Newspaper Page Text
N*w York 5, Detroit 1,
DETROIT Detroit hail little
chance to Wert Chci-borrt gei
tiiiK but one lilt up to the seventh.
Vhat chance It hail wan thrown awuv
by erratic Infield work and Payne's
l»oor throwing, following two scratch
hit* In the toio Hi
Score by Inulnga: It. H. K
Detroit . . . .itou 000 ion I 4
New York . . ,000 4oi 000 5 It 1
Winter. Willett and Payne Htul
Schmidt: (’hesbro nod Mlalr. Time
1:86. Umpire, K'on-i.
Box score
New York.
Alt. II It P.O A K
McHverin. If ... .0 I 0 6 0 0
Conroy, 3b 4 0 0 0 2 0
tree, cf ...... ..3 1 I I 0 0
Hemphill, rs .. . . 4 2 1 1 0 0
Gardner, 2b ...4002 2 0
Morlarity, lb ... 4 2 2 11 0 o
MnUH.nw 3 I 1 2 X 1
Hlali. c 4 :> 0 3 o 0
t'heehro, p 4 0 0 1 10
Tota'a .... 3V 9 627 IT 11
All II H PO. A E.
Mclntyre. If 4 o o 2 o o
Schaefer, »« A lb .4 0 o 2 r. o
Crawford, cf . . . t oo : o o
Cobb, rs 411000
Heanmail. Ih . . . 4 I 0 ,6 0 0
Payne, e ....... 1 0 0 I 1 I
Bnhtnldi, c 2 1 0 2 1 l
K llllter, lb . . .1 o 0 0 2 I
Boah, »a 1 I o 0 1 o
Down*. Ih .... 4i o o i 4o
Winter, O 0 0 »
Willett, o o 0 o o o
xJonca 1 0 0 0 0 # J
Totala ..... .31 4 I 2? IX 3 1
xllatted for Winter In Ulkbtli.
Two-bare hit Morlarity.
lilt* otf Wlntel x lii x Intilniii, Wll
lott 1 In I minim
Haerltli e lilte Bill
Stolen bam* -free, Mnrliirity
Ball 2. Malt
on bane* New York Do
tmit 4
Bum on bull* Cheabro l
lilt liv pitcher 'Yltitef 1
Struck out 'Vinter (T'e.oro 3
1 line ol came 1 1 -
St. Lould Win* Two.
f»T LOI'IH Hi 1 .<M*i» f*mit *•<! |
rhiir*. iiihti. t*tr- -to i hu
t to 4, Early balling
th* lir»i g-m* I” ""
lead Blt«-r.mud in lh. Hr"' tmtf. but
sharp hllllm «.'• H Louis H"' >«*"
tn I In- sixth
gror<- by Inning* H II E.
g. I out* V’.ii no. •tn in -.I 1 * i
rhllsduidil I " ,
|V,w.|| mid Smith; K'.ater nnd I'"*
er* rinn-, 1
genre by ititiln** It- 11 •'
HI. I*>ut* . .ull I'H HW • 1‘ M
Philadelphia 0J» (HO J * H
iitm-'-u and Hpcncri t oui.ih* n»m
Lapp Tim.- I 4t Emplrwa. Sheridan |
Bint Huts!
Chicago t, W** on 0.
CITIC AUO Wn'hinr nti >'< • Imi
out I to |I, v«*lerday In » hard 1 mi n
nttchor* 1 bailie Walsh «l> >'’■
vl.ltor. hit* i cat lei rd while .tohmn n
wit* *lmo*t Invincible Ih« onl> J
aeon- of tin- name cgm* In th'' seventh
Inning Andoraon opened «
double lo I. It wont to Ihltd »n «
fielder'* choice nnd acored on I wr*"'
long «> „ „
Hrorn bv Inning* «* '* "■
rh7ea«» . • -nnt' non 10(1 I A> ;
Washington no" atm mm < •
Wash and Shaw «t"l Sullivan,
Jnbntog *nrt Slrift
Vmi'ire* Egan and OT-oughiln
Cleveland J. Bp*ton 1
CI.KVKI AND 4 V*-' eland defeated
Bmloii : to l > Hl'n-'d.-*
pitched « n<> hit gnmo. but I'""
«**ed on tin t, ban* J ■«
earrlfice and n "< ! 't P"-h I «)’>»; '
t.tpi. nnd
vatand* first
nn arm snd a wild I «»» for tb>' olhd _
Room bv inning* K ~ r
Boston oio tmn omi t 0 •
Khoadnt and Demi* Vn 11,in.-* and
Itonohur Tint*. I <9 Vwp\t*. ton j
noli). [[|
ATLANTA, Ga A* tod*> * game
betweon Atlanta and Llttl.- Hm-W th
lg.t Ot th* season. will Blake ni' .111
fen-no* In the position of elth.-r team
act matter which **l It It” I ** Man
»«or Smith of the Cracker* and Man
M ,r Finn of the* have
agreed to pla> agaln»| the world*
record for fa»t time
Atlanta already hold* the record,
having played and won a full game
from Shreveport In UK'S In forty four
Old Coughs
tn r/*M ImacA your fnmrfy J* #**.
