The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 12, 1924, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO Frankie Bailey, Former Broadway Star, Hunts Movie “Extra” Jobs SMS SHE HAS NO COMPLAINT , TO REGISTER BY A. H. FREDERICK LOS ANGELES Frankie Ball*)'! Remember her? Nine year* straight eh* wss a fav orite on Broadway. And 17 year*, nil told, ehe played along New York'* Rialto. Rich men paid fabulous prlcet-ae theater price* went thosi: day*—to su* and hear. Artleti called her the "Venue of America.” Lillian Runeell vt* her only rival fur the title of the country * beautiful woman. Over In Europe, king* and queen*, dukes and duchesee*. lord* and ladle*, had boxes at her .allow Hut that w»* two decades ago Then Frankie 1 * name disappeared from the program, th* newspaper's theater section* and the Mg slgne In front of Broadway * playhouses. But now Frankie ha* com* back to th* "profe*«lon " No longer, though, te she one of Its leaders. She la starting out HR over—at the very bot tom. Tndsy »he te one of th* hundred* of "eßtras" competing for minor parts In movie pictures. Morning after morning she leave* her little furnished room on her rounds of the studios. Some day* there raey be a Job for her. at $7,1*0 a day, but more often there le not. "Borry, Mies Bailey, there's noth ing for you today," are th# words eh* hear* most. Frankie, though, Isn't discouraged. "The early stage* of lireaklnr Into pleturas at* tough for anyons,' ah* says. "Thsre t* no royal ahort cut In th* hustnsss. Bo I am doing Juat what the rest are doing—'bucking the line • "1 hav* no complaint to make—but when I get my chance, well. I Just will inti good, that 1 * all. And lam gnin* to auy with the plctur* game until 1 have had that chance. "If It doeen't come, I shall find : something elee to do. Rut lam confl dent It will some day. 1 ' With Miss Bailey It Is tha asm* old story of genius and money-manage merit, or rather mismanagement. Mar Inonm* was enhanced hy money last har and by Investments. "But I never waa a business wo. man," aha explains. "And It all Beam ed to malt away. Thoaa who under atond hualnaaa matter* battar than I managed to get It all,” Altogether aome three-quarters of a million passed through her handa. Three year* ago aha cam* to Holly wood. not particularly picture-hound hut avaraa to entering movlea should occaalnn offer. It did not. *o aha took employment In the beauty and thea trical make-up aectlnn of a drugstore, Hater aha aold gown*. But now ah* la enjoying a etretch of employment In th# making of "Kx ruar Me." that Rupert Hughes le di recting. And maybe thle eventually will mean th* chance for which ahe long*. She hope* eo. anyway. MANY DENOMINATIONS Are Represented In Student Body of Mercer University MACOK. Oa.—Despite the fact that Mercer TTnlvaralty la owned and operated by Georgia Haptlita. a count made of tha atudenr body ahowa that mor# than 25 per cent, of thoaa enrolled ara of othar de nominations, of which there ara aev. ta. Out of the 667 now In Mercer, th# record revealed that only *4 hnva reglatered aa not holding member 'll', |i in nny church, allhough 62 of theae indicated a rellgloua prefer ence. The atudent dlatributlon among denomination! In the order In which they poll moat, foliowi: Rapllala, 561; Baptist preference, 57; Meth od tats, 144; preference, t; Preahy terlana, 24; preference. 1; Chris tians,!; Primitive Hapllata, 1; pref. erence. 2; Kplaoopaltana. 10; Ca tholic#, 8; Hebrew, S; no preference indicated. 22. PAZO Ointment A Guaranteed Remedy rnn itching, blind. DII I?C rWIV BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING 1 1L.11,0 It is now put up in collapsible tubes with detachable pile pipe making it very easy to apply. money Special directions enclosed with each 1 ' yjr package. Your druggist will order it. (Also put up in old style Tins, 60c.) AUGUSTA HERALD’S "wET COUPON 22 DICTIONARIES IN ONE AO Dictionaries published previous to this cat are out of dote 1,1 " J LEFT. FRANKIE BAILEY TODAY, RIGHT, WHEN ON BROAD WAY. GAS PRICE WAR IN SOUTH CAROLINA IS ALLEGED AT MEET GREENVILLE, H. C.