The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 13, 1914, Home Edition, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN ORDNANCE REAR OF I). S. ARMY HES REPORT General Orozler Tells of Scien tific Management of Govern ment Arsenals. Ammunition and Guns Available in Case of War. Washington.—While admitting that scientific management of government arsmal work 1h not liked by many labor organizations, and that bills In tended to stop It have been favorably reported by soma congressional com mittees, General William Crosier, chief of ordnsnee of the army, In hl« annual report submitted today, de clared that with the extension of the system, now proceeding. Its advan tages have continued an increased At the Watertown Arsenal, he show*! END INDIGESTION OR STOMACH PAIN IN FIVE MINUTES "Pape’s Diapepsin” makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs feel fine. Tim* It In five minute* all stom ach distress will go. No Indigestion, heartburn. unumcM or belching of Ran. •eld. or eructation* of undigested food] no dizziness, blnallnfc, foul breath or headaches. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted ftw Itn speed In regulating upset stomach. It Is the surest, quickest and most cer tain Indigestion remedy In the whole world, and hesldea It Is harmlea*. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know Pape's Diapepsin will nave them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake Ret a large fifty cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable- life Is too short—you are not here for long, so make your stay agreeable Flat what you like and di gest It; enjoy It. without dread of re bellion In the stomach Paper's Diapepsin belongs In yonr home anyway Should one of the fam ily eat something which don't agree with them, or In case of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night. It Is handy to give the quickest, sorest relief known. Confederate Horn*, South Carolina. March 26th. 1914. Sand following varieties by re turn mall, money for which 1 en close Thank you for your promptness In filling the last or der. I hnvs been ordering from you since 1H64 (80 years) and your seeds gtve entire satisfaction. C. C.-HOKTON. Jr. Bible Know About Business WE FIND THE FOLLOWING! "A Good Name is Rather to be Chosen Than Great Riches.” IN BUSINESS A good name is the greatest asset. Build up a good name by proving to your customers always that they can depend on your statements in regard to quality, and in the seed business this is especially true, both in regards to what you say about the quality and reliability of your seed and your advice on what and when to plant A Good Name And pleased customers are the best advertising combination. Pleased and satisfied customers are the best assets of any business. That is why the Alexander Seed Co. has for over 40 years first considered quality. It speaks for itself. Those who are particular about the seed they plant, who recognize the fact that the best seed are the cheapest, plant Alexander's. ALEXANDER SEED CO. Clay County. California. I lecember Ist. Kit. Wiwl enclosed money for the fol loaliiß melon seed*. J, H. B. Hickman recommends you to mi> W. H. JONES. that some class' s of employes received 29.27 per cent of their dally wages as additional bonuses. Scouts the Idea, General Crosier scout* the idea that the scientific system involves the un desirable hurrying of men to theif resulting physical, mental and moral detriment. He slates that the subject has nrrw been taken up by the com mission on Industrial relations and ads that It seems strongly desired that congress shall not take action until It has received the commission's report. 264 Batteries. Of the 2C4 batteries of field artil lery required for a mobile army of 450,060 officers and enlisted men In the continental United States In case of war with a first class power, 212 batteries are now in possession of the regular army or organised militia, or ordnance establishments, under man ufacture, or about to be manufactured under appropriation!. The amount of ammunition available for the field guns, however. Is far short of that advisable, the report states. A semi automatic shoulder rifle lias been de veloped at the Bprlngfleld armory which bus been giving promising re sults and If the price Is satisfactory some will be procured for larger tests. Coast Defense. By reducing the bursting charge and the armor piercing powers of th* 12- inch mortar shells, these great coast defense weapons have been given the extraordinary range of 20,000 yards, thus meeting the tendency to the use of Increased ranges from ship’s guna Winter’s Approach Brings Up Fuel Supply, France Pari*.—The approach of winter, and the continued nocuputlon of the min ing districts of the North of France and South of Belgium, brings up ques tion of fuel supply. Blocks at dis tributing point* not in the hands of Hermans are considered Insufficient to laHt morn than a month. In order to avoid unfair distribution of stocks In hand, the military governor of Paris has decided that the fuel shall be di vided smong the different dealers by the Intermediary of one of the thre* coal syndicates The president of each has been asked to centralize the or ders from dealers end control them s« that no one gets more than the ap proximate stock for one month. The public ha* been advised that there should he no worry as measures will be taken 1n an emergency to hrtng fuel lo Paris by water routes that are secured against attack* by the enemy. ‘T proposed to Miss Slathers last night.’" "That glrr* hick, all right." “Oh. you flatter me." "I'm not thinking of you. She won a bet when you proposed.”—Birming ham Age-Herald. "Mr* Think ha* hit on a plan to keep her husband from smoking lu the parlor.” "What did ahe do?" "She hung the portraits of her thre* former husbands there.”—Chi cago Herald. What Boes - ! THE— Established 1873. SEEDS PLANTS BULBS The best that jrrow. Selected for the South. If you are par ticular. you will plant them. SIMPLE WAY TO END DANDRUFF Stop Falling Hair and Itching Scalp. There Is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need!, apply It a! night when retiring, use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. By morning, most If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve, and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and digging of the sculp will stbp Instantly and your hair will he fluffy, lustrous, glos sy, silky and aoft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you value your hair, you should get rid of dandruff at once, for noth ing destroys the hair so quickly. It not only starves the hair and makes It fall out, but It makes It stringy, strag gly, dull, dry, brittle and lifeless, and everybody notices It. VISIT TO R. S. HOSPITAL IDE BYOUEENMARY 200 Wounded Soldiers at Paignton Given Present in Person By English Queen. All Hearts Gladdened. London, 12:15 p. m. —Queen Mary gladdened the hearts of 200 wounded soldiers In the American Women’s Hospital at Paignton, Devonshire, by a visit today and a personal gift to each. At tile Invitation of Lady Arthur Paget, chairman of the American Wo men's Committee supporting the hos pital, the queen left London early this morning on a special train for tho four-hour trip, accompanied by Lady Arthur Paget, lady Randolph Church -111, and Mrs Lewi* Harcourt, mem bers of the hospital committee. Amerioanz Presented. TTpon arrival at the hospital, Dr. Howard N. Beale and the other sur geons and nurses, all of whom are Americans, were presented to the queen, w’ho remained for two hours, visiting the wards and talking to tho wounded end presenting them with pipes, shirts and cigarettes and muff lers. The queen was enthusiastic In her praise of the beautiful hospital, which Is the private estate of Paris Singer, of a well known American family, and which he has given for the use of the J. I. Holmes, of Richmond Coun ty, Oa., complimented us this fall, when buying some of our famous Improved White (Jeorgia Collard seed, by saying: "It Is seldom that I can go to a place to buy seed and get what I buy or ask for, but I ALWAYS get It at ALEX ANDER'S." Burk* County, Qa—Gentlemen: Pleaa* send price on enclosed Mat of foods and win tend mon*v for same. Hava bean buying sreda from your bouaa for ovar thirty years. ~J. a Gough. P M fHE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. American women. She highly com mended the management, thanked the surgeons and nurses for their efforts In behalf of the English soldiers and congratulated the soldiers upon fall ing into such good hands. B«riously Wounded. Only seriously wounded privates are sent to Paignton, the American women feeling that these have the greatest need of sea air and are least able to look after themselves. Practically all the patients are bed-ridden. The queen chatted with rn*n injured at Mona, Coutral and Ypres, discussing those battles and the conditions un der which they were wounded, Inva riably congratulating them on their valor and thanking them for their ser vice to the nation. Efficiency of Staff. The quren was especially impressed by the efficiency of the hospital staff, which consists of two American Red f'ross units of six surgeons and 24 nurses under the direction of Dr. Beale. Every cent for the equipment of the hospital is contributed by Americans, who plan to maintain it throughout the war without British aid. While Queen Mary was at Paign ton, King George was spending the day with the troops at Aldershot. Mrs. Mcßridi—Oh, John, cut your pie with a knife. Mcßride—Huh! You ought to be thankful that I don’t call for a can opener.