A • m+Jmn* u*»« fw tmnJm tint ttmJJ t+k*
kb pUtc* T’wtt him at nil ttmns
One of America’s Best Tennis Players
Frederick B. Alexander, the crack New York
♦ ennU player, whose brilliant matches with Cloth
ier. tae former champion, won him a place in the
t'n.iln f)f the All Conirri National Lawn Tennis Tour
nament, at the Newport Casino. ,
An Inner* MUcklng rollon wnd dn
inic much U’Jnrv to the crop h«« ap
I t.iittl In liirhniuiMt rount> On Mr
J«wb I'hlnUy « farm the tnaeot in do
log tmtdl d“Hi i #l«m Ive work and In all
neighboring holga It haa alao put in
It w ia flint iboiiKhi to !»e anthrar
hut an « \:»tuina!l<»n has allown
the trouble to be mimed by an Inaert.
Anthiarntu i ('idltMotiirhum iStw
► ypil> U a limans while tin
trouble In lilt hnn<nd couniv .•oiion la
with a beet)»-ilke infttcl. probably the
eotlon borer (Uranoiett Mel.nut)
w hich at lack!a bull* and at|u.u >*. raua
him them to rot and fall off
However, the trouble In causing t
deterioration In roll on protmectH
win re li bus appeared and It aeema to
he thteaienina much damage lo a
large area. *
Distilled Water. 2 1 2c per gallon at
Inter state Ice and Fuel Co.
t'H ATT AN0045 A. V.-nn Thn Na
tlonsl \*»(v-latu>n us First t'la*a Post
masters adlotirm-d Isat night after
•'lv.tlng H.-nrv Blunt, Jr, of Savan
nah (1». piwldcut; K M. Morgan,
of Now York itr*t vice president F
0 Wlthoff. nf Dayton O. second
*b',' president; K It Slucr of Lin
coin. \« h third vice president; Isa
dote Sobcl, of Kile, I'a. fourth vice
pD'sidint and ft t' Owen of Mil
wnukv#, treasurer. The secretary is
to b«‘ appointed by the president.
Oldcougba.dctpcrati vunyht,rasping
cough*, extremely penlgua ccuglia,
cough* that shake the whole body. It
take* a strong medicine, * doctor's
medicine, to msster such cough*. A
grest many people rely on Ayer's
Cherry Feclor,l.
irem «s
NEW YOKK -Encouraged by two
victories yesterday MaiiaKcr John J
Mcflraw. of th,. New York Nationals
fel* that the pennant 1* already won.
lie *ald: "I aui not rlalminK any
championship until Ihe (Hunt* have
the pennant cinched. I am of the.
opinion, however, that w,. will win.
and win too. with comparative ease.
Easier, in fact. Ihun the rare now
show* l have th,. aameat team that
w*. ever put on the field, and they
ire going to pit 11 out ahead by just
that quality In tlielr make up.*
I would like tn see the Detroit*
win tin Vmertcan layagne pennant on
account of my old friend Hughey Jen
; nlng* | want to have It out with him
snd hi* Tiger* for the world * cham
pionship Hut whichever club win*
the American League flag. I will *«v
the (Hants are not afraid of the very
; be»t that league ran produce I know
1 what ihe (Hants can do- and they are
Wddcr Slttou, late of the
Jacksonville Team, op
posed “Old Man” Breit
enstein on the Firlnu
N ASHVII.LK Tenn.--Today mark’*
the closing of one of th<* warmest
pennant contests in the history of the
Kouthern League
Nog until Wednesday was the race
narrowed down to two teams and It
will require tmlav's game, the last of
the a* a*on to d.u’lde the champion
ship Should Nashville win from N--w
Orleana the Tenne*a*-eana will finish
(wo (Kilnts to the food
Old Min” Hreltensteln wll pitch
for (he IVllran* today and It la un
derstood Slttou. the youngster who
won the South Atlantic peunaut for
. Jacksonv III* will he acut uj ihe
, mound h) the Volunteers*
e t^2
NASHVILLE -Nashville won fror.i
New Orleans. 6 to 2. yesterday In the
second game ol the series that will
decide the Southern League chan,
plonshlp. The attendance was again
large and the Interest Intense. The
winner of today’s game gets the pen
nant. for 1008.
luigtan was in great form yester
d iv, and in addition, the locals hi T in
he pinches One of the New Orl"an
run-, that In the ninth, was earnerl
while the other came from |t •• ••• i 1
throw in returning Lord's drive to
loft held.