—Moore and Mi Hoc oil riorilorn of Greenville, lire ruling Mm Gulf Refining Company in federal court for damage* In Conner I ion with gancllne price re duction*, mol nra not HUlng the Texas Company tie wus erroneous ly runted in Columbia dispatches Monday night, official* of both Moore and Mcßce and the Tcxiie Company 4m l<l hem Tuesday. Texas Company officials aald their orgun laatlon la In no Way Involved In present litigation over price*. COLT’MBIA, N. C —Thnt n gaso line price wnr la being conducted hy the Gulf Refining Company ugnlrnt the Independent oil dealers and other competing companies In North and South Cnrnlitm, was the assertion made by speaker* at a Meeting here Tuesday of represen tatives of fifty Independent deal ers nf the state. Should the price culling and al leged discrimination In the price* n* between tlio Carolina* and other states continue. It was declared, th# Independent denlera eventually would be driven from the field. Th* recent drop of 3 or 4 cent* a gallon In tho price of gaanlln* handled hy th* Gulf Company, which mu not entirely nict by romptdltlng companies In South Carolina, was pointed to ns evid ence upon which to hn*o this con clutlon. Reduction* have not taken place In the atutea of Virginia, Tenneaaee and Georgia. It wan mild, the Carolina* apparently being se lected for th* reductions. An attempt will be made by th* Jobbers to eecuro n antlafnetory re adjustment nf th* prlc* of gasoline and other oil product* In a series of conference* with representatives of tho company. II was decided. A* the same time, however. It was stated that suits for damages are to be Instituted by those firms which have sustained losses us a result of th* reductions. How to Get It For tho Mere Nominal Coat ol Manufacture and Distribution 3 e T' 98c *#< ur* this NEW authsnllc Dictionary, hound in black seal gram, illustrated with lull pages in color. (I Present or mail to thi* paper three Coupons with ninety-eight cents to covsr cost of handling, pecking, clerk hiru, rtc. Add lor Testate i HAIL Up to 150 mile* .07 QKDLRS Up to oUO miles .10 WILL For greater His- BR taneei, ask Port* FILLED master rate for 3 AWARD PREMIDMS Ib Big Flower Show at Aiken AIKKN, S. C.—A large number of people, many of them from Au- Riiitn, and other nearby point*, at tended tho third annual flower show held here under auspices of the Aiken Clvln League Tuesday. Tho allow has proved a splendid success, and numbers of entries wers received from neighboring sections and placed on exhibition. Premium swards were as follows- Heat 3 while chrysanthemums, to Misses Hannah and Hattie Atkin son. 2nd. prize, Mrs. William H. Turner, Rest 3 pink chrysanthemums. Miss Atkinson; 2nd. Mrs. William H Turner. Best 8 chrysanthemums, any col or. Mias Atkinson; 2nd. Mrs. Anne Klatt*. Large bloom (amateur) Miss Su sie George. Basket effect. Mr*. Frederick A. M. Tabor; 2nd. Mrs. George A. Milner. Best center piece, I*l., Mr*. Da vid Inglia; 2nd, Mrs. George Dur ban. Best center piece, any color. Mrs Inglis; 2nd., Mrs It W. McCreary. Rest vase of dalAias, Mr*. Wil bur It. Shuler; Mra. Ann* Klatte, 2nd. Beat Boston fern. Miss Susie George; 2nd., Mrs. F. A. M. Tabor. Rest Maiden hair fern. Mr*- Geo. O. K. Thorpe; 2nd.. Mrs. Frank Baker, of Granllevllle. Rest Aspsisgua fern, Mrs. Monts; Mis* Susie G'orge. 2nd. Rest begonia, Mrs. Dnlel Cres- Utnd Ist; Mrs. J. IV. Lupo, 2nd. Rest table decoration. Mrs. J. W. I-upnlst; Mrs. 11. C. Itshn, 2nd. Rest roses. Mlsa Susie George, Ist; Mrs Chester HOlley, 2nd. Rest glo chrysanthemums, Mr* It. OTTarrant, Ist.! Mr*. C. B. Woolsey, 2nd. In the professional class. Mr. Da vid Inglis was Ist, and Mra. F. A. M. Tabor. 2nd. •Several musical numbers and sup per were onjoyed by many visitors. DWIGHT F. DAVIS Endorsed By Missourians for Secretary War ST. LOUlS.—Republican state leaden Wednesday were awaiting an answer to letters written to President Coolldg# endorsing F. Davis, of this city, aaalatant sec retary of wnr for secretary of wnr In the event John U. Weeks should not remain In the cabinet. Endorsements of Mr. Davis were sent President Coolldg* Tuesday by Dr. E. B, Clements, national committeeman es Missouri, and W K. Phares, chairman of the state committee based on reports te them that Mr. Weeks would re sign. Mr. Davis was appointed assis tant aeoretnry of war during the Harding administration. WAYNESBORO PEOPLE Suspend All Butiness on Armistice Day WAYNESBORO. U*.