Newspaper Page Text
i «
Set of Teeth £
Gold Crowns £ *3==
Fillings - - -£ ...75c
(A Written Guarantee Gladly Given.)
22 Years of Knowing How.
PHONE 1341.
Letters to Santa Claus
Dear Santa: care o£ J. B.
White and Co. I want a doll
a carriage and some fruit.
The answer of your question
is the next president is
Coolidge and the vice presi
dent is Dawes. Goodby your
friend, Theresa Bolin, 1X33
Ellis St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl seven ye'ars old. I am in tile,
third grade at school. I want you
to bring me a big mama doll, tea
set and a box of water colors, and
lots of fruits and candy and fire
crackers. Don’t forget tny little
friend, Samuel Husher Cawley, and
he wants a little doll and a horn.—
Your little friend, Laverne Craw
ford, Blythe, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus: Here is the
answer to your question you asked
yesterday it is Scotland, Wales and
England. I want you to bring me
a box of water colors, a story book,
some fireworks and some fruit and
nuts. I am 10 years old and I am
in the sixth grade.—Your little
friend, Bessie Crawford ( R. F. D.
Ky. 1, Box 75, Blythe, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
These Girls too 111
AT no age does a young girl need greater care than from the
•**time she reaches the age of twelve years until womanhood
is established. Many a woman has suffered years of misery
because as a girl she has been allowed to sit around with wet
feet, lift heavy articles, overwork and overstudy. In all such
cases Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound should be
given as it is especially adapted for such conditions. It is a
root and herb medicine, contains nothing harmful and may
be taken in perfect safety by any school girl.
This Mother’s Letter and Daughter’s Photograph of Interest to
Every American Mother
Nobth Baltimore, Onto.—‘‘My fourtcen-year-old daughter took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound every month for weakness. One of her classmates in
school who had the same trouble told her about it. f'he said: 'My mother makes
me take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.’ So that day she came home
and told me and we got some the next day. She took three bottles of it and
never has to stay home from school now from sickness. She is strong and well.
I am sure if any mother writes to me I will he glad to answer her letter.”—
Mrs. Vliechkb, Box 61, North Baltimore, Ohio.
Another Mother TelU What It Did for Her Daughter
Dandbidge,—“.My daughter was not able to go to school for almost a, year
because of pains in her side and other troubles girls often have. I was just studying
one day what I could give her that would help her when t thought of Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, and decided I would get it for her. Since taking it she
has pained to normal weight and goes to school all the time.”—Mrs. Ceoege Hi.ncuev,
Dasdridge, Tenn.
Mothers Everywhere Should recognize the virtue of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
detable Compound
boy and I live In Brunson, S. C., I
want you to visit me this year. I
hope that you have a pleasant jour
ney across the country and reach
America In safety. The three coun
tries that make up the British Isles
are, England, Scotland and Ire
land, Ireland is separated from
England and Scotland by the North
Channel and the Irish sea. The next
time I hear from you I hope you will
be in America—Your little friend,
Earl Zeigler.
Dear Santa: The answer to to
day’s question Is the Volderland.
The German’s first had it, but the
U. S. now owns It.—Your Little
friend, Virginia Fox.
Dear Santa Claus: I’m a little
girl just ten years old, trying hard
to make my fifth grade and I want
you to brinfe m» a big doll and
doll carriage and a tea set, a lot
of sparklers and fruits and-candles
and nuts. So I’ll close —Irene Brog
don, Warrenville, S. C.
Hello Santa Claus: It will soon
be Christmas again and I houe
you’ll be good to me. I want a
large sleepy doll, a carriage and
tea set and a horn. Tell Mrs. Santa
Claus hello for me. I hope you good
luck and many good wishes —
Lovingly, Annie Louise Fold, 1720
St. Luke St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am writing
Three Dental
Chairs Insures
prompt service.
you to let you know what I want for
Christmas, I want a suit of clothes
and a overcoat and scooter and a
billy goat and a lots of candies and
fruits. Good bye, dear old Santa
Claus.—Lester Coffield, 1638 Og
lethorpe Ave.
