Newspaper Page Text
f Tigers Beat Sox Today They’li Win the Pennant
eastern Divi ■
Southern Dis'S. —Cleveland was all but
Of Georgia. Tom .the American league
•- by losing the first game
leader with St. Louis, 3
~tu , j i rror by l.ajoie. followed
**“ = by Bradley in the sixth.
Iff# IMS* JTf wav for the two runs that
Iflf f|Y if r I won Monday's first game.
?«e errors were made, (he
Ttiad. 1 to«l.
sixth Hofman batted to
ho threw to the grandstand.
____ ;oing to second. Criss dou
eft, but Hinchntan was slow
First Officio 1 * A perfect relay, Hinch
_ Peering to Bradley, caught
UutlooJfa at third, but Bradley failed to
edt the ball on the runner. Williams
singled to left, scoring Criss.
' In the first, St. Louis scored once
on Hamel's single, a stolen base
and a single by Hofman. Cleveland
tied in the fifth on Stovall's double,
Criss' error and Llebhardt's single.
Dlneen was -in excellent form.
Wit h Foster pitching, Cleveland
took (he second game, 5 to 11. Cleve
land bunched hiis off Howell at will.
.... .am » FIRST GAME,
into the car St. Louis,
as to fill u) Ab. H. H. Po. A. K.
Mr. Wlngflel«e. If 3 00300
watch will b Tones. lb. ... 4 0 2 12 0 1
if conditions tse'l. 3b 4 1 2 1 2 0
vent the watrtnan, cf 4 1 1 2 0 0
in force the \ rs 4 1 2 3 0 1
ful supply o' ams, 2b. ... 4 0 1 l 2 1
Friday. Hi:*Bace, se 4 0 0 0 6 0
this matte sphens, c. ... 4 0 1 5 2 0
“Tuesday neon, p 3 0 0 0 3 0
turned int
to be raise 34 3 9 27 15 3
favorable v
late in suf Cleveland.
feet by nig Ab. R. H. Po. A. HI.
The pumps will "ke, rs. . . . 4 0 0 1 0 0
day night or eai? 3b 4 0 1 1 3 1
ing. By Wednesday If. ... 4 0 1 0 1 0
be sufficient water 4 0 0 1 2 1
the Augusta Rsili 4 1 1 11 0 0
company to warra“ 4 0 0 3 0 0
With the pump jam, cf. . . 3 0 0 2 0 0
water will b e set ss 2 0 0 4 3 0
tor station and nit, p. ... 2 0 1 1 4 0
ervoir. Sufficient ' 000000'
meantime to cleaip 0 0 0 0 0 0
By Thursday ).g 31 1 4 24 13 2
be a fair supplj
the mains.'' ted for Llebhardt in eighth.
Losses « by innings: R
II will be ini-il* 100 002 00*— 8
state the loss fo m d 000 010 000—1
the cost ot rest< --
completed, and A Summary,
has the foilowing b asc hits—Bradley, Hartnell,
phase of the s!t\ Crisa * f
"The work in -Off Laebhardt 9 In 7 innings,
public works df n base—Hartsell.
entirely abnorm on bases— St. I.oulr 8. Cleva
month owing to ,
the flood. „ on ball#—By Dlneen 2. by
“The force ha , r( j t l.
<d in ail direr- jck-out—Bv Dineen 3. by Lieb
work has been i •
time without u’, # ]59
ing conditions m pi re s—Egan and 01-oughlin.
oration. . ■ i ■■ ■ -
“The v
Ttylor Bros., Mfrs., Winston Salem, N. C.
\jt lOriß wh:
at th<
:r sa ™’ jqusta Paint
placement will nc
Retarding rrVall Paper Co
rarv dam which oc
in supplying the ri
307 Mclntosh,
SET °°™ r E “‘>-
with exception of
hacking, i sent ar-sirge assortment of
p *p«- *»<t
the next mornlr fee to do prompt work.
kinds of painting—
the head y. Houw and Sign—a Spec
time l0 thiH I ialt - v - Old Furniture Re
4am woulc I paired and Renovated.
"By 5 o'cua. _________________
hour after the , ' ■ " ■ ■■ ■
Estimates Furnished
_>n Application.
' PHONE 2234
When You Want
Fish , Oysters and Game
Call Us Up.
Fresh Shipments of Mullet Daily
J. N. B. Armstrong,
Retail 308 Jackson St., Phone 583.
