The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 13, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR THE SALE OF C. H. SCHNEIDE’R HUG*- STOCK IS THE MOST VIGOROUS THIS STATE HAS EVER SEEN! You can’t afford to miss a single day’s activities for this is the biggest and best sale that the great Schneider Store has ever undertaken! —Half Price is the slogan of this sale! To miss a single day’s offerings in this greatest of all Schneider’s merchandising triumphs will be an injustice to # yourself—to your sense of economy. It’s an ever-changing scene of prices —of merchandise. There’s never a dull moment as fast as one lot goes, down come fresh C. H. Schneider and Bros.’ whole sale stock. The ever-changing scene its very newness every day promises a surprise at every turn. By all means come Saturday! Schneider’s Tomorrow 9 A. M. TO 11 A. M. No Mall, Phone or C. O. D. Order*. Quantities Limited. $2.49 Odd A A Portieres at sl*vV Assorted lot of Tape Mary Portieres, various doalltiiß and colon; all full length. Boys’ $3 nr Coat and Cap..vl*«/<) Real Hodiman Coat and Cap for the boy from 5 to 17 yoatn; guar antied. 79c Hygenic Diaper Cloth ... ‘tUt Ift-ywd pieces, sold by the pice, 4»c for the 1(1 yorde; 18 Inches wide, extra quality, sanitary and aritl aeptlc. Children’s An nn $4.00 Coats Good warm winter Coats; chinchil la*. v*lv©N»en*, corduroy* am] fancy mixture*—ail are *ptendUy made, tastefully trimmed and warmly Untd; every wanted ooiok'. Mize* 2 lo 6. $4 All Wool An AO Serge Skirts .. Kor woman. Abnut *lx different nuNlt-l* for choice; made of fine all wool Merge in black and navy, In the new yoke effect*. Plaited over skirt* and plain KuhmUui tun ice. All alee Wulit band* and length*. $1.25 Leather nr~ Hand Bags lev For Indie*. Made of reel walrus Morocco leather, fitted with nickel on silver and leather covered frame*; n«*went strap handle*; lined with dif ferent colored silk poplin, fitted with mirror, change purse and perfume bottle*. Girls’ $5.00 An 7 a Winter Coats Kmart full length modi,la In newest popular fabrics; Harm cheviots m stbellnrs. with valval cnllara ami cuffa, wlda pluah Iwml*. In .til tha wanted shade* A quantity of huii -I’la coats Included Klin « lo 11. Fancy 25c 101 a Ribbon, Yard lfcijv to fl Inches taffeta, moire, and Ktain taffeta Kibhou*. heavy quality. In the wanted shade* of pink. blue. rardlnai. corn, black and white. Knit Underwear Bargains for Men Women and Children Men’s $1 Union Suits 7tV Keru Itihhed I’nlon Rutti, wttb closed crolch, perfect fitting and quality. Men’s 50<* Under wear, llfle Ecru Rlbbad Shirt* and Drawer*; whip hav* *Ught mill fault*. Men’s $3.00 Union Suits. $2 00 Ver> fin# Wool orated Union Knits: famous ’\\ right’s" health make. Men's $1.5(1 Under wear, SI.OO FMn* *oft, Wool l’ndarw««ar; *hlrta with double hack *nd front, or plain; drawer* oYira doubt* m>***t» over look stain*, sixes up to 60-ini*h Women’s 50c Uud r woar, 2f)C Fine ribbed. pure white. slightly fleeced Fnderaetr. vela trimmed with silk tape, pants open or cosed, knee or ankle length; alt perfect quality Schneider’s Saturday—We Feature Wearing Apparel for the Entire Family—At Prices That Seem Ridiculous! Less Than Half! Near Half! Sensational Sale Men’s Overcoats and Suits Made From Fine Woolen Fabrics Bought Specially by Us at Half That la the story of the big business we pulled off last month—lo,ooo yards of the finest woolen fabrics for men’s clothing—mil! ends, half holts and even whole pieces—all wool materials In the newest and most approved patterns and qualities, purchased from a mill agent who bought on speculation and business conditions compelled him to unload at prices per yard that anpear ridiculous. So well planned was this mammoth sale that we turned Ibis cloth to a high grade clothing manufacturer who had been working on half time and whs glad to keep his force busy even though he didn't make his usual profit. These tremendous savings we made are gladly passed on to you in the bargain prices of Finest Overcoats and Suits cq For Men and Youths, at .. . * v^moo All klz*b for youth* an<l men—smart snappy styles right up to the minute —nobby trimmings and fin »*.' t linings we bought all materials and insisted the very best workmanship be had—-take any overcoat, any suit, and if you can find a better one anywhere in Augusta for less than sl2, we’ll refund your money. THE SUITS Itlue Serge, Idght and Dark Mixtures; sizes 31 to 44 chest. THE OVERCOATS —In Plain Black Kersey, sizes 16 to 46 chest. $16.00 and $lB Quality Suits dJQ Q(T and Overcoats at Kor m*n and youths hand-tailored infinite ear* taken with, every seam, every at itch the materials are the finest procurable for the money— all wool, in the most beautiful patternm. THE OVERCOATS Kvery new pattern for thin season is included; all sizes for men and youths. * THE SUITS-— ln splendid black Thibet*, blue Merges, casslmeres and worsteds; stars 31 to 46 chest; all styles. A Remarkable Sale tor Women7R Regular sls Fur Cloth Coats atHP ■ VIJ SIB Stunning model* In Ihe newest fashions of the sPHsim, feature one special model of fine astrak han. trimmed with seal plush collar and cuffs ami large plush borders at bottom and finished with elaborate frog ornaments!, lined throughout; also a fetching model of black Hindu Zibeline, trimmed with a-huge bund of plush, and plush collars and cuffs —in all sizes for women, misses. Here is a Trimmed Hat Special That Will Gladden <tl*C) AA the Heart of Women, Worth $2.98 and $3.98 The Most Remarkable Shoe Sale of the Year The Best Womm’s V 1 Q Q Shoe in Augusta v l-wO We don’t quote a value, as this store might be sold anywhere from $3 50 up to 13.00 In the aver age shoe store, and it look* every bit worth It. ANY STYLE YOU WANT ANY LEATHER YOU PREFER. Your Choice at SI.OB l-aoe and button. Cuban and kidney heela; kid and fancy top#. < .unmetnl tan. metal suit, patent colt. Hueaia calf, velvet and ancle Winter Coats for Women and d>r QO Misses, SIO.OO values Smart models In pile fabrics, also College Coats In beau tiful mixtures, smart full length and three-quarter mod el.;. beltedbacks; made of All-Wool Zibeline, Astrakhan Kersey, “Wave-of-tho Sea” Cloth and other nobby mix tures. Children’s $5.00 QO and $6.00 Coats Swell little coats for lots of 2 to 6 years; materials are superior quality chinchilla and houcle. In shades of brown, Copenhagen and gray; many made with belt of same ma terial as coat; others with velvet belts and velvet col lars; all are warmly lined and extra well finished. Flannelette Kimonos and House Dresses, $1.25 value ot/L A chance ton good to let slip hy. splendid qualities of Flannelette and Kleecedown Chambray and Ginghams. In a large variety of colorings and many destrable styles; sizes 32 to 46. SHOES EOR GIRLS. All the latest and most practical styles, made over the most comfortable lasts for dress and school wear—fine patent coltsktn, gunmetal and vict kid leathers THE HIGH CUTS— Sixes « to » »i in Sites IH tO 11 ff Iff Sites lit, to S §1 g§ REGULAR CUTS— -BUes t to 8 ORr to *1 40 Sire, *S to 11 19 to Jt{ fcS Sites 11 4 to : *1 19 to #1 98 BOVS' SHOES. Sues 24 to .'4. at 49 Sites 9 to 134. at SI 39 THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Boys’ 75c Hats and Caps 49c Telescope or Rabla style; a neat lot of mixtures; real 75c values. Hats Trim med FREE When the Materials Are Bought Here Children’s $1.49 Trimmed QO„ Hats Made of velvet and plnehee. trimmed with ribbon rosettes. You could hardly imagine that such extraordinary values such deep price cuts could be made. But the very bigness of the event its sweeping sway —has made its success. Former prices are of no concern for clearance is the order of things. To attempt to list the items here would be an endless task yes, an impossible one. At best, all we can do is hint at the possibilities in store for you. And tomorrow Women’s and Misses’ <|?Q 98 S2O Suits lor • • • • Value S2O Not what might be called a large collection, hut one of high quality, em bracing every new model and desirable fabric shown this season—all sizes. Come and share the bargains. Girls’ Goats, Worth $4 and $5, at $2.98 Of fine cheviots, zibellnes and novelty fabrics, in the very newest novelties of the season and the latest colorings; all sizes Girls’ Coats, Worth $7 and SB, at $4.98 In an endless variety of styles new this season, featuring such splendid fabrics as boucle, astrachans, zibelines, cor duroys, etc.; all sizes. Girls' Coats, Worth SIO.OO, at $6.98 Superbly fashioned from superior boucle. plush, zibeline and other desirable coating fabrics—ln the popular cape effects, as well as the newest belted styles; sizes 6 to 14. 