The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 21

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. This Week’s Program st The Strand Will Open With PholG Charscterization Jack London's Story, “Olyssey ol the North’ 5 THIS WEEK’S PROGRAM AT T"P STRAND. Mond.y, "Odyssey ct the* North.” Tui sdsy, “The Ring and the Man." Wednesday. Mary Bickford in ‘•Bishop’s Carriage ’’ Thuisday, "The Man from Mex ico." Fnuay, “The Plum Tree." “The School-Girl Lark,” anil Strand War Series. Saturday, "Sport and Travel in South Africa." The Strand wilt open the coming week with five-reel photo charac terization of .lack- London’s story. "Odyssey of the North," featui ing Ho bart Bosworlh. The Ctory. T' e story of Nnass. Tlsquixmaux chief in Altaian. of his live for Unga. rs her abduction by and la or happy marriage t) Axel Gunderson, arid of Naass’ unceasing search sot them, his journeys in far lands, and the spirit v hich overcame i ll suffering and ob stacles This is ‘An Odyssey of the I lorth.” To Cal Galbraith's cabin in the Klondike, ore winter night, conies a p,arcing front-bitten figure. He lec cgnises it .A 1 aass' an Esquimau i doe-driver, 1 o whom he had lent sixty i imrfs of geld dust ti,(lt he might buy release fro 'the service, and Mho thereupon had left for a prospecting trip with Axel Gunderson and Ills wife many Meeks before. Crouching by the. fire, Naass to..a l.h, story. Wo see the fond in the Esquimaux -■» between the descendants of Ftwo ’-ed sailors, winch tot - > minates at the wedha.g pet-mob _<j “High jtfiks” Scores Big Hi! With Norioik Theatre-Goers "Hisi. Jinks,' the delightful mus.cul Jol'uy vvli.v . Mr. -irtnur .lauinie is tending to tne eiaul l *’ l . .‘ 1 d ~n.e xoeauay nailing, is sio .n »ak lo.ui ami i,u seine Monuttiu y 1 . Vk 1C vh iw Hid Lii.l-t, * ' , n, run ..1 me thvuiie New t_ny. 1 J v is quell a **““* '"vv,m ‘ a ’“weatf: a of asms > V“.' )f u «?.:i, r gu“ji.^ ;r a ot coot. E ,-'s gowns n'ld gayetv, from ihe -•»- f* l :e tirsl curt: .11 un il the -lnulc. it mm be wel. termed 1. Ir.tb.lal com , - ot fri' s and .ashiens. ot eyiee ami ?**tS and Tn^r"™" with a simp and a vim thai pul g.n = e: into the -if -'0 every moment. -S ofl ivid here IDS' Jq t' a *.it'iii muds Ihe co.upany is well bn - a ncur’ In nil p.rts, 'he pilncipa.a are a nicer f n the chorus is composed of qulie a nv.mre. of good looking ymmg women nnd seme young men vvl-o danced slv oconlcelly or « ti * needs es the 1 evasion twinire. I lie r.’mi.s ip *• larj;** one and its work in of the concur IMI nuir.hc's was th.* fest ilia' has appeared hete fur a lon, period The mar.rer in v/h c.i the f.nd s nnd ensembles were rendered s to the care that has teen suov.n in pro d Mas- ("av.' a ink .mW,e of fun, nnd James Hosier fn.vici off the, h'jmrj of tho evening in the fun making line. While cAcelia I' treuy -md pe tite, won the e.ilhuslast.i; pliudl.B POD. \i i 11 Of mm Ilf." ••Zc'.i Your Wat-r” is Warning pj?t:d on res*/ 1 Y7ails --Du? to Cat tin.. ox Supply Germans , T * Afit • rrp.—"Konkt <* WaterV I* th? v . nir? r•)« (■.) over tl? ilenrt waits of Antwe:p hnd upon the window* of the lU 's i.f ch.f-etl t ict h. In Kn-I tr this Is ’Botl your water”' Beneali" the vva- r.lnjf Is a statement f- bv Burg 'in .ste.' de Vcs in wotc.i he on nii.s t int because of the po lu ll. of the city's watt.* supply 'he et* lunger of typhoid o hut mil-.