The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 19, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
SATURDAY. SETT 19 WANTS Get Busy With Your Ad. Beading. Its the Way.. to Wisdom. The merchant who is “buried” in the cares of new stocks and new un dertakings should share his time with that which makes the othhr things feasible—his advertising campaign. No store ever prospered that failed to secure the interest and patrUnage of the "bargain-hunters.” If you have, during this summer, formed but one new habit—the habit of reading and answering ads.—the rummer will have been well spent If. during the autumn, you form the habl; of ADVERTISING, as well, it will mean that YOUR SHIP IS COMING IN! If there is something you want — something a little out of the ordinary —INQUIRE OK THE PURLIC, through a want ad. The work-seeker who answers the "Help Wanted" ads. is really "locking for work.” But if he also advertises on his own account his chances wilt be doubled —perhaps trebled. With the lever of Publicity you may “lift" your store to “bigger things. Of course the lever must be big enough—and of proved quality. Theie are OTHER KINDS of “levers” to oe had. WANTED HELP—MaIe WANTED RAILWAY ''' All, CLERKS Post office clerks, carriers, ?t,100.00 vearly. Examinations here November IRtli.' Preparation free. Franklin In Etifute, Roehesiss. N. Y Oct lip YOUTH 15 to 16 YEARS OLD TO collect and help in store. Address “P.," care Augusta Herald. MEN: OUR ILLUSTRATED CATA logue explains how we teach bar ber trade in few weeks, mailed fiee. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. s24p WANTED HELP—Female COOK: A GOOD COOK WANTED on Monte Sano by small famtlj. or an intelligent girl who is willing to learn and who wants regular employ ment at good pay. Furnish refer ences and address, “Cook," care of Augusta Herald. HOUSEWORK: WANTED A WHITE woman without incumbrances to cook and assist with all housework In small family ir. city. A comlor. able room, good home, and just pay to right par!j*. Address D. W. S„ care The Herald. S -°P COOK: A COMPETENT COOK AND houseboy wanted at once. Apply mornings between 9 amt 12 o'clock. Apply No. 105 Lincoln St. b2lc COOK: COK WANTED AT • Apply No. 107 Lincoln St. ."W WANTED SITUATION— Male. BOOKKEEPER: POSITION WANT ed as bookkeeper or general office work by married man, 21 years of ago; five years experience; best of references. Bookkeeper, Care K. WANTED Rooms TWO LADIES DESIRE FURNISHED room, with or without board, neat car line preferred. Address, "H. M. F.” Care The Herald. ■ 2( *i ) WANTED TO RENT— House. WANTED TO RENT: A FIVE OR six room house in Summerville, Monte Sano or on Walton Way. Cali in store —215 Seventh St. WANTED—Boarders, IN SUMMERVILLE; HEALTHFUL location, large rooms, pure water good table board. Two occupying room, $20.00 per month each; singl occupant, $25.00 per month. Address “Sum,” care The Herald. a2op LAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW MORE boarders; also table boarders taken, every convenience; central location. 016 Reynolds St. s 2op FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRON’/CE TURKEYS; Tou.■>»(. Geese, Muscovey Ducks; Barred P’vmonth Ricks; all farm raised, healthy and from first clan* stock. Prices reasonable. Address Bowdre Phinlzy, Grovetown, Ga. ts BI FF ORPINGTONS- A FEW NICE youug cockrels for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Bowilre Phlnizy. FOR SALE—ReaI Estate HOPPE: A' BEAUTIFUL IK'MK. 122 Broad street, for sale; lot <o*l2o. and front; cement sidewalk; gas; a new house. Apply ou . remises. S2oc COTTAGE: A STYLISH BROOM cottage in North Augusta for sale at a sacrifice. For particulars apply P. 0. Box A'7 City. sl9:f house! WR sale! EIGHT ROOM house on Georgia avenue, North Augusta; all modern conveniences. For Inside price apply Mrs. T E Billings. 