The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 14, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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MONDAY, SEPT. 14 News of the Cotton Crop and Markets AUGUSTA COTTON MARKET # Middling: 9c Tone—Steady ** New York Cotton Market TODAY'S FIGURES.) Open. High. Low. Close January 8.50 8.50 8.48 8.58 October 8.74 8.88 8.72 8.8;! December 8.60 8.69 8.57 8.68 Tone—Very steady. Spots—9.4o. (SATURDAY’S FIGURES.) January 855 85S Ssl 852 March 860 85it October 880 882 575 882 December . .. 866 86S S6l 862 New Orleans Cotton Market (TODAY'S FIGURES.) Open. High. Low. Clos*. January B.Co 8.69 B.CO 8.09 October •• 8.67 8.78 8.67 8.7) December 8.57 8.67 8.57 8.67 Tone—Steady. Spots—9 3-16. (SATURDAY'S FIGURES.) Open. High. Low. Close. January 868 870 865 865 October 875 878 672 874 December .« .. 866 86;i 862 866 Tone—Steady. Spots—9%e. Chicago Grain and Provisions (FRIDAY'S FIGURES.) WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. September - 98% 99% 98% , 99% December 98% 98% 98 Vi 98% CORN— September 81 81 % 80% 80% December 69% 69% 68% 68% OATS— September 48% 48% 48% 48% December .. 50% 50%. 50 50 LARD— September ..10 22 10 22% 10 20 10 20 October 10 27% 10 27% 10 20% 10 20% RIBS— September.. 9 70 9 80 9 70 9 77% October 9 70 9 92% 9 70 9 80 (SATURDAY’S FIGURES) WHEAT— open '"'lose September 98% 98% December 97% 98 CORN— September..... 81 81 December 69% 69% OATS— September 49% 49% December ....... .. .L .. 50V. 50V 4 LSHD — September 1002% 1010 October 1005 1015 RIBS— September 460 October 952% 962% FULL QUOTATIONS IN THE LOCAL MARKETS (TODAY'S FIGURES.) Low middling 8 3-4 Strict low middling 8 7-8 Middling 9c Strict middling.. 9 1-8 Good middling 9 1-4 I.ow middling 8 3-4 Strict low middling 8 7-8 Middling 9 Strict middling 9 1-8 Hood middling 9 1-4 RECEIPTS, SALES AND SHIPMENTS Net receipts today 2003 Through cotton today 141 Gross receipts today 2744 SALES FOR THE WEEK. Sales. Spin. Shpit Sat 1689 111 849 Mon. . . .1161 1059 Tues • Wed . ... . Thurs. . .. Total. . .2830 111 1908 RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK. i»08. 1907. Sat 1651 2941 Mon. . . .2744 2870 Tues .... Wed .... Thurs . . . Total. . >4395 5811 STOCKS AND RECEIPTS Stock in Augusta. 1908 15,403 Stock In Augusta. 1907 15,474 Receipts since Sept, l, 1908.... 15.888 Receipts since Sept. 1, 1907.... 2,305 IN SIGHT AND SUPPLY 1905 1907. Sight to SblL 11 . 28:’.542 254,.VM During . 1*5.931 163,588 Visible supply .. .1,689,886 2,187,060 ESTIMATES FOR TOMORROW Today Last Tr. , Galveston 12388 2450025500 Houston 13223 2500-8500 New Orleans 1051 PORT RECEIPTS Galveston 16003 8858 New Orleans 1948 1692 Mobil* 1102 121 Savannah 10934 8059 Charleston 2147 953 Wilmington 1816 2909 Norfolk 1078 694 Boston 25 Philadelphia 20 Total (est.) 35000 23JJ06 INTERIOR RECEIPTS Houston 10230 9873 Augusta.. .. f 2744 2870 Memphis 87 AUGUSTA DAILY RECEIPTS. 1907 1908 Georgia railroad. . . . 688 437 Southern Ry. Co. . . . 476 491 Central of Ga 401 185 C. and W. C. Ry. . . . 483 692 Atlantic Coast J.ine. . . 165 170 Wagon. ....... 604 628 [Net receipts 2820 2603 Through 50 141 Total 2870 2744 ♦ «♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*« * « ♦ AUGUSTA GRAIN ♦ I ♦ AND PROVISIONS ♦ !♦ * ♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«* (Always Up-to-date ) Murphey & Co. quota prices on Au gusta grain, provision and produce ar follows: D. 8. sides. 45-lb. ave., 10 2 4c. D. 8. plans, 8-lh ave., 0 3-4 C D S. bellies. 