The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 06, 1914, Home Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 23

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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. PHONE 1 296 Answers to Swappers The following answers to Swaps that have arpeared in , The Herald are on file at this office. t'lease call and get your answers, as they will be held for only a short time and then destroyed: Bon Air 1 C H H, 1432 .. 1 Central Ave. .. 1 CA H 2 D W 1 Extension Table 1 Ferns S Swappers’ Column. SEND IN YOUR SWAPS. There’s no charge for Insertions. Yon nav 6 cents tor each answer. Have you anything you want to Swap or Ex change? Let the other fcllo-v know. Augusta is full of active, energetic, eager Swappers who will bo glad to make your acquaintance through the Sw-roars' Column. WILL EXCHANGE: ONE PAIR OF thoroughbred Indian Runner ducks, for a trio of standard bred White Orping tons, White Rocks or White Leghorns. Address Indian Runner, Swappers' Col umn, care Herald. d 7 WILL SWAP: INDIAN RUNNER Ducks for iron vise for small work bench. Address O, Swapper Column, care Herald. d 8 WANTED TO SWAP: MAXWELL AU tomobile, fully equipped, good condi tion and 21-jewel Waltham watch, twenty-year case, good as new, cost $45.00, for automobile of a little more power. State what you have to trade. Will trade for lot or anything of equal value. Address Watch-Auto, Swappers’ Column, care Herald. dS WANTED TO SWAP: AN OIL STOVE and incubator for groceries, chickens, of a gas stove. Address W. R. P. Swap pers' Column, care Herald. d 9 FOR EXCHANGE: FOR CHICKENS, cows, groceries or most anything, an old Chickering piano, large cook stove that burns wood or coal, one child's and one adult’s iron bed. Address L. E. P.. Swappers’ Column, care Herald. d 9 WANTED - "to EXCHANGE: A RUB hertired buggy for Ford car cut down or one that can be cut down; will pay difference. Address Ford, care Herald. d 9 WILL EXCHANGE: 396 PURPLE stamps for the same number of brown stamps. Address Purple Stamps, Swap pers’ Column, care Herald. d 9 Answers Cent a Word The following answers to Want Ads that have appeared in The Herald are on file at this office. If you care for your answers, please call and get them, as they will be held for only a few days and then destroyed: AW G 1 BJ E 1 Bungalow 1 Cottage IS “D” 2 4-T 4 GA W 1 HL B 1 HH B 3 Wanted WANTED HELP—Female WANTED: A NEAT HOUSE GIRL TO go out of town for two or three months, one who has had experience and can furnish good references. Address Post Office Box No. 701. d 9 WANTED: A GOOD COOK TO GO out of town for two or three months to cook for Northern family: must be a good cook in every respect, and one who can furnish good references. Address Post Office Box No. 701. d 9 WANTED AT ONCE: A GOOD COOK. Apply Mrs. Jas. E. Harper, 2116 Wrightsboro Road, The Hill. dG LADIES - CAN MAKE SIO.OO TO $15.00 weekly, copying, addressing and mail ing samples. Particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 259 Gipnwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. dG DO YOU WANT ANOTHER $2 DAILY? No experience, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery, machines furn ished on contract, we take product. Helping Hand Stores, (Inc.) Dept. 855, Chicago. ' d 6 LADIES IMMEDIATELY. FILLING and labeling boxes. Home-work. Even ings. Steady. No experience. sl2 weekly. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co., To ronto. Ont. d 6 WANTED' A LITTLE GIRL, NOT over 12 or 13 years old to demon strate the “Little Girl’s Machine” at our store. Must have original Ideas as to how to cut and fit. Call at Singer Sew ing Machine Store, No. 951 Broad St. Thursday morning, December 9th. dS 3 WANTED - HELP—MaIe ARMY OF U. S. WANTED: UNMAR- Tied men, age 18 to 35. Information at Recruiting Offices, 1927% Second Ave., Birmingham. Ala., 411 Cherry St., Ma con, Postoffice Bldgs., Montgomery Ala., Rome, Augusta. Columbus, and Atlanta, Ga. frl,sat,6un. WANTED: YOUNG MAN TOR COL lector and assistant bookkeeper; must be a hustler. Address Z, care Herald. d 6 WANTED: MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade. Special offer to cotton flrowers for limited time. Will accept cotton at 10c per pound In payment for board, tools, car fare and tuition. Bar bers are preparing for busy season. No foreign travel brings thousands from North for winter. Few weeks com pletes. Write at once. Moler Barber Col lege. Atlanta, Ga. dll GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ARE EASY to get. My free booklet Y-456 tela how Write today—NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. n1.8!5,22.29d6,13,20,27 BE'A DETECTIVE; EARN SSO TO SIOO weekly, travel all over the world. Write Dept. 30, United States Detective & Adjusting Agency, Railway Exchange St. Louis, Mo. dG WANTED —Rooms ROOMS WANTED, BY COUPLE: / Arartmerits furnished for light house keeping To take possession January Ist 1 Olve location and price. References ex changed. Address E. 8., care Herald. d 8 WANTED: THREE OR FOUR CON necting rooms with convenience*, close in give full particulars. Address SI. cave Herald. _ _ __ WANTED?' "TWO bit THREE UN tarnlshed rooms, for couple without * Children: slate torms and location. Ad ores* WiuatanUy, car* Herald. d 4 Renewal and Change are the Daily Routine in All Good Stores. Today’s Store is a Little =■ ■ Different—Perhaps a Little More Interesting ■ ---=- = to You—Than Yesterday’s. And The Herald Store "Ads” Will Keep You "In Touch” WANTED SITUATION—Fe maIe WANTED: POSITION AS GOVER ness; can start work January Ist. Teach music also. Address Governess, care Herald. dS EXPERIENCED HOTEL ~WAITRESS wants a job at once as waitress, house maid, companion or to do family sewing or any thing to make a living. Address L. F care Herald. d 6 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER DM sires work by the day. Price reuse.i able. Address 1507 Maple St. (Dress maker.) dS WANTED—Boarders FOR RENTT TWO GENTLEMEN CAN get nicely furnished room, modern con veniences, good meals, in private family, for $5.00 per week. Convenient to busi ness center. Phone IS3S. d 6 WANTED: I’I.EASANT ROOMS AND excellent board, at reasonable rates, may he secured at the Young Woman's Christian Association, 101 Mclntosh St. Phone 1936 and 1366. JC ELEGANTLY FURNISHED DOWN stairs room, bath adjacent; best table board, reasonable price; two blocks from business section of town. Can also ac commodate a few table boarders. Call 564 Greece. Phone 2945-j. d 7 WANTED—Agents AGENTS: SELL GUARANTEED Hos iery, 70 per cent profit; make $lO daily. Orders repeat regularly; best agent's seller In existence, international Mills, West Philadelphia, Pa sun a3otf AGENTS: GET PARTICULARS OF one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market. Something no one else sells. Make $4.00 yearly. Ad dress K. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., 1551 Third St., Cincinnati, O. d 6 AGENTS: BIG 24x28 COMPLETE framed art religious war and copy righted negro pictures, 12c. Sensational sellers. 300 per cent profit. Sample free also portraits, convex work, pillow tops, lowest prices. Peoples Portrait, Dept. 62, Chicago. d 6 FORD OWNERS TO DEMONSTRATE "New Invisible Simplex Self-Starter.” Ford cars only. No batteries, springs, cables or other junk. Equal to any electric starter at one-fifth the price. Sells on sight. Write quick. Simplex Manufacturing Co., 1507 Great Northern Bulding, Chicago. d 6 AGENTS: MAKE SIOO TO S3OO PER month easy selling our new triplicate sauce pan. Cooking 3 different foods on one burner. Saves gas. 400 specialties, all whirlwind sellers. Write quick for territory and large catalogue. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Div. 3086, Lemont, 111. d 6 Groceries 1 Heater 5 HF C 1 Lanier 3 R R 3 Saddle 1 Sweet Potatoes 1 Wagon 1 W H 3 ATTENTION! WE WILL PAY SI,OOO reward if our home butter merger fails to merge one pint of milk into one pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter than creamery butter. Demonstrators and general agents wanted. Salary or com mission. Write for illustrated circulars and addresses of 1,000 users. Wonderful Invention. Family Butter Merger Co., Washington, D. C. Very truly yours. Family Butter Merger Co. dG WANTED—Reai Estate WANTED: ONE-HORSE FARM, OF good land, cheap, by honest and in dustrious colored man. Address ABC, care Herald. dj WANTED: HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS, in good location, with modern con veniences. Phone 1841-J. dG WANTED? TO BUY AT ONCE, FOR cash, a house anywhere below Wash ington street, of 4 to G rooms: give de scription and lowest price. Address Buy er, cape Herald. dG WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE: A home in any growing section of city, 5 or 6 rooms; describe same and give lowest cash price. Address F. K. Kl( care Herald. d 8 WANTED—Miscellaneous. WANTED: CIGARETTE COUPONS, Sovereign, Piedmonts, Chesterfields. Old Mill. Reyno and all other cash value coupons. W. C. Lewis, 818 Broad street Phone 2056-W. WANTED IDEAS: WRITE FOR LIST of inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for Inventions: our four books sent free; patents secured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington, D, C. n22-29;d6-13-20-27 WANTED: 100 PEOPLE TO BUY A 1-0-lb. package of Old-fashion Pure Buck Wheat for 40c. The Great Atlantic 6 Pacific Tea Co. <lB WANTED TO BUY, AT A PREMIUM: Matured contracts of the Home Stand ard Co. Address Thos. Nichols, 612 Crawford Ave. d 8 WANTED: OLD GEESE FEATHER beds at once. Will pay highest cash prices. Address Boston Feather Co., 1007 Reynolds street. Phone 1315. _ d 8 PLAIN SEWING NEATLY DONE AT 631 Chafee avenue. Phone 3572-J. Work sent for and returned. dG HH H 5 JR K 1 Moderate 1 Money 1 N B 1 R N 1 “T” 1 “W" 4 XY P 4 For Sale FOR SALE —Miscellaneous FOR SALE: THE VERY BOOKS FOR your private library you have been thinking about. Dellquest’s New and Old Book Shop. 213-215 7th rtreet. ts BED WETTING CURED, SAMPLE Free, Zemeto Co., Dept. 77, Milwaukee. Wls. d 7 FOR SALE: UPRIGHT BOILER, SKC ond-hand, In tip-top condition. See MORRISON, SATISFACTORY CON TRACTOR. 192 9th street. Phone 2475. d 8 FOR*?SALE: PURE BRED COLLIE pup*, females, $3.00; males. $5.00 each. Two French Poodles, 8 months old, $5.09 each. J. S. Babb. Fountain Inn, S. C. dG FOR KALE, CHEAP: USED 4x6 HIGH speed steam engine; good condition. Ellis Ice & Coal Co, (D 2 FOR SALE—Autos AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE: FORD runabout, In first-class condition, 1911 model; Just overhauled with new tires; a* good a* new; price $275.00, Address Rox 246, Aiken, S. C., or phone 153. d 8 SEE THE NEW FORD CUPELET Good for all seasons. One Just In. Lorn bard. GR FOR SALE—Livestock FOR BALE: GOOD COMBINATION horse, also buggy, cheap to quick buy er. Apply 1216 Hickman Road. (16 FOR SALE—ReaI Estate FOR SALE? A SMALL DAIRY OF about good cows, aerator, eparator, bottles, cans. etc. Address H. R. Powell, care Haikett A Bell. d 6 FOR SALE—Poultry FOR SALE: 10 WHITE WYANDOTTE yearling hens and cockerel. Hens lay ing now; a big bargain and a good Christmas gift. Phone 954-J, call 726 Kollock street. d 7 FOR SALE: EGGS FOR HATCHING, thoroughbred White Orpingtons and Calloway strain Rhode Island Reds. Pritchett Poultry Farm. Phone 6937-J, or call 11210 Hickman Road. d 6 For Rent FOR RENT—Rooms. FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with electric lights, for house keeping. lodging, or will rent three un furnished rooms. Phone 2627-J, or cal! 917 Telfair. d 7 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. 