The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 19, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
PAGE SIX News of the Cotton Crop and Markets AUGUSTA COTTON MARKET Middling 9j£c Tone—Firm New York Cotton Market (TODAYS FIGURES.) Open. High Low Clou*. January ... ... ... ... ... •« 8m 871 864 868 March 867 873 8(-7 873 October 895 900 895 898 December 87!' BM, 877 883 Tone Q tie*. Spot*— (YESTERDAY'S FIGURES.) Open. High. l/i» Clone. January 8.81 8.82 864 B.ou March 8.82 8.83 8 fill 8.68 October. . 9.11) 9.12 8 95 B.SC December .. .... .. .. 8.79 8.93 8.77 8.78 Tone Steady. Spoils 9.50. New Orleans Cotton Market TODAY'S FIGURES) High Low Clone. January s »' ’»"* *52 October .. ... 891) 887 889 December 882 877 882 Tontc—Steady. Spot*—9 3-18. (YESTERDAY’S FIGURES.) Open. High l-ow. Clone. January 894 8.94 8.81 8.8.1 OclobtT •* • •••• ~,,,, ~ ~k. iHj 8. 915 8. 8 T» 8. 88 December . 8.9'» 8.93 8.74 8.74 Tow*- Slowly Spoils 9 3-IC. Chicago Grain and Provisions (TODAY'S FIGURES.) WHKAT — High Low Close, September .. lub% 98% H)S% December 191% 99% 101% COHN September. .... , 77% 75% 77% D»< > tuber tit;% 66 66% OA I S September 49 48% 49 December •• )»% «»* <9% LA It I ’ September 1027% - - 102.% !„.<■. tub 1989 lOJi. 1030 It I Its September 992% 987% 992% Wt-nihi-r 995 98(1 995 (YESTERDAYS FIGURES.) WHKAT Open. High lmw Clone Si ptembar 1 09% 1 00% 99V. 99’ , I . tiibei 109% 100% 89% 99% t OJIN C’. 76 78% I’. ■ -ember.. ' 05% 06% 05% 06 l \TS Se|.te tier 48 48% 48 48% Dei her 48% 48% 48% 48% LAUD - Hi ()i tobi 10 07% 10 15 10 07 %10 15 IllllH September 9 <5 Octobt r 970 9 77% 9 70 9 77% FULL QUO TA TIONS //V THE LOCAL MARKET S (TODAY'S FIGURES.) Ixi* lllltlill ■UK * 7-S HirU'i In* middling '*<" M Ulillt 9 1 # Hlrlct middling » I * (Kh ,i mtddlluw .* 3'ti (YESTERDAY'S FIGURES i l*>w middling ... 9r Strict l<>* middling SIS Middling 9 1 * Strict middling .. ... • 3 * Good middling ...» 1 J RECEIPTS. SALES AND SHIPMENTS Net receipt* today 2542 Through ootlon lihlhv 2Ji Grose receipt* today 27*d RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK Hale*. Hpln Hlil’H Rat. ~ ... 1522 « 14»3 Mon —— Tue*. .. —— \V, .1 .... Thura. . . m Total* ... 1*22 « 14*3 SALES FOR THE WEEK. If OK t»OT, Rat 177« 2441 Mon TlWl .. .. —— Wad Thur*. . . Frl Total* ... *770 2441 STOCKS AND RECEIPTS Ftock In Augusta, I*o* .. .. 17,945 Kiiwk In \ugn*t,y 1907 , 17.2<*7 Recoin'd eliit’t* Sept I. 190* 27,374 Rnvlnd aluc,. Sept, 1, 1907 37.979 IN SIGHT AND SUPPLY Rlrht to Kept If, rtg 54X 971 470.235 I mni■ >#: week 2*6.429 215 911 Vl*ll»!,. supply ~.,1,7*3.00* 2.22* 505 ESTIMATES TOR TOMORROW Today lxiM Yt tlalveatoa 11.359 IT.OOO 19 000 Houston 7.575 > 5004.500 New Orican« 3 420 PORT RECEIPTS Galveston . .. ..1397* 9654 New Orleans 2046 652 Mobile (2O Savannah 11R21 12:14!) Charlcaton 547 Wilmington 3671 3099 Norfolk 1407 121* Total (Hat.) 3*ooo 28231 INTERIOR RECEIPTS lfmiMton 7149 10000 Aiuinotn 2770 2441 i Mcinphl* 1120 177 HI Ixoila - 32 Cincinnati 188 AUGUSTA DAILY RECEIPTS. 1907 190* Georgia H R 548 541 Southern Hy 433 503 tvotral of Georgia .. 319 148 C A \V. 4’ R. K .... 285 491 A C l 139 126 Wan on 667 673 ('ana! —■ ■ - .■ River . Net receipt* 2391 1542 Th roots h 50 228 Totnl* 2441 2770 II T. Ixiwo, t’. 11 Pnole »rc still in Hnvannah for Neely a Co., ex port COURSE OF MARKET DEPENDS ON STRIKE Spot* Wrakrr In Augusta i«it.l Cloat'tl Lower Than on Yritmloy. if Special AUGUSTA tl* Liverpool opened nine down this morning and closed clx down, about as due on the New York close of yesterday Liverpool sales were only 3 000 bale* New York closed with December at *3. but ,yery exporter has hsd his .Units csucelled from abroad based on the Liverpool strike news, and the basis of spot* over future* I* at least 110 point* weaker today than R has I been ruling tor the last nook spot* In Xugvitta brtuKtn* 9 I s The Immediate course of (he mar ket depend* on developments In Man Chester We teel Inclined at the mo ment In ih* face of the enormous western receplt* to look for ■ moder ate decline the week end figure* be- 1 Ins besrl»h both from the standpoint or movement and mill takings - liar rett « IVugbty. New York Stock Market Atrhlnon %i Atchison pfd 95 Baltimore b Ohio %% Canadian Racllic 171% CXcago ti North wt.-»U-m 158 Colorado Southern 38'/.s Denver 2c Hio Gtatido 27% llllnoln Central 139 l/OUlavllle & Nashville 104% Missouri I’aolttc 52% New York Central 104% | I'eunn.t Ivanla 121 j Heading .. 130 Rock Island 18% Hock Island pfd 34 Ht. Paul 134 Bouthnn Pacific ....102% Solithem Hallway 21% Union Pacific 158% Wabash .. ..12% Wisconsin Central 28% (YCSTERDAY’S FIGURES.) Clone. Atohlßon 88 Atchison pfd 95 Baltimore and Ohio 97% Canadian Pacific 171% Chbago and Northwestern.. ..158% Colorado Southern 38% Denver and ttlo Orande 27% Denver and Hio Cirunde pfd.. 66 Erie 30 llllnoln Central 139% Louisville and Nashville.. .. ..105% Mexican eCntral 15% Missouri Pacific 54% New York Central 105% Pennsylvania 122% Reading 132% Hock Inland 18 Rock Inland pfd.. : 34% Ht. Paul 136% Southern Pacific 105% Southern Hallway 21 % Union Pacific 161% Union Pacific pfd 80% Wabash 12% Wisconsin Central 27% DETERMINATION TO KEEP MARKET QUIET Stork* Were Dull Today, But London S( ntiment Was More Cln erful. (BY T. C. SHOTWELL.) NEW YORK —Slocks were dull thin morning and without material change* In prices except In the spec ialtlen National Lead wan one that advanced sharply, going up 231 points. Canadian Pacific wan also strong. The Bryan ncaro seemed to he en lirely forgotten but those hi charge of he market expressed a determina tion to keep the lint quiet for a time, pi 1 ons eliiie to the Ht oYlard Oil say Southern I’uclfle will be a leader In the market for some time. In London the sentiment was more cheerful. Invesimnt stocks helm? In the best demand. On the curb market nearly all stocks were dull. LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS. (<*oiT4*Pt«Ail t>y Martin (Jarre") Government Bonn Mill. Ackel, 9. *s 1905 T . S. I'M ]O3O 103 % . s s. imH Its State Bonds. On S l ** 1930 J & J.. 91 0s». On 1922. J A J *95 Ctty Clonde. Aiißontn 4n. 1931. M A b 97 ——• AiiKUsta 4*v*. 1930 A A 0 102 ——• XiiKU.Ua 4rt. llMl. M A 97 ■ — ■' Atlanta 6s. 1914. .! A J H»6 Vugunt.v 4*. M A N.. 98 Charleston 4n, 1909. .I 4% J 99 Charleston A < ‘ 104 Cl >rl«*K'n s*. 1924, A AO 10* . nihU. 4n. 1910. J A J . .'4 (Vtumbua 4 t e», 1927, J J A J 101 Railroad Stocks. VtlatC* And \N wit I’olnt n r. 140 144 1.1 it U snd Hanking Co 24/ 21*. V A S H II Co 101 v s *ui hweatern It U Co . 104 104 Bank Stocks. Augusta Savin** Hank . 178 —— lr;w \msrtrun Hunk (par I 40 Merchant* Hank 190 19S National Hark . ISS <4u National K\. hang** Hank 134 I*C l’liinters I oun A, Savings Hank ipar |10) 20 28 i '‘nlon Savings Hank (par * -'•» (Mtliens' Ihink 1)1 Local Bonds. Aiigitßta Factory lat 4s. »W M and M.. YH Augusta Hy .% Kiri- Co Ist r* .940 J A l) ... 91 Hon \lr Hot-1 Co. 4s, J X. 1> . 1011-21 .100 .!■». kw.mvtlls f»s. 1924, M HI Ms con iv%s. 1924, Tamtnry quurtmty . 101 —— Macon 6k 1910. January quarterly , 102 SavanuSA 8», 1909. Feb ruary quarterly 98 ——. Kavaimth 6s 1914. January quarterly .102 —— Local Bonds. Fnterprlse Mfg Co. Ist 6s 19.*3, M A N 98 »| Slhl«*y Mfg Co. Ist Ba. due 19.3, J A l> ,91 97 ntailroad Bonds. Augusts Ho liy Ist mort gage. la* J A l .. 18 89 1 it Uy Ist Mfg 8s . . 1148, F iml A lo4\ C .f i:» Hy Ist Con Mtg 6m 1948, M amt M .199 |C < f il**. Mae A Nor Plv Ist 134*. J and J .99 ,*JI Central of (U, M. Q and Ate Ist Bs. 1947. J A J . 99 H| i c-ntral of tl* Kuton'on Hranch. Ist Is. 1934. J and t> *» i#s C of «ia Ist pod Income 8* 1918. Oct . . 44 C of t»a ?nd pfd Income 8S 1948, tk't 48 C of 0,5 3rd Imvmi, Bs. ; 1946 Oct. . ~J 9 (' f <l* Hy Motille IMS 1»( 6* HM4 j a j . i q ! c c 4% A ?nd ?s. !91<t A andO )9S - \ H H A flanking Co [(.* It H A » Co 4s. i 12:4 119 THE AUGUSTA HERAT T>. (TODAY’S FIGURES.) Interboro Metropolitan 11 Interboro Metiopolitan pfd .. . 31% Great Northern 129% Amalgamated Copper 73 American Car and Foundry .. ..38 American Locomotive 45 . American Cotton Oil .. . .. ..33% Am. Smelting and Refining .. ..83 , Am. Smelting and Refining pfd 101 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 45% Colorado Fuel and Iron 32% General Electric 149 National Biscuit 88 National Lead 77 Pacific Mall 24% People's Gas 95 Pressed Steel Southern Pacific pfd 118% Sugar 139 Unl'od States Steel 77 , Uni < J Stat ,# Steel pfd I"' Wca*> rn Union 00 Va.-Carollna Chemical 29 Interboro Metropolitan TT% Interboro Metropolitan 32% Great Northern 152% Atlantic Coast Line 87% Amalgamated Copper 70 American Car and Foundry.. .. 38% American Locomotive 45% American Cotton OR 33% Am. Smelting and Refng 86% Am. Smelting and Refng pfd 101% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 50% j Colorado Fuel and Iron. 34 [General Electric 140 .International Paper 9% National l8»ad 70% Pacific Mall 24% (People’s Gas 95% | Pressed Steel Car 31% I Pullman Palace Car 162 Va Slows Sheffield Steel 02 Southern Pacific 118 | Sugar ~129% j United States Steel 45% United States Steel pfd 109 | Wesiern Union ..60 1 Va.-Carolina Chem 29% BANK LOANS PLACED WITH TRUST CONCERNS! Financial Statement To day Probably Indicates Tbi* Situation. NEW -YORK.