—Boston Transcript. CHILD’S TONGUE BECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED When cross, feverish and sick give “California Syrup of Figs.” f’hildron love this “fruit laxative,” and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty the bowels, and the result is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don’t eat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If tongue Is coated, then give a teaspoonful of “California Syr up of Figs” and in a few hours all the constipated w-aste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the sys tem, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrup of Figs” because It Is perfectly harmless; children love It, and it never falls to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a 50-eent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs.” which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by “California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. A REAL FLIRT. May—Bob has developed Into a very successful story-teller. Fay—l should think he had! Sun day he told me I was the only girl he cared fw, and today I saw him at the races with the Widow Borne high.—Judge. Tomorrow will bo ironing day, out it will have no ter rors for tho housewife who lives in an electric home and uaes an electric flatiron. A Nation-Wide Service CTATE lines do not limit the service of the Bell Telephone. ‘'“'Every Bell Telephone, wherever located, is an open door to practically unlimited service. Many Bell Telephones are on isolated farms or ranches. Each Bell Telephone, wherever lo cated, is connected with an exchange which opens the door of communication with the whole country. It makes no difference whether the exchange group is large or small, because through connected Bell exchanges each Bell Telephone has a radius of communication which includes every other Bell Telephone within speaking distance. jfjn A FEAST OF BARGAINS AT McELWEE-THOMAS DRY GOODS CO’S. “The Store of Low Prices” 866 Broad St>. A Sale of New Suits Worth to $35 $16.95 Women’s New o4 4 JT Tailored Suits, \ | j at 30x40-in. Crib Blankets 69c Dreamland CHb Blankets, blue, pink and white grounds, printed in nursery designs, on Bale .r tomorrow, at, each OVC Huck Towels, Dozen, 98c Forty do**n bleached cotton huck face Towel*, measure 18x36 Inches, good weight and well made, s-vq special, a dosen VOC Well Fleeced Outing: Flan nel Only S l /^c Well fleeced Outing Flannel, in medium and light colors, printed In neat pink and blue pin stripes, q 1 / special, a yard O^C 10 Yards Unbleached Domestic 48c Unbleached Domestic, made In Montgomery, of Alabama cotton, full yard wide and a good heavy, well s Q _ woven cloth, special, 10 yards tOC Bleaching: 60 pieces 36-Inch Bleaching, finished soft for the needle, '*■ 614 c SO pieces Lonsdale Cambric, branded Lonsdale, f* I / worth 15c. at I 1 B. A. DIAL COAL AND WOOD Telephones 25-J, 2701 639 11th St SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Women’s New a4|) iT Tailored Suits, \| at * A Sale of Silk: Dresses Worth to SIB.OO $9.95 Charming: New Waists $3.95 A dainty waist for afternoon or evening wear fashioned of chiffon and fillet lace. A smart vest effect Is oreated, with lapels of printed chiffon, artistically edged with laoe. Small black Jet oval buttons are used to fasten the front, while an unusually attractive flare collar adds greatly to Its beauty. New Postillion Waists SI.OO A handsome waist of white pique and voile. Its perfect style Is evidenced by the pique vest, postillion back, large pique cuffs, standing military collar and pearl button trimmings. This Is an unusual waist and on* for which SI.OO Is a moderate price. (Waists. 2d floor). 81x90 inch Seamless Sheets at 69c Splendid 81x90-inch double bed size seamless Sheets absolutely perfect tn every way. Made of heavy s_ r. ' round thread cotton, special value, at OVC Yard Wide Standard Percales at 9c Fifty styles of full standard count S«-ineh Percales in light and dark colors for skirts, waists and A school dresses, special, at, yard SJC FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. Women’s New* 4 J flr Tailored Suits, | jjjj iCmi l / I