long has Insisted that the wife and daughter of the farmer ate Important factors In the agricultural problem, particularly when the human equation Is const l exed. He wants boards of trade, chambers of commerce or other forms of busi ness men’s assoclat ons to provide a suitable place In each town or city whbh women from the country dis tricts may use for headquarters when they come to town to do their shop ping. This suggestion of I lie Virginia educator was one o( several he made in bis reply to the questionnaire sent out by the Southern Settlement and Development Organ station to agricul tural bodies, commercial organization and agricultural colleges of the South ern states on the subject of closer co op ration between the city man and tin farmer, and it reads as follows: •"Thrre Is one thing 1 should HUe ver much to see started In Virginia, and ti at Is to have every town In the state i ny df h good meeting place, or fret! room, for the women who come In from the country districts to the town to make purchases. These good country women come In and usuallv spend the entire day, and, so fsr as I know, there Is not a rest room pro vided by any business organization for these wome.„ A good rest room, cen trally located, where these women could go snd leave their bundle* and rest from time to time during the day would create a most favorable Impres sion. aside from the fact that It would be of untold comfort for the country women." Oh! the Charm of Beauty Let Stuart's’ Calcium Wafars Restore the Color to Your Cheeks and Remove the Cause of Pimples, Blackheads, Ete. Every one envies a beautiful skin. Just ss every one envies a healthy person. Unsightly faces filled with pimples, discolorations, blackheads, etc., are nothin*: but unhealthy faces due to blood Imparities. Cleanse the blood and the facfnl blemishes dis appear. \ - I “Life to me now ie a beauteoue thing, for I have made all akin trou ble* a thing of the pact.” You must not believe thnt drug* and salve* will atop facial blemishes. ,The cutlet 1 la Impure blued fillet! with all manner of reftiee mnlter. Stuart's Calcium \t afer* cleaner and clear the blood, drtvlna out all polenn* and Impurlttee And you'll neVW have a good complexion until the blood ie clean* Theae little wafere may be uaed with perfect freedom. Science knows no more powerful blood cleaneer. They are entirely free from harmful dm ai< or oplatee Your doctor pre ecrlbee theee hundreds of times a year, Stuart's Calcium Wafers go right Into your blood Tbalr purifying, beneficial effect upon the blood la felt throughout the body, not In a >e*r or a month, but In a few daya You feel better all over because your blood, the life-giving fluid, Ie doing He work properly. No matter how bad your complexion i*. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will work wonders with It, You can get these little wonder-workers ai your ilrug glet'a for H cents a package. If you wltsh to try a small sample first It grill be nialled free by addressing F A Stuart Co, 17b Stuart Bldg, Mar shall, Mich. lr.g was kept during the game by the principal, Mr. T. H. Garrett. Mis* Danforth threw all of the goals for the Henlor team, seven (counting two points each) from the field, and six (counting one point each) from the foul line. l-’or the Sophomores, Miss Cunning ham threw four field goals and two foul goals and Miss Kelly threw nine field goals. Only the forwards are allowed to I Iff. >w for goals. The fouls were scored as follows: Against Seniors Danforth 3, Keener 1. Morris t and Bredenberg 1. Against Sophomores Cunningham I, Pund 4, Kvnns 1 and Silver 4 Well Supervised. Tb< gntne was refereed by Mr. W. M. Hunter, general secretary of the Voting Men's Chtistlan Association, who with Mr T. Balk, of the Y. M. C. A. basketball team, has supervised basketball practice at the the Tubman for the past few years. Both Mr. Balk and Mr Hunter have been largely In strumental In developing a winning tea pi for Tubman, The girls -and there are about a hundred of them are practicing every afternoon, lust for the exercise that is in the game. Mr. Garrett Is present at all of the practices supervises the play. The Southern Settlement and Devel opment Organization at once bulletined l)r. Kggleston's suggestion to all the ■ uinmereial bodie* In the Southern rTates on the Iheory that If rest rooms wen good tilings for Virginia women they were good things for the country women of all the Southern states and the responses which have been re ceived indicate that before long a number of Southern cities will have the "Kgglcston rest rooms." In some places the