538 Bill* street, before Wed nesday. ■2U> Ten minutes after vou learn a tenant is to leave, write vour want ad. copy In The Herald Pay Ic A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOE RENT—Rooms. FLAT; A FLAT OF 1 ROOMS with privilege of bath at 442 Fen wick St. Apply 622 Center St. Sl3U' FOR SALE—Miscellaneous PARLOR SET: ONE PARLOR SET of 6 pieces and one sideboard. Ap ply 813 Telfair St. (up stairs.) s2op BEDROOM SUITES. WARDROBES, mattresses, Pillows, springs, carpet, mattings, sideboard, large refrigera tor, at sacrifice, at 761 Broad street. slSp DRESS SUIT: ONE SILK LINED dress suit, in perfect condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address A. J., care The Herald. s2oc FURNITURE: SECOND-HAND FUR niture, in good condition; is not water-damaged; will sell cheap, ias I am breaking up housekeeping. Apply jat 221 Campbell St. sl9p | POSTS: CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE i any length and size, at Lankey Natatorium. slßp fOa SALE: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1.50. Rustic swings $3.00 and Rocking | Chairs $1.50 each. Some fine Colum bian Wyandcttes, S. L Wyandottes. ! Light Brahmas anu White Rocks at , spnciai close out prices. Eggs for ; hatching, all Breeds. Belvidere poul try Farm, Phone 1(84, Augusta, Ga. AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’s garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts PPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf : ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain. Address Engine, ; care Herald. ! WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS i papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. jl6tf PIANO: ONE PIANO IN FIRST class condition for sale. Apply to E. J. Doris, 1302 May avenue. sl9p FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc COW: ONE FRESH MILK COW. Apply to Sym Mura, 617 East Bound ary. s2lp MARE AND COLT FOR SALE cheap; cun be seen at 1003 Reyn olds St. si 9c ____ . I „ IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from U 3. we both lose money. Augusta Stock Yards. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers and bull calves. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see atound , the farm. For prices and estimates, i write Bowdre Phinizy, Grovetown, Ga. WANTED Miscellaneous. BOILER: GOOD SECOND-HAND boiler wanted, 40 lo 60 horsepower; must be in good condition and com plete. Address at once, C. J. Cltfford I Grovetown, Ga. s2lp FOR RENT Real Estate. DWELLING: FIVE ROOMS AND bath for rent, Georgia avenue. North Augusta. Apply or address J. P. Wood, North Augusta. s2lp RESIDENCE: A 7-ROOM Resi dence, hall up and down stairs, largeyard, stable and side driveway. Improved plumbing, fruit garden, splendid residence, near Central and I Georgia shops. Apply Mrs. Bollinger. 726 Calhoun 9t. s2le RESIDENCE; 4115 TELFAIR STREET. Eight rooms and hath: rent 330 per month. Apply 93! Broad St. s2oe PLANTATION: A PLANTATION, 10 horse farm, well fenc' d, well water ed. good dwelling, ginning outfit and tenant house ;, good pastures, it miles north of Augttsia; or a married man to take charge of this place. Apply or address, J. C. Lanham, Roper, S. C. *2op DWELLING: SIX ROOM DWELLING, 1226 Ellis St., for rent; modern con veniences. Apply M. J. Toohey, 130 i Jackson St. »17tf FLAT: TWO VERY DESIRABLE' new flats on 1300 Block of Ellis St Will he completed by October lsi Apply E. B. McLendon, 1032 Broad S' ■22* RESIDENCE: NO. 1248 GREENE BT. j Nice, New 7-room residence, all 1 modern conveniences. For particu-! lars see Lockhart & Co., No. 1 Leon ard Bldg. sl9p ! RESIDENCE DON'T BE CAUGHT In the flood again Three residences on 1200 block Broad St., Maxwell building. Every modern conveni ence. Apply E. B. McLendon, 1022 Broad St. Sl9c j I OFFICE CORNER OF ALLEY REAR of Georgia Railroad Bank from ! October Ist. Rent S2OO. Apply Geor j gia Railroad Bank. sl2tf I HOUSE: AN ELEGANT NEW bout? in North Augusta, West ave nue, near Hampton Terrce, two baths: I and all modern Improvements. See! It you will rent It. Apply B C. 1 Wall, 917 Broad St BlOtf Aieiander Seed Co. Bulbs are in and now is the time to start them for Christmas (low ers. Nqrcssus Grandiflora 25 cents per dozen. Whits Roman Hyacinths, 40 cents per dozen. Chinese Sacred Lillies, direct from China, 10 cents each. Fret-sins 25 cents per dozen. YOUR LAWN Should not be overlooked. If you would have n pretty velvety green lawn plant Alexander's Ever green Lawn Grass. Price per pound (sufficient for 300 square feet), 30 cents, 4 pounds for $1.00; bushel of 15 pounds, $3.50. Alexander Seed Co. 911 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, MULE: ONE BLACK MARE mule with two little white spots close to her tail; tving footed. Notify Ernest Sutton, Thomson, Ga. s2op I.OST. FOB: GOLD WATCH FOll, buckle ami cross, on ribbon. Re ward if returned to Herald Office. s2op Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES RE paired by an expert adjuster. if your machine was under water better have It looked uflrr at once. Singer Sewing Machine Co., No. 946 Rroad Etreet. o3c DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND GAN SAVE THEM. H. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. _ Sl9c Verdery Pressing Club 313 McINTOSH ST., PHONE 2425, expert cleaning, pressing and re pairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits and skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr. Sl9c Notice WHY BUY A HAT, WHEN 1 CAN make your old one look new? I am no longer connected witli the Augusta Hat Cleaners on Campbell St. 1 am now with Cullerith Pressing Club, 315 Mclntosh St., Phone 744. Veidbry, the Hatter. S2oc. Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put in first-class or der, your .ranks that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 593, they will send for your trunks, ex amine them and let you know cost b - tore doing ihe work. If you prefer e nice new trunk, they will take the old om as part payment. Give them a call at Bul Broad, Wrong Side of Street. if WARNING Every day some one finds his safe locked and we have to open it. Save yourself this expense and let us clean and oil up locks and combinations before it gets corroded. Phone 563. H. E. Fourcher Sl9c Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER 18 'he best plastering material for wall: and ceilings. It gives addl ttonal strength to the building and stays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. Jl4tf Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL kinds of concrete woik, such aa cement walks, reinforced work. I have the latest improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27t! Brignteu Up. VARNISH STAIN'S, THAT WILL make water soaked furniture look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co,, 64’, Broad St. 'Phone 321. o3c Commercial School. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS; shorthand, typewriting, practical bookkeeping, arithmetic and spelling, taught by Margaret Funk, assls'ed by one of the most competent bookkeep ers In Augusta For further Inform a'lon call on Margaret Funk, Com mercial School, llarison Bldg ol7c THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Flood Shingles NO. 2. $2.00; NO. 1. $3.00; F. O. B our yard; fifty cents additional for handling. Industrial Lumber Co.. North Augusta. Sl3tf To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING; FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned lor 35,00. The special price of tuning Is $2.50 ('.ill up liobt. .1. Watson, No. 666 Broad iSt Phone 1717. Have your piano examin ed ail work striotly first class. S2oc FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : O. D. FORENCE Phone 10(57. 44(5 Broad St. Expert Cleaning LET ME CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR suiis Ladies skirts cleaned and pressed. The best work for tile least money in the city. Why buy a hat when I can make your old ones look new. Cullerith Pressing Club. Ver dery, Ihe Hatter, 315 Mclntosh SI. Phone 744. S2oc Reward FOR ANY CASS OF CHILLS AND feser that Randall's Chill and Fi ver tontc falls to cure. Guaranteed lo cure where others fail. No cure no pay. 'Phone 2214—Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of th< city. oiOc Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING, CEIL ing and weather hoarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-In boards to Bxlo frameing. All this stock must be disposed of in next 30 (lays. Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave and 15th St., or E. J. O’Connor, 855 Broad St. tt HIGH WATER got into lots of cash re gisters* We have cleaned about 50, let us have yours, as we make a specialty of this work. Phone 563. H. E. Fourcher Sl9c Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL high-class furniture Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of stair, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of line carpenter work. 'Phono No. 714. oka Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUlt day. Ready at 11 o’ci ok a. m. 250 quart. Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Pont Cards, 50c, alOtf Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. 11. McDaniel. Phone 10* Al2tf Windsor Soring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents. Phone 112. Altl Clothes Pressed Give; ME \ TRIAL Dill' lUI It clothes. I guarantee voii tin bent of work. Why, because I V • all work my personal attention, f ill me over phone 2214. I also make a specially of ladles skirls and suPs. I semi for and deliver clothes in Hum mervllle as well as In the city. Special price lo rduls members. Tuggit Pressing Club, 1540 Walton Wav 82lr E. M. Deas. MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork extra fine lamb, spring lamb, etr E. M. Deas, 313 Jackson street. 