84 Children's Hats, l /$ Off Regular SI.OO Hats at .... ggc Regular $1.50 Hats at ggc Regular $3.00 Hats at $l9B Do you question this statement? Inspect the beautiful models on dis play In most practicable and value-giving Millinery Salon, then search the city through for its equal for less than $3.98. We pity your task, for it is fruitless. Kvery wanted Autumn shade Is included, as well as the ever-popular black and white—-the noblbest shapes of the season —soft and stiff crowns, wide and narrow brims—to suit every fancy, handsomely trimmed with fan cy ostrich trimming, flowers and ribbon bows and wonderful combination effects; a marvelous special for *2OO Women’s Untrimmed $1.25 Vel vet Hats - - - Sailor style, stiff crown, also roll brim: four different styles. Womens $3.00 and CO cn $4.00 Shoes at OZ.JU All i»w styles, button models, with cloth and kid tops, gunmetal, patent coltskin, velvets and suede. Surpassing Footwear (1 QQ For Men. $3.00 Value v I-00 In all the most popular lasts—smart button models In patent colt, gunmetal and tan Russia calf for the man wanting a dressy shoe al little money, this Is the opportunity—every sise and every comfortable, cosy fit. A Sale For Boys Russian Auto Overcoats, Suits with 2 Pairs Pants, value SB.OO, THE OVERCOATS Are made of plain blue or gray chin chilla; also stylish light and dark mix tures; sizes 3 to 18 years. THE SUITS With two pair full cut knickers; lined; Norfolk coats with patched pockets and "stitched on’’ belts; sizes 7 to 18 years. You G4t a Boys’ A 4 aq $3.00 Suit for .. .. In nobby Norfolk and double-breasted styles; fashionable light and dark mix tures that are all the go for boys—sizes 7 to 17 years. Boys’ Extra Knickers, worth 69c, special for Well made and full cut; all seams rein forced and taped; good wearing quali ties; a large assortment to select from in different mixed patterns, sizes 5 to 16 years. Ostrich Fancip*. 98c value. Special Representing a beau tiful array of trimmings in white and colors. All style*—all leathers—all qualities—any quanti ty. Anything in footwear you choose you save one-third actual value. Jl $2 Untrimmed S hc *oes for Women, 73*, worth $1.25- Made of fine quality , plush. In five different styles. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. Schneider’s Schneider Bargains in All of These! Women’s Fur Neckwear Women’s Fur Muffs Women’s Neckwear Women’s Coats Women’s Gloves Women’s Dresses Women’s Suits Women’s Silk Petticoats Women’s Underskirts Women’s Muslin Underwear Women’s Knit Underwear Women’s Undergarments Women’s Handkerchiefs Women’s Corsets Women’s Brassieres vVomen’s Hosiery Women’s Dressing Sacques Women’s Waists Women’s Kimonos Women’s House Dresses Women’s Blanket Robes Women’s Aprons Women’s Shoes Trimmed Millinery Untrimmed Millinery Hat Trimmings Ostrich Plumes New Fall Ribbons Newest Embroideries Newest Silks Colored Dress Fabrics Black Dress Fabrics Latest Wash Fabrics Bleached Muslins Unbleached Muslins Sheets and Pillow Cases Table Cloths Table Damask Table Napkins Towels Women’s Umbrellas Children’s Umbrellas Misses’ Suits Girls’ Dresses Misses’ Coats Misses’ Gloves Misses’ Shoes Misses’ Muslin Underwear Misses’ Undergarments Misses’ Hosiery Girls’ Rain Capes Girls’ Coats Children’s Knit Underwear Children’s Handkerchiefs Children’s Hosiery Children’s Dresses Children’s Undergarments Children’s Sweaters Children’s Coats Cihldren’s Gloves Children’s Shoes Children’s Muslin Underwear Infants’ Underwear Infants’ Coats • Infants’ Petticoats Infants’ Dresses “Manufacturer’s Repaired” Gloves for Women, $1.50 values Representing gloves that have be come slightly rent, or mtsstltched In going through the factory and which the manufacturer his put through the second time, repairing equal to new—and which they are Just at ’good—one sow and three row em broidered backs; also P. K.. with one clasp; a splendid saving chance. Women's One-Clasp Mannish Gloves. P. X. M sewn; metal clasp; all sixes; value 81.35; special £4 AA Fleece-Lined Kid and Sutde Gloves. For boys and girls; sixes from 0 to 8; value B*c; special at J Schneider’s