Wholesale 910 Walker St., Phone 2294.
m. ,ity. bt
freshness an
value. Furr
brain and m
fWMIHBk * *
Mian* ... • .1 • •
PITTSBURG, Pa. —Hans Wagner is
absolutely heartbroken over the fail
ure of his team to win the pennant
by taking the last game from Chicago
! Sunday. On reaching his home at
| Carnegie his friends sought to con
sole him.
“Well; you got something out of it.
anyway, this year. I see you made
■ 202 hits and lead the league again,"
said a friend.
| “Bosh with those 202 hits and all
| that stuff.” snapped Wagner, "What
! does it all amount to when we didn’t
win that game Sunday. 1 would
gladly have given every world’s rec
ord I ever had or ever hope to have
if we could only ha've pulled that
game out of the fire Sunday.
“I am awfully sorry for Clarke. If
ever there was a man who deserved
to win. it was Fred,’’ continued Wag
“The ground rule hurt at Chicago.
Hurt 11s more than It. did Chicago.
There were four balls dropped in the
crowd right back of Fred Clarke, each
going for two bases, when he would
have eaten them all. It’s awful. I'm
going to kill 10,000 birds this win
ter to forget it.”
St. Louis.
All. R. H. Po. A. E.
Stone, If 3 0 0 2 0 0
T. Jones, lb. ... 4 0 1 13 1 0
Hartsell. 3b 3 0 1 i 2 2
Hoffman, cf 4 0 1 1 0 0
Schweitzer, rs. . . . 3 3 2 0 0 0
Williams, 2b. ... 4 0 1 5 5 0
Wallace, ss 4 0 1 0 5 0
Spencer, c 4 0 1 4 1 0
Howell, p 3 0 0 1 3 1
Heidriek, If 1 0 0 0 1 0
♦Smith. ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 33 3 S 27 18 3
•Batter! for Howell in ninth.
Ab. R H. Po A. H.
iJ. Clarke, rs 4 2 3 2 0 0
'Bradley, 3b 2 11 2 3 0
Hlnchraan. If. ... 2 0 1 2 1 0
i I -ajole, 2b 4 1 1 5 0 0
Stovall, !b 4 1 2 4 0 0
I Land, c 4 0 0 11 1 0
Birmingham, kb... . 4 0 0 0 3 0
I Goode, cf 3 0 1 1 0 0
i Foster, p 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 31 5 9 27 8 0
Score by innings: R
St. I-oulh 010 101 000—a
'Cleveland 101 002 010—6
Two-barn hits—Stovall 2.
1 Home-run—Schweitzer.
Sacrifice hita—Bradley, Hlnch
lllßtl 2.
Stolen bases—Hartsell, Schweitzer,
1 Stovall, J. Clarke 2. Hoffman
I I-est on bases—St. Loajs 7, Cleve
! land 4
1 First baae on balls—Off Howell 2,
tiff Foster 3.
Hit by pitcher—Foster 1.
Stmck-out—By Howell 2, by Fob
| ter 7.
Passed balls—Spencer 2.
Time o T game—l.4l.
1 Umpire*—O'Loughlln and Egan
Bridwell, of the Gianta, being; caught at, the home iilate by Catcher Dooin,
of Philadelphia, in the recent series between the Giants and Phillies. Umpire
Johnstone is shown standing erect at the extreme left, Bridwell in the center
and Dooin at the right, bending down to tag the runner.
6 TO I
CHICAGO. —Chicago yesterday ad
vanced within striking distance of
the American league pennant by de
feating Detroit, 6 io 1. in the second
game of the crucial series, while
Cleveland, the other contender for
| ihe flag, dropited the first game ot a
double-header to St. Louts In the lab
J ter city.
Walsh and Summers appeared on
I itae pitching lino for the opposing
j teams. The former pitched are
markable game and bad ‘he Detroit
! team at his mercy throughout, while
1 Summers was till opportunely and
! retired from the game in the sixth
j inning, giving way to Mullin, who
had hatted lor him, and then finish
ed the contest.
Chicago begun scoring in the sec
ond. Davis opened with a single l
over short and Parent doubled to
left. Isbell sent a single to lefr
j and scored Davis, bul Mclntyre’s per
feci throw to Schmidt caught Parent
at the plate, Sullivan followed with
a single to right and Taiinchlil did
likewise, bul was caught at second
when he tried to stretoh U Into a
The Chicago team continued sent' 1
Ing in the fourth. Davis was hit b ■
\ a pitched ball and went to second
when Purenl singled to left. Sul
! liven sent a hot grounder into cen
I ter. which weni between Crawford's
j legs, and Parent and Dbvlb scored,
while Sullivan went to third. Titff.a'
hill tlied to Schmidt and Sullivan
1 scored when Walsh sent a long fly
to Mclntyre.
