The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, December 29, 1921, Home Edition, Image 8

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THURSDAY. DEC. 29 v RUBE GOLDBERG’S BOOBS BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING Copyright, 1920, k.v the Mall and Express Co. By Goldberg How Many Cards ? By ISABEL OSTRANDER Author of "The Island of Intrigue," “Suspense,” “Aehee to Aehee, ote. Copyright, 1921,, by Robert M. Mcßride & Co. SYNOPSIS A thief enteu the pa latial residence of Eugene Chris topher Creveling. He runs out again instantly and Into the hands of a detective. He pro tests he had “ncthlrg to do with whit’s In dere.” On the floor of a room lies a man In evening clothes, the front of his shirt or aeon blood, and by his side a huge army re volver. The table is laid for two, with champagne on Ice, still un melted. The house is empty of human beings. C evellng had led a wild life. He associated with the wealthy, and at one time was spoken of as “the mllllon-a month man.” Mrs. Creveling Is resolute In her efforts to bring the murderer to Justice. Alesan. der, | artner in bu. ness to Creve ling and unde Mrs. Creveling, objects to her activity and desire to unearth the mystery. The dead man is reported to having quarreled with Douglas Waver, ly, who had left the house In a rage. There had been a robbery of some Jewclr, and lisa, Mrs. Crevclinu’s rap'd, was arrested, let out on bail, and disappeared. AND HERE IT CONTINUES “Oh. any cm , 1 <1 > not recall any particular lm l ine , hut It Ima eeoni ed a» thou al l he 4 arl been rather go ing to pieces, I am Dllng you till* In confidence; It may have linen simply a east of nerved, hut In the light of what liua occuried and In the ahaence of any posslMt motive as far ns I can imagine it may bo Worth looking in to.*’ “It may that!” McCarty assented. “Do you know if any of his other friend* noticed the change In him? lie was litre at >our house lust Tuesday evening, wasn’t tin “YoS poor chap! That Is the last time 1 now IPm alive.” Mr. Cutter eyed him steadily. ’•Did lie show any of the temper that you’ve been telling me about then before the other*?’’ •’ ’The others?’ ’* Mr. Cutter's straight hrews lifted Inquiringly. “Oh, yam mean any other guenta of the evening'.'” “Yes Mrs. Kip and ths O'Kourkes nnd the Fords and Mr. Waverly. Did lie act peculiar then?" •'I see you have quite a compre hensive list of our mutual friends.” The other lnughed shortly. ’’Mr. . - Mis* Ha zel Sexton, who plays the principal feminine role in John Golden's record-smashing comedy, “3 Wise Fools,” which will be at the Imperial on Monday, Jan. 2, mati nee and night, and Tuesday night, Jan. 3. 1 : r~p= 1 : [ BUND BOOBS . ’ - L_ , . HfeLlo-t to AMT To A ,, — -CT ’ ( I tMAMT" TO ) HISTEJ? pL£Ase 1 TtrW TAB.LG - - 1 ( f S o,_ -> ( i Resettle a rA&i_ef \ GIVJ e us a i’m Qoims to H-rvje J i cam ' -n 5) SrnSSr S fe W v ( reveling displayed no 111-temper, If that Is what you mean, but It did oc cur to me that he was preoccupied and laboring under some sort of ex citement.'' “Was he on good terms with every one?” McCarty persisted. “Did you notice any coolness between him and one of your other guests?’’ Mr. Cutter frowned. “I dul not. He appeared to he on excellent terms with lilmself and the world. I may he all wrong, hut his eccentricities have assuredly become more marked of late, nnd Isn’t It quite possible that he mny have had a vio lent quarrel with some one over some unintentional or Imaginary Injury, brooded over It until the tension snap ped nnd In a moment of 'temporary aberration shot himself? I ran real ise how far-felched such an explana tion may appear to you, hut I can think of no other. He had everything to live for and not an enemy In the world.” "Hid he hsve any delusions, now? Was he a crank on any one subject that you can recall?" “No. Me was a man with more than the average self-assurance; his egotism was marked, but If that were a gauge of sanity I fancy thut many of us would he In the hands of alien ists!" Mr. Cutler smiled, then his face grew grave, "lie was nrroganl because he had been pampered and spoiled from birth, and lie never seemed able to realise that any one had a right to cross his will, but we got on wonderfully well together and his ileath will be a distinct loss to me, at least," . # “Well, sir. I’ll not say the tip came from you, but I’ll look Into this mat ter of Mr. Creveling being maybe off hll head. 1 don't mind telling you that It's the first idea I've got hold of that might bear out the medi cal examiner's report. Young and rich and popular