The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 20, 1914, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 21

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SUNDAY, DECEMBtK zu. Schneider’s, the Store That Matches Every Advertised Price With the Merchandise Untrimmed Velvet Hats, $1.79 And a new shipment of Untrimmed Velvet Hats, large sailors, etc. Black and new sand color. Also American Beauty Red. Worth $3.95, y g Children’s Hats 49c Big lot of children's Hats, in red, blue and green, ribbon trimmed; worth to $1.50, 49C Bureau and Table Scarfs Worth to 50c at 10c On Sale 9 to 11. Five hundred pretty drawnwork and embroidered Table Squares and Bureau Scarfs, 18x45 inches. No C. 0. D. and no phone orders. lOr* Only two to customer. Choice IwG RAIN COATS $2.50 Women’s Rain Coats, rubberized and rain proof, at $1.98 $4.50 Women’s Double Texture Rain Coats, all sizes, at $2.98 $5.50 Xav TT and Tan Women’s Rain Coats, all sizes, at $3.98 $2.50 Boys’ and Girl’s Rain Coats, on sale, 9to 12, at .. .. . .$1.48 $1.98 Girl’s Rain Capes, hood attached, sizes 6 to 14 years, at $1.24 50c Boys’ and Girl’s Rain Hats to match .. .39^ Busier Brown Suits Worth to $2.50 at $1.19 On Sale 9 to 11. One hundred boys’ Buster Brown Suits, in sizes 3 to 8 years. Made of Cassimeres, Mixtures and Serges. These Suits are well made and gpod styles for the boy. Xo C. O. D. and no phone IQ orders. Worth $2.50, at.: Child’s Furs Over five hundred Fur Sets for children are on display, and here are some special sets, worth $2.00, 98c We have many other sets of the better ones to select from. Men’s $1.50 Sweaters 49c On Sale 9 to 12. Twenty-five dozen men’s good Wool Sweaters' in a full run of sizes. They are good and warm and exceptional values at $1.50. None C. 0. D. A and no phojie orders. Choice TvC OVERSTOCKED $7.50 CHILDREN’S COATS, $2.98 One hundred children’s and misses’ College Coats, plain OS colors and checks, worth $7.50, at jJgfc.VO CHILDREN’S $1.25 DRESSES, 79c. A new lot of children’s School Dresses, size 6 to 10 years, worth $1.25. rrO.-* Choice / VC FLANNELETTE KIMONOS, 79c Another lot of full length Flan nelette Kimonos, worth $1.50, at /VC Adler’s Kid Gloves for Christmas. Here are genuine Adler’s Kid Gloves for men and they are just the articles for the gift. The $2.00 kind, Outing Flannels (ON SALE 9 to 11.) One* hundred pieces of best Outing Flannsls. checks, stripes and plain colors. It’s the regu lar 12’ c duality. None <> I>. and no phone orders j /t/A 14 yards for J;|»UU Christmas Millinery A big lot of new velvet Untrimmed Hats, includ ing Sailors and other shapes. Choice 49c Christmas Bath Robes Why not huy him one of these pretty Bath Robes? He cer tainly will enjoy it immensely. $4.0 t Bath Rohes, Oft at only $6.00 Bath Robes withdJT AQ Slippers, at *!✓ CHILDREN’S $5.00 DRESSES, $1.79. A special lot of children’s and misses’ Dresses, made of serge and plaids, worth (p < to $5.00. Choice.. .. *pl,/V CHILDREN’S CARACUL COATS. $2.98 One hundred children's Caracul Coats, sizes 8 to 14 /\ci years, worth $6.00, a^A.Vo 49c Shepherd Checks 19c (ON SALE 10 to 12) Sixty pieces of 50-Inch Shep herd Check Suiting. Ail size checks. These Checks are very stylish and extremely service able. None C. O. D. and no phom orders; worth <<> 49c; yard .. IVC THIS IS A REAL SALE WITH REAL SALE PRICES Schneider’s Overstocked Sale of Women’s Suits and Coats and All Christmas Goods C. H. Schneider offers the most wonderful opportunities of Christmas buying ever presented to a buying community. These offer ings on this page today are ringing defences of all would-be competition. And remember, Schneider never adverises an article that is not sold just as advertised and you never find this store just out of the article you came to buy. Come tomorrow and get these bargains. Two Thousand New Suits and Coats on Sale Tomorrow Twenty Five Sample Suits and Short Coats Worth to $35.00 at $16.95 Yesterday’s express brought in twenty-five of the handsomest sample Suits you ever laid your eves on. No two alike and every time you look at them they get better. Made by the best suit maker in New York. Im ported gabardines and chiffon broadcloth. New short coats and flared skirts. Skinner satin lined. QC All good colors; worth $35.00 to $40.00, at OlOiuU 1 1 Jpi SI.OO Messaline Silk, 49c ON SALE MONDAY— Fifty pieces ot Messaline Silk, in black and all colors. Our regular SI.OO quality and better than that ordinarily sold 1 _ at that; yard 4VC $2.98 Silk Messa line Petticoats $1.19 Silk Messaline Petticoats, in black, navy, green, and plum. The $2.98 quality, < , j-v at RUGS AND ART SQUARES $22.50 High Grade Axminster Art Squares, size 