The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 06, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX COULD NOT CURE WEEPING ECZEMA e Bepan over Ear and Spread till Face and Neck were Raw Itch ing, Inflammation and Soreness were Terrible Lasted Over a Year and All Treatments Failed . _• UNTIL CUTICURA AGAIN PROVED GREAT SUCCESS • "F/wm* liegnn ov«*r flk- top <>f my ear It ora/k««l anrl then \trftnn to aoraad. I had thr«« rfifT«*r «»nt dffy»ra and 1 they did me no go'»d. At la*! one aid** <1 mr sane ;ind ntv re’ck r 'n'iir m> tv 1 hjv hair w«*r»* raw. 7f>c wot/r ran »»ut >1 it *<. that I hud to wear medicated fy>ttvr>n. and if w;ia *0 inflamorl and a«>re that I had »'• put H fjtfw n of rjoth nW ms plllr»w to the water tr rn It, ann if. xotilH pti in the clot hit m r» •,f pjf --**? £ ) j * m C/ v§ s^!low. TV e»*/#*mt It/h'vl »o th«f it nwinwi n* though I could t#«r rnv fa--a Ail to pirv-ex Tli“ dIM- t*»- U'tftn in tha fall and I d»<l for ii until tb* naxt winter Tb#*n I Dgan to two Mm* CttUoura K<#*p Mr<«l Ointment and it *w not more than Uirna month* It waa aii h**i*’d uj» I utMl u*#* th* (HjUruri Hi.’wdvent Pill* onu* in n whil* to rlaanaa fH#> Klnod I hui v#*rv thank ful that I trU*i (litleum and I oin rwMtntwmi it to tiny one. Ml** Ann H-a/tma, Northfleid, V’t , D*#\ lU, ’o7.'* a ■-■"■■■'" GROWS HAIR Cutlcurn Memo vtn Dsndrtiff and SnuthcH Itching Scalps. W« rm ahampont with futinura H iip, and light dt» «Mmga with Cutiouru pr»* w»nt orjr, thin, and falling hair. i«*m -ve* rrtiala, analog, and dandnifT, destroy hair pa»*aalt4«a, •oothn irrifateo, if-lung aurfant*, an mu lain th* hair fnlßcina, looMm the *r**lp whin, atlpply the font* with enargv mui nounahrnent, and malta tha hair jrmw upou a *wert wh««laaofiaa, heaiUiy *< alp when all othnr treatment fall a (»y.,»lav ami Internal treatment tor K**rr Hum «*t l«r*ma. t’anir#*' -.4 gibus > », Krt* r.f #*ntte«r* * ,p (ff . i Imiit Ua *MB. cHiitruia OuitaMbirfo* > to in* innfiittn, ar,a ( u«T en** «» ,' mi fAfc ) (.»r Ui tee fort, . ♦ GM*a4 f*vu »*r ft tuJ ft rke i« ►■n f» um n*uo4. BmT U>r*tMli' m the * dl4 roliffunit A I hfrn. Oara . a-»‘« ijen*. h •»* »«, *«»• wuewi Free. Cut tear a UfH.I nt\ ttkia I »i—wa. COOKS FINE iWEftT WITHOUTJJJENSILS LONDON Horn a remarkable peftflionl* to ahow that It la not only jMiaetble hut prartleabh to rook meat and \ egetabloß without i*ota. pana or Us «*ti an Ik of any kind have btHtti car rl#*«l out at a tamp «*f the legion of Front ieramen n«*ar Croydon At 7 O’clock til the evening officer a and men were nerved with a meal eon nlatlng of duck, pork, potatoes, onlona, rahhagen ami bread In the procena of otMikiug no utenall of any kind wrh Ward Rttgwr Focork, ihe founder of the Legion who superintended the experl manta. In an Interview an. hi in tnauy parts of fha world cooking ta done without ufenalln. and I want to show that thta Ip poaelblc whenever men are on a rainpalKti Not only do« * aurh a method obviate the tiero* ally of carrying a lot of cooking kit. but the food In much more palatable* The lore I wa* prepared In the fol low lug way A larg* hole wap dug In the ground, nm! at the bottom a number of dorm* were phn • I \ wood lire ehp then made in Mo hob*, and after tne fire had burnt for about an hour the embers wore removed and a quantity of water poured ovot the hot atones, on which the joint ash placed surrounded by potato** nod onlona. The cahhage formed « layer on top of fh«* tn«M*. nml over the whole wa* placed m damp doth A each was alretehed arroa* the hole to prevetit dirt entering and th* hole wae then filled up with earth The water which had been poured in pro dttced at earn, and the Joint had been left for alnmt gn hour and a half H was ready to he eaten It wan cooked to perfection, and Ihe |m it a toe a and