-lies. ii'hp water Pill has a cecictdlj biuclt .... ‘taste and is full of s. di-i ent. d • the cutting of lilt water soppy -y the ileim is 'Alien ti >y wee hesieg.r.K Antwerp. Htliati e g n-ers who u*» txrVif.paled su.l' a siioke lha ciiy n I'nrtlil water aupp.v hy turning he w er of -.ha Rivet Sci eldt Into me mains. This made It possib eto ftshi lh» fires caused by uinua -i.,. probnblv saved P.e •'■ l,r ”‘’, Wmiu. Howevr the- polluted sen lio a the river is who v > nfii for domest c use a ill It w II >r months heloie the city* soppy O.iilns and pipe* be elenssd of .he lett L> the tempo* ay sutplv Superv»»fnn. r.ei -r officer* «* super'-lse K the cleaning up of the ci v in all sections. TV e hrts of building* wrecker. by shells Is rapid y 'hsa miJK diree s and tvn'k* hto lifiinit nl*>tro<l ann in * Mbf»rt rlmp only 11 «vtt*rcfl v,a roofs of ruined residences will remain ,show what destruction :be born! ard ipetil caused .. , ho'dten are restoring the 1 reast workn inrt Ibe for s of dehriß that they n.ay 1c rer.dy In case the Allies ■hm s f >rce the rjern-ms trick toward the Sche dl. This sc'.lvlty of tho Oermans makes re:'lents of Ant werp ver r*rA-nus. espec'alv Ihe voons ner who fear Ihev may I e impress ed service In erne n energercy dfen-e <’£ Antwerp l» neces—.-y fle'm; n engineers m*v te nee" 'n art the set net'* d'rectlr.e surve- • Pn-rs of eanrt steeped ne.i- the le’d'ng g t<.«vn' s hv the Pelgt ns so ns to ass i cover fn the city's defenders h"'e not teen re moved I' 'e rumored that 1 P-« -~»d. w ... *rte-'r>« the v hive I een secret ly mired hr *h» I Actm B*rr»d. yvtom-h'les r-e rot nwrr l ted to »n. tee /ntn-e-p. end rn v -«! wa- 'r-tns P . - r p*ee • *.» e'tv ao. '-"m ftcosen. Asa! 'r lfc'sr 4 ■’■’*»»<; fairs a-* f-"-«1 SO S'ro St ATcr-eot a - A'l h t’ ree r- .s frerr she non port'-- of * ——no All r-srenerrs •>*» -n-efn'' •—"l'nlret h. Cprnir -r' aa-s nr 1 ' ld'»r- w'u, • mine a'| f-rr-o Th. ••n'-s r* in f*-o renter of » flr'.d ’a” a rr' 1 ’ f---n \ hiv'-v-’ ■ d pa*' "ta fo—«d lo wit s'rrg n , n*h f I —o' p'-*, clotecs meu ur.J so die. 3. C'.t cet uzru the last of the two lines. Naas and Lnpu. We me Axel carry l’r, ;a off to his ship, where lie later wins her love and marries her. Knowing no hing of this, but always remembering ihe last appeal in In ga’s eyes, Naass follows as best ho can. From city ti city "tie journeys, till i clue carries him to the sailing grounds. With Axel’s ship in sight., Np.ass' ship is raptured by Ra isiuns in waters forbidden to sealers, i a he is sent to Siberia. Not even the hor rors of the sal; mines daunt him i'd .he escapes, to make Ills way back through Alaska to San Francisco. I Thbre he learns that Axel and l'n !ga had left the day before for the I Klondike; but at least he has a <’ fi |nite clue and a bait to trap Axel with in the shape of a map leading to a wonderful mine in the unknown mountains o interior A’aska given him by a dying prospector: so with renewed courage he starts out again. At Dawson the long search is .mil led: but they do rot remember one I who had paid for Unga’s love an un | told price, and he easily persuades 'them to go with him in search of the Inline in the mountains. The odyssey jin over, the never -forgot*en app it in ! Enga’s eyes will row be vnswered, • and Axel is in his power. He ile- I stroys the caches for the return trip, j 1 ms the dogs, and watchns with the exultation of the jest avenger Axel’s slow dea’h f-om starvation unci frost. Low she greets this disclosure and I How Naas keeps his prom le 'o Cal jto repav. foim the conclusion of this masterpiece. Watch T’’-> He-ald from dav ‘o day i for svnopsioes of the ci ruing ut.r.ic ■ tious this wee’- nt, the Ft r ind. Francis X. Bushman takes the lead ing part in "The Plum Tree." Friday. “The Plum Tree” has been running as I a popular story in the Ladies’ Home ! Journal. m’d'crc? with her sweet voice anfl ehnrni of manner. Russell Lennon, Charles W. Meyer, May Bouton and Helen Vol 1 were among the other members who contributed largely to the success of the cventni. Miss Cay is n cornedimne of the “Jo'tv Mnv Irwin" lype and she brings rtn, o'-s response' 10 he- effemts to pniure." Jhe is a f-n-maker of _ the “n’lurai hi. d r.nd possesses the atr of inking everyone into her confidence on ah oc-'s'un"-. hi 1 11 - person llfy and “rnnch" and he: work secret, lu avily Inst u’ght. „ . Phuring honors with i now eve-, was Miss Huffman, 'he t-es erses j n voice of rn.-j sweetress vti'c h-Sj i-o-i ca-eful V rnd •• operlv t. inet. fjhCs rs winrome nr.d e-"eefat as a *’sipg f"wr and sh" quickly v.c.i he hr-ws of alt present. .Tames 1 ester ns .!. J. Jeff- vs "no' the f- -»r— ch-mnton." cre-'ted nn'C'i mi's*--nr'it in h s quiet e’«V «" p-c-e.d to ho n fM"r; fail for "v’’ Pr-. TI- - Vcola is a graceful danor rrh pleased. , (-. nr , rc . rr ] n - u,e mus’cnl n*imhr*-s "e ,’rsf ••fSnmethlrg Se-ms t T'ng'"- i-^’p.Tr--" which v*a« the h*' of c-e r'ees ""m “ ■»"*'•• "-I »v Miss e,.-! "I „ V f'. n--i T.-’sa" h'- ’’off—..., --d r*-sse ' T.e**-ion: "Tv'-ti'ts " ‘‘"o‘ r ,. t T-t-r." r”' l “T’m Thro-i-’i w|*'i t'onrri'rg Rom"'S " “The TTigh 7 '—ks*' f**rs> is one cf H-n ’-est ens B -r!- M- n’-miers over offered by a road ep*"'3n". , , , , Rev* mi’s'e-- rn--ed rs "- 1 he"- he' icr r'er-d th- v h-s this “com-d rle •• c-orri-Uv 't is - v"m and ?r*ir kvs' nrd selntlllnt r, -. !:h s-;t llghls vrd harmonious colorings •r-foP' theah-eg. .n ho f-11 to fee **'-j g h ,T; ; -.hs‘- are - heating ihemselves out of money. :i-e no' V mttted to operate In the outer f of the ' ' ar 1 p ssengers from Verxem must walk or ride p, carriages for a mile and a half and p ss sentries on two I r dges before they can atail themselves of a street car. Before leaving the cilv Belgians are required 'o hive their passports stamp ed by boin Belgian and Berman offioi Is wh.'are constantly at wok in various parts of the c'ty handhrg the rapers cf rrrn-i's wh'ch fie through lines of Berman s tdieis L anding on duty with fixed bayonets. SELMEN. N AVlth the STohammec'ans now fight ing in this 'Christian' war no one knows what to expect. It is ass rcdly in; f ti i r'-i >'s •. i.-li to draw t e United States .nto th s war as it Is far from our wtVh to be drawn. This being the feeling on both sides we net d not concern ourselves Just yet as to nny very serious outcom ■ of the tutfleasnnt little contretemps of tile Tennessee in Turkish waters. Turkey r entrance Into the war Is like ly to lead to various complications and many niello, te questions. AT THE M9DJESM THEATRE THIS WEEK. Edo-/ We Mention F.ach Day a F eature. MONDAY “A SLICE OF LIFE” - An American Production, in two parts, with three other selected. TUESDAY “HIS "RYSTING PLACE” Another of those two reel Keystone merlin with Charles Chaplin and Mabel No;".,an in the title redo, with four other reels. WEDNF.rDA 47 “FATTY’S J JNAh DA Y” Another of those Keystone <">mcdies, tvilh tour ether reels. THURSDAY “SHORTY FALLS INTO A TITLE” In two part 3. Goodbye Summer-—A Vitagraph Special, in two part 3, with tv o other reels. FRIDAY “MILION DOLLAR MYSTERY” Scries No. 22—uhis is the most Interesting cnc of them all. With tl ree other recks. SATURDAY “MIFFED” A Domino Production ir two parts, with three other reels. SERVICE OF IF! mniprin WllrttiLl!! t!L Expats of Daiinx Drivers Diiveis dust A: Rcmarkabu. As That cf Asricil in War. Tarls.—The exploit.