Newspaper Page Text
Miss RoySston Tells of
Her Good Fortune
(Hut Eva Roylsfon, a prominent young Lady of Dayton, Tenn., Who Wai
80 Run Down from Indigestion and Stomach Trouble She Could
Not Eai Anything, Feels so Ove r joyed to Think That Sh e is Nov* In
Robust Health That She Wants To Teh Everybody About it.
miss kva nnyt.BTnN.
i»h«* will lak. ph-HHure In ariHwerlng any quf htlonii and telling how nho
wan rcHton-d to health.
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey
I* an *h-,,ltitelv pure dlKtlllntlnn nf mulled grain; great CBre bring u*ed
lo have every kerne) thnrmifhly malted, ihu* destroying thr germ and
prodiii log n prcdlyso'd liquid food In fho form of >t malt essence, which I-*
•hr moio effective tonic and mvlgorator known to science. soft
rnrd by wnrmth and moisture lln imiIhIhMIIIv imd fimlom from Injuri
ous substance render tl ho thin It run bo retained by lb* 1 most sensi
tive nioiiiMi h
If ou wish lu keep young, si rung mid vigorous nud have on your
chirk: thr glow of perfect hoallh. lake IJffy'M I biro Malt Whlxkry rrgu
larly, according to direction*. li tom nud urcngthenH the heart action
and purlfli-it the «• ntlr<> system. It la r*< ng.ntzed as the world* lending
medicine everywhere. ,
If you cannot purrhiii" Ouffy'a Pure Mult Whlakoy nour your home
wo will haw chipped you in A plain ohm . rxpioaa prepaid, ua follows'
I/>■« than i' hottli $1 per bottle; six bottlra, %.• Ml. One mao, 12
but lira llouo
Remit io iiiift* Malt. Wblahrv Co., Rochoafar. N. Y,, by rxproHa order,
I’ori Office Mom Order or rertHod check. I’pon receipt of order
goods will be xhlppcd immediately according to dlrectlona.
Reference An Roe lira lor Hank or Truat Co., Dun's or Urndalreei'a
Man Would Rather See His
Son Die Than Lose One Arm
CHICAGO ii boy with only
arm worth no tuorp th«n u d«*tol boy7*
It may rotnarkablo that thw
quefttlon fthmild h** raluMl fn thin
but itmorfhHoM* it ft* on** for jiidlt ial
Joaaph Hulanda, « INyIInIi laborer
*ian<ltt of tho prwf
eitMirw for h(m'ldk hi won laid away
In hla gravo rathor fhnn rorow hark
homr mfnun biw rl*ht arm. Llttlr
“.loo." who la 14 yrura old. lira n**nr
dwath at th* county hottplUil and iitil
ly rwniarka: “I’d rathor h»* drad than
a bum or n and l*wp ha>a I
won’t h«- nhh‘ to work and aupport
him in hla old itK*\ If 1 loan mj rlgtit
Th # youthful patlmt. tukwn to thr
hoapltal Auiiuat 17. aufft<rlng from w
compound fracturp of thr arm. hwa hr
comr Infrrlwd with blood pot ton and
la aald foJ»av r no < banco for rarovwry
without thr amputation of hla arm
but through thr rrfuaal of thr fa’hrr
to oonamt. thr autborlttra ha\r hi rn
obltaad to atand tdlv hv.
ftVh en the fact* were laid hefurn
Judge Tulhtll late * natal ,lay afternoon
he remarked "The boy la a ward of
the eouit l*et a rnuple of reputable
phyalclana nhon me that the boy's
life Can he aaved h> anipiitatlug thr
I-Tooila mul I Hull Wilier
Causes Malaria, Fever and Colds;
Avoid thaoe by taking
26 and 50c a Bottle
For oala by all Druggist. Prepared
.1. A It. Msilklno Co..
Savannah. Qa
Whtthsr you want semtthlng In solid Mahogany. Ilka tha
handsome dining room suite in the up town window or
oomethlng of more mode rat, cost Ilk, the Oak bedroom
suite in th, down town wndow. It It's furniture you want
wa can fla you. We carry all grades.
We call apecal attention to our line of
Our new good# ar, coming in dally.
Our prices act estremely reasonable,
Augusta* OLJt'st Furniture Store.
IMU Broad Streets
Ml* Roylklon riava that she waa
nil run down, had Indignation and
Mon neb trouble no badly that ahe
could nol eat or retain anything on
her stomach, but. now she la happy
to slate bni ihone troubles are things
of (hi paal Today she can eat any
thing and It agrees with her, she la
robust and strong and Is anxious to
tell anybody who Is shk and needs a
tonic about her wonderful recovery.
