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Graceful Toses iriffib MERRY VIE OW WkYXZ
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Henry W. Savage's production of
Lehar's seductive “Merry Widow” which
has set the world to waltzing, started
on Its second year in New York Monday
night at Klaw and Erlanger's New Am
sterdam Theatre. During the summer
this Viennese operetta had packed the
Aerial Gardens nightly, and its return
to the theatre beautiful marked its 365th
consecutive performance in New York.
It was a notable event in the record
making run of the piece, the house be
ing crowded with a cosmopolitan au
dienc to welcome the popular Georgia
Cain, who made her debut in the charm
ing ti. e role. Miss Cain had waited a
year for this opportunity, and she danc
ed and sang and flirted as never before.
Charles Meekins, who followed Donald
Brain last spring as the dashing Prince
Danilo, was Miss Cain’s partner in the
famous “Merry Widow” waltz, and they
were forced to do the dance over and
over again before the joy-loving an
fllence was satisfied.
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The fact that Lehar. the composer of
"The Merry Widow,'* is already a mil
lionaire in crowns, and will doubtless be
a miillonare in dollars before that charm
ing Viennese operetta ceases to entrance
the public, has induced C. A. Brat ter, of
the Berlin Tageblatt to compare the
profits of composers of our days with
those of their predecessors. lie recalls
the familiar facts that Mozart Schubert
and Lotzing practically perished because
of insufficient return for their exhaustive
Mozart got only 225 florins for his
*L»on Juan score, and 100 ducats for his
"Figaro'* Schubert often had to write an
Immortal song and sell it for twenty
cents before he could order ids dinner.
Ills clothes wore often patched. Weber
got only eigthy Friedrichsdor for his
"Frieschutz” one of the most successful
operas ever written. After it had fifty
performances in Berlin, which yielded
30,000 thalers, the manager generously
offered him an extra 100 thaler*. Weber
Two winners of the Vanderbilt cup,
when races for that famous trophy
were the crown of auto speed events,
will contest on opposing teams for the
American grand prize over Chatham
county roads o" Thanksgiving Day.
Aside from the vast Interest In the
great event, regardless of the names
of 'he drivers, the contest between
these two men will add another tinge
of spl>e to the hurrying of the speed
You Will Find The New Things And The Good Things Advertised In The Herald These Days
Marion Ivel, the English Grand Opera,
coutralto who went abroad lo study with
Jean Dc Kesko three years ago. has been
engaged for a series 01 special perform
ences in “Carmen” at the opera in Ai
les-Bains this month. Miss Ivel, with
her mother and sister, still has her home
in Pferls and writes that she expects to
be abroad for two years more.
winter she was engaged for the opera at
Lyons, where her success attracted the
attention of Cn^rthiatal mangers. Sho
will have a repertoire in French, Ger
man and Italian opera when her friends
next hear her in America.
indignantly refused this "Being a Her
.man,” he said bitterly, "what can I ex
I pect" Lortzlng, whose popularity in Oer
| many was groat while he lived, and Is
I great still, got an average of twelve
i loulsdor for each opera, and was over
j Joyed to get twenty loulsdor in Hamburg
1 for his "Undine.” which made a rich
i man of the manager who bought It.
1 As we approach more recent times we
! find the composers on the whole much
I better rewarded. Brahms, though he
never stooped to conquer, died worth
SIOO,OOO. Beethoven was tolerably well
off In the later years of his career, and
i If Mendelsshon bad not begun rich, his
works would have made him so. Meyer
bced earned piles of money, and so did
• Offenbach, Strauss (the Waltz King),
and many others, including. In our coun
-1 try, Victor Herbert and Phillip Sousa,
fAmong th‘* composers of serious operas
j In our time who have become wealthy
I are Jlumperdlnk, Richard Strauss, U'Al
bert, Mascagni, I’ucetnl, Thomas, Gou
nod, Massenet, Wagner's operas have
marvels. The two men who of three
men In the world are holders of a
Vanderbilt Cup title are Victor Hem*
ery and Wagner. Formerly
they were racing part tier* and If em
ery wan to have taken the wheel «»f
the car on the day Wagner won hit*
victory. That he did not, gave Wag
ner hla chore and they are now ri
Hem ery won In HK»r> and Wagner
'"•AifiSSi jsJfi \ a
"*' '
Am Jl?/
It* *
£y \h
yield.'l ninny million* of dollar* mostly
It I* true, elnce lil« drrith. Verdi's
yielded million, while In lived und eorne
of them are a* profitable a* ever. Doom
music pay.