22-lb. ave., 1,1 3-4 c. Smoked shoulders, 45-lb. ave., 11 l-2c I Smoked Shoulders, 8 10-lb, No. I Picnic hams, 6-8 lbs . 9'/|C Dove brand hams. 11 lbs., 15 1-2 c. I Magnolia hams, 14c Capitol City hams. 11 -lb. 15c. R. G Breakfast bacon 13V4C. Best white corn, $1.03. Best mixed corn, SI.OO, Best whit* o.V.s, 66c. Purina chick feed, ion lbs., $2.25. Chieken feed, 53-lbs., 95c. Com chops, 96-lbs., SI.BO. Dairy feed, 100-lbs., $1.45. Pure wheat middlings. $1.55. VJ Pure wheat bran, $1.45 Virginia H. P. peanuts, sc. 22-ib cream cheese, lSVfcc. Best second patent flour. $4 85. Standard pa'en' flour. 25.15. Fancy patent flour, $5.25. Woolcott's Royal High patent flour. $5.50 Jarboe's Royal high patent flour, $6.65 Ethereal, highest patent flour, $6.75. Th,. above prices on flour l-$s ai-i l-4s cotton; wood 15c more. Cotton sheets, full size, 21c. 2-lb new bagging, Tftc. , w . New York Stock Market (TODAYS FIGURES.' Atchison 90 Baltimore and Ohio 100 Canadian Pacific 173% Chicago and Northwestern.. ..162 Colorado Southern 377 s Denver and Rio Grande 28% and Rio Grande pfd.. .. 67 Erie 2979 Illinois Central 144% Louisville and Nashville.. .. ..109% Missouri Pacific 56% New York Central 106% Pennsylvania 124% Reading 136 Rock Island 19% Rock Island pfd 36 St. Paul 141% Southern Pacific.. .. 109% Southern Railway 22% Union Pacific 166% Union Pacific pfd 87 Wabash 12% Wisconsin Central 28’, Parisian Women Vote on Their Ideas of Affinity PARIS—Who are the men that Parisian women would wish to DC loved by? Such ts the question pro posed by La Vlt Parisisnne, the old est aristocratic paper of the capital and the answer is given b> its reade rs. Monsieur l.e Bnrgy, the romantic actor of the Theatre Francaise ties Hi SHOULD BE 081 FOB BRYAN. SAYSJUDGE GRIFFIN. Ga —ln an Interview giv en out today Judge T. E. Patterson says Joseph M. Brown should sfop quibbling and come out for Bryan. Judge Patterson says Brown is as much duty bound to support the na tional democratic ticket as he (Pat terson) is to vote for for Brown. 21b. standard pieced bagging, 5 1-2 c. 2-lb sugar bag cloth, 5%c. New arrow ties, $1.06%. Whole rebundle ties, 96%C. Riveted ties, 70c. No. 1. Ga. syitip. %bbts . 38c. White clover drips, bbls, 30c. Gold Mine N. O. Syrup, bbis., 26c. Pure Cuha Molasses, bbls, 31c. C. O. Molasses, bbls., 15c. P. R. molasses, 19c. C. C. leal lard. 50-lb cans 11 1-4 e. Cottoiene, per ease 10s and 4s), $6.25, 11 3 4c Fidelity K. R lard, tubs or cans, May Blossom K. R. lard, 50-lb can*. 12V 2 c. Snow Drift Hogless lard, 501 b cans, 9 l-40. Flake White Com. Lard, 60-lb. cans, 8 3-4 r. Lard in tierces, l-4c less; in 60 lb tubs, 1-8 c less. N V. (Iran sugar, bbls , $5.40. N. Y. Gran. sugar, 4,2511 b cans $5.45. N. 0.. Gran, sugar, bbls only, $5.10. Sugar f o. b. coast, 10c less 96-lb Pearl grits, all sizes, $2.20. Georgia Country Meal, 96-lb $1.95 Georgia Country Meal, 48-lb, 99c, Georgia Country Meal, 24-lb, 50c. No. 1 Alfalfa hay, per ton, $23.00. No. 1 Timothy hay, per. ton, $J7.50. No. 1 P a Vine hay, per ton. $2('.99. No. 1 Vetch hay, per ton, SIB.OO New Bermuda hay. per ton, $15.50 Cotton seed meal, $26. Cotton Geed bulls, per ton, $9.00. Common green coffee, 7 l-4c. Standard green coffee gc. Fancy green coffee, 9%c. Cracked rice, 3%c. Japan rice. sc. Medium head rice, 4%e. Head rice, 5%c. Fancy head rice, 6%c. Kerosense oil. 13c. Salt, cotton baga, 50c, Texas R. P. oat*. 