The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 17, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT WANTS Get Busy With Your Ad. Reading. Its the Way . to Wisdom. Tne merchant who U ' burled" In th» cures of n*w Mocks and new tin dertaklmi* should share hi* lime with that which make* tin othhr thing* feasible-tils u*iv*i mini inipHign. No atom ever prospered that falle.l to secure lie !n'<-r» - t aiid pa ihnag" of Iht "bargain hunt* 11, " If you have during this rummer, formed hut (me new habit- tne hatut of reading and answering a>l» -th rumaier will have been «*l spent If. during the autumn, you form the hahlt of A.DVERTIHING, an well. It will mean that VOI H SHU' IS COMING IN! If there la something you want- - something a little out ol th• ordinary -JNUUIHK Or Till; I'UHLK through a want ud The workseeker who answer-. th" "Help Wanted" a«la. la really "iOfiklti !' for work ” I tut If he also advents' on ilia own account hla rhaneea will be doubled -perhaps trebled With the lever of Publicity yon nrt “lift" your store to "bigger things Of course the lever innei he hi. enotiKh and of proved quality Tln-te are OTHER KINO of ■''levers" to O' had WANTED HELP Male WANTED KOIt U. 8 AIt.UY Able bodied, ut. married men be tween ages of 18 and '. citizen* of tinlted Btat<-*, of good character attd l«tri|K-rate habits, who 'in read and write Khrll*!*. Per Inform - tlon applj to Recruiting Officer Mil ler Walker Building, Augusta, Ou., or 28 1-2 Whitehall Bt.. A'lunta, (in. or 411 Cherry SI . Mnct.n Ou WANTKI) RAILWAY V Ml. CLERKS Priat office clerk it t tflt-rs, M.lOO.ito yearly, Examination ht-re V.veirib'-r 'Hilt Preparation fre- Franklin In sUtute, Rocbea* te V Oct dp WANT lit) CM HK ’ YOI’.NO MAN, fair education .o put .tt evening* a short time to laiitt a good p'-nnaiiem position Salary SBOO to start Ad drear II care Harald WANTED HELP Female AT ONCK AN EXPERIENCED nurse; must be wilHm*. to atav In holme. Applv M tt Walton, it nitons Dairy, August**, (la Htlc COOK A GOOD COOK WANTKIt im Monte Hano by small family, or an Intelligent girl who la Willing In Ityrn and who want* regular employ tfwnt at «>«'d pay Furnish refer and sddresa. "Cook, care <-f Augusta Herald . HOUBRWOHK' WANTED A WHITE woman without liieu m Frances to odok and asslsi with all housework lit small family lit city A comfort able room, Rood home, and Just pat to right party Address l> AM S care The Herald, ultop WANTED SITU Vi ION Male HOY; A COIAJRKI* HOY DESIRES porltlou u« portrr or >#rd boy Ad droMi* Jt>o. Klti«*r»on. <w«* Ham l*an# l#y, Hummurvlllo, Auffiutit. G.i glhx HOlLKKniii'.M\\ \ K|l S 1 ('UAHS j b<»Ucrlir«‘!iiA»». d« »oik j J. T. W. t *re Hi mid Hint WANTED SITUATION Female Nf’KBIC A COLORED AVOMAN OK ilren ii position uhi nur#** nr hoii** Ulrl. Apply Davis, 14!* 7 Jotu* »lHxx WANTED Rooms ROOMS TIIKKK NICK ROOMS wanted, furnished ot utifurntshed. centrally located, tor light hou 'keep Ins. Address A II C„ this office. slip rooms a com.K without children deair,, three unfurnished rooms. Walt on \\n> Of AYoodlawn pie ferred; referent ca rxchantted Ad dress 11. It, care The Het'ald ■ll.t WANTED TO RENT House. WANTED TO RKNT A FIVE OR | ala room hottav in Stttttmervl Ih* Monte Bano or on Walton Way. Cali In More 215 Seventh S:. FOR SALE rouiiry ani Pet Stock MAMMOTH HRONV'K TURKKVS; leu.'Se Qeeae, Muaeovey Ducks, I’.arrr-il .''vinouth H w-kn; all (arm teed. he., ‘hy and from llrat class dock Prices reaaouable AUdrcaa HowJre I hlttlsy, v rovetowit, i!». ts 111 FF ORPINGTONS \ FEAV NtCK youug cock re la for sale From the erlglttal ftuuouH Couk strain Huwdre PhluUy. FOR RENT Rooms. FI.AT A FLAT OF 4 HtH>MS| with |tiivilr£«' of b.iih ut 443 KVn wick Ht Apply iVtitn Ht. HI.U FOR SALE Puno. PIANO BAIIT GRAND PIANO OF H«m DfMUtngo Mnhitftftn) fur mV MK Iffoturd Hut trim* slip It’s Never locate lo~T rv a Want Ao. Nor ts it Often too Early! In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Real Estate HOUSE: A BEAUTIFUL HOME, 122 Hr<).td f for h.tlc; lot 4',*120, and front; c«tN*nt sidewalk; krh; a ne w bouH<*. Ajiply ol 820 c FOR SALE Miscellaneous BEDROOM 911 I EH, WARDROBES, nuttret- '-a, Pillows, springs, carpet, mattings sideboard, large refrlgera ter at sacrifice, at 761 Broad street. slkp DUESH Hlj IT ONE BII.K LINED dress suit. In perfect condition. W'lll sell cheap to quick buyer. Address A .1. care The Herald. s2oc j HOI HKHOLD GOODS: PARTY leaving city will sell entire stoek of household gooda. 