The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 20, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Social And Personal MARRIAGE OF MIS 3 WILKINSON AND MR. VEK CERY TUEBDAY EVENING. A »oclal event In which is centor*'! a grea' deal of Inter**:, Is the mar riage of Miss Marla V llklnaon and Mr Oi'VUlf Brown Vercgry, which will lake plar<> on Tuesday evening, at. j c/clock. at Si James church. So formal card* of Invitation h»ve barn Mnt (Wt, bit ih<‘ occasion will lie (fiat: ed b} the presence of a law nnm ber ol friends of th<- yotiog couple The bride will wear a dalnly gown of Soft white mull and lace and will carry an armful of roses. Kb*' will have ■** her only attendant, Mia Mary Medearts, of Nashville, I eon . and the groom a heal man will be bis brother, Mr. II Park* Verder.v, of Decatur, Ala The ushers will be Mr lllchard N> wman, Mr, C. !,. Cast l bgrry, Mr. Richard Rile and Mr. Mor gan Newman. The bride will be at tended to the altar by bn brother the Rev Richard Wilkinson, who will present her In marriage to the groom, the ceremony betns performed by the Rev. J. W. Iteldt. of Atlanta, the pr« aiding elder of the circuit. After the ceremony at the church the two Immediate lamHles will bo entertained at the home of the gro un'a -larent*. Mr and Mrs A M Verdery, 220 Ureetie street, where, after a brief wedding Journey they will be ta home u tin Ir friends. FEgTIVAL FOR THE ATONEMENT CHURCH. A number ol the ladles of the Chnrrh of the Atonement are arrang *ng for an Ice cream festival which they will Riv,- nc Tuesday afternoon on Ho- Cows Mom' green, Hie mom • made to go towardi the renovation of the church which has b* en to had ly damaged by the freshet There will be delicious let and confi-cth ’>> serv ed and speetai fe .Tit »•*■-- arranged for the pleasure id thi children who am given a rordUl Invltatlmi h> attend any time from 4 o'clock lilt dark. LADIES' AID SOCIETY. The different organisation* com prising the Associated Charities were much pleased at their meeting of yes terday to welconi, to their number the I sidles' Aid society of the First Chrletlan church Rev II T free, pastor The society, through Its rep. resentetlvvs. Mrs I) Shaver. Mrs Burt O Miller and Mr* Duncan .tones, offered to commence work at once In whatever wsy tbelr services Were most needed It was decided to ask them to make et one,, a good supply of women s gar tnenls which are more needed than any other articles In the wav of cloth Ing If was also suggested that they be made of wlntci goods, a thcr, will be great need for these. IC. H. Hol lingsworth. Secretary. SPECIAL MEETING. asitThe I ’glit |b i IS Circle of Klnc - Daughter* will hold an Important meeting on nett Sunday, Slept 20th, at 1 o'clock at the Telfair llldg Ev ery member l« urgently NQiniltl lo be promptly at that meeting MEETINO OF TUBMAN SENIORS. Al’ Seniors <d the Tubman High school are asked to h 1 present on Im p.otari bualn ** Mem ay t-cpi **. at half past ten o'chx k id tit” school build dig. Mias Marie Sheron has returned to HI Joseph s Academy at Washing ton to resume her studies. -Mr Edward ft Hook. .It arrived today from Augusta, to be the gm »t of Mr Joseph Johnson Hook, until the opMlltlg I's 'he Technological •clued Atlanta Journal ■ Mr and Mrs Charles K Mark* have returned home after a long sta\ In New York —Cot. James Tillman wna In the Hty yenUtftay - Ml and Mrs Zsck Miller are re (Otvlltg eongr at Illation* upon the nr rival oi a law ! e i-ti danr’' ■’ Miss Mnfisn Marlin « 111 now b. at college tin* winter, but «i I spend the season In New York with her aunt. Mr,i Auchlettlirech ■ jiipteU Dr Itenn Mi-h i and Dr I .