The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 01, 1908, Image 4

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The Bridegroom Died On the Day of His Wedding BOSTON, Mast- Ah he lay -lying It Somerville hospital. Waller Boon Sawyer, a Boalon real iata»i- opera nr. married, i-arly Wednesday morn >ng, Mlih Bill Paige Aden ; of Kr«% Jmry. daughter of Mr and Mrs fha«. Folirni Adame. The bride';- father le widely known for bla writing uti der the name of Yawrob Straus* l>ater In the day the lirldegroom died The wedding had boon planned for last night and war to hav- be-n an eveni of aortal Importance While arranging the honeymoon Mr flawyei SUPPLY IGNITES fIkKJHGUIZED Manufacturer* of Railroad equipments OrKaqizn to Conilmt the Finht ARainst Railrouds NEYY YORK. Manufaeturer* of railroad equipment and of material repreKWntlng, It la aalil, J.'/>o.‘)||o 000 capital and 1.000 aeparate eonrernH, have organized the Railway Hualm -i Aaeoetatlon. which will combat at tarkx made upon railroadi George A Poat, prealdnnt of the Standard Coupler company, wa- ehoaen preal doni Wedneaday at a me- ling which via held at ihe Waldorf hotel. In apeaklng of Ihe organization Tlmra day Mr Poat aahl: “In the bud year many of our rotirerna haw- Buffered a failing off In trade of 73 per rent "The raaaon why we have done no badly haa been heeauae the railroads have larked the ability to pun-ham auppllea and much of them Inahlll , tlea haa bean rallied hy the attitude Of hoellllty loward them Which the public haa aaaumed We feel ihat Something alitiuld he don- to off act thta feeling and that |h the whole r»a •on ill our aaaemhllng h«re Thuradav 'We want It plainly underatood that w- are not a partisan hoily nnd It tl not our business to el-*el ->r deteal anybody. We are not forming any trade agreement among ouraelyea After all Ihe men gathered here to day produee more toiiiiHg-- and buy niora tlrketa In one year Ilian th politician* Hcrenntlng agalnal the rail made do In half a century." Th* following otflcera were ehoaen Prnaldenl, Mr Poat; vice prealdenta H H. Wealinghoua*. Pltlabury O. II Cutler. New York; W. H. Marahall New York; R It Keith. Sagamore Mna* ; A II Mllllken. Chicago; f). P I-errhwortb Httlfalo Treaaurer. Charlea A Moore, N’-'w York SECURITIES COMPANY MAY HAVE INFLUENCE Selling in Msrhel Was Btvscil on London Calilr*, Which Wore Lower. NKW YORK - Prlera at the oiieu lug of the etork market generally Showed fractional decline- There Wae Some further yielding In the fire few mlniitea hul the pressure of •locka waa alight and seemed to rep resent only traders selling baaed on the moderately lower lanndon cablet I'nlon I'aclfle after yielding % In all to tfcltt. started on an upturn, recovering aboil! all thl* lo on buy (ng front Important banking Intereata Thta buying BrttnnpHiihtl b\ p#r*Ut#nt tnlV nf prnjrr#** road* In fnrmatlon of Ihr ftCMtirltta* rompiiny. Th« (hut hav»» b##n nctlvo In tltr i>*rMat#nt ftccumulntton of t'ntoii Pacific foil th»lr friend# th U th** plan *# hrtlrK worked on wilt ghtiw m gross r#Mirn to Vo lon l*a elfic aiocliholder* of 12 |M*r c#nt in pine# of th# ion pt»r root non paid American Bm#ltln« wa* tb*« wonkfut fratur* at th# np#nln* tun rfcovpr •d n#«rly nil Its lorn rim cl Avr ®t»# anntflnnad ih# downward mov# Bi#kt thm started y#al#rday aft#r- Boon GOOD STREAM FOUND FOR FIRE ENGINE Had No Difficulty in Get ting lip Fair Pressure From Mnlu*. An alarm waa rung In from ho\ fil Thuradav morning at p o'clock The flronirn mad# * quick run and found th# fir# to b# at No 92h Tal oott *tr##t Th#v fought th# Hr# with #h#tnlc*l#. hut it waa (mind n## •waary to i#i