—Waynes boro observed Armistice Day by closing all day following Mayor Palmer’s proclamation, asking that huslnesa be suspended for the day. At th* Rotary meeting in Armis tice Day program wa* th* feature with Rev John Page Jones making the principal address. At night the ■Amrrlrsn Legion poet observed the day with a progrstn at th* Maeontc Temple Col. M C. Balnea, of Len wood Hospital, the principal apeak *>'. An excellent avtpper waa eerved by th* Legion Auxiliary. In many Mate* epm fire* along th* highway* ar* not permitted. “funeral notices” MARKERT—-DIKIV NOVEMBER 11th 1924. in the twenty-second yvai | his age MR GEORGE OR VFTON MAHKEUT Funeral service* at the Grace Metho,tt*t Church, North Augusta, 8 C. THIS (Wednesday! AFTERNOON at 4-tM o'clock. In terment Ruiieet Hilt Cemetery. Elliott A Bona In charge. nil lIYCK—ENTERED INTO REST IN this city. November llth, 1»24 at I?' 1 p m MR. WILLIAM LA FETTB HYCT: Funeral service* at the residence, 4?? C -Megs Ft THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON at 3:30 o'rlook Interment Weei View Ce metery. Elliott A Font In charge. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. NEWS IN BRIEF British empire has In many re spects yielded leadership of world to America, Sir Aukland Geddas, former ambassador to Washington declares In lecture in London in augurating series given In memory of late American Ambassador Page. Attempt to tranmute quick silver into gold by process of "cracking quick silver atoms by electric cur rent will be made by Professor H. M. Sheldon, of New York Universi ty, under direction of "Scientific American." Ducheaa of Athol!, named by Pre mier Baldwin as parliamentary sec retary of board of education. Is on ly woman to be Included In cab inet. Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, ranking member of foreign relations committee of senate, tells state council of republican women at Harrisburg, Pa., reconstruction of Europe cannot be effected until United States has recognized Rus sia. Admirers of Woodrow Wilson pny annual tribute to his memory by visiting his tomb in Bethlehem chapel of National Cathedral at Washington. American Red Cross membership drive activities are banned In prin cipal hotels of New 'York City when hotel association hold* solicitation is Incompatible with the best Ideas of hospitality and entertainment." Ella France* Braman, 70, pioneer woman lawyer, exponent of wo men's rights, dies at New York. Alleged Flogger Jailed at Miami MIAMI, Els.—Louis Martin Is un der arrest at the county Jail on a charge of conspiracy as a result of Information obtained from Mr*, liubach, elao under arrest, regard ing flogging, of her husband No vember 8 by a band of masked men. Martin has been proprietor of a pressing establishment adjoining tho Hubsch drug store at Cocoanut Grove. Mra. Hubsch. who Is report ed to have confessed that she in stigated the flogging because her husband had offended her. won In so serious a mental condition Inst night that ah* wni tnlcon to a hos pital, being released from Jail In bond of SI,OOO. Her husband Is a pnGent In tho same hospital, suffering from In juries received nt the hands of tho whipping party. Tho sheriff aula other arroats would be mad* Wed nesday. Anderson Not to Lose His Eyesight MACON, Gn.—Walter Anderson, who WHS shot In both eye* at Fort Volley last Sunday by James W. McKenzie, la rapidly Improving at a local hospital, doctor* stated Wednesday. No operation has yot been performed to remove either of Anderson's eyes and doctors say they may ngt have to perform tho •operation. ITovlded Anderson con tinues to Improve, he may lie al lowed to go home within a week or ten day*, doctors said. His right eye Is said to have been penetrated by the bird shot from McKenll*'* shotgun and he is ex pected to lose the *lght of this eye. McKenal* I* still In Jail at j l’*rry being held without bond. FIVE GEOROIA COUNTIES IN REPUBLICAN LIST, ATLANTA, G*.