9x12, good assortment of patterns, $22.50 values, at $14.50 SIO.OO All Wool Fiber Art Squares, only 25 in the lot, size 9x12, long as ihey last, at ! $5.90 $15.00 Tapestry Art Squares, 9x12, good heavy quality, best pureliase in the state, at $8.75 $3.50 Long Kid Gloves, $1.98 16 and 18 button Kid Gloves, in white, black, and tan. The same gloves always sell at $3.50. $6.00 Silk Waists $1.95 One hundred women’s Silk Waists, Satin, Lace and Crepe de Chine, all good colors; worth $4.00. <p | ap Choice .. mm f mm SCHNEIDER'S THE AUGUSTA HtHALU, AUGUSTA. GA. $17.50 Suits (jjl'y gQ Two hundred women’s new suits, in the long coat effects. All sorts of best ma terials and positively new, TA worth to $17.50, choice t|)l*wv iKE. 00 ** $12.95 Seventy of the newest model suits, short coats and flared skirts, every color and material you desire. Some of the coats ire in the military styles with military jollars, and some fur trimmed. fiJIO QC Worth to $25.00, at FURS (50 Sets of Black Furs, Mink Fill’s, large size, collar and muff, 6 A q r worth $lO, at . J J 12 White Fur Sets, just in by express yester day, positively OQ Qfl $25 values,choice v3* JU $7.50 Messaline Dresses, $3.98 A lot of women's Messaline Hills Basque Dresse* that are worth $7.50 — (p -> d\ a Choice Jo."?) $5.00 Woolen Dresses, $1.95 One hundred women’s all woot Serge Dresses, small sizes only; worth $5.00. (p| a. Choice 4>|.vs CHRISTMAS SHOES WOMEN’S $2.50 SHOES AT $1.98 Here are threat shoes for the price. Patent or plain leather, cloth or dull tops. As good as any $2.50 Shoe. d*l AO Pair Another new lot of “Schneider Special” Shoes for women. Glazed kid, vici, etc., button, with light turn soles, cloth or dull tops, concave heels, aw good as any $8.50 qq Shoes elsewhere om.*/O . FELT SLIPPERS Women’s unlined Felt Slippers, fur or ribbon nr trimmed; worth $1.50; pair , OOC S nTS $4.95 Two hundred beautiful new College Coats, including all the best mixtures and novelty weaves; worth AT to SIO.OO, choice Coats Worth to d; , 7 CA $16.50 at /-vU Another lot ot women's 3- I length new Coats in all the best materials and ef fects. > These arc the coats you’ll see elsewhere at $1(5.50. d»7 rn Choice $1.49 Feathers 98c 00 dozen long curly Feathers, In black, green, |an, white, old rose, navy and'Blue; fIQ the $1.49 quality, at.... VfiC Another lot of Feathers, In black, white and colors, up to $5.00, on sale jpg g-v r; at Jl.Vo $1.50 Lingerie Waists, 69c Now lot of two hundred dozen women’s fine white Lingerie Waists. Regular $1.50 rj , values. Choice VlYi. Colored Scrim (ON SALE 10 to 11.) Three thousand yards of beau tiful printed scrim, all over pat terns or bordered. This Is the regular 12 %c to 15c quality. None C. o. D. and no p phone orders. At yard.. Women’s $lO and S2O Suits, $4.98 200 women’s lasi season's mod el Kullk, small sizes; (p . ao $lO to S2O values. |()4, 7O Hope Domestic Glc (ON SALE 9 to U.) Two hundred pieces of genuine "Hope" Bleached Domestic, 1)6 Inches wide and very soft and good wearing. This Is the best Domestic for home use. None O, D. and rto phone "7/. orders. Yard O /'ftC Women’s Outing Gowns, 29c (ON SALE 9 to 11.) Twenty-five dozen women's full size Outing Gowns, ail good patterns and colors and all sizes. Worth 60c any time. None C. O. I), and no phone ordons Only two to customer, at.... ... £VC Christmas Shopping Bags $2.00 HAND BAGS, 98c. One hundred women's Leather Hand Bags, all good styles; worth $2.00; choice at ynC Another lot of women’s I,eat ti er Hand Bags that sel regu larly for SI.OO, j special 4VC Boys’ Suits and Overcoats $7.50 Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, at $4.50 100 Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, kriieker pants, all wool serge and heavy quality, at $4.50 $7.50 Boys’ Long Overcoats, from 3 to 8 years; the newest this season; in black, brown and grey, at [ $3.95 $6.50 Bovs’ Overeo;\tis f in gray, brown, belt hack, sizes 8 to 16 years, at $2.95 $4.50 Bovs’ Reefers, in black and white cheeks; also plain colors, on sale tomorrow $1.98 7'^mm M Women’s Christmas Silk Hosiery 39c SILK HOSE, 150. (ON SALE 9 to 11.) Fifty dozen women’s Silk Hose in I lack and colors. Regular 39c quality. None C. O. D. and no phone orders. Only two pairs to customer. a WOMEN’S $1.50 81LK HOSE, Csc (ON SALE 10 to 12.) Fifty dozen women’s pure Silk Hose, the regular $1.5(1 values. These are especially good for the gift. s $1.50 Seco Petti coats, 49c A speclnl lot of Seco Silk Pet ticoats, worth A $1.60, at 4VC Shirts for the Men You couldn’t make a better gift to a tnan than some of these shirts: Ragle, Columbia and Arrow brands, the best standard $1.60 values, o f\ OVC FIVE