< Coleman *r<* In Washington Cl'l - stlas Mabel Davison, ol Atlanta, who has been spending several weeks In Florence with her slater Mr* l.uclsn Mela-mori and o'- • *l'h Mr> Irvine Alekiindei a' he ■ emtiv u>n •bove Lake View relumed Friday to Atlanta Ml-* Maud Davison who hat also been visiting Mrt Mclc more in Florence, has returned to An 111 Mr and Mi- llai" " Griffin »'>' the recipient ot congratulations since the arrival of a flue young *<w. *'»■ will he called Deudsll Wilson l.riffto - Miss Louise Hisaar will leave lo morrow for Asheville. N > •he will visit her alsl.r, Mrs Ken wynons Woodward left Fi dav to resume her sludtcs a' 1 1 llreenvllle Female college UmMrtlle. Oa . nro »> £•' ‘ Mr* Mac »eng»» Moore who have tur n *penoiug iJS week, among the North Oaroltce maintains have retnr.ed home After s,iendlr.S some time with M LC K’rntorS’haa'rturhedto her home on Turpin Hill. »nt«k«. Philipp*# Co. I). Qrutn A Son. Hownrd, Waltham, Blgln FINE WATCHES Uitcst Styles Thin Models. Wm. Schweifcert & Co. Our Aim Is To Satisfy The Demands of The Public! i Our Business Policy—Attractive Store, Lowest Prices, Quickest Service and Liberal Methods —Shall Be Pursued, With Untiring Energy. And the Merchandise! The Showing is So Distinctive and Fresh; So Wide in Scope of Selection; So Metropolitan in Character, That Even the Most Exacting Will Find Their Ideas Readily Gratified. It Is Our Aim to Sell the Highest Grade Goods, at All Times, for the Very Lowest Possibe Figures. Thus You Are Assured of the Greatest Economy When Buying Here. Our Ready-to-Wear Department-Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts and Furs. « Columns might "be written about each yet they would not tell as much concerning the styles, the materials and the vastness and beauty of the assortment as a few minutes of personal inspection, so we simply say come, examine to your entire satisfaction. Special Sale of Early Fall Coats, Coverts, Broadcloths The cold mornings and evenings call for a medium weight wrap—Nothing could be more useful or charming than the new models we are now offering at SUCH TEMPTING PRICES. Cloaks of excellent quality Covert, man tailored, satin lined, short nobby styles, finished with stitching, pockets and buttons for the CJO remarkable price of .. T • .. $12.50 Coats in the newest striped Coverts, satin and striped aild Taffeta lined, stunning hip length CI IT 0| Q Cfi $15.00 models, man tailored for J OIaiJU $17.50 Black Satin Finished Broadcloth Coats, Taffeta Lined, Hip Length, i | O ETA Stylish and Handsome n4>l^«*7v/ 81x90 Cotton Sheets, $1.25 Value, for 57c 45x36 Pillow Cases, Best Cotton, for 11c s(> cjq an( j All Wool Blankets, white with dainty colored borders, also a lovely line of plaids. We will run as a special _ / a nmr $7 50 leader tomorrow for . *.%P ■*o M H/ 2 c Bleaching, 36 inches Wide, for Monday. 5%c 15c Children’s School Hose, Fast Black lOc 72 inch Damask, in a fine variety of designs, worth 85c the yard, P7 P II Napkins to match in % size, always sold by the dozen for $1.98, Cl Cfl for .. : h rrrr'rrr.vr: ....y; oil* II sale price viiuu Leaders in Everything Fashionable. 862 BROAD ST. ANDREWS BROS. COMPANY. ’PHONE No. 183. Some Changes cAmong cAugusta ‘Residents A men* Inns who rent homos ar c got i ! Him ready to titovo soil there will! prohshl, b<- mor,, changea of rost (lour. * this season than Us* boon for nn> year of >lnt.> (lab- Msny of the people nro going to tholr own homo*. J mini) •ro simply moving to homo* ; limn- tb‘»lnibl,. 'ln variofta way* »h*n |lhv onoa thoy iH'cupioil laat yoar. \moug the change* will be the fol i lowing i Mr and Mrs .1 Jonea Oardlnoe will occupy their new Home on the I' 1 " Mr and Mra Somerville Halt will occupy the Fort-on realdence. lid!* tlreene atroet Mr* M K Owona und Mra D Con lon and family will mov,. to the IJOU I block of Kill* atroet Mi and Mr* Davbl M I’ottor will move to Monte Hau l Mr and Mia K D Deveney wilt mov,. to 41J Melntoah atreet, the| : houae recently occupied by Mr and; Mr* Jame* 1* Doughty. Mr It i'. Moahell haa moved to, j 251 Gr«**tu» Mr»» Wwodtnw *lll n»ov v > l»* j I :<\2 TvkUlr utrtH-t \|r anti Mr* John W Rrynold»| ~ii,| Ml and Mr* Marlon Heynolv!. , rt , occupying 'ho realdencr 30',; utr^t Mr and Mra ti W MarahMl i.ud , tatutlv have moved Into tholr recently I purchaaed home. 31S Greene atreet I Mr and Mr* W. H S Killa and famllv Will after October Brat occupy tholr handsome nr* residence on Woodlawn *Hvenuc Mr. Charles Britton with his tm -r outing family will movu to Monte Sano. Mr Julian Smith and family will move to Woodlawii. Mr J. |». Russel’. amt famil' will move from Summerville to 317 Tel fair street. Mr, and Mr* John W Nichols and family will next year occupy the Ki lts home. 837 Fifteenth street Mr and Mrs. I’. II Howard will occupy th. residence vacated !