She miya nothing seemed to help her
until she took Hussy's Pure Malt
Whiskey ns proscribed by her doctor
and It worked like magic. Miss Royl
ston request* to have the stbry of her
good fortune published so that It may
be the means or showing the thous
and who offer a* she did the quick
sure way to complete recovery and
Those who read this are at liber
ly to write this young Indy who .pays
arm. and fh»* arm will comr ofL l
don’t m***d thf* IcKlHlahiro to till mo
whether to cross my t’s and dot my
Pal*. Delicate Women and Qlrla
The old HfNtiriur«l OHOVEB TAHTK-
I.KHS rUILI, TONHV drives out maluilH
and hullda u|» I In* eyatem. For grown
peoph* and cnlldreu, Rftc.
Mavnr Dunbar nntiffed Tuends..
by Hi*' AukiihU Railway pud Electric
('*», tlisl they would, caMi day haul
•x'vt i al car loud* of pure spring water
from North Augusta, for distribution
throughout Hie city The car will
make a regular schedule each day,
and tmvono desiring to avail them
Selves of this opportunity ot securing
pure drinking water, should be on
hand when (he car covers the terrl
tory nearest them
The first csr Will he at the King
Mill bridge at it ,Ift o’clock each morn
lug mid from there It will go up
Broad street to lmke View At 12
o'clock in the ear wilt he on lower
Broad and Wvlde street* to the color
ed cemetery.
About 1250 gallons of water will be
in each car front North Augusta.
MMIYSVII.I.K O Vic,, president
anil Mrs Fairbanks arrived here yes
terdsy from Indianapolis anil last
night attended the wedding ol Mis*
l orn.'lla re!. Si ller* who I* a niece
of Mrs Fairbanks, and Walter A
Sawyer of thla city,
Mrs Fslrbanka was taken ill here
and a physician wa* called to see her,
but she la not seriously 111.
* _________
..NKW YORK. —William Jennings
Bryan arrived In Jersey City ear.y
[today. He lep Trenton alter miri
| night, his special car being attached
to a Philadelphia and Reading train
which reached the New Jersey Cen
tral yards at Commtinlpaw two hour*
Mr. Bryan's car was shifted on‘o
the tracks of the Jersey Junction rail
road and run to the West Shore rail
road al Weehawken. The car wa*
attached to the West Shore train
leaving at S:4f. o'eloek this morning,
and due lo arrive at Rochester at 6:17
P- rn.
Mr. Bryan was asleep when Che
train reached < on munlpaw yards and
the transfer to Weehawkfen was made
without disturbing him.
The train to which Mr. Bryan’s esc
was attached left Weehawken for
Rochester promptly at 8:4.7 o’clock.
Before the train departed Mr. Bryan
tame out on the platform of his cat
and bowed to the crowd
sms mis LUDER
NKW YORK—Home rule for Ire
land Is as certain as that I now slanl j
on the soil of freedom, as certain as j
the day follows the night."
Thill was the greeting of John fled
inoud. the famous leader of the Irish '
Nationalist* In the Brlil*h parliament |
in the big crowd of lrl*bmen that met j
him .in the White Star Utter pier
when the Oceanlca reached here to
There wa* a cheer and some one
shouted: "How about a free Irish
"That Is not the question now," re
♦Med Mr. Redmond. What we want
now Is autonomy, home rule, and that
we will get. The statement in favor
of It Is growing hourly and Its ene
mies can stop It only a short time
"Ireland 1* making great develop
men! In social and educational eondi
lions, and you, out transplanted
brothers, may well be proud of her. I
Her future welfare Is assured
"The best sign of a rapid Improve 1
meat I* the mark, d falling off in iin
migration. t*m countrymen an still
cnnilng here, hut-ln smaller and smai
ler numbers every year, and within
a few years the exodus will have slop
pert entirely and many will be com
mg hack ’
The wild Irish cheer rang out when !
Mr. It ilxiond censed ta'klng and.
with his party, lie was bundled into
a carriage and was escorted to tie ;
Hoffman house, where a Idg recent lon
in his honor will he held tomorrow
| night.
