The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 04, 1908, Image 17

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THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD . Jk.XJ.X., H ». «<u. BURTON-TAYLOR-WISE CO. Monday Monday SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN BEDDING WHILE THESE PRICES REIGN SUPREME Great Sale of Nice Soft Silkoline Covered Comforts, Blankets, Spreads Sheets and Pillow Cases Comforts Commence in price, Beautiful Silkoline, covered, nice long d* j * floral design, nicely tack d comforts at . ■• IV Nice soft, large size, grey, tan blankets d*| -j next thing to wool, special sale at .. Good soft thick half wool silver gray d* rw n bankets, special selling price, at Extra size bed spreads, cheap at $1.25, 72x90 inch, 50c sheets, 3 9C Magnificent Display of New Fail Silks Including the new 36-in. satin telrazzini, d» * a One table of odd pieces of fine colored taffeta worth up to 75 cents, these have gotten down to about one piece of a kind, so they must go, o . price 27-in. black taffeta, nice luster good weight, p/y , Monday at .. VC 20-in. good heavy black taffeta, 4QC 20-in. satin, black, white and colors, Big Curtain Swiss Sale In a fine line of new patterns which you can not match under 15 cents, our price while they ffw last, Monday at IIFC KlTiraiD BY MftCON PEQ LE LARGE AND ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD MET HIM AT THE D E POT—THE AUDI TORIUM WAS ALSO CROWDED MISSION IN SOUTH Came To Pay Tribute To Southern Democracy At the Request of Mr. Bryan. MACON, Oft—Mr. K»m was aororded a rouging welcome when h« reached Macon. The atatiou was packed with a wildly enthusiastic crowd and when he reached the auditorium where Saturday night’s meeting was held the hlg hall was likewise fined to Its fullest oapael y Mr. Kern talked on the tariff issues and spoke at length about the "Domi nating power" In eongrees, which he ■aid "hangs like the awerd of Damocles ■rer the heads of ths peopls.” Whan he paid a tribute to Mr. Bryan, whom he arid res recognised the world over as the "Champion of humanity" the au dience applauded for several minutes. ’They teil you he is not a safe man te tut at the head of this government," the speaker satd. ■ The men who fanned the flames in the panlo of IW3 are the safe men no called today. He Is not a safe roan for the lawless, for those who plunder the poet and fatten on their earnings, big safe to all who are engaged in honora ble enterprise, and he Is and will al ways be a safe man and a friend to every man whose heart te right and whose sets are Just” The only or u er publlo addrees made by the vie*-presidential nominee Satur day was an after dinner speseh to a company of prominent Georgia demo cats who attended a dinner In bln hon or a' the M«dmont howl Mr. Kern »ai | reduced by Gov. Hoke Smith, who "fll a graoaful compliment to the high eh era r ter of the democratic stand ard hearers. Mr. Kern said hta mission la ths south was not to do miasle-ary work, hot to pay a tributa to ths southern democracy a< the requant of Mr. Bryan. At Griffin, on the route to Macon, a crowd has assembled and sheets for a ■lew of (las nominee. Ma Kern left the T,J ~ 'l™-' I /m EO BY THE HERALD ARTIST train and shook hands with aa many as possible during th* brief stop. Leaving hers Sunday morning at 7.30 Mr Korn wn, return to Atlanta, and trill taka s train on ths Southern railroad imm- I Stately for Asheville, N. C. CHAS. A. WEARE BANKRUPT. CHlCAGO.