310 Ninth street. dO FOR KENT: ONE LARGE BEDROOM, suitable for tlfree gentlemen, or will rent to couple, with or without board; terms reasonable. Electric lights and hot bath. Apply 645 Broad street. d$ FOR KENT: IMMEDIATE POSSES sion: best front room in Augusta; ele gantly furnished. Hot and cold hath, fires, telephone, all conveniences. Ad dress by mail, C. H. M.. care Herald. d 3 FOR RENT : THREE UNFURN IS iI ED rooms for light housekeeping; hall, hath, and use of phone; desirable loca tion. Phone2sW-W. <ls FOR RENT: ONE FURNISHED ROOM with electric lights and use of tele phone. Apply 526 Ellis street. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate FOR RENT: HOUSE WITH NINE rooms and six acres of land, near Summerville car line. For rent, sale or exchange for city property. Apply D. W. Mark, 400 Harlson building. d 6 FOR RENT: TI fREE UnFITRNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Use of electric lights and telephone, sls per month. Apply 28 Cumming street, or phone 3599-J. dS LOST AND FOUND LOST ARTICLES SOMETIMES are - ever found; often they are Stolen with no chance of recov ery, but when picked up by hon est persons they will get hack to the owner If advertised in this column. $500.00 REWARD FOR EVIDENCE TO co.ivict party or parties that burned L. J. Dodge's barn at Grovetown on November 20th. d 7 LOST: BIRD BOG, - SETTER, LIVER or brown color, young but grown; tail bobbed. Reward for return. Notify Dr. Walden, North Augusta, S. C. d 8 LOST? ONE PAIR OF STEEL RIM eye glasses with chain pin attached. Phone 6979-J. d 6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. REMOVAL NOTICE. DR. G. A. PATRICK ANNOUNCES to his patrons and friends his removal to Chronicle building, Srd floor, room 302. d2S RUBBER STAMPS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE, seals, stencils, metal trade checks, numbering machines, etc. I-ligh-class Job printing. Get my prices. J. M. Wolfe, “The Printer,’' 218 Seventh street. Phone 528. <33 ~CANE MILLS* EVAPORATORS. KETTLES, GALVA nlzed Roofing, Pipe, etc. Lombard Iron Works, Augusta, Ga. d 6 REMOVAL NOTICE. WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW Vore, G 52 Broad street, The Hickman Building. Edelsteln A Co. Phone 1245. WRITING CABES. PRETTY WRITING CASE. OR LAP tablet, makes an inexpensive Christ mas gift for a lady or girl friend. New assortment Just in—see them. Augus ta Trunk Factory, 735 Broad, opposite monument. ts ENGRAVED - XMAS CARDS WITH EN VELOPES TO MATCH, NICE AS SORTMENT. THEY ARE GOING FAST. SEE WOEFE. THE PRINTER. PHONE 528, 218 BEVENH STREET. dl9 PERSONAL. IF YOU WISH TO MARRY. REGISTER with us. List and desription of well to-do members free. Strictly confi dential. Ideal Correspondence Soe., 624 Hobart St., Oakland. Cal. n29,d6 FARM MACHINERY. GRAIN DRILLS, PLAIN ALSO WITH fertilizer and open furrow attach ments; Disc harrows, $19.00; hay press es, of all kinds and all prices; gasoline engines, 2% H.P., $60.00; 4-H.P. gasoline engine, mounted on four-wheel truck, $150.00; feed mill. $13.50; com meal mill. $55.00; Sulky steel plows, the diamond that will turn ail kinds of ground. Re pairs of all kinds of machinery our spec ialty. Wirtz A Hernlen. Phone 1887. n8,15,22,29d5 ' LAUNDRY. BAM LEE’S WASH-HOUSE. 1805 Broad street laundry work dona on short notice Lowest prices. Collars 1, cuff* 2e, shirts 6e, underwear Bc, hand kerchiefs lc. die PERSONAL. WESTERN BACHELOR 38, WORTH $56,000, would marry. C-Box 35, To ledo League, Toledo. Ohio. <l6 PLANTS FOR SALE. A VARIETY OF ROHES, 10c AND 25c each; pansie* and daisies, 25c two doz.; Kcuppernongs, 25c each; hlmalaya black berries. lf)c each; bulbs. Empress and Emperor daffodils. 4(><; doz ; Pape’s white narelssu*. 20c doz. Phone 409-ring 4. W. K. Nelson. dG ABOUT THE STONE BIBLE. A NEWLY PUBLISHED BOOK BY John Edger, the great scientist. Is commonly called the ’’Stone Bible ” It treats of the structure of the great py ramid of Egvpf, showing by over fifty time measurements or symbols (built In solid rock over 4.0 N) years ago), that the times of the Gentiles 0 f Luke 21:24 ends In October. 