Dear Santa Claus: Please bring
me a Kiddy Kar from White’s,
I have seen all the toys in town
and like theirs the best. The
“Levathian" is the largest ship In
the world. —Bye, bye, Chas. R. Mor
ris, Jr., 1762 Broad St.
Dear Old Santa Claus: I want
you to bring me a suit of clothe’s.
an overcoat, a scooter, a horn aryd
some candy and fruit. I am a little
boy eight years old and In the sec
ond grade at school.—Yours truly,
Rayrhond Coffield. 1638 Oglethorpe
Dear Sirs: I have just finished
reading your welcome letter. I have
been down to J. B. Whitess dollville
and like it very much. I want a
ring and some fruit for Christmas.
The answer to your question Is:
The biggest steamship is S. S.
Levlathen—Your friend, Hazel
Brunson, 1452 Broad St.
Dear Sirs: I have just finished
reading your letter and was glad to
know that you are at J. B. White’s.
The answer to your questions Is
that the largest steamship in the
world is S. S. Le via then.—Yours f
truly, Evelyn Beagles, 1450 Broad
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl oseven years old. 1 want you
to bring me a bicycle with two
wheels and a pair of girls skates
and a desk and a little chair to
go with It, and a black board with
some chalk. I want a pair of kid
gloves and a doll carriage with
breaks to it. I have a little dog
and a cat. I want a collar and
chain for my little dog and a nice
piece of blue ribbon for the cat,
and a nice big doll, with some
clothes, and some oranges, apples
and grapes and nuts and and candy.
I want a set of guest dishes, a
Christmas tree to put all my things
on that you bring and a 25 cents
doll and it some clothes, two bon
nets and two nice hats and three
story books. Be good to all the boys
and girls.—Dorothy Parks.
Dear Santa Claus: Please bring
me a doll and carriage some clothes
for her. a bed and just anything else
you have for me. Oh, yes, some
fruit and candy too.—Your friend,
Mildred Brazelle, 812 Bohler Ave.
Dear Santa Claus: I want you
to bring me a little doll, a ball and
some fruit and candy. And please
don’t forget for mother and daddy.
And mama and papa Baird on
Bohler Ave.—Your little tiny girl,
Mary Olivett Phillips, 207 Forest
Dear Santa: I am gIM to hear
from you. I want a cowboy suit
and Bom%frult and nuts. My sister
Lucille \rants a carriage.
P. S. The biggest steamship In
the world is the Leviathan. —Yours
truly. Albert Whittle, 2031 Broad
Dear Santa Claus: I was just
thinking about my letter telling you
what I want for Chritmas. I want
you to bring me what you think I
need. I read your letter and your
question so I decided to answer it
so I will ask you who was the first
American who reached the North
Pole. The first American who
reached the North Pole was Leif
Erecson. I am nino years old. I
am going to school every day.—
Your friend, Mary E. Grant, 818
Cedar St.
Dear Santa: I have just finished
reading your letter, and decided to
write you. I have been to J. B.
White’s toyland and had a good
time. The answer to today’s ques
tion Is: What Is the name of the
world’s largest steamboat? The
name of the world’s largest steam
boat is the U. S. S. Leviathian. —
Yours always, Martha Bristow, 909
Fifteenth street.
Dear Santa: I was so glad to
hear from you, hurry and come
to see rile. Tl»e name of the world’s
largest ship is the Leviathian.
Mary Agnes Sweeney, 1134 Ellis St.
Dear Santa Claus: X am a little
boy six years old and I want you
to bring me a wagon and a drum,
cowboy suit and a pair of gloves
and please don’t forget my little
sister. —Frank Jr., 1413
Silcox St.
To Santa Claus: Dear Sir: I ani
answering your question. The namn
of the largest steamship Is, the
leviathian—Your friend, Hazel
Hutcheson, 1616 Walton Way.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
boy five years old and I go to.
school Will you please bring me a
soldier suit a tool box, a horn and
some fruit and don't forget my
mother and dad and my dog, Rex. I
want a rubber ball for him.—Your
little friend, J. W. Young, Jr., 1106
D’Antignac St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl 6 years old. I wish you would
bring me a cradle and a doll and a
comfortable rocking chsjr, a story
book, a telephone and a little chair
for my doll and a little table, and
please fill my stocking.—Thank
you. Helen Livingston, Waynes
boro. Ga.