women's clubs have been asked In co-operate in opening and maintaining, with the financial back ing of the local association of business men, rest rooms for country women and thus, in a simple social way es tablish points of contact with the wo men from the fai m which would tend lo develop fiendly relations between the country women and the city wo men, to their mutual benefit. It hoj been pointed out that the getting to gether of the rural and urban women through the establishment of rejt rooms will strengthen and broaden fellowship and practical co-operation between the farmer and the business man, which has long been desired. It Is suggested that an Eggleston rest room should he located at a con venient center and be furnished with cha rs, tables, toilet conveniences, tel ephone, writing desk, city directory, drinking water, good light and be well ventilated. Provision also should be made for caring for the little ones for the country women frequently bring their children with them. If the wo men’s clubs assume the responsibility for the care of the rooms, hostess committees could be selected to be In personal attendance, but probably In some larger cities a Salaried attend ant will be employed. Constantinople Calm; Army is in Sad Plight Many Soldiers Wearing Old Uniforms---No Gommissarial, Ammunition Scare. Oerman Officers and Money Plentiful. Roms, 4:50 p. m.—Despatches from Constantinople describe the situation there a* outwardly much u It was dur ing the ltalkan war. All foreigners, except Germans, are regarded with suspicion. Germans may be seen everywhere and German money Is so plentiful that It often is accepted as though It were Turkish. In cases and places of atnuumtnt the German languages constantly Is heard, Governing classes appear solemnly confident, but the army le deulared to be totally unprepared for wsr. Store bouses are said to he empty and no commissariat exists Many soldiers mill are wearing the old uniforms used In the last pre\ kuis war and army officers have not nil been paid. It was asserted. Above All Money. There a scarcity of ammuni tion, continue the correspondents, though Germany has poured into Turkey German officers, privates. Bailors, arms and ammunition and above all money. It le also said they have sent a submarine to Turkey. Enver Pasha, minister of war. and General von bandars German command er of the Ottoman army, are the Idol* of the movement, says one correspondent who adds: "They have promised the people mili tary glory snd certain conquests follow ed by riches and prosperity through the spoils of war Enver Pasha already le depleted a* the Ottoman Napoleon, but nieinwhlle, no-withstanding German as sistance. financial necessities are so pressing that a new' taxation has been Imposed." NEGRO BOY KNOCKED FROM SWITCH ENGINE IS HURT Klllott Thurman, a negro boy appa rently about 15 years of age. while riding on the cowcatcher of a Georgia railroad switch engine, near Bteedley’a Grossing, In some way was knocked from his perch, landing In front of the englue. • It seems that ths cow catcher pushed the boy from the track, pre venting him from being run over. He waa Immediately carried to the lot mar hospital, where, at an early hour Sunday meriting it was learned that be was not seriously hurt, and would probably recover In a day or two. DEMOCRAT WINS. Los Angeles, -Prvtgreealve headquar ters tonight conceded the election of ■ 'harlee H. Randall. Democratic-Pro hibitionist. to congress fpom the Ninth district, by a plurality of 550 over Chkrles W. Bell. Progress! v*. WATSON CASE DATES BUCK TO SPRING 1012 Have Been Two Indictments Against Thomson Editor. When Will Case Be Tried, if Ever? The announcement in The Herald I Saturday that the Watson case, which is probably the best known ori the rec ords of the United States court in this, | the southern district of Georgia, would not come up for trial at this term of court, because of a certlflcffte of dis qualification having been Issued by Judge Speer, brings up the question as to when, If ever, will this much talked-of case come to trial. The case dates hack to the spring of 1912, and since that time three at tempts were made by the former dis trict attorney, Alexander Akerman, Esq., to have the publisher tried In open court. First, It will be recalled, Mr. Thomas E Watson was arrested on June 2, 1912. by United States Marshal George F. White on a warrant Issued on com plaint of Postoffice Inspector A. J. Knight, which waji .made a month be fore. *> On June 7 Mr. Watson appeared be fore the late Walter H. Godwin, United Stales commissioner at Augusta, at which