518 latonarcl Building Slßp ECRNITI RE SECONDHAND EUR nlture, In good condition; Is not I water-damaged; will sell cheat’, as I ■in breaking up housekeeping Apply tit 221 Campbell HI si lip OICYULE HIGH GRADE GIRL'S HI cycle with coaster brake and punc ; ture proof tiros, for hale. 518 Leonard Building. slßp i POSTS CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE any length and slae, at Lankey Natatorlurn. a!Bp FOR SALK: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, iP-llvcred, for $1.50. Bustle MV.tigs $3,00 and Rocking ' Chalra $l6O each. Some One Coium Plan Wyandottea, H. L Wyandottes, Eight Brtihmaa and While Rock* nt special close out prices. Eggs for hatching, all Breeds. Uelvldere Poul try Karin, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ua AUTOMOBILE' GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White's garrsge; big bargain for quick buyet. Apply at once, Herald office. ts j WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Aje ply at Herald office. Jl6lf ENGINE. GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sal" at a bargain, Address Engine, tare Herald. WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. Jl6tf PIANO ONE PIANO IN FIRST clam condition for sal". Apply to E .1 Deris, 1302 May avenue sl9p FOR SALE llorß6a, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriatres, Etc MARE AND COLT FOR SALE elie.t:,, can he seen at 1003 Reyn olds HI. al9c IF YOU DON'T BUY YOOR HORSES anil mules from ua. we both loae money. Augusta Stock Y’ards. RED POLL CATTLE; A FEW choice heifers and bull calves Th“y are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle lou like to see around the farm For prices and oattinatcs, write llowdre Phlnliy. Qrovetown, Ua FOR RENT Real Estate. HOUSE SIX ROOM HOUSE, 12'.!6 Ellis Bt.. for rent; modern convent nor* Apply VI. .1 Toohey, 130 Jack ton St si7tf FLAT TWO VERY DESIRAHIJ-i new flat* on 1300 Block of Kill# St. Will bt* completed by October lnt. Apply K B MdsCndon, 1032 Broad Bt. #2Jc HEHIOKNrK NO 1248 GHKKNK 91 Nice. New 7 room residence, all modern convenience#. For part leu Iwr# *ec leockhnrt A Co., No. 1 !*eon ard Bldg il9|> KKSIDKNCR DON’T HK CAUGHT In the flood again Three realdence# on 1200 block Broad St, Maxwell building Kvery modern conveni ence Apply K. B. McLendon, 1022 Broad St 810 c jOKFICK COKNKR OK Al l KY RRAR of Georgia Kallroad Bank from Ot obt*r Ist Ken: S2OO. .Apply Oeor gta Uailnutd Bank #l2tf Hoi SK AN RLKGANT NEW houH,. m North Auguata. Weat ave nue, near Hampton Terrcc, two bath# amt all modern Improvement# See it and you will rent It Apply B C. Wall, 317 Broad St. SlOtf ,OST AND FOUND LOST. IK)<; BLACK AND WHITE collie ilus- obp and hull year* old; sr w or* to the name of "Rex." Ro ward if returned to Jacob'* llakvrv, .19 Ninth St. *lSp ’ 081 \\ \TCH HIST ON CAMP t» I or Broad Sts . Monday evening. In ladies xold watch Initial* F C mi tack slst* reward If returned to ! Herald office. Slip LOST KY K GLASSES LOST RK lw * i'ii Ausu*ta and Mien \\ Jitn.--. i-otid. one pair eve «la**<-s Reward i return, d to Herald office Bt7c Notice NOTICE VI SIKH' IS OI’KN AND will remain »o and ready at all lime# tor bu«dne»« l will soon He ii bio tp glte the business my per Nonal attention. Ured Brown. Horse fahoer. 