67c. Georgia Seed rye. $1 50. Sausage in oil, 50-lb tlna, 7 l-?e. COUNTLESS HUNDREDsfOF MILLIONS FROM GRAIN Western Plain* Will Yield Immense Wealth to the Farmer*. NEW YORK—J. 8. Hach» and Co. are poetical In their portrayal of the returns from wheat and corn find In thalr week ly statement a ay: "Heven hundred million of dollar* of new wealth from wheat and two thous and million from corn la the Government estimate turned Into money. Thla la what aoll and aim and rain and toll will have dona for the farm*r In thla year of recovery, i!)oft -over thiee bill lona of huaheia of these two icralns a lona to be inoatly tranaportad from tha flald to con aumara far and nanr —and labor and rail road? will raap tha Fxmeflt of the oper ation for montha to roma. The alraady moving wheels of rat tim ing Industry must ba anormoualy aar*a|. aratad accordingly, and ItOt ahould find ! us wall along tha rotio toward* rudaly | blocks dad proaparlty. Tha outlook le certainly ranaaurlng. To kill rooking am* 11* throw a few whortlo berries on the stove anti na if Ice the fine aroma It creates You j will never uau anything olae, once tried. THE AUGUSTA HERAIB J. 0. McAULIFFE. Market Fditor Great Northern 137% Atlantic Coast Line 91 Amalgamated Copper 78’, American Car and Foundry.. .. 39% American Locomotive 46% American Cotton Oil 35 Am. Smltng and Refng 93% Am. Smltng and Refng pfd.. ..102% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 52% Colorado Fuel and Iron 715% General Electric 145 International Paper 9% National Lead 83% Pacific Mail 26%, People's Gas.. 97 Pressed Steel Car 33% Sloss-Sheffield Steel 64 Southern Paclfi/’ pfd 119% I Sugar 131% 'United States Sleel 47 j United Stales Sleel pfd 110% I Western Union 01 % Mackay's pfd 70 Va.-Caroliua Chern ~29% (or fir-.--, plae- wt‘b Tommy Burns, the Anv clean l'c,;tU> g iiian. Monsieur da Rnx 'he who used to be Sarah Hrmhat-U' loading actor la second. F.ulhir down in the poll Maurice Barns, the distinguished ncademcclun vet: the same figure* as the wrestler, Uaul Pons. One voter answered "My ideal i* either Rockefeller or I‘lerpont Mae gan." THREE if! KILLED II WRECK OF S LOB TRAIN SAMSON, Ala. Henderson Boyd Lumber company's log train was wrecked this morning about sunrise five miles north of Samson, killing three men outright and injuring one hundred nnd fifty other employes. The train was carrying the em ployes of they company to the woods for the week's work. FLOOD COMMITTEE DFLO MEETING TODAY The executive committee recently | appointed to recommend wavs and means for protecting Augusta from Hood met today at t o'clock, In tils Chamber of Commerce rooms. Mr Schweigert vas out of town 'and those present were: Messrs. Pop«, Rice. Eve end Tobin. Nothing was done, except perfect, organl'/.allon and another meeting will be held this afternoon at 6 o’clock. WEST INDIA STORM CAUSES MOOR mm WASHINGTON Tin* bureau official* .tr* Hourly watching tho prog rt'BH of Went Iroll.i hurrlcarta which af ter doing datnago at Turk* laland headed for the Florldc. const. IfurrirnriH warning* arc displayed to day at .Jupltw, Mi mil, vnd K«*y West and storm warnings at otfipr points on Florida peninsular The storm whose- $t < i to<l«y Is Just south of Nnusssu In It.ih ima Islands, Is moving slowly westward, or northwest ward. COMMITTED SUICIDE TO ESCAPE OFFICERS Negro Shot Hi* Wife and Hi* Mnthcr-in-Law and Then Fled. I/AIIRINBCRG, N. C Henry Moore a negro shot his wife and mother In law here today on account of some family trouble and on being pursued by the officers commit led suicide by shooting himself In the nock His wife and mother In-law will both recover. SUNDAY NIGHT FIRE. An alarm from box 67 Honda' night