>y Mr nnd Mr* W. l’. Boykin. Mr. and Mrs William Swlndelf ind family »r t . occupying the residence .348 Telfair street Mr and Mrs. Ferdinand Richards and family will move to JO Teltalr street. Mrs Elisabeth Hubert and her In trreallns family remove to Vtlanta. where they go attended by most sincere good wishes of their Augusta friends Mrs Anne Faughnan and family have moved to 303 Greene street. Mr W a Clarke and family wi• 1 nest year occupy the residency iclfalr .ireet, vacated by Mrs KlUa beth Hubert Mr and Mis K J Er held Ins will move Into their pretty new home on Bay afreet Mrs J. M Sewell *ll| continue to b,. at home to her trlends and patrons at her old residence, 439 Telfair street Mr and Mr* Hampton llankinson will move to 323 Greene siret. They will bav*, with them Mr William Bry son and I'r, Irvine Bryson. Mr and Mrs Charles IMlcher have moved from Woodlawn to 937 Greene •Ireei Mi and Mrs l.ulher Hanklnson wit! mov,. to the city from Beech In land. occupying the I) M. t.yon* home 3.1 T Broad street Mr and Mrs Thomas Pilcher have taken the eM Datiferth home SM Greece afreet Mr. and Mrs 1 J Wtl lant who have been occupying It hive remuvid to RMtfiTC, whir they have recently butll Mrs Celeste Irvin will move trout THE AUGUSTA HERALD. | Reynolds street to 348 Telfair street. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Ramey and j family will more from upper Rey nolds street to all Center street. Mr. Charles S. Smith nnd faintly will occupy the house now occupied iby Mr. and Mrs Frank Barrett. Mr and Mrs. Frank BarreTt will mov,. to Jig Broad street, where the I. I. Robertsons formerly lived, they having taken the Hugh Alexander I residence. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and family will occupy the house the old : Jessup residence on Telfair street, at present occupied by Mr. Howard Royal who will move to one of the I new nhuses on the 500 block of Eliis street owned by Mrs. A. C. Brinson Mr. Frank Petit and family will move to their own home at 1256 I Greene street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Argo have moved to one of the Townsend apart : menta, 1221 Green*, street. Mr. and Mrs. F. \ A skin will oc ■ enpy the lions,, its Telfair street. Mr John W St alker gnd family will | Mr and Mrs John Fennell and family will move to 303 Telfair street. ‘ Till' Misses Dosher Will move Into the hous, next door to their present home on Kill* street. Mr, and Mrs Harry Fourcher will 1 move to tin Elbert street, Mr and Mrs Will Evp will occupy one of the new Marshall residences on Fourth street between Teltalr and Walker Mr ind Mrs Harry Zelgler will be it home to their friend* at 53?> Cal hmm street, Mr Ned Johnston will have an at tractive Hat at 307 Greene street. Mrs M K Resaman ha* leased the residence 717 Greene street and al ! ready moved Iher ■ Mr James p. Doughty and family have moved into their new- recently purchased home. 836 Greene street. Mr. and Mrs George W. Hanks will | move from to’g Jackson atreet to ! M 6 Walker street Mr and Mrs. Orville Waring ar iv.,i t.viu from Wilmington, N. C 1 and will be she guests for the next | fortnight of Mi and Mis. Harry Cab ! ws> on Monte Sano M'.ss l.uctlc Kelley has resumed j her college studies at Columbia col | -ege The celebration of the alive* an ui\cr>aiy of the wedding of Mr and | M*a. j>dltt» Asher In MldvtUe. is an $5.00 In two excellent styles, made of Chiffon Taffeta with * . the new pointed collars and the latest long sleeves. Waists Also in white and ecru net fluffy and becoming, 00 DO it 2no trimmed in lace bands and edge. Vl Hn tor $3.98 Remarkable values for ...V w.U U event of interest to their numerous Augusta friends. Mrs. Asher was Miss Davis of this city, a sister of Mrs. Ben Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Burns and Miss Mareelle Purus, Mrs .Mary McAulitt', Miss Mario MtAuliffe, Mrs. Sidney Fourth and Master Herbert Herman will be among-the Augustans in attendance at the celebrntion which will he next Wednesda evening —Miss Mamie llardin will be pleas ed to have her friends and patrons i ill on her at tic J. It. White, pnl liucry establishment where she will ho Vo,- the season. Mrs. Martin Roberts and Miss Lillian Simon will