Henry W. Savage ha. deelded to .tart
the .eeond .e..on of “The Merry Wid
ow at the New Amsterdam Theatre on
Monday night, Augii.t 31, with an entire
ly new costume and .renin production.
Not only will the Maxim girl* display nil
the Intent .tyle. of the Hurt* mod Ist eio
In the newly Imported Mmplre gown,
and Arll.t Walter llurrldge ,|«w ...
*el. for tin thre,. beautiful acta hut
In 1900. The two famous driver* will
be among the starter* for the grand
prize. That each will do his be*t not
only to win first place but to add a
feather to bis cap by beating a man
who holds the same honor he holds,
goes without *aylng, Heniery wlli
drive a Benz, German car, and Wag
ner win drive a Flat, Italian car.
Each drove a French car to victory
In the former Ixtng Island events.
Of the new entile* In the grand
prize race the New York Evening
Host .ays:
Anent New Entries.
“The entry of the Benz cars In the
grand prize race at Savannah war,
completed today by the Kal*erMrhe
{Hp ttbiuL jKWQtfSIjXSHL tfyjZAjtJr JR pß*j jp2/Mjs IHnM Mifmyw x v
prince Dmnlie and Benia are now re
hearsing a new strangle hold for the
Viennese waltz movement In tie- garden
seene where they are nightly forced to
respond to Just a* many encore* a. when
ini. bewitching operetta first get the
Western world dancing to it. alluring
If any one thinks "The Merry Widow”
Is destined to lose Its hold on the af
fection of mualc -loving theatre goeis a
visit to the Aerial Garden* on the New
Amsterdam roof the past wee* would
have quickly affected any doubt of Its
enduring popularity The cosy roof the
atre has been entirely too small to »<■
commodate itie crowds that want to hear
tbl> most widely advertised opera of the
Automobile club, who forwarded to
the Automobile Club of Apiaries sign
ed entry blank*, with Victor Heniery.
Rene Hanriot, und Fritz Erie a* drlv
i era. The cars sre of 156 millimetre
j bore and weigh 1,295 kilogram*, and
,nre the same car* which competed
lln the grand prlx at Dieppe. Heni
ery I* well known In America, having
I won the 1905 Vanderbilt cup at the
'wheel of th“ Darracq; while Hanrlof
'ls well known as another former
! Darracq pilot The Automobile dub
lof Italy ha* also completed the en
I try of the three Flats, the driver*
iof which will be Nazarro, Wagner,
and the Brooklyn driver, Ralph de
! Palma.
» ' m> .adtnPirT ft ft! i ftjtts i
... -»a y■* ''MHi Hi
century and both Klnw end Mrlnngcr und
Henry W Huvugi are wishing the *um
ii!*t were over so I bat they can tukc
the record breaking musical play down
stairs ngiitn to Its original home In the
roomy theatre Iteuutlful llnremury
Ghats In the title role has waltzed und
sung her wuy to the hearts of the sum
mer patron. In ii wuy to firmly establish
"It Ik expected that Intense rivalry
will develop between Wagner on the
Fla* and Heniery on the Benz, aa
1 each of these driver* ha* won a Van
derbllt race when that event was the
big international roatl raee rtf this
• country. <
Many Foreign Cara.
Entries are also assured of thirteen
' more car*, although as yet they have
not been completed by the Interna
| tlonal club* of their respective court
I trie*. From France will cotne a
Clement Bayard, two Renault*, two
l>e Dietrich t, one Motobloo, and two
Panhard*. Italy will have, heslderf
J the three Flat* already entered, two
Hala* and one l*olta, while Herman."
