The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 13, 1914, Home Edition, Image 25

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DREAMLAND THEATRE - Has a good program for every day. The best and cleanest pic tures being shown in Augusta. Don’t fail to see “THE MAS TER KEY/' starting Saturday, December 19th. There’s a treat in it for every one. Why is the Dreamland always crowded to capacity? Order Your Fresh Home-Killed Meats Norfolk Oysters and Fish From the old reliable firm. We serve our customers with nothing but THE BEST in our line. Quick delivery. Two stores: 476 Broad and 1146 Broad. Phones 68 and 600. EASTERLING BROS. Augusta's Meat and Sea Food Dealers. Auto Repairing We are experts on Magnito and Self Starter Repairing. Bring this work to us, and we’ll giv« it back to you “done right.” Competent workmen on all kinds of Auto Repairing, and Overhauling. Shivers (Sb Worley Phone 397 543 Broad SACRIFICE PRICES On all Ladies’ Coats and Millinery AUGUSTA BEE HIVE 916 Broad Street Abe Cohen, Prop. TIRE SERVICE For the next 30 days we will sell Standard Tires and Tubes at Wholesale Prices. Augusta Vulcan izing Co. Tires and Tubes Vulcanized and Repaired by Experts from the Factory. All Work Guaranteed. 552 Broad St. J. E. Childers, Mgr. SUGGESTIVE GIFTS Are shown in abundance at this busy store. Neck wear, Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes, and numerous other useful articles. Get our prices. You will save money. 33 1-3 per cent discount on all Men’s Clothing. Farr-Seigler Cl othing Co. 10-14 BROAD STREET. Shapiro's Christ mas Novelties are the talk of the town, especially the smart Doll Hats. SHAPIRO’S HAT SHOP An Excellent, and Useful Gift, An Electric Flat Iron, An Electric Chafing Dish, An Electric Coffee Percola tor. Many other * Suggestions ELECTRICAL. COMMERCIAL DEPT. Augusta-Aiken Ry. & Elec. Corp. 812 BROAD ST. CHRISTMAS BUYERS We are makers and distributors of the famous Cas cade Ginger Ale, made in the Mountain City of Green ville, from pure Mountain Water. Write for price list Prompt shipment The Consolidated Co. JAS. E. PAYNE, General Manager, j. Augusta, Ga. 1112 Broad Street n , rn ,T *lU Headquarters for Xmas Gift*—. FOR HIM A nice tie—lndividual box. Combination—tie, suspenders and sox —Individual box. Nicest line 811 k and Silk Lisle Sox In the city. A nice box of Linen Handkerchiefs would make an excellent Xmae present for him. General Line Clothing—Gent's and Boys'. Furnishings—our prices are right. Union-Made Clothing our specialty. E.M.Crozier & Co. 1144 BROAD. REMEMBER Monday, Wednesday and Friday are Keystone Days —AT— MODJESKA THEATRE The world’s most skilled mechanics use the finest tools. The world’s most expert typists use the UNDERWOOD Holder of every International Record for Speed and Accuracy (See the Records.) “The Machine You’ll Eventu ally Buy.” J. Knox Felker, Manager. Augusta Branch, 826 Broad St. Phone 703 EXTRAORDINARY PROGRAM AT THE STRAND THIS WEEK Monday—" The Circus Man.” A Para mount picture, produced under direction of Mr. Jesee L. I.asky. Tuesday—" Ono es Our Girls,” featur ing Ilazel Dawn, recent star of "Ths Pink I>ady.” Wednesday—" The House of Temper ly.” A feature photo-play of unusual quality. Thursday—" The Country Mouse." An other Paramount, featuring Hobart Hos worth and Adele Farrington. Friday—‘‘Bingle’s Melodrama." Ad ditional attraction. Strand War Series. Saturday—Francis X. Bushman In "One Wonderful Night,” In four parts.j WELDING Don’t throw away your broken parts of Cast Iron, Steel, Brass, Copper and Allu minum. Send them to me. Every job guaranteed. AUGUSTA WELDING & BRAZING CO. J. M. Young, Prop. 955 Broad Street, Augusta Ga. Attention Housewife Let us serve your table with the best the market affords in Staple and Fancy Groceries, But ter, Eggs, Chickens, Country Pro duce of all kinds. The season’s Fresh Vegetables. Try our Genuine All-Pork Sau sage, country style, at 20c per pound. A trial order means that you will be a regular customer. Perfect Free Delivery. W. H. BAGBY Phone 2174 510 Broad Street USEFUL GIFTS i Anything to be welded? Bring it to us. After we finish with it, the welded part will be the strongest. We securely weld or re-unite nr.y broken or cracked casting, cylinder, metal tank, boiler, heater, or other metal part. Carbon cleaned from cylinder with Oxygen de-Carbonizer. Southern Welding Go. Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. I MMMJf The product of experience. Distinctive in design and con' etruction. No Hill Too Steep, No Sand Too Deep. Ask for a demonstration over the Chevrolet route, a route em bracing tests that an owner may meet with on the road. SALES ROOMS Phone 3227. 551 Broad Useful Presents for Boys and Girls Buy the Boy or Girl a Juvenile Bicycle on Easy Terms. This is the only house in Augusta selling these goods on the “Easy Pay ment Plan.” j R. L. SUMERAU Phone 2386. 1205 Broad St.