oahhag«>a were *lm» cullnar> trl* uinphs Among tho*« who were preaenl and partook of this extraordinary earth cooked meal were front in amen from j Yukon Catiada, /.ululand and New ' land Calm Yourself Don’t Get Excited NtHTpu.s troubles are a very common symptom of female troubles. The female frame is just a bun dle of nerves and any diaorder of the female func tions or organs quickly affects the female nervous aratem, and causes serious nervous trouble, which anculd Ih* promptly treated with Wine of Oardui. •Tardui,” writes Mr*. Kveline Me Grew, of 2950 Guadalupe Street, Austin. Tex., “is the best and most wonderful tonie. to build up shattered nerves, and for all other female troubles. 1 have used it, for Take CARDUI SIIIE ELECTION NEED WEBNESOM Lengthy Ticket To Be Voted By Democrat*. Where Polling Place* Will Be Located. WpclnitMlay all the at ate and local 'dflciTH of Oeorgia will be voted for h the common people The result ot rli#- while primary will undoubted' ij he tat if it'd in t h<* general election and Hip content in which the public - ill he most largely liyierested In, ••ill be the dlafrarichlaomcnt amend ment which will require a two third* • ote In tifder to make If a law aa If < art l« ts with h an alteration of the at at* const Hut ion. in *he ticket there i« a Hfatement hdh m;i in (OfiMfriitel wrongly by Horn* people and that is the line in parenthcslM In reference* to the Judge of the city court If elected by the people." in Richmond county the Judge Ih elect# d bv the p#*opl<\ but In -on * other cities he Ih appoint#.#! Ihe voting placeh for Augusta and Richmond roumy ar#- locufVrl aa fol- I THt ward. 466 Ilroad atroet, a#*- ' "•"! ward count s court house, third ward, Heab and Laws' afore, on Ilroad street, fourth ward, comer Ilroad nid Twelfth street, fifth ward J,f 1 M Harn«*a A Co ’n etor#* In Summerville the precinct la located at th< city headqoartera. 11th district. Stafford’s afore, UM Air. 121 at dia trl#*t Hood Chapel, 123rd district. < >unt> Home, 124th district, pine H.'ll, I4.i4fh district Fryer’s store, Hephiihah, 1100th district, Grace wood Much !ornl inlrrcit I* centcrod In tin- .-I* , t lon ,nd Hon .lon M llrown, <lcinorrnt|p nomine- |„ oppo-tf-d hy Ht.n Wm Yttiiry C»rtpr, ♦ h.- indapno d'-nt puny'* rtmlldal.- It Ih th.- pr.- dli-tloii of thi. d*i v ij.jfi tniitiay 1 - Unit Hi* Mull- win 1 iMtly poll HIO.OOO mnlmlty for Hu, tloknt lln- tlrki-t mh II will ho votod In nirhmoiid county Ih t, follown OFFICIAL OtMQCRATIC TICKET Kur itnvfru'ir R'HKRH Vt ttROWN. I bi H*i'r#(aiy t,( kto«f«- rmi.Lif' cook FOl C.'otuptroller (}ener««4: MILI.IAM A WRIGHT. Km Treivaurer; RfHihlltT b. PARK 1 Kor Attorney Gein’ral: JOHN #• HART For «*f Agriculture* T <} 111 DIION K*»r Hint# Hf'hnnl t *ottimlNsioner. , I M I*o LNI * i*or 1 *j*t a<*ti < '•tnunl*<aioii«r WILKI WILLIAMS K<»r I'l’tiAl in <*r>infrtlmanner; (Vote 101 one > V\ A HI.VIUNNON. II L. HL/VRN. .1 W I.INLSKY T .1 I T MI'KIN A .1 MtlUtlDK AlijN M MANMXI,. K«r flu t'oinruiaaloner (For ufi#»mptrrit !•* m beginning Decern* ber let. tOOS. end ending Decern ber let. 1911.) Kl 1.1.1 R K gallaway. fa It.i (*<iminle*loiiei »o» uneKgired term beginning Decern* ber let. iBOt and rftdng De cembei 1»t, 191 J.) tiKOHUK HII.I.YKIf I"i Ralli > tii t'iMimiiMifoqvi 1 **©r full term beQinnlng L>a« ember let, 1909 ) It WARN HR IUIhL, »••• Veeachtte Jimtii,' Supreme Court:! • Tor uneßpired t#i m ending January let 1909) MORACK m lioUiRN I \H*n«'|nte JueMot S'ip<e?ne #'ourt. I Cur full term of ei« ycare. beginning January let, 190*)) HK.VKULV 1* RVANH ► \-«o iatr Jn‘ ).