The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 18, 1914, Home Edition, Page SIXTEEN, Image 16

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SIXTEEN Safety Security In determining an Investment Security Is the first considera tion. Your banking home should be selected with the same care The Planters Loan and Sav ings Bank fills every require ment of safety and security foT your funds. The officers of this hank give their close, personal attention to Its affairs. Responsible Banking has been the policy of this Institution since ths first day Its doors wars opened -44 years ago. That this policy is appreciated Is Indicated by the constant and gratifying growth In business. On the score of Safety, Secu rity and Responsibility, ** In vite your acoount The Planters Loan & Savings Bank 'OB BROAD ST.. AUGUSTA, GA. L. C. HAYNE, Presidsm. GEO. P. BATES, Cashier. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS A box of Fine Cigars, Meerschaum or French Briar Pipe, Fine Amber Cigar or Cigarette Hold er, Cigar fir Cigarette (*(i»® Will Maka a Moat Aoeeptabla aa Well aa Appreciative Chrietmae Gift for Yowr Gentleman Friend e. Cigars of highest qual ity ranging from $1 per box upwards. Some of our well-known brands: Optimo, Sanchez & Haya, Tadema, La Preferencia, Santaella, San Felice, La Folwin, Cinco, C. H. S. Careful Attention Given Inetruo tione Regarding Deliveriei. Lad lee Specially Invited to Call. Burdell • Cooper Tobacco Co. 718 BROAD ST. PHONE 23 SAFETY FIRST WHICH? »r» yon looking tor Tlar •■ln I'ounkr Olaaata. Vl you wllun« to wour cheap g.aaaaa juat baoauaa tiny •r* choap, do you conaant to having jour oyoo tampered with at tha rlak of thalr Permanent Injury taka aa touch tntaraat and prlda In fitting gleaaaa to tha faoo • a wo do In fitting lanaaa to correct dofaita, frame fitting la ao art. you gat tha boat horo. PROP. P M. WHITMAN, Aaalatad by Mr L. A. Wtlitama Optotnatrlata and Optlrtana fit leventh »t. Batabilnhrd list STORAGE ALL KINDS. WE SELL LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER, MANTELS. TILE. GRATES. ROOFING. PLATE &LABS “Conorst* for Endursncs.” WHALEY BROTHERS PHONE 3247. POLLUTION OF GREAT LAKES Becoming Serious Menace to Health, Says U. S. Surgeon General in Report Today. Typhoid Reduced. Users of Drugs in Nation Wsshlngton, D. C.—Pollution of ths Great Lakes and tributary rivers is be coming a serious menace to health, ac cording to the annual report today of Sutgron Genera! Ruper Blue of the Pub lic Health Service. He points out that about 16,000,000 passengers are carried ench yenr over the Great Lakes and that more than 1,600 vessels use these waters. “It heroines apparent there fore,’’ Dr. Blue declares, ’’that these In land vessels play an ImprS’tant role In the maintenance of the high typhoid fever rate In the United States. Water Supply. “The degree of pollution of the Great lakes and rivers contributory thereto Is becoming a serious question. The** large bodies of water ars constantly be ci.mlng more polluted, thus lessening thetr value as a source of water supply. Practically all of these veasais secure the water used aboard for all purposes by pumping from the lake.” It Is recommended that water so taken be purified before used for drinking pur poses. Dr. Blue details the work of the medi cal officers under him for the year in eradicating plague, Investigating tuber culosis, In making special Inquiries Into epidemics of typhoid /ever and other dis eases. Migratory Consumptives. Public health officers who examined conditions relative to the ellect on per sons wlio come In contact with migra tory consumptives found little reason to believe that such contact has proved In jurious. He points out again that In vestigation by American officials does not bear out the claim made by Dr. F. F. Friedmann for a specific for tubercu losis. Investigation of the von Ruck treatment for the name disease, he an nounces Is Incomplete. Speaking of typhoid Dr. Blue says that although its prevalence In this country Ih being gradually reduced and the rate Is not more than one-half what It was 36 years ago It Is still higher than for some olher advanced countries. The urgent need at present Is for rural sanitation. Most American cities show an appreciation of the way to deal with typhoid. Drug Users. Study of the use of drugs In this coun try where an anti-narcotic legislation has made statistics available, leads to t lie belief, Dr Blue Hays that the esti mate of drug users has been high and that the users of morphine and opium in this country probably do not number more than 140,66(1 while the number of Cocaine users Is probably “very much lower." NATIONAL LAWN TENNIS ASS N IMPORTANT MEET Institution For Tournament for Boys and Consideration of Challenging for 1915 Davis Cup New York.