The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 13, 1924, Home Edition, Page TWO, Image 2

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TWO Girl Scientists Plan To Chart The “Port Of Missing Ships” |W. F. Burton ” 427 C 421 CRAWFORD AVENUE 47c PHONE 1862 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Baked beans at the hollowing Prices : $1.95 2 cant free . ’ Vz dozen 98c 1 on free $1.33 2 can* (tree 1 2 dozen 67c 1 can free -_ij_LJ^LLLLLLLLLLLL————— Demonstration Saturday. lf>ec sampie* Served —You Are Invited. EMANUEL COUNTY To Stage its First Annual Poultry Sale KWAINSBORO, Ga. The Aral pnnunl poultry sale for Emanuel county will be held during thin month. County Agent Bleckley hna erranged to buy turkey* at Garfield on November 18th. at Ornymont on the 19th, and at Swainsboro on the -Oth. The car will be completed here and shipped either to Atlanta or New York, according to which place eeeme the moat advantage* oua. Hie third carload of eweet pota toes wae shipped from here thla week by John W. Olddens. and prospect* with him appear favor able for shipping several more. Sweet poetatoe* are bringing fairly satisfactory prlcee and the move ment la going forward with dis patch as It la thought better to market them promptly rather than to store In banka with the possi bility of losing a large per centage of them through decay. The Ku Klux Klan parade staged here Monday night was witnessed by possibly the largest crowd of spectators that ever gathered on the street* of Kwalnsboro. About 189 Klsnamn garbed In their white robee and mask* marched In the parade led by three mounted men and a band of music. Th* men marched In tingle file, each one bearing a red light which made a vory pretty effect. The parario ter minated at th* court houee where a Klan apeakar explained the work- Inge of the order. There was per fetc order and everybody seemed In good humor. THE GAS LIGHT COMPANY OF AUGUSTA EVERYBODY LIKES GOOD PIR and any on* may have It If they possess a good Ga* Rsnre. Poor pi* i* produced on worn-out Inefficient •tove*. If your Oa* Rang* la modern try— (Mis* Cephalic Lewie' recipe) 't LKMON Pig I legion 1 cup eoaked 1 £pp sugar breed crumb* 1 tablespoons • sgg yolk*. but(*r Cut cruet off I Inches of a loaf of bread, soak In water until soft Bqu*ss* out water (this ought to make on* cup of eoaked bread), then add to this the other Ingredients. Cook In a double boiler until thick. Put In a rooked pastry shell, cover esith jnerlngu* and put In a very alow Oven until meringue le brown. If oven Is too hot meringue will fall For meringue, best stiff th* three egg whites. To this add three tablespoon* sugar and beat again. Put on top of pie. Recipe 1. GAS SERVICE •THE SERVICE THAT NEVER QUITS AUGUSTA HERALD'S IWtMArvf | < 72 DICTIONARIES IN ONE ££ published previous to this ow are out *1 4M NEGRO IS SHOT By Racial Brother—Occured on Broad Street Fred Patteraoif, colored porter at Goetchlus Drug Htore, was shot and slightly wounded Wednesday night at about S:2O at the corner of Broad and Seventh atreet* by Henry Bates, negro Janitor In tho Leonard Building. The shooting occurred on the street In front of the drug store where Pattereon was working, end It la understood (that Patterson had gone out to an au tomobile to wait on some customer* when Bates approached him and fired a pistol at him at close range, the bullet taking effect In the fleshy party of the upper left arm. The two negroes are said to have had some previous trouble, th* na ture of which could not be learned. Bates was taken to police head quarters by D. Addlo Whltely, fito Broad Street, who reported the In cident. A charge of assault with Intent to murder wa* entered hiss Inst Bate*. The wounded negro was taken to the University Hospi tal by John T. Wilcox, of Caatlo berry A Wllco*. To Cur* a Cold In On* Day Take laxative BUOMO QUININE Tablets. (Th* First and Original Cold »nd Grip Tablet.) A Safe and Proven Remedy. The box bera signature of E. W. Orov*. Iflc. —Adv. FUNERAL NOTICES FRIERSON—DIED, IN THIS CITY, November llth, 1914, at 1:90 a. m., MK. LESTER WILLIAM FRIER SON. Funeral service* at th* Hnr den Methndlet Churoh, near Lynne, Oa, TOMORROW (Friday) AFT KRNOON, at 8:00 o'clock. Inter ment, Harden Cemetery. Elliott & Son* In charge 1 m IhFa COUPON How to Get It For the Mara Noailul Coal kl Manufacture and Diatrlbvtlo* 3 Cou £‘* 98c aarnra this NEW authentic Dictionary, bound in black aaal (rain, Uluetratad with fall yipi in color. f Present or mail to lhl4 paper three Coupon* with ninety-eight cent* to carac < co*t ol handling, packing, clerk biro, etc. Add lor Pottage HAIL Up to 150 milt* SO ORDERS Up to 300 mile* .10 WILL