— Consolidated re turn* from 150 of tit* 160 counties In Georgia show that five coun ties of the state wer* placed In the republican colmn in the general election of November. These were Fannin, Gilmer. Haralson, Tieken* and Towns, which always poll a huge republican vote. NEW YORK BANDITS Hold Up Subway Agent and Get SOOO NEW YORK—Defying suceesa fully the recent 'Times Square' dead line of police Commissioner Enright, two bandits early Hednesdny hald up a subway ticket agent In his booth at 43rd. street and escaped with S9OO of th* day's collections. DR. BICKLEY ILL CHICAGO.—The Rev. Dr. George Blok ley. Methodist bishop of Sing apore. Is seriously 111 In a local hospital, the result, physician* said Wednesday of an attack of tropi cal fever In Africa two years ogo. He Is suffering front a nervous breakdown and organic heart troubles, and grave fears are en tertalned for his recovery. THE AUGUSTA UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT A. M. SHERRI LL, President. (OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.) 8 27 GWINNET T STREET 827 Call* Promptly Answered Day and Night. We Guarantee PROMPT AND CO URTEOUS SERVICE TO AI.L. Charges a* Reasonable as Consistent W ith First Class Goods and Up-to>Date Ser vice. PHONES 2282—3301-J. *f&& 4 .' 4 v MbsoHlHk t&jgL fiihKvfr i f u News of Colored People In and Around Augusta (By A. W. WIMBERLY) 4/nder the Auspices of the Fed eration of colored Women's clubs of Savanpah there has been estab lished a detention home for delin quent colored girls. The home con sists of a building of eight rooms situated on a beautiful five acre ; plot of land near tho Georgia industrial college near Thunder bolt about 8 miles from the City of Savannah, in this homo are 23 girls. On the board of manage ment there appear the officials of Chatham county. The County of Chatham and the City of Savan nah rnako substantial appropria tions to carry on tho work of the home. The Board of Education of Savannah also contributes to the home. In addition to this huge un dertaking the federation operates a freo clinic for colored babies at the Cuyler Street public school. Out of tho above there arises this question, “What Is the matter with the negro men and women of Au gusta?” Grant Wolfe and wlfo of Asbury Park, N. J„ passed through tho city last week, motoring to Ocala, Florida, where they will establish a ready-to-wear business. They spent the day with Albert Walker, the well known chef and wife on Savannah Road, Madame Wolfo being the sister of the c .es. The delegation of Baptist pas tors which left Tuesday morning for Atlanta to attend the state mis sionary Baptist convention Is the ntrongest ever sent up to that body from this city. The delegation con sisted of Rev. D. F. Thompson, of Tabernacle; Rev. W. P. Sanders, of Hprlngfiold; Rev. J. W. Whitehead, of Antioch; Rev. G. W. Harrison, representing sevedal rural churches; Dr. Roman J. Johnson, Liberty church; Revs. J. L. Bennett O. R. Pinkston, and D. O. Smith; Rev. Charles Williams, pastor Mount Olivo church and president of the Baptist Pastorlal Conference of Augusta, and a number of oth ers whose names escaped me. With this array of talent the delegation will prove potential In the conven tion, and 1t would not he surpris ing If Augusta should return hear ing the highest honor of the con vention. There Is going to be some dust kicked up at Southvlew Park Frl • day nfternoon. The occasion will he a clash between the football team* of Voorheso Academy, Den mark, 8. C.. and Haines of this city. Capt. Stlcknoy, of the Haines ag gregation, la out for scalps and purpose* to start the procession with that of Voorhese next Friday. It Is not necessary to pull the other fellow down In order to rise yourself. Merit wins. Dr. Evans, of Columbia, motored to tho city with a party last Sun day and spent th* tima aB the | guest of Rallies school, where she placed her nelce, returning to Co lumbia late In tho afternoon. Dr. Evans has practiced In Columbia 25 yenrs and ha* met with groat success in her chosen profession as physician. Some years ago Dr. Evans wns a teacher at Haines school hero. Until recently the doctor successfully conducted a large sanitarium In Columbia. Rev. D. J. Flynn Is conducting a series of meetings nt Haines school from II;30 to 12:30 each day dur ing th* week. John Evans, of Columbia, a grad uate of Haines school, spent Sun day In the city. President John F. Fullen of the Lincoln requests me to an nounce that colored women