The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 23, 1924, Page THREE, Image 11

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 pa Dance and Party Slippers Our New Dance and Party Slippers to match your Thanksgiving Frocks are here. Come in now and let us match slippers up with the frock you will wear to the Thanksgiving Dance. Popular Prices. CTELLINfi SHOE COMPANY VJ “Shoes For Everybody.” 810 BROAD ST. Announcing OPENING of my new store at 854 BROAD ST. » You are invited to call and view our very large display of Christ mas Jewelry. Wm. O. White Two Quality Jewelry Stores No. 205 Jackson St. (New Store) 554 Broad. Wish Them Merry Christmas With Your \ Photograph If you want to make those out of town friends or relatives happy this Christmas —wish them Greetings of the Season with your PHOTOGRAPH. Come now before the rush. Phone 14 for an appointment now. MON 7 ELL One Door Below Gardelle’s. Thanksgiving A Hit In Paris ' Miss Halli Stiles, who hails from Syracuse, N. Y„ is being hailed by music critics in Paris as anoth er Mary Garden. She is a soprano and sings in five languages. gocjety MRS. FRANK PETIT When all that was mortal of Mrs. Frank E. Petit was laid to rest yesterday afternoon at Westover, there passed from earth a woman inexpressibly dear to all who knew her, a woman who loved her a woman who loved her home, her family, and who found her greatest earthly happiness in contributing to their pleasure. For several years Mrs. Petit's health had been fail ing, tho everything possible was done for her comfort, always with the hope that perfect rest and quietude would if not restore her failing health, eliminate her suf fering and prolong the life so dear to many. She was given every at tention that loving thought could devise, and so carefully shielded that she was never left alone for a minute, and was not permitted to take a needless step, or to make the least possible exertion, some one was always there to spare her the effort. A fortnight or more ago she tripped and fell while being assisted to the supper table. Since | then she haa been confined to her bed and a week a ago was stricken and all hopes for her recovery were abandoned. The end came peace fully Friday morning and the tired frail body, the keen alert mind, the loyal loving heart 'were stilled. Gently and quietly, as she lived, so she passed away, leaving sorrowing hearts who will ever remember the gentle and sweet womn, the lov ing and tru friend, the perfect wife and mother, and the, in every vyay •most lovable women. YOUR FRIENDS WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING Mr. Marlon Alexander is in the city for a brief visit with his family before leaving for Washing ton. D. C., to which point ho has been transferred from Atlanta. m m 0 Mr. and Mrs. X L. Smith, of Chi cago, 111., and Mr. A. L. Murphy, of Atlanta, Ga., are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Major. • • • Mrs. Margaret McDonald has ar rived from Miami, Fla., to take charge of her sister, Mrs. Florence Guest's “Marinelio Shop" on The Hill, and will specialize in per manent and marcel waving and hair dyeing. • * • Mr. A. M. Polk, Mr. Lamar Bus sey and Mr. S. L. Smith, of Lincoln ton, Ga., were visitors to Augusta last week. • * « Mrs. K. V. McGahee returned Thursday from Wrens, where she attended the funeral of her father, Mr. T. N. Hadden. Her many friends sympathize with her in her bereavement. The community has lost a loyal citizen and the family a devoted member. • • • Mr. Charles K. Skinner, of Way nesboro, Ga., was in the city yes terday. « * * * Col. M. I. Branch, Berzelia, Ga., was in the city last week. • • • Friends of Mr. and Mr?. R. W. Riley will regret to learn that Mrs. Riley was called to Allendale, S. C., Friday by the Illness of her lit tle daughter, who is with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Owens. • • » Mrs. Mattie Jones is visiting Miss Mary Anderson. m m 9 Mr. W. T- Goldman, of Aiken, S C., is recouperatlng from recent surgical treatment at Margaret Wright. Mr. Goldman’s many friends will learn with much pleasure of his Improvement. • • • Miss Mary Anderson will be one of Mrs. Charles Patterson's party that is leaving in January for a Mediterranean crtilse and Egypt. . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rtory have returned to the city from their , country place and are at*loll Rey- ] nolds street. Mr. Story is now on a visit to Buck Field Farm, the Kress estate at Yamessee, 8. C. • • • Miss H. R. Moore has returned £rom Atlanta. t Mr. Billups Phlnlzy, of Athens, Ga., was in the city yesterday. • • t Mr. and Mr*. T). D. Hawkins have returned from Washington, On. * • • Mrs. C. E. Wale Is back from Atlanta. • • • Mrs. L, D. Schley, of Hampton, 8. C., was in the city yesterday. • • • Mlses Florle and E. A. Chapman have returned to Camak, Ga. • • • Mr and Mrs. A. F. Lankford, of Wilmington, N. C., was in the city yesterday. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Third Week of Our November Sale COATS AND DRESSES * Lots of thrifty buyers wait until after Christmas to buy th cir Coats and Dresses, knowing that special reductions are made. But you need wait no longer for it will be many a day be fore you are able to match the values offered in this great sale. All the newest styles and fabrics are represented and the savings are most unusual. EXQUISITE COATS .$85.00 to SIOO <j£ ✓ r\ 7 r Values, Novem- l|> rV VJ ber Sale Price — VJ / These are coats of the type for which you would ordinarily pay $86.00 to SIOO.OO. Handsome to a marked degree they are—of the soft, luxurious fabrics that are so papular, and with rich trimmings of fur. Expertly tailored and fin ished in best taste, all beautifully silk lined, in short, they are extra ordinary values at the remarkably loav price of $69.75. All the New Colors—All Sizes. Remarkable Values — in — DRESSES Silk weaves. You have never seen better values anywhere. Be sure and come early Monday for these dandy frocks. Specials For Monday All Pure Linen Guest Towels, regular 35c value, each 29c Hosiery For Sale Monday Full fashioned Pure Silk Hose, lisle tops and soles. Colors: Cordovan, Brown, Grey, Cocoa, White and Black. $1.95 value, pair. . $1.39 Dress Goods Specials For Monday 25 pieces Wool Serges and Poivet Twills in Brown, Rosewood, Navy and Black, reduced as follows : $1.25 values, the yard 89c $1.50 values, the yard 98c $2.25 values, the yard $1.69 $2.50 values, the yard $1.89 $2.75 values, the yard $1.98 Brighton Carlsbad Outing Gowns and Pajamas Complete line regu lar and extra sizes, white and white and colored stripe and solid grounds with colored figures Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s —the garment $1.25 to $3.95 Special Lot Outing Gowns Half Price All low neck outing gowns in white and solid colors, reduced to half price. $2.50 to $3.98 values, now. . . $1.25 to $1.99 Eversharp Pencils, and Pens, for gifts, all sizes, SI.OO to $8.75 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ray have re turned from Atlanta. • « • Mrs. h. B. Ingram, of Wilming ton, N. C., wan In the city Batur clay. • • • Mrs. Emory Cason has returned $25.00 to $35.00 Values, November Sale Price *l3= In this group are 150 wonderfully smart dresses that are phe nomenal values at this price. t The styles, materials and colors are those which have been popular this season. Among them are lovely dresses of plaided Flannels some Poiret Twills and all the wanted Special Offer in Our Rug Depart ment This Week Only With the purchase of any of the 9x12 Rug r listed below we givo Free one 27-Inch to match. 9x12 Hanford's Seamless High File Axmln ter Hugx, Special at ...$37.50, $48.50, $59.75 9x12 Sanford's Seamless Brussels Rugs, only J 32.50 9x12 Beautiful Wilton Velvet Rugs at $49.75 Hardwick and Magee Wilton Rugs are con cceded to be the finest domestic Wilton rug on the market, 9x12 size— . $90.00, SIIO.OO, $132 50, $145.00 We have never before shown such an ex. tensive line of beautiful rugs in our entire history and never have values been better. Remember, we are floor covering specialists. from Barncsville where she has been visiting relatives. • • • Miss Mildred Morgan, of Hearing, Ga„ spent Friday In the city. • » * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carswell’s friends will learn with much sym pathy of the Illness of Mrs. Cars- November Sale of Coats In addition to the coats which were bought at great ■ price concessions and being sold accordingly in our great November sale, we have included our regular high grade stock of handsome fur-trimmed coats at sensational reductions. These coats are easily distinguished from the usual coats at sale prices. The lavish use of furs—the rich quality of the fabric—tailored by master craftsmen, immediately establish their real value. The styles are unusually smart—the colors are the newest. All sizes. A