The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 22, 1919, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 40

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TWO SOCIETY Mr Hind Mr*. Abraham Shapiro an nounce the approaching marriage of their daughter Birdie to Mr. Davi4 Carl Gold stein, the marriage to be Kolernnlze'i Monday evening at the family residence on upper Kill* street* The above announcoment will call forth from ari unusually targe number of mutual friend*. eln< *r« and moat cor dial felicitation* Mint* Shapiro Is the unmarried daughter of Mr and Mr*. Ab raham Shapiro and i* one of the pretti est girl* in Auguata. dainty in her style charming and molt individual in her mariner, and altogether a moat attrac tive and faaelnatihg yOtfng woman, it Picture* ready framed and in the Sheet. Frame* of any *i*e made to order. HARPER BROS. ART STORE *26 Eighth St. Phone 730. Wedding Gifts In Sterling Silver Sterling Silver wedding gifts have been special ized by us for more than thirty-two years. Flatware, Hollpwware and special eased eombina *‘ons of table silver af ford you a big assortment in a wide range of values' Special attention paid to orders for gifts. We want every package attractive ly packed, so it will cre ate a favorable impres sion when first opened. We realize that this re flects credit upon the donor ns well as our selves, and is the best kind of advertisement wo can have. Call at the store and let us show you how well we can serve you. A. J. RENKL 980 Broad Street. Give Thrift a Lift Buy Thrift end War Savings Stamps The old reliable firm of “ Balk ” stands ready, as we have for the past 40 year*, to help you “give thrift a lift.” Read our prices quoted below which are for Monday only: 40-in. Sea Island, at One Lot Dress Gingham*. y® r ‘l 12Vje yard 22c 27-in. Sen Island (limit* 27-in. Light Percal*. <*‘o yard 9c yard .. . 15c 36-in. Bleaching, yard. 46-in. Voiles, yard . .59c al . . 22»jc S6-in. Silk Poplin. Best Apron Ginghams, yard $1.15 ' ai * t *® c “Silver Bloom", beautiful Heavy Galatea, yd. 25c for skirts, yard . . . . 98c SPECIALS FOR THE MEN FOLKS l>re»* Shire, mch ,1.50 „„,l jj.oo Lisle Sox. pair > . 3^ Union Suits, suit 75 c Soft Finished Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c Our Millinery Department is at your Service Our Stock of Frames, Flowers. Feathers, Ribbons, etc., is always comnlete and now is the time to freshen up that Hat for the Summer Vacation. Let Us Serve You. "BJULKS" 640 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA. Mail Orders Receive our Prompt Attention. Shapiro-Goldstein in a matter of very general congratula tion to her hostH of frlctmld that her mar vrill riot r«mov») tier from AugUKta a* Mr Goldstein* ft hurtm-ss interests arc all here. Mr. UoUlstaln, hirr.scif a very popular man. has for the pat-4 eight years biien connected with the Htovall Dattlei Company The marriage will be a wry beautiful home affair and will be attended by a number of out of town relatives and friends. • • • WOODLAWN W. C. T. U. The regular business rn***ilng of Wood iawri W (' T U will be held ; t the Baptist church on Monday afternoon, June 23rd. at five o’clock. Member* are urged to be present. • * « ENGAGEMENT OF MISS OHL AND MR WEBSTER ANNOUNCED. Mr and Mrs. Jos la h Kingsley Ob! have announced the e ngag'-mcqt of their daughter, Joan Kingsley, to Mr. David Frank Webster, of New York, the wed ding to take place in the. early autumn News of Mi*« Ohl’n **ngag» ni"nt will L» the occaeiou of an affectionate interest on the part of countless friends in the south, and especially in Georgia, her na tive state. Though she was but a child when she left Atlanta, .-he has visited relatives and friends here and in Wash ington, Oa., where her grandparents re sided She is pOHHofUied of it dlstl m#* v<» beauty and had Inherited much of the talent and charm of her mother, who was Maud Annulet Andrews, of Washington. Os a member of the old Andrews 7am- Don’t trust Beauty to chance Insure it with Vanity Fair Face Powder -a lovely camouflage Pronounced a remarkable success by beautiful women of two continents Delicate os a snowflake Ethereal as a flower Said ./ ToUtl Cannttrt la Ttnai and City V»nity Fair Toilet Co. I widow Montreal NIW Yost ftmilbcf* Branch. M«nt»hl* I toit | dv noted for its scholarly men and wo men. Miss Ohl has traveled extensively in Hurope and In the east, where he father, now' the editor of the N*ew York Herald, was at o Ti>- time manager of the Herald Bureau In China and Japan. For the. last few years the Ohls have resided the greater part of the time in Washington City, wher*\ with hej beau ty and accomplishments, Miss Ohl has been a popular member of the young so ciety set. For her patriotic work during the war period she was decorated by the Belgian government the decoration being be Medalile d Son ‘Altesse Royal, la • h ucho;: i* tie Vondome It was given by I the lAichr-aso d< Vendome, the sister of King Albert and presented to Miss Ohl by his excellency Boron dc Cartier de Marchienne, the Belgian minister to the United Ktateg. During Die trying period of the war work in Washington Mins Ohl became the w;vate and <obfidcnual secretary of the Belgian minister, being an intimate friend of the family and because of her knowledge of the languages and condi tions in B' Igium. She wan also a de voted and tireless worker for the Ameri can Red Cross. Mr VVsbster is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Webster, of San Francisco, and ob«- of the most prominent of the younger Americans identified with export import commerce He is vice president of the Pacific Commercial company, and also of two affiliated companies engag ed In overseas trade, particularly with China. J ipan and the Philippines.— At iant Exchange. * • • MARRIAGE OF MR. J. B. HALL AND MRS. PEARL COVAR. The marriage of Mrs. Pearl Covar, daughter of M and Mrs. W\ <>, Edwins, of Or; Mg. burg. S. C\, dnd Mr. Jesse Ber ny Hall, of A.biny, Ga., wuh solemnized Tuesday evening at nine-thirty at 926 Broad street. Th" parlors were adorn 'd with a profusion of nhasta dairies placed amid the environment of deli cate house plants. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Chumbley, of Greene Btreet Presbyterian church, a iarge of friends being present. The bride wore a gown of delicate ; ' liitd georgettr crepe and carried an rrefill of bride ros*s. Her veil wan •Ifht to the hair with a coronet of or • blpsporrc' and worn off the face j'ailing in a billowy mist In the back and ! forming a diaphanous train. • Mrs. W\ N ’Uoffy, as matron of honor. ! "ore a gown of gray silk embroidered in • ids and carried shasta du lsles. The wo maid.:. Wins Etta Cullen and Miss iFa .