The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, June 23, 1919, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO NO MORE PARLEYS WILL BE ALLOWED THE HUN LEADERS (Continued from Pare One.) for the purpose of subssQUont examina tion. Before this high council, the Ger man plenipotentiaries are to enjoy the same rights and privileges as the repre sentatives of the other contracting powers of the present treaty. This council shall decide in regard to those conditions of the present treaty which Impair the rlfsrhts to self-determination of the German de velopment of Germany on a footing of ssqual rights is impeded.’ "The government of the German repub lic. accordingly, gives the declaration of its consent as required by the note of June if#. 115» in the following form: *• Th# government of thle German re public. is ready to sign the tr*atjr of peace without, however, recognising thereby that the German people was the author of th« war and without undertaking the responsibility for delivering per non* in accordance with Articls 227 to 230 of the trest> o f peace.* ••We, mar, June 21. 1919. <Signed > "BAI’KR. "President of the Imperial Ministry "Accept. Mr President, the expression of my consideration. (Signedi VAN HANIKL" • To Orlvs Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTIC- chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as the formula, in printed on ervf-rv label, showing if is Qulnin*- and Iron in a tjisteleas form The Quinine driven out the malaria, the Iron builds up the system cent* Adv Hot. water, YZLw s Sure Relief RELL-ANS fc#roß-iNOiotST^«A L\ Before You Shop In the atore* of v , Augusta Shop First Tonight In The Herald. What Would You Be if you had enough Energy and Strength to carry out your plans and satisfy your ambitions. Energy and Strength is the basis of all Success, but Strength of Mind and Body is only us strong as the blood makes it. If the blood is weakened by Impur ities or Malaria] Germs, the result Is Laziness, and Laziness becomes a habit. You never accomplish much in life when this condition is allowed to continue. Thin. Weak Blood does not supply the necessary nourishment and warmth to make strong bodies, powerful minds, bright eyes and good complexions. Old Folks and young Folks grow murh stronger, Men tally and Physically, wheu their B.caxl is Clear and Rich. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by creating new healthy blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks aud how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic vulue. It destroys the Malarial Genus and removes the Impurities in the Blood. GROVE S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine. It is simply IRON and QUININE sus pended in Syrup. So pleasant even children ike it. The Quinine and Iron does not dissolve in the symp and. therefore, does not ihake the syrup bitter. You do not taste the bitter Quinine and you do not taste the Iron because both are completely covered with syrup when swallowed. The Iron used In GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC does not discolor the teeth or injure the enamel and it agrees with the stomach better than other forms of Iron. The Specially-Prepared Quinine used in GROVE’S IASIELLSS Chill TONIC differs from the ordinary Sulphate of Quinine, in that it does not cause nerv ousness or ringing in the head and does not disturb the stomach, making it especially adapted to children and delicate adults who cannot retain anything of a nauseating nature. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonlo Purifies and Enriches the Blood . Price 60c per Bottlo Great Ceremony Likely so Occur Upon Wednesday (Continued from Page One.) the treaty and accept all its terms. Pari*.— President Wilson and Premier Clemenceau met hurriedly with Premier Lloyd George at the latter’s home at nine this morning, the meeting giving rise to a report that the German answer had been received, but it was impossible to confirm this rumor. It was later ascertained that at 3 o’clock this morning a communication had been received from the Germans. The character of this note, however, has not been disclosejl. Weimar.— Dr. Haniel von Haimhausen, a member of the German peace delegation who was asked to conduct peace arrangements at Versailles has notified the government he will not sign the allied terms. Berlin.— Germany will sign the peace treaty of the al lied and associated powers. The National Assembly Sunday afternoon by vote of 237 to 138 decided to sign. The assem bly also voted confidence in the new government of Herr Bauer, 23G to 89. Sixty-eight members abstaining from voting. Before the vote of confidence was taken Herr Bauer, (he new premier, declared that the government would sign the treaty, but without acknowledging the responsibility of the German people for the war and without accepting the ob ligation contained in articles 227 to 230 in the treaty relating to the trial of the former emperor and the extradition of oth er German personages. Parlt —There appearend today to be some Indications that In cam* derinany decided to accept th© j«©atreaty un conditionally th© action would he ac complUdind by the rmneafro In the na tional aewembly at Weimar of a ronolu tton or declaration that the aijfTdriK wan under companion and that the German people dkl not feel morally reurporarfb)© for the war and were willing to submit th© Question of reaponnlhlllty to a tri bunal consisting of two members repre senting the allied and associated'powsars, two neutron and on© German. Washington, D. C.