-; of the derlng dor'ng automobile drivers v, h<> whiz fling the frin e i f the shell-torn bat tle f ont. : nil sometimes Into it. on missions of military duty that have cost aery » life, are as remarkable as the aerial dashes in this war. Thousands of luxurious touring errs rnd limousines that cnee graced the boulevards rs Paris are now employed In this service and many if them ere driven iy their wealthy oxners, who rar.k as privates and rro comrades with ptofesFonal ch.mffeours. They wear uniforms ill. bed v :th an “V or the arm. ] ittle is heard of their In dividual deeds which led the Figaro ti s-y tiiei- s"r,'lce was "obscured." Li replv the Fivr,> printed on its front rave a letter from one of those daring drivers, a Paris lawyer, that spoa.iJ for itself. It follows: “‘Obscured!’ The wo-d is qulcklv sn'd Thero is too much ‘obscured.’ / r.d one has reason for being so who Is frrcea to remain far from the front. Thus the automobile service is obscur ed. But tbe Fi'aro ought to s v Mint in tlici- obscur'tv tne automobllists ]--n-iv hew to die and that numerous 'ndeed have been tiiore v. ho -i lieU'-.y have fallen. Enjoyin' a Rida. "Ts at the b'-'lnning of the war one stv automobilists enioyinr a ride In ihe woods o- with their on-s stationed before fashionable restaurants, that ; Ime lias passed. That should tie known. "The stltomol lie sound to n'iliori 1 belong is submit'ed to *he mo-t rlnld military discinllne. We ' ave three roll . .] , v>‘» do not sleep f.t home. No quits the garage during hours of service. “The other day, about nine in the morning, the quartermaster entered the garage. Everyone was at his post, machines wore all equipped, tanks filled, provisions in the hampers, car bines ready— everything there to show that we don’t just merely make a run around the lake.’ “‘They want a car!’ cried the quar termaster. ‘Who can g:o.* “Every man answered ‘l.’ “One of our comrades. Jean R- , was chosen. A turn of the crank and the car was gone. Where. No on asked. One is too much accustomed to seeing these machines depart to put the question They go. reamin ab sent—many times, sometimes “And R — went this time, like others 1 pfn-p him. and as still others will fol low him, ea<h day. Driver Killed. " r n the evening the machine re t-'-red in the garage. AH its windows we-e broker Bullets had riddled its ris. Jeni r was rot with it. His e-mrode teats I t his eyes, bad brought 'he —-L- 1 > alone. Jen R — had I een killed during the t rip Tils body \ as en Be ground bnC; there, some m -ere in the nc’Tli. They had not been all" to 1 rin it back. £ me Engll.h sobliers had arrived in time to srvr ftic surivors of tills mission on which the nrer rlin ffeur had left so joyou ly In the wot. n~. •■g..-re bon s I ter In the " rv*o. where each evening they call Ice roll, i the n.ime of Tean R —, the quart".- nm-ter nntwrel: "‘Brad on tne Held of horur‘ “t w men. n two ranks, -used th hand r.o their caps. day or two later ope cottld see. ope mou ing. some .dJi< u marching wi s h me sored tread tov.ird a church. All wore on the left orin that letter "A" that in j . re., at. They were tho comrades .( ttie “obscured one." They Wore going to ha ve a mass celebrated fir him who hud been killed by Ber nini bullets." EELSMH REFUGEES BOUGtE POFUUIitIH Bergen Op Zoom, Holland, Now Housing 20,000 Persons in Earns, Outhouses and Church. 3. r.ergpp On Zoom, Holland. Condi tions a-.mug the Be!-; n refugees crowded Into this little c!*y are typical of the situation In ell Dutch towns near ;!ie Belgian border. VV'kh IHE AUGUSTA 'ERA' D, AUGUSTA, GA. a population of 10.000 ordinarily. Bor liven Op Zoom now Umbers about 20,- 000 persons. M st » the iiomce iiav given over room, to lofuceos. Barns, warehouses, chinches and other pub lic buildings I ave een turned into dormitories and eat’.