Mr Redmond, with Joseph Pevlln,
member of parliament and John Ft'z
geralrt, president of the county coun
cil it Roscommon, is a delegate to the
convention ol the 'Jnlted Irish I ..'ague
which asembles In Boston September
2? and 22. He will leave for Bos
ton F'rldsv and will address a big
open meting In that city on Kiridav
A committee of ladles headed by
Miss Mary O'Flaherty and Mrs John
Flood greeted Mrs Redmond and w'B
have charge of her entertainment dur
ing her slay lure
Panther Spring Water, 10c per gal
lon. 'Phone 104 S. Quick delivery.
Largest ‘‘First Day" En
rollment on Record Re
ported Tuesday.
The opening of the llephxlbah High
! school Tuwsdav morning was the
j nos! auspicious It; the history of th"
| Institution More than 12 puiRN
were enrolled the drat day. the same
being a record This number w'!!,
of course, greatly Increase as the
| tefm progresses, a* hardly nv re than
! half the regular number of scholars
j *rr present at th« opening day
Informal talks were made by Prof.
Sewell, Mr J A Carswell. Hey 1
I* Winter iml other patrons of the
I school St vers I changes in the taeu'
jtv are expected to systematise and
I facilitate the work laid down in the
| oourse of study affording each put It
an additional advantage
More hoanlli g sludrnta will attend
! the llipslhah High school this vssr
i than last and natronsge lu the village
will be larger Prof. Sewell la ee.
| ihnalastlr ovet Iht piospecl of tl;»
I nest year he ha-, ever had
Popular Young Interne nt
Limar Hospital, nud
Graduate Medical Col
i Dr Henri J. far*". II one of 'h|s
[ >*ar* gradual* s ;,i the Mtdfeal ('■
lege, who haa for r >mv moults b«* n
! detailed as Interne at the Lamar he* !
! tal wll locate In a few .1 * \\
l cm**, Ua. to take partis charge .
I a large and laers'lve practice it.- ■«
■ a ytMtnh mau of sterling qitaltttoa.
*hows bright pmnitae of rising to a
I position ot promlrence tn his prtifes
| slop anil has made a host ot fr- tid
{ m Augusta, who wish btiu **»iy si,
ROCHESTER, N Y. —Grrpt prepar
ations are being made by the city to
receive Wednesday night Hon. Wm.
J Bryan. County Chairman Mosher |
of the democratic committee, expects
to bav e three Bryan meetings Wed
nesday night. The principal meeting, j
lof course, will he at the convention j
l hall. Mr. Bryan Is scheduled to ar
rivp in Rochester at 622 p-#m. He
will be met by prominent democrats]
and citizens and the parade will be
formed to pass through the principal j
: streets. Besides Mr. Bryan in the car
[ rlages will be National Chairman
Mack. State Chairman Conners, ex
! Coventor Jennings, o. Florida, and
| others.
After the parade Mr. Bryan will de
liver an address In the convention
hail on "Mr. Taft and his soarcs.”
A reception has been p.anned for
i Mr. Bryan directly after the conven-
I Hon hall meeting.
BALTIMORE, Md—August F. P.
[ Htensey, who ha* been < xperimenting
: here with aeroplanes for some time, I
announce* that he has practically
completed a machine with which he
, expects In about ten days to do some
; new things in th e matter of aerial
! navigation. By next spring, he said,
he expected to have completed an
aeroplane in which he would cross
the Atlantic,
Mr Stensey said that such a trip
would require a ship about 140 feel
long, capable of carrying 1.800 pounds.
He sajd that It would require two mo
tors, one to run for ten or twelve
hours The other, he plans to use so
that the first may become thoroughly
cooled and overhauled, if necessary.
"In building th*' machine [ will I
make." said Mr Stensey, "provision 1
for carrying two barrels of gasoline,"
When asked whether he did not:
fear sntnp breakage, and that, he j
would h (! precipitated into the water, j
Mr. Stensey replied: "In building l
] this craft [ will prepare myself j
against such possibilities. The ma
: chin,, will be similar lo the one 1 am
| now working on with the exception
of the bottom. Extending from the
tram,, will be an aluminum boat, in
which I could alight should anything
'of that kind orrur. fn addition to
j this, the boat could he used for a sort
[ of living quarters.”
Panther Bpring Water. 10c per gal
lon. 'Phone 1046. Quick delivery.
Messrs Austin Rranch and I-ouis
Brooks will leave the city in a few
days for New York, where they will
stump for Bryan and Kern.