on# utrcam front th# on gin# No 2 l‘h# water wan in th# tiiatna and wrh#tt thr » n*in# atatt#d so pumpiuß a good atraatn of water waa obtained Th# fir# mas In thu garret and on fh# r«%of of th# hous# aud had gnln#d a Rood h Mid way when th# firotneti arrlv#d Th# damage $76. Th# houa# • ban and was oc#upi#d b> Jennie Lit tl#. colored Wraar# i« Hu#a *’H#w taauuftt! your atatrr put# up h#f hair/* remark'd th# d*\r» yuung •Mitt orh# hoped «ke lit«U* «trl it p##t til# compliment '•Why,** replied th# tittle mt*» • an* entertaining him while h#r •later 4r###< ,i *«h# Just put# it up un ,*n or dinary hook she UMt t Wr-utui |t «*~Kan»aft City Time* ■•• tty Ispiamad. ‘Ti|iiitr«<t l#t a man Hav# fr- akillr k# was mil *#*i "o#»d aradous' How did A 4 "Th# man p#k#tt a Bit ah««otrr la hi* iao# ilrmnikun Aft lit raid !wa* tilrlcken on Hnltirday with ap jpendlcltla. Ah er.on aa the gravity of Ilia llliK-aa was realised, the wedding ! Invitations were recalled. I It war believed Wednesday that the I patient's condition might b,. Improved If the ceremony could be carried out- Th-’ wedding took place In the prea <-nce of the bridegroom'* mother and ;hlv brother, Henry Sawyer, and the bride's parents. Mr. Sawyer was a wealthy man and had built a beau T I ful new home which was awaiting rbls bride. TEDDY, JR., WORKS | AS A MILL HAND HARTFORD, Conn. —Promptly at 7 o'clock Thursday morning, like 3,200 other mill hatula, Theodore Roosevelt, Ir . entered the office of Ihe Hartford j Carpet company and began hla Aral real work He arrived from Boston late evening, and walked along up to the residence of vice f'reatdent Mlg gins, who welcomed him cordially, though he did not know just when the pretiderti H son waa to arrive Wedne* day night Teddy, .Ir, mildly natonlahed Mr Higgins with hla big, vlgorona appe tite which Is explained by the fad lhal he has been living out of doors In various MasKarhunetta camps all summer lie retired early Wednea day evening at the Htiggeallon of Mr lltgglim. who warned him that Thurs day would be an early a I art and a long day. Though thin forenoon waa spent In the office, Teddy Insisted on getting lo work at Ihe same time us Ihe other mill operative*, and was up before (I i o'clock lie slept lit Ihe “little white house'' No. 23 street, hi* room being on the eaat side of the house on the second door. The house, which Is owned by Mr. Higgins, la Immediately south of tils own and la oettpled by a newly married couple who will lake good eare of him. lie reported Thursday morning al tired In a new ■nit of cheap material which lie i alls hla work stilt, nnd about s o'clock, when Mr. Higgins and ihe i 'Mt of the of Moo force arrived, In irodiiellons look place all round, and Teddy bowed and smiled as each of .the dozen pretty female stenographers i wna presented. I Itursday forenoon he spent much of Ids time about the mills taking note and Inventory of everything, and j it noon, when the whistles blew, he j "ms H» engrossed lhat he waa nn aware that II waa Mine to go to lunch. After lunch at Mr Higgins' house, for which only 4*> minutes waa allow eil, he entered Ihe woo] departliicnt,- donned Ida over.ilb and Juniper and began artunl work. JOHNSTON SOCIAL NEWS. JOHNSTON, S (’ Mrs Toliver F I'erry died at her home jjere at Id P in , Inst evening after a long and TEiltiftt! lllttoHH In the dial year of her agi The Interment took (dace here til Mount of Olive t'l'tnetery 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Perrv was formerly Miss Loti Seui'r-y. She waa a woman of many Christian -races and a most lovable character she Is survived by a hosbnnd. brother (Inner