- g boures. During tho siege of Antwerp refu gees M'oi-e sent here by the train load. Most of them won penniless, for tlm I Belgians who had money went to II cndoti r some ol the large Dutch I cities. I mil' burden of u ".-■■■ the refugees ; hiu fallen In. . ‘'y upon the Dutch p ■,-emmoiit T in. "rtous mum t ipcliti'S which are dolus . n»ir best to |u tiie homeless Belgians comfort (rilde. Most if them ea ve only tho clothes they aie wearing and phil anthropic con ittocs n-r pn ldtn ; u idearwer and < . deuvot lug to supply warmer garments fev the i eaaauts, many if whom are lightly clad. Walked. I TI "iisands cf B.lglars who worn |i Table I" "t into crowded trains i .a.l'iu 1 to Ret yell i>p ZlooUi. invalid.' i v ere brought on pushcarts Some of 1 ie 'i fimecs car “d enlarged portraits of relatives. Others eai 'ud chairs (1 ....rntly the women had scw'ns machines on dogcarts Idgcthe.- wiui in miles of clothing tied, in sheets. The Belgians and Hollanders living ear the border have a common lan isuagc ar.d are similar in appearance. ' Many wear the wooden shoes seen so I generally in Holland and the little i a; iris have quaint white caps worn on i f-antes with wire curls that project li > front of the ears. The peasant non alro wear distinctive Flemish costumes—trousers extremely loose lord buttoned to a short-waist oil sliirL 'of the same material. I Having no vail; or means of re creation the refugees in Bergen Op | Zoom gather about the railway sta llion, where Dutch roldfcrs stand on I card and keep the Belgians awry Itrom tl.o passages to and from the ! trains. 1 m, m Is One of the Curious Sights to See Men and Women in War- Battered Districts Working Near Battle Field. Nancy.—ln this war-battered dis trict one of the curious sights is men and women at work in the fields with hot fighting going on so nearby that the toilers are not out of the danger zone. The dividing space between peace and war is curiously narrow, tip to the last moments before fighting be gins, men and women are working in the fields and children playing in the streets among the soldiers and the horses and the guns. Almost before the sounds of the last shots have died away they are out again in the air and sunlight, looking at their damaged homes —if there is anything but smok- THIS WEEK STRAND HOME OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES, BROADWAY STAR FEA TURES, GEORGE KLEINE ATTRACTIONS, GENERAL FiLM EXCLUSIVE MONDA { Boaworth, Inc., T (trough rara niount Program, Presents Hobart Bo;>worth, in “ODYSSEY OF THE NORTH” I>> London. 6—Magnificent Parts—6 Schedule of starting hour.; 10; 80, 12:00, 1:80, 8:00, 1 30, 0:00 7:30, 9:00, to .30. TUESDAY Daniel Frohman, Through Bar .■imount I'lograin Presents BRUCE MACRAE The llnilneni Dramatic .\c.tor In “THE RING AND THE MaN” famous Political Uomance. A truly Ma. icrful Film. WEDNESDAY Daniel I’rob man, Through Fa mous Players Co., Presents MARY PICK FOP B —In— "BISHOPS CARE AGE.’ Kv'iyLody Knows Ab.,ut L) tie Mary, also the l ook and will regiater at the Sire i 1 Wed es day. THURSDAY Tbenksgivir.g f. acial Daniel hi< ' man. Through P.-r --amout; Program deserts t;,e Inlml .ab e John llarryn tre lit “THE AN FROM M’XICCV” ’ll.’, g:'< test lauq. show made la. ) ' a by hr'.be I oy. C.’.itT THANKSGIVING AT THE ST BAND. t R'GAY General Fil e 7? .elusive I’reßet h FRANC,f X BUSHMAN (Voted th World's Mosi >’<m ular Phot -Player;, - PLUM TREE.” A (. rfin drama, 1(• '<3,000 c pie reud It In the f m ll her Urue >.r Ihe Ladle*’ World. Girl’s Uarh.” liver school chll* s.i ,-te r» It. “Atre d V>r r—.