Congressman Hardwick received a
letter from ihe president of the demo
cratic speaker’s committee asking him
to send the names of a few gentle
men from this part of the Htate whom
he thought would come to New York
and make stump speeches In New
York. Connecticut. New Jersey and
other states for Bryan and Kern
Mr. Hardwick gave the names of the
above gentlemen with others and they
expect to leavf the city in a few
day s.
’ The hurricane of the Florida west
const is partly ft ironslhle for th
cool wave we have today. Barometer
I rrssure* in the northest are low
Tlnso two conditions tit in evacth
to affect a depression in temperature
here "
Furthermore, observer Fisher said
thee was sms!! p"o*pecl of rain. T : .i
downpour he predicted for Tuesday
nleht iitm Wrduetd"' morning falh u
to materlitizi However, he w»s vc’
reserved in his prognostication, opiti
itm tlu> light shown rs might fail.
Mr Usher said low tenif eraturi ;•
prevail today over many of the sou h
* aster’ . cr South Atlantic states,
s result the conditions noted above.
| —r—i Positlvelr cored ty
fst OTfD C *••«■»* L,utl<> P** l *
I V Aft ! L l\o Ttiry afro relieve Die
ten Ursa tro;a PyrpcpsW. la
Mlgrctloti and Too Uaanj
* I\ti" fl Eating. A perfect rem
pV; I ¥ tft edy ter Platans. Nausea,
R) ►• {•. S Drwitaa t »**d IM
fSt wjj to the M.wrth. Coated
IHwKnllW Tongor. i.mlrUu HM*
I!.. 1 . I TORPID Ltvn. Thaj
h%al»to tbfl Bt'wrSt Purely VegtKahta.
s * r
I iAhsaM I Miriite snsMisa***
. ■ \
ATLANTA, G:t. Bishop Eugene R.
Hendrix, of Kansas City, will deliver
the principal address at the laving of
Ihe corner atone of the Wesley Me
morial church, at Ivy street, and Au
burn aver.ue, at 14 o'cli ek Wednesday
afternoon, October 14. The occasion
will be an event of large importance
and interest to Georgia Methodism
I The cornerstone laying mark: the he
’ ginning ot the second of the Wesley
j Memorial enterprises, a hospital hav
| mg been established.
for business six davs of each week |
and for 72 weeks of each Year. We re !
telling von so as to have vou keep it!
in mtnd that jxut can drop ip any J
time and buy
you're reckoning on getting for your I
house. Paper that's becoming for 1
every room you have can he had here. I
Plain, embossed or with cold, when
1 might of us, the prices are gimran- j,
teed correct.
W. C. Rhoades & Co.,
\N ill soon begin and you will need the necessities for the work. Now’ the very
1 best article on the market today for this work is LIQUID VENEER, and we
( are the sole agents for this article in Augusta. There is no other just as good,
for this is the best. '
1 All kinds and colors of floor stains. We have the the goods in all size
packages. There is nothing that makes the floor look better than a fine coat of
If any of your met'd or diseolorefl, there Is nothing that equals PU T Z
* CREAM for putting it back in its original condition.
If any of your furniture comes to pieces then it is LA PAGES GLUE
i that you need. It will hold tighter than any other kind of glue.
Remember that we carry everything you need for putting your furniture
floor and walls hack in their old condition.
> We have Glass of all sizes and can fill orders rapidly.
: QXonnor & Schweers Paint Co
> Broad Street. - Augusta, Ga.
Will Show the People the
Progress Made by Augus
ta Since the Freshet.
The Southern railway has made
ptfblic the fact that it will run a spe
cial excursion into Augusta next
Tuesday, Sept. 22. from Columbia, S.
0., and intermediate points. A very
low special rate will he put on and
a convenient schedule made to allow
visitors to put in a good day here.
The excursion is the result of ef
forts on the part of the Retail Mer
chants association and the Chamber
of Commerre and they expect to show
the people what progress the city has
made since the freshet.
Lime! Lime!
TEN DAYS, to any part of Augusta, 85c. Per Bbl.
Augusta Builder’s Supply Co.
Phone 321. 643 Broad St.
Where You Get the Best Work by the Best Workmen.
Remember the place, 221 Eighth Street.
There is no doubt but that large
crowds will come over to the city and
the merchants and general public will
extend every courtesy possible to the
HAMILTON. Bermuda. eßrmuda
last night experienced the outer pdge
of the hurricane. Th e wind blew with
a velocity of from 50 to 60 miles an
hour. Wednesday morning the weathj.
er is abating, but there is still a
heavy sea with a southwest wind.
The damage by the storm is limited
to trees.