—The report of thp rank ing committee, plans for the Institution of tournaments for school hoys and the silt Inability of America challenging for the Davis Cup for next season, were among the more mnorlnnt mat ters before the executive committee of the United Stales National Lawn Ten nis Association at itH meeting here to day. The report of the Davis cup matches in this country Is expected to show that the receipts will doubtless exceed SIOO,OOO. Records of the attendance ul the national championship tournament at Newport will he reviewed because of the agitation to take the tournament elsewhere. It was stated hy a member of the committee thnt Robert D. Wrenn had suggested a desire to retire from the presidency at the annual meeting next February. George T. Adee is favored s successor to Wren If there is to be h change In the administration. Wil liam J. Clnhtier and A. L Hoskins, both of Philadelphia, also have been mentioned In this connection ADDITIONAL GAMES ADDED, PENNSY ANNUAL PROGRAM Two More Collegiate Cham pionship Re 1a y s Planned Under Auspices of University Philadelphia—Two additional collegiate I championship relay events hnve been planned for the annual games under the auspices of the University of Pennsyl vania next spring. In the American , distance relay the first runner wilt run I a quarter of n mile, the second « half rnl'e. the third, three-quarter* and the fourth s full mile The other event* will be for sprinter*, the first two con testants going 226 yard* ench, the thin! j a quarter of a mile and the fourth a half mile Those having the meet In charge ex pel that the new event* wilt he popular wltli the emsller collge* which find It difficult to turn out four fast quart'* - mtler* half mller* or ml'erunners hut possess one or two good sprinters a good middle distance runner and s good onler COPS RESCUE LONE ELK. Atlanta. Ga. .1 N. Doherty, an At lanta Fllk. I* suffering from a rather severe cold contracted hy yelling at 2 o’clock n the morning In the chilly It-degree weather It happened be cause he slumbered In a bath room In the new F.lks’ Club until long after the building was closed and the ser vants departed. When Mr Doherty awoke he found hi* way to the main floor and located the front door. To his delight It opened eaatly. and when he closed It behind him it locked Then, to his dismay, he found that a handsome steel grilled door still barred his path to the sidewalk He was between the I two door*, both firmly locked, and jwth the morning wind whistling past IVihertv yelled until he awoke the neighbor*, who called the police The cops broke off the lock with their ! clubs and Doherty hurried to a hotel, where the steam radlatora were in full j blast. 23 MORE ATLANTA COPS. Atlanta, Ga. The Atlanta police force, which haa had It* hands full with burglaries and hold-ups recent | ly. has been Increased hy twenty three men for the t'hrlstmas holidays, when street traffic is heaviest and when pickpockets and burglars ars < busiest. mL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. “The Best Shoe Value in the World at* Regular Prices.” To Reduce a Large Overstock, are Offered for a Short Time AT ACTUAL COST All Regular $2.50 Values $2.10 All Regular $3.00 Values $2.40 All Regular $3.50 Values $2.95 11,1 * lb A. B. Saxon & Bro. 566 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. LOWER THAN EVER No Fake Prices We offer from stock in store, best selected goods, at following prices, until sold: 14 box 3c Raisins /*n for OUC Vi box 4c Raisins pr* for ODC V 4 box 5c Raisins QT for ODC Vi box 6c Raisins SI.OO 30-40 Prunes, per | r pound IDC 50-60 Prunes, per “l Ol pound IZ.2C Vi box 4c Raisins or for Vi box 6c Raisins $1.60 16 ounce Cluster 1 r Raisins IDC 16 ounce Seeded |O 1 Raisins lu2v 10 Per Cent Discount on all cash sales on above prices. Special Prioes to Merchants. Fulghum Seed Oats. Tea, Coffee. Flour Buckwheat, O. K. Lard, Butter, Blue Stem Plain Wheat Flour, Georgia Syrup. Maple Syrup, and our assortment of can goods, unsurpassed. We solicit your patronage, and guarantee satisfaction. Give us a trial. 566 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA. GET YOUR GROCERIES TOMORROW HERE. A,B, Saxon & Bro. PHONE 529. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. An Opportunity Not to Be Neglected THE FAMOUSICONOMY SHOES ECONOMY SHOE COMPANY 310 Jackson Street GIVE US THE ONCE OVER. LADIES YOU’LL BE WELL REPAID Our Showing of the 1915 New Things Are Just Six Months Ahead THE STUNNING BETSY THE BEAUTIFUL, OUDE THE NEW BERNICE THE BEADED MARTHA THE BRONZE ELLEN ARE ALL HERE. Not to say anything of such Shoes as Cleopatras, Gabys, and Flat Bow Pumps, IN A PROFUSE COMBINATION. We want you to know our store as the place of New Stylish Shoes of the better class. We want you also to know our store as the place where you can buy better Shoes for less money. Z===i $ 3.5 o Will buy you $5.00 worth of Shoe Merchandise as priced at other stores. This is no idle boast. Come to us for a try—you’ll be convinced beyond a per ad venture of doubt. ====== REMEMBER OUR PRICES ====== $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 GUARANTEE SHOE CO. lOth and Broad ■ Augusta, Qa. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. t'jM