The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 08, 1914, Home Edition, Page ELEVEN, Image 27

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Hiswers to Swappers The following answers to Swaps are at The Herald office. Please call and get your answers, as the:' will be held for a few days and then destroyed. Auto 2 - Buck Stove 1 B. C. D 1 Buggy No, 2 .. 1 Climax 1 C. J. G 1 r>. w 4 Farm 9 G. A. Y 15 Hens 3 H. v Z 1 Hustlet 1 Horse 1 Hill 1 ‘■J." 1 T G 1 Swappers 7 Column. BEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There’s no charge for Insertions. You r*iy 5 cents lor each answer. Have you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? I-et the other fellow know. Augusta is full of active, energetic, eager Swappers who will be glad to make your acquaintance through the Swappers’ Column. TO SWAP: FULL BLOODED FTVTB months-old hound puppy for anything of equal value. Address C. A. H., Swap pers’ Column, care Herald. n 9 WILL SWAP: ONE LARGE WOOD OR coal stove, cost $35.00 new, for SB.OO worth of anything that I can use. With little repairs It will last for years. Ad dress Stove, Swappers Column, care Herald. nS WILL EXCHANGE: THREE HUN dved green trading stamp for an equal number of purple stamps or surety cou pons. Address Green Stamps, Swappers' Column, care Herald. 118 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND ' LOT’ FOR automobile and a small amount cash. House in good locality with all con veniences—gas, electric lights and bath. Address Home, Swappers’ Column, care Herald. n 9 WILL SWAP: TWELVE H. P. STEAM boiler and engine, in good shape, for Ford car. Address Steam Boiler, Swap pers’ Column, care Herald. nlO EXCHANGE FARM: A DANDY FARM of twenty-five acres, three miles from Lake View on Washington road, at Bon Air, 20 acres in cultivation, five acres in woods and pasture; four-room house, nice assorted fruit orchard; just the place to get out and raise chickens and hogs during war times; church and school in sight; splendid neighborhood. Will trade this place for city property. Address Ron Air, Swappers’ Column, care Herald. nlO RAINCOAT: I HAVE A $6.00 RAlN coat I will swap for value in clothing equal to $3.00; size raincoat. 35. Coat now in Savannah. Address R. W. G.. Swappers’ Column, care Herald. nil WANTED TO SWAP: PORTABLE electric table lamp, new, for second hand or new large hand bag. Address Hand Bag, Swappers’ Column, care Her iid.nil WILL EXCHANGE: A LARGE HAND* some palm for anything of equal value. Address Palm, Swappers’ Column, care Herald. nil WANTED TO SWAP: AN OIL HEAT er suitable for heating a. email room for a gas heater for the same purpose. My oil heater is in first-class condition. Address Heater, Swappers’ Column, care Herald. nil Answers Cent a Word The following answer* to want ads published in The Her) Id are on file at the office. Please call and get them as they will he held you only a few days and then destroyed: lrreg))lar ?8 J. G 1 L. M 4 Moderate 3 R. S 3 R. 1.. M 9 R. F P 1 Soda Fount .... 1 South Carolina. 1 T. W. J 1 T. D. M 1 W. D 3 A. T. J 1 A. V. ... 1 Bon Air 1 C. B 1 Chafee 1 "D." 4 Farmer 21 Farm 3 F E. C 2 G. M 2 H. L. C 1 Wanted WANTED HELP—MaIe. ARMY OF U. S. WANTED: UN\JAR ried men, age 18 to 35. Information at Recruiting Offices. 1927% Second Ave., Birmingham. Ala., 411 Cherry St.. Ma con, Postoffice Bldgs., Montgomery Ala., Rome, Augusta, Columbus, and Atlanta, Ga. frl,sat,sun. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ARE EASY to get. My free booklet Y-156 telis liow Write today—NOW. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C. n 1,8.15,22,2936,13,20,27 WANTED IDEAS:" WRITE FOR I.IHT of Inventions Wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patents se cured or fee returned Victor J. Evans & Co., 76 Ninth, Washington, D. C. 011,18,26N1,8,15 WANTED: A NO. 1 ADVERTISING solicitor, for fine proposition. Will pav salary and commission to man that can get results. Call between 2 and 4 Sunday at 568 Broad street, Room 1. upstairs. n 8 WANTED: SALESMEN AND COLI-EO teas who oan furnish horse and buggy for territory in Aiken, Barnwell and Bamberg counties. Good commission con tracts. Apply Sewing Sewing Machine Co., Aiken, S. C. nS WANTED —Rooms WANTED: RY REFINED COUPLE, without children, flat of about four rooms. Address Couple, care Herald. n 8 WANTED—fteai Estate WANTED TO PUT FOR CASH FROM owner some small houses; must he give location and price. Address Earnest, cart Herald. nS WANTED —tioarders ■ FEW SELECT YOUNG MEN CAN w obtain table hoard In private family; convenient neighborhood. 951 Reynolds street. Phone 1313-J. n 9 wanted! table boarders, also occupants for two rooms; desirable lo cation: dose in. Phone 2739 or call at 708 Greene ktreot. nl2 NICE. COMFORTABLE ROOMS CAN also accommodate a few table bjard fgs. Phone 3341-J. n!4 WANTED—Agents AGENTS: SELL GUARANTEED Hos iery, 70 per cent profit; make $lO daily. Orders repeat regularly; best agent's seller in existence. International Mills, West Philadelphia, Pa. sun a3otf SALESMEN: FIVE TO TWENTY DOL lars a day. presenting free the most startling and useful ever of fered with a magazine. Permanent po sition. National Magazine, 39 W, 21st St., New York. nS AGENTS: “RADIANT, 7, THE NEW home light. 350 candle power of bril liant light for 5c a week. Lights with a match. Makes Us own gas. No home complete without it. Gloria Light Co., 1273 Washington Blvd., Chicago. n 8 AGENTS: r.\ usual bFpSHTUNITY. 150 per cent profit. New. Just patent ed. Sells to nearly every householder. Secure territory at once. Write for par ticulars. Address TILWC, 7118 Race St., Pittsburg, Pa. nS AGENTS: SOMETHING NEW. FAST est sellers and quickest repeaters on earth. Permanent, profitable business. Good for SSO to $75 a week. Address American Products Co., 1527 Third St., Cincinnati, O. n 8 ATTENTION! WE wflU PAY~TI<>OO reward if our home butter merger fails to merge one pint of milk into one pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter than creamery butter. Demonstrators and general agents wanted. Salary or com mission. Write for illustrated circulars and addresses of 1,000 users. Wonderful invention. Family Butter Merger Co.. Washington, D. C. n 8 AGENTS: YOU CAN SECURE BlG gest line Christmas specialties by sending a 1c pst card to Div. 561. Ameri can Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. n 8 AGENTS: MAKE SIOO TO S3OO PER month easy selling our new triplicate sauce pan. Cooking 3 different foods on one burner. Saves gas. 400 specialties, all whirlwind sellers. Write quick for territory and large catalogue. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Div. 3085, Lemont, 111. n 8 WANTED—Salesman. SALESMAN: TO SOLICIT AUDITING accounts from manufacturers and large reailers only. Must be resident and furnish A-l local reference. Liberal remuneration. Exclusive territory. Na tional Freight Bureau Box 774 Roches ter, N. Y. nS WANTED—Miscellaneous. WANTED TO BUY: WELL S ACADE mIc avith.. Smith’s arlth., and Reed and Kellogg’s grammars. Dellquest’s, 213-15 7th street. tt WANTED: BIRD DOG, EITHER SET ter or pointer: must be well broken and cheap. Address F. G., P. O. Box 699, Augusta, Ga. n 8 WANTED: THREE OR FOUR HORSE power stationary gasoline engine. In ternational preferred. Answer quick, naming lowest cash price. Address En gine. P. O. Box 599, City. n 9 WANTED SITUATION—MaIe WANTED: POSITION BY BRIGHT colored boy. Am handy man around the house. Good cook and butler. Can furnish references. Address A. D. Kel ly, 822 Fenwick street. nS WANTED HELP—Female SALESLADIES WANTED: IN THIS city to sell our new elastic top petti coats. Make $30.00 to $40.00 a week. Write for particulars. Dept. M., The Fox Garment Co., Lansing, Mich. nlO LADIES CAN MAKE $lO, TO sls weekly. copying, addressing and mail ing samples. Particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 259 Glenwood, Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. n 8 DO YOU WANT ANOTHER $2 DAILY? 