"Sliver Rill" Phillips was In tin
box for New Orleans, and Nashville
hit him when hits counted. Hutlc’s
three base drive and Duggan’s slng:e
scored one. Three safe one, a sacri
lice and Hohe's error Drought three
more. Daubert sent the ball over
right held leriee for a circuit of th
bases, and another run was chalked
lip as a result of two errors by Dun
don. Scattered In with 'hose were
lour sacrifices, of which three wei j
productive ol runs
lip to/the sixth Inning it was any
body’s game Then the locals jump
ed onto Phillips, three tallies resulted
and there was no more doubt. Not
a free pass was issued nor was there
a stolen base,
lit x score—
AU. R. H. P.T). A. f.
Ray, If 4 l l 4 0 t
Wiseman, rs . . . .3 o l 2 0 u
East, 2b 3 1 l 2 3 0
McElveen, 31> ... .4 0 1 l 1 0
Selgel, cf . 4 0 1 l 0 1
ifßebcrt, lb*. *.4 l 111 l 0
Butler, as . . . . i 3 2 1 I 0
11 unhurt, us .... .2 0 0 5 0 0
Duggan, p 3 l 2 0 4 0
Totals 31 fi 10 27 10 2
New Orleans.
All It H. P.O. A. E,
Montgomery, rl .. .4 o 0 l 0 0
Robe, 3b 4 0 1 0 2 1
Lord, es 3 i 1 3 1 0
Tnrleton, lb ... .4 0 1 9 4 0
Dexter, ss .4 0 1 3 3 0
Klekrrt, if ... .4 0 0 1 o 0
I Miudon. 21) 4 1 I 4 0 2
Stratton, c .. . . 2 0 13 0 o
Phillips, p 3 0 10 10
Totals 32 2 7 24 11 3
Score, by Innings: It-
Nashville 001 003 110—0
New Orleans 001 04)0 001—2
Two-base hits Tarleton.
Tiire*'ha*e hits—Butler, Lord.
Home run—Daubert.
SncrlHcu hits—Wiseman, East, Hurl
hurt L, Lord Si rat ion.
struck out Duggan I’hilllps 2
Left nn liases —Nashville 5, New
Orleans 5.
Double plays—Tarleton to Dexter.
I.ord to Tarleton.
Empires—Carpenter and FiUair.e
Atlanta 2, Travelers 1.
Score by innings: R H. E
Atlanta - .000 200 000 —2 4 3
Linle Kook . . 000 000 010—1 fi I
Johns and Smith; Buchanan and
Wood. Time. 1:30. Empire. Pfer.
Barons 3, Mobile 2.
Score by Innings: R H. E
ptrmingham . . 000 000 030 —A It 2
'O' o 000 002 —2 3 0
Klaheriv and Ranb; Keeker and
Garvin Time, 1:20. Empire, Mo
Pretzel* 5, Memphis 4
Score by Innings: R H. E.
Memphis • 000 000 130-4 9 I
Montgomery . .001 201 100—5 9 1
(Sarritv and OLear;-; Ouese and
I lari Time. I; 4«. Empires, Drown
and Wheeler.
• •
» ♦
Southern League.
Wen. Lost. T ft
New Ortean* 70 SO .570
Nashville 74 sfi .509
Memphis 72 02 .537
1 Montgomery *>9 04 .519
! Mobile 00 07 .490
Atlanta 02 71 • .400
1 Little Reck 02 70 .*49
Birmingham 52 81 .391
National League.
.Vnn. Lost P Pt
New York 87 to 051
. ('hh»-:e 85 53 -610
Pittsburg K> 34 .612
Philadelphia 73 00 .543
Cincinnati 03 72 .474
Keeton 57 80 .416
Hnekiyn 47 88 .348
St. Lout*. .43 91 .331
Amtiiean League.
Won leowt P Ct
Detroit . .. 78 57 .578
Chicago . 77 01 .538
Si Louts 75 61 .551
i . 05 71 .478
Philadelphia 04 70 477
Washington .. ....59 73 .447
New York 45 89 .333
Duelled Water, 2 : 2c per gallon at
1 Inter State tee and Fuel Co.
We Lighten Your Pane
Gas Arcs.
