The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 22, 1919, Home Edition, Page FIVE, Image 43

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SUNDAY, JUNE 22 Mi6s Lue Brittingh?.m and Mr. Thomas H. Brittingham were guests at the Senior Slop of Georgia Tech, which was held at Druid Hills Club House on last Monday evening in Atlanta. Miss Brittingham has returned to Nashville to resume her studied at George Peabody College for Teachers. • • • The Sacrament of Confirmation will be /Jyf Corporal i Squirrel's V f \ ‘ Letters ,| f *> a a *y BUSY DAYS AT NUTT’S GARAGE The Famous Garage Never Lets a Job Get Away, as Corporal Elmer Squirrel, Late at Camp Devena, Finds Out. By GEO. B. HENDRICK. (Copyright, 1919, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Deer Min. When a man brings a car into The Nutt garage Min to get some repairs he has got a sweet chanst. He stands the same show as a blacksmith with a sellaloid coller and that aint no show Min. If it is a small matter that needs fixing we dont even touch it and if it is a bigger job we troet to to what louie calls the old dope treetment. We are busy tdoay and we got more jobs to turn out than ten men could do but we never let a job get away just the same. Mrs. Wheeler drives in about t\yo oclock and says the motor is missing Mr. Nutt, please look into the matter and have it ready for me at five. Cer tainly Mrs. Wheeler It will be ready at five says Ima hes the boss Min and he is the best promiser I have met. Then he turns to luie and says put your best man on this job at once and do a good job so she thanks him and goes out. That is about eight jobs promised for five or six and I am awfull worried over it. When she is gone he glares at louie and thums his nose right back Min and Ima goes out. Ima cant make louie do anything he dont want to do nad he dont want to fire him and louie has got to get out of it some way when Ima takes in a job so thay fight like that all the time, louie says Elmer I guess you are the best man this time stamp a ticket for you and me for three ours a peace then hussel over on that roadster, about quarter of five start. Mrs. Wheelers car and race the motor like blazes for ten minutes. Thats al she gets Min. Aint that going some? The roadster is one in for a funny noise in back and it has been in twice before so louie ran it around the block and when he came hack he says switch that left rear rim with the spare and charge him for two ours a peace, the noise wont come He glare at louie and thums his nose right at him. k D'//\ 1 T'T 'MiflM THE Aeolian Vocalion In the tone of this wonderful new pho nograph there is greater depth and richness—less of the phonograph and more of nature more of the subtl# beauty of each voice and instrument. Vocalion Prices, SSO to $350. Eubanks Bros. 1162 1164 BROAD STREET. PHONE 3103. administered at Sacred Heart Church on this. Sunday, evening at seven-thirty o'clock, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Keiley. The public is cordially invited. A large class of hdults, as well as children, will be confirmed. ♦ * • Charles Victor Dorr has returned to Au. gusta from Georgia Tech School in At lanta. back till he puts that bum rim on again then we can switch it again, he can go chase himself. So we had that one out of the way. I suppose the people up home never get sick of hearing you tell about me Min. You cant hardly blame them neether. It is a grate thing for the old town to have a man like I from it. I tell you Min it was a pretty proud day when 1 marched away to site for my country as you might say only of course I didn’t fight except a fello at camp and I road away in a flivver so you wouldn't exactly say I marched away but it is the same thing. I told them at the hording house about me up home and thay opened thare eyes some. Thay said this is 2 good to be true. Aint that going some Min. Fillis is the waiter hear. She says it seems to me you are shy on siviclt spirit to leaf the old town flat like that what arrangements have they made for keeping the pee ple from getting melon colick during your sojoumey in the citly. She thinks I was the famly doctor up home and I didn’t let on I says thay will get on so so but 111 bet thay miss me and the old hamoniker after chores though. So that opened thare eyes some more and now I got to bring the old hamoniker out and give them down on the oh high o high o. Fillis says I thought when Ima came hear thay was only one on eartli hut it seems to be a spechees. This winter aint going to be so tuff as I thought. If we can only keep you from being effected by the rough life at the age its going to lie a grate winter. You can see how I am in at this place alneady. Aint that going some Min? Yrs and affectionally ELMER. ARE YOU IN NEED OF A Phonograph or Oil Stove? IF SO SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING. Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Compare this stove with a gas stove. It has all the features, five cooking burners, cast iron ton, drip pan nickel tnmmmgs, etc. And think of the backaches this elevated oven will save you. No stooping necessary. Burns Xerosene or Gasoline* NO WICKS. NO ODOR. A HOT FIRE IN A JIFFY. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN AUGUSTA BY ~ Mrs. Joseph Fargo Asks for Cars for Augusta Welcome Association * Cue Mrs Joseph Fargo has been appointed chairman of the transportation commit tee foi Augusta Welcome Anioc ution barbecue that is to be served the boys from the service on July fift • mh. There* is estimated that five hundrM boys will h eat the cue. It will necessarily re quire an hundred cars at the lca>t to transport them to CarmichtU . s and Mis. Fargo asks that any who w 11 comrioute their cm to the cause will r.ouTy »>ir at once over phono 6780-W. “The Gypsy Trail” to Be Presented Friday on Academy Campus The White Circle, which consists of a group of V. W. C. A. girls who are at White’s, are arranging for a clever little skit. ''Tin' Gypsy Trail,” songs and dances, which they will give on the Acad emy campus on the evening of Juno ‘27th at eight thirty o'clock. The leading parts will be taken by well known Au gusta tliospians, Mrs. Lombard Brinson, Miss Mafgaret Battle Miss Clara Un bind and Mrs. Theodore Price. All the characters will be in gyps' costume ami the effectiveness of the play will be en hanced by the fact that it will bo pre sented out doors An admission of fifteen cents only will be charged and the tnohey made used to send some of the Y. W. C. A. girls as delegates to the Blue Ridge conference. ♦ * * A warm welcome is awaiting Lieuten ants Joseph and Andrew Bendinwald, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bendln- NUX-IRON i; *ed Binc« lino TONIC With Paw-Paw Added THREE POWERFUL FORCES IN ONE PUT UP IN LIQUID FORM Mr. W. H. Henderson, of R. F. D. No. 6, Concord, N. C., a farmer by oeeupation, says: “I have been a suf ferer from Rheumatism for several years and my whole system was sun down and completely out of shape all the time. 1 purchased a bottle of Ironized Paw-Paw from the Pearl Drug Co., and almost from the first dose I have felt like a new man. My suffer ing has disappeared, and I cannot rec ommend your Ironized Paw-Paw too strongly as my own experience makes me give you this testimony so that others can be benefitted.” Your druggist probably keeps it, but If he doesn't it is sold at all leading drug stores. Ironized Pawl-Paw (liquid form), has the formula on every bottle. Mail or dors promptly attended to, Interstate Drug Col, New York.—Advertisement. ** XfirTlr THE AUGUSTA HERALD When the service of a car is a.-ked it is npkeri for the entire day, Dwt :** to tak l " 1 tue boys to Carmich ioIY in time for ihe mid-day cue, to briar back to tin* city for the ball game and to Like them from the ball park to Bren 1 street. This is one of the last offices of the Augusta service and It is hoped that Augustan 3, who have been so unfailingly generous and thoughtful for the soldiers since they first knew them will be prompt in responding to this last call and notify Mrs. Fargo at once. wald, who reside on The Hill. The form er recently arrived from overseas, whl.e the latter is at Camp Meade, pending discharge. The young officers are ex pected home shortly. KINDERGARTEN RECITAL AT CENTRAL SCHOOL. it is always interesting to waten kidlets perform but those who were lortunate enough to attend the recital at Central school a few evenings ago by kindergarten pupils were interested and entertained to a degree which was un usual even for the charming little kin dergarteners. Misses Louise Lhxon and Fannie Holmes again demonstrated their very splendid ability to train the little fellows to dance and sing in a manner which would nave reflected credit upon folks many years thoir elder. The actions ol the children reflected that wonderful training which their touchers give them, training which requires hours of patience day alter day. To any one who has ever doubted the wisdom of a kindergarten for children a trip to one of these entertainments would be suf ficient