■»• Stifft-MK- Court, I (For full tet e# of e< yeare. beginning Jenoary let. 1909) MOKACi: M iiom»i;n I **! «»f Court -»f Appeals. RICHARD M IUTIUIKLL K«*r Jn-lg. Stijk or t'nUft, Mian’** «'|t. i«l f * tou\ r ccnim i;t« *n. For Judg*’ M'ipe» lor Court. Albany Circuit FRANK I*A UK. For Jiidgo Superlot t'oiirt. Mine Ridge Circuit N A MORRIS For Judg* Hup»*tlor Court, « • cir* uit \ u FITK K**i Judge Huperlot Ckiuri, Clin* tahiMK-hee t'trcult. S I GII.ItKRT F#»r Judge Superior Court, Cn*et* t'tivult R W I RM MAN For .1 1.(41 Sup*-ti(»! Court, "AI 1 I.U «i I'll Mtl T»)N F**i .fudg< Superior tNstrt, Non hern Circuit D N MKAIHGA F«»r Ju.lge Superior Court, O. on. e «*rv«tlt J II MARTIN For Judg# Superior Coart, SouthW'Otern t'lmiii f. \ !.ITTI.KJt»HN f... bde S M w , , r .'out I BOUtEVARD IS NOVI! SURE THING Aiken County Supervisory Board Agreed To Co- Operate With Citizens. The Augusta Aiken boulevard la now an assured succpkk according to information from Aik**ti Tuesday morning The board of supervisors of Alk#*n county, composed of Messrs. John ICidson, Samuel Thomas arid J. H Head, listened to a (lal«*ggtion of citizen* Monday and Tuesday morn ing they grunted the request. Mr. J, C Lamar and t’apt. .. V Hums stayed over In Aiken Monday night after the delegation left and the de cision of the board was given to tbern. Hy the terms agreed upon the board of supervisors will improve the road from North .ugusta bridge to Cliero ke** pond and from Hath to Aiken, making |t one of th#* most modern in the country. The boulevard uhho clation will open five miles of new road from Cherokee pond to Hath, and they have secured the right of way that will be needed. The money needed to construct tne road has ub ready been raised and several* con tributors Interested have given large sums to make the affair a success. Messr D H Henderson, Quitman Davis. F (J. Gunter. Calvin Hutier, and Judge J M. Adams and ('apt. lames Stephens were among th#* dele >-ate- to appear before th#* board Mon day as favoring the boulevard. If Is proposed to open up the road within a few months and when it in completed f her# will i><* « magnificent hlghwa;. direct to Aiken. The plans f< r rh»* r#»ad have already been made and as excellent roadbulidlng material j Is at hand It will be an easy matter 1 to construct the boulevard Htouc Mountain Circuit: . I. S RoAN 1 'oll. lt ~ '• ■ it* / ill. All.inla Circuit; CHAM D .HILL. For .Solicitor General. Augusta Circuit* J H REYNOLDS. For Soil# lt#jr «,#n. . T limy Clri ultl W i: WtiOTLUN. For HopcHoi <;• ..-1 m|. Uvmiawlck Cir cuit : h [. WALK HR. For Solicitor General, HI it# Rldg... Cir cuit J I’ imoUKK. For Hoileltor General, Chattahoochee < Mrcult GKo. HAKMKR. For Solicitor General, t'hcrokaa Circuit: T. C. MILLKR. For Solicitor «Jen#*r:#l Coweta Circuit: J R rKKKHLL For Solicitor General, Flint Circuit: J W WISH For* Solicitor G**rnrnl, Kastern Circuit; VN <’ UARItULMii: For Solh'ttor Geneiat. Mncon Circuit N\ J GRACIfi For Solicitor Middle Circuit: AI. Fit Hl* IIKRRING ION. For Solicitor General. Northern r'lrcuh: MHOS. J lIROWN lor S«illciior (IsierHl, Oconee t'lrcult C. I* GRAHAM I’or Solicitor General, Oemulg#*#* Clrcui' JosKfH J-: iMrm.H For Sollcrlinr Gen#»ial. 1 atuulu Circuit J A. I. VINO. For Solicitor General. Rome Circuit J W HAI.K For Solicitor General. Southern Clrcui* NN H THOMAS For Solicitor General Southwestern ‘ cult: J It WILLIAMS. For Solicitor General Stone Mountaii Circuit WILLIAM H HOWARD For Solicitor General. Western Circuit CLIFFORD WALK Kit For Judge City Court: WILLIAM K KVK For S«»llcltor City Court: I c C ItLACK Jit. For State Senator, lath District. W S MORRIS For Rent • h*m\ Un<‘h SAMI KI. F (1 ARLINGTON. W AI.LA* K It I'HAR#‘K* J R UIILKTON F«»r Ordinary: \LKXANDKIt It W ALTON For Sherlt: JOHN W CLARK Fm Clerk Superior Court: W M IV A WALK HR For Receiver of Tux Returns; WM .1 STKKI* F#*» iak Collmtot CH.MILKS S HOHLHR. For County Treasurer; WALTKR A CLARK I • *'■oin? \ Surveyor D V KKAVKS For