217 Center St *l»c irot»o, iron aht* rrwv frt AJJ\ PULI tYS' H^ E 2J s r«.ini t 1 i ' ‘*J* gKV. At l A. Ut Your Lawn Probably needs repairing To do it quickly, nicely and perman ently use ALf XANDEK SEED CO.’S EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS SEEDS This is a correctly proportioned mixture of the finest grhxne* spec ially adapted to this climate. It will make a beautiful, velvety green, permanent lawn Price 3bets per lb . sufficient for 200 square feet Four lbs . for SL, Bushel 15 lba. Four Iba., for sl., In larger quantities. Alexander Seed Co. Careful Seedsmen. 911 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Rugs Cleaned I HAVE ADDED RUG CLEANING TO my other buslnots and will give sat lufaellon. Jerry Jones, 421 Campbell street. 320 p College Notice THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF fountain pens, stationery, combs brushes of all kinds, and toilet arti cles In the city. Come In and look them over Parr’s Pharmacy,—sl6 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. School Supplies. FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Tablets, pencils, paper, craon, etc. Trailer Pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. smtf DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. li. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Sl9c Verdery Pressing Club 313 Mclntosh st., phone 2425, .-Xpert cleaning, presalng and re pairing; hats cleaned and blocked, ladles' stilts and skirts cleaned and pressed All work guaranteed. J. p. Stephen. Mgr. Sl9c Notice WHY Bl'Y A IIAT, WHEN I CAN make your old one look new? I am no longer connect'd with the Augusta flat Cleaners on Campbell st. I am now with Cullcrlth Pressing Club. 315 1 Mclntosh St Phone 714 Verdbiy, the Hatter. • 820 c j Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put In first -las* or der. your l.iiiks that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 593, they will aend for your trunk*, ox amine them and let you know coat b - tore doing the work If you prefer .> nice new iriink. they will take the old on< a* pari payment Give them a call at. Hal Broad, Wrong Side of ■treed. if WARNING Every day some one finds his safe locked and we have to open it. Save yourself this expense and let us clean and oil up locks and combinations before it gets corroded. Phone 563. H. E. Fourcher Sl9c Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIHKE PLASTER IS ■hr belt planning materia! for a all* and eelliux* It give* addi tional Ptrength to the building and atav* put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Auguata, Ua. Jl4if 0 i i«’te Work. , CONCKim WORK I DO ALL kind* of concrete work, such a* j cement walk*, reinforced work 1 have the laieat improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and ain pre i lainl to uirn out work for big or ; der* Eatlmate* and specification* ; lurnlshed A. H McDaniel. Angus {fr, #■. ji;u Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, THAT WILL make water aoaked furnliure look I Ik. new Mivu,.!n Builder* Supp $S I : Commercial School. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS shorthand typewriting, practical Ikm-kkeeping arithmetic and spelling lauglit b< Margaret Funk asalst.-d bv ! one of the most eomiietent hookkeep era In Augusta For further Inform ation cal! on Margaret Funk, Com j tuorclal School, llartnon Bldg. * ot 7c THE AUGUSTA HTTRALD WANTS Flood Shingles NO. 2, $2.00; NO. 1, $3.00; F. O. B our yard; fifty cents additional for handßag Industrial Lumber Co, North Augusta. Sl3tf Cottage For Sale STYLISH 6 ROOM COT TAGE IN NORTH AU GUSTA FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE FOR PAR TICULARS, APPLY TO P. O. BOX 717 Augusta, Georgia. s2oc. To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM thin date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for $5.00. The special price of tuning la $2.50 Call up Kobt. J. Watson, No 606 Broad St. Phone 1717. Have your piano examin ed all work atrlctly first cla«n. S2oc FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE Phone 1067. 