'No experience, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery, machines furn ished on contract, we take product Helping Hand Stores, (Inc.) Dept. 855, Chicago. n 8 LADIES”— IMMEDIATE LY; FILLING and labeling boxes. Home-work. Even ings. Steady. No experience. sl2 week ly. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose stamp. Erlna Specialty Co., To ronto, Ont. n 8 WRITE MOTION PICTURE PLAYS; SSO to SIOO paid. Correspondence course unnecessary; details free. New writers 1G72, Wright Bldg., St. Louis. n 8,15,22 WILL PAY RELIABLE WOMAN $250.0$ for distributing 2,000 FREE packages Perfumed Soap Powder in your town. No money required. Ward & Co., 216 Insti tute PI., Chicago. n 8 WANTED: A LADY ADVERTISING solicitor; salary end commission to one that can get business. Call be tween 2 and 4, Sunday. 568 Broad St., upstairs, Room 1. n 8 WANTED: WOMEN TO MAKE aprons, 40c per doz.; sent parcel post. Send addressed stamped envelope for particulars. Fenway Specialty Co., 564 Washington St., Boston, Mass. n 8 Machine 1 M. M. P 1 Mirror 2 Mules 1 M. L. C 5 Quick 1 Rex 3 R. L. M 3 Rifle Ready ... 1 S. T. M 2 Swing .1 Stamps 10 Self Heater ... 2 Tent 1 Washing Ma chine 1 Wardrobe 1 For Sale FOR SALE—Livestock MULES FOR SAI.F.: SOME GOOD ones: more than we need. Langley Mills. Bath, S. C. nlO FOR SALE: ONE MULE IN GOOD OR der. 971 Broad streeL n 8 FOR SALE: A GENTLE TIORSE BUlT able for lady or child. Will *ell cheap or swap for small nuto and pay differ ence. Can be seen C. & W. C. shop. Call for Tom Morris any day except Sunday. n 9 FOR SALE, CHEAP: lIORSE AND mule. Phone 5363. nS FOR RALE: TWO BEAUTIFUL WHITE and tan Fox Terriers, twelve week* old; will exterminate your rnts and In sure you against burglar*. $5.00 cash or Value. 1017 Emmett street. Phone 1791-J. nlO FOR SALE—Poultry FOR SAI.B: RHODE ISLAND RED eggx for hatching, thoroughbred stock. sl/4) for a setting of 15 eggs. Phono 2130-J. C. E. C. Howard, 1535 Gwinnett St, n 5,15,22,39 FDR SALE: TEN PENS OF 8. C. White and Black Orpington* at a bar gain to make room. Telephone 6760-J. R. A. Fraln, Jr., 2318 Wrightiboro Road. n 8 FOR SALE —Autos DOUBLE-TREAD PNEUMATIC AUTO mobile tire* absolutely punctureproof. Will outwear any other make and cost aliout 60 per cent !e»*. Guaranteed high milage. Special one-week price*; 28x1. $5.85: 30x3, 87 90; 30x3%, $6.85; 32x3%, $10.00; 83x1112.75; 34x4, $13.90. Non pklds 10 per cent additional. Discount of 10 per cent on cash order for two or more tire*. Send trial order today and be convinced of their merit*. Double Tread Co., Dayton, Ohio. n» IN THIS NEWSPAPER WILL HELP SOME PEOPLE TO FOR SALE —Miscellaneous FOR SALE; ONE FLAT TOP DESK practically new. Apply Mr. Bryan, Business Office, Herald ts WE HAVE FOR SALE AT BARGAINS;’ Second-hand floor, counter and wall cases, safes, desks, counters, tables and tyepwrlters. Edelstein & Co., 650-652 Broad street. The Hickman Building. Phone 1245-W. n$ FO R SALE: A FULL GLASS ST A - tion wagon, in fine condition, almost new; also double harness. Apply 718 Milledge Road, The Hill, Augusta, or phone 6968. n 9 FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD FURN - ture at a bargain; must be sold at once. Call at 119 7th street. Phone 3452-J. nlO FOR SALE: MAGNIFICENT BLACK fuv set, latest model, never used, of excellent quality, good workmanship and refined taste, $14.50. cost $45.00. Will be sent at my expense to any ad dress in any state for full examination. Mrs. S. Apt 8 The Astoria, Washington. D. ... nS FOR SALE: PORTABLE CORRU gated iron garage, suitable for any size car. Will sell cheap to quick buy er. Can be seen at 453 West Aye., North Augusta. n 8 FOR SALE: ONE THOUSAND BUS If els Fulghum seed oats, $1.40 per bushel. R. L. Ballantine, Evans, Ga. nl4 FOR SALE: PANSY AND DAISY plants. 