The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 14, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO iSIIMIMM I FIGHTS BURGLAR I < HJCACiO \ uiiiiiHii i courage in grappling unaid«*d with nu irnud man In a encounter In a corridor of tin llrcvoot Hotel led to the hitch today of William Mutinn, «li»a John Kelly, wild by the police to b<* one of ihr moat noted hotel thieve* in the country. Kelly hud Htolcu a pocket hook belonging to the woman « hiiHbund, containing ss.*. The heroine ot the struggle Ik Mrn .1 It. W ell*, wife ot J E. Wells, pout master at Mltelm 11. S D The rmipio occupied i room on the fourth floor of tb* hotel. Karly this morning. .Mrn. Wells aroee nnd left the room, <« Ulna her hliftbpnd she w•* nimble to |e«*p t». cm*.** of the heat Ah ;he walked j down the hallwM). leaving the do .r of the room unlocked hchlnd her. her tttfentton tv, l9 nltrart(d t»y a Hlghl iitfW* and she turmd in nee :i strnnye ' men enter the room. IMie hastf’ifd lurk to the door and I W’lr.inf; tosnrd him when In* reappear-1 trl. cafrylng ln*t luirhands pocket I took in his hand | ‘Thief,’* she veiled and attempted) to wrest the purse a\yv\ tin u him I In the meantime Mr WHlrc who hid h cn nwakened. nish*Mt to hi* wife's! i\ istaiict Mtcr v. i 'llliu; .nnitl'l the and Ikailn hi adv« ;‘si,iy i with I*l* list * the allegrd robiic w is • conquered and turned over to thei police. ‘ "Why not get tn, he t** That's! ritnchficld Older through your deal i*r or direct of the CHnchftoUt Coal Cor i*«rnt lop, rharlottc, N (\" FURNITURE RENOVATING Will soon bo Kin and voit will need the necessities for the work. Now the very best article on the market today for tins work is UQI fi) \ ENEER, and we nre the sole agents for this article in Augusta. There is no other just as good, for this is the best. All kinds and colors of floor stains. We have,, the the goods in all size packages. There is nothing that makes the floor look better than a tine coat of stain. If any of your metal or discolored, there Is nothing that equals PU T Z CREAM for putting it hack in its original condition. If any of your furniture comes to pieces then it is LA PAGES GLUE that you need. It will hold tighter than any other kind of glue. Remember that we carry everything you need for putting your furniture floor and walls back in their old condition. We have Glass of all sizes and can fill orders rapidly. OXonnor&Schweers Paint Co Broad Street. - Augusta, Ga. Advertised Goods Mean Something: to the People of Augusta. Energy is well-nourished muscles plus well-nourished nerves. Uneeda Biscuit are the greatest energy-makers of all the wheat foods. sft* In dust tight. jW moisture proof packages. Neper sold in bulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Hen. Harrison Gray Otis ! ' ' T rs ■ / 1 t Jf Hflß \jLp' Ji ' tiSHa ■* >' WSDmj *vllHSSaf r ~ SRpKmEgn * ‘ v ; / a. /T - •** Grn. Harrison Gray Otis, otlitov of the Los Ange les times, who has just n mlerßone a serious opera tion at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. DEVILS. "Isn't there danget said the tltrlT limit, nl dropping things Irani an air ship on lb*' people hr low?” Thin Isn't the worst.' answered till- candid Invi'iitur. 'You're lucky II the whole alr-hlp doesn't (all on von.' Washington Star Thin world innv he a stage Set ns a mart But mine’s no stellar wage Nor hero s part —Washington ll* raid. Nur.lnq Mothers rod Malaria The i 11,1 Seoul.o-t dm IVK'S TA.-'TK I.KSS Cllll.l TUNIC tlrc.i s out m il'Oi.' I oot hiillil. up the system. Kor gruwn ! I" o*l 1 ,‘ltlM • .. .’.he THE AUGUSTA HERALD COMING PLAYS CALENDAR. Tonight B:3o—Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway." Wednesday Night, 8:30 —The Lyric Treatre (N. Y.) Success '‘The Wolf." Thursday, Matinee and Night. 3 p. m. and 8:30 p. m., —Devil’s Auction. "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway. Scott Welch, an Hue Hangy ex-priz* 1 fighter, "Kid Burn.