and all as he was. It stands to reason that he must have been nutty to do a thing like that. By the way, Mr. and Mrs. Ford were here last night, weren’t they?" "Yes. They dined with me and we miked until an unconscionable hour. Clever fellow, Kurd; one of the shrewdest operators on the street. Take a few of these cigars with you If you liked that one,” Mr. Cutter Invited Cordially, ns he held out n handful. You won’t find any of the same sort In the city for they sre made especially for me Look In or me again any IPne you care to; 1 shall be glad to learn how your in vestigation Is coming along." McCarty thanked hint, reclaimed his host, for although the words had been departed. It was nearly six o’clock and the early spring dusk was set ting about him as he made his way to the nearest public telephone booth and called up Dennis Rlordan. “As soon as ever I can get Into my regular clothes," the latter promis ed. “What was tllat you said this morning about a dress suit?" "You’d not bo needing It tonight," McCarty chuckled. "r>on”t make It more Ihan half an hour, for If It’s not mistaken I am, we have a Job like the old times before us, penny. I'll be at the table In the corner wait ing for you." Ringing off, McCarty Inserted an other nickel In the slot nnd, calling headquarters, got an eager and im patient Inspector on the wire. “Is that you, Inspector Druet?" he demanded cautiously. “Where Ihe devil have have you been, Mao? Here, i've been waiting for your report—” *’ ’Twfll keep, s.r, at least for a whilo, for I've nothing definite, but I think I'm on the heels of something. You mind that party you took up this morning on suspicion?" "Rodansky?” “No, sir. The valet. Has he laid low nr yelled for a lawyer?" ’’He's standing pat. Says he'll asn for a lawyer when he needs one nnd seems confident we'll have to let him go for lark of evidence. I had him up on the carpet for three hours, hut no amount of grilling will get out of him where ho was during the hours between eleven and six.” "Well, I guess ho's right!” McCar ty observed "If you’ll take a little tip from me, Blr, you'll turn him loose." “Turn him—. What-t!" The wires fairly sizzled. “Let him go, sir, at eight sharp tonight," McCarty urged. “Clive him an Idea that you've gained new evi dence that leaves him out of the ease entirely nnd you don’t give n damn where he spent the night flet that through his head and then throw him out, but not a minute beforo eight. Ilavo you Martin there, or Yost?" "Martin. Rut. what have you got under your hat, Mae?" “My head, sir, and It’s a wonder 'tls still on tnv shoulders with all the queer dope I’ve hern getting this day!" responded McCarty with fer vor. "However, when you let our bird out have Marlin on the Job. I'll pick the fellow up Just outside and do you tell Martin, please sir, to trail along after me, but do nothing uni II 1 give him the sign. I may he want ing Yost later, hut If I do I'll phone again.” "You're nil wrong, this trim Mac. but I’ll let you see It through." The Inspector lnughed meaningly. "Our bird Is too wlso to lead you to his cover, hut when he’s trailed Ills brok en wing before you long enough pull hint In again nnd come down here with him. I'ndersland? I've got something to talk over with you." “Vi s, Kir," Mri’af ty agreed non eommlttnlly. "But tint it Ido see you, Kir, for the love of th« saints, keep tlm newspaper boy* of the same opin ion ns the medical exnm’ner. Don’t let them know but that the case Ik olosed nh tar n» we tire concerned, nml It might be a nice littlo diversion for them If you dropped a bint about there being Insanity In the family and our late friend having allowed signs of goln: bugs himself. Don’t put It too strong, sir; a whiff Is enough lor them news hounds to get on the scent and It is being laid care ful for them and for us too. If I’m not mistaken." “I get you," There was a new note In the Inspector’* tone. "Your party will be under way at eight sharp." An hour Infer, over a thick steak and \rry black coffee, Mct'srty re counted to the eager Dennis all that ] had taken place since lie left hltn In the firehouse that morning. "And that’s the whole of It!" he summed up. waving a greasy knife comprehensively. "Every last one of j them IdnlTlng and hedging and lying like Ill'll except the O’ltotirkes and not a soul of them knowing that ] they're giving themselves away with j every stall they make! If It s all the l one thing they’re working together to keep dark, then 'tis better organ-! jfV'l they nr than Tafnmany Itself was In the old days, but If they’ve each got their own private reasons— outside ati aversion to notoriety—for warding off the Investigation, they must be a flue bunch of crooks! There's something queer about the lot,.Denny, something 1 don't under stand 1 told you the dope I got on them from Jimmie ltullard: now leav ing out my old friends, the O'Rourkes - though God only knows how they cam# to be mixed In that crowd!