Scurry, Mrs. McMltchcll, n( niifec Spring'-, Mia ,lant- Ofcntt, of Saluds S C. Mih John Sawvet win bitten on the little linger a few days ago by a ground rattle snake, while gathering potatoes The anake waa email, hut h- o on with such tenacity that lira Saw>er had to strike It from her liauu Site has suffered much pain, hut Is now comaleselug front the very poisonous Idle Horn to Dr and Mrs. Bolt Lee AT leu, Sept, 2k. IfirtS, twin boys. Our farmers in the westers »->• ■’hen an- fast realizing the convent, once of th-- telephone and farmers Wm nnd Spann Toney, t II flonl night. Roger* t'nuray. Oncar Padgett and other* have installed phones The new building of the Bank of Johnston w.ll 1m- oompletsd In a few day* nnd Is a miniature marble pal ace and unite an ornament to Main st reel, Colton Is coming In alow and bring nig low price* and the merchants are not yet wearing their aitnnleat smiles HITLI OF TWO STATES WILL BE PUMPED OUT Now Bulkheads Will Be Put iu and Strainer Floated After Lighten in* The steamer Swan came In tbs* morning front Savannah with a large carge of local cotton The Savannah diving egpert discov eti-d after a very careful evamlng Ben that the bulkheads of the wreck ed si earner Two State* were smash -d hy thi" force of her collision wlih a submerged lighter, and Chpt Had ilon has decided to ptintp out the after holds thus Ughtcuing the boat, put in new bulkheads ami Ihe hull will Real Itself. Th* Tw.i State* wtil be put In cont mtaskin again ROSEBUD NEW* ROSKRITI, S C Three primary [elections In Hampton county this 'ear Must have been hard to gel [the right men There la much sickness in the neighborhood since the recent heavy t'oLon picking U well advam-ct! and will soon be oyer. The crop I* v cry poor. ' % * ’fa , r - :;1 ;J • :/ Mm) J k If *t Wmwm Wm l ' M I P«wl{ Friday all Floor Covering Goes at One-Fifth Off. All That’s Newest and Best Is Here on Display in CARPETS, RUGS, MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS and ART SQUARES. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY--COME AND LOOK ANYWAY! ThomaslbartoN C° L * W 9 YOUR moneys wopth - "• SAMt PRICE 10 EVERY ONE FITiLLI WOUNDED on nun OFBT NKW YORK Angelo Artesa. of 12’ Hrhcnectird avenue, Kast New Y.vrk.j on ThiitHu ty ahot nnd family wimno-! • d Joseph Merino, of leNJ B rsm un-el, iKcaese the la'ter refuai d to pay T in money he owed. Aliena was arrest ml and look-d Up to awalL thi mtleo t e if Merltte's luuiry BKRS'IETIIiG [IST BUSINESS BIT DKNVKR. Col. —The delegates to ihe annual convention oil the Amer ican Association started the last day of actual business. Thursday with! an Instructive and entertaining prog- j tarn In fore thi in The moat lmpop j ant hualness of the day consist 'd of | the report of the currency conimts | I aton and two addresses, one by I Uexantlor (lllbert. of New York, on Vital Issuea;" the ohler by Hon. J. i s Randall, member of the con grew*, j i n "Conversation of Natural Resouro ! * Pht* sj ft'! h of ('on«r«*samnn Kv> tUll Thursday momln* was attenflvo | !y hoard and It rr#at#d a profound , i imprest on. ll# ntat#d that it H#en* j t d most approprmt# tha' 4hl* con \cnlion of th# m#n whl held th 1 l>um# utrlnp* of th# nation In thol#; ' hands should b# lnt#r#st#d iu n di* iimilini of th# conservation of t*»e | ' nutural resources of the land THE VICE PRESIDENT IS IN PITTSBURG Hr and His Wife Were Given an Informal Re ception at Hotel Schenly PITTSBURG, Pa Vim President i harlos W Fairbanks, •ocontpnnli’d by Ytr* Fairbanks arrlvrd from th* West at 7 o'rlook Thuradav morning and w»-r* m*i by a rotnmltt** Mr and Mr* Fairbanks wrr* driven n the residence of William