to convert him from a doubter to an enthusiastic supporter. The following program was carried out: 1 ’rayer. Quiet Good Morning. Greeting Songs. Drill led by Elsie Mertlns and Haworth Williamson. "Weo Little Nest" Song. Sky Lark Birds -James Skinner und Mary Francis Copeland. Fox Trot—Cecelia Bankston. Skipping Game. Ilumpty Dumpty. Idttie Jack llorner. Itain Drops. Dunce —Elsie Martins and Elizubeth Duke. Seven Jumps*—By the Iloys. I )andelions. Cuckoo Clock Song. Hop Step Waltz. "Morning Glory Bells" -Song. Dance of the Butterflies. May Pole. Uoodby Song. VARNVILLE NEWS Varnville, S. C. Dr. L. Bulat Kerri son of Charleston is visiting his brother, Dr. Charles Kerrison. Mr. W. V. Bowers, cashier of the Planters and Merchants Bank of this city, is attending u meeting of the state bankers at Tybec Mr. Clarence Carter Is In Savannah, Ga., on business. Mrs. Jane Herndon of Marly Branch spent several days recently with Mrs. J. F. Drawdy. Miss Sudio Ruth has returned to her home here after sending several months with her sister in Columbia. Kev. and Mrs. Swindell have returned after a two weeks visit with Mrs. Swin dell’s mother in North Carolina. Miss Lucille McLendon and sister art) being entertained by Miss Pearl Gray. Dr. and Mrs. Walter of Walterboro, were In town Wednesday. Mr. J. C. Vonlehe and family of W »i --terboro spent Humlay with Mr. and Mm. K. A. Terry Mr. Cyril Fox of Lodge was u» visitor in Varnvillo Wednesday. Mr. K. I>. Barnes met with quite a painful accident while opening a boitF of coca cola. The bottle bursted and cut a gash that required three ditches. Mr. IS. A. Terry, manager of the V.un ville Hardware and Supply Company, spent several days last week in Colum bia attending the convention of tho Hardware dealers of the slate. Mr. William C Patrick, Jr., returned home Friday after spending tho past seventeen months witli the American Ex peditionary Force in France. Ills many friends here welcome him home. Dr. Charles Ken Ison is visiting ft lends in the upper part of the state. Mr. Jo** Patrick of charleston visited relatives here the latter part of lost week. The many friends of Miss Nan Vincent will be pleased lo hear of her recovery after several weeks of serious illness. Miss Nan is allowed to sit up a short while each day. How about a general good time for oil service men when the last one lias re turned. Mr. L. If Davis of Vemasseo visited with Mrs. Eddie Brampton last week. Misses Estelle Hay, Bernice Mix son, Margaret Harris and Catherine filers re ceived diplomas at the graduating exer cises of the Varnville High Bchool last Friday evening. Mrs. Harold Kent* and Misses Bramp ton attended the missionary meeting at Croeketvillo this week. Cadet Lieutenant Henry Got he left Monday for Florida where he will Hpcnd tho balance of his vacation with rela tives. Mr. Julian Welch has been mustered out of th«* service He will spend a weoK or two with his parents bore. Miss Clifton Gni* lias gone to Chica go where she will take a special com so ut the University of Chicago. Miss Gray has been teaching at Winthrop Col lege for the past two years. SCOTIA NEWS Scotia, S. El woof! Mason 1h ut home from Bailey Military Institute. Greenwood, H. f\ Mr .1 L. Milks fipant one day last wscJf in Savannah. Misses Hom and Gladvs Mason aAdved Sunday from Lander f'ollejrc.*. Mr Sidney L Tilton lias returned from Camp Wadsworth. Miss Marguerite Gohacan has been visiting In Augusta. Mlhm Grace Terrell of Townsend, Ga.. has charge of the railroad offices hero for Hcverul days, relieving tho regular a i" jr , Mi T L Ho - c Mrs. U L Middleton and Mr and Mrs. James visited at the home *•/ Mr. and Mn . Debouch of Hope weir last weak. Mlmh Thelma Mason left Monday for Wlnthrop f’oliere, itu'k Hill. H G Mr. and Mr*. I I. Has* have removed into the hone formerly occupied by Dr. and Mrs. V. A Law tori SUMTER NEWS Sumter, S. C. —Heveuil parlies were given just at the last we*k end In com pliment of one of the June brides Miss Hassle Parrott who on the seventeenth became the bride of Phillip Booth, Jr. Mr". Grenville DeLorrne, Mrs. W. It I'hllllps, and Mlhh Mabel Booth and Mrs. Deinnd Moore were ttrnong those enter taining for the bridal party. Mrs. Deland Moore of Charlotte enter tained tills popular young bride Hntur day afternoon nf the home of her mother. Mrs Henry J ilarhy on Calhoun street I’lnk and white whs the color acrievne and pink candles and baskets were deed effectively In the decorations. At table the place cards were brides with valley If II y all poor* The guests wrote