25c for two dozen; lettuce plants, 25c per 100; daffodils. Emperor, Empress, Trumpet. Major and white hyacinths. Phone 409, ring 4. W. K. Nel son. n 8 FOR SALE—Typewriter CA. YOU USE A REMIN< "ON TYP writer In good running order at $16.00? Apply Business Office, Augusta Herald. t_f FOR SALE—ReaI Estate. FOR SALE: two 6-ACRE FARMS ON electric car line, suited for dairy busi ness. These farms adjoining other dairy farms. Terms easy. L. A. Dorr Terminal Building. sat,summon FOR SALE, CHEAP: 8 SMALL HOUSES just beyond Gwinnett street, well lo cated; a fine investment; always rented. Address Fortnight, care Herald. n 8 FOR SALE: COTTAGE ON MONTE Sano, high up. near Monte Sano Ave., seven rooms, hall and bath, modern, well built and screened, practically new, ample lot. If sold nt once, price $2,- 900.00. Address T. W. J., care Herald. n 8 For Rent FOR RENT —Rooms. FOR RENT: LARGE FRONT ROOM, elegantly, furnished with board; pri vilege of bath and phone. Call 518 Ellis street or phone 2451-J. n 9 FOR RENT: SEVEN ROOMS WITH bath, gas, and the use of phone. Apply at 954 Calhoun street. n 9 FOR RENT: TO GENTLEMEN, NICE- Iy furnished room In private home, on Greene street. Address Private, care Herald. n 8 FOR RENtT TWO ~ CONNECTING rooms, furnished or unfurnished, awl electric lights and hot water, Apply 645 Broad. nlO FOR RENT: LOWER FLAT. FOUR large rooms, kitchen, bath, back and front piazza. Nice neighborhood. Appls 34 Lincoln. n 8 FOR "RENT: THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, bath, and use of phone. 810.00 per month. Apply 1329 Greene street. Phone 2509-J. nlO FOR RENT: LARGE FRONT ROOM, furnished or unfurnished; moderate price. 341 Greene street. nlO FOR RENT: "THREE UNFURNISMED rooms: hath and use of phone; SIO.OO per month. Call at 1329 Greene street, or phone 2509-J. nlO FOR RENT: TWO NEW, NIC El. Y furnished bedrooms, connecting bath, electric lights, hot and cold water; Greene street, near business center. Ad dress H. F., care Herald. nlO FOR RENT: ONE FI,AT OF THREE rooms and private bath, all well ven tilated; all rooms with grates and closets and gas light. Apply 1035 Broad. n 8 FOR RENT: TO COUPLE, NICELY furnished room with hoard, on Groenc street; all conveniences; private family; rates reasonable. Address F. E., care Htfrald. nlO WANTED: GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY two nicely furnished rooms In private family; hot water, electric lights and good meals; conveniently located Phone 1838. nlO FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT TO gentleman, In private family, nice and comfortable front room; satisfactory price; on Flflh street next to corner of Telfair. Address Applicant, care Her ald. n 8 FOR RENT—ReaI Estate FOR RENT: 14-ROOM BOARDING house, In good locality, furnished or unfurnished. Address W, rare Herald. n 9 FOR RENT: COTTAGE ON MONTE Hano, furnished or unfurnished, five rooms, nice bath, hot water, electric lights; reasonable rent to approved ten ant. Fhone 6796-J. n 9 FOR RENT: ONE TWO-STORY, SlX room cottage, with bath; stable and barn on lot; 511 Wrights avenue, $15.06. Koon & Cooper, 857 Broad street. riß FOR RENT: HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms; two servant houses; six acres. Near Summerville care line. Will Vent or sell on eaHy terms. D. W. Marks. n 8 FOR RENT: COTTAGE, FIVE ROOMS and bath, 212 Lincoln street, three or lines pass door, five walk to Monument, $22.50 month. N. 11. Bos tick. Phone 745. ■ nlO FOR RENT; 7-ROOM HOUSE’ FIVE rooms down and two upstuirs. Four beautifully papered; garden and garage; modern conveniences; rent $20.00 per month. 