t'oronet WILLIAM A ItVMSKY For County Commissioners. r r poeve G. II MXtfN K F VHRI»HRY. For Commissioners from Country I A HKItCK M A NS. A II ROOKS "For Vmendmcnt of CottstituHon, i pioxldiitc t|uaim< .lions of voters. " "Fot rwtltl* atton «»f amemlmetit. pm volltig a repr«*sentatlve f#»r Men Hill 1 myself and daughters, and know just what it will do. It saved my life at the change. I was a total wreck, but im proved from the first when I began to take Cardui.” When nervous, don’t get excited. Oalin yourself, ease vour irritated nerves and build up your svs tsm with CARDUI, woman's relief. Sold at all drug stores. Trv it. V ALUABLE ? r Mr ,'Z BOOK FREE ter wofren Ar m f r**, |v*?|ta 1 V*’#e%**7 r? 1 be Cfc9ltansw«» Mu. ui« c<x. Ctaatt&n Ttqju THE AUGUSTA KZHAID THE CARUSO FAMILY l * * ■* • The upper picture shows the woman who desert ed Caruso for a chauffeur. Below are shown Caruso, the Caruso children, Enrico and Rodolfo. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦*s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PEOPLE S FORUM ♦ ♦ ♦ Concerning Freight Bureaus, clitor Herald. Sir: Your editorial 111 Sunday's Herald referring to the need of a Knight lureati, meets my hearty approval, tnd on this line, a lew days ago, Mr. Howard H. Stafford and myself had a conference with his Honor, •lie Mayor, looking forward to th.* • Ity appropriating the necessary funds, for tin* maintenance of same. H was suggested that on account of the city's recent financial loss, and that the merrh'uiffc of the oily were the chief beneficiaries, that it might I*#* well, for the license #>f all busi iu*ss houses getting direct benefit from It, to be raised to meet the expense. It would probably cost , five thousand dollars a v«*ar to main tain It. when it would save the mer chants. not less than fifty thousand yearly. It may he xvoil here, to mention a ! few rates out of Augusta, that d> not seem to be In harmony. f I "Hate on building mat* rial, includ ing sash, doors and blinds, in mixed I car lots, as follows: . From Vieust i to rovineton. 1 :;o * miles. 21 Mils or $42.00. for 2o m 1 lbs. the minimum 24 n lbs From Augusta •«* spit* unhung, ltd j miles, 10 cents for 100, of $20.0* j per car. minimum 20 in It™. From Augusta 10 Thomson, *!7 miles. 12 cents per 100, *)f $24.00 p*»r j car for 20 m lbs From Augusta to Ridge Springs. ‘ about lo miles 7 cents for 100, or | sl4 00 for 20 nr lbs. «Rt. 4a»tin, !•%. Frnra Chicafto t(. 'iigusin, about 1,- -101) mildS, S 8 c-enta. Flora Augusta to Vnlilysta, 276 inilt-H, 80 cents. l)o not suppose that we, aw the dull propli in Augusta under tlmsv disadvantages, talk to any mamUac- Imvr or jobber, and they will coa less to you, that they are laboring under the same conditions, yet. it rales from Augusta could uol be im proved. Ihe auditing of the Mer ehauts Freight hills, would alone pav Ihe expense of ihe Freight Hureaii. There are several well organized companies in the states, who make a business of it. to take any and all old freight hills, and audit same, for half the claims collected, and they all look prosperous. These over charges, are from the fact, that goods taking a commodity rate, are based on different points. For example, a car load of linseed oil, from Minnea polis to \iigusia, iiasral on ihe East St. Louis, the rale would be Si cents, based on the Ohio river, il would ne ill) cents. A ear load of machiner>, sav from Si. Paul, loaded in a *6 tort car, lakes a different rate than If it were loaded in a 82 feet car, vet if the larger ear were not ne cessary, and not ordered, It should take the smaller rale. Ii is these conditions that make i* necessary to have a first-class rate clerk, to re-clack all freight bills. And bear in mind, that all freight hills ire audited liv the railroads, and