are now eligible to membership in the league and that ho la anxious to have them Join. This Is an ad vance step on the part of the league and ought to result In a large addition to the membership. Tho membership fee Is only ten cents, and every woman and man among us ought to enroll and help make thi forthcoming celebration the gre.V/ st In the history of th* association. Colored people who have parkz for rent to colored people ought to provide suitable accommodation j for their patrons. And they must • understand that It Is no offset for j their failure, to lnvegh against ' colored people renting a park from | the white people who furnish seat- I lng accommodations and even | grand svind convenience. No one j wants t>s go out In an open field I and stnnd holt upright for two I , hours to witness a football game. ] There are in this city three schools [ carrying football teams and they | owe it to the colored people to give | them reasonable and comfortable accommodations. If colored men who run these parks refuse then let these school teams get together and furnish their own park, even If they have to form a stock com pany in order to get the necessary funds. > Rev. D. F. Thompson, pastor of Tabernncie Church, lins accepted the chairmanship of the colored committee in the Red Cross drive. While Rev. Thompson is a new man in Augusta, he has shown ev idence of that species of leadership that secceeds because the leader himself is a worker who knows how to lead and direct his forces. I bespeak for him the united sup port of the colored people In this drive, in which there should be union of effort and hard work to the last day of the campaign. Rev. Thompson Is now making up his executive committee, among those already appointed being such well known hustlers as Dr. Thomas W. Josoy, Lieut. C. T. Woodland, A. T. Jackson and A. C. Griggs. The full committee will be given as soon as completed. The second whist tournament of the Lucy Laney League was pull ed off at Stars Hall Monday nlgh£. There was a large number in at tendance which evidence* its in creasing popularity. The prize, a beautiful silver loving cup was won by Kdwina Hhefton, of Bpruco street. Following the contest danc ing was engaged in until a late hour. Arthur Bowman has returned from Detroit with his mother, where they have been spending some time with relatives. Th# Destreck Skule Club held Its weekly meeting at the homo of Madame Marie Wallace on Twelfth street. BURKE COUNTY FAIR Will Be Held Thursday and Friday WAYNESBORO. Ga.—The Burke county homo demonstration fair and V. D. C. Bazaar, which will be held here Thursday and Friday ot this week promises to be a big success. The business men of Waynesboro have contributed gen erously to the project and the peo ple generally are enthusiastic. In connection with the fair an Inter esting and Instructive exhibit will he made by the children of the pri mary school. Various organiza tions of the county and the city are co-operating in making the fair i worthwhile and many exhibits of | canned fruits, vegetables and other home products will be made. CATHOLIC WOMEN Discuss Influence of the Mo tion Picture ST. LOUIS, —The moving picture, its influence upon social anil moral life and Its importance in present day industry was dismissed at the meeting of the National Council of Catholic Women, which entered on its last session day Wednesday, by Charles J. McMahan, dlroctor of the council's moving picture bu reau. Mr. McMahan expressed tho opinion that the film Industry had been Improved since William H, Hays had become president of Pro ducers organizations, but he added that 1 there was still room for im provement. The theory advanced by some producers that was necessary to present the bad side of life in order that the good be appreciated he said, was false. In reviewing the development of the silver iheet Industry, Mr. Mc- Mahan pointed out that It had grown from a sideline Issue to one of the biggest industrial enterprises within a little more than 20 years and predicted that it would further develop Into an International lang uage engendering good will and thorough understanding. First Class Hair Cut Hotel Richmond Barber Shop. DERELICT SIGHTED In Path of Missing Yacht Leif Ericsson WASHINGTON—A derelict re ported to the navy department as having, been sighted In the path taken by the missing yacht Leif Ericsson for which the cruiser Tren ton is searching in the North At lantic waß located as early as Sep tember 5, the department was in formed Wednesday, and therefore could hardly be the wreck of the missing yacht. A message to the department said the Holland-Am eriean liner F.hyndam reported the derelict In approximately the same position given a few days ago to the cruiser Trenton, on arriving in New York September 6. S. C. HIGHWAY BOARD Discusses Construction and Maintenance COLUMBIA S. C.