The local team added another run
in the next inning. Jones hit a
bounder over Schaefer's head and
| went to second on Isbell s sacrifice
and scored on Davis' ••Ingle to cen
Detroit made one in the sixth.
: Downs singled to left center. Mul
lin batted for Summers and fanned
Mclntyre singled to right and was
! forced at second by Bush, while
Downs came home with the lone
Mullin went in lo 'pitch for Detroit
i In the sixth and retired Chicago with
out a hit, but In the next inning
Hahn opened with a single to left
and Jones fanned. Isbell fanned
and Hahn atole second. Dougherty
to center and Hahn scored
White probably will oppose Dono
van in the deciding game today.
Ab R. H. Po. A. 15
Hahn, rs 4 I 2 0 0 b
Jones, cf . . , ...2 1 1 10 0
Isbell, lb 3 0 0 10 0 0
| Dougherty, If . . .4 0 1 3 rt n
Davis, 2b 3 2 2 I « 0
Parent, ss . . . .4 1 2 2 3 1
Sullivan, c 3 1 2 10 0 0
Tannehlll. 3b .... 4 0 1 0 2 J
Walsh, p 3 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 30 f> 11 27 12 I
Ab, K H. Po. A. E.
Mclntyre, If ... .4 0 2 2 1 0
Bush, ss 4 0 0 1 4 0
j ('rawford, cf . . . .3 0 0 2 0 I
Cobb, rs 4 0 1 0 I 0
Rosstnan, lb .... 4 0 012 0 1
Schaefer, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 0
I Schmidt, c 2 0 0 a 3 0
1 Downs, 2b ... .3 1 1150
Summers, p .... I 0 rt 0 1 0
Mullin, p 2 0 0 0 0 (1
Totals 31 1 4 24 17 1
Score by Innings: R.
Chicago 010 310 10*—6
Detroit 000 00’, 000—1
Two base bit —Parent,
Hits—tiff Summers 9 in 5 Innings;
off Mullin 2 In 3 Innings
Sacrifice hits Jones. Walsh, Isbell.
Stolen base—Hahn
Left on baaea—Chicago 6 Detroit
W. L. Pot.
Detroit 89 63 .580
Chicago 83 03 .583
Cleveland 89 04 ,582
St. Loutrt 83 > 07 .553
Boston 73 78 .483
Philadelphia .. .07 82 .460
Washington 63 85 .420
Now York 51 99 .340
Where They Play Today
American League.
New York at Boston; clear, 3 p. m
Philadelphia at Washington: clear,
2.30 p. in.
Detroit ai Chicago; clear, 3 p m.
Cleveland at St. Louis; clear. I
CINCINNATI.-The board of directors of the National League have
upheld the umpires' and President Pulliams decision in the disputed
gam,, between New York and Cbiougo. and Hie game Is decided a tie.
The game will be played on the Polo grounds ai. New York.
NBW YORK "The fighting hope"
that's what the (Hants arc and that
oxpresnen the liasehall situation
There are some local farm with
Irish Mood in their veins who per
haps thin* the Fighting Hopes' would
he the bettor title for the (Hants, hut
aurely the gume MrtHaw Imnob art
fighting now to carry the hopes of
New York to championship honors
And by the wav. the fllants swamp
ed the Bostons yesterday.
The (Hants cripples yesterday ditl
not look crippled at till either, arid
that gives tin’ outlook a much more
nifty appearance.
There was Roger llrcHnahnn, who
on Saturday was going around on one
glmp-gnrnp that was hh touchy as a
brand new boll and he wan as lively
on his pins against tha Bostons as a
bridegroom on his honeymoon.
l.ast night MoOraw was not Hiire
who would pitch in today's game, lie
said: "| would have used Wlitse to
day, (Monday) .but he was not Ui
shape to pitch. He couldn't get up
any Sliced at all | may pitch Matty
tomorrN.w. (Tuesday,) but I cannot
tell until 1 gee him warm up."
The great States" of
the country are, with their respective
acreage: New York, 421000; Mlehl
gan, 1117.000; Pennsylvania, 277,000;
Wisconsin, 252,000; Ohio, 165,000;
Illinois. 156,000; Minnesota. 146,000;
lowa, 141,000; Maine, 116,000 and N<
,hraskn, 91,000.