4-K> Broad St. ExDert Cleaning LET ME CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR Huit* Ladles skirts cleaned and pressed. The best work for tne least money In the city. Why buy a hat when I can make your old ones look new, Cullerith Pressing Club. Ver dery, the Hatter, 315 Mclntosh St. 'Phone 744. S2oc Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND feter that Randall’s Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed lo curs where others fall. No cure 110 pay. Phone 2214 —Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city olOc Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING, CEIL Ing and weather hoarding, all gradeu; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-In boards to BxIU frametng All this stock must bt disposed of In next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber C 0.,; Exposition Ave and 15th “St., or E. j .! O'Connor, 166 Brand st ts HIGH WATER got into lots of cash re gisters- We have cleaned about 50, let us have yours, as we make a specialty of this work. Phone 563. H. £. Fourcher Sl9c Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL Itlgh-clars furnliure Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of rtalr, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of fine carpenter work. 'Phone No. 7U. o'is Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUK day Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart Vandivers Meat Market, 1901 Ninth street. J2stf MRS. FRANCES* FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER. Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. | 11 alOtf ; Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP (or anv quantity. A. H. McDaniel. . 16 AlJtf Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA. DYSPEPSIA. Kldnei trouble; 5 gallons delivered 60 centa. Phone 112. Alts Clothes Pressed UIVK ME, I TRIAL WITH YOUR cloth** I guarantee vou the beat! of work Why, bt L catt*e I die all; work nty personal Attention. Call me ' over 'phone 2214 1 also make a specialty ot ladies skirts and silt's 1 send for and deliver clothes in Sum merville as well a* In the city. Special I price to club members. Tuggle Pressing Citib. 1640 Walton Way 1 821 c SAFES Cost Money—The Locks constitute the most valuable part. If Yours re fuses to work, get the very best service possible. We employ an expert and can handle any job. J. F BRICKLE. Phono 1914 Campbell St. y;i>< A Trie! Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Machines ReDaired ALL MAKES OF MACH IN &S RE paired by an expert adjuster. if t our machine was under water better have it looked after at once. Singer Sewing .Machine Co., No. 946 Broad street. o3c Taken Up. HOG: ONE BLACK HOG TAKEN up; weighs about 150 pounds; own er can recover same by proving prop erty and paying expenses. Apply Hodely Jennings, eight miles from Augusta on Belair Road. sl9p Stop Attention I HAVE MOV ED BACK TO MY OLD stand ready loi business. I am do ing the best of skill hand work so get up all of your wiuter shoes and bring them to me. W. Golden, 1005 Ellis St. S2oc. LEGAL NOTICES PROVIDING A REPRESENTATIVE FOR BEN HILL COUNTY. A Proclamation. By His Excellency, Hoke Smith, Governor. Atlanta, Ga.. August 6th, 1905 Whereas, the General Assembly at Us session In 1908 proposed an amendment to the constitution of the State, as set forth in an Act approved August 6tn, 1908. to wit: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General I Assembly of the State of Georgia; i hat Paragraph one of section 3 article 3 of lie Constitution of Georgia, ns amended by an Act approved July 27th, 1904 is hereby amended by striking “183 Rep resentatives” in the said paragraph of the Constitution as amended and suosti tuting “1»4 representatives.’’ Par. 1. The House of Hepre&4*ntatlves shall consist of not more than 184 rep resentatives, apportioned among the sev eral counties as follows, to-wlt: To me six counties having the largest popula tion. viz. Chatham. Bibb. Fioyd, Fulton. Richmond and Thomas three represen tatives each; to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population, viz. Bartow, Bulloch, Burke, Cobb, Carroll, Coweta. DeKalb, Decatur, Dooly. Ribert, Kmaunel, Gwinnett, Hall, Houston, Jaca son, Laurens, Lowndes Meriwether, Monroe, Muscogee, Sumter, Tattnall, Trop, Walton, Washington and Wilkes, two 12) representatives each, and to the remaining counties one representatives each. S- r. 2. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid; That when said amendment shall be agreed to hy two thirds of thp members elected to eacn house it shall be entered upon the jour nal of each house with the ayes and nays thereon, ana published In one or more newspapers in each congressional Dis trict in said State, for two (2) inontns previous to the time for holding the next general election and shall, at said next general election be submitted to the peo ple for ratification in the following form to-wlt: “for ratification” or “against ratification,” and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the general assembly voting tneron shall vote for rat ideation, having writ ten or printed on their ballots, “for rat ification' which votes cast at said elec tion shall be consolidated as now requir ed by law in elections for members or the general assembly and returns tnera of made to the Governor, then ne shall declare said amendment adopted, ana make proclamation of the result of said ehctio.i by publication of the result ot s iid election in one or more newspapers in each congressional district of tne State. Now. therefore. I, Hoke Smith, tiov ernor of said State do issue this, my proclamation heroby declaring that too foregoing proposed amendment to the i constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the otate i qualified to vote for members of the gen eral assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday. October 7th, 19uy HOKE SMITH, Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. Aug. 6. It a wk. till Oct. 7. STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. Administrator's Debtor and Creditor Notice. Notice la hereby given to all credit- I ot's of the estate of Martha Peeples 1 of said county, dedeased, to render In an account of t..etr demands to me | within the time prescribed by law. 1 properly matte out. And all person* indebted to said deceased are hereby ! requested to ttinke immediate pay ment to the undersigned. Till* 2e.n dai of August, 1908. ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, - -ministraior of MRrtha Peeples. a2O-27; s3-10-17-24c Debtors' and Creditors’ Notice. STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. All parlies having claims against j the estate of Mrs. Harriet R. Tutt, ! late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, properly proven, to the undersigned; I and all parties Indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make; prompt payment, Rpnt Remsen, Adm. Harriet R. Tutt, 509 Telfair Street, Augusta. Georgia. slo-17-24;ol-8-15c Debtors and Creditors Notice. Notice is hereby given to all cred itors of the estate of Benjamin Skal owski, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their dc-' ntands to me within the time pre scribed by law. properly made out.! And all persons Indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make liijinediate payment to the under signed This 13th dav of August, 1908. HELENA SKALOWSKI. , Executrix of Benj. Skalowikl. •U3-20-2753-10-17C STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Notice is hereby given to all per-' sons haling claims against Adeline Brady lat,> of said County, deceased, to present them to the undersigned properly proven, within the time pre- i scribed by law, or to Brison Crane.! Esq. my attorney at law. Augusta,! Ua And all persons Indebted to said do ceas'd are hereby required to make immediate payment to the under-1 signed. This 16th day of September, 1908. ISAAC A BRADY. Executor. 