9f’2 Center street. n 8 LOST AND FOUND LOST ARTICLES SOMETIMES are over found: often they are stolen with no chance of recov ery, hut when picked up by hon est persona they will get hack to the owner If advertised In this column. LOST: ONE BEAGLE HOUND DOG, white and black spotted; name Lee. Libera; reward if returned to 442 Cal houn street. Phone 3105-J. nlO LOST: EITHER IN SUMMERVILLE OR on Broad street, three Yale keys and four others. Name Dixie Repair Woiks on ring. Reward If returned to Hill Coal Co. ri9 STRAYED: FROM 1719 GOODRICH street, one black butthead cow. 8. P. Platt. Phone 1657-J. nl AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN: FROM 9TH AND BROAD street Friday afternoon, Ford car, 1914 model, State No. 6369. Reward for any information in regard to same. Com municate with Chief of Police or J. M. Tice. 1916 Walton Way. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. BUTTERMILK. "YE OLDEN TIME" BUTTERMILK and butter churned and delivered dally. Livingston’s Dairy. Phone 5204. n! FINANCIAL MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE. Augusta Real Estate Co.. 833 Brond St. \VTLL EXCHANGE: INDIAN MOTOR cycle, in good condition, for cotton Apply P. O. Box 498. 1)9 REMOVAL WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR friends that ive have moved to our own store, 650-652 Broad stroet, and wo are now ready to please our customers. Edelstein & Co., The Hickman Building. Phone 1245-W. n 9 PERSONAL WHAT EVERY YOUNG LADY Should Know. If you arc too young for maVriage; If you are thinking of mar riage; or if you are married. Send 75c cash or stamps and we will send you any place in U. S., postage free. What Every Young Lady Should Know. IT. S. Ad vertising Co., Macon, Ga. Box 58. nl4 ACCORDION PLAITING ORDERS RECEIVED AT THE ALBION Cigar rtore. For particulars phone 6G12-W. Mrs. Farr. All work done promptly. Especial attention to mail orders. N 24 COAL AND" WOOD YARD. HARD AND SOFT COAL. COKE AND stove wood. Prompt delivery. Prices reasonable. Call 780. W. C. Ivey & Co n? WANTED: 800 DINERS TO TRY OUR fresh country eggs; healthful food for breakfast. Apply New York Case. Fa mous turkey dinner Sundays. sat, sun, m on DOG COLLARS, ETC. L RGE ASSORTMENT DOG COLLARS. harness, muzzles, leads, etc.. Try our “Flee Flea’’ soap, makes the fleas fly. Augusta Trunk Factory, 735 Broad, op posite Monument. ts REMOVAL NOTICE. WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW store, 652 Broad street. The Hickman Building. Edelstein & Co. Phone 1245. FOR SALE: ONE BRAND NEW L. C. Smith typewriter. Party leaving city, cheap for cash. Phone 2137. sat sun mon FOR SALE: ONE STORE, ONE 8-ROOM house and 3 tenement houses, corner Charles and Twiggs streets. Size of lot 65x180: price $4,000.00. Rents for $55.00 per month. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street. sat sun mon 1920 SEGARS FOR THAT TIRED brain, if you hnve any. Sold by rner chants who patronize home industries. Dorr Cigar Factory, Augusta, Ga. sat,sun,mon JOB PRINTING. WALTON PRINTING COMPANY. GET our prices on all kinds of Commercial Printing. "Wo print to please.” Phone 8547. 127 Mclntosh street, roar Georgia K. R. Hank. sat summon TO REDUCE THE HIGH COST <)F living use SERV-US Groceries. Teach tlie children to lie economical by saving the valuable coupons For sale by tile leading merchants of Augusta. sut,sun,inon FRESH MEATS. CHOICE LINE OF FRESH MEATS OF all kinds, chickens, fowls and eggs. We solicit your patronage. Our prices are right. Prompt delivery. M. T. Hair, 302 Washington. Phone 642. sat sun inon FURNITURE. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH- Ings at remarkably low prices. Peoples Furniture Co., 1019 9th stree* The new store owned and operated by colored people. sat,summon FOR SALE OR RENT: MEA - MAR ket, located In grocery, best location In city; good opportunity for hutchel; established trade. Address G., care Herald. sat,summon THE EVERETT PIANO. ONE OF THE THREE GREAT PIANOS of the world. Also Harvard, Dayton, and Winter Player Pianos, sold In Au gusta by J. E. Btratford, 432 Jackson street. sat,summon PLUMBING. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE pluming and heating lln • I. vestlgale our record on past contracts. You will find that we were prompt, careful and efficient. The Henry Butt Company. It pays to deal with a reliable firm. sat,sun,mou FURNITURE MORGAN & JOHNSON _ Style—Price—Quality sai .summon FRESH MEAT AN D G ROCERIES. HOME-CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A week. Wm. Boyle & Bon. aal.aun.mon MERCHANT TAILORS. OTTO W. MARSHALL, ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent's woolens on hand I am closing them out at very low prices, sat,summon EIGHT LEADERS. Lovell leads In sausage meat, In beef and lamb and veal. In pork and eggs and poultry— It's the proper place to deal. Mullierln A Marks are leaders Of course, that’s nothing new, Handle the finest In footwear; The "Croeaett’ and NettletOn Shoe. Claussen, too, Is a leader, ''Flour of all the flock,” His "Ealmor” bread Is perfect Like everything In his stock. J. B. White’s department store Catos to ail the masses; Save* much time arid money, For women, boys and lasses. Mura, the "White Way" grocer. Lends In strictly the best; Phone your wants for the table, And Mura will do the rest. Those who need a tailor In winter, spring or fall. Perfect good* and profit fit They always get from Haß. Fourcher lead* In sporting good*, In gun* arid rifles new; Cater* to the sportsmen* wants And does fine repairing, too. These merchants all or* leader* In each respective line; But when It come* to bicycle* The hone ir I* strictly mine. The "Columbia," "Rambler" and "Mon arch," Three of a kind you see, “Beats two pair,” of other wheel*— I'm holding the hand, you sec. , W. H. HOLMES, The Live Bicycle and Motorcycle Man, , 308 Campbell street. , Phone 1785. HATS AND CLOTHES RENOVATED. YOUR OLD HATS MADE IN THE new styles. Club rates, SI.OO per month. Verdory, The Hatter. 306 9th St. Phone 42. nS GASOLENE, 16c AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! HAVING just installed n gasolene service sta tion. wo solicit your patronage. Dixie Repair Co., 961 Broad St. sat.sun.mon WALL PAPER. “A THING OF BEAUTY TS A JOY forever.” Why not* beautify your home? We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign paintlnr J. W. Rowick, 301 Mclntosh street. Phone 2284. sat.sun.mon I CE. 12 LBS., sc: 25 LBS.. 10c; 50 LBS., 20c; 100 lbs., 40c. C. o. T>. Quick delivery. Win. Kelly, 465 Calhoun street. Phone,mon it WILL PAY Yets TO SES < ROOT & O’Connor before buying yjur house hold goods. tat,sun.mon BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock of v. 11. McDaniel Co., consist ing of mantels, grates, paints, brushes, etc., will sell at very 1 w prices. App y to Edelstein & Co., 652 Broad ..treet. Phone 707-J. sat sun mon HOUSE CL EANING. HOUSECLEANING. WINDOWS. PAINT or any work nround the house. Drop a postal to Cleaner, 6.19 Ellis street. Phone 3083. # nit) AUTO TIRES. WAR IS ON TIRES. FORD TIRES and tubes at very low prices. See us before buying. Berrie Tire and Rubber Co., Inc., 513 Broad. Phone 256. nlO FARM MACHINERY. GRAIN DRILLS, PLAIN ALSO WITH fertilizer and open furrow attach ments; Disc harrows, $19.00; hay press es. of all kinds and all prices; gasoline engines, 2 % 11. P., $60.00; l-II.P. gasoline engine, mounted on four-wheel truck, $160.00f feed mill, $13.50; corn meal