'Phone 210. s2oc SAFES Cost Money The Locks constitute the most valuable part. If Yours re fuses to work, get the very best service possible. We employ an expert and can nandle any job. J. F. BRICKLE. Phone 1914. Campbell St. H2o< , - | | | ,| „ |„|-| j - j - I' wood, isow awo rrwn. V'ltlriu fftcMuf. iaamaaiu, couniMV. auou* ta. <.a. A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Taken Up. HOG; ONE BLACK HOG TAKEN ! up; weighs about 160 pounds; own er enn recover same by proving prop erty and paying expenses. Apply Hodely Jennings, eight miles from Augusta on Belair Road. sl9p Notice NOTICE: MY SHOP IS OPEN AND will remain so and ready at all times for business. I will soon be able to give the business my per sonal attention. Fred Brown, Horso shoer, 217 Center St. . s!9c Stop Attention 1 HAVE MOVED HICK TO MY OLD] sfKiul ready foi business. I am (In-! ing the best of skill hand work so geu I up all of your winter shoes and bring them to me. \Y. Golden, 1005 Kills St. 820 c. ] Fruits and Vegetables. IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT | fresh fruit and vegetables, I have them in large quantities; I also give you something free with every cash purchase. Photic orders given prompt, attention. Call phone t»9. Max Mn* gulescu, 548 Broad st reet. *2oo ' Rugs Cleaned 1 HAVE ADDED RUG CLEANING TO my olht r business and will give sat isfaction. Jerry Jones, 421 Campbell street. S2op College Notice THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF fountain pens, stallotiory, combs, brushes of all kinds, and toilet arti cles in Ihe city. Come in and look them over. Parr’s Pharmacy,—sl6 Broad Hi., Augusta, Ga. School Supplies. FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Tablets, pencils, paper, er»on, etc. ToßSler Pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. 31 Off Horse Shoeing l HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED me on horse shoeing. I have one <>! the best equipped horse shoeing shops In Augusta, ami always carry a full line of shoes forty-eight keg *. Also use a great many handmade shoes. I fit all the shoes myself and see that they are pul on properly. I solicit, your patronage. Or a part of It, at least. Three of the best shoors in town. 1 can shoe forty-five head, i four shoes each, per day. Shoes one | dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing. Horse clipping. (’Upper blades sharpened. D. M. J hit to, 722 Kills street. s2oe Motorcycles Repaired WHEN IN NEED OF REPAIRS OH supplies call upon me. 1 have in stock such sundries ns Inner tubes, batteries, spark plugs, break*, parts, and all such sundries that are needed on a motorcycle. Phone No. 1711. K. W. Watson, 218 Mclntosh St. »20c Auction Sale I WILL SELL A LOT OF FINE household goods at 840 Broad Hi.. Tuesday, Sept. 22d., nl 11 o'clock a. m. Frank YV. Coffin, Auctioneer. *2l c Drugs WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN the drug line phone 328 We de liver to any part of the city; also a lull line of Bulst garden seed. Mode! Pharmacy, B. F. Mat bony, Prop., cor iier Broad and Kollock streets. *2oe Tomatoes. WE ARK SELLING FOR THE NEXT throe the beat two-pound can of tonmtncu for *»c per can; and 'ill flrnt-clasK grocerlcH at low prices. W. R Jo in h Ar Co Phone IHSO ! 1250 Broad Ht. h2l< Barber Shop I ADVERTISE WHAT I DO I DO whin I iulvcrtls**. Your money back (If. Hltcr taking my. treatment fur .dandruff and not cured. | make Heal|i treatment a Hpactalty, having 15 years’ experience If I fall lo cun |lt will cost you nothing W. H Hall, Leonard Building Barber Shop. )810 I liko Ihe mountain ur * « n« ry. Bui mu*! iioinlt, J’nif Itred h hit of perpendicular **' fiery. Wauhlngton Herald ****** *f*«tm*»***»»» »w»»*rmn>mtmtt«vm« am i,i-i ooiitj /'px Every Woman / A i atoild kh>,w I* '|*S . ‘ .. * •bout thr WOKfWM (• IsT V IfIMARVf L Whirlin')Spray \a ■ V*. afNsj lu * “w ”,,i„„' W -M.KM „st«> tor itX. Jmafm if '**• *f*p ( * iaa. » ‘ i i . i.: - o'fitT. »#»it 1 e'Atftp f,,r \v / £ ft Klrtm 7t?