For greater di»« ! BE tancet, ask Post- I FILLED matter rate for 3 pounda. •' EXPLORATION OF SARGASSO SEA IS OBJECTIVE By Gen* COHN NEW YORK—In the future It will probably be "Mile. Columbus!” For, although It cause the bones of Cortez, De Gama, Magellan, Mar - co Polo and all the rest to turn In their gravigi, It must be reported that a woman’s hand will be first to record the secrets of one of the great romantic mysteries of all time: the Hargasso Sea. And another woman'* hand will paint for posterity the replica* of these new-solved accrets. The two young women ip© Miss Ruth Hose, historian of the New York Zoological Society, and Isabel Cooper, artist, and they are part of the IntreiA'l scientific crew that sails away In the laboratory-ship Arcturus to atrip th* Hargasso of Its legend and fable. Heading the scientific party, which Include* geologists, botanist*, sculptor*, photographers and what no, I* William Beebe who for 20 year* ha* followed the trail* of strange birds, rare Insect*, animal* and *ea life; who tracked the Dar win belt In Galapagos and who ha* written a half dozen authoritative work* on hi* exploration? •'lf If were feasible 1 would have my entire scientific party made up of them, Just as readily a* not," he Minlles In reply. "Fine mind* are a* necessary In modern research ex ploration aa fine courage. It I* easier to find fine women than fine men.” The modern young woman, It ap pe*rs. I* as well prepared for the scientific trail are are men—and some of them better. In th# pursuit of butterflies and Insect* they r.r# more patient; they have an Inox haustlble enthusiasm and zest for discovery and a talent for accurate recording. In what few places remain to he explored and In the search for the few unfotind obpects they will prob axly play Important roles. Also they go about their trips and worn without fesr. “You know I never carry a gun. A butterfly net le my weapon," says Miss Rose, who already has been In to Africa on an exploration venture and who, before the present trip Is over, will have penetrated fever dlatrlct and Jungle In th# exploring the Sargasso Hca every implement of modern science will be employed. Thu* far th* report* of this strange floating maae of seaweed and sen life have been extremely vague. It lie# between Axorea and Bahamas, though the exact location is Indefinite. "The extent of It. It seems, vn rita with the winds and currents," says Beebe. "It hae been placed variously anywhere from Morocco to the Gulf and from the Kqdator to the temperate zone." It l* believed to bo a* large a* th# continent of Europe. Numberless tales of disasters and sea mysteries have been written ahout It until It Radium Is Restoring Health to Thousands The wonderful curative ppwer of Radium hae been known for year#. However, the benefit* of this precious hcalth-glving aubetanoe have In the J>a*t been only within the mean# of person* of wealth. Since the tnventlon of Degnena Ra dio-Active Solar Pad. any man or woman, poor or rich, can afford thla treatment which offer* *o much relief from eufferlng and dlaeaae. Degnen'a Radio-Active Solar Pad la worn next to the body day and night. It pour* a eon*tnnt atream of radio* active energv Into the ayetem while you work, play or aleep, helping to build up weakened nervet and tlaauea to a atrong. haalthy condition. It rreataa a vigorous circulation of blood, thue removing oonge*tlon, which I* the reel eauee of moat diseases. To prova Juat what thla remarkable treatment can do for you, we will •end our appliance on trial with the understanding that we will not charge you a cent If I* falle to give satla faotory reeulta. Thle offer It open to any pirion who pain of any kind, nerve weakneea. high blood preaaure. atoinach, kidney or liver complaint, bladder trouble, or dlaeaae of the lunge or heart. No matter what your ailment or how long you have had It, W# will aladlv lat vou try the appllence at our rlak. Write today for fre* liter ature giving complete . Radium Appliance <>, Ml Bradbury Rldg.. I-o* Angelea. tallf—Adv, REO PEPPER HEAT STOPS BACKACHE The beat of rad pepper* take* the • ouch" from a aoee. lame back. It can not hurt you, and It cer tainly ends the torture at once. When you ara aufferlng ao you can hardly get around. Juat try Hod Pepper Hub. and you will have the quickest rcllaf known Noth ing has such concantrated, pene trating heat as red pepper*. Juat aa eoon aa you apply Red Pepper Rub vou will feel the ttng llng heat, in three minute* It warm* the #ort apot through and through. Tain and aoraneaa are gone. „ . . Aak any druggist for a Jar of Rowlea Red Pepper Rub. Be eure to get the genuine, with the name Rowlea on each package. Adv. Women