**," In Cohan and Har ris' Musical play, "Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway," to he presented .at the Grand tonight hn* opportunity for hi* ability as a versatile comedian and has won laurels all over the United States In the part. The cast, the original cast, Includes Scott Welch, Frances Gordon, Mary E. Ounard, Elisabeth Drew, Susan Chlsnell, Eugene MacGregor, Janies A. Da vet t, James If. Manning, Harry Gwy nett* and twenty -others. There is a chorus of beautiful girls and rehearsals under the personal direction of the au thor-manager-composer, and stage di rector. George M. Cohan, have just been finished. Prices 60c to $1.50. From Poverty and Want to Fame and Fortune. No page in romance was - ever tpore Interesting than the story of Eugene Walter’s rise as a dramatist. It is the old aspect of the genius In the garret. From the immemorial, not only fiction, - ■ «•... in t—i - . ... if.; * ™ wmj> l-pptg .ep ■, * i ' T. -j r -I . Franeis Gordon as “Plain Mary,” in “Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway,” at the Grand tonight. but hlutoiy as well ha a been adorned with the familiar figures of talented au '.horn. p»*eis. musicians, scientists and with poverty as ih handicap, and some >f the greatest aehievments of the brightest minds have been accompanied with hunger and want. If it happens thus in the styry I »ooks. it is always a .peetacular and gratifying finale for the hero to finally win attention and a pro ve I suddenly for his work jumping from penury to affluence. As these firings arc told in novels, so they happened in real lif«‘ in the case of young Walter, .he playwright, who awoke from a night mare of adversity to find two of his plays th** rag** of the theatrical season *i last year In New York. Walter was formerly a newspaper re porter on New York dallies, a hard grind •Mg livelihood. N.ihieil only As a step to something better. His ambition lay to ward dramatic writing, and he wrote seversl plays without being able to in duce managers to produce them. His mention to finer writing overshadow* I hit Interest lit newspopet work to such in extent that he often found himself out of a position ami without funds, on account of the time required in trying to gain a hearing for his plays. For sev • months before his tlrst play, "Paid In Full." w h produced. Walter had be i sleeping on benches in t*»e parks ami eating whenever he could conquer his prhle to Approach a friend. The next mo’ttlng after its first per* form m e N -w A«»ik was agog with the announcement of a great dramatic sue cess, hailing the arrival of a new dra matic writer of c aihts Eufi'ttr Walter. With toy dtles pouring In. he was now living In fMintlal apartments, faring Ilk • t km*. T man-.get w>i> -*kirg him out to negotiate for his next play. 8o«» t he drew forth his second play, "The Wolt,. ntfi was itvtvtoum «*d for Immediate pr«seu ttiwa Many critic* who had ad mitted the worth of hln eftort, predict* d failure for the scoomb or at lea.**: were r. uiy to pronounce tt such, feeling that tin tlrst was a mustcrplee* that would I** hard to live up to, tint "Th* W* U," was gv*it n toore striking In I ban its pred Slid the fact Hi , the two ara «atlrely different In pi* style, rot t*t ruction ami t mil mem. con vinced the skeptical that both were th Fnld In Full." H problem play Of Impression that Walter was a hviltfliit' **d' •* overy," and au* w litem a >i p netful, po* tlc and mlhui.t drama of ti»o Hudson lii«y country and is <!