The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 13, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIX, Image 22

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SIX Unusual Ottering in Late Season Ready-to-Wear Just ahead lies the “furious”part of the winter , and just now is offered an opportunity to the economical women of A ugusta to meet it safely and at a saving. We realize that the rush of Christmas buying at tracts so much attention that only by a marked reduction of price can we hope to make an impression We are rushing the season, not in style, but in prices. If you are waiting until after the winter season to buy your Coat Suit, Coat or Dress, you are doing yourself an injustice. Golden Bros, are offering January Prices Now. For Monday We Have Prepared Special Bargains From This Lot Final Disposal of Women’s Suits These suite arc direct from Master Tailors in New York. This means that they are'hardly ten days old. Fur trimmed suits, plain suits, and suite that em body the best ideas of experts. They ;ire to he had in tike Redingote, Postillion, straight and semi-mili tary, and fanciful models. Some of the skirts are flar ed, others pleated, others plain. These suits are easily worth twice what we risk for them. To see them is to appreciate their value. Some with the new patch pockets. $7.50, $10.50, $14.50, $19.50 & Prices Between The Only Exclusive Ladles’ Ready-to- Wear Store In Augusta GOLDEN BROS. 1054 Broad Strand Opens Excellent Program This Week With “The Circus Man” Other Attractions Will Be “Ono of Our Girls,” Featuring Hazel Dawn, Star of “The Pink Lady,” Appearing For the First Time in Motion Pictures, Here Tuesday; "The Country Mouse,” Paramount Picture, Thursday; Francis X. Bush man in ‘ One Wonderful Night,” Saturday, and Others. THIS WEEK'S ATTRACTIONS AT THE STRAND. Monday—" The Circus Man." Tutoday—"One of Our Ulrit." Wednasday—"The Houao of Tom perly." Thuradsy— The Country Mount,'* Friday- -"Hlnglr*' Melodrama '• Saturday - "one Wotiderfal Nulght" The first picture of the week is a Paramount, and was made under the personal direction of Mr. Jesse 1, 1 .as hy, one of thp great producer* of mo tion picture drams of the day. One cannot but assume thst 'The Rose In the Hind." was exceptionally difficult to transform into a picture. This will he all the more apieuenl after one lota seen 'Tile Circus Man," which is based on the celebrate*! novel hv George Itarr MeCutehson. The hard obstacle* winch loomed up in the pat It of the director, Osca r Apfei, were, no doubt, many and trying to aurpasa. In order to give the picture the finished completeness that It possesses In the first place there are three dis tinct stories tn the picture, which are not very strong v counseled. This (act, of course, necessitated the Introduction of a greater number of characters than on* usually sees In a five-reel picture. Joins a Circus. The first few econe* are devoted to a youth, David Jennteon. who is accused of killing hi* father, when in reality a scheming relation l» the offender He escapee from tire taw and Joins a travel ing cirrus, where be falls In love with the daughter of the circus man After Me name has been cleared by the man oeuverlngs of a new ly found friend. I tick Crock ha leave* the cricua. The pic ture then drops David for a time, and ■hows how Brsddock. the clrcue man. quarrels and leave# his wife, because he thinks her false. latter after Colonel Grand the other man. has been killed by Dick's crippled brother, husband »nd wife sre reunited, and Dsvld and Chris tine are happily married. Theodore Robert* ha* the stellar role of Hraddock the circus man He has a reputation to uphold as a charset# man and most certainly sccomrllshe* it. in the first part of the picture he le * disgraceful inebriate, and in the latter part, Is fully repentant, begging the for- Slvenea* of hie wife, which he receives Ir Roberts 1* such a good «, lor that on* wouldn't mind seeing a ’ltile hit more of hist, as he Is scarcely in evi dence until the final scenes Jode Mullally I)** the Juvenile role of David Jennlson, snd Florence Dsfinur is Christine, the girl lie marries The rest of the cast consisting of Fred Mon tague. Howard Itlelsman. Raymond Hal ton, Mable Van Buren. Billy Elm# Her bert Whitehead and Jsmes Noll are cap pable and thoroughly verted In their re fotpeetlv* part*. As a great part of the action lake* place beneath the circus tent, the real ism of these scenes Is essentially Ihv portant ft*- the success of the picture. Life in the saw dust ring ha* been ad mirable portrayed, scenes In the dress ing room*, under the tent hiwlf with tht attending audience, and the varloue ttctP taking place In the ring: i»re ae rewt liittc a* one could jink ftvr. The photo graphy In all the net non ia vrty good Tuesday's Picture. The picture for Tuesday, "One of Our Girls." 