Need Swamp-Root Thousands of wemrn hav* kidney and bladdar trouble and nevar suspect It. Women * complaint* often prove to be nothing elec but kidney trouble, or the r»»ult of kidney or bladder die cate. . If the kidney* are not In a healtny condition, they may cauae the other to become dl»ea*ed. Pain In the back headache, loaa of ambition, nervoueneaa. ara often time* symptoms of kidney trouble, Hon't delay atartlng treatment. Pr Ktlmer'e Swamp-Root, a phyalclan a prescription, obtained at any drug •tore, may be Juet the remedy needed to overcome auch condition*. Get a medium or large »lte bottle Immediately from any drug atom. However, If you wl*h tlret to teat thl* gnat preparation eand ten cant* to Pr Kilmer * Co., Binghamton. N. Y . for a sample bottle. When writ ing be *ur* and mention thie paper Adv. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Off for my«t«piou# and m uch fabltd Sargasso Saa ara the* a intrepid girl-scientists, who ac company the William Baaba axp edition of 24 famad sciantific spacialists. At left are Miss Ruth Rose, historian, and Isabsl Cooper, art *st. shown with a giant boa killed during a previous expedition to Brit ish Guinta. At right ia close-up of Miss Rose, who will record, aa hi storian, the secret of the Sargasso earned the name of “Port of Miss ing Ships.” When the Arcturus returns the tlrne-hldden secrets will be reveal ed. And. were It further necessary for woman to prove worthy of emanci pation, the story of thla ages-old mystery will be Jotted down by a dainty, eun-burned hand. EDUCATIONAL FAIR At Wayne«boro is Opened Thursday ■WAYNESBORO, Ga—Tho Way nesboro Masonic Temple pre.scntod a spirited scene Wednesday with the large number of women engag ed In making ready for the educa tional fair to be held here begin ning Thursday. Gough, Mldvllle and 'Waynes boro already hod their booth* tvoU under way. Ths Waynesboro sec tion Is under the direction of the Burke County Woman’s Associa tion. All aorta of canned goods, seven different varieties *of nuts from Mrs. J. F. Neely’s place, as fine colelctlon of corn ns grows In Burk* county belonging to Mr. Willie MoCathern, his Improved variety In both colors, red and white. Tho Gough section Is In charge of Mrs. W. H. Barton, president of tho West Rid© Club. Mrs. J. W. Hill. Mrs. W. M. Bradley, Mrs. J. R. Ed- I gerton. Mrs. J. H. Wimberly. In thla section are shown some of the fanciest fancy work In pine-needle baskets, rood baskets, wlregrngs baskets—the genuine wlregrnsa from south Georgia fashioned Into beautiful baskets by Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Wimberly In this section may be seen the flnest cakes, nnd candles. Overtopping th# whole exhibit Is a horn of plenty holding an abundance of fresh fruits. In the Mldvllle booth, In chai ge of Mrs. Bob Murphy, Mrs. Frank Pal mer, Mrs. Lucille Durftnt, there Is shown beautiful fancy work, made by the Woman’s Club of Mldvllle. Here are seen bridge sets, table runners, hot roll covers, stuffed dolls, oil pointings, baby dresses. It is going to take a good judge to pick the winner*. Tho following girls of the Girls’ Home Demonstration Clubs of Burk© under the direction of Mrs. Powell, are taking part In the fair: Misses Mary Cates, Emma Law. Norvell, Kelly, Sara McCathern. Kathleen Hatcher, Janette Wallace, Lois Knight. Louise Knight, Mel llssn, Collins, Edna Guy, Elizabeth Winter. Elmer Johnson, Margaret Story, Mary Willie Lively. These young girls hsve don* many fine things during the yenr. Their ex hibit contained beautiful Jars of to mato, ponr, peach, pimento, pro ducts. Mr*. Leslie McElmurray. Mrs. Roger Fulcher and Mies Boaa Garlic had Individual exhibit In this section. - The next section is edu cational. and I* an Intimation of th© work of the Waynesboro P. T. A. It show* the lines of work being carried on by this organiza tion. health, thrift, house and grounds, and social. Miss Carrie Dent. Mrs. Clarence Rowland, Mrs. William Fulcher, are In charge. Just across the hall from th# P. T. A. exhibit Is seen another edu cational exhibit. It Is the work of the first, second and third grade children from the schools of the county. In part of the exhibit la one by the county school superin tendent showing the consolidation of the schools for the paet acveral years. In another place Is the kin dergarten booth In charge of Mr*. Roger Fulcher, who has a private kindergarten. The. women of Rurke county have worked untiringly for th# success of the fair and to them belongs tho orodlt for whatever success Is obtained. On Thursday evening will bo a salmagundi party; on Fri day evening an entertainment by Waynesboro school children Prlxes for the best exhibits will be an nounced Friday evening. The fair Is commendsble from th* variety of the exhibits, from the manner In which It 1* conducted, and from the interest taken In It. ELECTION RETURNS Of Carolina to be Counted in Few Day* COLUMBIA, 3. C.