« h Seitz, wore w hit" georgette and i carried armsful of daisies. The groom’s best man was Mr. W. S ‘'otly and ’he other attendants were Mr* Jam s Magarahan, Jr., and Ur. Ja- Watson r flic wedding music was beautifully ejwb-rcrl 1r; MNh Rosa May Blanchard After the ceremony the congratula ; ' lons of many friends w ere received and uler buffet refreshments were served, 'h punch !jowl b**;ng presid'd over by Mrs. Ora B Allen, while Misses Ruth < Touch, Eva Tucker. Kathleen Allen and Mrs. Brake assisted In serving the guests, j Mr and Mrn Hall are now visiting Mrs. ! Mali's relatives in Orangeburg, and on j their return to Augusta will make their i home at 926 Broad street. Many hambome gifts m silver and cut •;!»*« «em Mr. and Mrs. Hall testified to I the esteem in which they are held by InumeiouM friends. TUBMAN COMMENCEMENT , INVITATIONS OUT. j Cards of invitation have been sent out ! iiF the faculty and senior class of the Tiibnii.n High school to their graduation | exercises in the school auditorium on Thursday evening, June 26th, at half j past eight. j The 1919 class roll is as follows: Amy I launita Andrews, Bessie Bolder Ballan i tine, Janie t'orlne Bates. Edith Marion j Battle, Norma Lou Bell, Sarah Carolyn , Brodeur. Elva Mae Brooks, Annie Kath • line Crawford. Mary Frances Davis. Theodosia Marie Davis. Catherine Allen 'Egbert, Benin Marion Elliot t, Elizabeth t'iarke Gardiner. Katharine Church Hag- I l»*r. Cordelia II rrfdon. Georgia Walker Kay. Lillian Rosall** Mallard. Helen May, I Katherine Getzm Mealing, Mildred Ellza ! beth Mengor, Marian Morgan Moore, , Katherine Adelaide Moorman. Gladys lola , McGowen, Robbie Jennings Parks, Rose IMntchuck, Elsie Mildred Pitner, Florence Kathurln I'iind. Clair Rosenthal. Dorothy 5 Rustoll. I>orothy Fulghum Sasser, Josie I B.odekor Shea. Katherln Helen Nteinberg. | Bentta Smythe Taylor, Kttie Irene Tuss ling, Frames Elizabeth Verdery. Roberta Howard Videtto. Leah Margaret White, i Vugle Norine Wootton. • * * ; MISS HILTON’S PUPILS I RECITAL. Mia* Minnie Hilton will give hr nn« mml nuplla recitals this week Tomor row. Momlny, afternoon, at .six o’clock the younger pupils will be heard In the following program: Hoar Petal*—Wills; Mia* Annette Klent. Serenade- Victor; WiUie Coffey. Lillie Rondo—Martin; Mies Gllzabetn Dunham. Moonlight Reverie—Allen; Miss Elnora Mcrtlne Autumn Leaves—Dlllro; Miss Dorothy Cook A Song in the Night—Baldwin; Miss Julia Foster Duet Stieabog. Rosa Ruben, Pearl Shimcff. A Pleasant Morning Pearls; Miss Rosa Gular Red Rose March Miller. Miss Mary Mathews. Trio Bohr: Sue Flunked, Dorothy Cook, Julia Foster W h fporwill Schottishe K«ithby Miss Mary Kdwards % Flowers of the Forest—Burns; Miss Msy Belle Power. Bobolink Bilbo; Miss Sue Plunket. A I‘aoer Chain Walts —Dynes; Miss Myrtle Green. Forest Brook — Ganschal*. Miss Georgia Angelakos. 1 rl<- Rolfs; Madeline and Myrtle Green, Elisabeth Miller. Reverie Baldwin; Miss Marjory Owens Young Sentinel March—Head; Miss Elisabeth Miller A Fr.nh Air Frolic Roberts; Miss Alma Hitt. On the Train Dynes; Mlsa Pearl Shlm off Trio Head. Rosa Ruben, Pearl Shim off. Rose Gular A 1 K>lla Dream -Oeaten; Miss Anna Guess. The Shepherds Song Kerr Miss Madeiii e Green Duet Freeman; Rosa Kuban, Pearl Shlrnoff * Ron** Bud Waltx Browning. Miss Rosa Ruben Good Humor —Sgrtons. Goundin Ker shaw Awardli g of honors and diplomas On Tuesday evening. eight thirty o’clock the older pupils wtll bo heard In u recital to which their frleiuia are In Pure White Garlands Bind the Bride’s Brow ■g|[pp' OY BETTY BROWN. Th« «• of ioro sows * far Harlan din» th» t>;'t<t*l v*t: ta on* of lha mteroat it <W' *■' ■ f Kio »• in Unn* I (aahlon* Sumttlnir* flower* tn Ui* volt • j ■ J»Hr.o»i o r •(»« knot* at olthrr ald». but >( uno “■ t!