-s No K' 'Tj'hd.';* V/atcie for tb;a !> ,'lttl sa runday General Film I'mlunivo Prcaant”. 'SPORT INI) TRAVEL IN CFNT7AL AFRICA.” Amazlnv. Astound,,,a. bonder ful. “’hrllllng, Full of Intense Interest. o" IT SATU.-TAV. STRAND PRiCEot Adults 10c, Children Be. ”3E A STRAND REGULAR.” I ing ruins left, to look at—and once note gathering ip the threads of or j din.n y peaceful lil • , Or, rather, ex- 1 ’.-opt for the horns when actual bom- ' lardnunt or street fighting is going 1 on, it i mere true t « say that i hoy , never di< their peaceful occupa ,' ion.-- Waehing Clothes. Long after the last trump tins rounded, !ti re will still, 1 believe, tie , French women washing clothes in’tho j Meuse and Maine m l Meurtho and 1 Moselle. j You may lu rr aFi t; hinan's ho re Is not so "as.,- to crush his spirit, j Lunovillo, Bareur-'t and Radonvitler, three smrit villages I have recently ! seen, nri rases in point. Wi cam.' back ro. Badonvlller at that iHi he must advanced F -nr i post 01. Mii.i side, by way of k’outt.ny. On tho v ay - e saw a la.-k nr. s of j German tr-'o - ■ un the move ,t a dts | trace of ai o, * two miles from th ■ road, and cbi.-tri our 2(1 mtnut< . stn,. MouM-ny ’our *lietls w » fired by 'their artillery on i/imiovro and I Ur. .inert i.on their position between in: a iWv to . ' itut beyond, no doubt, wanting I. -'.ilntn.ii-. (In Ir p <>s out position, the (iv.mans do not seem ini lined to resume : .'t- oti.-'i five at this pnrtii'i: 1 ir i otnt, Tlu l • 1- st troops have pro! ,i ! y inoied fur llier nm-th. Those that remain, to ‘Judge fiom the prisoners brought in. are chiefly eTllier boys or men over forty. Surrendered. ! Two of these prisoners, middle aged i tservlsts irom Straesburg, we met on Ihe way home as they were being | brought into Baccarat from Neuvos , Maiscns, where they had Just been j < aught. One cf them told mo that they laid surrendered of their own ac cord. because they were badly treated by their office! s and hail not enough to eat. He vtid that they had had no Ivii id '■> - several days and were near ly dying of hunger. They certainly ! dun rather wretched, but they seemed beyond question relieved at having surrendered, especially when they were told that tlu-y would not be rliot. | At Baccarat thero. Is more rain and deeolation. The church, which was ' loopholed by the French troops, is hor ribly shattered anil disfigured by xhells. The Oermani paid for (heir meals In German ranks, and for wtiat they requisitioned in promissory notes, re deemable after the war. One of the inhabitants, a woman, complained to a German police official that tho whole of her wine had been appro priated for this last rather unsatis factory medium of exchange. He ob ligingly offered to make her loss good to her from someone else’s cellar, if Fall Opening BIJOU ALL THIS WEEK “Southern Beauties” Present MONDAY and TUESDAY “THE REAL WIDOW GREEN” One Solid Hour of Fun. Picture Program— 1— “The Impostora.” 2 “Amateur Photog rapher.” 3 “Gypsies’ Warning.” WED. and THURS. “UP !N A FERRIS WHEEL” Ts you Don’t Enjoy This Bill, “Your Money Refunded. Picture Program— 1— “The Second Mrs. Tunguory,” Reel 1. 2 “The Second Mrs. Tfinguery.” Reel 2. 3 -“Dr. Joky! and Mr. Hyde.” FRI. and SAT. “THE BOGUS BISHOP” A Mystery That Creates a Stonn of Laughter and Sends You Away Happy. Picture Program— 1— “Soul Mates.” 2 “JTelp, vl urd er , Police.” 3 "As a Mai. Chooses.” LOW PPICESt ALL SEATS IC. Night, 7:30 to !0: ErT'rt Balcony .. ..10c tnl'-e Lc»v r Floor. . 