Bases on balls IP, .-111111111. is I by
VtiiMln I, bv Walsh I.
IIP by pitcher -Summers (Oavls),
Walsh (Kchrnldt).
Struck out—By Walsh !), bv Mol
lln 2. t
Time 1:45.
Umpires, Sheridan and Connolly.
Senator* 3, Athletics 0.
WASHINGTON, li c Washln;
ion shill 0111 Philadelphia yeiterday,
110 0, by bunching liiih in 1 ri..
eighth nfl Coombs The fielding of
Mcßride was the leal lire.
Score by innings: it. It to.
Washington . .000 010 02* :j 5 •>
Philadelphia , ,000 000 000 0 1! 2
Hattarles: Smith and Street,
Coombs and laipp. Time, J:25.
Umpire, Kvans.
Red 80* 4, Yankee* 0.
BOSTON, Boston won yesterday
In a cleanly played game, 4 to 0,
O'Rourke h batting was a feature
Score by Innings: It. H, 10.
Boston 200 000 02*—4 6 0
New York . , .000 000 0./Q 0 9 0
Batteries Brady and rOnohun,
Manning and Sweeney. Time, 1 •«
aitars, Hurst.
W. L. Pet.
Chicago 98 65 .041
Pittsburg 98 60 .630
New York 90 65 .030
Philadelphia ... .81 71 .633
Cincinnati 73 81 474
Brooklyn 04 90 .416
Boston 03 89 .414
St. Louis 48 104 3\o
National League.
Boston at New York; clear, 3 p. in.
Brooklyn at Philadelphia; clear,
3,30 p. m.
Head herald wants.
CHICAGO Kr*.ruled fans, keyed
to wildest enthusiasm by the criti
cal siage of the American league
rent a In which today's game be
tween Chicago and Detroit will da
ride the championship, discounted a
weather bureau prediction of rain,
find long before the hour when the
game wan to be called, hurried to
the South Hide Ball Park.
RICHMOND, Vn Terry McGovern,
one time light weight champion of
the world, win; arrealed last night on
a charge of fighting In the street
here. McGovern ha- 11 slightly black
ed eye sail lilh companion In the as
fair. K. .1. Hrannan, lias a lump on the
side of Ida face an large as a wain lit.
The trouble started over |4 00 which
Terry claimed Brannan owed him.
Brannon struck first, landing squarely
011 the eye, nip lie erstwhile chain
i Idoii, nothing daunted, < anie hack
with a swlfl, Mining right hook, and
the fight was over. Brannan went
down for tin- count and an officer
rail up, arresting both,
l.lme water with five ounces Paris
green stirred In will keep down the
fall cabbage worm. Dust with slaked
lime after heads have begun to hard
'■ll, although there Ih slight danger to
lie apprehended from the arsenlte.
now is mi riMi ro usf them
The Ideal disinfectant. Tiue deed
1 erixer and germicide; a powerful anti
septic and purifier for the sanitary
purification of dwellings, schools, ho*
pitala, water closets, sinks, slaughter
! house*, stables, etc.
One pint 2f c
One quart .... ... ,35c
One gallon , .|I,OO
Five gallons, per gal .. ,|..75c
Special prices made on Barrols.
'Phone 498.
NEW YORK-The local fans crowd
ed every Inch of space Inside of Hie
polo grounds Monday and cheered Uje
New York team all the way to a
very decisive victory over Boston bv
8 to 1.
Ames pitched the game of his ca
reer. bolding the visitors to one bit
in seven innings. McGinnlty pitched
the other two innings, and Uannifßii,
butting for Turkey in the eighth, sunt
a smashing hit to deep left center
lor a home-run, the single tally for
Ab. R. H. Po A. HI,
Becker, rs 4 0 1 I 0 0
Bates, if 4 0 0 0 0 0
Browne, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Stern, 1h 4 0 0 13 0 I
i McGann, 2b 3 0 0 2 2 0
Sweeney, 3b. ... 3 0 0 0 7 0
Dnhlon, ss 3 0 0 0 1 0
Bowermatt, c. . . . 3 0 0 7 0 »
j Tucltey, p 2 0 0 0 2 0
McCarthy, p. ...» 0 0 0 1 0
•Hannifan 1 1 1 000
Totals. 31 1 2 24 13 1
•Matted for Turkey In eighth.
New York.