—The bank statement today In as follows: Clearing house members, average condition, change compared with last week: Surplus (old) decreased $1,774,300; surplus (new) decreased $1,810,850; Loans, decreased. $4,577,700; specie, [decreased. $2,816.70(1; legal tenders, decreased. $832,200; deposits, decreas ed, $7,498,400; circulation, decreased, $51,500; U. S. deposits, decreased, $140,200; total loans, $ 1.318.152,800; total reserves, $403,359,400; total sur plus (old), $50,218,525. Surplus (not counting reserve against l'. S. deposits) $52,547,700. The decrease In loans shown in the bank statement is evidently due to transfers of loans to trust companies, for the trust companies and non-re porting banks show an Increase in loans of $7,215,500. NEW YORK COTTON WAS HIGHER TODAY Manchester Strike Will Probably be Cnlletl Off and Operations Contiuc. NKW YORK The cotton m;irkot this morning op*>ned fairly active and quite Ht*\idy, although somewhat uneasy over the utrlke situation, as Liverpool cabled that a strike was probable on Monday, but would presumably be settled shortly. There was a fair amount of week-end covering. After the first call the market whnt Appeared to be a sensational turn and prices went up two and three points at a lime until the high price of yester day was almost reached. From this point the market sagged finally closing net 7 to 12 points over Friday s close. 8 Ky. Co., Ist con. 6s. 1994. J and J 103 Aei/thsrn Cette a miii wtocKS. Abbeville Cotton laills (8 C) 90 94 Aiken Mfg Co (9 O .. 90 \nd. s-m Cotton Mills (9 Ct pfd 52 f>4 Arkwright Mills 106 109 Augusta Factory .. .. .. —— 70 K bon Mills . 110 iU Cabarrus ("otton Mills . 130 135 (T xlwlck Mfg Co (N C.) Pfd 100 inn Cht'iuols Mfg Co 9 O).. 120 120 t lift on Mfg Co .9 C) 115 118 Clifton Mfg Co <9 C) pfd S!» Columbus Aifg Co (ua).. 94 101 Courtenay Mfg Co iS C) 97 inti tnliss Mfg ro < \k%) .. *4 101 Kuoreo Mfg Co <9 t*i . *0 hu Fnorre Mfg Co (8 C) pfd 101 K gl.' and Fhoenlg Mills (t'.a >. .. 152 Fssl.vy Cotton Mills (9 C) 138 145 Kmerprise Mfg Cf (Oil.— h.» c.mfTney Mfg Co (8 C) . 94 100 Do ?d pfd *« 91 *;.»b'HNille Cotton Mills U7s l 80 40 C.ninttevnie Mfg Co (9 C 160 tlranbv Mill, pfd 1 Iren del Mills (S O) . ... 114 120 Henrietta Mills (N C> 140 k, King Mfg CO 97 i 1 fgi • y Mfg Co —— 100 { Lorn-Hater Cotton Mills 4 n 108 h ns Cotton Mbls (8 C) pfd . 152 140 Mitts B C) 140 ! Louise Mills (NO 90 9- IV' pfd . 94 M -Ibo-o Cotton Mills SO) 91 v* Orangeburg Mfg O# tv* 2nd pfd 90 Tel ham Mfg Co (Go) pfd 101 -08 »’«v Mfg Co, F W (9 AM 100 104 Raleigh Cotton Mills (N C) »nn 104 Semtnnte Mfg Co Com., 40 Do 2d pfd ».> ' mlnole Mfg A>. Ist pfd.. 100 103 Mey Mfg Co ... 42 $4 S Dart an (8 C ).. I**' *44 J. C. McALLiFfE, Market IdHor ! ATLANTIC COAST • LIKE Temporary Schedule via. Yemassee) NOTE —These arrivals and depar ures are given as information, but nival and connections are not guar anteed. No. 82. Effective No. 85 North September 8, 1908. South '2:30 pm Lv. Augusta Ar. 12:40 pm 5:30 pm Ar Chas’n Lv 7:45 am 8:15 pm Ar Florence Lv 4; 40 am 3:10 am Ar Richmond Lv 7:25 pm 8:40 am Ar Wash’n. Lv 3:45 pm ’0:00 am Ar Baltimore Lv 2:15 pm 12:18 pm Ar W. Phila. Lv 11:55 am 2:45 pm Ar . New York (23d St) Lv 9:25 an: Pullman BROILER cars between Augusta and New York, without change. L. D. McCULLUM, Commercial Agent, 807 Broad St. T. C. White, W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass Agt. Pass, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. 3ENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. (Currem Scneaulea uurrccied to Hate.) j (76th Meridian Time.) DEPARTURE. 3- For Savannah and Macon *7:3oam For Dublin and Savannah •2:4spra For Savannah and Macon ••8:4l»pm For Savannah and Macon !!#:4opin ARRIVALS. From Savannah and Macon .. !!B:osam From Savannah and Macon ...••S:soam From Savannah and Macon . • *7:6opm From Dublin and Savannah....*l2:46pm •Dally, ••ftxcept Sunday. I!Sunday only. Drawing Room Sleeping Cara between Augusta end Suvunnah on night train*. Connect* at Millen with through Bleep ing car* <o and from Magun, Atlanta, Columbus, Birmingham and Chicago, Ills. F. F. POWERS, YV. W. HAOKETT, Com’l. Aat. Trav. Paea. Agt. 726 Rroau Mu Charleston & Western Carolina Railway The following arrival* «*..a departure* of trains, Union Station, Augusta, Ga. # hm well as connections with other compa nies. are simply a* information, and are not guaranteed: (Effective Sept. 14, 1908.) DEPARTURES. 6:000 a. m.—No. 7, Daily for Anderson, feeneca, WalhjUla, etc 10:10 a. m. —No. 1, 7>aiiy tor oreenwoou. Lauren a, Greenville, 'Spartanburg Hendersonville and Asheville. 2:05 p. rn.—No. 42, Dally for Allendale, Fairfax, Charleston. Savannah, Beaufort, Port Royal. 4:40 p m.—No. S, Dally for Greenwood. No. 6 leave* Greenwood ul w;6U Hi- for Spartanburg. ARRIVALS No. 4, Dally from Greenwood, 9:30 a. m. No. 41, dally from Charleston, Sa vannah, Beaufort, Port Royal, etc, 12:30 p. in. No. 2, daily from Asheville, Spart anburg, Greenwood, etc., 6:15 p. m. No. K, dally from Anderson, McCormick, etc.. 7:36 p. m. Trains 41 and 42 run solid between I Augusta and Charleston, j Trl-Weekly Parlor Car service between Augusta and Asheville, leaving Augusta ' Tuesdays. Thursdays arid Saturdays. AJheville Mondays. Wednesday and tri- I days. Train* Nos 1 and <- ERNEST WILLIAMS. General Passenger Agent. No. 807 Rroadw ay, Augusta. Oa. ♦oooootoooooooooo w ♦ ♦ COTTON REGION DULLCTIN. ♦ • * ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦«• Augusta District. Temperature. Max. Min. Ualn. \llsusta 80 56 0 Allendale 84 57 0 Athens 79 36 ) Hatesburp 80 59 0 1 Rlackvllle 85 54 0 Oamak S 3 53 0 Columbia 82 56 0 xTre>‘nsborri 83 52 0| Oreenwood 84 57 0 Washineton 84 57 0 Waynesboro 80 57 o Averages 82 56 0 Texas Rainfall. rteevllle 02 Urtiilam 18 Corsica! i . ..24 Cuero 02 • Dallas 01 Houston .08 Huntsville .94 Lampasas 11 1 Longview 52 I.ultng 20 Mexta 30 Nacogdoches 2 10 Si hman T Temple. . . .10 Waxahachie. T; Wharton 20 District Averages. Tern:' rsture. Max Jiin. Rain. Atlanta 81 58 0! Augusta 82 56 0 1 Charleston 7x 58 .16 Galveston 78 64 .IS l,lttle Rook 86 66 .02] ! Memphis 86 66 .02 Mobile 81 62 .1' Montgomen 86 66 . T New Orleans 78 68 .46 Oklahoma 84 60 ! Savannah 86 66 T Vicksburg 82 68 .17 1 Wilmington 81 54 0 Remarks. Showers in the belt were nearly all conlined to the central and wes'ern dlftrtcts with and occasional heavy fall in Texas Temperature generally average low ! er in all districts. D. FISHER. Observer. WHEAT MADE GAINS IN CHICAGO MARKET ■ 1 - Comimssion bouses bought Liberally Sendiuß Prices Upward Today. | CHICAGO.