The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 08, 1914, Home Edition, Page NINE, Image 25

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SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3. THE MOST NOTABLE SELLING EVENT AUGUSTA HAS EVER SEEN! An Occasion That Surpasses All Others in Point of Magnitude! A Sale That is Brimming Foil oi Money-Saving Opportunities! And As We Predicted at the Opening of This Memorable Event- This Great Sale Mas Monopolized Augusta Shopping Population! The Constant Incoming Streams of New Goods Will Make This Sale Fresh and New Each Morning! —Stocks of the proportion of the Schneider quarters cannot be emptied in a week’s time—not in two week s time —there is a steady in-pouring of fresh stocks every day. We’ve put on more deliveries —we’ve blocked the freight elevators—we’ve jammed the stock rooms—and all of these huge stocks must still be sold! EVERY DEPARTMENT CONTRIBUTES. Women’s Suits Women’s Coats Women’s Dresses Women’s Skirts Blouses and Waists Negligees House Dresses Trimmed Hats Untrimmed Hats Millinery Trimmings Fine Ribbons Handkerchiefs New Neckwear Fur Coats Fur Muffs Great Sale Schneider’s Coat&Suit Stocks! —The most of the coats in this group have velvet collars—wide variety of styles—and the best offerings so far this season. Come. And come early for these Schneider Women’s Coats at Half Price SCHNEIDER’S Fur Neckpieces Muslin Underwear Silk Petticoats Corsets Women’s Shoes Children’s Shoes » Boys’ Shoes Girls’ Shoes Infants’ Coats Children’s Coats Children’s Dresses Girls’ Coats Girls’ Dresses Misses’ Coats Misses’ Suits Mail Orders Promptly Filled; Misses’ Dresses Boys’ Suits Boys’ Overcoats Boys’ Furnishings Kid Gloves Fur Lined Gloves Fur Lined Mittens Wash Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods Black Dress Good White Wash Fabrics Black Silks Colored Silks Linens and Muslins Here is fair notice that the biggest and best bargains that we have of fered in Women’s Coats go or. sale tomorrow morning bright and early at 9! Good things are coming thick and fast. sls Women’s Suits, at $7.50 S2O Women's Suits, at SIO.OO $25 Women’s Suits, at $12.50 S3O Woman’s Suits, at $15.00 S4O Women’s Suits, at $20.00 $45 Women’s Suits, at $22.50 Also * Among hndreds of coats you’ll find these Cheviot Coats Soft Woolen Coats Plush Coats Boucle Coats THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. Sheets and Cases New Laces Embroideries Art Goods Knit Underwear Women’s Stockings Misses’ Stockings Children’s Stockings Blankets and Spreads Comfortables Umbrellas Notions and Dress Forms Axminster Rugs 350 Schneider’s Dresses In a Sale! Going to be one of the lucky ones to share the savings in this Great Sale? It seems almost incredible that such good dresses should go for so little. Here’s the story: SIO.OO Dresses|||l* Ar $12.50 Dresses B ‘k f| One-Piece Models One hundred dresses in this lot—new and approved styles- plain and plaited skirt effects mostly serge dresses— with Redingote. Waists have combinations of vest and new flare collars some with silk cuffs. HERE’S ANOTHER LOT $15,00 Dresses CHOICE $16,50 Dresses dj Q QO $17,50 Dresses )v v*«FO —When we say that yesterday’s sales considerably toppled all previous Schneider sales records you can better imagine the furious selling that took place. Counters emptied quickly—tables were constantly changing with new goods from the stock rooms. It was one continuous rush, and there are hun dreds of new lots to come! A SALE OF TREMENDOUS POWER —Two hundred and fifty dresses—one-piece styles—wide range of materials and colors brand new, up-to-the-minute styles. Dresses made by the best makers. SCHNEIDER’S Mail Orders Promptly Filled; Brussels Rugs Tapestry Rugs Lace Curtains Curtain Fabrics Lace Bed Sets Men’s Suits Men’s Overcoats Men’s Furnishings Men’s Underwear Men’s Hats Men’s Socks Men’s Fur Coats Men’s Shoes Suit Cases NINE White Wool Flannel Red Wool Flannel Bed Ticking Mattress Ticking Outing Flannel Canton Flannel Dress Ginghams Apron Gingham Silk Hosiery Boys’ Knee Pants Men’s Pants Men’s Suits Men’s Shirts Men’s Neckwear