128 Madison St.. Atlanta, Ga. 817 24 01-S 15 22c SPECIAL NOTICES. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This Is to notify the public and all whom It may concern that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name, except thos e personally contracted by me GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 29c Attgu3ta, Ga., Sept Bth, 1908. A CALLED MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Georgia Chemi cal Works will be held at Augusta, Ga., on Thursday the 24th day of September, 190 S, for the purpose of amending the By-laws. A. SMITH IRVINE, Sepjt 23c Secretary. Water Works Notice. THE PUBLIC IS REQUESTED TO be very careful to leave all hydrants and other openings closed to avoid ' any waste of water. We have found many cases, where parties will leave hydrants open, presumably to be certain to know when the water is turned on. This causes a great waste which must be stopped. Water will not be put on in the afternoon until further notice. Sprinkling of lawns and washing I o' pavements strictly prohibited. JNO. D, TWIGQ3, JR. Supt. C. W. W. SUt.E Office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue, Richmond County, Ga. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 14, 1908. To Charles S. Bohler, Tax Collector, Richmond County; The following assessments upon the State Tax for the year 1908 are hereby made and you or your suc cessors in office are hereby instructed and required to collect the same. Pauper 5.8 Poor House 11.4 Roads and Bridges 13.8 Court Expense- 21 2 Maintaining Prisoners ....11.4 Jurors 5.8 Elections 2. Public Buildings 5.8 Jail 5.8 Coroner 2.1 Small Pox 5.8 Coutity Police 2.4 Ketormatory 3.3 94.8 the same being forty-six cents oru Ihe one hundred dollars of taxable property, or ninety-four and 8-10 per cent of the State Tax of four and 85-100 mills, levied for other than funding purpose. WILLIAM -F. EVE, Judge Ci'y Court and Ex-Off. Comntr Roads and Revenue, Richmond Co. Ga Attest ; WM. D'A. WALKER, Cl“rk Oct 15 c NOTICE. ANY PERSON HAVING ACCOUNTS against the late J. J. Chafee will please send bills at onee to me, a Langley, S. C. J. G. CHAFEE, si2c Administrator. PRES. ROOSEVELT LEAVES OYSTER BAY All the People From the Village Will See the President. Off. OYSTER BAY, X. Y.-This Is fare well day at Ovster Bay and every man, woman and child who lives In the village and can in any way l ian as- to get away for a couple of hour.! is going to Sagamore Hl'.l to shake hatp's with President Roosevelt and family, and wish tli-iti goodbye before they leave Washington. Save for the brief tin*-* the chi.-t ex-ctuii'- .vi.l remain iu 'yst-r 'lie on election day, when he omes here to v. te, this is the last ch u,ce ihe natuTs if the Long island village will have to see the president until alter he leturns from nis hunting trip in Alrica, on which he expects to cart as soon as his successor takes the oath of of fice. The German Singing S icfi y of Hlcksville will go to Snytiaore Hill in a body and it the afternoon •■>lll render a musical program. Aft.-.' the music refreshments will h sr-eicd on the lawn and then ail presint will shake hind with Mr. and M'S Roose velt and other members . f t’"dr fam ily . ho are Mill at Oyster Ha: . OFFICERS RAIDED CRAP GAME MONDAY MORNING County Officers flay and Sibley raided a crap ga: - in the terry early Monday morning. Only one of the participants. Lawrence Hill, was cap tured. Th e county offi'-i rs ar,. de termined to stop '.he gambling on the outskirti of the city. The raid Mon day morning was the third made In the past mouth. The officers have the names of th P others who were in the game and expect to capture them in a few days. CASE OF P. G. BURUM AND CO VS- GEORGIA