1911. It gives the precise dates of all the prophetic periods and tells us that the Great Battle of Arma geddon (now commenced) will terminate In the “Time of Trouble" mentioned In Matt. 24:21. arid Immediately following Christ’s Kingdom will he set up In I*l6. Many Bible classes are using this ns a text book for Bible study. I have Im ported » large lot of these books from Scotland to he sold at cost. Price, post paid, 75 cents. W. W. Giles, Brown’s Summit. N. C. 66,# ICE. 12 LBS . se; 25 LBS.. 19c; F ; () LBS., 20c: 100 lbs.. 40c. C. O. D. Quick delivery. Wtrt. Kelly, 455 Calhoun street. Phone 8228-J. s'lt.sun.mon It "WILL pay you to see croft A O'Connor befors buying >-ur house hold goods. tat,gun,mon THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. FOR SAT.E: BRICK HOUSE AND LOT on lower Ellis street, at a bargain. For particulars, apply Walton Printing Co., rear Ga. R. R. Bank. Phot.-. 3547. sat,summon GASOLENE, 15c AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! HAVING just installed a gasolene service sta tion. we solicit your patronage. Dixie Repair Co.. 961 Broad Sr. WALL PAPER. “A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY forever." Why not beautify your home? We are headquarters for wall paper, house and sign palntlnj J. W. Bowick, 301 Mclntosh street. Phono 2284. sat.eun.mon CONTRACTOR. HOMES BUILT ON TIME. PAYMENTS like paying rent, mortgages paid off at 5 per cent interest, monthly pay ments on each $1,000.00 about so*7s per month. Thomas Nicholas, Contractor, No. 612 Crawford Ave.. Augusta, Ga. dI7 ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE WITH CITY CONVENIENCES. WILL soil you a four-room cottage at Bel vedere, SIOO cash, $lO per month; no taxes. Will sell a lot, $lO cash, $5.00 per month, L. A. Dorr, Terminal Building. sat,summon FU R NITUR E, EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FITRNISTt ings at remarkably low prices. Peoples Furniture Co., 1019 9th stre-’ The new store owned and operated by colored people. sat,summon FOR SALE OR RENT: ME A- MAR ket, located in grocery, best location In city; good opportunity for butcher; established trade. Address G., care Herald. sat,summon RAFFLE CARDS AND PUNCH BOARDS, ALL SIZES AND SHAPES, LARGE STOCK. SEE WOLFE, THE PRINTER. PHONE 528, 218 SEVENTH STREET. dl9 BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock of A. 11. McDaniel Co., consist ing of mantels, grates, paints, brushes, etc., will sell at very l. w prices. Apply to Edelstein & Co., 652 Broad street. Phone 707-J. sat sun mon THE EVERETT PIANO. ONE OF THE THREE GREAT PIANOS of the world. Also Harvard, Dayton, and Winter Player Pianos, sold in Au gusta by J. E, Stratford, 432 Jackson street. sat,sun.mon PLUMBI NO! WE ARB SPECIALISTS IN THE pluming and heating Un I, vestlgnte our record on past contracts. You will find that we were prompt, careful and efficient. The Henry Hutt Company. It pays to deal with a reliable firm. sat.sun,mon FOR SALE: ONE BRAND NEW L. C. Smith typewriter. Party leaving city, cheap for rash. Phone 213 T. sat sun mon GET THE HABIT SMOKE 1920 SEGAR. YOUR HOME cigar. You help yourself a nickel's wdrth every time you buy one. Dorr Ci gar Factory, Augusta, Ga. sat,summon FOR SALE: ONE STORE, ONE 8-ROOM house and 8 tenement houses, cornsr Charles end Twiggs streets. Size of lot 65x180; price $4,000.00. Rents for $55.00 per month. Richmond Realty Co., 420 Jackson street. sat sun man ~RU BBER BTAMPS—E. W. DODGE. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES. Stencils. Allumlnum Checks, &c. 852 Ellis street. Phone 1421. sat.summon TO REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF living use SERV-US Groceries. Teach the children to be economical by saving the valuable coupons. For sale by the leading merchants of Augusta. snt.sun.mon MERCHANT - TaTIOBS. OTTO W. MARSHALL, ESTABLISHED 1878. Having too large a stock of gent’s woolens on hand I am closing them out at very low prices, sat,summon FRESH MEATS. CHOICE TJNE OF FRESH MEATS OF all kinds, chickens, fowls and eggs. We solicit -ott- patronage. Our prices are right. Prompt delivery. ~JL. T. Heir. 302 Washington. Phone 543. sat sun mon GROCERIES. BEFORE ORDERING YOUR OROCK rles call 2174 for our prices. We can save you money. Everything fresh. Free delivery anywhere. W. H. Bagby Gro. Co., 610 Broad St. Phons No. 2174. sat.sun.naon CHI ESA PEAKE ROYAL POUND CAKE. WANTED; LADIES TO TRY THE DE liclous Chesapeake Cake. Quality guar anteed to be the best so” in this city. One-pound packages. A trial Is suffici ent. At all leading grocers. sat,sun,mon TI RE REPAI R I NG. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIRE and tube repairing enables us to give the best service that can be had. All work positively guaranteed. Augusta Vulcanizing Co., 652 Broad street. sat,sun.mon WANTED: EVERYONE TO KNOW that The Augusta Typewriter Ex change has moved to larger quarters, at 311 Jackson street, and wil'. bo pleased to serve their customers. sat.sun.mon NOTHiNo" NICER OR MORE I?LE gant for an Inexpensive Christmas gift for him, than a handsome seal leather card case, pooketbook, cigar case, pass case letter book. Augusta Trunk Factory, 736 Broad, opposite Monument. WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT there Is nothing like f esh yard eggs, good butter, good milk, and home-made pies. Try us. New York Case, 221 Jack son street. sat,sun,mon —— AND OYSTERB . FRFPH EVERY DAY. HOME KILLED ft-esh meats of all hinds. Star Grocery Co., Cor. Walton Way and 16th street , sat, sun, mon CHRISTMAS FIXING* MATCHED DINING ROOM SUITS PARLOR AND LIVING ROOM SUIT* LUXURIOUS ROCKING CHAIRB ’ MORGAN - 4 JOHNSON, 1208 Broad. sat,sun,mon A. H. HICHOL* A BRO. MARBLE, ORANITB AND BTONE Works. Menufactuprere, Importers end dealers In Marble and Granite, Monu ments. Headstones and Copings. Agents for iron fencing. Batlsfnctlon guaran teed. GB4 Washington street Telephone 719. sat.sun,mon COFFEES, TEAS. ETC. CAT,I, 400 FOR FRESH ROASTED coffee. To get the real flavor buy where It Is roasted fresh every day. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street. sat,sun,mon AuTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND AD- Justing, magneto and caburetor work my specially. All work given my per sonal attention. Cheeseborough's Repair Shop. 549 Broad street. Phone 1211. sat.sun.mon FRESH MEAT AND GROCERIES. HOME-CURED CORN BEEF TWICE A week. Wm. Boyle A Hon. sat.sun.mon MILLINERY AT HOME. HATS MADE OR TRIMMED AT 50c. Mourning bat* a specialty. Addre** Millinery, care Herald. dG ■COLUMBIA* ’RAMBLER’ ’MONARCH’ The “Columbia,” “Rambler," and “Mon arch," And the “Iver-Johnsom" too. Are known to every wheelman As a rapid-going crew. You meet them every morning In sunshine or in rain, On overy street and pathway And on every country lane. And eneh and every rider Wears a never-ending smile, Because he’s surely "going some,” And “going some” in style. Another reason why he smsrs Is very plain to see— With very little money down, He. bought his wheel from me. W. H. Holmes, high-standard hi eyries on easy terms to responsible parties. 808 Campbell. Phone 1785. d 6 ROOF LEAK? Haw your work dons by e*P«tD speed tinners. All work given pat •onal attention. My price* a't right. E. A. DEMORE Phone 2031. 623 Broad Ft AUGUSTA SHOE REPAIRING. H*ve yeur eHoos repaired •« t>«ee pricer:— Men’s Wide Bottom*. sewrrt 81 00 Men’s Half Soles, sewed and Rubber Heels.. .. 