they collect all under-charges, but who has ever received a credit memo, for an over-charge? Another feature is, that it Is oflly necessary lor the railroads, m order to change an tiller-slate rate, to pub lish sum- with the Inter state. com merce commission tor thirty days, aim have übm on llh-n till t, in their office, for the inspection of ihe puts Itc "Who In Augusta looks after this?" • • Ii - nclir-mn will • that the lo cal railroads do not hold the same iMTsliioii today, that they did years ago. when it was to their interest to build up the local business In ihiir section Today they form par; of a great trunk line, and therefore it would bo more to tlu-!r Interest to haul, sash, doors and -ullnds from Chicago lo Covingioil, than from \u gilsta to Covington It is ttiese conditions that have caused Danville, Va to think tha* the railroads have hull! Lynchburg, at ihetr expense. So do not let Au gusta have the same cry. but let us all get busy Yours tntlv, T. O PIIIUMT, Vice-President Imlus i rial Lumber Co Y. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM CLASS SCHEDULE Tne Y M C A. g.< umaalma classes will o|ien as soon as th water conditions are normal. Prof. Oek rs, ih. ph -Vai director an Business uid Professional Men-- Monday, IVedht -luv , n." Friday. 6 r. and Saturday, JLli Bu. FbUY onl [Convenient] Lpaymentsi / 1 \ ifi H m I f OTA /rjwfd y\ \\ Ijl-K \y\3l f \ St/ 4\ » ; r * te) T> f L, J l % \s<m i ♦ ♦ ♦ AT THE SUPERBA ♦ ♦ ♦ The performance was superb. The bill for this week is probably the best that the management has ever j put on. Lust night not even standing | room was available and crowds had to watt. A decidedly new feature was Jean !ne Mcßlroy the harpist. She gave a - higiielass recital that was greatly ap ! predated by the admiring audience. Lew Wheeler evoked a continuous j roar of laughter from his very first appearance and this auburn haired j Ethiopian had to respond to repeated encores. Then last, but not least, came the Wilson sisters, the fashion plated vaudeville, with their rapid changes of costumes, clog dancing and sing ing they were easily the favorites. Besides this brilliant array of ar tists the management continues to show the latest and best moving pic tures. To accommodate the vaude ville iovirig public who have made the 1 Superb,a popular, special arrangement has been made for a matinee every afternoon. Matinees ar>- given at 4 and 7> p. j m. Four shows at night, last show i starting about 10:15, first one at 8 o'clock. R- LEE OLIVE IS NOW CONNECTED WITH SAVOY The many friends of Mr. R Lee Oliver will be interested, no doubt, to learn that he Is now connected withj the Savoy and that he wishes a re memberance tliro'ieh at least a share ! of their patronage. Mr. Oliver! is well known in the! oily and coming here from Columbia | county lie has won an enviable re putation by his steady attention to duty and amiable disposition to the! public in general as well as to his ! friends in particular. | When Your Stomach Hurts Take a Little Kodol The pain will then cease—your stomach will feel good. Kodol stops the pains of indigestion and dys pepsia quickly, because it digests all the food you eat* Kodol fs a pleasant, palatable, i liquid preparation, that helps the stomach to do Its work In a natural way. Being a liquid. It starts di gestion at one®. Kodol supplies the same digestive juices that are found in a healthy stomach. This Is why it will stop the pains of indigestion quickly. Your stomach, being weakened, probably, by over feeding or over work, is unable to do its work properly, and the natural result Is Indigestion, sour stomach, gas, or belching, which will soon result in chronic dyspepsia unless the sfpm ach la given help Nervous Indigestion or dyspep sia It Ii not only