The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 23

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. The Herald Gives $20.00 In Merchandise Free Every Here's a chance for somebody—it might as well be you—to get $lO worth of merchandise ABSOLUTELY FREE, somebody else $4.00 worth; another $3.00; another $2.00; another SI.OO worth. This total of $20.00 worth is given EVERY week absolutely FREE. Each one of five dif ferent people will receive ortiers worth from <1 to $lO. In the 20 ads published below are two misspelled words, besides words containing any of the letters. G, L, R and T. Find these words and write them neatly on the coupon in the upper right-hand corner; also write your name and address, also state on what 10 advertisers you prefer orders for SI.OO each in merchandise, which merchandise will be paid for by The Herald, Winners will be decided by the neatest correct, or neatest nearest correct answer. The winner of the first prize will get his order on ex- MEIN LISTEN! BUY FROM f Farr-Seigler Clothing Co, And you might WIN a $40.00 BI CYCLE, absolutely FREE. SEE OUR WINDOWS before going ELSEWHERE. WE SPECIALIZE on medium prices but we give you the very LATEST of Men’s wear. Our Suits and Overcoats are GREAT values for the price you pay, W r e have the very LATEST NOVELTIES in $2.00 Hats, also Jno. B. Stetson’s. WE call your SPECIAL attention to the following FURNISHINGS; Arrow Shirts, Arrow Collars, Wright’s Health Underwear and Stetson & Acato Gloves. “WE SELL EVERYTHING THAT MEN WEAR.’’ FARR-SEIGLER CLOTHING CO. 1044 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA GA. You Can Plant the Fol lowing During the Month of Novem ber: Garden Seed—Beets, Cabbage, Car rots, Endive, English Kale, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce (it protected). Leek, Mustard, Marrowfat Peas, Onion Sets Parsley (if protected), Radish, Salsify, Spinach, Seven-Top Turnip, P. T. Globe Turnip. Field Seed—Barley, Essex Rape, Oats, Burr Clover, Red Clover, Crimson Clover, Japan Clover (If sown with oats), English Rye Grass, Orchard Grass, Georgia Rye, Hairy Vetch, Canada Field Peas, Wheat, Red Top Grass, Rescue Grass, Blue Grass, Alexander's Permanent Pas ture Mixture, Alexander’s Winter Pasture Mixture. Plants to Set Out—Cabbage, Let tuce, Asparagus Rootß, Pansey Plants, Rhubarb Roots, Horse Radish Roots, and transplant small onion plants that have been grown from seed planted in August or early Septem ber. Strawberry Plants. Those who are particular about the seed they plant, who recognize the fact that the best seed are the cheapest, plant Alexander’s. A full line of Poultry and Dairy Supplies always on hand. ALEXANDER SEED CO. 911 Broad Phone 159. Augusta, Ga. Make the Dining Room the brightest spot in the House for Thanksgiving Order a dining room set or odd pieces from oiu* im mense stocks. No matter what price you want to pay, you will find the largest and best as sortment here from which to -make your selection.. MAXWELL . BROS. Home Furnishers. 973 Broad Street. CHAS. A, GARDNER DEALER IN NATIVE FRESH MEATS. V eget ables, Fresh Norfolk Oysters, Poultry and Egg-s. 1 specialize on country style all Pork Sausage. 442 Jackson St. Phone 324! We don’t know where the misspelled words are, but we do know where you can get the best Suit or Coat for tlie least money. LADIES’ SUITS $16.50, $18.50 and . “$22.50 values reduced to $12.50 LADIES’ COATS $10.50, $12.50 and $15.00 values reduced to $7.50 AT VOLK’S Ladies’ Ready to Wear. 1046 Broad Street Best* Grades -oi- COAL COKE -and- WOOD NEFFERNAN Coal & Wood Company 522 Watkins St. PHONE 814 Week— No Cost to You—Read! actly the advertisers lie prefers and the other winners will get their or ders on the advertisers not named by the winner of the first prize. Just take these orders to the firms to which they are addressed and they will be accepted as cash, being paid for by The Herald. In case there is a tie between contestants as to neatness and correctness of answers, the an swer received first by The Herald will be given preference. Address all \ Where will you find the mis spelled words? We do not know. Where will you find the best Tea and Coffee ? -AT KENNYS Try any of the following when you wish: Mocha and Java per lb 40 c Fancy Blend, lb 350 3 ,ljs f° r $1 High Grade, 25 c . there’s where you get a big value. Best Rio .. ..20 ( ’„ 6 for sl-00 Good Rio .. ..15C, 10 lbs $l4O Drink the best tea and colfe, It comes from C. D. KENNY COMPANY 1048 Broad St. Phone 601 Don’t Let the Next Cold Snap Catch You Unpre pared « SEE SPETH The Stove Ulan Everything in— STOVES HEATERS RANGES AND ACCESSORIES. Walk a Block With your prize order and save a dol lar by buying the fa oiis Economy (Shoes. The latest and best styles in men’s and women’s, at $2.50 $3.00 You save at, least a dollar on each pair. Economy Shoe Co. 310 Jackson St. IHE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Why Not, Buy Your fall suit and hat now, while the picking is good? No need to wait later. Your credit is good and you can make first payment next pay day. Masters <& - Agee Co. 931 Broad Street. The only store in Au gusta that sells cloth ing, shoes and hats on weekly or monthly payments and no mon ey down. Announcement We take pleasure in announcing that we have removed to new and and larger quarters ut 915-917 Ellis street, and are better prepared than ever to take care of your every paint need. Our faeilittes for manufacturing high grade paints and paint spec ialties are complete and up-to date. You are invited to inapecl our factory. Please remember that we relull as well as wholesale, and offer you paints of the highest quality, AT FACTORY PRICES. Rinker-Deas Paint Manufactur ing Co. 915-17 Ellis Bt. i Walk-Over Shoes -For- Men & Women Afford the largest vari ety of styles— The Best Quality— The Most Comfort— The Greatest Value— s3.oo and up. Walk-Over Boot Shop C. A. Nickerson, Manager. answers to “Misspelled Word Contest, care The Heruld.” They may be either mailed or brought to The Herald office, and they will be con sidered In order of receipt, but neatness and correctness count more than time. Answers to this contest must be In The Herald offlci by noon next Friday. This page will appear again next Sunday. On that date winners will bo announced and the prizes mailed. Millinery Suggestions Hats on which fashion lias sot her authoritative seal of approval.. Yet even the most smartly gowned woman can not say decisively that either large or . small shapes will en joy the highest favor. It, is largely a matter of becomingness. We illustrate all the ef fective models. Won’t you let us show you 1 ? Mrs. E. A. Nixon 214 9th Street.. LET YOUR TABLE LINEN BE SPOT LESS FOR THANKS GIVING DINNER. The Empire Laundry and Dry Cleaning 00. will render it as white as the driven snow. DRY CLEANING SPECIALS: Men’s Suits dry clean ed and sterilized.. 75^ Ladies’ Coat Suits dry cleaned and sterilized. .. SI.OO up Empire Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company Telephones— -51-769-1247-J While you are working for a prize, got a good one— COLE’S HOT BLAST HEATER is the best on the market, bet us show you. Culpepper Bros. 1019-1021 Bread Street. . Guarantee Shoes AT $3.00 CARRY More style, Better Workmanship and Finer Materials than $4.00 Shoes at other shops. GuaranfeeShoe Company A. E. DYKES Furniture C o. 901 Broad St. Phone 3317 We have a full line of Pedestals. Tabonrettes an d Ladies’ Writing Desks that we are offering at a cclose price. We are offering for this week a lot of 2 inch continu ous post I ron Beds at $8.98. SAVE MONEY 25 p*u cent off on Huitn and Ov ercoutH, 10 per cent off on all oth er Kooda. Hperlnl odd lota Suita.. . (950 $15.00 Sulla or Overcoat* *1125 $20.00 Hulta or Overcoats *ISOO $25.00 Hulta or Overcoats *1875 rioya’ Hulta from *3 00 to *BOO M«n’« Punts from *2 50 » S6OO Hat* from *1 50 l <> *3 50 Shirt* from 50'' <° 8150 Underwear from . 50'' to *2OO Glove* from.. .. • 25' to *3OO Hox, Tie*, Pajainaa, Umbrella* and other good* at 10 per cent dis count from regular price*. F. G. MERTINS 854 Broad St. COUPON To Augusta Herald Misspell ed Word Contest Dept. The two misspelled words besides words containing any of the letters G, L, R and T, are: If successful make my order of $1 each on the following 12: • • •• •• • » •• • a •• •••• My name and address is: l THIS WEEK’S PRIZE / WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED HERE NEXT SUNDAY. If you’re at all particular, drink Bludwine For Your Health's Sake, 5c No dope; get tin habit, a habit that will not get you. The best soft drink in the world. For sale by all first class dealers. Why Not Give Him Cuff Buttons? What if he does have one pair—an other won’t come amiss, for cuff but tons have the unhap py faculty of disap pearing when they’re wanted most. You can depend upon it; he needs cuff but tons. With a scarf pen to match, you couldn’t choose a more desir able gift to a man. LJ.Sehaul&Co. 840 Broad. SEVEN