The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 08, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWELVE, Image 28

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TWELVE 4% THE 4% PLANTERS LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK me BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, OA. L. C. Hayne, President. Gao. P. BttM, Caahier. Organized 1370 Correct Living Daily Jh the only method by which rucco«i can be obtained In any department of life. A Judicious Expenditure Of money must neceesarlly bring this happy -esult to tho"« who ybaerve Ihla rule. OUR SPLENDID FACILITIES For serving this ioni»ervatlvo rises of people are unexcelled, and thetr Interest* are carefully Hoarded by ua WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTB Of Guardian*. Truateea, Ad mlnlatralora, I<odg«.-Tr*aaur*r«, and thoee having funds await ing Investment. United States Depository For Poslal Srvljik* Ftmds CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION Given to all business .entruated to ua and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Depoaita May Be Made by Mail. How many people do you suppoao will bo willing to live in an unwirod homo five years from todoy? Merchants Dairy Lunch Open All Night. -jl-'Y ft |f F. Mg* I ■M * M "WolPafck v ■K-fl• i. WHK9 Davis Tire & Rubber Works CORNER JONES A McCARTAN STREETS. FRFE AIR AND SERVICE w-imS# \\ w .JR j \ 9% Y oung Man, don’t you think it would be wise for you to comraenco to saw* a little out of your salary each pay day and got ready for that “Rainy Day?” That day day is bound to come to you sooner or later. We are helping other young men to saww. May we not help you? THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK 36 YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE. 5,000 GERMANS OFF, BELGIUM French Report of Invaders Re treat From Bruges Towards Ghent---Five Troop Trains From Brussels. Havre, France (Via Paria), 2 p. m.— The following Belgian official com munication was given out here today: "The situation on the Vser shows no change. The enemy hns posts on the left hank of the river, but has con tented himself with a feeble artillery fire directed against the roads In the environs of Rarnscuppell. The defeats In Russian Poland seem to have re sulted In the retreat of portions of the enemy’s soldiers In Belgium. There has been reported, particularly In this connection, the departure toward the east of a division of 5,000 men, who have been seen marching from Bruges toward Ghent Furthermore, five troop trains left Brussels recently, go ing in the direction of l»uvaln." PANAMAWORKERS LOOKED AFTER With Approaching of Com pletion of Canal Many Thrown Out of Work - Be Given Free Transportation. Washington, D. C.—The rapidly ap* proarhtiiK romplntloP of Ho* Panama Cli nn 1 ami the roneequent recltirtlon of th# for<*e of enipln>tH limh < .tuned Col Goa* th»»hi to repatriate numbem of thcs* men thus thrown out of employment. Notices hive been posted that the I'ana nia Canal government will furnish fre p transportation to limited ntimhrt*a of West Indian former employers to their homes and to date about 11,400 repatria tion passes have been Issued. While the government's obligation to return laborers to their hona eountrlev ujin ca-iglrmily limited to those brought to the ennui work under contract. It has been extended to Include laborers who migrated to the isthii’v* on their own responsibility hut who lould show a pe riod of service equal b that atlpulated In the contracts N Sr, principally as a police measttre for tne prevention of vagrancy. free t nunporta t lon is being offered to practically all employes out of work and the republic of Panama is exc‘tiding further Immigrants likely to become public charges. Reason it Out Hand-made KF.1.1.T-SPRINO FIBL.D Tima may cost n little more than mnchlno-msilo ttrc.t, hut when you ronsldor the fact that wo have affidavits relating where some KEI.I.Y Tires have reeled off 22,000 miles without a blow-out. and that all of them average far and above 5,000 inlleH, the little more they mat dissolves Into an unrecognisable