Mr. Henry W. Savage Is sending here
what is said to bn the host company lie
has ever organized to give the wonder
ftil Victim's operetta, "The Merry Wld
ow" Those who have heard the opera
declare It is the best "Merry Widow”
company In the world and that means a
great deal when one considers that over
three hundred companies have played
the JiOlmr operetta la Europe. The real
secret of Its success lies in that splen
did new dance creation the "Merry VVod
ow” waltz and the equally Inspiring and
exquisite tone picture appearing through
out the Viennese score. The waltz
which has cost a spell over the civilized
world has recently been described as
“For the 'Merry Widow’ waltz, tuk"
to your arms a girl of 10 or maybe 10 1--
and about flu* tame around the waist,
close your mind to every thought by tnc
gleam In her eyes and gloriously abandon
yourself to the glide that makes tho
brain dreamy with yen minus, softens tho
heart strings until the odor of an arbor
steals hi with the passion of the lyre
and the whole world Is lurid with the
blue of tbe sea and on through tin* dance
but never give way to the soulful con
fession. 'I love you* and that Im the 'Mer
ry Widow’ waltz.
herself as a, Broadway favorite for
“Tie Merry Widow” company organ
ised for the Pacific lot*! tour will open
It* so*rum in I’lHerson, N. J., on Tne-duy
•Hept rill her It, playing In Trenton and
Now Brunswick, ,N. .1., before it goes to
tbe Apollo The*lre at Atlantic tllty for
tpe week of tteptember M It will thou
will be further represented by two of
the three Mercedes which compete!
In the grand prlx. The Savannah
Automobile club has acol out a no
-1 tle*> to tire effect that accommoda
-1 Hon* have been found for 12,000 vis
llor*. This will Insure plenty of
room for visitors, and all should bo
i comfortable during the race week.
I’tttil Darrolx also announce d today
; that one of the Renault* would be
driven by I-ewl* Htrang.
The following announcement ha*
also been made: “Robert Dee Morrell,
etialrman of th- eonlest. committee
of the Automobile flub of America,
announced yesterday that It. w Buck
ley, Jr., of this city bad made the
All the world is humming and singing
and dancing and whistling the strains
of the l,char music; It has set the styles
and brought a new clement of harmony
and picturesque oellght into the present
day existence.
Boston, after waiting a year for “Tho
Merry Widow," welcomed the charming
Viennese lady last week with what was
described in the press reports ns tho
largest and most wildly enthusiastic au
dience that ever crowded Into the Tre
mont Theatre. Blnco the opening night
more than capacity figures that come
more-than capacity figures that same
from New York and ('lifcago when the
operetta, first took those' two cities by
storm last season.
r l lie latest new recruit for “Merry
Widow" honors In the young Washing
ton prlrno donna. Franeeska Nonpar,
who recently returned from Paris and
signed a three-year contract with Henry
VV. Savage, Miss Rasped Is to have the
role of Natalie and comes to New York
by no less a Judge than President Roose
velt, who enjoyed her muslcnlo given at
the White House. Hhe Is a. daughter of
the violinist, Joseph Kasper and Annlo
Jloonier Kasper, for years tho leading
soprano soloist of the Capital.
start for New fa-leans , visiting the prtn
elpal southern cities on tbs way.
Rosemary Gloss and George Dnmeral,
whi! won fdl New York with their danc
ing and slriMln* of “The Merry Widow”
waltz during the summer run of the mar
ry operetta atop ilia New Amsterdam
Theatre have been selected by Henry W.
Have** for the company that le to tour
Ii- l J ‘ oh ml West this season.
lirat formal entry of an American car
for the club’s grand prize race at
Bavannah on Thanksgiving Day. The
tear I* the 1 lft-bor sc power rttcar that
the Imlldi-ra began making for the
190 b Vanderbilt Cup race, but did not
completed In tlmn and which they had
expected to enter In, the 1907 Van
derbilt Cup race that was not held.
1 Thomas Williams has been named «*
I driver for the car. E. I,llHit of the
| llala Import company said yesterday
i that three Hala* Instead of two would
In- entered for the grand prize race.'*
Swelled head U a disease from
I whirti the recovery I* more painful
Ilian the disease Itself.