—Wheat wa* a little low-et at th* opening. bWng by rgrtir cnbles and continued litoral rc crtptg In thr northwest. The trade was f-ilrly active. There waa scattered commission hou»e buying The market advanced during the letter part of the session and the net gnlb of the day **wiv>uated to over a cent* FINANCIAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA 707 DRCAD STREET. ORGANIZED 1865. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $450,000.00 L. C. HAYNE, President. CHAS. R. CLARK, Cashier. BEGINNING AUG. IST, 1908, this Bank will pay 4 per cens*tn terest on CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. These certificates T.ll be issued by us In sums of SIOO.OO and up, for stipulated periods as time, to suit the Depositors’ convenience. SAFETY LOCK BOXES $3.00 TO $20.00 PER YEAR. The business of our out of town friends carefully looked after. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. You can draw your money at any time if you deposit it with us and take one of our CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, We pay you 4 Per Cent per annum if you leave it with us three months or longer. The National Exchange Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $540,000.00. Georgia Railroad Bank Augusta, Georgia. This Bank Solicits the banking business of merchants and corporat ions. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest on all deposits placed in our Savings Dept. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. . The Coupon Certificate of Deposit. is a remarkably safe and convenient method of deposit—you have both principal and interest in the form of certified checks—always growing—yet always available—better come in and become one of our customers—issued only in Augusta by the MERCHANTS BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 MEET ME AT HICKEY’S Where You Get the Best Work by the Best Workmen. Remember the place, 221 Eighth Street. HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP. Do you need a competent chauffeur or cab driver? Don’t bother with every way under the sun trying to get one; but just read the Situation Want ed Columns of The Augusta Herald. It’s the easiest and most economical way of ob taining all kinds of good help. Every day experienced chauffeurs and cab-driv ers advertise in The Herald for positions. Men who are mechanics, industrious workers, and are just the kind of help you want. If you are looking for a good chauffeur, cab driver, or general handy man—just read the Situa tion Want Ads. of The Herald and you’ll be sure to find the man you want. THE WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ARE "HUMANIZING!” When more people come to use and answer classified advertise ments, more people will know each other— More People With Interests Will Meet more people will find channels and opportunities for reciprocal ser vice. Tru’r, the want ads. are ''humanizing” people—shaming away the scorn of small things, the acorn of "bargaining. '* of useful but not used things for useful and usable one*. USE HERALD WANTS (OR RESULTS. READ HERALD WANT ADS. gi A TTT'P T* A v cr-n-r FINANCIAL