time the defendant introduced a considerable amount of evidence He was placed under bond of SSOO to ap pear before the district court here on November 18, 1912. the beginning of the regular fall term. The next heard from the Watson case was when, on March 21, 1813, Judge Speer filed a certificate of dis qualification, declllnlng to preside in the oase when it came up for trial. On October 20, following, Watson ap peared for trial In the United States district court here. Judge Rufus E. Foster presiding In the absence of Judge Speer. On this date a motion to quash the Indictment under which Watson was arraigned was filed by S. G. McLendon, counsel for defense. The motion was argued at length on the 20th end 21st. with the result, on the 21st, that the motion to quash was sustained by Judge Foster. On the following day. however, the case was again presented to the grand Jury and the district attorney failed to secure an Indictment. On May 15, 1914, with Judge W. B. Sheppard presiding ni the United Slates court here, the case was, for the third time, presented to a grand Jury by the then district attorney, Mr. Alexander Akerman, and Mr. Watson was Indicted on four counts. SITUATION IN THE BALKANS IS INTERESTING Roumania With Army of 400,.- 000 Could Decide Issue in Galicia. Bulgaria Has 200,- 000 Men to Act Against Tur key. London, 5:25 a. Sofia, Bul garia. correspondent of the Times, In an Interesting survey of the position lof the Balkan countries in the Euro pean war. thinks there Is now a pros ! pect of the resumption of the move ment of Rumania In favor of Inter vention and he points out that well-equipped Rumanian army of 100.000 men on Austro-Hungarian ter ritory. would probably deckle the Is sue of the campaign In Galicia and Poland. a Bulgaria. 1« regard to Bulgaria, he says that should she receive a mandate for the occupation of Macedonia, similar to that apparently accorded Greece for j the occupation of Epirus, he* 1 under stands that, no difficulty would exist In mohtltaing the Bulgarian army and ; placing It at the disposal of the en , tente powers. Some 200,000 men would thereby be available to act | against Turkey while should Servla refrain from action against Bulgaria another 100,(t>rt Bulgarian troops , would aid Servla against Austria." ■TINE PIE COURT'S RULING Washington. D. C.—l’nlted States of ficial* await with more than ordinary Intereat the rullnr of the Rritlah prlae co*irt ut Gibraltar on copper and rubber shipment* conalrned to Italian firm* aboard the American atearner Kroon land. but unloaded at Gibraltar by di rection of Ttr’tlah authorities before the veeael waa allowed todav to continue A ftatemant riven out in Txmdon yoa terdav and aruln here todav by the Prltlah emhatry declare* that Ore it Brl taln felt competed to "atop contmbrand trade In copper with Oerm.itiy through ltnlr*‘ beoauae It had been learned auch Mdpmenta actually were Intended for Oermntt run and ammunition factorlea. Tt war added, however, that ahlpmenta made prior to (Vtober SOth. when cop per WTie made abeolute n-»r contraband would be purebaaed by the Ttrttl»\Ji jrov ernment Preaumablv the Kr*'onland*a corner carro would full within thla pro vision. Tt *• • aautned here that the American iiwtien of the Kroonlnnd’a copper will be represented at the prlae court, but If tbev are nod the conau* wl’l re before the court »a an obaervar Ts tbe deolalon la adverae to American In tereata a proteat may be todred with the atata department The ruttnr la eaneefed to form a precedent which win aeree an Important beaHnr on all con traband caaaa rrlrlnt during tha Bu rvmou wax. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. ■Ell ABODE IS RUINOUS TO MODERN SOCIETY John E. Hammond, Des Moines, lowa, Tells International Purity Congress That Moving Day Causes Divorces and Vice, Kansas City.— Moving day was de picted as one of the greatest foes of modern society and one of the cardinal reasons for divorce and vice, by John B Hammond, of Des Moines. lowa, in an address before the International Purity Congress here today. "The re-establishment of the Amer ican home is the only remedy for the social* evil and the only hope of de mocracy," he said. "The constant-shifting of families frim one section to another prohibits the long acquaintance among young pie through which proper life partners can be selected. 