—Election re turn* from twelve countir* had been received Wednesday In the office of Secretary of state W V. Blackwell for conaolldatlon The roturna bear on the varlou* pro posed constitutional amendment* such a « for biennial aeastona. among olher measure*. returns had been received from the following counties: Kershaw. Williamsburg. McCormick. Bam berg. Marlboro Allendale. Dorchea. ler. Oconee, Orangeburg. Aiken. Abbeville and Saluda. A meeting of the election mana ger* la expected to be called In the next few day* to count the returns. If atarch moistened with a little warm water Is applied to s bruise. It will prevent the flesh from becoming discolored. MILK LABORATORY Established in Aiken by Health Department AIKEN. fi. C.—The Aiken County Health Department, always on the alert for the betterment of health conditions In the city and country and for the protection of the public A Body Builder for Pale, Delicate Children Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic eoc. i|fsj| Back about 1870 ftvjß Wellman’s tobacco ' was a hit “Wellman’s Method” modernized Scores again with. Granger Real pipe comfort Coarser cut, too - burns slower and cooler Packed in foil JRp instead of tin therefore 104 Granger Rough Cut t Poin**° n \ health, has Installed a milk labora tory in the Opera House building. With a few exceptions, the equip ment Is complete and ready for opera tlon. . A test for sediment In the milk furnished by the various dairies sup plying milk to the people of Aiken will be made, and It is understood that the several dairies will co-ope rate with the health department In the matter. ests will also be made for butter fats and total solids and for bacterial count In milk. Dr. Farmer, the director of the health department, has contrived to save enough money from an appro priation made by the City of Aiken toward the support of the department to provide the milk laboratory. This Is a progressive forward steps, and few towns the size of Aiken are able to boasts of a milk laboratory. AIKEN, S. C—Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Snowden, of Delmar, Delaware, ware here Sunday and Monday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McCullough, Mr. Snowden being Mrs. McCullough's brother. Mr. Snowden was very favo— ably Impressed with Aiken, thla being his first visit here, and be has under aiVlsement makina some business In vestments here, particularly in real estate. AIKEN, S. C.—Same* F. Byrnes, who after fourteen years of service will retire from congress on the fourth of next March, will thereafter return to Aiken and engage In the practice of law, according to a state ment made by him several days ago. Prior to his first election to congres* Mr. Byrnes sereved as solicitor of thi* circuit. Since his defeat for the United States senate by Cole L. Blease Mr. Byrnes has been resting at home in BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR COLDS AND FLU The sensation of the drug trade is Aspironal. tho two-minute cold and cough reliever, authorlatlvely guaranteed by the laboratories; tested, approved and most en thusiastically endorsed by the high est authorities, and proclaimed by the people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye, or any other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. All drug stores are supplied with the woiKlerful elixir, so all you have to do is to step Into the nearest drug store, hand tho clerk half a dollar for a bottle of Aspironal and tell him to serve you two teaspoon fuls. With your watch in your hand. Murphey & Company Wholesale Distributor*. Seventh and Fenvpck St*. Phone 224. THURSDAY, NOV. 13 Aiken with the exception of the time ■pent on the stump campaigning for the democratic nominee for President and Vlce-Preeldent, and laet week h« accepted a case from Barnwell coun- .. ty. his first In a number of year*. take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back In two minutes If you cannot feel the dis tressing symptom* of your co’.d fading away like a dream, within the time limit. Don’t be bashful, for all druggists invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody’* doing it. Take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and children, for Aspironal Is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable cold and cough remedy for children a* well as adults. Quickest relief for ca tarrhal croup and children’s chok ing at night.—(Adv.)