leave this after noon for Giraid. Ga., wl;# they will spend two weeks wltn their aunt Mrs. H. C. HI'.IIs —Mrs. C. C. McMillen of Harlem was in the city yesterday. —Mrs. Hugh Walker will leave on the twenty sixth for Charleston, where she will join Lieut. Walker and remain for awhile before return ing lo Washington City for the win ter. Mrs. \V S. Lincoln, pleasantly recalled as Miss Pearl Palmer of this city, is vlsi-.lng her mother. Mrs. -3. M. Palmer. —Mrs. A R Bailie, of New Orleans, who is to delightfully remembered as Miss Florence New. is spending some lime with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Lyle, before leaving for Texas —Mrs. W. H. T. Walker, who has been spending some time with Mrs Thomas Goodrich, has returned to "Jasmine Hill." —Mrs. G. Morton Jones ts con valesclng from her recent illness. I Miss Pauline Verdery and Miss . Fanie Dugas, with Mrs. James P. Vet deiv, will leave 'oday for Notre Danu Baltimore, where the young ladles wl’l j I he entered for the year. Miss Terence Battey, who was to have accompanied ; them. Is, while much Ivelter. not yet j strong enough to attempt the jour j ney. —Dr. E. C. Goodrich, who has been confined to his home on the Hill by : Illness, ts recovered sufficiently. It !* , (bought, to be able to resume his dn : ties tomorrow, which will be welcome nv'ws to his many admiring friend* —Mrs. Mothner and Miss Ruby gchranuvek arc visiting friends In Co lumbia. —Mr John Robert*, of Alahima. ! was in the ritv Fridav —Mrs M week or two with Mr. and .Mis. Robert Drvsscl in Atlanta. —Mrs. F. McLean has returned from Columbia, S. C. —Mrs. Mary Bland Ooodvvln will be with Mrs. Mahoney, corner of Brond and Monument, streets. —Mr. and Mrs. Nlsbet Wingfield will have the adjoining residence to Mrs. Smokes on Reynolds street. —Mr. and Mrs, Charles Schneider will occupy their own home on the four hundred block of Broad streets. —Prof, and Mrs. Fortin and family ure In the William's home corner of Reynolds and Klbert streets. —Mr and Mrs. John Foster will have the Klbert street residence re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. How ard Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cohen and Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Sandford wot mov(h to the Hookey residence, cor ner of Greene and Centre street. —Mrs. M. P. Foster and Mr. and Mrs W. A. Lyons will have the old Walton home on Reynolds and E'bert streets. —Mr. and Mrs K. C. Martin will move into the Bowles residence on Gumming street, which they bvve re cently purchased.^ Mr. William Balk and family will move Into their new cottage homo on W ilton Way. —Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sehuidt and family occupy the residence BIOS Woodlawn avenue. —Mr. and Mr*. Coles Dempsey will tfeiv and Old New method of doing things at the Savoy —but Howard’s old way, of making things. We have painted and brightened things up a bit, and are serving sodawater and ice creams like Howard used to . All syrups now used here, made personally by Tuner Howard. Howard. HOWARD'S SAVOY THERE S A DIFFERENCE. SUNDAY, SEPT. 20 move in from Woodlawn. and occupy their cwn home, 9'iT Telfair street. —Mr. and Mrs. Tom Getxen and Mr. and Mrs. Inman Curry will move to 4OS Ellis Btreet.. —Mrs. Eunice Smith will have one of the now homes now being erected Dy Mrs. Jack Holder. Mrs. Holder will occupy the other - M'-s. Perkins will move to the house which is now occupied by the Miss*s Dosher. Mrs Folsom Roan will be with her mother. —Vr. and Mrs. Derrili are moving (o the four hundred block of Broad street. —Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boykin an 1 family will be in one of the new Evans houses on Oretis ju«i above Mci-ilnnle. Mr. and Mr. J. P. Doughty, Jr. will t* with 3.5 r. and Mrs. E. W. Deveney on Mclntosh street. Mr. JLJ. L. Macmurphey and Miss Adelle Macmurphey will have one of the Phlnizy houses on the Pee hund red block of Ellis street. —Mrs. J. E. Stallings and cbddren will join Mr. Stallings who -is now located in Atlanta. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Richards have taken one of the new Vautflm apartmen*s on 4'umming street near Greene and will have with them Mr. and Airs. C. A. Doolittle. c!