10 Per dent Tenants. "About 70 per cent of our people are actual tenants and dependents on speculators for the roofs which shel ter them," he continued. .Girls born and reared in tenements are easy marks for the white slavers and not Infrequently a widowed mother ground down by the tenantry system is forced to sacrifice Hfer virtue rather than her children. "The restlessness of labor is due In a large measure to the lack of owner ship of homes among our laboring men. With conditions as they are working men are unable to own their homes. Immorality. “Go where you will, you will find the greatest degree of Immorality and law lessness where the homeless popula tion Is the greatest.” As a remedy, Mr. Hammond said hi would exempt the homestead from taxation; put the burden of taxes on Incomes and constructive ownership of property and re-establish a maximum of rent rent In tenements based on as sessed valuations and graded on sani tation and conveniences, SHY TEMHCH, MEL CAPTURED U. S. Consul Canada Reports to State Department Capture From Carranza Garrison. Washington, D. C. —The capture of Tehuacan. Mexico, from the Carranza garrison by General Hlgtneo Aguilar, Argumendo and Ruiz, formerly Federal commanders was reported to the state department today by Consul Canada at Vera Cruz. The message says several hundred were kl’led and wounded. Tehuacan Is seventy-five miles from Puebla, where General Carranza has re moved with sho members of his cabinet GRDf HAIR TURNS BICK TO RIGHT COM How to Restore Natural Shade —No One Will Know You’re Using Anything. Prominent druggists In town report that most unusual results are now be ing accomplished in what many peo ple have heretofore believed impos sible —restoring gray hair to ts natu ral.* youthful color. This change Is brought about by the use of the fa mous Hay's Hair Health, a prepara tion that ts endorsed by hundreds of thousands of men and women whom It has rescued from the embarrassment of premature grayness. Hay's Hair Health Is not a dye. It does Its work solely by natural means In that It causas the oxygen in the air to so act upon the hair that it gradu ally but surely changes back to the lustrous dark shade it was before be coming gray. Yes, ladles, gray hair la now a thing of the past. It is your own fault if you continue to let faded, streaked, thin, scraggy hair mar your appear ance. All you need do ts apply this fine and harmless toilet preparation and nature will make you young again. The most particular ladles of the town, and men, tog. are using It. but you do not know It. for unlike dyes. Hay’s Hair Health works in a way that tells no one. All druggists sell It In 25c. 50c and SI.OO bottles and are authortzed by i the manufacturers, Philo Hay Special ties Company, Newark N. J., to refund full price to any purchaser not en tirely pleased and satisfied. COLORED MEN Wanted to prepare a* SLEEPING CAR AND TRAIN PORTERS No expedience neceaenry. Position* pay $65 to SIOO a month. Steady work, stand ard roads. Passes snd lrnl forms furnished when nec- cessary. I. Ry. C. L. Dept. 44. Indianapolis. Ind. DROPSY SPECIALIST Usually five quirk relief, hsve entirely relieved man. seemingly hopelesa case* heeling and short bCMItlt soon gone. Often gives enllro relief In 15 to 55 dava Trial treatment sent free, DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Sueootscr to Dr. H. H. arson's Sens Bex P Atlanta, at A rssidencs without oloctria service is scarcely mors mod em today than a residence without water sorvico. from the Ctly of Mexico. It Is on the line of the Mexican Southern Railroad- Other advices said General Villa was still at Aguas felalientes and told, of the proclamation of General Gutierrez as provisional president of the southern re public of the direction of the Aguas Callentes’ convention. He will take of fice Tuesday. During the day Rafael Zubaran. Car ranza’s confidential agent here, denied that Carranza forces had been ordered to attack American troops at Vera Cruz tomorrow. Disquieting press reports of the intention of the Carranza generals outside General Funston’s lines to seek to capture the city have persisted, how ever and the war department is keep ing in close touch with the expeditionary forces there. NOT ON ACCOUNT OF UNIFORM. New York.