RAILROAD CO- The ca*e of P. G. Burum & Co. vs. Georgia R R. Co. will be tried be fore Judg,, Bennett Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It seems that a car ot oats consigned to the Burum Co. was four bags short nod the Georgia R. R refused to pay the claim for shortage, saying that the seals were Intact and (h,> shortage was the fault of the ship pers. The outcom t . la watched with interest. THURSDAY, SxTFT 17. WANTS ITIOIIS KEGRO IB CfiPTURED County Officers Gay and Sibley with Bailiff Sturges caught "Dancing , Dick’ Paul Hill, a negro boy about 15 years old, Tuesday, who is wanted | for several robberies. The boy robbed several places and the officers have been after him fer six months, but as he was very fleet of foot it was impossible to catch him in the day time. The officers went to his home on Braden Hill early Tuesday morning and after an exciting chase he was captured. There are several charges against I the boy. He robbed Mr. E. A. Fea gan, Robt. Anderson and two other t stores. He also forged a note fop some groceries, signing his grand mother's name. |n all probability he will be sent to the reformatory, northSFm. COiEGTIGNS OR Northern mail connections are now being made over the Coast Line rail road. A closed pouch is sent on the irain that leaves at 12:30, connects at Yamassee with a through ''flyer’’ train for the north, and reaches Washington city the following day at 9:50 a. m. The Charleston connection is made at 5:52 p. m. Heretofore this pouch has reached Washington at 2:30 p. nt. Returning the temporary schedule leaves Washington at 3:45 p. m., and arrives here at 12.40 p. m. the fol lowing day. The mail has heretofore reached Augusta at 10 a. m. This is. however, temporary ched ule, owhtg to the suspension of traf fic over the Florence line. MR. THOS. P. HAMMOND DIED WEDNESDAY Funeral Services Will Be Held From North Au gusta Baptist Church. Th e many friends of Mr. Thos. P. Hammond regret to learn of his death which occurred Wednesday night at 11 o'clock at the family residence. No. 2084 Broad street. Mr. Hammond was taken sick about ten days ago, and hopes were enter tained for his recovery until Wednes day, when he started to sinking. He is survived by a wife and sev eral children. Th„ funeral services w ill ot -tr Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the North Augusta Bap tist church, Rev, Thomas Walker of ciatitig. The interment will be at the Nofth Augusta cemetery. MRS. J. CARTLEDGE DIED WEDNESDAY She xvas Sick Only a Few Days and Her Death was Unexpected. The msn.v friends of Mrs. Jessie Cartledge regret to learn of her and and unexpected, death, which occurred Wednesday afternoon at her father's residence, at No. 642 Perkins Place. -Mrs. Cartledge had been sick only a few days and her death was not expected. She is survived by a hus band. one child, a father. Mr. G. P. Palmer, and several brothers and sis ters. The funeral services occurred from ■he house Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. .!. B. Holley officiating. The intermen- was at Berzella. ROBERTS AND TAYLOR WILL BE TRIED FOR MURDER The preliminary trial of D. T. Rob er and Robt. Taylor, for the mur -i of Carl Roberts, will be held Thursday afternoon before Judge Ben nett. Those men are eharced with giv g :ho boy whiskey and causing his death. CUSTOMARY PLACE. A well-known English bishop some 'into since lost his third wife. A clergyman who had known the first wTft came from Africa and wanted to see the grave. He called at the cathedral and saw the verger. "Can you tell me where the hil ltop's wife is burled’'' Well, sir, ’ replied the verger, "I don't know for certain, but he mostly buries 'em at Brompton."—Detroit Tribune. Every WfiiMti / laiut/r -*1 Wifi * 35-wjiWL AD*;Ol the* worfirr.'tl l* vr MARVELWhlrlinfSfNy I LS VA ’ ifiOMW V►fHlif*. V , x '« . if- MCM f'CCVfn f J v ' '* '* ••• • in . ■ *l*,,, .i.s > u i*.na