The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 24, 1914, Home Edition, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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TWELVE Safety Security In detemtlnmg iin investment Security if the first considora tion. Your banking horn* shouM be selected with the same cart The Planters Loan and Sav ings Bank fills every require ment of safety and security for your funds. The officers of this hank give their close, personal attention to its affairs. Responsible Banking has been the policy of this Instltnttoi since the first day Its doors were opened —44 years ago. That this policy Is appreciated Is Indicate 1 by the constant and gratifying growth in business. On the score of Safety. Secu rity end Responsibility, we in vite your account The Planters Loan <* Savings Bank 'OS BROAD BT., AUGUSTA, GA. L. C. HAYNE, Preaiden.. GEO. P. BATES, Csshier. Read Herald “Wants” WHAT AILS YOU? ** Ijißßy KBi v 1 |Hi£K ■: MK j(r *Hp'4 I mm ' DR. L. P. PIRKLE. Specialist. expelled from the body nnd thus a long list of akin scrofulous and kindred affections are overcome and sound, vigorous health estab lished All Chronic PI senses a Ppeclallty Consultation, Examination and dlaimosts free. I also make calls. Thone S4*t. Office houra 9 a. m. to 1 p. m„ 3 to 7 p m 10 to 2 Sunday only. DR. L. P. PIRKLE SPECIALIST. 420-1 LEONARD BUILDING. AUGUSTA. GA. you & -A&v? dcmeffttn# , jf a;v t ucu nave 'tncn£4/^7v w. . *"' tT >ri-*».Jsgp Thursday will hr a ival Thanksgiving Day to you if you have saved your money in this bank. If you have not. why not start an aerOunt with us right away, so as to In* able to rejoice next Thanksgiving Day? THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK 827 Broad Street -35 YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE. AT Modjeska Today "His Mother Wa* a Lady” A Lubin Special, in two parts. “The Odalisque” A Majestic Production, in two parts. “Our Mutual Girl” Series No. 4. Christmas is on the w iy. Shop early and save your temper. Save your dollars also by saying when shop* ping in Augusta: “I saw it in The Herald.” Plaza Hotel BARBER SHOP George Heintz, Prop. 1 beg to announce that I have leaHpfJ the Plaza Hotel Barber Shop anrl Ha.he and am prepared to give the trade the very beet service. Only flrat-clasH barbers employed. Georgs Heintz, Prop. J. H. Flint, Manager. An Invitation Is extended by Dr. l’lrkle to every sick and ailing man or woman to consult him at his office In person or by letter Write your symptoms fully and frankly and every letter will he carefully considered, fully answered and Its statements held as strictly confidentially. Nature law* are perfect. If only we obey them, but dis ease follows disobedience. 1 believe that many hundreds of my cures form a well sub stantial basis for every claim I make; my treatment acts directly on the organs af fected and at the same tlms a general restorative tone for the whole system No doubt you know of many cures of cases of fe male weakness and kindred ailments of women 1 have cured Let Me Offer You the Relief end Comfort I Am Giving Others Daily hy strengthening, and arousing the stomach, liver and kid neys Into vigorous action. Digestion Is promoted where by the blood la enriched and purified and disease produc ing bacteria destroyed and Different Opinions - - - r 11 1 ' w".' ■ , , ' " AN ATTEMPTED INVASION OF ENGLAND The reported intention of the <4er mar.H to invade iSnglund after sein ing n suitable port on the English Channel recalls the elaborate prepa rations mum by Napoleon early in the last century to achieve the same purpose. It was lolled by England’s eonirol of the sea, the lactor on which she relies today to protect her island empire. At the dose of 1771), one of Napole on's principal aims was to distract Great Britain by the threat of invasion of England across the channel. Na poleons ships were continually being held in check by the superior English fleet, but Ihe invasion scheme was vig orously pushed alter the 3rd of March, 1801. Elat-bottomed boats were grad ually collected at Boulogne. Two at tempts to destroy them at anchor, though directed by Nelson himself, were repulsed on the 4th and 18th of August. But the invasion wus so tar little more than a threat made for dip lomatic purposes. After me peace of Amiens had been succeeded by open war on the lsth of May, ISO 3, the plan was again taken up, "From (hat date till about the mid dle ot August ISUS, a space of some two years and two months,” says the I Encyclopaedia Britannica, "the warj took the form of a most determined attempt on the Part of Napoleon to carry out an Invasion of Great Brit ain, met by the counter measures of the Brltlbh government. The scheme of invasion was based on the Boulogne flotilla, a device Inherited from the old French royal government, through the republic. Its object was to throw a great army ashore on the coast be tween Dover and Hastings. The