/ M m 1 * ’ • *■ • - a ti, [W | HU 44 ■iltlbiifft, N# H V(I|(K, Legal Notices Providing for the Payment of Pensions I to Rx-Confederfttc. Soldiers and the Widows of IQx-Confederate Soldiers. Executive Department, Atlanta, Aug. 1?4. IflOS. A PKOPBAMATtON. j By Ills Excellency. Hoke Smith, Gover nor of Georgia Whereas, the General Assembly, at Its session in 1908, proposed an amondmen, to the Constitution of this state, as fol low* ; Section 1. Be tt enacted by the Gon { oral Assembly of Georgia, and It Is hero jby enacted by authority of the same, J that paragraph 1, section l. article t oi I the Constitution of this State, be and i the same Is hereby amended by adding at the end of said paragraph the fol lowing To make provision for the t payment of pensions of any ex-Confed | erate soldier, now resident of this state, j who enlisted In the military service ot ! this state, or who enlisted In the mili tary service of the Confederate States, during the civil war between the states of the United States, and who perform ed actual military service in the armies of the Confederate states, or the or ganised militia of this state and was 'honorably dinuhnrged therefrom, and to j widow; , now resident of this state, of lex soldlet H Who enlisted 111 'll • mllh.iy service of the Confederal*.' J stales, and who performed actual mili tary service in the armies of the Con federate states, or in tlie organized mili tia of this state, who died in said mili tary service, or was honorably dls ehared therefrom; provided that no per son shfill he entitled to the provisions of tills Constitutional amendment, the total value of whose property of every description, including money and chests In net ion, shall exceed fifteen hundred dollars, and provided further that only those widows who were married to such soldier* or ex soldier* previous to the l year 1870 shall be entitled to the pro visions of this Constitutional amend j merit. No widow of a soldier killed dur | Ing the war shall he deprived of her pen sion by reason of having subsequently married another veteran who in dead, unless she n ogive* a pension on account, 'of being tla widow of sueh second luis band." Now. therefore l, lloko Smith, flover | nor of said State, do Issue this my pror lamation hereby declaring that the fore going proposed amendment to the Con stitution Is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voter* of the stu' » qualified to vote for members, of the General Assembly, at Hie „• n* ral eh i. tion to he held on Tueadaj, November .'hd. 1908. IfOKE SMITH, Governor. My the Governor: CHII.II* COOK. Secretary of State. STATIC OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas’ Annie It. Deas, on Die 26th day of June, 1907, made her promissory note In the principal suit) of ftvo hundred <sf,on) dollars, pay able lo Die order of Mamie 11. Fos ter three years after dale wllh In torest from dale ai the rate of eight per cent per annum; and Whereas, ihe said Deas executed and delivered mile Die said Foster, as provided In section 2771 of the Code of Dcorgia, a deed conveying to i Hie sold Foster: All those ten lots of land In the county and stale aforesaid, In Die vll lage of Summerville, known and des Ignatcd as loin number eight (8), nine (91. ten (lo|, eleven III), twelve (12), thirteen M 3), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), on a plan of lots made by Gordon Gar diner, elvll engineer. May 10, 1900, temrded In Do 1 clerk’s office, superior i court, said county In Book C It's, page 566; anil. Whereas, default Inis been made In the payment es Die Interest and by the terms of said note, mild security deed and the bond, for title, the said debt lias matured by reason of said | default. Therefore, by virtue of the author jßy contained In raid security deed, will he sold before the court house noor iif said county, on the first Tuos I day in October, 1908, between th" I legal hours Of sale to the highest bill 1 d'r for cash, the aforedescrlbcil ten lots of land. Terms cash. Purchaser | to pay for papers. ANNIE It DBAS, By Mamie II Ramsey, formerly Minnie It. Foster, her attorney In fact. sl2-19-26;03c 'ln the District Court of the North eastern division of the Southern District of Georgia. In ihc matter of the People: Furniture Co., Bank ' rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of peoples Furniture Co., II I) I’ei ble» A ('. I. Ashley, of Augustin 11l Die county of Rich mond mid district aforesaid, a bank nipt: Notice Is hereby given Dial on the IBlh day of September, 1908, the said Peoples Furniture Co. was duly nil Judged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of lls creditors will he held In my office In Augusta, Ga on the 29th dav of Seplember. 