proved to be a small Are at No. I John street, a house occupied by Anna Wright, Fire was caused from a defective flue. Damages were about SIOO The house sail door, occupied hy Phil Williams, was also slightly damaged. THE WHEAT CHIP SOI MOVED EMR ST. PAUL. Minn \ccording to the general freight agents of the roads who run through the north western wheat belt, the wheat crop movement has started two or throe weeks earlier than last year. Duluth and Superior reports re ceipt or front 500 to 600 cars. Mr. .1. O. Dalsell, of the Northern Pacific said the crop was more abundant in some places and less in others, liu; the average was' larger. In the p- i cent No. 1 wheat was greater than usual. W. C Walrotts, Sttpi. of true portation of the Great Northern said there will bo no car shortage ti lh; cars are properly handled al tenti: nals. This also was the statement in Mr. George Conn, getter,tl t if,fit agent of the Soo line MS BISsIRU US HEW CLUB Dr. Mealing; Assisted Edgefield Farmers in Or ganizing New Branch of Savannah Valley Asso ciation. The Edgefield KrmorH’ t*lui» w\w formally organized Saturda> a I inns.i meeting In the historic* old town over In South' Carolina Dr. \V. K. Mealing general Hoerctary of the Savannah Valley AsHOclatc'd Fanners’ club was present at tho m**t^tiuk and liu* club has already aM'llaied with the* central organization. The following officers were chosen for the club: President Jana It. Cantolo. Secretary and TrcHnurer- L. W. (ihcatloim. executive Committee David Stroth ers, Dr. ,1. T. Patterson, .lulch Minum-i. A committee will he elected to con fer with the Savannah Valley Abbocl a,td Farmers’ dubs and the new ho eiety will probably put on an exhihh at the fair thought It cannot win a prize unless some special pmvifdon Is made for it. The club passed resolutions of : thanks to Dr. Mealing for his part in assisting in organizing the club. RAG OF DIAMONDS LOST AND FOUND CHICAGO A woman'll carelessness and ft man's honesty were features of thn losing and Ihe finding of a green bag containing $3,700 In dla monds, rnsh nnd certified checks, and the rewarding of an Auditorium An nex hotel employe with SIOO yester day. “I have lost my green hag contain tag $3,700 cash, diamonds and checks; either left it In my room or some where in the hotel. Find it and I’ll give the finder $100,” was the tel • gram received by the hotel manager from Mlsh Lena Blinding, of l,a Fay ette, Ind In the afternoon Michael Clark, one of the hotel cabmen, found iho bag In the cab In which Miss Blind tag ride, to Hie depot. The cabby was rewarded with Hie SIOO and the bag was forwarded to Mrs. Blinding. FARMERS HOLD PRUYERS FDR RAIN PITTHHUIIG, |> |t 'Che wild rush of several hundreif men ind worn, a, most of them lelurnlnr from a Him day base bail game, to board ii train at Fair ilven al 930 o'clock Inn night., canned the death of Wallac , Wilson, aged 27, who was flu >h«d in front of lh< train a. It pulled Into I: • ! nation, by the crowding mass of people, endeavoring to hoard the train, The heroism of Min. Mar .".i> Cleary, almost sav'd Wilma's life, the girl clinging to him to the very lasi minute In an ffort to sive him from falling In front of 'ln train Htanley Dingo and Frank Goar,a were also Ijwijly crushed hy being pushed betwicn two cum if In train by 'he excited crowd POSTMASTER VAUGHAN ATTENDING CONVENTION I’osirna, er Vaughan is al lending at Nashville tin annual convention if the National A hoelatlon fd Post musters of lln first class lie Is a member of on® of the Important corn inlttees, and will read a paper at ; lb* convention. FINANCIAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA 707 BROAD STREET. ORGANIZED 1868. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $450,000.00 L. C. HAYNE, President. CHAS. R. CLARK, Cashier. BEGINNING AUG. IST, 1908, this Bank will pay 4 per cent in terest oil CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. These certificates will be Issued by us in sums of SIOO.OO and up, for stipulated periods of time, to suit tho, Depositors' convenience, SAFETY LOCK BOXES $3.00 TO $20.00 PER YEAR. The business of our out of town friends carefully looked after. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. mvmmmmmm ——■ You can draw your money at any time if you deposit, it with ns nnd take one of our CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Wo pay you 4 Per Cent per annum if roil leave it with us three months or longer. The National Exchange Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $540,000.00. ' " "TiniriffTirTii mui'iii—iiimiii— win urn* —ll ■iii—iii— Georgia Railroad Bank: Augusta, Georgia. This Hank Solicits the hanking business of merchants and corporations. Wo pay 4 Per Cent Interest on all deposits placed in our Savings Dept. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. You Can Watch Your Money Grow mid keep it in your pocket at. tho name time, when you u»e our Coupon Certificates of Deposit SAFE—CONVENIENT—NEGOTIABLE— which pay you I per cent Interest I tlinos h year isituod In Au guata exclusively by Ihc MERCHANTS BANK Capital and Surplus .. $300,000.00 CHUBB# BELL FELL THBBimEllllG Foil Ringer of Sibley Pres byterian Church Mi»*ed Death But Few Incite* Sn inlay. The big boll of the* Slide', fVi %l>\ torhui church, corner lirojid and Mil ledge streets, wiiwrenched loo*'* from its mooring Sunday evening while llm sexton was booming oii» th« "first rail" to night servlci s, mid fell Himnr,li cupola, ion, raHeis and (tiling lo ihe vestibule floor, where H hu d' ii with a t n tnendous crahh that Is hold lo have 'orloiiHly Hindo o tin* janitor's move and rendered him power'lfH.s for a iiiotin-nt to rnov» from I hIH iraekH. In lin meteoric Might t » ( Birth I Ik* big hell struck a wire, romev.’lK r* |u.*;t above Hk* veHtlfml** relllng, and Is nald to have ln*(ni :dlght ly deflected Iti it* course, which | prohaliiv whh nil that waved the sex I ton’s life, an lie was tdaiidlug with a hand on the rope when the hell struck. ATLANTA DENTISTS PROFFER ASSISTANCE The AilnnlH Dental Boclaly has written » letter of sympathy to Au amitu dentlata on account of th< flood The communication was addressed to Ur. W. tfi Miller hiul he le»|ioti(|e,| to the letter llllllioillufoly Tile (orre« ' pondence whh as follow*: Atlanta, (la. Rapt 10, 190*. To the Auinista Dentist*. Care l)r Walter C. Miller. Aususla. (la. Dear Sin; and Hrnthera: It I* with llu> deepeat. nyret iliat we learn |ihroit*h th-' proas of the recent dinar lieiiK 111 your fair city. We [ trust that ll did not seriously dam j i ae any of our profeHUlonal brilhren, | but hardly think *u< h wii* poaalhlo i from the doiieriptlen klviui We are iwrlilnK to offer 0"r heartfelt *>m liHihy, rervleer. and any auaiatanre y<.ii mlKht need. Atniurlnx you of our beat wluhw*. we tie*, t, remain, The Atlanta Society of Dental Hur e.ery, I’er Jos I). Kliy, Hre’y, To the Atlonfti Hoeieiy of Dental Hoc ?,«ry, Atlanta On. I tea r Kiri nnd Brother*: We have yeun: under dale 10th ItiHt. Tl* true, calamity make* all man kind brother*, hut It did not Ink" tills lo inipresa tin Unit we had lh<- sympathy and lnt> real of the fraier ally In Atlanta. Your thoiiylitfnlm in expreaaed In vottr letter of eourae iMreaseu thla fraternal feellna, and we are Indebted to voil The hl*b water put our water nnd • leeirle plant* temporarily out of commission; from thla we buffered moat, but Ihrouah the eourteidcn of the manaremeru of e«<-h, we are fast renewlnc on r aeilvltlea, and hope *oon to fee| our dlaa*ter but little Thunkioe yon wxaln for yom kindly interest, we are, The Iteiillbt* of Aukuhlh I'er Walter C. Miller. PAGE SEVEN FINANCIAL mine BIST 1 List (Temporary Schedule via Yem«s*»r': ) NOTIC- Th. sc miiv.ili a,id (|cp;u lures arc given an Inform illun. |»n* | arrival and eonncetlona am ** o i guar ' aritecd ; No Sl!. KlTcclive No. si North Hoplernlifi* s, um*H. Hoidh I ! 'in ;»m li\ Aic ii. ta Ai 12 |o pm S:HO pin Ar ('han n l<v 7; ls» am S in pm Ar Lv 4.10 am r»: 10 am Ar Rlehmond I-v 7:25 pm Sloam Ar Wash’ll Lv 2.15 p:n •0 00 am Ar Haliimom Lv p:n 12 IS pm Ar W. I’hllP. Lv Il f,5 am 2:45 pm Ar . New York I ’ d Si i Lv !»: 25 am Pullman HIMHLKU car* between Augusta and New York, without change. L. D McCTILLLM. (’oinmeirlal Agent, 807 14rood St. | T r W hile. VV .1 (TiAia, On. P.ihk Agi Pa an, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. 0. CENTRAL OF CEORCIA RAILWAY. (('urr«*nc «'orrw.t«a to Dato.) (7C»t|« Al«Mldlun I Into.) DIPAHFUHEtt. For vitiiii.tlt and Mucon .... •*T:io«rn | For DuFiltn and davunrwih *i:4!»pnb For Ma van nah and MacOfk :40pm i ior HavMiinuU and Macoii ....Ilf;4opfli ' For Hiivuiiim). "I ypett. Ilinitn<l" 117 OOum ARRIVAL* Prom Havannuh and Macon ... **7-60pm Prom Havanoah and Macon ...*•« fc(iam | Prom Baviiniiah and Macon .... J!8 K>am l* iom 1 miljllii and Hh vtinnali....*l2 4Gpm ; From ha van'll "Tybaa Llinloid'lllJ 4bana •l>tiMy. ••Kacapt Hundajr. llßundajr only. | 7>rnw!ua Room HK * pin* Car» batwaan I AnguMtA and Havunnnn on night train*. PoiMir*ra at Ml lien with ‘hroufh ate«*p- I rig <v4i* 'o un«l from Mauort. Atlanta, Columnii*. (Hi rnluKFmm and Clilrago, 111*. F F I'OV. F.HH. W Vi IIACKICT'K Com*l Aie* Trav I'aaa. A*t. 7J6 Hroao Bt. thdrleston & Western Carolina Railway Tha following arrival* a..d drprirtu’.ca of tiaina, Uiil<m Htallort. AmcuatA, Fla. t a- w<dl ,ir < ilona wltli otnar <’Ofi»pn nl*’*. .tra Hlmply givan as inluimauon. and are noi KUMr.uiic« d (Effective B«pt. 14, 1»»on.) DEPARTURE! K non ,1 m S" 7, Dally for Anderson, honara WalhaMa, eto 1010 /• m.—No. 1. i/any »or «»r**enwn««i, Lauren*, villa, hp.iriannurg, ll**lid*r mm, villa and A*F»evlii»>. :: 0F» p Mi No 4?, Daily for Allendale, lilir.'K, < c.trlfHfon, Ha van nati, iteudfort. Port f(ov*l. 4:40 p r i No. 7, Dally f.»r Ureauwood, No h Ich vm <ir«eMWOod at tt.bO a. lit for hpartaaburfi. ARRIVAL* No i, fhtll.v from ( 9.W m No. D. dally from Charleston, Ha ! viiimati, P.< ttiK-i I. Pot |to>.»|, • •«', 12:3V If. a, Vo ... da M> from Amh< vllle, Hpnrt* I iitihmg, (Jr* ertwood, ell-., b I,» |t. ni. No. dallv from Andcrso/i. McConnlrk, sic., 7,3 f» ft rn. Trains 41 tod P* ran solid between AtllCOMta and Cha leatOfi I iri Weekly Parlo- Car service batwee* Augusta and Asheville, lauVin* AUgusia Tuesday’* rinc day* arid '.Lit unlays, Asheville Mondays, Wednesday and *>ri. i days 'Trains Nos I and 2. 'I ll#' al*o\ < *t liedul*-* between All* ft in t a and Woodlawn. H ‘ will not ha effer t Until fll" 1 " > a<lvlsed iK'COUnt |of washout on our line FIINI H I WILI.IAMR. Oenerul I'hMitnctr Aa«n* 1 Mo. IV7 iiro*d««jr. A u*usUk 'a