—-Decriskm of the German national assembly today to sign the treaty of peace formulated by the Versailles conference was In no wise sur prising to officials in Washington. Be.leif had been general In official circles here sine© the Germans were handed th© peace terms that eventually the German dele gation would be Instriu ted to affix its signatures. This feeling wns rmich ac centuated by the fall of the Scheidemann cabinet. Many officials predicted prtwately at the outset of th© negotiations with the German delegates that th© ministry headed by Philipp HchebVrrmnn would give way to another cabinet before th© actual slgrithg took plane The targe ma jority recorded In th© Wclmiv HHsembly A M©<fk:lr>© That la EapeclatfjrtPr©par©d for Juat On© Thing Juat try on© bottle of IjAX-FOS' WITH I'KPSIN for HabltuaJ ConKtlputlon.'COr Adv. Summer Olarrfioeaa ran hr controlled mor© quirklv with GROVE'S HA BY BOWEL MEDITINW and ft I* absolutely harmlm* Juat an ef fective for adulta a a for children. Prlc© 30c—Adv in favor of signing th© treaty was con sidered by officials here as an accurate reflection of the dominant desire of th© German people for peace at the earliest moment. Whit. House last njght had re -7.. no * y >n»miinlcßtlon from President Wilson subsequent to the receiving m laris of the nows of tho German as sembly s action. Consequently, (here waa no doflnllo Information obtainable as to when the President would leave f-Vance II was thought possible that should the actual algning of the treaty fake place nhursday. the PresMnnt might leave .‘TrT tistely so on to arrive in the I n ted States by July 4. The President, in Tn. k | nr ' Wn K ha ' , rnad '' a, l arrangements so that such negotiations with the Ger mans after the signing of tho treaty are as necessary and the formulation of un completed portions of the Austrian treaty may be placed In the bands of other mem tiers of the American delegation Versailles.—Arrangements already have begun to take shape at Versailles for ho*, f” n ’ ? lhe p " a '’ l ‘ Orders have been given to have everything In readln ss Tuesday, although the cere !"T "V /vconUng to the Havas Agency, Is The einest bef ° rß Th, ‘ r " day at The famous gallery of mirrors has re c (veil Its final furnishings The rar tTm. h “ v ", b< T n lald and 'he ornamental table win, n B isth r( , nturv pii, anrt Blnon'‘r'’” r .'; ra, i 0r !" haa b ** , n l ,lar "' In PO mtS. h be ~:tel her * ,h " P '* r,l, ’ OUn - There will be mom for four hundred In- Thev w'm r ? 0n ", “ *', h ® hl " tor1< ’ session. They-will be given places In the left wing of the hall If mirrors while (he right °° r,,p,, ’ d f,y abol,t 'he same number of press representatives B|*ty prras haV ® b ** n a,l ®“* d "> the French The program of arrangements, as far f"a t t"“ lr ,. hnv ‘; h, “" "e'lled. were submit led to I render n©m©nceau today The cfiurt or honor has been cleared of ran- J hr -e regiments of infan- V r s ./' BT * lry wlll •>“ on duty O "he 'lmo of the signing of the treaty. Republican guards In gala uniforms will remler the honors They will he sts tloned on lhe grand staircase hv which the plenipotentiaries enter the hall According to the Hava* Atfenev dip lomatle relations with Germany will not he resumed immediately on the signing u h b "' on,v af 'er Its ratlflca l on. There also appUes to the admts slon of Germany subjects Into France, r routing M. Clenieneeau's presidential wo l a a!”, p,a< ' , ' d 11 "mall table on wlilih the diplomatic Instruments will he laid It Will he to this table that eaeh representative " called In alphabetical ord.r to algn hla name to the treaty and 1., >2i’ J M "'"'ernment seal As there are 100 deleg-nte*. the ceremony 1* »*x rwM’ted to take at least ninety rriinutca it I* an yet uncertain whether M Memenceau w ill make a speech. It la con sidered an not unlfkoly that the Gor man* will rata© * last protest at the mo ment of Nifrnniff. MORE HUN SHIPS SUNK BY CREWS, STATES REPORTS fContlnued on page two) T,''„ a ' l r ,fUr * nd • ‘rawler were at . an '' “ destroyer wee fttundlnir l*y. evidently making an attempt battleship Into shallow water A lon* “plash between the destroyer and the “hip showed that the tow line hart pitrUM' The battleship ranted violently the urtflrr m» ed off and before a pho tographer beside the writer was able tr <banye a plate in his earners, not a sincte ve.-ddge of the hsttleshlp remained. A number of Herman sailors came to the pier at Houton this afternoon but were not permitted to land, being direct, t -iL'i! Catrsitrtp Strong parols were landed from the fleet and took positions a,oi.g the beach, presumably to deal with any Herman swimmers who come ashore a Thurso dispatch to The Mail says that moment the German flagship ran up the red flag, twenty or thirtv British destroyers and trawlers were patrolling Iri and out of tin Herman lines A rush of Hermans to the hoats followed »• signal but the rapacity of the bonts w»■ limited US then number was cut dnwt, P® I’”' 1 ’”' All the Hermans wore lifebelts and those 'liable to enter *he boats Iraped into ths sea without hesita tion. In th« meantime, guard chips and Sev ern! destroyers opened fire on the hosts SI .1 the Germans leaped overboard Then the destroyers, patrol hoats and pinnaces Uu.he.l m all directions picking up the Germans from the water. tt I- common knowledge here." the dispatch says, "that the behavior of the crows of the Herman ships has been mowing progressively worse The first few Weeks after the armistice men from the Herman ships were allowed to land on the island, hut very soon farmers complained of the loss of sheep Leave for the Germane was thereupon slopped only one boat being allowed to each squadron " KING ALBERT TO VISIT THE UNITED STATES Orw»»ti* •—lWfor* Wilson >ft r*r I slum if was announced today. King '•bar* and Quran EHmMIi ftccvptid his in\ltalian to visit the Lulled Mutts. Ths l‘ IsiatJ mlrra probably wilt mv to thr k nltsd Rlat«a It ftrotriubt# C AN’T search homb. Washington.-—Thr t»rrv of th# tdbition anforcamani bill permitting •wvh of i rn#,' ! nintt for oontmtatmt llßUor when th«* w grant wan iworn t*» **hv at It sat two creditable ntnssns " wn# atru*krn out today by the houae judlctAry committee The* pyatem of s* piai* vtdsd in Ihe tstuonas* sft was subsll* tiled MORRIS TRIAL ADJOURNS Vs.—Aft* r ariwet *n* throw .uiu»ra the trial of FMssr Moms, barged with tht murder of Jfudgr Multi* 'fdtit!;i' tluv i! • while the Juatics ■ w» holding court adjourned until totnor* | THE AUGUSTA HEHALC Victrola Records voice the mighty power of the worlds greatest artists fcp & . | jj||| Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Trudging the streets to find a home-like room, house or apartment is entirely out-of date. The Direct Line in Augusta is through The Augusta Herald Want Ads. “For Rent Columns." Send in your ad Now! HAVE YOU READ HER ALD WANT ADS TODAY SAVE THIS COUPON AMERICAN FLAG COUPON. Present one of these Coupons at the office of The Augusta Herald with $1.50 cash and get a beautiful American flag, size 4 feet by 6 feet, with sewed stripes, guaranteed fast colors. Realising «hc need of every family In Augusta and vicinity for »n American blag to d on the Fourth of July end pa triotic holidays, we hava a rranged to eupply a limited number to our readers at small co »t. All you need do 1* to clip at>ove coupon and prervnt It at The Augusta Hamid office wrlth SI M in cash and the flag Is yours No extra charge for mailing to out-of-town orders To speak the language of music in the sweet est tones that spring from human lips, or are charmed from an instrument by the skill of a master’s hands —that is the province of Victrola Records. They are true tone-portraits inscribed with the priceless art of the most famous singers and instrumentalists this generation has produced. The genius, the power, the beauty of every voice and every instrument—all are inherent in Victrola Records. They present a stupendous musical review displaying the diverse gifts possessed by the greatest artists of all the world. A privilege exclusive with Victrola Records—a distinction conferred upon them in recognition of their absolutely lifelike reproduction. There are Victor dealers everywhere and they wpl gladly play any music you wish to hear. Viators and Victrolas sl2 to $950. Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Machines are ally coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and the'r use, one with the other, is absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction New Victor Record* demonstrated at ail dealers on the Ist of each month “Victrola” is the Registered Trademark of the Victor Talking Machine Company designating the products of thia Company only. The Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga.: Gentlemen:—Find enclosed $1.25 for Daily Herald for 3 months. Please send to P. O R F. D. No Box No State Augusta New Universities Dictionary \ ''jiEVx’« 2S DICTIONARIES IN ONE All Dictioaariea pukUaked prtvioui to tkia oao in out of date h r ffc , I TiYm * f mil cost's Herald COUPON How to Get It For the Mere Nominal Coit of I Manufacture and Dietributioa [3 CD 33“ 98c jiecure* this NEW, sulhentic Dictionary bound in black flei ible seal grain, illustrated with full page* in color and duotone. Pre~at or mail to this paper three Coupon! with ninety-eight cenM to cover coat of handling, peeking, clerk hire. etc. W.. Add lor Pocugt I Annnnm aiUt X)7 ORDERS Up io 300 .10 WILL BE Fee fi-aUt duleacrt, FILLED I utoiUfi tala let 3 poundt.