rhymes to the bride who was prosenfed with many d«lntv glffa on this or< union Mrs D W. Jenkins save u delightful little bridge Party Thursday afternoon St her home on Past f'alhoun street In honor of I*r cousin Miss Bessie Burk* helmer of Wilmington who Is visiting in the rlty Mrs lf«wood Crowaon entertained at bridge In honor of b«r »’lent Mm* H f Gulley of Brook have r, Mississippi Perrs and dul*des were the flowers used In dec-oratlrg The ladle's nrlse wan won by Mr- L»on Hcott and the gentle men's by Wilson Greene Mrs, Marlon Platt fi r convolution and the guest orise, *• pretty pin was pr*»"*nted Mrs Gully Two courses of r< fr» ; hrnents ware a<rv od Mrs Arthur \f Durns of Georgia has boon visiting her niece Mrs Pry re Dy nam who gave a raceptlofT for her at tier home on Liberty street, last Thursday afternoon. Ensign Julius Burgess of the U. S. H. Florida has been visiting his grand father Dr. J. A. Mood. Captain Edwin Randle, Captain Pringlo Brunson, Captain Wendell Levi and Lieutenant George Levy were some of ficers of the 81st who have reached homo this uast week. Miss Anita Harby of New York Is visiting the family of A. D. Harby and will accompany them to l’awley's Is* land. Miss Mamie Chandler secretary of tho Social Service Department of the local Red Cross has been attending a con ference in Charleston this week. Martin Bomber Picked to Cross Continent in Two Big Hops This Is the twin-motored Martin bombing plane, of (he type picked to cross the, continent from Miheola, N. Y.# to Francisco with but one stop. North Platte, Neb. phone /TyniflSkk 940 768 K ft/* Hi BROAD. STILL MORE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN EFFECT FOR MON DAY AND ALL OF NEXT WEEK IN OUR Annual June Clearance Sale In order that the Brisk Selling of the past week shall not lag and this Great Sale lose nothing in popular interest, we have further reduced prices. Come and judge for yourself what extreme values are being of fered you here. $2 Voile Waists values for $1.29 Bathing Tight*, all wool, $5.00 value* for $2.49 One very special lot of VVopl and *ilk Poplin nkirt* value* up to $lO now $6.50 Price* greatly reduced on all Wa«h Silk Skirt* *uch an Wa*h Satin*, Crepe de chine* and Geor gette Skirt*. The Shop for Smartly Dressed Women The family of YV. M. Folsom left Wed nesday for Asheville where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Jane Strother and children have gone to Saluda where they have a sum mer home. Mrs. Henry P. Moses and children and Mrs. B. M. Lee of Colorado left Wednes day morning for Saluda where they will spend the next three months. Mrs. Nina Solomons has returned from a visit to Annapolis and Philadelphia and New York. Stuart Booth, of New Orleans, was a visitor in the city for th Booth-Parrott wedding this week. Mrs. Iceland Moore has returned to Charlotte after a short visit to her Gingham Dresses, $5.00 values, d*n QQ for 4>£.170 Gingham Dresses, $7.50 $4.98 One lot of Fine Dresses, in Silk Satin, Crepe de Chine and Jersey, values up to (10 QQ S2O. for «P I D.J7O All fine uAissea. of Crepe de Chine, Ohar meuse, Taffeta and Georgette Combina tions greatly reduced. One lot of very sheer and dainty voile dresses values up tf*/? QQ to $lO, for «Do.i/O Choice of any Evening Dres* in the house for $19.95 Value* up to SSO Silk Hosiery in ull the leading shades, for sl, $1.50 and up to $5.00 One lot of dain ty Voile Waists, value* up to $4. for $2.49 mother, Mrs. Henry Harby. Mrs. Davis Moise and children hava taken a house at Sullivan’s Island for the summer Mrs. Walter Harby ac companied them there. Mrs. C. H. Dorn has gone on a visit' to Roan Mt., Tenn. D. M. Dick and daughters are spend ing a few weeks at Pawley’s Island. Dr. E. S. Rooth, J. H. Gutherte, J. CJ Pate, J. H. Myers, J C. Halford have returned from Indianoplis where they attended a meeting of tho Shrine. Miss Mildred Hurst has gone to Lake Junaluska to visit Miss Ida Penny. E if. Oilreath of Cartersvtlle. Ga., Is visiting his sister Mrs. E. D. Cole. I t k i ) 1 f ffl flflßl loftily / i Bjl '.’My/ ii >.> CM I'k.T I I IMB| I l JUmdfy i ‘ ' 111 m ■w|S I; IRKSL H, tt It ■MaiW of One special lot of Umbrella*, values up to $2, for SI.OO One lot of Fine wool Sport Skirts, values up to S2O, for $9.98 One lot of Sport and Auto Coats values up to S3O for $12.50 FIVE Bathing Shoes, $2 value, SI.OO One lot of $5.00 value* In Geor-< gette and crepe.l de chine now $3.98 ■■■„ „ - « « One lot of fine/ Georgette waist*, values up to slof now $5.98 < Bathing Tight*, $3.00 values for SI.OO