• - i•* tne brt .o a mp of flinty tulla w»» cenflnrd u» ttTi 1 '*• • 1 * ■ o*«oni« w tth ton* pomlant (arlands at aitbrr aid# THE AUGUSTA HERALD New Arrivals Silk and Tub Skirts, $2.45 to $14.95 A Special Sale el lew Seiner Dresses vited most cordially. The following is the program for Tuesday evening. Dance of the Honey Bees—Browning; Miss MAry Zcaly. Heather —Lange; Miss May Hens ley. Melody of Love— Engelman; Miss Fannie Pah row Itch. Sylvan Dreams —Rolfe; Miss Fannie Sandler. Duet—Northup; Miss Sarah Belle Reynolds, John Kershaw. Flying Ciowds—Ludebushl; Miss Vir ginia Winter. On a Lark —Lemont; Miss Kvalina Mulcsy. Miss Frances Connor. Trio—Bohr; Misses Inez Wing, Mary Zcaly, Ijouifio Smith. Dance of the Flower Girls—Wacho; Miss Ruth Miller. Crimson Blushes—Lester; Miss Nona Senn. Song of the Mermaids—Rolfe; Miss Bessie Sandler. Duet—Behr; Misses Resale and Fannie Sandler. Flova s Polonaise—Spindler; Miss Louise Smith. Sextette from Lucia—Donzetti; Miss Surah Belle Reynolds. Flowers and Ferns—Kelser. Miss Helen Wise. Walts— Durant; Miss Iner Wing. Duet—Garry; Myra Hilton, Virginia Sevier Souvenir —Didla; Ripples of the Alabama—Andrews; Miss Annie Wright Hill. Waltz in D Major—Chopin Miss Myra Hilton. A Ray of Sunshine—Le Due; A Common Story- Heller; Miss Vir ginia Sevier. Bagatelle— Beethoven Angels Voices—Bead, Miss Anna Elisabeth Branch. The Rustling of Spring—Singing. VnDe Caprice—New land; Miss Cath rine Timmerman. Awarding of honors and diplomas • • • A BIG STRONG STORY THE RED SHAWL. Today * installments tell of * Count Rejected. Read this synopsis of previous chanters and go on with today's in stallment : Synopsis. Ue\o!ution sweeps Grodnja. The king Is killed by a mob. and his daughter. lTlpcess Sabina, escapes In the garb of a peasant. An aged priest. Father Pokoff. accompanies her in flight. The two mec» an American newspaper oor retpoml nt. Bob Hallam, who bribe** guardr to permit them *o cross the bor der Naroush Uupchiniky. a bolshevtst. is a gned to seek and kill the princess. He t;»k«* passage for America on the same boat with the Princess Sabina, who Is puMsinx ns s peasant girl. Sophia Gorov Struck by the girl's beauty. Du pchinaky makes love to her. much io her diatres* Chaos reigns in Orodnla. and Take note that we say NEW DRESSES some Thav ing arrived during the week. All midsummer models. Dresses of Taffeta, Tricolette and Georgette, very dressy with lace trimmed net vestee and cuffs. Navy Taf feta Dress, with Fichu like collar. Some fashioned with tunics and panel effects. Specially priced K, c "C“” Dra ”‘ $10.95 to $16.85 Embroidered and tailored styles .in wide variety. Cool and Dainty and such moderate prices. Voile Dresses Light, cool Frocks, made of figured voiles, satin stripe voiles, so ex quisite in design and coloring that you hardly know them from the flimsy Georgettes. These new frocks range in price from $2.95 TO $16.85 Count Jan is sent by leaders of the old regime to find the princess that a mar riage between the two may be arranged and the queen put upon her throne. He meets Hallam. en route home, confides his mission, and asks nis aid. The prin cess reaches New York and goes into hiding. Dupchinsky annoys her. Tie boasts to her his mission, and she finally promises to marry him ‘ when he has killed the princess.’’ Nastia. the bolche ylst’s forsaken sweetheart trails him w New York. Jan and Nastia both dis cover the princess, causing her great alarm * * * SEVEN YOUNG TEACHERS GRADUATED FROM JOHN MILLEDGE TRAINING SCHOOL. Seven young ladies received their cer tificates of training Friday afternoon at the John Milledge school when the clos ing exercises of the Augusta Training School for Teachers were held. Miss Helen Hart welcomed the guests and Miss Bessie Cooper read a splendid paper on “Old and New Training.’’ A chorus by the little pupils of the training school was an attractive number and two excellent choruses were rendered by the {graduating class under the direction of Miss Harris. The exercises wore beautiful and im pressive and at the conclusion Mr. Law ton Evans, with appropriate address, pre sented certificates to the graduates: Misses Julie Bessie Cooper, Helen Hart. Kathryn Mallard, Margue rite McGovern. Edith Nachman and Ada Claire von Kamp. m 0 m Mr and Mrs E. L. Proctor and .Mr W. B. Hargrove. of‘ Millen. are visili? 1 Mrs O A Brinson on Cooper ‘ while Mr. and Mrs. Proctors’ baby is 1 ing treated at the Wilhenford. * • • There Is no improvement in the con dition of Misses Grace and Edith Bran don. who were injured Friday in an au tomobile accident. The Misses Brandon are at University Hospital. • * • Mrs William F. Kublke. who has barn quite 111, la now murh better. • • • Miss Sarah Wade Is visiting Miss Mar garet Burges and other friends In Orecn- I ville, S. C . where she is r'ttlving may ' charming social attentions ft%m college | friends of the O. N. I. • • • 1 Mrs. L. <\ Grammar and her little son. Wilder Jennings, left today for Gib son. Ga.. where they will visit Mr. cr.d Mrs .T. C. Tucker, former Augustans i They will also go to Dublin. Ga.. for a H & H Brick Ice Cream ■MUUKWdnMHtMBnSBU C I"1 MU JHW JUS M ■ r UkA —I IWil —'l I■ 1 UkMH——Bfl—t I■ 11 lll—llliJUlaaMa ATTENTION RETAIL PURCHASERS Place your order for Sunday Ice Cream early. All orders will be filled and delivered at the hour designated by the purchaser. “TAKE HOME A BRICK.” 1 Brick of Ice Cream (full quart), at plant 40c 4 Bricks of Ice Cream, packed and delivered $2.00 1 Gallon can of Ice Cream, any flavor, packed and d* 1 Our Ice Cream is made of Pure Cream and Milk. A trial order will make you a permanent customer. All Orders Must Be in by Noon Sunday. Haynie & Hillhouse, Creamery 628-630 Ellis Street. Phone 1958-W. visit with relatives and friends before ' returning home. * * * | Miss Ruth Johnson, of Spartanburg, S. jC., is visiting her cousin, Miss Roberta j Allen on upper Broad street. « * • l Mrs D. T Roughton’s friends will be : glad to learn of the improvement in her • condition. Mrs. Roughton is at Univer sity hospital. • • • Sergeant P>. F. Boone’s friends will be pleased to learn that he has returned I M i^feJs^Sfes V \ m /> X /V >SfV| ’ Wirt § SUNDAY, JUNE 22 New Arrivals Wash Waists $2.85 Georgette and Crepe de chine Waists $3.95 A Final Close Out OF SUITS AND WRAPS. There is a good collection of be coming styles and they are all made of fine quality serges, tricotines, silk tricolette, poule!»s and taffeta. *'sß.9s $12.85 $19.85 from overseas and is with his sister, Mrs. - B. Black, on Watkins street. • . * Mini Margaret Milton, of Xivina, C!a., who has been attending school at Granite Hill, has returned home. Miss Milton's Augusta friends will regret to learn that she has been quite sick. Miss Milton is a niece 6f Mrs. Geo-gc A. King of this city whom she has frequently visited. • • • Misses Effie and Polly 8m Ith of Marion, N. C., are the guesis of their sister, Mrs. Cecil F. Outlaw, for a fev.- weeks Dr. HENRY J. GODIN PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Artificial Eyes Correctly Fitted. Office and Optical Store 956 Broad St. \ I I