Ab. K. H. Po. A W
Tenney, 1b 4 1 1 10 u I
Herzog, 2li 5 1 10 2 1
McCormick, if. . , 4 0 I 0 0 0
Donllb, t'f. ....... 4 0 0 0 0 0
Devore, rs 0 1 0 0 0 0
Seymour, of 3 1 0 8 0 0
Devlin, 3b ~3 0 0 1 3 0
Dresnahau, c. ... 3 2 2 10 2 0
Needham, c 1 0 I 0 0 0
Bridwell, ss 4 I 13 4 1
Antes, |t. ..... 2 I 20 I 0
McGinnlty, p. ... 1 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 34 8 9 27 13 3
Score by innings R, H. E.
Doston 000 000 010—1 2 1
New York. . . .002 000 60*—8 7 3
Home-runs Hannifan.
Two-base hits- -llresnahati
K. "ilfict" hits—Ames and Bridwell.
Stolen bases—Tenney 2, Herzog 2,
Browne, Sweeney, Stern
Base on errors Boston 2.
Wane on balls - Turkey 2, Amos 1.
| Struck-out Turkey 7. Ames 8.
Wild pitches Ames 1, Turkey I.
Hits Off Antes l in 7 luuings,
off Turkey 8 in 7 Innings.
Left on base- Boston 3.
Attendance 14.000,
PHILADELPHIA. Brooklyn broke
even with Philadelphia In a double
header here Monday.
First game--Score: R 11 HI
Brooklyn. . . .000 040 002—6 13 B
Philadelphia. . .001 000 000— I 4 i
Wilhelm mid Dunn; Sparks, Foxen
iiitii Jaoklitsch Time i.Brt.
Second game—Score: l{ H M
Brooklyn. . . .010 000 010 2 7 2
Philadelphia. . 108 000 00* 4il 0
Mclntyre and Dunn; Moore and
Dooin. Time, 1.45. Umpire, Lain
® 8n _
MATINEE: 26c, 50c, 75c.
NIGHT; 50c, «oc, 75c, SI.OO.
Most Expert
i*r - ■ ■ ■ ...
Light weight materials strictly for summer
dayn or the medium weights for more general
use—All styles are here.
Handsomely tailored by r’XTON MEN.
A trial order will make you u permanent cus
Howe (§b Co.
Harison • Building.
m Pin Titus
ID Step UK
CHICAGO.—This aflernoon the 1
White Sox and the Tigers will play ]
the deciding game in (ihe Atfipricaa
League race. tKe championship (Jo
int; to the winner of the oohteat. The
by loeitjg the first game of the j
double-header WJ t h the St. boi»l» :•>
Browns yesterday, sre out of the run *j
nlns for the pennant They are but j
one point behind Chicago. Duralg tjiol
summer hnrrilv anybody picked than
Sox to land the hunting, many think- j
log rnat if they landed at the top of
Ifie second division they would bo
lucky. The Tigers have been the fa- j
vorltes right along, the majority of.
sane tajiiug lo sec how they could .
be houteu out.
CHICAGO.—Joseph Tinker, short*
slop for the Chicago National ease,
hall team, was arruetrd yesterday, ,
charged with having assaulted Johft
Olnocchlo. Tinker was arraigned ton*
fore Municipal Judge Heap. Attor
ney Thomas Johnson, who repreawol l
ed Tinker, requested that the hoariri®
be continued until October 22.
Johnson ewplulnad to the oourt that
Ills client was very busy at present J
with baseball matters. Judge Heap |
replied that he would not stand ilk t
the way of the Chicago team winning
the pennant, and cotKlrraed the oasdL
CINCINNATI, Cf—One of the lar*.
eat .single wagers that lias burnt am
thentlcally recorded In ClQotnnaU
this campaign was made yesterday.
A f«w duya ago Stephen Bender. Ik
commission merchant, posted $1 .OOflk j
in a vine street cate, offering 1 M
2 that Bryan would be elected.
The wager was promptly taken by
a new York shoe munufachuner.
The Hum of $2,000 has bean placed
bet ou Tail, at 2 tp t.
General Demand
of Mm Well-Informed of the World has
klwuyn been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; u laxative which physicians could
suuction lor family use because its com
ponent parts arc known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds slung ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of many reasons why
Byrup of Figs and Elixir of Henna is given
the preference by the Well Informed.
To get, its beneficial effects ulwuys buy
the genuine manufactured by tbs Cali- ’
fornia Fig Byrnp Co , only, and for sale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents
pet bottle. •
MATINEE 26c and 80c
NIGHT 25, 35, 50, 75e, SI.OO