—Charlnn A Woare filed ■ petition In bankruptcy In the t'nlt ed t Sit eg court today, giving bin lit bill ties ag more th*n 11.000,000 and MMtt of IfihO. Mr. Wears filed hi* petition Individually and an a mem b«r of the lira of P. B. Wear* & Co. WONDERFUL SUCCESS ARE THE SALES PREPARED BY THIS WIDE AWAKE UP TO DATE YOUNG FIRM. THEY HAVE M VDE THE GREATEST RECORD AND GAINED MORE PROMIN ENCE BY THEIR WON DERFUL OFFERING THAN ANY HOUSE, WE FEEL PERFECT LY SAFE IN S VYING, IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. IF YOU WILL ALWAYS KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THEM AND KEEP POSTED AS TO THEIR PRICES YOU WILL BE PAID WELL FOR YOUR TIME. Our Ready-to-Wear Department OFFERS SOME UNUSUAL BARGAINS FROM A WELL SELECTED STOCK FOR EARLY BUYERS. ONE OF THE GREATEST ASSORT MENTS OF LADIES’ TAILORED SUITS AT SIO.OO, $15.00, $20.00 AND $25.00, THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED IN THE HISTORY OF OUR BUSINESS. WE ALSO OFFER GREAT VALUES IN LADIES SEPARATE SKIRTS IN VOILES AND PANAMAS, SILK PETTICOATS IIEATUERBLOOM \XD SATTEEN PETTICOATS. WE WILL ALSO OFFER A LINE OE ECRUE AND WHITE LACE WAISTS, y $5.00 VALUES, AT .pO.VO Just received a fresh shipment of White Linen Tailored Waists WRIGHT REPRESENTS THE GOVERNMENT Secretary of War Will Act At the Rivers and Harbors Congress. WASHINGTON President Roosevelt will designate general Luke E Wrlglit, •(cr*t4iy of war. an the govarnment’s official repr**#«ntaUv# At Ut# Bouth«ro < ornrri**rr laJ Cnngx*** which will con- I vene In thfi city U«cmnb«r 7 and %, Just prior to th* national river* and harbor* 1 congr**#i A committee of Southern business man , comprlafng O. Oroevenor Ixiwai, of Ala tram*. John itenjamen, of Georgia, ;•»*! Kdwln fa Quart**, of Virginia rail • j *d at the Whit* Houa* Maturday morn j ing to explain to th* praam t. the gsasrai m op* aim purpogc of thr < *ho president told the vlaliora ho wua Inter ested In th* objects of the congress which he regarded »■ a forerunner of the comm«r»lfll and industrial advance, wHlch the opening of th* Panama < inai would bring to th* south. One of the principal addressee will b* ma * by Hecrstary Wr.ght on "The In* fl»J*n<* of the panama canal on tha l;j --dur trial development of th* nation" "The president «ra*p*d at once the full sign! cane* of we propone to do. said Mr. Benjeman. lie wa* most enthussstlc In offering to do all In Hl* power to make the work of our yon* grass a succe**. DAILY AND SUNDAY, $6.00 PER YEAR] Get in Line And Buy Your Fall Underwear While You Get Such Assortments at Such Low Prices. Ladies’ bleached long sleeve knit corset covers, at Ladies' bleached long sleeve medium weighty r, veßt, and pants at Fine line of children's cotton underwear for early “ weai ’. 15c, 20c, 25c Children’s ribbed union suits, 25c at Childrens' ribbed sleeping garments, 25c at • • Men’s medium weight cotton shirts and A.QC drawers for fall wear, at.. . »..« A Good 36 Inch Bleaching and Sea Island for Monday ; 16-in. nice smooth Cambric finished bleaching*: \A Monday at •• •» / ■ :56-in, good weight nice finished soa island, Monday at » Gowns and Corset Covers $i.25 high neck heavy muslin gowns for fall QO~ at M W« W« M n Nice lot of Outing Gowns 89c at ■»■». .•• ».<■ m, New lot, of beautiful corset covers 25c fit . . , . . ••••••,•• ••••!•• «m **** Torchon and Cluny Laces at Money-Saving Prices 2 to 4 inch cluny bands, 1 )c at •- "■'*> "• •*• • i/ 2 to 3 inch real liuen torchon laces, 5c Monday at .. President Roosevelt Lauded the Tuberculosis Mee t Praised the Progress of Modern Science in the Control of the Dreaded Waite Plague. WAHMINGTON In « notehls spssch before the closing snslon Of Ihn, Tuber culosis congress Hauirdsy. Roosevelt lauded (lie reclamation of the f'linama Canal sane from yellow fever and kin dred diseases as « great triumph for Ihe medic al profession and sanitation. WAS NOT EXPECTED. Tho President surrounded by Bacrel H**rvlc« Guard*, app»ar*d at tha natlon al tuberculosis congress entirely unex pectedly at 12.30 o'clock. CHANGES ON ' - PANAMA. President Bosevelt anld: 'T could not deny rnvac*lf th* privilege of saying h word of greeting to thla noteworthy gathering "It la difficult for us to mall/.