Blythe, Ga. Dear old Santa clatis:
I am a little girl 6 years old. I want,
you to bring me a doll and a doll
carriage, candies and fruits. I have
a little sister 3 years old. She wants
a mama doll and a little piano and
lots of fruits and candles. This is
all for thiß Xmas. With lots of love.
—From Alberta and Katjierine Scr
Dear Santa Claus: I am a girl 9
years old, and am in the seventh
grade. As L read your question in
The Herald I find that Ireland and
Scotland and England are the three
countries of the British Island.— 1
Yours truly, from your friend. Net
tie Bell Zeigler, Brunson, S. C.
Girard, Ga. Dear Santa Claus:
I am 11 years old and in the fifth
grade. I want some firepoppers and
some fruit. That is all for this time
—Yours truly, Lindsey Adam.
Dear Santa: I was delighted in
looking at the many toys that you
brought to J. B. White Co. a
few days ago, and I decided that
I wanted a watch, a football and a
pair of skates. I hope you will en
joy delivering the toys to the good
hoys and girls on Christmas. I live
on Jefferson Davis Avenue, Box
223. —Your best friend, Herbert
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl 2 years old. I go to John Mil
ledge school every day and I am In
the second grade. I go to Sunday
school. I am trying to be good, so
you will come to see me this Xmas.
I want you to bring me a rain coat
land hat and a pair of shoes, a story
hook, some fruit, nuts, candies and
anything you think will do. Santa,
I have got my big doll and sulkey
which you brought me last Xmas.
With love to you and Mrs. Santa
Claus. —Your little friend, Mar
garet Mosley, 2007 Division street.
And Santa, don’t forget mama,
rladdy and grandma.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl 8 years old, and I want you to
bring me a doll trunk and bring me
a big doll and a china tea-set and
lots of fruit. Wishing you a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year,
I am your little friend, Elizabeth
Whittle, 2002 Fenwick street.
Dear Old Santa: I am a little boy
going on two years old. and as
sweet as I can he. I want you to
bring me a auto, an overcoat and'
a heap of nice things.—Yours truly,
.Melvin Horne, Jr., 1638 Oglethorpe
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
boy 5 years old. I have been very
good this year. When you come to
Augusta I wish you would bring
me a train, a cap pistol and any
other nice thing you wish to bring
a good little boy.—Yours truly,
Dozier Cllett, 705 Wright Avenue.
To Santa Claus, care J. B. White
tk Co. Dear Sir: I read your letters
in The Herald every afternoon and
enjoy It very much. I want you to
bring me a bicycle, cowboy suit and
lots of fruit ahd things for Xmas.—
Your loving friend. Jack Rucker.
!’• S. —I want to answer your ques
tion in Thursday's Herald. The
Leviathan is the largest steamship
In the world.
Over 10,000 articles to select from. P rices less than cost to make them. A
big variety, and no two items alike. Buy now for Xmas.
Factory, Office and Salesmen’s Samples
Just a few prices and detailed descriptions are listed below. Do not overlook this sale—it i»
the biggest sale with the biggest values we have ever had.
Solid Gold Baby Rings
Genuine French
Indestructible Pearls
With Sterling Silver Safety
Clasp. Buy now for Christ
mas—for —
Men's Watch Chains
Warranted 10 Years.
Sold up to $4.50. For
Gold Front Collar Pins
Genuine Shell Cameo
Hand Cut, for
Over 500 Patterns
Brooches and Bar Pins
You can save more than half.
Buy Now for Christmas.
Belt Buckle and Chain
Sold for $1.50, for
201 Herald Bldg. thomas c. wall Phone 299
Appropriates SIOO For
Needy Neighbors
A large number of the Neighbors
were present at ttie meeting of
West End Camp Tuesday evening.
An appropriation of SIOO for the
needy brothers of West End Camp
was passed.
All members are requested to he
present next meeting night «s
business of Importance will come
I cfore the Order.
Extensive plans are under wu.y
for the celebration of the 20th. un-
Tiiversary of the Installation of
Woodlawn Council No. 29. Jr., O.
U. A. M., and the entertainment
committee has already arranged a
program for the occasion.