prep arations were made on an unprece dented scale. The republic had Ci 1- lected some two hundred and for.v vessels. Under the direction of Na poleon ten times as many were equip ped. They were divided Into: prames, ahlp-rlgged, of 35 metres long and 8 wide, carrying 12 guns; chaloupes can nonleres, of 24 metres long and 6 wide, carrying 5 guns and brigged; bateaux cannonlers, of 19 metres long by 1.56 wide, carrying 2 guns, and mere boats. "All were built to be rowed, were flat-bottomed, and of shallow draft ho as to be able tqngvlgate (lose to theshore, and to like the ground with out hurt. They were built in France and the low countries, In the eoaßt towns and the rivers—even in Paris — and were collected gradually, shore batteries both fixed and mobile being largely employed lo cover the passage. A vast sum of money and the labor of thousands of men were employed to clear harbors for them, at and near Boulogne. The shallow water on the coast made It impossible for the Brit ish llne-of-battle ships, or even large frigates, to press the attack on them home Smaller vessels they were able to beat off and so, in spite of the ac tivity of the British cruisers and of many sharp encounters, the concentra tion was effected at Boulogne, where an army of 130,000 was encamped and was Incessantly practised in embark ing and disembarking. "Before the invasion was taken in band as a serious policy, there bad been at least a profession of a belief that the flotilla could push across the channel during a calm. Experience non showed that when the needful I allowance was made for the time re quired to bring them out of harbor (two tides! and for the influence which the channel currents must have upon their speed, It would be extreme ly rash to rely on a calm of sufficient length. Napoleon therefore came early to the conclusion that he must bring about a concentration of his seago ing fleet In the channel, which would give him a temporary command of Its waters.” This concentration Napoleon found it impossible to achieve. The Inva sion plan was finally brought to naught by the great victory of Nelson over the French and Spanish fleet nt Trafalgar WILL THE JAPANESE ARMIES GO TO EUROPE? The discussion of the possible entry of Japanese forces into the European field of war which has cropped up since the fall of Tsinit-Tau. must take into account the terms of the Anglo- Japanese treaty of the 12th of August, 1905. As quoted in the Encyclopaedia Hritannlca. this sets out Its object as follows la! "The consolidation and main tenance of the general peace in the regions of Eastern Asia and India: thi "The preservation of the com mon interests of the Power* in China, of insuring the independence and the integrity of the Chinese empire and the principle of equal opportunities for the commerce and industry of all na tions In China; te) —"The maintenance of the terri torial rights of the high contracting parties in the regions of Eastern Asia and of India, and the defence of their special Interests in such region*." These terms would seem by implica tion at least, to confine warlike ope rations by Japan to "Eastern Asia and India." Whenever You Need e General Tome Take Geeve’e The old Standard drove'* Tasteless chill Tonic ta equally valuable a* u General Tonic because It contains the well known tonic properties of QUIN INE and IRON. Drives out Malaria, enrtrhee Blood. Builds up the Whofl Byaloru. frOc. —<Advertisement } AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. By Hal Coffman THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Unionville, Mo. —“I suffered from a female trouble and I got so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor with out h o 1 d i n g on to something. I had nervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my face would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep to do any good, had no appetite, and everyone thought I would not live. ... .-..-rij . —»I ,'K l <-*> I h'i ! Some one advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I had taken so much medicine and my doctor said he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it By the time I had taken it I felt better. I continued its use,and now I am well and strong. “I have always recommended your medicine ever since I was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I hope this letter will be the means of saving some other poor woman from suffering.”— Mrs. Martha Seavey, Box 1144, Unionville, Missouri. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as that above —they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. If there are but complications yon do not understand write to Lydia E, l’in Uni m Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Mass. Your letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Ends Dry, Hoarse or Painful Coughs Quickly A simple, Home-Made Remedy, Inexpensive but I'nequnled The prompt and positive results given ny this pleasant tasting, home-made cough syrup has caused it to be used in more homes than any other remedy. It gives almost instant relief and will usual ly overcome the average cough in 24 hours. Get 2(4 ounces Pinex (50 cents worth) from any drug store, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. This makes a full pint—a family supply—of the most ef fective cough remedy at a coat of onlv 54 cents or less. You couldn’t buy as much ready-made cough, medicine for $2.50. Easily prepared and never spoils. Full directions with Pinex. The promptness, eertaintv and ease with which this Pinex Syrup overcomes a had qpugb chest or throat cold is truly remarkable. It quickly loosens a drv, hoarse or tight cough and heals and soothes a painful cough in a hurry. With a persistent loose cough it stops the for mation of phlegm in the throat and bron chial tubes, thus ending the annoying hacking. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol and is famous the world over for its splendid effect in bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and winter coughs. To avoid disappointment in making this, ask your druggist for “2(4 ounces of Pinex,’ and don’t accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. * The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ROOFING We are still doing the Roofing and Sheet Metal Rusiness. It is not necessary to come to us with your Roof troubles; just call us over the phone. We will take the load and the worry off you* and the cost will be satisfac tory, and the work guar anteed. There will be no come-back to any of our work at your ex pense. McCARREL SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 1626. 643 Broad Street. Help Us Improve Your Service When making a telephone call speak directly into the transmitter. Many complaints of poor service are due to sub scribers’ looking away from the telephone or standing at a distance from the instrument when talking. Speak distinctly and separate the figures of the number; for example, “Hemlock one-two three W.” Listen carefully to the oper ator’s repetition. Make sure she repeats the number cor rectly. When she repeats the number say “Yes.” This start the message on its way. Hold the receiver firmly tc your ear until the called party answers or the operator make: some report. We ask your co-operation. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. READ HERALD WANTS A Cure Is What You Want If You Are Sick of Experimenting—Sick of Failures—Sick of Being Sick—Why Not Come and Be Cured by the Up-to-Date Specialist? When you or a member of your family is sick with an acute disease such as pneumonia, diphtheria, typhoid fever, etc., yous fam ily physician is the one to call, as these are diseases for the family doctor, but when you have Kidney and Bladder Trouble, contracted discharges, Blood Poison, Skin Eruptions, Enlarged Glands or any reflex condition of the nervous system, you want to consult a doctor who has made a special study of just such diseases. In other words, you want to consult a Specialist, one who has made the proper prepa ration, received a thorough training and has the necessary exper ience and equipment. I have made a special study of nervous and chronic deep-seat ed diseases and am especially equipped to institute scientific treat ment in this class of diseases. I am a specialist by education and ex perience. My practice is conducted along the highest professional lines and is open to investigation at all times. I do not institute the so-called mail order system of treatment, but insist upon seeing my patients in person in order to give them a thorough examination. Then I am In a position to state just what can be accomplished, from from my treatment, the probable length of time required In effect ing a cure and the cost of the treatment which In all events is reas onable. I make no charge for examination, consultation and advice, Same is cordially invited and strictly confidential and by calling you place yourself under no obligation whatsoever to take treatment. I do not accept Incurable cases. [ do not treat all diseases, but en deavor to cure those that I do treat. X guarantee results In all cura ble diseases I accept for treatment. I do not scatter my facilities, but concentrate them on my specialty. I do not allow any mislead ing statements to enter into my announcements. My practice is con ducted on a straightforward, honest, legitimate basis. I give no glit tering impossible guarantees that I cannot stand by. If you are in need of scientific meritorious tratment for nervous, ohronlo and ca tarrhal diseases, T invite you to consult me free without obligation on your part. Come and have a friendly talk with me and 1 will honestly and frankly advise you the best course to pursue, if your ease Is Incurable 1 will frankly and honestly tell you so and advise you against the further useless expenditure of money with unscrupu lous doctors, self-styled specialists and so-called mail order treat ment. . Dr. Groover’s Scientific Methods Make vigorous, muscular men of the puniest, weakest speci mens of “half men”; strengthens the nerves, enriches the blood, in creases the courage and gives a man power of mind he should be proud of. Makes the eye bright and the step elastic: makes an athlete of a sluggard. REMOVE the diseases hy restoring strength. Methods based on sctence and experience alone can do this. I accomplish quick and lasting results in Blood Poisons, Nervous Decline, Piles. Fistula, Kidney, Bladder, Special and Contracted Diseases. Drains and losses and alt Diseases Peculiar to Men. My scientific methods will bring results when all else has failed. My arguments are good, my system is good, but I know you haven't time to study these. You want proof, and I am able to give you that, and lots of it. When your own neighbor tells you what I have done for him, you will know I did. It will feel good to be strong ami well ag«in. Come and talk your troubles over with me. 1 can and will help you. I own my own office—no one to see hut me. In a Few Days My Treatment Will Show You Results No man too poor to get a consultation, examination and my best advice FREE I will give the POOR EST man a chance, as well as the RICH, to receive honest treatment from me at a SMALL COST. Call at my office and investigate what remarkable succeas I have made in my specialty. Men ar.e daily exchanging money for guesswork and mistakes with those inexperienced in the treat ment of their ailments. If you have tried the rest without results, come, to me and get the best. Call on or write to Dr. Groover today for information regarding treatment. CONSULTATION free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday. 10 to 2 onlv.* DR. GROOVER Augusta, Ga. 504-5-6 and 7 Dyer Building Grand This Evening Arthur Hammerstein’s Musical Comedy Success “HIGH JINKS” As Presented for One Year at the New York Casino. Seats Now Selling. Prices .... to $2.00 CTDAWn TODAY ONLY 0 I nfliiu CONTINUOUSLY Daniel Frohman Presents Through Paramount Company, BRUCE McRAE The Eminent Dramatic Actor, in the Famous Political Romance “THE RING AMD THE MAN” I In Four Wonderful Parts. This play is from a “six best selling" book of the year. Shows Begin: 10:30 1:30 4:30 7:30 11:30 2:30 5:30 8:30 12:30 3:00 6:00 0:00 10:30 Usual Prices—sc and 10c. THE BEST—SC COME! ■■mhbbmbhbhh At BIJOU Today The Southern Beaut'es Com pany—Mostly Pretty Girls— Presents Today an Incom parable Musical Hit “THE REAL WIDOW GREEN” Music by Andonegui's Or chestra. Three Reels of Selected Movies: A“—The Impostors." B—“ Amateur Photography.” C—“ Gypsy's Warning.” An Exceptional Show —“A Dol lars’s Worth for a Dime.” Complete Change of Bill Three Times Every Week. Look at the Prices: Matinee —All Seats, 10c. Nights—Bal cony. 10c: Lower Floor. 2Cc. Continuous Show. No Waiting. From 2:30 to 5:00—7:30 to 10:00 Can You Beat It? You Cannot. BE BIJOU-BOUND. W TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. STOMACH OUT OF FIX’? If you suffer with dyspepsia or Indigestion telephone your grocer or druggist to send you one dozen pints of SHIVAR GINGER ADR. Drink one pint with each meal and, if not relieved, your dealer Is authorized to charge It to the Manufacturer. SHIVAR GINGER ALE TONIC, DIGESTIVE, DELICIOUS Is prepared with the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Sold under a positive guarantee to relieve any case of dyspepsia or Indiges tion, or your money refunded. If your grocer or druggist has none in stock tell him to tele phone hie wholesale grocer. Bottled Only by SHIVAR SPRING SHELTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. In a beautiful woodland dell. OATS— R-ecleaned Fulglmm, Recleaned Appier, Recleaned Bancroft, Recleaned 100 Bushel; Turf or Grazing, Burt, Texas. WHEAT— Blue Stem, Bearded Fulcastu. All of fine quality. N. L. Willet Seed Co. AUGUSTA, GA. CLIFTON R. GROOVER. M. 0. The Nerve, B'ood and Skin Disease Specialist. THE SUCC .SSFUL SPECIALIST Is the Result of Natural Ability, Special Preparation, Ripe Experience and Adequate Equipment. My large and growing practice has been built upon a repetlon of successes, doing the right thing in the right way hundreds upon hundreds of tiinea with great success. It will pay \ou both in time and money to consult me free and learn the truth about yoW condition be fore placing your case with anyone. I am no.medical company or fake Insti tute. and have no Incompetent hired doc tors. I give every patient my personal attention. While my practice is built upon a high plane of honorable dealing, yet my charges are most reasonable and no man is too poor to receive my best services. You may make your own terms and arrangements, according to your ability to pay and what you are willing to pay for a complete cure. MY BEST REFERENCES ARE MY CURED AND SATISFIED PATIENTS If you want skillful, scientific and consclentloui treatment COME TO ME.