81J2Q Men’s Half Boles, sewed T{|o Men’s Half Soles, nailed oO 0 Ladles' Half Solos, sewed and Rubber Heels 7RO Ladles' Half Holes, sewed,. ..gQO Ladles’ Half Soles, nailed.. ..3*o Children’s Half Boles 2*o and 350 " -st Rubber Heels 25 c - 55C, /t««7 Ladles’ Hnlf-snles. turned . . •••7RC Work done while you watt. Work called for and delivered on short notlc*. Phone 945. its Broad Ht, J. SAWILOWSKY, Proprietor Special Rubber Bottoms... si in Read Herald “Wants" SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to Place Before the Public the Merchandise. Craftmanship and Spe cial Serivce Offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not Usually Advertised : : ::::::::: : WHITNEY- EVE CO. ELECTRICAL *UPPLIES Complete line of flash lamps: full stock of supplies of all kinds. Bat teries fresh every week Call on us for your electrical work. Union shop. 1033 Broad. Phone 18,6 AUTOMOBILE TIRES~ We are Sole Distributors for Kelly- Springfield tires and tubes—to deal «ri» and consumer*. Alto com plot© tlr© repair *nop. Prompt ■•rvlca* DAVI* TIRE A RUBBER WORK*. BARBER SHOP GET THAT EASY BHAVB —AT— SULLIVAN’S UNION SHOP 1297% Broad. Three first-class barbers— Bulllvsn, Shed, and Hackman. No waiting. Courteous attention. CONTRACTORS ANDREW A. HETT CO. Glazing of all kinds, windshields, lamps and showeaaa *!»■*, and rs puttytng a specialty. Front door llefi and church windows repaired. Phone 417-J. *2* EUI* ■<- CAFE Ask the first policeman the way to the B & ». CAFE The choicest dishes on the markat. Regular Dinner. Best In town. Phone 8013-J. 983 I - I Bt. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES NEW SUPPLY OF FLASH-LIGHT*. 1 am now located at 960 Broad *L H. I. HUTSON Phones 387, 3438. 2688-J. HACK LINE When you want a hack or cab, telephone and I will come or sand to sny part of elty. BEN JACKSON Phono 4*o 926 Ws|ksr Street READ HERALD WANTS Charlestons Western Carolina Railway Co. (Effective October 11th, 1914). The following arrivals and departures of trains. Union Station, Augusta, Ga., as well an connections with other com panies. are simply given as information end uro not guaranteed. DEPARTURES. 10:36 A.M., No. 1 Dally for Greenwood, Spartanburg, Greenville, Asheville conects at McCormick (Dally ex cept Sunday) for Anderson. 4:40 P. M., No. 3 Dally for Greenwood. 2:00 P M., No. 42, D ily for Beaufort, Port Royal, Charleston and Sa vannah. ARRIVALS. 12:15 P.M., No. 2 Dally from Spartan burg, Greenville, Anderson (Dally excert Sunday), etc. 8:15 P. M.. No. 4 Daily from Spartan burg. Oreenvlle, Asheville, etc. 12:25 K.M., No 41 Dally from Beaufort, Port Royal. Charleston and Sa vannah. ERNEST WILL AMB. General J aenger Agent, 829 Broadway, Augusta, G*. C os Gaßy “The Right Way” Current Schedules. (78th Meridian Time) DEPARTURES: For Dublin, Savannah, Macon and Florida points 7:30 a.m. For Dublin and Savannah 2:30 p.m. For Savannah, Macon, Colum bus and Birmingham 9:30 p.m. ARRIVALS: From Savannah, Macon, Co lumbus and Birmingham 8:30 a.m. From Dublin, Savannah and Florida points 12:30 p.m. From Dublin, Kavnnnnh, Ma con and Florida points 7:50 p.m. All above trains dally. Through train leaving Augusta 7:80 a. in., arriving at 7:50 p. m., between Augusta and Savannah; connecting at Mlllen with through train for Macon, Columbus, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery. Mobile and New Orleans. Vestlhulod eleetrio-llghtod Sleeping Cars carried on night trains between Augusta and Savannah, Ga.: connecting at Mlllen, with through Sleeping Cars to and from Macon, Columbus, Birming ham and Atlanta. For Information ns to fnrea, schedules, •to., write rrr communlate with W. W. HACKETT, Traveling Passenger Agent. City Ticket Office, 215 Jackson Street. Phone 62, Augusta, Qa. LET TIDWELL PRINT IT IVEY & THOMAS FORD ACCEBBORIES Ford and Overland Rep ,ig. 629 Elba Street. PHONE NO. 3336. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED UV A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square, New tick made free. Return mnttrensee anme day. I’hona 1916—ahops 1251 Marhurv afreet MILLINERY EXCLUSIVE—DISTINCTIVE. E. A. NIXON 214 6 h. Street. Featuring Fl*k Hats. 25 per cent reduction on all hats this We«k. “The Shop Around r •> Comer. ' PRESSING CLUB We do absolutely first-class press ing, cleaning, altering and repairing. Gtods e*nt for and delivered prompt ly, Give us one trial, FIFTEENTH ST. TAILORING CO„ R. E, FARR, Prop. Phono 43. 