20r “DE BIJOU BOUND.” she would tell him , here to find one, sufficiently well stocked. Interesting. Tho really interesting point of this llttlo story is that she knew tb.* man Define the war he was a. comim-i iai traveler, end had vistud LunovUle twice a month for 18 years. When ho came back in a position of author ity h" v is not above paying off old scores on natives against whom h. had a grudge. Ho was not the only one of tho troops that occupied Luneville who knew it in time of peace. Another officer, quartered In the town during 'no occupation, was vvell-k :nwn be- I'cio *t as ~ laineville manufacturer •id OUU fl IIM > (hem on the stuff, had been (elrlj - isitt. a. Not Exactly "i.'»-w. To r ’’ll them spies would be going a little tar but at least it Is fairly uli v is that these men, mund to tie of ■cers t.i ihe German army In case of var with France, had gained a fall W good knowle ’go cf this part of Fram e lore 111" war began. -Vlien li did begin their regln cuts happened to be post, d to the district w illi which they v ere familiar- .13 a result of chance and 1 -t of German organ is: lion, i A picturesque little detail, tor the GRAND—Tuesday Evening ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN Offers 11 is Rollicking, Irresistible Musical Oornedy Success as Presented During the; Unparalleled Record Run of One Year at the N. Y. Casino. I ■ g| ] .V 111 Ml ■ I | W 111 IMI ■■U ■ ■ JBj p| HI ' HI I M Jfel Book and Lyrics by OTTO UATTKRRACI!. Music by RUDOLF FRIML Authors of "THE FIREFLY.” Motr-opolitan Cast Sur'c-inded by A Beauty Chorus of Joyous, Singing and Danoing Girls. Spirited, Sparkling mid Haunting Melodies that will Remain Fixed in the Memory: Tlll Through With Roaming Romeo's," "Jim," “c ()n ie Hither Eyes.” "Love's Own Kiss," “Something Seems Tingle-Tingle* Ing,” "Not Now, But Later," "1 Knew Your Husband Very Well," and "Dlxinna Rose.*' “The most lively and enjoyable musical comedy success which Broadway had a chance of enjoying in several seasons.”—N. Y. Press. Seats Selling Tomorrow. M y ,jj PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, SI.OO, 75c., 50c. * ' ' GRAND Thanksgiving Day Matines 3:30 Night 8:30 Special Thanksgiving Day Attraction DANIEL FROHMAN Presents J The Famous Photo-Drama of a »St,rong Man’s Triumph Over a Woman’s Pride. “THE BRUTE’’ ( Tn Three Acts by FREDERICK ARNOLD KOMMER " With the Noted Dramatic Actor MALCOLM WILLIAMS Supported by a Superb Company of Players. v I PRICES- Matinee and 20^ Night, .. Reserved Seats Night Only—Seats on Sale Wednes day. GRAND GEO. GEO. >’' " (’' WALTZ M L AoA l: J ■ {■ jtm Hm Jr "H«;: t ■ • rHfI.A(tof.ST.MOSTPtoGRtSSiyfxBCST. Seats on Sale Thursday 10 A. M. PRICKS. t atl'oo .. .. 7Sc., 60c., 35c., 25c. p vtfialiiK •• $l6O, SI.OO, 75c., 50c., 25c. Fclool Children's Matinee 25c. truth of which I cannot vouch, is that one es tho Kaiser’s sons (who had ■ 'r» visited Luneville) was with his father when he watched one of the un* ruci i-sful battles in I- - nt of Nancy, and passed through Luneville I in when he left the scene of opera tions to make hi.i way to Germany. $2.10 to $6 Men's T’nnt; *hc best sos the price, at F. G. Martin's. CHEERFUL FATALISM OF THE BRITISH SOLDIER Manachester, Eng.—The Manchester Guardian quotes the following passage from a soldier's letter as “another evl dene© of the cheerful fatalism of the Britisher.” " 'We are going strong. At first we had a day or two of starvation. Then vaccination. Next; inoculation. Some have had isolation. tVe’ro going out soon, and some of us will meet anni hilation. What on!'” Got your suit or overcoat at F. G, Mertin's. 25 per cent off. SATURDAY Matinee and Evening FIVE