Metcalf. Jr. where breakfast was acrveil Ijtter sn informal reception iva* he d at the Hotel Schenly The vice pr.e , Idem and other promliu ni people aiv here as the guests of the city to at I lend the sesqulcenlennUil celebra [ lion. Owing to the wel season grass and lira vine* hare made rapid growth, and lota of hg.v Is being saved Miaae* Leona and Myrtle Hamil ton of Charleston, 8 C,, visited rel atives In thl* community recently. Mr J C l.lghtaey of Hampton la In the tut* mill business Tn-ar her. The public school* will all soon open and then our Juvenile pnpula tloti will Ih* into b#u#r huMn#*#. READ HERALD WANTS. 7/2 BROAD CURTAIN SWISS 25 piot’f'K, many designs, double fold, full width, the 8c and l()c kind, at - 5 cts OUTING CLOTH 50 pieces, in check, stripes and flecked effects, good fleece • • 5 cts KIMONA FLANNETTE Dresden, Persian, Egyptian Designs—s,ooo yds. in all the most elaborate designs of the season beau tiful colors. 15c and 18c, now at -10 cts A I\l li FTQ Tan, Grey, 300 pieces good weight, full sizes, with fancy border, <P| r|/\ White texture of the smooth wool touch. A special at.... N'l*vFvr CHILDREN’S VESTS. 40 doz. soft fleece, wrapper style; 15 Cents Men’s Underwear SHEETS 300 unbleached, good size, no starch, arc well made, 50c at.. 35 cts jp|£ EMBROIDERIES lot No. I—3oo1 —300 pieces of Hamburg Swiss, in va l iniis widths, sold at 10c and 15c. the lot T^c l-i't No. 2 —loo pieces Corset Embroidery, 18 to 20 inches wide, with beading designs, sold at 39c, now - .. .19 cts NEW RUCHING 10 pieces baby blue, white, grey, brown, tan, li lac; single and double row, yard 25 cts EMBROIDERED COLLARS lo dozen fanc\ embroidery, two or three designs; neat, natty styles, each • 25 cts VOILE SKIRTS Sample Ltd. .*6.50 and SB.OO value; 40 in the lot, no two alike, with two aud throe rows of silk folds either width, al! lengths.. Our leaders in black only. at. • $5.00 MULLAR.KY ®> SULLIVAN CO. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY BEMWM*——■SHEWgYIinB til I 111 ■HIM m 20 per cent, m Friday Only-One Day w. -..-J-r ASBi-f.'arsajpawhs**v -“-• cJw*. zyvSt ,c V: ■ - -1,-c -VT-S. ONE PRICE STORE” Cold Weather Wants Satisfied. Friday and Saturday Attractions SAVINGS THAT COUNT! Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear RUBENS VESTS. 300 ; 4 sizes, qood warm article. 25 Cents 300 dozen heavy fleece, wool, full good warm garments, TO c 59c values, at J ■ CuS AUGUSTA, CiA. CHECK NAINSOOK 20 pieces in all the usual style, checks; see it, Be at - 5 cts / CRASH TOWELING 50 pieces, good absorbent article; splendid for the kitchdi"., a! 5 cts CALICOES Simpson, Columbia, Standard —3,000 yards in blue, red, grey, white ground, fancy designs. Sold (5 l-4c and 7 l-2c, now... • ... 5 cts. LADIES PANTS AND VESTS. 300 dozen ribbed, close-fitting 25 Cents SHEETS 200, pure white, 3 inch hem, flat seams, pood size, »9e value, at • ..39 cts TOWELS—Turkish, Huckerback. 300 dozen, good size, pood weight, a good absor bent article, at 10 cts DAMASK Special value —10 pieces, pearl white, various de signs, good width, see it • ..25 cts. PERCALES Value No. I—so pieces, in all the patterns desired, for wrappers, childrens dresses: fast colors.. .7%c Value No. 2—36 inch, in light and dark coirs, ail perfectly fast, sold at 12c and 15c, now 10 cts MADRAS T.ot No. I—so pieces in every design, good width for present wear, at.. • 10 cts Lot No. 2—50 pieces fancy colored designs; doz ens of patterns to select from, value 15c at..- 12%c KNIT SKIRTS. Ladles'; 300 dozen, stripes, pink, blue, red; close-fitting, warm arti cle. * 25 Cents GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES