The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 06, 1914, Home Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 24

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EIGHT men sl CHiPioiSHiP or SM B Bf y. C. IEN Tlf DOWNED ATLANTANS, 26 TO 6 In a gridiron contest Saturday af ternoon at Warren Park between the Academy of Richmond County nnd tho Boys' High School eleven of Atlanta, deciding the high school championship of the state, and making them third in "prep" circles, Riverside and Gor don being the only teams that they have heen unable to overthrow, the local aggregation sent the visitors down to defeat by the score of 26 to 6, being beaten in the first ten minutes of play. Undoubtedly the score would have been much larger had the quarters been the regular time, 15 minutes. By special request of the Atlantans the following time was taken up in each quarter: Twelve minutes in tho first, ten in the second, twelve in tho third and ten in the fourth. “Whits" Scores. Both teams showed unusual pep, the Academy probably a little more, due to their superior training. In the first quarter "White" Davis made a sen sational forty-yard run. with tho whole Atlanta bunch after him. Re gardless of this handicap “White” out ran them and made the first touchdown of the game. He then kUhcd goal, making the score 7 to 0 In the first ten minutes of play, enough to defeat their opponents. This score was repeated In the second quarter, making the score in favor of the Academy, 14 to 0 In the last half of the contest At lanta stiffened, forcing the hall within two yards of their goal, when Knox made the only touchdown of the game for his fellowmen. nnd on a fluke. The umpire blew Ills whistle by mis take. the local hoys thinking that it was the whistle of the referee stopped, however, Knox who realized that it was the wrong signal took advantage of the opportunity to score and did so. But for this incident the Atlantans would In all probability have not scored at all in the game heen tho victims of a white-wash contest. Martin Hurt. The cadets stated that this aggrega tion Is the cleanest hunch of foot ballers that they have stacked up against this season. Martin was work ing wonderfully up until the lntter PROGRAM FOR WEEK At MODJEiIA MONDAY “The Sea Nymph” A two reel Keystone, with four other selected reels TUESDAY “Old Enough to be Her Grandpa” A meric:! n product ion, with four other reels, WEDNESDAY ZUDORA The second Episode of this great serial. With other selected reels. THURSDAY “A Romance of Old Holland” A Broncho Production in two parts, with ether good reels. FRIDAY ‘The Stolen Birthright” A three part Pathe feature. A great play. Don’t miss it. SATURDAY “The Mills of the Gods” A Domino production in two parts, with four other re (*ls. Remember, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are Keystone Comedy Days at the Modjeska Theatre Are You Sick,Diseased,Nervous,Run Down? wjm • DR. L. P. PIRKLE. SPECIALIST. neys. Into vigorous action. digestion Is promoted, whereby the blood la enriched and ptirifled aud dltease producing bacteria destroyed and expelled from the body ami thus a lona llal of akin, scrofulous an I kindred affections are overcome and sound, vigorous health estab lished. My beat references are my eured and satisfied patients. If you are tired of suffering and want a euro, come to me. The following disease* are among thoae which 1 successfully treat: Ca tarrh. Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Obstruction. Weakness. Ner vousness, Ulcers and Skin Dlse-ese, Blood Poison, Bcsetna, Hheutna* tlsm, Piles, Fistula and Contracted Ailments of Men and Women If you are afflicted In any way It will certainly be to your best Interest to come In and have a friendly talk with me ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE.—I also make calls. Phont 3461-420-21 Leon ard Building. Office hours: 8 a. ,a. to 1 p. m . 3 p m. to 7 p. in. Sundays, 10 to 2 only DR. L. P. PIRKLE, part of the game when he war, floored in a mix-up and a cartllege in his nose wrenched. The acctdent being purely accidental. Davis, Melgel and Saye starred with ••nds, playing a strong offensive and defensive game, while Knox was the star of the occasion for the visitors, with Weaver, N’lall and Scott putting up a strong game. When the referee’s whistle sounded at the ending of the contest, Atlanta High School had the hall in their pos session on the forty-two-yard line of the Academy. It was a corking good game in spite ■>f tho rather large score piled up by the locals. The grounds was soggy, and the crowd better than was ex pected, tn the neighborhood of 300 people being present. The Line-Up. Academy. Boys’ High. Phi I pot Doomlft Deft Knd. Martin , TltoVo Deft Tackle. Saye Spain Deft Guard. Rupert Nlall Center. Field, Silver Brooks Right Guard. Muller Scott Right Tackle. Armontrout Dunn Right End, Melgel Adams, D. Quarterback. Wilson Adams, R. Rest Halfback. Pavla (Captain) .. ..Knox (Captain) Right Halfback. Rrvan Dowery Fullback. Substitutes: Academy. Kennedy, Ttavnes. Miller. I’hlnlzy, O'Connor, !><• Vaughn. Hoys’ High. Staten, Cal houn, Weaver. Slider, .Tones. "HOME RUN BAKER,” TOO. St. Louis. .1 Franklin Hiker, third baseman for the Philadelphia Americans, probably will lie the nevl player taken from tlte team which already tins lost Eddie Plank and Charles Render, nc 'ordliig to Philip Hill, vice-president of the St. Ixmts Federate. Have you Blood Poison, Kld nev, Bladder and Nervous Trou bles? If so consult FREE Hr. Ptrkle, 420-1 Leonard Bldg, spe cialist In discuses of men anil women The results of improp er treatment of sperinl anil chronic diseases of men and women are often the most tragic and pitiable things In life. The treatment of these diseases re quires the care and experience of a specialist for they are far more serious than Is generally recognised, and thetr treatment ts a matter which should tie placed In the hands of a com petent and experienced physi cian. Delay is dangerous, some times fatal, to happiness Con sult me today. Making Good makes friends. There is no way of making last ing friends like Making Good. I make Weak Men and Women strong and sick men and women well. My treatments act directly on the organs affected and at the same time a general restorative tone for the whole system. Let me offer you th# Relief and Comfort I am giving others daily. By strengthening and arous ing the stomach, liver and kid- PETITIONS ASKING FOR TWO WEEKS’ VACATION Petitions asking the hoard of edu cation not to curtail the Christmas holidays to one week and to let them remain two weeks, as has been the custom, will be In Augusta dry goods stores tomorrow and for several days thereafter. Mothers are asked to sign them. The petitions will be found at White's, Andrews’, Wise's, Burton- Ta> lor-Wise's, and Mullarky's. MR. FREX PERRODX HAD VERT NARROW ESCAPE Information comes from Mr. Fred Perroux 1n France that he Is well and uninjured, although he came near be ing killed when he was shot through the cap In a recent battle. Mr. Per roux left Augusta soon after the war was declared. He was a. reservist of the French army and responded to the call at once. NEW PASTOR AT THE WOODLAWN METHODIST Rev, G. IV Stone, who comes from the Paine Memorial church, Atlanta, to the Woodlawn Methodist church of this city, as a result of the recent North Georgia Methodist conference In Marietta, will preach this morning in his new charge for the first time. It is expected that he will have a large congregation present to hear his first sermon. He will, of course, occupy the pulpit lids evening also. .Mr. Stone arrived in Augusta Friday night and was met at the union ata tli n by a committee from tho board of stewards of the church, who ac corded him a most hearty welcome. He was shown immediately to his new home, the parsonage, which was in perfeet readiness for him and his fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have three children. Supper was promptly served nnd after supper the stewards met with their new pastor and the work for the coming yea ■ was briefly outlined, com mittees appointed, etc. The meeting, although the first, was a highly suc cessful one and Mr. S*nne offered his congratulations for having found the affairs of Ihe church in such splendid shape. Mr. Stone succeeds Rev. J. O. Brand, who was one of the three Methodist ministers of Augusta transferred by the last conference. PAY YOUR TAXES TO TAX COLLECTOR BOHLER All persons who have not as yet visited the office of Tax Collector Holder, at the Richmond County courthouse and placed into the state nnd county treasuries their taxes, are asked to do so the first thing Monday morning, if possible, and If not as soon thereafter ns possible before the twentieth, at which time the time will expire. It Is stated that taxes so far have been paid promply this year and that certainly there can he no hard times Jmling from the manner In which the collector has been receiving the coin. Xmas Goods, 10 per cent off at Mertin*.' “Reel Life” at the Modjeska Theatre A feature of features, something ultra-funny In the Keystone-Mutual line, will he on the program at the Modjeska Theater Monday contin uously In the shape of one of the hest two reel comedies ever produced. Ma bel Catty, Chapin. Sennett and all the other stars put together composing the skit. The "Sea Nymphs” is the title of the "laugh-a-second" 'masterpiece. I Tlie public Is old and blase und wise In the ways of the world. They have laughed at so many things that it ts now difficult to nmuse them. But this production will make the Modjeskaltes iaugh until their sides ache, if they are fortunate enough to see this play. This picture was made at Santa Catalina Island, where the waters of the Pacific are so clear that one can see the pink and white sands fifty feet below the surface. Mabel and Patty try I to outswlm. outdlve and out submarine “Htg lien," the former's pet sea lion. I "Tt can't be done," one will say. Well, ! wait until you see these two reels. These two stars do some ground and lofty tumbling and then turn the same trick tn the water that ven a sea lion has never accomplished. Wednesday's feature ts, of course, "Zudora," niece pf Hassain All. mys tic detective, who Is, unknown to her self, heir to the $20,000,000 Zudora I mine. Hassnm AH plans to obtain this | great wealth and tries to destroy John Storm, Zudora'* fiance. Hassain has agreed that If Zudora unravels twen- I tv consecutive mysteries she may wed | Storm. In “The message of the spot ted collar," Zudora foils her uncle's : attempt to foist & murder charge on i Storm. llnssnm evades complicity. [ This Is last week's episode's synopsis, | the second Instalment which will he i shown Wednesday will he etttled | "The mystery of the sleeping house.” | This number ts equally as interesting us the previous one, even more so. if I you see this one you will never miss the other eighteen. A three part American drama, "The stolen birthright." will he the "head liner' for Prtdn>’s feature A short account of this thrilling drama will be given In another Issue of the Her ald some time this week, before the showing of the play. There are always good plctuers at the Modjeska, most always features, the above being only a partial list simply to give the public an idea of the class of pictures that the man agement has procured to please Mod- Jeskaltea Attend this theatre once, and you w 111 always be there tn the future, $11.25 Balmacaan. S2O 00 values, the ibest, all wooL F. G. Martins. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, liA.- ai# I R I ' irk' SATIN EVENING SLIPPERS Is probably the most attractive. They are in all colors of the rainbow, and will al ways prove highly acceptable to a young lady. Then there is COAT SWEATER FREE \ -ts/ // f i ■*t| im'&Alf/ f \ fl -‘'ll irA *II \i<\nv g] II mm / It i? 1 11 jlml | !J iiifl il 1 . ! I ) \ ■ If/ If'ill \\| ilf j j lj IP ‘lfv C. H. SCHNEIDER & BRO. Our New Beaded Slipper This is the most popular fad of the season. These come in black and gun metal with fancy beaded de signs. THE VERY NEWEST IN FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN. The famous Walk-Over quality, style and depend ability in every pair, and fitted in the Walk-Over way insures enduring satisfaction. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP C. A. NICKERSON, Manager. JX sQ sa / >y Among the Many Holiday Suggestions at This Store Our Display of To Every Purchaser of r a Suit ZTsTimM Our Special Tomorrow the country for j- a II p^jgf the money. «J)££ # e)V - | 1 jgf The same tfAA AA AX 111 l J? B quality goods |jg§ jfff B other Clothiers QA A Jf $ lEf give you for BE YOUR OWN SALESMAN-Take Your Pick Why Should a Man Buy ■ »»__ a Suit at Other Stores mpt tt When he can Buy a Ready I I tt Custom Tailored one at tt h Wholesale Prices from C. Jf ® Jy H. Schneider. t These Suits were made during the dull season to keep their tailors employed. No middleman’s profit on these —look at the wonderful values; you get the greatest values in the United States for $9.75, AND A COAT SWEATER FREE. Mail Orders filled. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, m I >mm' Jwf) iTfa, Jj fir / % jSJSIP