This will be a gala day for he
Councils of the Junior Order Unit
ed American Mechanics and for the
Daugters of America in Augusta
and surrounding territory. Invita
tions have already been sent to
the Augusta councils and the coun
cils of the Valley over In South
Barbecue and other refreshments
will he served, and the committee
Ih making plans to entertain form
500 to 1,000 persons.
Hon. Walter S. Blanton, state
councillor of the Jr. O. IT. A. M.,
and Mrs. Mary Matheny, state
councillor of the Daughters of Am
erica will be present and will de
liver addresses.
The program as competed so far,
is as follows:
1— Opening song, America.
2 Introduction of toastmaster, A.
Dwight Deas, state seeretary, by K.
H. Row*, councillor of Woodlawn
3 Quartette, by Jr. Order Minst
rel Quartette.
4 Introduction of J. M. Bristow
historical sketch of Woodlawn
5 - Solo, Jr. Or<> r Minstrel Troup.
6 Introduction of Julian K. Ross
who will speak on “Virtue.”
Introduction of C. Vernon El
- who will speak ori "Liberty.”
Introduction of Isaac Peebles, who
will speak on “Patriotism.”
7 Quartette, Jr. Order Minstrel
8— Introduction of state council
lor, Daughters of America, Sister
Mary Matheny.
9 Solo, Jr. Order Minstrel Troup.
10—Introduction of state councillor,
Jr. O. IT, A. M., Hon. Walter 8.
It Is hoped that as many broth
ers as possiblo will be present.
Solid Gold Wedding
Waldermar Watch
Best made of gold-filled sol
dered links. Sold up to
$4.00, for—
Children’s Rings
Set with chip, for
Sterling Silver Bar Pins
With Safety Catch, for
Beauty Pins and Dress
Some sold up to $1.25, set
Vigilant Lodge Knights of Py
thian held a fine old-fashioned
meeting last Tuesday night, and
la making good headway. They pro
pone, at an earJJ date, to hold an
open meeting, it( the. nature of a
home-coming meeting, at which all
old-time im-mhers will he welcomed,
and the Pythian Sisters will also
bo Invited.
The meeting of the Augusta Dis
trict will be hold at 11 a. m. Thurs
day, Nov. 71 it., ut Waynesboro, at
which all lodges in the Augusta
district will lie represented. Way
nesboro Is always si hospital host,
anti those who attend will he royal
ly welcomed.
Grand Chancellor Coffin leaves
Sunday night for Savannah, on his
way to a meeting of Jesup Lodge
.Monday night, and one In Bruns
wlek Tuesday, getting buck In time
for the Waynesboro meeting, and
also fpr one at Thomson Friday
A number of the Dokeys had i
planned to attend the ceremonial
in Savannar Wednesday night, but
were prevented from doing so. but
Meshed Temple, whieli has been re
organized with new officers and a
new line-up, proposes to put on n
ceremonial of Its own some time
between now and the first of the
y< ar.
Initiates Four Candidates in
Columbia Council held their reg
ular weekly meeting Thursday night
In their lodge room with Councilor
Streets presiding. The relief com
mittee reported all sick folk better.
Sour Applications were elected to
membership and one candidate
found waiting Initiation, she was
brought In and Inflated and In
structed according to tho ritual.
The degree team did some mighty
nice work.
The bazaar committee Is working
hard to mnkc the bazaar a success
and ask the co-operation of every
member In their undertaking.
Nomination of officers for the
ensuing term was next In order and
our next meeting promises to he
very Interesting as there uro <iulte
a number In the race for various
According to custom of our fore
fathers of setting aside a day of
Thanksgiving we will on the 30th.
day of November have a servlc"
of Thanksgiving arid praise. We will
meet at our lodge room at 10
o'clock and go In a body to the
Central Christian church, there the
Hr v. J, .f. I.nngston will deliver a
sermon to us. Kveryone Is Invited
tind the members of Columbia
Council are expected to attend.
We have an Invitation from the
Woodrow Wilson Council, Junior
Order of United Mechanics to an
oyster supper on December 2. We
also had an Invitation to the cs]e.
t ration of the twentieth anniversary
of Woodlawn Council Junior Order
14 Kt. Gold Filled
20 Year Kind, For—
Buy Now for Xmai
Diamond Point Pen
and Pencil
Set, SIO.OO value, for
Solid Gold Top Knife
Solid Gold Cuff Links
Gold Front Cuff Links
Sold up to $2.50 for
United American Mechanic* De
cember 18, both invitations wera ac.