• ;ae4cns. made this impression a , a:- j-rived that the first suc- I was no • accident." W'Y'" ; ; ,is finished its triumphal season in New York, and is now' being fit on for the first time in the other large j f.jtj. s of this, will be seen at -: ; f. Grand V\ednss'!ay night. Feats sell s' now at Box Oi lice. . Prices -5c to j ! Chas. H. Yale’s "Devil's Auction” j Charles If. Yale’s "Everlasting Devil’s ! I Auction" which by virtue of its capacity*: to keep abrciu". of the times has earned , j -he sobriquet preceding its title, is now ! playing en tour to audiences that have ! history to consider in viewing j the production that has outlived almost ) i everything except Shakespeare. I Twenty-six years ago when James S. ! I Maffit and his partner, Bartholomew, ! were involved in the telling of the story they ran the show with gas light and tallow dips and flash boxes, and when j * lefctrlcty began to be used the scheme of giving the show was changed to keep abreast of the times and newer condi tions. The title underwent the same j sort of brushing up until there was noth ing left but "everlasting" to describe its i quality. In all these years the "Devil’s Austlon" has gone ahead supplying the amuse- . ment public with a couple of hours of anticipated pleasure, until Us nnnniingf m> uta have gained a sort of importance so that events arc dated from its codig- Jug and going, and a reward for good l»cha\ior held out to young folks, "that tl"‘.v will he taker-, to see the "Rverlast ing Devil's Auction" if they are good.” If they arc not. wl! they dan t. go. and many a youngster is on the qtil vivo from the day the town walls are adorn I»d with •• Auction" pictures until they j know how th*»ir f it** is settled, j This year's edition, the twenty-sixth, i ;, s in every succeeding season, new cos** itunu's, Htviifry and the latest novelties arc conspicuous In this production. F*ats on sale tomorrow morning at the box office, all scats reserved. Prices matinee orchestra, 75c and 50c, balcony ’»"<• and 25c; night 25c to $1.50. - ,JK ■ *"'» ->■ ■ 1 VSr * Hilda and Jules Beaubien, in "The Wolf.” at the Grand Wednesday slight. Clearing House Certificates In removing the cases of unused Certificates from the cellar of the Georgia Railroad Bank today, quite a number of the Certifi cates were lost; many being found on the streets afterwards. This notice is given the public to warn them against receiving these Certificates from anyone, as all but ninety-seven dollars of those Issued last year have been redeemed. Augusta Clearing House Association By RUf US H. BROWN, Manager. -eptembar 8, 1908. WANTED—Abie Bodied Laborers Apply at once to R. G. Hitt at lot opposite Lom bard Iron Works or office RIVERSIDE MILLS. ALSO DOUBLE TEAMS; none but those having good, strong animals capable of pulling a good load need apply. WOMEN ASSORTERS are request ed to return to work. RIVERSIDE MILLS Harry D. Griffin, Newspaper Ad. Writing for Merchants, Banks and Firms. P. 0. Box 738. Augusta, Ga. Lime! Lime! We will deIiver—DISINFECTANT LIME FOR TEN DAYS, to any part of Augusta, 85c. Per Bbl. Augusta Builder’s Supply Co. Phone 321. 643 Broad St. You May Choose for Yourself EITHER “Hard Times” or “Good Times” FOR IT HAS COME TO BE A PERSONAL PROr LEM WITH EACH BUSINESS MAN. The "hard times" are over, generally speaking. They are not over tor those people who are content to have them continue. With the advent of Fall activities In business will come to each merchant, to each man who la conducting a business, the oppor tunity to say a long good bye to ‘ hard times," or to cling to them a little longer. It la to be. largely, a test of courage—the making of this choice. test of advertising courage—mainly. The stranger business men will choose good times as a mat ter of course and will proceed to make the eholce effertlve by a campaign of real advertising. There will be better, bigger, more ef fective advertising done this Fall than ever before. The afraid-merchant will wonder "where the money is coming from to pay the bills,” lie will. In some eases, decide that he i.iu. n "take the risk " Th .1 will be HIS DECISION FOR "HARD TIMES" In preference to "good times," so far as he, personally, is concerned. pi Prosperity is row a personal ouestion. Yourt is * per sonal question with you. This is both true and important. Use THE HERALD For Results in Augusta. READ HERALD WANT ADS. MONDAY, SEPT. 14