—Highway con struction and maintenance matters, the latter chiefly due to the im paired condition of the roads as a result of the September rains, oc cupied the time of the state high way commission at its November meeting here Tuesday. The commission decided to erect a bridge for stale project 617 In Berkeley county In place of the fill already determined upon at a past meeting, to grant additlaaftl allot. “The Unwanted Child” to be Presented at the Imperial Monday, Matinee and Night Special Matinee For Ladies Only. No One Under 18 Years of Age Admitted. Seen* from “The Unwanted Child” Imperial Theatro Matinee and Night; Monday Nov. 17. Matino* Ladita Only. Imperial Theatre NIGHT EE Mon., Nov. 17 IMiilili SO. ALL SEATS MAT. SOc Night for everyone over 16— Popular Pricsa 30c, 75c, sl.oo— on Sal* Friday. MOTHERS BRING A I YOUR DAUGHTERS/ \ i! SPECIAL.MATS. FOR LADIfS.OttLYji RIALTO TO DAY r ■' m f- 'jH /‘jjjjilj OUI I N m 11 a > ft j* v * i I iW ml America has made a greater Pcla Negri radiantly gowned, more amazingly beautiful, more warmly al luring; Supported Alto by Conway You first see her magnifi* Baby Tearle, cent in iU f" 11 ** 4 Peggy ’ flower m gorgeous Bella Conrad Donna”, her first American in “The Nagel, Pi cture ’ W ’. th Ameri « n Flower dircolcr and supporting Lcis Wilton cast. Girl’* WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 ments for road work in counties that suffered heavily from the rains, and to approve two reimburse ment proposals, one In Beaufort, and the other in Marlboro county. 5,000 NEW~ KLANSMEN Initiated at Denver Tuesday Night DENVER, Colo.—Dr. Hiram W. Evans, Imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan with headquarters at Atlanta spent Tuesday in Denver and Tuesday night attended a spe cial meeting of the Denver klan. at which it is said approximately 6,000 new members were Initiated. ■ Dr. Evans and hit party arrlvd in a special car. They were met at the station by Dr. John Calen Locke, grand dragon of Colorado, governor-elect Clarence J. Morley and other officials of the atate or ganization. Dr. Evans said his visit here had no special significance other than it might be turned an official visit to the klans of the Rocky Moun tain region and the northwest. ISMET PASHA ILL LONDON —The condition of the Turkish premier and the Foreign Minister Ismet Pasha, who is 111. has become worse, eays an agency dispatch from Vnfora. Hl* doctors have advised him to take a rest abroad in which case he would rllpqulsh office. . Florence Edna May, authoree* of the sensational success "The Un wanted Child." comparing and con trasting audiences In America. Aus tralia and Eondon. Eng., declare* that there is much less of a real difference than many people imag ine In the temperament of an au dience. A play that Is soundly built and soundly acted will not fail of Its mark anywhere, and while tradition and variety of circum stances have resulted In different types of conduct In different parts of the world, the Impulses and per ception* underlying that conduct are much the same the world over. Miss May's play comes to the Im perial theater for two performances Monday with matinee dally for ladle* only at which performance In addition ta the play a special lecture of ex treme Interest will he delivered to the ladies. Everyone over sixteen years admitted to all evening perfor mances. mopjeskal 12 *00 R -|T SO °3 4° *s*3o £ OF THE 1 DUKB£KMI£S STASHING BLANCHE SWEBT" F oumded m THOMAS HARDY’S Majttrf'ua. THE GREATEST LOVE STORY OF MODERN TIMES —AIso— “FIRST 100 YEARS” Comedy Satrting Hour* 11:00, 1:00, «iOO 5:00, 7:00 *nd 9:30 P. M.