1h another Par'amount production, and was made under the direction of Mr. Oanlel Kro liman. Mine HaaeJ Dawn, who was aeen ns the star in "The Pink IdHdy" on th< at«ge In Augusta several aeasont ago. tako« the leading role In l>hoto-p)ay adapted from the story by Mronson Howard of the trail* and tri umphs of a dashing American girl abroad. Iti this picture Miss !»awn ap pears for the first time In photo-play. She la supported by a very capable cast. Thursday's Picture. In ‘‘The Country Mouse." at the Strand Thursday, Hobart Bosworth and Adels Farrington take the leading part a Francis X. Muslim.»n will be featured Jn "One Wonderful Night" a remarkable four-part feature production. Announcements concerning the other pictures coming to the Strand this week will be mads In The Herald from day to day. Coming Attractions For The Strand WEEK 0? DECEMBER 21. Monday. Dec 21, Daniel FVohman, through the Paramount program, pre sents tlie distinguished comedienne. May Irwin, In her grentest stage suc re**, “Mrs Black Is Back." Tuesday, Dm 22, Daniel Prohman, through the Paramount program pre sents the distinguished actor, 11. H. Warner, In "Lost Paradise." • Wednesday, IVe, 23, Klaw and Kr langer present “Classmate*," a stirring story of love and adventure. This is one of Kiaw and Eilanger'a legitimate productions. The cast is made up of the best of the Biograph players and ranks as a distinct achievement In motion pictures. Thursday, lH>c. 24, Jesse I„ I-asky and David Belasco present the Paru uiount program, "The Rose of the Ranch®," featuring Bessie Barrlscale and a special Belasco cast One of the grentest pictures ever seen anywhere anytime. Friday. Dec 26, Klaw and Erlangcr present the famous farce Comedy suc cesa, "Liberty Bells," also for Xmas day, Strand War Series No. >, Saturday, Dec, 2*. to be announced Inter. Watch for an extraordinary spe cial for this date Shirts 50c, 76c, SI.OO, $1.60, 10 per cent off. the best goods for the price. F . G. Mertms, 664 Broad. County Tax Book* close thia week. Beauliiul Dresses Unusually pretty street and afternoon dresses, made of crepo de ehlnoic, Dating poplins, serges, and the serge and satin combinations. The much wanted basque and semi-basque are the features of these stylish dresses. Generally priced at from $8.50 to $35.00. fcC n ni l Il n For Monday— allU Uy yi . s- -■■■■ '->>f ~v ' - ... : Scene From “The Circus Man,” at The Strand Tomorrow (Monday) Only. Many Interesting Plays Besides Zudora at the Modjeska Theatre Be Presented to • the Public This Week "A Midnight Tragedy," the feature play at the Modjeska Monday, Is given below in story form: Dr. Warren, engaged to Marjory, Elves the girl her freedom when his negligence brings about his dismissal from the hospital staff. Warren dls appears. IVspuring of ever hearing from him she weda Priest man. an eld erly scientist, who has been blinded as the result of an accident. They meet years later. Warren has won prominence ns a bacteriologist. The old love spring* up anew. Prlestman senses what hue occurred. At first resolved upon revenge he finally de cides to make it possible for her to wed Warren. A burglar enters the home. Prlest man, thinking of suicide, gives up the Idea, realizing it would ruin her name. He follows the burglar, who realizes Prlestman Is blind and will not shoot. He corners the burglar, and shoots in the air. The burglar shoots In what he believes self-defense. Prlestman, who was instantly killed, is found by Mar jorie and Warren when they rush into tlie house Their doubts as to whether he committed suicide vanish when the burglar ia brought in by the police. Neither she nor Warren know of the suicide. The third episode of Zudora, "Tho Mystery of the Dutch t’heesemaker,” of course, will be shown Wednesday. A synopsis follows: In the same build ing lives an old Inventor, who has dis covered the se ret of diamond manu facture anil a maker of Dutch cheese. The cheese maker smilingly sell* his cheese. Not so with the "diamond man.” cooped up In hts hasement rooms this man has lived his life al most out, but to him has cotne tho THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. knowledge of making diamonds, so that their lustre makes dim the stones dug from the eurth. The cheese maker is a friend of John Storm, the diamond maker an ac quaintance of Hassam AH. Storm Is called over one day by the cheese maker to draw up a will. When his task la finished lie is presented with a piece of cheese as a gift. Storm almost brushes agpinst Hassam as he passes out of the door Then the news comes to Hassam that the wooden chest whore he keeps hts diamonds has been robbed. Hassam All sees an opportunity presented whereby he can discover the secret of the diamond manufacture and perhaps turn to his account its value. He Is shown the biasing furnace and method of treat ment until finished, sparkling diamond rolls hot Into his hand. l.atcr Storm, who Is followed ny Hassam. drops another package of cheese, which Is picked up and found radiant with sparkling diamonds Has sam All sees another chance to get Storm in his tolls and make It a little easier to dispose of Zudora and get possession of the 5H0.000.000 mine. Storm again enters the shop, when he Is again handed the package, a squad of policemen rush in. The diamond maker is with them and points an accusing finger at Storm. Hrotn the coat of Hassam All he brings forth the diamond-filled cheese. The evi dence seems all right and Storm and the merchant are taken to the police station They are questioned and Storm Is held. Once more Storm Is In the tolls of Hassam All. Zudcra begins investigation, while being shown the workings of the fur nace the aged Inventor attacks her. Beautiful Dresses As pretty and smart an assortment of Silk Dresses as you ever saw. These make unusually pretty dancing frocks, party dresses,and street dresses. The latest in styles and the lowest in values. You cannot buy them elsewhere for less than $12.00, and in many places $15.00. Our Price— $6.98 Zudora, young and agile, defends her- Belf until the entrance of Hassam A!a stops them. Zudora finds that the cul prits who did the robbing were com mon in ttie underworld. Cheese which was full of diamonds, found on Storm, is the puzzle. Was there more than one culprit? A slight noise is heard in the chest by Zudora. A rat is found. This rodent has played in the chest of the diamond finder and the cheese maker, carrying the diamonds in his nose to the chest of the cheese maker. Once more victory is chalked up to the credit of Zudora over her uncle when she causes the release of Storm Just as lie is about to be arraigned for burglary. Tuesday’s feature, which has been placed below out of respect to that great serial, is "In the Hills of Ken tucky." However, this skit is not lacking in interest. The story follows: John Shultz, with his son, Don, are camping in the Kentucky hills when their camp fire accidentally ignites an outcropping of coal in the cliff. They put out the fire and plan to get pos session of the land before any one else discovers its value. Old Blazer Hoadley. a mountain “cracker," directs them to the owner, young Lase Her ron, who lives on the mountain with his pretty wife, Roxie. But Lase and Roxie are too happy on the old plaw to sell and the plotters are baffled. To make matters worse, Old Blazer discovers the secret and they are com pelled to bribe and engage him for a guide. Balked in his first attempt, Schultz hatches a devilish plot. He has no ticed that Roxie was interested in Don and he proposes for Don to win her •way from Lase, so that Lase will be willing to sell. Don's attentions excite such jealousy from Lase that Roxie is angered and they quarrel. Matters get worse with the young couple, but one day Don exposes his purpose by kissing Roxie and she breaks with him. d-afe does not see this, however, and firmly believes that Roxie is drift ing away from him. Roxle's brother. Bill, escapes from prison and strikes for the hills. He stumbles upon the Schultz camp, is captured by them and his identity disclosed. Then Schultz hatches another infernal plot. With Blazer's aid, they cleverly man age that Lase. at a distance, shall see the meeting between Roxie and Bill, who is dressed in Don's clothes. This apparent proof of his wife’3 unfaithfulness almost drives Lase in sane. He resolves to sell the place and leave the hills. At the Schultz camp lie writes a note to Roxie telling her of his discovery and his resolve, and giving the note to Blazer to deliver, he goes with Schultz to a neighbor s where they get a rig and start for town to fix