1908, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, i-xam Inc Di>- haokriipl. and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. This September IBlh, 1908. JOSEPH OANAHL. Referee in fiankrupley, si 9c Hlii Awful Fats The poet was full of flrn Wllh life tie got disgusted; All add'-d fuel, no 111 lie Hponlllneillisly eninbasted. liell(more Amerban. WANTS ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ « ♦ SPECIAL NOTICES. •> ♦ ♦ TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify tho public ana all whom It. may concern tjiat I will not bo responsible for buy debts contracted In my name, except those personally contracted by mi GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 29c Augusta, Ga., sept. 3th, 1908 A CALLED MEETING OF THE stockholders oi the Georgia Ghent! cal Works will be hold at Augusta, Ga., on Thursday the 24th day ot September, 1908, for the purpose of amending the llv laws. a. smith Irvine, Sepjt. 23c Secretary. wSt!r W»rks Notice. THE FUHLIC IS REQUESTED TO bo very careful to leave all hydrants and other opening* closed to avoid any wasto of water. We have found many cases, where parties will leave hydrants upon, presumably to lie certain to know when the water Is turned on. This causes a great waste which must bo stopped. Water will not be put on in the afternoon until further notice. S[irluklit)g of lawns and washing of pavements strictly prohibited. JNO. D. TWI «S, JR. Svipt. C. W. W sum Office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue, Richmond County, Ga. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 14, 1903. To Charles S. Bohior, Tax Collector, Richmond County: The following assessment! upon tho Stale Tax for the year 1908 hi-b hereby made and you or your sue cessors In office are hereby Instructed and required to collect the same. Pauper 5.8 Poor House 11.4 Roads and llridges 13.8 Court Expense* . .. . 21 2 Maintaining Prisoners ~..114 Jurors 5.8 Elections 2. Public Buildings 5.8 Jail 5.8 Coroner 2.1 Small Pox 6 8 County Police 2.4 Reformatory ~ 3.8 94.8 Ihe name being forty-six cents om the one hundred dollars of taxable property, or ninety-four and R 10 pet cent ur rite Hlati Tax of four and 85-100 mills, levied for other than funding purpose. WILLIAM F EVE, Judge City Court and Ex-Off. Cmnmr Roads and Revenue, Richmond Co. Ga Attest : WM. D'A. W ALKER. Gl<*rk Oct 15 n NOTICE. ANY PERSON HAVING ACCOUNTS against the late .1. J. Chsfee will pleas*' send bills at once to mo, at Langley, S. C. J. fl. CM A FEE, a22c Administrator. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE. rilE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE city of Augusta will not open Mon day, September 21st, but will open September 28th. 1908. LAWTON B. EVANS, Superintendent. FINISHING TOUCHES PUT ON SCHOOL BUILDINGS Tin* fenced and other part* of tho gchoolM that wen- touched by water ar*i being painted and at tho timo of llie opening they will not ahow any 111 cffectH of th«* flood watorn. At th« imvidHon the out hoiiH» h have boon Mnlubml and everything I* In rcadl ncMH. Thu work on the tower at the Central whool 1m progrcHKing a* rap idly hh cotild bo exported and it will lx* flnlwltod In a short time. The wmllh at tho Davldnon have limn knlHomlnod and tho building I* in a Hanitary condition. Tin John Milled*;* school la near ing completion and It la thought that If will In* reday by the llrnt of Octo In r. <'onticrtionH have been made witli tho Huinincrvlllo malna and the only tiling that will prevent tho open ing will hf. the lack of electricity. HupcrlntendoiU Kvan* Maid .Saturday morning tout R wan bin Intention to open th<* achool* on September 28th, hut if the water whh not. In the main* by that tlm,, lie would postpone the opening for a week longer, and If nec essary he would poHtpono It another week. It Ih hardly probable that he •aill have to pontpone it longer than the brut date. Looking Ahead. "I've often wondered," eald the thoughtful man. "why tiny throw old i nhoi-G and ellpper* nfler hrldut < ouple, bi/t I thick i llie. Idea now." "Yen" iirkcd tk<i other. "Ve,-. I aiippoHt the idea I* that they will * ''me- In nnnrly for Himnklng purpu*#»* In ih* future."—Philadelphia i’rngg. A Modern Picture He knelt .t h«» sees—a union of one of the oldeni farrkUleii of tilled Kurop*. He wiih *i prince of the blood, and her father If tiffed eau«a*ee *u<*ee*«fully. "J-;weei | p.jrl, he f ried, "la* M-nilne, hg a mine, la* a-mine!" “Y't i m* hi, His murmured Mwnelly, "you mean he a mint, prince—o. mint, not a mine." Neverthelen* the entitle* were **veil s'. Y. Globe. PAGE FIVE