entity. You. Mr. Cnr Owner, have -tn interrat here, In the fact that will adjust any Hre that bus not given service expected. Any make, bought anywhere. In any condition. Come to ua for ad justment. Join the Safety First movement. Fatulp with ICKI.I.Y Kant Slip Tires and ride care free and safe. Distributors and Jobbers THAT RAINY P/YMKiHT COME. WILL rr FIND YOU WITHOUT A Collar in iBE BANK? •* r ~ SEX QUESTION 10 EDUCATION Professor of Miliiken Univer sity, Decatur, 111., Tells of “Crying Need” to Interna tional Purity Congress. Kansas City, Mo. —Education la the crying need of the hour In respect to the whole sex retention, according to Prof. Thoaa VV. Galloway, of James Mllllken University, Decatur, Illb., who spoke before the International Purity Congress hero today. He said that education was the only preventive of unchastlty for which law, reform movements against Immorality and ef forts to obtain living wages were merely palliatives. Rev. Frank Henry Gaines, president of Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga., placed the greatest responsibility for the regeneration of the human race on the shoulders of the women. Social Evil. "Unquestionably, in the cause and effect of the social evil woman is the greatest sufferer, and she can do much to prevent It," he said. “She can do much as a mother in instructing her daughter. “It Is a wonder to me that mothers do not rise in rebellion against the fashions that decree immodesty In dress. The theater, the dance, all should come under the control of wo man. Until women learn to take this responsibility we will not succeed In preventing social evils." MONTGOMERY BAEECLUB SOLD Southern League Team Pur chased By Little Rock, Ark., Man at Meeting of Associa tion. Kavanaugh Re-elected President. Birmingham, Ala.—The Montgomery. Ala Southern Association franchise will be transferred to Ulttle Rock, Ark., nh a result of action taken by the di rectors of the h;. *uc, whose meeting was held here Saturday. The transfer was decided upon strictly for business reasons, accord ing to President Kavanaugh, of the league, who made the announcement of the change. R. J. Alien of Little lb* k purchased the club for a stipu late n of $15,000. Mr. Allen announced h intention of mnnaging the club next season. Kavanaugh Re-elected. Resides the transfer of the Mont gomery franchise little hut routine bus iness occupied the directors here. Pres ident Kavsnaugh was unanimously re elected president of the league, and it was decided to adopt for the com ing season the same schedule as used last year. The spring meeting of the league directors will be held in Lltt'e Hock. In an effort to settle the dispute over the ownership of Briscoe Lord, the directors' placed the affair entlre l> m tin* bands of the Memphis and Mobile clubs, both of which claim the player. Just wluit action these clubs will take iu the matter ha* not been decided. DEFINITE PUNS WILSON SHAFT Memorial to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson- --Christian Education For Mountain Youths, Fund Called. Atlanta, Ga. Definite plans for a memorial for Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, to bo known as the "mien Wilson fund for the Christian education of moun tain youths." were laid today at a meeting here of Interested women. A letter from President Wilson approv- Ina the movement was read. The plan contemplates a nation-wide appeal for funds to carry out the edu cational work The memorial has ths support of the hoard of home missions of the Southern Presbyterian church. Mrs. Wilson was a native of Georgia. During her life she devoted much time to the Increasing of the educational opportunities of mountain children in the South TRY TOUCH HOUSER'S SLAYER Negro Rushed to Macon Jail From Fort Valley in Auto to Foil Attempt. Macon, Oa To prevent a poeslh a lynching In Houston county, a necro. Claude Stalks, who la sieged to havo shot and killed tlradford Houser at Port Vafev last night. was tonight placed In the county )alt In this city. Ha had been hurried to the Houston county laU at IVrrs earlier In the afternoon to pre vent trouble at Fort Valley. Tonight county official* there heard of n new pot to lynch the negro and they Imme diate!' put the negro In an automobile amt brought him here. Hottaer belonged to one of the tnoat prominent (a ml Ilea in Houston county. Hie father, Kmmeit Housar la a new*- paper man and lawyer He waa a nephew of Judge H A. Mathews of the Macon circuit ' ■ ■ ' 1 ' Wool Shirts, *I.OO to 1J.50; heat made; see them tn window at Martina. Merchants Dairy Lunch Open All Night. HE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA, I i:iV.V-- ; .?ia** 27\ 1 / • / /wvb/ftiWT -7k \ \ / -/ ■. <A - A-h\ vf.CfcVfTawt* i Wb'C.-JV \ l / * I jmu&t Buy Walk-Overs and you will experience that delightful feeling. It happens dozens of times every day with us—because we have salesmen that thoroughly un derstand the fitting of feet. We have all sizes and widths in stock to fit with, and, as you already know, we have lasts and patterns that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Shoes for Every Occasion No matter what you wish them for, whether a day’s tramp, an after noon of sport, or evening of society; or for business, there is an appropri ate and reliable WALK-OVER shoe for that particular occasion. WALK-OVER shoes are shoes of the hour and for every hour of the day. Thousands of people know it. Do you? “Let your next pair be WALK-0 VERS.” Walk-Over Boot Shop C. A. NICKERSON, Manager REAL BARGAINS FOR SIX DAYS ONLY Pure Lard, a pound 13c Strained Tomatoes, 3 cans. 10c Atmore’s Mince Meat, lb. . .15c Red Salmon, 1 lb. can 15c Cleaned Currants, 3 pkgs. . . 25c Malaga Grapes, a pound. . . 15c Double Turkey Roasler Free Sn’plt.* 1 50c Fresh Roasted Coffee 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c * „v Snowdrift Compound No. 5 Pail t 55c; No. 10 Pail, $1 10 Best Rio <>A*l Coffee, lb . . Yard Eggs, dozen vIaJL DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK How pleasant it is to drop into a boot shop and walk out with the first pair of boots that the salesman puts on your feet? | ELRYAD COFFEE 35 cups to the pound. Always pack ed in Green bags. Pound 35c m - Smoked Sardines, 3 cans. . . 25c Marmalade, a jar 15c Hawaiian Pineapple, sliced or grated, 2 cans 25c lona Peaches, 2 cans 25c Sweeheart Soap, 2 cakes.... 7c CHEESE Pound 22c Fancy 24 lbs. Patent Ofln FLOUR 0U« M,~r I ,s- 1 A/JKmk m W 4k Wmaf ate WBmm, v mmj m | J; : 1 jhg& ■ ji Sultana Coffee Is th* Best Valua on th* Market. This Coffee Is al ways sold In Cardi nal Red Trade-Mark Bag a. TAKE NO OTHER. Lb. 30c New Potatoes, New York 7A r State, peck Best A&P 07n Creamery .ill] Butter v 1 SUNDAY, NOVEMBEn 8. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • - —: by " G.P. TALBOTT Four or five acres, corner Gumming and Fleming streets, that can be bought for $8,500. Can be subdi vided and sold for a handsome profit. Hickman Road, Sum merville, a two story ten room house, on a lot 100x300 feet. Price $9,000. All modern improvements. For SI,OOO, a lot 60x 200 feet, on McDowell street, next to corner of 15th street. Next to Country Club, on Milledge Road, I of fer for $12,000 a most desirable residence, containing 9 rooms, with closets, baths, etc., on a lot 200x350 feet. All necessary out houses. Summerville Terrace- - vacant lot 100x240 feet. It’s on Baker street, and the price is only $1,250. Residence comer Wal ton Way and Glen*, Avenue, 2 stories and 10 rooms. Price $12,000. Lot is 200 x 275 ft. Garage, stable, other outhouses. Lot on South side of Williams street, third above Katherine, lOOx 160 feet. Plenty of shade trees. Price is $3,150. House of Central Ave nue, corner J oh n s Road. Water, gas and electricity. Lot 50x150 feet. Price $5,500. Lot on Milledge Road, Monte 8 a no, 50x150 ft. Price S6OO. Thirteen hundred block of Hickman Road, two story eight room house, on a lot 60 x2OO feet. Beautiful view. Every conve nience. Price $5,500. Vacant lot on Winter street, Monte Sano, that can he bought now for S9OO. 60x190 feet. Lots around it recently sold for SI,OOO. Some most desirable business property in the heart of the city. GiP.Talbott REAL ESTATE. 511 Leonard Building. Office Phone ?Q57. Home Phone 1391.