— lake the Kip woman. She knew well I was no reporter, but she tried to bluff It out and put over the he that she was asleep In her bed all night and had hurt her arm by a fall. She didn't dare deny, though, that ’twaa Waverly sent her llie message about what had happened to Groveling be cause she wasn't sure of her ground ind when 1 sprung It on her that twas suicide It swept her clean off her feet; If she don’t actually know t was murdar. she's got a mighty strong suspl. on, and so have the cst of them." " 'Twas a fool move she made quarreling with the old dame she'd hired to boost her Into society," Dennis commented. "Knowing the woman had aomethlng on her, she'd ought to have kidded her along to keep her.mouth shut.” McCarty - shook his head "Fool she may be, but ahe knew that the Frost woman wouldn't talk unless It was dragged out of her for f< ar that notoriety would apoll her chance with another auoker: one hint of scandal and her graft would be gone. At it was, when 1 put It THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. up to her she cleaned her own skirts by blackening the other woman’s. What was it that took Mrs. Kip out of her house at all hours almost against her will? Blackmail or something like drink or dope that she couldn’t keep away from? What kind of Investments is her money tied up In that she's flush one min ute arid broke the next?" “Like a gambler." Dennis nodded. "Why did she break her dales and run a chance of getting in Dutch with the very people she’d been try ing to know all these years?" pursued McCarty. "Why did she keep that old leech around her at all if she knew the woman was on to her; for a cloak? Of course, it all has noth ing to do with ('reveling* death and her little game, whatever it Is, doesn't come under the statutes I’m wasting time and brains on her, but tomor row she'll come across with an alibi for last night or. I’ll take her down town." "Tomorrow will he another day,” Dennis remarked. "What if we had a quiet talk with Jier now?" “Recauso we’ve a little date of our own downtown,” retorted McCarty. "Now, there’s the Fords. She was ready enough to talk until she let that slip about expecting to see CrevS llng at Cutter's house the night be fore, and then she looked for a min ute as though she could have cut her tongue otit. Why? Whatever It was, her husband was afraid of her talk ing too.” ’’l should think when you heard him usk her If she knew, and then say that they were done for, you would have called It a day and run him In," Dennis observed. "When the two of them had a per fectly good alibi that Cutter himself vouches for?” snorted McCarty. “Use the brains that God gave you, Den ny, and don’t be criticizing your bet ters. I’m thinking Ford's trouble was not ns to how Creveling died, but thnt he was dead, and 'twas not grief that was consuming him either!” "Then what was It?” Dennis de manded, nettled at the rebuke. “That's one of about a million questions I'm after asking myself,’’ admitted McCarty. “The Creveliugs' doctor wasn't any help, nor yet Mrs. Waverly.” "She's on to her husband's galli vanting. though, that's plain.” Den nis tackled his second ploco of pie with gusto. “Ho said he’d be at the l'elterre, but she was taking no chances of proving him a liar by calling up even to tell him about Creveling. She’s probably got over the quarreling stage and had rather let well enough alone. Who put up that J 10.000 hail for the girl lisa? Where Is she now? Who’s back of “The Jewels don’t matter, but 1 •ell you, Denny, I’d like a few words with her.” "Let her go,” advised Dennis, quite as though the elusive lisa were With in reach of their hands. ” ’Tls not a thieving housemaid you’re after but the man that shot Creveling.” “Tho man that shot him may never be* found.” McCarty remarked, and then at Ills companion’s stare of In credulity he added hastily: “Cutter is ihe smoothest proposition ol them all. Of course, h s alibi Is as good ns the Fords’ since they were all together In Ills house, hut why did he try to steer me on, to the Idea of Insanity as tho reason for Creveling's suppos ed suicide? “But you say lie's of a grand old family with money amt position and all; what's he go) to be afrnlil of In an Investigation?” protested