annoying, but dangerous. If let alone, the resuit generally Is gastritis, or oftentimes that fatal afßlctt OQ— ftppfD dlcitis. Don't neglect your stomach. Don’t take any chances. There is nc nceu for you to suffer, because a little Kodol now and then. w<l! kei£ the stomach well, health)" and, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 6. WHY not wear stylish, well fitting Fall Clothes when you can buy them here i on easy payments of SI.OO a week? And good clothes, too, made of the most worthy materials, in the newest de signs, and sold at lowest possi ble prices. 73 stores. Just say “Charge it.” Wens*Womm I CLOTHING No store can undersell us. We are the 1$ iargest credit clothiers in the world, selling ■ direct to wearer. 73 siore*. You are I welcome to credit. Come and see us. M Womens Fall Suits I Come and see the beautiful ones. We I have a variety of styles, and can surely H suit any woman. Your credit is good. 3 Suits from sls to $35 I Men’s Fail Suits I Gentlemen, we’vs jot the kind of suits f| that are sure to suit, smart, snappy de- H signs, clever, nobby styles, all made up | right, of good wearing material. H Youths’ Suits, $S to sl6 S Children’s Suits, $3 to $8 21 HATS AND SHOES FOR BOTH SEXES flj MINTER & o0 M I cO I 9W Broad St. | Augusta , da. I Intermediates—Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 4:15 —5; 15. Juniors —Tuesday and Thursdav, 3:30 —4:30, Saturday, 10—11. Leaders Class—Saturday, 7:00—8. Free Might—Each Wednesdav, 8:15—9:30. Basket Ball Practice—Tunsdav, 8:15—9:30. Basket Ball Games—Fridav, 8:30 9:30. Hand Ball—Tuesday, Thursdav and Saturday, 5:00 —7:00. Classes iu wrestling, tumbling and pyramids. Why James Lee Got Well. Everybody, In /anesvile, 0., snow* Mrs. Wary Lee, of rural route 8. Sho writes: "My husband. James Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery. Bis lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Discovery. We fried It. and its use has restored him to perfect health." Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. For e- tighs and colds it has no equal. Tho first dose gives re!i<*t Try it! Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free The "transplant” of any species of vegetable becomes so much more "stock" and grows off so much more vigorously when finally put in its permanent place that the time needed lor Die process is more than compen sated for, A good rompost for the greenhouse bench may he made from equal parts of stable manure, sand, leaves and clay in alternate layers. The pile should rot for a year and be forked over a: leas: onee a month—watering il when necessary. Bruised sweet potatoes are usually responsible for a rot in the bank. Handle like eggs when digging. t strong. Do not diet or starve you* self That la not the way to get help. Eat what you want of the food you like, and let Kodol help the stomach do Its work. You can't be well unless you eat and unless you enjoy your food. You can’t get nourishment from your food, unless you direst It. Take a little Kodol now and then. That la the only safe and sure way. You do not have to depend n* .;<»dol all the time. You only take It when you need it. Our Guarantee 4 j Go *o fwjr dnufivl to#**? on<l *r*t a#lol* - Ur bottk Then After v-.u h*ve ti*ed th#» entire «** • tente of the o«>ttle If y«m e*n U i rail j #ukr, that it ha«t not don* you ant ifood, return the bottle to the drugflat anl he will refund money withon* <iu#*9> Hod #tf delay. We wtli then pat the dnif i |ri«* for »h«* Uattla. Don't hesitate, all I nrujcftaUl know that onr fn>arantee U (foM. Till* offer appilea to the iarjr* bottle #nlf and ta bnt on* In a family The I; rfe tx*»- tie contain* kV* time* a* moch aa 'he fifty l o-at bottle. Kodol ft pr*r*r*d at the ltbOTfi ] tori'J as E. C. DeWltt St Co., Chicago.