Connections Free.
Gas Company.
NEW YORK. —Refore a crowd said
to be the largest in the history of
baseball New York took a big jump
toward the winning of the National
LeHgue pennant by taking both games
of a double-header with Pittsburg Fri
day. Hard hitting by the leaders was
a feature of both games.
Mathewson pitched a masterly
game in the first battle, allowing but
five hits and not passing a man. Pitts
burg failed to score and the final
score was 7 to 0.
In the speond game Pittsburg
; brought the hat heavily into play,
' scoring four times In thp first three
: innings and knocking Wiltse out of
the box and tallying three runs In
ft he eighth. New York, however, had
already rolled up twelve runs and dis
posed of two of Pittsburg’s boxmen,
Camnltz and Leever, making the re
sult 12 to 7. Both games were mark
ed by clean fielding.
Score by innings: R. H. E
Pittsburg . . .000 onn 000—0 5 1
New York . . .011 040 lOx—7 10 0
Ratterles. Maddox, Brandon and
Gibson; Mathewson and Bresnahan.
Time, 1:40.
Score by Innings: R. H. E. j
Pittsburg . . .301 000 030— 7 12 1 i
New York . . .201 003 60x —12 18 2|
Batteries. Camnltz. Leever, Vail and
Gibson; Wiltse. McUinnlty and Bres-!
nahan and Needham. Time, 2 hours. .
Umpires, Klem and O'Day.
A Stein for mine—nourishing, refreshing
Gsaraateed under the National Pure Food Law
A pure, clean, superior Brew of the
choices* Bariey-Mait and Hops-
An absolute non-intoxicant
On draught and in bottles **
at all the best places
J. H. O'Byrne, Distributer, Augusta, Georgi?
Cincinnati 13, Boston 6.
BOSTON.—In a heavy hitting and
pooriy played game Cincinnati defeat
ed Boston Friday, 13 to C. Dorner
was knocked out of the box in the
fourth. Nine hits and a base on balls
off l.indanian. who succeeded him,
netted eleven runs.
Score by innings: R. H. E.
Cincinnati . . .010 xOO 010—13 16 2
Boston . . . .211 002'000— 6 12 3
xEleven runs in fourth inning.
Batteries, Rowan, Dubec and Mc-
Lean; Dorner, Mattern, Lindaman and
Smith. Time, 1:59. Umpire, Rigler.
Philadelphia 2, Chicago 1.
PHILADELPHIA. Chicago was;
beaten here Friday in a pitcher's bat
tle. which was not decided until the
tenth inning. Chicago filled the bases
with on e out in the tenth, but Zim
merman fanned and Tinker was put
out trying to steal home. With one
out in Philadelphia's half Knabe
tripled and scored on Titus' sacrifice*
fly to left field.
Score by innings: R. H. E.
Chicago . . .001 000 000 o—l 7 3
Philadelphia ..000 000 010 I—2 7 1
Batteries, Overall and Kling; Me-
Quillian and Jarklitsch. Time, 2 hours.
Umpires, Johnstone and Emslle.
Even Break in Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN, N. Y.—ln the double-!
header Friday afternoon at Washing
ton Park Brooklyn and St. Louis
broke even, St. Louis winning the first
game, 4 to 2, and Brooklyn rapturing
the second. 3 to 0. The second game
was called after th e first half of the
.seventh inning on account of dark
Score by innings: R. H. E. 1
St. Louis . . .020 011 000—4 8 1
Brooklyn. . . .000 200 000—2 5 1
Batteries. Lush and Bliss; Rucker !
and Dunn. Time. 1:46. Umpire, Ow
Augusta Paint
& Wall Paper Co
307 Mclntosh,
Corner Ellis.
Large assortment of
Wall Paper and large
force to do prompt work.
All kinds of painting—
House and Sign—a Spec
ialty. Old Furniture Re
paired and Renovated.
Estimates Furnished
on Application. : :
’PHONE 2254
Just Exactly Right.
‘‘l have used Dr. King's New Life
Pills for several years, and find them
Just exactly right.” says Mr. A. A.
Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life
Pills relieve without the least dis
comfort. Rest remedy for constipa
tion. biliousness and malaria. 25c at
all druggists.
Score bv innings: R H K
st. Louis . . . .non onn o—o r> 2
Brooklyn 030 000' x —3 7 0
Batteries. Sallee and Moran; Rell
land Farmer. Time, 1:12. Empira,