Dennis. “If Creveling whs murdered and ho thinks he knows who did it, why should he chlcld him?" "What Is he doing, or the O'Rourkes either, going around with a crowd like that'”’ McCarty crooked his finger at the waiter. “Mrs. Creveling was there with the family tree and so was Mrs. Waverly. according to Jimmie Ballard, but they both married plain upstarts and bounders for their If Ruptured Try This Free Apply it to Any Rupture, Old or Recent, Largj or Small and You are on the Road That Hat Convinced Thousands. SENT FREE TO PROVE THIS Anyone ruptured, man, woman or child, should write at once to W. ft Klee, lil-A Main St., Adams. N. Y. for a free tiiai of hi* wonderful stimu lating application. Just put I* on the rupture and the' musclca begin to tighten; they begin to bind together so that the opening closes naturally and the need of a support or truss Is then done away with Don’t negleot to send for this free trial. Even If your rupture doesn’t bother you what is the use of wearing supports all your life? Why suffer this nuisance? Why run the risk of gangrene and such dangers from a small and Inno cent little rupture, the kind that hat thrown thousands on the operating • able* A host of men and women are daily running such risk Just be cause their rupture do not hurt nor prevent them from getting around Write at once for this free trial, aa It a certainly a wonderful thing and haa aided In the cure of ruptures that were as big ns a man’s two fists Try and write at once, using %the coupon below Free For Rupture W S Rice. Inc. 141-A Main St., Adams. N, T. You may send me entirely free a Sample Treatment of your stimulating application for Rup ture. Name Address State money as far as I can make out, and look at the rest of tho lot! What’s It that binds them together? What’s the game? When I’ve found that out I'm thinking I’ll be a long way to knowing who killed Eugene Creve ling.” CONTINUED TOMORROW WOMAN ARRESTED Taxicab Driver Shot at La Grange, Ga. LAGRANGE, Ga.—Miss Rosa Gray was arrested and placed in Jail here Wednesday night folowing the shooting of a George Littlefield, a local taxicab driver who, according to A. O. Wilson, deputy sheriff, was probably fatally injured at the young woman's home near here. The shooting tcok place in the front yard and Miss Gray clajjped she acted in self-defense, whi'e Littlefield assert ed the act was without provocation, !hv deputy said. GETS FORTY YEARS . For Smashing Windows— Wanted Warm Bed. fIPARRY SOUND. Ont.—Forty years In the penitentiary was the sentence Imposed by Police Magistrate Moore Wednesday on Stephan Sowlsluk, who pleaded guilty to smnshlr- 21 win dows. “in order to earn a term In a nice warm Jail for the winter.” He was convicted of ten charges and sentenced to serve a term of fijur years on each, the sentences to run consecutively. TORONTO.—W. K. Raney, attor ney general of Ontario, announced Wednesday night that he would con duct an Investigation Into the case of Stephan Sowlsluk, sentenced at Parry Sound to serve forty years for window-smashing. He described the penalty as “extraordinary” for such an offense. CONGRATULATE WILSON Columbia Rotarians Felici tate Ex-President. COLUMBIA. S. C—The Columbia Rotary Club Wednesday sent to Pres ident Wilson In Washington a tele gram of congratulations for his birth day, December 28tli. Former Gov ernor R. I. Manning proposed the telegram, and made some remarks about the treatment accorded the former president by the present ad ministration. regarded generally throughout ths Democratic territory as “little." The Columba! Rotary message to the former president follows: ’’Eighty members of the Columbia Rotary Club, In session, unanimous ly extend you their congratulations on your birthday, nnd an earnest hope that you wi'l soon be restored to complete health and strength. As citizens of your old home, we rejoice that your program for world peace nnd security Is being vindicated so speedily, and that those who came to scoff remain to praise." The committee which drafted the telegram was composed of Former Governor R T. Manning, David C. El lison and Former Senator Christie Benet. Wooing By Mail Breaks Heart » Zm " m ; • •3 ! ». V L\. 1 : J MSS AIMEtJ NOWLAK TONBRIDGE. England.—Mia* Aim*. Nowlan baa been beloved, betrothed and bereaved all by letter. George Pwsaly. rich Canadian rancher, sought an English wife. The mayor of Tonbridge caused him to open correspondence with Mt»» Now lan. latter her engagement ring arrived by mall. The data wa* aet Then came new'* of Pugsley'* death. Miss Now lan ao loves the man aha never saw that ahe‘ll for swear leva and devote her life to nuts 1 “*• -g sarfca wo - . 10,GOO FEEBLE MINDS In South Carolina—State to Better Care for Them. COLUMBIA, S. C. —Recommenda- tions for the complete revolution of the state's system for caring for its feeble minded are to be made to the legislature which starts in January. The recommendations will be the re sult of the mental survey of the state' Just completed by the mental hygiene committee working in this state un der the national committee supported by the Rockefeller Interests. The committee, headed by Dr. Frank J. O'Brien, will recommend the enlarge ment of the school for the feeble minded at Clinton, and the establish ment of a farm colony for the feeble minded. The recent survey shows that there* are over 10,000 feeble-minded peop e in South Carolina. FIRE AT G. & F. OFFICE Clerk’s Presence of Mind Firemen. Presence of mind of R. M. Barbln. a clerk employed by the Georgia and Florida Railroad, resulted In quick control of a booze that started In that railroad’s offices in the Leonard Rullding Wednesday night at 9:30. Noticing the contents of a waste bas ket in the auditor's offices blazing up, the young man rushed for the emergency hose and played a stream on the fire and keeping the flames away from the files. In the meantime another clerk 'phoned fire head quarters and the firemen soon finish ed the work of extinguishing the blaze. Pahiage, caused by water, was estimated at S2OO. AUTO ACCIDENT Near Aiken—Four Macon ites Are Injured. AIKEN. S. C.—When their automo bile turned turtle Thursday at the Weeks old bridge near Aiken on the Columbia road. Ed Doctor and three male companions from Macon, Ga., were badly injured. Mrs. Doctor, was the most seriously hurt of the four passengers and she was taken hastily to the Aiken hospital where Dr. Ben F. Wymaft, is attending her. She re ceived very severe sealp wounds and dangerous hurts about the body. It is believed she will recover. After their wounds were dressed men left the hospital. FURMAN SCHEDULE GREEN VIRT.E, S. C.—Furman University Wednesday announced Its football schedule for next sea son. It follows: September 30—Newberry College at Greenville. October 7 —Open. October 14—University of Georgia at Greenville. October 19—The Citadel at Flor ence, S. C. October 28 —Fniversity of Rich mond at Greenville. November 4 —Erskine College at Greehville. November 11 —University of South Carolina at Columbia. November 18—Wofford College at Spartanburg. November 29—Clemson College at Greenville. November 30—Davidson College, at Greenville. SEAT SALE TODAY For “Three Wise Fools” Here Next Week. Seats are on sale today for the com ing engagement of the big comedy hit, "The Three Wise Fools," which John Golden will present at the Im perial Theatre Monday and Tuesday evening, with a special new year ma tinee Monday. Manager Frank Miller states that 'Three Wise Fools" is one of the best of the real New York hits to play here this season. It comes with the original production and backed with th« personal guarantee of Mr. Golden, whp also owns "Llghtnln'," the world's record-breaker. "Dear Me," "Turn to the Right," "The First Year” and “Thank You.” With such a guarantee, theatre-goers may feel assured they will see a play pre sented flawlessly. John *W. Ransone, of the "Prince of Pilsen" fame, and Uazel Sexton will head the cast. Osborne's Business College opens Jsnusry 2nd. 714 Broad. * Nuxated IRON II you are not strong or well you owe it to yourtelf to nwk« the following test: see bow *®“< >u can work or how far you caii without becoming tired. take two tive-uiain tablet* BWSy NVXATED IK*in three l)Mp*ll«f1 M me> per day for two week*. lUhjlLlyJ then teat your strength again IMI lil l ..,1 nr 1- W much you na'« Hpgfji gamed. {tople tore made PgggMih,, teat and Lave been Mten i.hed at their inereated strength I endurance and energy. Nuaated ISJHWII'on j» guaranteed t o five Mtj* Egggg fiction or, money refunded SEEK THIRD WOMAN Wanted in Connection With Death in Macon. MACON, GA.—Police Wednesday night were trying to find another woman in connection with their in vestigation of the death of F. P. Armstrong, of Miami, Fla., and At lanta, Ga., who was founr -with broktn legs at the rear of a hotel Christmas night and W’ho lived only a few minutes after reaching the hospital. The police say that Armstrong and “the other woman” registered at one of the leading hotels hera on the night of December 23 and the following noon this woman, who was in tears, left on a train for Albany, Ga. The same night, December 23rd. Armstrong’s name, with "wife and sister" appears on another hotel reg ister. Only charges of loitering have been placed against the two women, Min nie Perry and Bessie Jones, under ar rest in connection with the case, and in court this morning these cases were continued until tomorrow. The police are trying to locate an other suit case, two insurance poli cies'and a considerable sum of money that Armstrong is known to have had a few hours before he died. PROBE IN ATLANTA Federal Agents Investigate Retail Dealers. ATLANTA, a.—Federal agents, led by L. J. Baley, division superinten dent, swooped down on Atlanta's re tail food dealers Wednesday, inau gurating the retail price investigation ordered recently by Attorney General Daugherty. Each merchant was required flo fill out blanks giving their current prices for practically every article of food in their stores. Another squad is to work the wholesale district and the comparisons are to be printed for tho edification of the flublic. It was stated that the grocers and butchers were first on the list and that in a few days, retail drygoods, clothing, shoe and fuel dealers were CASTOR IA For Infants and Children IN USE FOR OVER 30 YEARS Always bears ,~/f - Signature of A Stubborn Cough Loosens Right LJp This home-made remedy 1» a won der for quick rrnults. Easily and cheaply made. Here is a home-made syrup which millions of people have found to be the most dependable means of break ing up stubborn coughs. It is cheap and simple, but very prompt in ac tion. Under its healing, soothing in fluence, chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep. The usual throat and chest colds arc con quered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bronchitis, hoarse ness, croup, throat tickle, bronchial, asthma or winter coughs. To make this splendid cough syrup, pour 2'/i ounces of Pinex into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar, syrup and shake thoroughly. If you prefer use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either wav, you get a full pint—a family supply —of much better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste. Pinex is a special and highly con centrated compound off genuine Nor way pine extract, known the world over for its prompt healing effect upon the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for “2 1 /, ounces of Pinex” with full directions, and don’t accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Why Wait For the New Year? THE PERIOD BETWEEN CHRIST MAS AND NEW YEAR’S DAY Has always been a favorite time to begin new Savings Accounts. Determine that you will not let the year 1921 expire without starting your account with this Strictly Saving* Bank, if it’s only $l.O0 —i Start it Anyway. We will look for you before New lears , Day. We Compound 4% Interest Four Time* a Year. The Augusta Savings Bank ,% 42 Year* of Faithful Service. 827 BROAD STREET. THURSDAY, DEC. 29 to inspected. The squad expects -* make a quick canvass of Atlanta ana move without warning to another southern city. 11 IS SMALL FAMILY. LONDON —The magistrate at Bow county court got a Jolt when he ask ed a woman whether she had a large family. “No,” she said, "only 11." RINGWORMS ON FACEANDNECK For Two Years. Itched and Burned. Face Disfigured. Cuticura Healed. "My face and neck became rough and full of pimples. After a couple of weeks the pimples turned to ring worms and my face was covered. They itched and burned so that I could hardly do my work, and my face was badly disfigured. "The trouble lasted about two years. I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised and sent for a free sample which helped me. I pur chased more and after using two cakes of Soap, together with the Oint ment, I was healed.” (Signed) Misa Caroline Morphis, Carrboro,No.Car. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparationa and watch your skin improve. finapla Each Fra* br Mali. AddreM: “Cmtlcuralab •ratarUa. D«pt B,Hildas 41. Mmi SoM every where. Soap 25c. Ointment 26and 50e. Tainan tte. SW""Cuticura Soap tharas without am. IMPERIAL :s: JANUARY 2 and 3 Matinee Monday, 3 p.m. Big New Year Attraction JOHN GOLDEN Presents The Record-Smithing Success POOLS ■SSSL Original N. Y. Production Only Company on Tour Money refunded If Dissatisfied NIGHT: 50c to $2.00 Plus Tax MATINEE: 50c to $1.50 Mail Orders Now Box Office Sale Dec. 29 Seats Now Selling FOR THE HOLIDAYS N. L. WILLET SEED CO. AUGUSTA, GA. Fox Terrier Puppies, registered, male and fe male, two months. Airedale Puppies, regis tered, males, two months. Canaries, fine singers. Canary Cages, good as sortment.