mill, $55.00; Sulky steel plows, tho diamond that will turn all kinds of ground. Re pairs of all kinds of machinery our spec ialty. Wirtz & Hernlmt. Phono 1887. n8,15,22,29d6 DRUG STORE. EVERYTHING FIRST-GLASS IN DRUG line. Will send for. fill and return prescriptions without extra cost. Make your drug wants known to Burdashaw’s Drug Store, Cor. Walker and Lincoln. Phone 1390. nlO GROCERIES. BEFORE ORDERING YOUR GROCE rIM call 2174 for our prices. We pan save you money. Everything fresh. Free delivery anywhere. W. H. Baghy Gro. Co.. 510 Broad St. Phono No. 2174. sat,sun,mon CHESAPEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKE. WANTED: LADIES TO TRY THE DE- Ucioun Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to be the best su’ 1 in this city. One-pound packages. A trial is suffici ent. At all leading grocers, sat.sun.mou WANTED: EVERYONE TO KNOW that The Augusta Typewriter Ex change has moved to larger quarters, at 311 Jackson street, and wil’ be pleased to servo their sat.sun,mon SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftmanship and Spe cial Serivce Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised : : e : : 2 2 : - * j WHITNEY- EVE CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Complete line of flash lamps; full stock of supplies nf all kinds. Hat teries fresh every week 250 Call on us for your electrical work. Union shop. 1033 Broad. Phone 1318 AUTO REPARIING lit your own Garage. Work taken In South Carolina or Georgia. All work guaranteed; prices reasonable; can or write. A. R. CASH WELL, Langley. S. C. Ford Rapairlng a Specialty. AUTOMOBILE TIRES We are Role Distributors for Kelly- Bprtngfleld tire* and tube* —to deal ers and consumers. Also complete Hr* repair shop, prompt service. DAVIS TIRE A RUBBER WORKS. BARBER SHOP get that easy shave —AT— SULLIVAN’S UNION SHOP 1297 H Broad. Threa first-class barber* SulllTen, Shed, and Hackman. No waiting. Courteous attention. CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of all kind*, windshield*, lamp* and showcase glass, and te puttylng a specialty. Front 'loot glass end church window* repaired. Phone 417-J. «28 Ellis Ht CAFE Ask the first policeman the way to B & B. CAFE The choicest dishes on the market. I tegular Dinner, De«t In town. Phone 30IS-J. »84 ' " l ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES NEW 6UPPLY OF FLASH• LIGHTS. I am now located at 950 Oroad at. H. I. HUTSON Phono* 887, 5438, 2688-J. HAT AND DRY CLEANING. We make your old Hat a Now ne. Our dry cleaning proceed la the work of ex pone «rid our prices ere moat romionahl*. Try ue ai d be convinced. German Hat Cleaning Co. Now In our store. 303 Jackaon Street. FIND NEW HOMES TODAY WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING. J. O. CARN. THE CLOCK MAN, 24 years dally experience; 10 years tit this location. Guarantee work on guaranteed stock. 210 Center street. n 8 A. H. NICHOLS A BRO. MARBLE. GRANITE AND STONE Works. Manufuotuprers, importers and dealers in Marble nnd Granite, Monu ments. Headstones and Copings. Agents for iron fencing. Satisfaction guaran teed. 634 Washington street. Telephone 719. ant.sun,mon COFFEES. TEAS. ETC. CALL 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED coffee. To got the real flavor buy where It Is roasted fresh every day. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street. sat,sun,mon PERSONAL. WEALTHY CALIFORNIA RANCHMAN 46, would marry. N-Box 86, Toledo League, Toledo, Ohio. n 8 PERSONAL. IF YOU WISH TO MARRY, REGIS ter with us. List and description of well-to-do members free. Strictly confi dential. Ideal Correspondence Soc., 624 Ilobart St., Oakland, CaJlf. n 8,16 RUBBER STAMPS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE, seals, stencils, metal trade checks, numbering machines, etc. Hlgh-cflass Job printing. Get my prices. J. M. Wolfe, “The Printer,“ 218 Seventh street. Phone 628. d 8 RUBBER STAMPS—E. W. DODGE. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BADGES. Stencils Allumlnum Checks. Ac. 862 Ellis street. Phone 1421. sat,sun,mon AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD justlng, magneto and cabnretor work my specialty. All work given my per sons 1 attention. Cheeuttborough’s Repair Shop, 549 Broad street. Phone 1211. sat.sun.mon TIRE REPAIRING. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIRE and tube repairing enables us to give the best service that can be had. Ail work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanizing Co., 652 Broad street. •at,sun,mon FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city real estate In amounts o S6OO to $2,000 at eight per cent, two or three years Address Arrangement, cate Her al(d. n» LET TIDWELL PRINT IT HACK LINE When you want a hack or oat), telephone end I will come or eend to any part of city. BEN JACKSON Phone 480 *2B Walker Street IVEY & THOMAS FORD ACCESSORIES Ford and Overland Rep .ng. 629 Ellli Street, MATTRESSES mattresses renovated my A. QREEN. TTe makn your maftreddee level end R'flian* New tick made free. Return rnattrounce name day Rhone 1916—ehnpe 1251 Marhurv etreeL MILLINERY EXCLUSIVE—DISTINCTIVE. E. A. NIXON 214 »:h. Street. Foaiiirlng Flak Hate. 25 per cent reduction on all hale this Week. "The Shop Around t v - Corner." PRESSING CLUB We do absolutely flret-claee preea log, cleaning, altering and repairing Gi ods sent fur and delivered prompt ly. Give in one trial. FIFTEENTH ST. TAILORING CO„ It. K. FARR, Prop. . Phone 43. 808 18th St ROOFING W. B. TOOLE A CO. Tin end Rubber Hoofing, Repairing end Painting. We rrmn'ifectura METAL SHINOLfcS, Cornice and Rky|ljchte. Roweet price*. •86 liroad Ht. Telephone Hi RESTAURANT Dutch Johns’ Restaurant All kind* of Sea-food*—Crabs, filnlmp*. IdObstem. Choicest meats In market. Barbecue every Ssturdey. Hear of Metropolis, ROYAL CAFE LET US FEED YOU. Dainty, appetizing meali and loyal servin'. For ladle* and gentlemen. Regular dally lunch, 12-3 25a Hpeclal Sunday eupper, 6-8:30 ...r,oo Phone 30$t. 817 Broad. ELEVEN COAL AND COKE COAL —2 yards. North Augusta GKiS—and Fenwick and Cents* fits. O. Templeton. Phones S4S-<m. If It’s Coal You Want We Have It. Get It at HICKEY'S BABIES AND CHiIOREN SPECIAL ATTENTION 5 barbers. No Waiting. Polite Attention. 221 Jackson St. BARGAINS IN STANDARD MAKE Typewriters For practical pur poses; as good as new. From $12.50 to $25 Apply— Business Office, Augusta Herald R. W. KOCH CHIROPRACTIOE 402 Chronicle Building. Investigate thla new Science. It 1* *uree*fui for the reaeon that It re- SPECIALISTS THE ONLY RELIABLE SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Dteeneea of men. women and chtl• dren treated without operation. I FURNISH ell MEDICINES C REE DR. N. *. ALFORD Offlca. 169 Rroad St. TAILORING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING There ere three reaeon* why you ehould trade with ue. Fit. Quality, Money Fared. E. M. CROZIER & 00., 1144 BROAD ST. TIRES and VULCANIZING A fr**h stock of Kelly-Sprlngfleid *nd Hood "extrn ply" tlree dlre<-t from manufacturer* and not handled through any distributor. Buy from ue and get freah stock. BERRie TIRE & RUBBER CO. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phone 188. 711 Broad BL WOOD YARD OAK AND PINE STOVE WOOO. Quantity and Quality. C. E. McCORD ' North Augusta. Phone 2787. DRINK CHERO-COLA AT THE FAIR A EVERY WHERE. There’a none eo good. Phone 1237. BARBERSHOP COLLEGE INN BARBER SHOP. Hot and Cold Bathe FOUR BARBERS: Hamilton, Deni, Hick*. Ilngglns. First Clu. ,j work -nd courteou* at tention. L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 122 Eighth Street. Telephone Auguste, Ga. 488.