—The four United States sailors denied admission September 116, while they were in uniform, to an uptown theater, were not discriminat ed against because of their uniforms, In the opinion of a magistrate, who today heard testimony in the case against three theater attendants. Most Wonderful Woman in Augusta MRS. MONA DUMOND The most wonderful trance clairvoy ant and spirit medium that ever came to this city is consulted daily on love affairs, lawsuit*, marriage, divorce, bus iness matters, investments, speculations; tells y'»u the time when to buy or sell property; brings about your hearts de sire in a very short time; tells your name in full, also full names of friends, enemies rivals; she never fails to re unite those that are separated. Tells you whom and when : ou will marry (if ever); also date of marriage. Settles lovers’ quarrels, family troubles, inter prets dreams, restores lost affections and accepts no pay unless perfect satis faction is given. Mona Dumond succeeds even In the most difficult cases, where cheap pre tenders. weak or half-developed medi ums have completely fai’ed. One visit to this remarkable woman will more than convince you that she is truly a great adviser, and worthy of your con fidence. Hours, ft a. m. to R p. m. Special readings 50 cents and SI.OO. Located in strictly private home. 1107 GREENE STREET Near Eleventh. Positively no letters an sw'ered. CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY. Bring this ad for reference. To the Public The cooking demonstration which has just closed at our store proved very satisfactory in every particular. Those who saw COLES HOT BLAST RANGE In operation seemed well pleased, sev eral proving this fact by ord«ring the range. Come In and let jus show you this range, also COLES HEAT uRSi CULPEPPER BROTHERS HOME FURNISHERS. Phone 841. 1019-1021 Broad St MEN OF AUGUSTA: Your attention is respectfully direct ed to the opening of Silver’s Toggery Shop 990 Broad Street v & Carrying a complete line of the newest popular mdh’s furnishings any and everything a man needs or wants at popuar prices. (Taps, Shirts, Pajamas, Sweaters, Hose, a Free T reatment for Piles Sample treatment of Pyramid Pile Remedy mailed free for trial gives quick relief, stops Itching, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, in the privacy of your own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy Is for sale at all druggists, 60e a box. Mail this Coupon to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 515 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mloh., with your full name and address on a slip of paper, and sample treat ment of the great Pyramid Pile Remedy, will then be sent you at once by mall, FREE, In plain wrapper. Remington No. 10 This is the Typewriter which you find in the schools, the railroads, the newspapers and all the big business of fices in Augusta. It is our “Correspondence Model” and has all the latest and most desirable features — visible writing, back spaces, two color ribbon, column se lector, etc. The Remington has always been regarded as the depend able machine, and it is the typewriter for you to buy. L. J. HENRY “THE TYPEWRITER MAN.” “RELIANCE” Rubber Roofing GUARANTEED— -2 Ply 7 years 3 Ply 10 years Without recoating or any at tention from day It Is laid. WHALEY BROS. PHONE NO. 8247. Lamar Neckwear, Eclipse Shirts, Stetson SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8. STRAND’S BEST WEEK MONDAY Daniel Frohman Presents Paramount Picture Co., Marguerite Clark Dainty, Magnetic Star, in "WILDFLOWER” By Mary Germaine. A tender tale of sweet innoncence and eternal youth. Schedule of hours, 10:80, 11:30, 12:80, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30. TUESDAY George Kleine Presents “THE LION OF VENICE.” A SIOO,OOO masterpiece in six mighty parts. Full of thrills and Interest. Schedule of hours: See Tuesday’s daily papers. WEDNESDAY Daniel Frohman presents Through Famous Players Co., MARY PICKFORD, America’s Sweetheart, in “TESS OF THE STORM COUN TRY. One of little Mary’s greatest suc cesses and a big favorite every where. THURSDAY Henry IV. Savage Presents Through Paramount Picture Co., Maclyn Arbuckle, In Geo. Ade’s Comedy Drama Triumph, "THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN.” Conceded to be one of the great est stage contributions to Ameri can humor. FRIDAY Jesse L. Laskey presents through Paramount Picture Co., the Great Favorite, Dustin Farnum, in “THE VIIRGINIAN,” An artistic and vivid picturiza tion of America’s potent reminder of the West that’s gone. SATURDAY Broadway Star Features Present “THE WOLF/’ By an All-Star Cast. One of the distinct triumphs among the great masterpieces. STRAND PRICES: ADULTS, 10c.; CHILDREN, sc. BE A STRAND REGULAR. Announcement After several months In New York with a Fifth Avenue trade, 1 have re-opened here at No. 5 Union Savings Bank Building, Jackson Street, where I am pre pared to cater to your wants as a strictly first-class tailor should. I have a fine stock of woolens to select from. (Every thing in tailoring that’s worth doing right). Yours respectfully, A. H. MIEGEL Hats, Lion . Brand Collars, Onyx Hosiery, Adler ‘ Cloves, \ Collins Hjiderwear.