#* tha extraordinary changes, tho oxtraOTdl nary progres In certain llna* of *o# lai endeavor during th* last two or thr*a generations; and In no othar manifests - tlon of human activity have tha changes h**r» quit* mo far reaching a* In tha ability to grapple with dlaeaa*. "It Is not very long sine* th* attitude of man toward* suoh ri* that of con- Mumptloti ws* on* of helpless Inactivity. It In but a short tlm* Nine.* *v*n rn##*t gifted men of tiia medical profession know llttl* n« any layman of th* real on UN#* of disease Ilk* thl* and tho rem edy to h# Invoked to overcome It. "Whm tn* first railroad wo* built hcross Panama, It wa* with Horn* foun dation to proof, that *v*ry al**p*r wa* laid acres* th# Ilf* of n man. Th* iMthrriu* of Panama, which wa* it by word for fatal disease, ha* b*corn« w»ll known mm a sanitarium; and It has be corn* so bocmis* of th* Investigation* of certain medical fen with *nough abil ity to find out th* r«*l cause* of cer tain disease*, and who took meatura* to overcorn* them “A* this moment, In the heart of th* area* continent of Africa there Is po% collar fatal disease known a* th* sleep ing slcknoas. This dl**a** killed a gr**.t*r number of people than any modern war, and th* chance to control that disease I|e* In the work of the men who nr* her*. INTELLIGENT FIGHT RECENT. "Until but a few years ego bsrtliy an lnl.lllg.fii effort was muds or could lie mad. tn war against, this peculiarly deadly enemy of th. human race. The ohano. to oonduot that war arose when th. great ovp*rt In tha m«V loal world (limed thslr trained latallt genca to tha task. "It Is for them, and mart remain for them to point lust what eon ho dona. The principal thing to ha dona la for the representatives of gorsrnmentg everywhere to give all poasibla aid te the work and to heed In every way tha conclusion, of th. »dentitle men la charge. "1 thank you all. men and women, of this gathering and you who are gruerta and I congratulate you on what yon have done and are doing. On behalf if the nation I greet you, and I hope yea will understand how much we appro, data your coming here." NEXT MEETING. ’o*l Th# next International congraaa wtl b# bald In Horn* In 1911, during tha At* Math annlv#tr*ary of tha formation of tha Italian Union. Th* death knell of tha theory of Da. Hobart Koch, of Harltn. that bovina tub orcnloal* I* raraly, If srrar communion*- *d to man, wa* wounded Saturday whan at th* closing aaaalon of tha oongra*% a raaolutlon wa* adopt*d recognising ths Ifitrunamlralhlllty of bovina hsmaa t*U*> till. Tha fliMt r««olutton brnugh t bafora ths commlttaa called tha attantlon of Btata and national government* to tha aaoea ally for obligatory notice* of all caaas of tuherculosl* by phyalcuuia, tha ragts t rat lon of *uch cm*** and tha taking at rnraaurra by th* publlo h«aith author ities to pravent tha npraad of tha dls aaso. That all govarnmant* aiould «atahTMi hosfital* for th# treatment of advanssd Ntiigc* and nanß#/rla for Incipient raas*, was tha purport of tha second raaolu tlon. Th# reaoltitlon of sanitary condition# In factor!*# and work shops, homes and public bulldnlga In th* hour# of labor of women and # hlldren were tha subject of tha n**t resolution. That all *h«*a should ba superv|s#jil y th* government arm that, In this way a large paroant jig* of th# case* could ba prevented, was tha burden of that part of th* commlL f«•«#'* recommendation. College* and till I v craft I#* ahould *atab- Hsb gourasa In byglen* and similar *ub j*ct* and all children *hou!d ba gives l!k«* Instruction, w«* thalr opinion. *s pressed In anothar paragraph. WILLIAMS IN NORTH CAROLINA NBWMFJRN, N. r.—R* nator mast John Hparp William# spoke at tha court boua* In this city Saturday ta an Ins* ni#n*e <«nd enthuafaatir* audlanoo gath ered from the surrounding aaotias gs • uitern North Caroliugg