The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 22, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 24

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EIGHT Safety Security In determining an investment Security Is (he first considers tion. Your banking home shout I be selected with (he same care The Planter* Loan and Sav ing* Bank fills every require ment'of ■safety end security for your fund*. The officers of this hank give ,t|tflr close, personal attention to its affaire Responsible Banking ha- been the , pojipy, .of thi, institution slnr* the first day its doors were opened—44 years ago. That this polity Is ajlprefciatid is Indicate) by the constant and gratifying growth in business. Oh Ule afore' of 'Safety, Fern rity and Responsibility, we In vite ycutr. account. The Planters Loan & Savings Bank 'Of. BROAD HT., AUGUSTA, GA. L. C. HAYNE, President GEO. P. BATES, Cashier. ROOFING We are still doing the Roofing and Sheet Metal Business. It Is not necessary to come to us with your Roof troubles; jurt call us over the phone. We will take the load and the worry off you, and the coet will be satisfac tory, and the work guar anteed. There wifi be no come-back to any of our work at your ex pense. McCARREL SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 1626. 643 Broad Street. PILES CUBED Without th* Itnlf*. detention from buslneee; without caute ry; no danger. Ko on* naad auf far from tbta oompla 1 > t whan thta human * eur a t • awaiting them. B I GUARANTEE RESULTS. Rk*um*ti»m in moil of Ha forms la parmanrntly cured by my avatnin of treatment. Eexama, Pfmpie*. Eryolpolaa or any •rupt tv* iDwum of tha aktn promptly rurKl Bladder and KMnay Trouble*, an tier my ayaien- of traatment show Btens of Improvement at once. Utoara —1 oara not bow lona-atan.l Iny. I u'tally cure them In a abort while Oonaultatton and advice free and mnfMentlal. Offloa hours. 9 a m t, ff p. m dally; Sunday*. 10 to 2 only DR. GROOVER, Spaolaliat. RCH-7 Dyer Bids- Auauata, Ga HAVE YOU SEEN THE CUBAN TWINS? A Live Couple Joined Together Do not fail to aee them, Tht* wonderful couple—the createat purxie of aclance—ia now in this city lor a few day* at— -1029 Broad St. Thi» t» an attraction worth aeein* —the on* chance in a life time to *ee a real live couple joined tofether Two bright. lit tle (trie, two year* old E\ ery doctor, as wall aa ah' other peo ple ia no doubt lnte eated in see*ng this It ta worth a dollar and mere to aee them and .vet the admleelon la 10 cents only. If you fail to aee theae CUBAN TWINS you will be sorry after heartna your friend* talk about It. Eating When Others Are Through Is Not Gluttony, But Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets Will Enable You to Have Such An Appetite. In Huh#- day* of high pressure most ! n#’n and women eat very littlf and a j good old fashioned eater sits at table j after all have left it The best way to get- such an appe tite is the Stuart way the natural way. I Landlady: “Ever since Jortes took I Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets I’ve lost : money on him." If your stoma# h < an not digest vour j food, what will? Where’** the relief? ; The answer is in Stuart's Dyspepsia i Tablets, because, as all stomach trou bles arise, from indigestion and be r ause on# ingredient of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets is able to thoroughly and completely digest ft.dOO grains of food, doesn't it stand to reason that these tablets are going to digest all the fond and whatever food you put into your stomach’? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are care fully made to supply every element lacking in a system afflicted with dys pepsia, indigestion, gastritis, stomach troubles, etc., and to aid healthy sys tems to digest difficult food at unseem ly hours. .lust carry one of these little tablets in >our purse or pocket. After every meal, no matter when eaten, you have always at hand the assistance that j nature will relish and thrive upon. In this manner one may eat all man ner of food, attend late dinners, etc., jand feel no serious result* afterwards. Thousands of travelers always have a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets I In their gripH and are thus enabled to ! eat unaccustomed meals at any and ! all times. Surely there Is nothing so well adapted to sufferers from food follies i as Smart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, and the j greatest proof of this fact lies in the assurance that one can purchase a I box at any drug store anywhere in | this country. A small sample package of Stuart's | Dyspepsia Tablets will be mailed free I to anyone who will address F. .A. Stuart Co., IGO Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mi 1». _ - ■ FIND 4,000 TONS COPPER. London, 4:56 p. m —The Norwegian 'steamer Tyr has been detained as Glasgow, according to a dispatch tc the Central News. The correspondent, says 4.000 tons of copper ore. which is | contained, were discovered hidden In ! the bottom of the steamer’s hold. Tomorrow will be ironing day, but it will have no ter ror* for th* housewife who live* in an electric home and u*ec an electric flatiron. DROPSY SPECIALIST Usually ylvs quick r*ll*f, havs entirely relieved many seemingly hop*le*s cage*. Swelling mid short braath noon gone. Often give* entire relief In 15 to 25 tinv» Trial treatment aent free. DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Successor to Dr. M. H. Green's Sen* Box P Atl*nta, CM COLORED MEN Wanted to prepare an SLEEPING CAR AND TRAIN PORTERS No expedience naceasary. Position* pay st>."> to SIOO a * month. Steady work. stand t ard roads. Pannes and Unt il forms furnished when nec -1 tens.tty. I. Ry. C. I*. Dept. 44, Indianapolis. Ind. I ImM. THERE ARE 28 Shopping Days Before Xmas Head Herald ads and call for advertised goods if you want the pick of styles and bargains. When shopping in Augoata tomorrow B*y: “I Saw It In Tho Herald." It will pay. Try It. Christmas is on the* way. Shop early and save your temper. Save your dollars also by saying when shop ping in Augusta: "I saw it in The Herald." Element in Italy Opposed to Country Going to War Because Are Profit ing in Contraband Sale Milan, Italy.—There is a large ele ment in northern Italy which If Btrong ly opposed to Italy’s entering the war. This element Is the large number of persons who are profiting by supply ing Austria and Germany with contra band goods. The sale of goods to Ger many these days is very lucrative and the secret agents in the business do not want their gold mine swept away, as It wduld be if Italy enterß the arena on either side Another feature of wartime life here Is the large number of spies. Appar ently Germany in not so absorbed in her struggle with the allies thai she cannot still go about collecting infor mation In this neutral land. The police hate recently arrested an elegantly dressed named Kle ber, who came from Vienna and kept a small hotel here She made a cus tom. or rather, business, of bringing in Austrian and German girls who had small wedding portions and introducing them to Italian officerß, receiving a commission if a marriage resulted. Whether wedding bells were the out come or not, the young women wormed military secrets from their fiances and their fiances' friends, which the Kleber woman forwarded to the proper par ties. A Clue. Owing to the denouement of a young officer who had nearly been vic timized the police got on the track of the woman and arrested her. After being kept for a day or so In prison HARLEMITES ARE IN BIG DISPUTE The Question is in What Condi tion Was the Negro Will Elam When Found? This Time There is .Affidavit, Harlem, Ga., Nov. 21, 1914. To the Editor of The Herald. Kir: Replying to the article of Messrs. K. I>. Clary, I T. Jones and H. E. Ver dety, of the Hist Inst., 1 enclose copy of original news item that I sent you oti the 2'th Inst, and ask that you republish the same anti the attached affidavit. 0. E. Atkinson, correspondent. The Article of the 20th, Mariem. Ga. —Will Elam, colored, was arrested In North Augusta on Thursday evening, the 19tli Inst., charged with jumping a contract, and brought to Har lem and placed In the calaboose at this place for safe keeping Thursday night. Owln to tin- severe weather and the scarcity of bed-clothing In the calaboose. Die negvo had a narrow escape from (reeling. lie WHS found about 10 o'clock Friday morning In an almost unconscious con dition l*y u negro named Charles Jones, who wns passing tile calaboose. He was taken to the store of Mr. Geo. Wilson, nearby, where stimulants were adminis tered and in a few hours he had re covered. STATE OF GEORGIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY- Personall.v appeared Geo T. Wilson. R R. Hatcher, J. T. Connell, J. M. At kinson. and liobt. Caulsy, who. being dub sworn, say that the foregoing ar ticle relating to tits condition of th* negro \\ 111 Elam, when taken from the calaboose, Is true and correct. Geo. T. Wilson, R. R. Hatcher, .1 T. Connell, Robert Cauiey. J. M. Atkinson Sworn to and sub rlhed before ms this 21st day of November. A. D 1914. G. E Gray, N. P.. Columbia cO„ Ga. WHY NOT EAT AN APPLE A DAY? Farm and Ft reside soys: "The peo ple of the South are urged as a mat ter of patriotism to buy. cotton as a means of supporting the glutted mar ket. 'Buy u halo' Is the slogan. An excellent means of distributing the burden of carrying cotton, if it could he carried into effect. "Why not start the slogan. ‘Buy a barrel of apples'.” The apple market needs support no less than that for cotton, and those who buy will find the cost of living lessened. If every man, woman, and child would eat an apple a day for a week It would save the situation.” CHRISTMAS is coming this year just as it did last year, and the hundreds of preced ing years, and you will have to make the usual Christmas pres ents in the same old way. A weekly deposit made in this bank from now until Xmas Eve will solve for you the Christmas present proposition. Try it and see how good you will feel to be able to afford the present you desired to make. The Augusta Savings Bank 827 Broad Street. 35 Years of Faithful Service THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. she was conveyed to the frontier and put across the border and is probably now working her way back to Vienna, having accomplished a great portion of the work for which she was sent to this country. Milan ami north Italy in general lias for year* swarmed with German and Austrian spies. On the actual fron tiers the Italian r.ithorltiee are very strict, but the revelations of the pres ent bar. showing the complete knowi edg of the German general staff not only as to military 'methods, but even as to details of the private fortunes and affairs of the principal inhab itants, have proved that it is not only among the frontiers that watch and ward rnuef be kept. Here in Milan the chief source of German information has been the “for eign correspondents.'' Many a mer chant in Milan who has had a dozen or more "foreign correspondents" In hts counting house 1* wondering which of thpm were spies Thousand*. Before the war there were thou sands of Germans employed in Milan and today there are still hundreds. They filled every sort of position—ho tel managers, clerks, foreign corre spondents, Industrial agents, factory superintendents, commercial travelers, and it was easy for them to obtain positions, for Mtlan is practically un der the thumb of a German bank, the Banca Commercials, though the direc tors declare, that the bank is nowadays ari Italian bank. AiKENPOSTMASTERSHIP MATTER SPECULATION People Generally Disapprove of the Place Being Given in Pay ment of Political Debt. Aiken, S. G.—Aiken is much per turbed over the matter of who is to be the next postmaster, and every day since Congressman James F. Byrnes reached home from Washington has expected that he would make an an nouncement of his decision. The con gressman has, perhaps, found it a dif ficult matter to select a postmaster for the reason, as it has been said, that practically every other man in Aiken is a candidate for the place. As a matter of tact, there are half a dozen or more, avowed candidates, each with a claim of some sort, po litical or otherwise, and naturally, mostly of a political nature. There has been, it would appear, something of a sentiment here favor ing leaving the selection to a primary, as has been talked about and which the congressman, it is said, has been considering. The people do not, as a rule, approve of the postmastership being made a political football, or the idea of this important place being awarded in payment of a congress man's political debts. It is generally felt that the man selected for the place should be appointed, not so much because he can round up the boys on election day to insure a big vote for any one candidate —which! does in any way imply that he will make a competent and efficient post master —as for the reason that he pos sesses qualifications which make him a better man than others who seek the salary the place pays rather than impelled by desire to give good ser vice. JUMPS FROM THE BLDG’S STH FLOOR New York.—William E. Bostleman. general manager of the commission brokerage, firm of Frederick Probst & Company, which failed last week for approximately $1,000,000, committed suicide today by leaping five stories from the firm's offices in a downtown skyscraper. Richard K. Dwight, attorney for the firm, said Bostleman had been ques tioned about alleged irregularities. The coroner found in the office an envelope addressed to Mrs. Bostle man containing this note: “Good-hle. sweetheart. Kiss the babies and father. I could not help it." 1 WALK-OVER Stores the world over are known as the most considerate of their patrons’ comfort. This store is exceptionally anxious for every pair of shoes it sells to be as “comfortable as a slipper,” be cause we use the utmost care in fitting your feet. WALK-OVER Shoes for Men and Women. Priced $3.50 to $6.00. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 828 Broad St. C. A. NICKERSON, Manager. AIKEN TOURIST HOTEL IS NEARLY COMPLETED Highland Park Hotel to Be Opened For Reception of Guests By the First of Jan uary- -Resort Expects a Big Season. i - Aiken, S. C.—lt is understood that the new Highland Park tourist hotel, now nearing completion, will be turn ed over to the lessees about the middle of December, and that the handsome THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Pure Lard, lb 15c Plum Pudding 23c and 43c Mincemeat, lb 15c Currants, 3 pkgs 25c Malaga Grapes, lb 12c Mincemeat .... .3 pkgs. 25c Prunes, lb 10c, 12c, 15c Evaporated Peaches, lb. 6c Evaporated Apricots, lb. 12c Mincemeat, 5-lb. jar.... 55c Crystallized Pineapple and Cherries, lb 60c Cream Cheese 22c Four Quart Sauce Pan Free Fresh Roasted Coffee The Best . Coffee Values 1 & Snowdrift Compound No. 5 Pail, 55c; No. 10 Pail, sl.lO Potatoes, N. Y. on p State, peck .. OuU Yard Eggs, Afl p dozen ‘♦Ub THE CERTAINTY OF COMFORT Should Be a First Consideration in Selecting; Your Shoe Store. hostelry will open for the reception of guests not later than the first of the new pear. The hotel, which ha 3 something more than 80 rooms and which is well appointed, modern and convenient to the heart of town, the golf links, the polo grounds and other places of re creation and sport, has been built on the site of the old Highland Park Hotel, which was destroyed by fire some 17 years ago. When, two years ago, the Park-in-the-Pines Hotel was burned, Aiken was left without a large tourist hotel, and has suffered from lack of accommodations for winter guests since then. The new hotel has been built by local capital. A number of Aiken's winter resi dents are already arriving, and many more are expected to occupy their homes here before the Christmas holi days. Aiken is, in fact, expecting a NUTS, ALL KINDS Pecans, lb 25c, 30c, 40c Walnuts, lb. . . .20c and 25c Almonds, lb. . . ,22c and 28c Almonds, shelled, 1b... 60c Brazils, lb 15c Filberts, lb .15c Mixed Nuts, lb 20c Swift’s Premium Hams, Pound 19c SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. larger number of winter residents and tourists than In many years past. ANOTHER SHIPLOAD. London, 7:15 p. m. —Another ship load of provisions purchased by Am ericans for Belgian relief was dis patched -today on the steamer Jan, Block, which sailed from London for Rotterdam with 700 tons of wheat, 500 tons of flour, 600 of rice and 200 of peas. BLACK AND WHITE. Senator Money of Mississippi asked an old colored man what breed of chickens he considered best, and he replied: “All kinds has merits. De w'ite one 3 is de easiest to find, but de black ones is de easiest to hide after you gits ’em.” FIGS Layer Figs, lb 15c Figs in boxes. . . .'. 10c DATES Fard Dates, lb 10c Pitted Dates, pkg. .... .15c Arab Dates, pkg 5c RAISINS Layer, lb 10c Seeded, 3 pkgs 25c Malaga, cluster 25c Malaga Grapes, lb . . .12c Grapefruit, each 5c Cranberries, 3 qts 25c With 1 can A. & P. CAf* Baking Powder lona Peas, No. 2, can 7c Fresh ; Roasted Daily Brookfield TTr Eggs, dozen . OOt Best A&P 00n Creamery JKP Butter uuu