Miss Leon Thomas, of Columbia,
S. O- is visiting Sister Thelma
We received a long letter from
Sister Clifford Clark during the
past week who Is now making her
home In Martin City, Mo., telling
us of the climate and various other
things. The Daughters of America
are very atrong and have several or
ders there, hut os yet she has not
attended any of the meetings.
We greatly sympathize with Sis
ter Seaga In the recent Illness of
her father, MV James Robertson,
but are glud to note that he has
recovered sufficiently to bo at homo
We missed Hlsler Ada Foruss at
our last meeting night and upon
making investigation, found that
she was on the sick list.
We had a welner roaat and light
supper out a Riser Clara Thomp
aon's home on last Tuesday night.
Utterly Council will have a ba
zaar on December 18.
Those who did not attend our
rrtcetlng on last Tuesday evening
missed a treat. We had a good at
tendance although some of our reg
ulars did not show up. Must have
been too cold. However, we had a
good meeting.
Our noble grand was able to he
In her custom place to the delight
of everyone.
Ulsters Welch and Deas were out
again. We are so glad they are Im
proved. Wo hail with us Hrothor
Jones of Hearing, Oa. He always
has something Inspiring to tell ul.
Our members are responding
nicely to Ulster Palmer’s suggestion.
For at our last meeting we had
aomo real Interesting talks for tho
good of the order.
Now members , remetViber our
meeting on next Tuesday evening.
We want every member to he there,
especially our degree team. We have
some work for thl m which »vo
deem very Important. And as next
meptlng Is the last before Thanks
giving, he sure and come. Your
noble grand says she has a treat
In store for us. As we all know she
never disappoints us. Ho l advise
every member to be present on next
Tuesday evening.
Behind Rebekahs in West
Klchmonrl Dodge No. 101, I. O. O.
F. held their regular meeting Mon
day night with a good attendance
Several talks for the good of the
order were mado by Severn I broth
Any lady who wishes to Join’ the
Solid Gold Rings
Set with all kinds of Stones,
Elgin Cigarette Cases
18Kt. Gold Lined $5.00 value
Buy Now for Xmas.
Genuine Deltah Peals
White Gold Clasp Set with
Genuine Diamond, $22.50
value for
Children's Bracelets
14 Kt. Gold Shell Safety
Lock and Catch, 53.50 value
14 Kt. Gold Filled
Pencils fc«r
The Best Line of Beads
And Chokers ever shown in
this city, less than half what
others ask.
newly organized order of Rebekahs
In West End may do so by seeing
one of the brothers of Richmond
Lodge. Brother J. L. Hughes has
one more share for sale In tin
building company and If brothers of
Richmond Lodge want to feel like
they have done their part they had
tetter hurry up and get the remain
ing share.
Noble Grand C. W. Hendrix will
call the meeting to order promptly
at eight o’clock Monday night and
all members are urged to be on
hand, as matters If importance
will come before the order.
Quite a large attendance was
present at the meeting Monday
night of Papoose Tribe. Despite th'
change of the meeting night from
Friday night to Mondny, the change
Is meeting with huge success.
Three candidates were adopted In
the order Monday night. There will
he more candidates at the meeting
Monday night and all members are
urged to be present.
The countless friends of Mr. J. H
Hendrix will regret to learn that
he la still sick.
LIVERPOOL —A local store deal
ing In plumbing fixtures Is adver
tising Its bath-tubs by placing the
tubs In Its show-window, full of
water, and then having a man !r
full evening dresa sit In them, one
aftpr the other. “Tubs That So
ciety People Use” reads an adver
The health committee of the League
of Nations has decided that heroin is
unnecessary as a medical remedy.
6 6 6
is a preaeription for
Colds, Grippe, Dengue,
Headaches, Constipation,
It is the most speedy remedy we
Pictures ready framed
and in the Sheet. Frames
of any size made to order
426 Eighth St. Phone 730.
T. G. Bailie & Co.