COLLECTION OF LUXURIOUS FURS Offering the Greatest Values in Augusta at These Prices Mink Chokers $25.00 to $29.75 Squirrel Chokers SIO.OO to $12.50 Stono Martens, (single) $29.75 to $45.00 Stono Martens. (double) from $C9.75 to $75.00 FUR COATS 28-lnch Natural Munkrat SIOO.OO to $125.00 28-lnch Silver Muskrat $165.00 to $215.00 Table Linens Specially Priced for Thanksgiving $2.98 value, the yard $1.98 PURE LINEN DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS. . $3.98 value, the dozen $3.39 $5.95 value, the dozen $4.95 $6.95 value, the dozen $5.95 ' Give Furniture and Rugs [This Christmas Gifts of furniture and floor coverings are gifts that last and are remembered long after things less useful ore gone and forgotten. If you want to please wife, mother or sister give them an attrac tive Spinet Desk, Sewing Cabinet. Easy Chair, a beautiful Mir ror, a pretty Lamp, or a nice Rug. well, who Is at University Hospital for surgical treatment. Her sister and niece, Mrs. H. P. Hughes, and Miss Addle Hughes, of Columbia, H. C., are here to he with her. • • • Mrs. C. E. Wall was In Atlanta yesterday. Baum Marten, Baum Marten (single) $65.00 (double) $125.00 Hudson Bay Sable ....SIOO.OO and $125.00 Hudson Bay Babio (double) .$165.00 and $175.00 All pure linen Silver Bleach table damask, $2.00 value, the yd. $1.59 All pure linen Silver Bleach Table damask $2.50 value, the yd. $1.95 All Pure linen Full Bleached table damask, Mahogany Spinet Desks and Floor Lamps of Special Value Fretty Mahogany Spinet Desks, specially priced at— 528.50, $32.50, $37.50, $72.50 to $118.50 FLOOR LAMPS Wo nre now showing a wonderful assort ment of Lumps of every description, Includ ing Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Bridg* Lamps, Boudoir Lamps, In all finishes and all styles. Do not buy a lamp until you have seen our display. Prices range from SIO.OO to $97.50. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY Hisscd's Carpet Sweeper, $6.50 fI»C PC value, Monday only Mrs. Horuee Wlngnrd Is In At lanta for a few days. • • • Mrs. .1 H. Whitehead of Union Point, (ia„ Is In the city for the week-end. • • • Friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Handsome Winter COATS $49.75 to $59.75 r Values, Novem- ® ber Sale Price f-J / To try to describe their beauty, their smartness of style would be futile. You must come in and see them, if there is to be a new winter Coat in your wardrobe this season. Even before they were reduced they were exceptional values. They are featured in the newest fabrics and colors of the winter. Many of them have fur collar and cuffs, some have band of fur around bottom. Every coat silk lined. Sizes 16 to 44. ONE HUNDRED DRESSES $39.75 to $49.75 values November Sale Price — II 095 We can’t begin to de scribe them, because there are so many of them—every one new in style, unusual in quality and unap proachable in value. Make it a point to visit our ready-to-wear sec tion tomorrow, if only to convince yourself that $19.95 will buy dresses that you will proudly wear, because they are being sold for half and even less, than thdir true value. They are shown in all the wanted silk and woolen fabrics and the season’s choicest colors. All sizes, too. iToilet Articles Complete Line Iloubigant’s, Coty’s, Cappi’s. Cappi’s. Face Powder SI.OO Cappi’s Talcum 25c, 50c Cappi’s Dusting $1.25 Cappi’s Bath Salt SI.OO Cappi’s Double Compacts ...$1.50 Cappi’s Single Compacts ... .SI.OO Cappi’s Extracts, Vs* oz $1.25 Cappi’s Extract, 1V» oz $2.50 Coty’s Face Powder 89c Coty’s Talcum Powder SI.OO Coty’s Compacts SI.OO Coty’s Extracts, % oz. all kinds SI.OO Houbigant’s Extracts, % oz., all kinds SI.OO Iloubigants Extracts, 1 /> oz., all kinds $2.00 Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c Special Values in Blankets and Comforts All Wool Plaid Blank ets, double bed size, wonderful values, $12.50 values .. $9.98 All Wool Plaid Blank ets, size 70x80, beauti ful plaids cut and bound single very fine quality— value . . $15.00 All Wool Filled Com forts, cover of fine quality printed cam bric, solid sateen bor der—sll.9s values .; $9.98 Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens, for gifts, all styles, $2.75, $8.75 Ginsberg will he Interested to leant of the birth, Bunday last, of a son. • • • Mr. I. R. Peebles. Jr., has returned to tho city nfter a short business trip to Atlanta. • • • Mrs. Ada Ramp Walden Is spend ing tho week-end In Atlanta. THREE