896 15th St PATRONIZE A LAUNDRY that saves the life of your shirts and collars. Shlrtn Bc. Collars l'Ae. YET LEE LAUNDRY 1017 Broad Street ~ ROOFING W. B. TOOLE A CO. Tin and Rubber Flooring, Repairing and Painting. We manufacture METAL SHINGLES, Cornice and Skylights. Lowest prices. 115 Broad Hi. Telephone 814. RESTAURANT Dutch Johns’ Restaurant All kinds of Sea foods—Crabs, Shrimp*, Lobsters. Choicest meats la market. Barbecue every Saturday, near of Metropole. ROYAL CAFE LET US FEED YOU. Dainty, appetizing rncals and loyal service. For Indies and gentlemen. Regular dally lunch. 12-3 25 0 Special Sunday iupper, 6-8:30 ...Goo phone 8081. 117 Broad, PHONE 1 297 Southern Railway. fSehettute mffmMlw Octet's" I*th, 1074.3 N. B.—Schedule figures published only as Information and are not guaranteed. Union Station. All trains dally. Train depart to— No. Tima. 18 Charleston, 8. C 4:20 a.m. 8 Columbia, S. C 6:4C a.m. 82 Washington, Nsw York .... 2:30 p.m. 23 Charleston 1:40 p.m. 24 Charleston 11:40 p.m. Train arrive from— No. Time. 25 Charleston 8:20 a_m. 131 Washington, New York... .12:50 p.m. 86 Charleston 1:30 p.m. 7 Columbia 8:55 p.m. _l7 Charleston 10:80 p. nv Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Ctit, Coaches, Dining Car Bervlcs. Phone 661 or 947 for Information, and Pullman Reeervatlons. MAGRUBER DENT. Diet. Pass. Agent -759 Broad St.. Augusta. On, Atlantic Coast Line NOTE—These arrivals and departure* are given as Information. Arrivals and connestlons are not guaranteed. ~ I ( »fc l" $f ‘' 2?40al 2:4 ft nll.v Augusta Ar 8:86a 1:40a 4:?6n 4:l7n|Ar Bar*well Lv 7:13a 12:01* 4:B0a 4:43pjAr Denm’k Lv 6:44a 11:34p 635 n s:2sn|Ar OUburg Lv 5:57a 10:S3p 7:?fla] 2:6R|Ar Sumter Lvl 4:20a 9:20* * 00a| B:lsplAr Florence Lvl B:lssj 8:00p I:lsp|l3)4sa[Ar WlVgttm Lv,..., .1 S;4sp 8:00p| s:2KaiAr Rlohm’d Lv 6:8Bp! 8:15* tl:6opf 9:00al 6r Wash’t’n Lvl 3:o6p| 4:20* l:38al1fl-?7alAr Rnltlm’e Lvl 1:45pl ?:86* 4:Ma!l2-48nlAr W Phil Lvtll :56»t12:19n HWSdlTnlAv N York T,v( 2-15af >:3op Through K’eel Pullman Sleepers on trains 3? and 85. between Augusta and New York. Observation Broiler Car. be tween Augusta and Flnrenes. Standard Dlr.lpg Car north of Florence- Through Sleeper between Atlanta and W|b dog-ton. via Augusta nn trains 87 and 28 eonneetlnv st Florence with Nsw York sleerere e"d metn line points. Y. B. WALKER. District Passenger Agent. Augusta. Ox. Phone 825. GEORGIA RAILROAD « (Effective December 6th, 1914.) Eastern (City) Time. From To 2:25 n.m. Atlanta, Macon, Athen*. Washington 7:40 a-m. 2:45 n.m. Atlanta 1:55 a.m. 6:15 p.m. Atlanta 12:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Atlanta, Macon, Athens, Washington 3:20 p.m. 8:45 am, Union Point and fur Macon and Washington 6:15 p.m. Phone 267. 661, 2266. J. P. BILLUPS, G.P.A. / R. W. KOCH CHIROPRACTICE 402 Chronicle Building. Investigate this new Science. It Is sucsssful for the reason that It tw moves the cause. Lady attendant after November, 15th. SPECIALISTS the only reliable SPECIALIST IN AUGUSTA. Diseases of men women and chil dren treated without operation. I FURMIS I -' all MEDICINES ®RE* DR. N. E. ALFORD Office. 169 Broad 9L TAILORING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING There srs thre* reasonr why you should trade with us. Fit, Quality, Money saved. E. M. OROZIER & 00., 1144 BROAD ST. TIRES and VULCANIZING A fresh stock of Kelly-Springfield and Hood “extra ply" tires direct from manufseturers and not handled through sny distributor. Buy from us and get fresh atock. BERRIE TIRE A RUBBER CO. WOOD YARD OAK AND PINE STOVE WOOD. Quantity and Quality. C. E. McCORD North Augusta. Phons 27*y. DRINK CHERO-COLA AT THE PAIR A EVERY WHERE. There's none so good. Phone 1237. L. F. GOODRICH, Architect. 123 eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 669. SEVEN