up the deed. Blazer can not resist the temptation to read the note, but he delivers it to Roxie. As he Is leaving he peeps Into the window and sees the grief-stricken'wife reel to the bureau and take from a drawer a tiny baby garment and sob over It. Realizing the terrible tragedy he bat helped to muke, he rushes in and tells Roxie the story. Together they hitch up a horse and drive for town. Mean while the prison officers find Bill and not only arrest him, but Don. They also start for town, and while these two parties are dashing along the mountain roads, Schultz and 1-afe are In the lawyer’s office closing the deal. Just ns the lawyer ia ready to make the exchange of deed and cheek be tween t-afe and Schultz, the door is opened and Blazer enters with Roxie and tears up the deed. Then he ex poses the whole deal. Schultz leaves and down on the street walks into the prison officer's arms. A lucky buy from a stranded manufacturer enables us to offer values that cannot be duplicat ed elsewhere. The mammoth business that this store has done since this shipment of Ready-to- Wear was received proves that this is an unusual opportunity. For Monday We Have Prepared Special Bargains From This Lot Coats at a Saving o( One-Hall For Monday’s selling Golden Bros, have prepared a special lot of late coats that are destined to go quickly, on account of their style and price. They come in a remarkable range of fabrics and colors. As trakhans, cheviots, tweeds, Ripplecloths, zibelines, plushes, veloirs and Ural elotlis. And in the following styles: Bell Flare, Circular Skirted, Military, Russian Cossack, Tailored, Fur- Trimmed, Coats with Cowl Collars, and Coats with the new Choker Collars. Ordinarily priced at $15.00, $25.00 and $30.00, FOR MONDAY’S SELLING |Jp Day In Congress Senate. Lands committee continued hearing on water power bill. Democrats in caucus adopted legis lative program giving appropriation measures right of way and preparing to expedite consideration of conserva tion, shipping and Philippine bills to avoid extra session. Memorial services were held for the late Representative Irvin S. Pepper of lowa. Recessed to re-assemble at 10:45 a. m. Sunday for the public funeral of the late Representative Payne of New York in the hall of the house. Houss. Judiciary committee heard represen tatives of the Society of Friends sup porting the Palmer bill to prevent use of names of religious societies as trade marks. Rules committee considered national prohibition resolutions. Adopted amendment rescinding half and half distribution of District of Co lumbia expense between federal gov ernment nod tax payers. Rules committee decided to heport special rules next week for constitu tional amendments on prohibition and woman suffrage; rejected Representa- THIS WEEK’S PROGRAM AT MODJESKA MONDAY "A Midnight Tragedy” A Kalem Feature in Two Parts With Three Other Selected Reels. Remember, Monday is Keystone Day. TUESDAY "In the Hills of Kentucky” With Other Reels. WEDNESDAY "Zudora,” the second episode of this great mystery Story With Three Other Selected Reels. THURSDAY . ."Ann the Blacksmith” A Vitagraph Feature in Two Parts With Three Other Reels. FRIDAY Another One of Those Side-Splitting KFA'STONE Comedies With Three Other Selected Reels. SATURDAY "Ticket to Leave Man” A Biograph Special in Two Parts with Four Other Selected Reels. Remember, Tuesday is Goodfellow Day at the Mod jeska, Come in and Help the Poor. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13. The Only Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to- Wear Store In Augusta GOLDEN BROS. 1054 Broad tive Gardner’s request for hearing ou his resolution for investigation of mili tary preparedness. Complete arrangements for public funeral in house chamber Sunday of 'late Representative Sereno E. Payne, of New York. Decided to hold night session next Tuesday on omnibus pension bill. Interstate commerce combiittee fa vorably reported bill for completing Mississippi river bridge at St. Louis. Adjourned at 4:22 p. m. until 10:3d a. m. Sunday. REMOVE BODY OF GEORGIA GOVERNOR DEAD FOR OVER A CENTURY Athens, Ga.—All that remained of the body of Peter Earley, governor of Georgia a century ago, was re moved from its grave in Greene County today and reinterred at Greensboro, Ga., beside the governor's parents. The ashes of the governor's wife and small child were taken to Greensboro at the same time. The graves opened Saturday were made in 1815. County Tax Books close this week.